Central Desert Regional Council 1 Bagot Road Alice Springs NT 0870 PO Box 2257 Alice Springs NT 0871 [email protected] www.centraldesert.nt.gov.au T:08 8958 9500 F: 08 8958 9501 CONDITIONS OF TENDER 1. 2. 3. 4. Tender Invitation 1.1 These conditions apply to this tender invitation issued by the Central Desert Regional Council (the Principal) to Tenderers. 1.2 This tender invitation identifies the scope of works, specification, conditions of contract and the terms that apply to, or vary, these Conditions of Tender. 1.3 These Conditions of Tender do not form part of the Contract. Tender Documents 2.1 The tender documents shall be these Conditions of Tender, the Conditions of Contract identified in Clause 6, those documents listed in Section A Page A2, all Corrective Circulars issued and any other documents issued by the Principal’s Representative for the purpose of this tender. 2.2 Tenderers are to confirm that all pages as indexed in Section A to Conditions of Tender have been provided. Eligibility to Tender 3.1 Either: The Tenderer shall be a body corporate registered with an Australian Business Number (ABN) and licensed in the Northern Territory of Australia under the Building Act 2007 3.2 Or: The Tenderer shall be an individual registered with an Australian Business Number (ABN) and licensed in the Northern Territory of Australia under the Building Act 2007 No Process Contract 4.1 5. 6. 7. Neither the issue of these tender documents nor the invitation to tender amounts to a contract. Contract 5.1 The tender shall be for one fixed price lump sum contract for the whole of the works. 5.2 There shall be no adjustment to the contract sum due to rise and fall in the cost of wages or materials, nor due to rise and fall of fees, services and insurances, nor due to fluctuations in exchange rates. Conditions of Contract 6.1 The General Conditions of Contract identified in Annexure A to Conditions of Tender shall form the conditions of Contract. 6.2 A Tenderer is taken to make an offer to contract on the terms of these documents, unless the tender invitation explicitly provides otherwise. Tenderers to Become Informed and to Inform Their Sub Contractors 7.1 Tenderers must fully inform themselves and fully inform their SubContractors as to the contents of all the tender documents and as to the SECTION B - CONDITIONS OF TENDER Page B1 conditions at the work location and all visible site conditions. 7.2 8. Principal’s Representative 8.1 9. 10. 12. 13. For the purposes of this Tender Invitation the Principal’s Representative shall be the person nominated in Annexure A to Conditions of Tender: Alternative Proposals 9.1 Alternative proposals that provide similar or improved amenity through variation to the external dimensions and floor plan layout may be offered. 9.2 Alternative proposals that offer the Principal improved value without compromise to performance through the use of alternative materials or construction techniques may be offered. 9.3 Alternative proposals shall only be assessed if submitted in conjunction with a complying tender. 9.4 Where alternative proposals are offered, sufficient documentation for the assessment of the alternative is to be provided with any price adjustment identified. Tender Enquiries 10.1 11. Tenderers are to satisfy themselves as to the correctness and sufficiency of their tender response and satisfy themselves that it covers the costs of conforming to all the obligations of the Contract. All tender enquiries during the tender period shall be directed to the Principal’s Representative nominated in Annexure A to Conditions of Tender. Amendments to Tender Documents 11.1 The Principal’s Representative reserves the right to make amendments to the Tender Documents at any time during the tender period. 11.2 No explanation or amendment to the Tender Documents is authorised by the Principal unless in the form of written Corrective Circular or Note of Clarification issued by the Principal’s Representative. Discrepancies, Errors, Omissions, & Ambiguities in the Tender Documents 12.1 If the Tenderer finds any discrepancy, error, omission or ambiguity in the tender documents the Tenderer shall seek clarification from the Principal’s Representative who shall issue a Note of Clarification or a Corrective Circular to all Tenderers. 12.2 A Note of Clarification or a Corrective Circular may not be issued to enquiries raised in the last week of the tender period in relation to discrepancies, errors, omissions and ambiguities in the Tender Documents. Pricing 13.1 All prices shall be stated in Australian dollars and where applicable be inclusive of GST. Unless otherwise indicated prices shall allow for labour, materials, transport, freight, overheads, profits and all other costs as applicable. 13.2 Any Schedule of Rates/Lump Sum Price Breakdown, which is included in the tender response forms shall be completed and lodged with the Tender. All schedules of rates shall be inclusive of GST. 13.3 Pricing shall be submitted for each item in the Schedule. Any Tender in SECTION B - CONDITIONS OF TENDER Page B2 which the Schedule is not fully completed may be declared ineligible for consideration. 14. Disclosure of Weightings Assessment criteria and percentage weightings applicable to the tender are as follows: Past Performance 10% Timeliness 10% Capacity 10% Opportunities for Indigenous Employment and Training 5% Price 65% Total 100% The close titled “Tender Assessment Criteria” in the Conditions of Tender provides examples of the types of consideration that may form part of each criterion. 15. Tender Assessment Criteria 15.1 The process for the selection of tenders shall take into account mandatory and value weighted criteria. 15.2 Mandatory Criteria 15.2.1 Past Performance (a) Performance history including experience in providing similar Works and extent to which previous undertakings were achieved (b) Standard of work/quality of products. (c) Previous disputes and claims history. (d) Safe and fair workplace record. 15.2.2 Time & Financial Management (a) Capability and capacity to meet timeframes required (b) Capability of cash flow management 15.2.3 Capacity (a) (b) (c) (d) 15.2.4 15.3 Organisational capacity Financial capacity (including current credit rating). Risk. Legal action pending Public and Product Liability Insurance Value Weighted Criteria 15.3.1 Price 15.3.2 Past performance on relevant projects 15.3.3 Tenderer’s proposed date for the commencement of the Works and the Tenderer’s construction program. 15.3.4 Tenderer’s organisational capacity to deliver the Works SECTION B - CONDITIONS OF TENDER Page B3 15.3.5 Opportunities for indigenous employment and training Tenderers should provide all relevant factors addressing the selection criteria specified in the Response Schedules, which may assist the Principal in making an assessment of the Tender. The Principal in its sole discretion reserves the right to apply weightings to each criterion under Central Desert Regional Tender policy. . 16. Permission to Visit Site 16.1 17. Cost of Preparation of Tenders 17.1 18. 19. 20. Tenderers wishing to the visit site shall do so by appointment arranged with the Principal’s Representative. Neither the Principal nor the Principal’s Representative shall be responsible for and shall not reimburse any Tenderer for any expense or cost that the Tenderer, in the preparation of response to this tender invitation, may incur. Probity & Publicity 18.1 A Tenderer shall not offer any incentive, or otherwise attempt to, influence any of the persons who are either directly or indirectly involved in the evaluation of the Tender or in the awarding of an associated Contract. 18.2 Tenderers shall declare any actual or potential conflict of interest 18.3 Tenderers shall not collude with any other Tenderer 18.4 Tenderers shall not seek information about the tender from any person other than the Principal’s Representative Confidentiality 19.1 Information supplied to the Principal by a Tenderer shall remain confidential 19.2 Where information supplied by or on behalf of the Principal is identified as confidential, Tenderers shall maintain its confidentiality. 19.3 The principal shall publish by Public Notice the outcome of the Tender where required by applicable legislation Submission of Tender 20.1 Tenders shall be submitted not later than the tender closing time. 20.2 Tenders shall be submitted on the Tender Response forms provided in Section C of the Tender Documents. 20.3 All Tender Response forms shall be signed and fully completed. 20.4 Tenders shall be submitted by hand or by post or email as original documents to the Principal’s address identified in Annexure A. 20.5 The Tenderer shall be fully responsible for ensuring that tenders are correctly submitted. 20.6 Tenders received after the tender closing date and time shall be nonconforming. 20.7 Incomplete tender submissions shall be non-conforming. SECTION B - CONDITIONS OF TENDER Page B4 21. Tender Closing Time 21.1 22. 23. Non – conforming Tenders 22.1 Any tender submission that does not comply with these Conditions of Tender shall be non-conforming. 22.2 A non-conforming tender may, at the sole discretion of the Principal, be accepted or rejected. Validity Period 23.1 24. 25. Tenders will remain valid for the period stated in Annexure A to Conditions of Tender from the nominated tender closing time, or if no closing time is stipulated, from receipt of the tender. Acceptance of Tender 24.1 The Principal shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. 24.2 The tender shall not be deemed to be accepted unless or until notice in writing of acceptance of the tender has been received by the Tenderer. 24.3 The final decision to select a successful Tenderer, or not, rests solely with the Principal and no further correspondence shall be entered into. Indigenous Employment and Training 25.1 26. As stated in Annexure A to Conditions of Tender. The Tenderer shall nominate the number of hours proposed for indigenous employment and training in undertaking work under contract. Work Health & Safety Management Plan 26.1 The Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the definition of “WHS Management Plan” in clause 8a under annexure to part B Contract Conditions AS4906. The Tenderer is required to submit a WHS Management Plan Proposal with the Tender. Any Tender not complying with the requirements of this clause may be declared ineligible for consideration. SECTION B - CONDITIONS OF TENDER Page B5 ANNEXURE A to CONDITIONS OF TENDER Principal Central Desert Regional Council Principal’s Representative Naleenda Chamara Principal’s Address 1 Bagot Road Alice Springs NT 0870 Principal’s Postal Address PO Box 2257 Alice Springs NT 0871 Principal’s Phone Number T: 08 8958 9563 M: 0470 326 241 Principal’s Facsimile Number F: 08 8958 9501 Principal’s Representative’s email [email protected] Council Services Manager, Lajamanu [email protected] Tender Closing Date & Time 30/04/2015 , 5.00 PM Tender Validity Period 60 days Conditions of Contract AS4906 – 2002 Tender by mail addressed to: CDRC Project Works 2015 Tender Box, Central Desert Regional Council, PO Box 2257, Alice Springs NT 0870. Tender by hand submitted to: CDRC Project Works 2015 Tender Box, Central Desert Regional Council, 1 Bagot Street Alice Springs NT 0870. Tender by email submitted to: [email protected] SECTION B - CONDITIONS OF TENDER Page B6
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