TENDER DOCUMENT Tender No: NCESS/PUR/5458/14 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF NETWORK STRUCTURED CABLING AND LAN UPGRADATION AT NCESS NATIONAL CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES राष्ट्रीय पथ् ृ वी ववज्ञान अध्ययन केंद्र (Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India) (पथ् ृ वी ववज्ञान मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार) P.B.No. 7250, AKKULAM, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695 011, Kerala पी.बी. नं. ७२५०, तरु ू ववक्कल पोस्ट, आक्कुलम, ततरुवनंतपरु म ६९५०११, केरल Tel: 91-471-2511531 Fax: 91-471-2442280 e-mail: [email protected] 1 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES P.B. No. 7250, THURUVIKKAL P.O., AKKULAM, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695011, Tel: 91-471-2511531 Fax: 91-471-2442280 e-mail: [email protected] TENDER FORM The Chief Manager on behalf of the Director, National Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS), invites tender for “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Network structured cabling at NCESS, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram” as per the Specification and following conditions: Scope of the work Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Network structured cabling and LAN upgradation at NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram 695011 NCESS/PUR/5458/14 dt 16.03.2015 Tender No.& Date Location of supply/work Central Geomatics Lab, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram 695011 Issue of Tender documents From NCESS purchase section directly or can be downloaded from the NCESS web site www.cess.res.in Type of tender Two Parts Bid Technical Bid complete in all respects Price Bid with full price details Bidding Format Technical Bid & Price Bid shall be submitted separately by eprocurement in PDF format by ‘logging on’ in the website eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app Last date and time of 20.04.2015, 5:30 PM receipt of tender Date and time of opening of 21.04.2015, 11:00 AM tender: (Technical Only) Venue of bid opening National Centre for Earth Science Studies, P.B.No.7250, Thuruvikkal. P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695011 Earnest Money Deposit An EMD of Rs 4,00,000.00 may be submitted by way of bank (EMD) transfer remitting the amount to our bank account. (Account no:57059897168; Account Name: CESS-EXT; IFSC Code: SBTR0000581; MICR Code: 695009036; Bank: State Bank of Travancore, Akkulam, Trivandrum). The remittance should reflect in our accounts at or before the time of submission. The late remittance will not be valid. Project completion Within 90 days of signing of agreement 90 days after the bid submission date Validity of the proposal Tender documents to be The Chief Manager, submitted to: National Centre for Earth Science Studies, P.B.No.7250, Thuruvikkal. P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695011 Sd/Chief Manager, NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram 2 SECTION I Instruction to Bidders/General Terms and Conditions NCESS shall select a Bidder, in accordance with the method of selection specified in the data sheet and detailed in the guidelines indicated in the tender. 1.1 Procurement of Bid Document a) The bid document containing complete details of the assignment, technical requirements, terms of reference, scope of work and formats for technical and financial proposal along with other details can be downloaded from the NIC eprocurement web site (eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) 1.2 Clarification and Amendment of tender document: a) The bidders may request clarification of any aspect of the tender documents up to 10.04.2015. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing or by standard electronic means to NCESS, at the address indicated in the data sheet (clause 1.4). b) The NCESS will respond in writing, or by standard electronic means. Should the NCESS deem it necessary to amend the tender document as a result of a clarification, it shall do so. c) At any time before the date of submission of proposals, the NCESS may amend the tender document by issuing an addendum by standard electronic means and shall be published in the website. d) To give Bidders reasonable time to take an amendment into account in their proposals, NCESS may, if the amendment is substantial, extend the deadline for the submission of proposals. 1.3 Earnest Money Deposit: a) An EMD of Rs 4,00,000.00 may be submitted by way of bank transfer remitting the amount to our bank account. (Account no:57059897168; Account Name: CESS-EXT; IFSC Code: SBTR0000581; MICR Code: 695009036; Bank: State Bank of Travancore, Akkulam, Trivandrum). The remittance should reflect in our accounts at or before the time of submission. The late remittance will not be valid. The proposals not accompanied by EMD shall be rejected as non-responsive. b) This deposit will be free of interest and is refundable after the satisfactory execution of the contract and complete fulfillment of contractual obligations. c) EMD exemption and other exemptions if any, as per Govt. of India rules are permitted by enclosing valid documentary evidence for the same. Exemption from EMD will be allowed for organizations registered with Central Purchase Organization, National Small Industries 3 Corporation (NSIC) or MoES, Govt. Of India, if the claim is supported by relevant documents. d) The EMD of the unsuccessful Bidders would be returned back within two months or within 30 days of signing of the contract with successful Bidders, whichever is later. 1.4 Submission and Receipt of Proposals: a) The proposal as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the Bidders and the NCESS shall be in English language. b) Bids submitted through any form other than e-procurement shall not be acceptable. c) Only one bid should be submitted by a Bidder. If a Bidder submits or participates in more than one proposal, such proposals shall be disqualified. d) Submission of letters for both technical and financial proposals should be in the format as outlined in the Section 8. e) The validity of quotation should be for a minimum of 90 days from the bid submission date. f) NCESS reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. g) Items are to be supplied and installed at the Central Geomatics Lab, NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram 696 011. Delivery of materials at site including unloading and installation shall be the responsibility of the supplier, as applicable. h) The Bidder shall contact the following person for any clarification regarding the technical requirement. Mr. P.B. Vibin, Scientific Assistant, A. Central Geomatics Lab, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, P.B.No.7250, Thuruvikkal. P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695011. Phone: 0471-2511652; Mobile: 9400973435; email: [email protected] 1.5 Rate and Payment Terms: a) Rates quoted by the bidder shall be firm throughout the contract period and there shall be no upward revision of rates quoted by the bidder for any reason whatsoever b) Bidders shall express the price of their assignment/job in Indian Rupees only (INR). Prices/quotations in currencies other than INR shall be summarily rejected. c) The rates should be considered firm for acceptance till the date mentioned in the tender form. Tenders not stipulating period of firmness and tenders with price variation clause and/or ‘subject to prior sale’ condition are liable to be rejected. d) The bidder should quote for all the items as per the ToR, so as to meet the requirements and specification and that part bids are not entertained. Part bids will be rejected and no further 4 evaluation will be carried out. All applicable taxes and duties, installation charges if any shall be shown in the financial bid. e) The bidder should provide make, model, brochures, photo catalogues of items quoted along with the bid. Partial bid is liable to be rejected. Split up of cost of services should be quoted as per the format in Section 8, including the lump sum amount. Any taxes or statutory levies payable should be shown separately. f) Documents related to TIN/VAT/PAN No. of the Bidder should be submitted along with the tender document. g) 100% of the order value shall be paid to the bidder after delivery of all the items at site, its installation, commissioning and acceptance by NCESS. Performance Security @10% of the order value should be submitted on agreement signing through a Bank Guarantee, which should be valid for five years+60 days from the date of commissioning. h) Statutory Income tax as applicable as per rules shall be deducted at source. 1.6 Bid Evaluation a) The NCESS would constitute an Evaluation Committee (EC), which will carry out the entire evaluation process. If feel so, the EC may visit premises of the Bidders for confirmation of the facilities claimed in the proposal. The criteria for selection of Total Solution Provider (Bidders) shall be the following: Completeness of the Proposal Adherence to the minimum eligibility criteria Technical Competency of the Bidders Project Management Strategies Project implementation track record Financial Status of the bidder Price & Payment Terms b) Two-part bid system evaluation shall be adopted viz., the technical bid evaluation and financial bid evaluation. c) In the first stage, the Technical bid shall be opened at the stipulated time in tender notice and verified for the contents for technical proposal. Only those proposals which qualify in the first stage shall only be opened for detailed technical evaluation. The proposals of those bidders who have not followed the two-cover system and those not accompanied by EMD will be rejected at the first instance. d) Detailed evaluation of the technical proposal shall be made by the EC on the basis of adherence to the conditions as set forth under section II and responsiveness to the ToR. Proposals of those Bidders who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria (as given in the 5 Section II) shall be rejected. Only those responsive proposals shall be further taken up for financial evaluation. e) The financial proposal of the responsive bids only will be opened for price bid evaluation, which shall be done on the total bid value. Part bids shall not be considered. 1.7 Negotiations a) If the negotiation is required, the Bidders who was recommended as L1 will be called for technical negotiations. The invited firm will have to ensure availability of concerned professional staff for negotiation. Failure in satisfying such requirements may result in the NCESS proceeding to negotiate with the next-ranked firm. b) Negotiations shall be held at the date and address indicated in the tender. Representatives conducting negotiations on behalf of the Bidders must have a written authority to negotiate and conclude the contract. c) Negotiations shall include discussion on the technical proposal, work plan and any suggestions made by the Bidder/client to improve the terms of reference. The NCESS and the Bidders shall finalize the ToR, work schedule and logistics. These documents will then be incorporated in the Contract as description of services. The NCESS shall prepare minutes of negotiations which will be signed by the representatives of both NCESS and Bidder. d) Due to agreed upon changes in scope of work or due to clarification on any aspect of the technical proposal, under no circumstances, the technical negotiation shall result into increase in the price originally quoted by the Bidder. 1.8 Award of Contract and Completion of Work: a) The NCESS shall issue the work order, notifying the award of contract to the selected Bidder and notify all other Bidders who have submitted proposals about the final decision. b) Within 10 days of receipt of the work order, the successful Bidder should sign an agreement with NCESS and Performance Security @10% of the order value should be submitted on agreement signing through a Bank Guarantee, which should be valid for five years+60 days from the date of commissioning. The requisite Performa for the Bank Guarantee is given in Annexure 10 of the contract. c) Upon the successful bidder’s submitting the Performance Bank Guarantee for contract performance, NCESS may notify each bidders and will discharge their EMD. d) The entire supply and installation should be completed within 90 days of signing of the contract between the NCESS and the Bidder. 1.9 Liquidated Damages Clause: 6 a) In the event of the bidder’s failure to adhere to the project execution schedule and in the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions mentioned in the Work Order/ agreement, NCESS shall have the following right: b) Recover from the Bidder as agreed liquidated damages a sum not exceeding 0.5% of the price of any stores for each week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 5% of the total price, for the material which the successful bidder has not been able to supply and install. c) In case Bidders fails to execute the Contract, NCESS shall have the right to get the work executed by another Agency, in which case, the bidders shall be liable to pay the additional amount spent by NCESS over and above the Contract value agreed upon by Bidders subject to maximum limit of 25% of the value of the undelivered portion of work. d) In case of default on the part of Bidders to comply with any terms and conditions of the Contract the Director, NCESS at his discretion may forfeit the Bank Guarantee. 1.10 Force Majeure Clause: If the execution of the contract / supply order is delayed beyond the period stipulated in the contract as a result on out-break of hostilities, declaration of an embargo’s or blockage or fire flood, acts of nature or any other contingency beyond the supplier’s control, Director, NCESS may allow such additional time by extending the delivery period as he considers to be justified by the circumstances of the case and his decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. If and when additional time is granted by the NCESS, the contract/supply shall be read and understood as if it had contained from its inception the delivery date as extended. 1.11 Liability / Accident: The bidder shall identify and keep indemnified NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram (the client) against all losses and claims for injuries and damages to any person or property whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the construction or maintenance of the work and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, changes, expenses whatsoever in respect thereof in relation thereto. 1.12 Warranty and Maintenance a) The bidder should provide 24/7 support and NBD replacement Warranty for active components for 5 years from the date of installation and commissioning the system. 25 years warranty should be provided for the structured cabling. b) The Bidders should provide warranty for the entire system, after the system is commissioned and declared operational. c) The Bidders should also provide a plan for post-warranty support for maintenance of the system to be taken up on yearly basis. 1.13 Special Conditions: 7 a) The Bidders or their authorized representatives can be present at the time of opening of tender on the specified date as given in this Tender Document. If the date fixed for opening of the tender is declared to be a holiday, the tender will be opened at the same time on the next working day following the holiday or holidays. b) Bidders are advised to visit and familiarize themselves with the site conditions before submission of the tender. Interested parties can visit the NCESS for site inspection before submission of tender on any working day between 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM, under intimation to the office. c) The Bidders shall bear all the costs associated with their visit to the NCESS, preparation and submission of their proposals and contract negotiation. The NCESS is not bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right to annul the selection process at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders. d) The Purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other tender and shall be entitled to accept or reject any tender in part or full without assigning any reason whatsoever. Finalization of the bid will be subject to the recommendation of a Technical Committee constituted for this purpose irrespective of the price-wise position e) Any unforeseen item of work/supply / extra item of work as being authorised by the NCESS and not included in the contract, shall be done by the Contractor at mutually agreed rates. Payment of such items shall be made at actual, supported by necessary documentary evidence duly approved. f) Insurance and freight charges should be borne by the bidder themselves. g) Quantity is only an approximate, which may be subjected to change. h) Tenders shall be prepared in ENGLISH. i) The quoted price should be for delivery, installation and commissioning at NCESS. j) The price quoted should be firm and quotation has to be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of tender k) NCESS has the right to make any changes in their requirements or to change any specifications, at any time. l) If any of the facilities provided by the bidder is not found acceptable, NCESS has the complete right to reject the facilities without giving any compensation. m) Bidder can visit the site of the proposed work, if required. n) NCESS has the right to cancel the work order at any time without assigning any reason. o) NCESS has the right to disqualify any vendor if they fail to provide the necessary clarifications or documents. 8 p) The evaluation will be done on the total bid value. The bidder is required to quote for all the items of the BOQ. Partial bid is liable to be rejected. q) NCESS requires that all Bidders participating in consulting assignments to adhere to the highest ethical standards during the selection process and throughout the execution period. In pursuance of this policy, NCESS will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidders recommended for award has directly or through an agent have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in executing the Contract in question. r) Any dispute arising out of this venture shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court in Thiruvananthapuram. 9 SECTION II Bidder/OEM Eligibility Criteria and Bid Rejection Criteria 2.1 Bidder/OEM Eligibility Criteria: a. The bidder should be existing and in operation in India for the last 5 years. b. The bidder must be an ISO certified company at the time of bidding. The said certification must be at least one year prior to the date of publication of this Tender. c. The Bidder shall be an OEM or Authorized Dealer/Distributor/System Integrator/ or authorized business partner. In case of Authorized business partner, an authorization letter from OEM must be submitted. In case bidder is sourcing items from other manufacturers, an authorization letter for supply and servicing the same assuring full guarantee and warranty obligations shall be obtained from the principal supplier / manufacturer. d. The OEM should be 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Certified and the bidding firm ISO 9001:2008. e. The Bidder / System Integrator should have experience in supply and installation of OFC Campus Backbone for at least 1400 (Thousand Four Hundred ) Meters for one site or at least two sites for a minimum of 700meters and he should produce the Purchase Order copy or a letter from the customer on this effect. f. The bidding firm and the OEM or its partner should have an office and service setup in Kerala (proof of existence to be submitted). g. The firm must possess Firm/Company Registration Certificate, valid VAT/Sales Tax Registration Certificate, valid Service Tax Registration Certificate and Income Tax Return supplemented with Audit Report from CA. (attested copies of all the above certificates should be submitted along with the proposal). h. The bidder should submit the list of major works of the same magnitude carried out with client details such as name, contact address, email, phone etc. i. The Annual turnover of the bidder for the last three years should be more than Rs 5 Crores. j. The Bidder should have valid “Certified Installer Certificate” for the particular make of cable plant quoted. k. The vendor should have a minimum of 10 years experience in the networking and Data Centre related works and should have executed at least five projects of minimum 25 lakhs and above each in similar lines. Of these at least One single IT infrastructure project of value not less than 25 Lakhs should be from any Government/ PSU/Reputed institution in the preceding financial year (Submit the copy of purchase order indicating 10 the project value, customer contact details, customer completion/satisfaction certificate). (The claim should be supported by relevant attested copies of work orders and successful completion certificates) l. Any Government / Government agency / Banks / Financial Institutions in India should not have blacklisted the Bidder during the last 5 years. Self-declaration to that effect should be submitted along with the technical bid. m. Bidder shall have a direct purchase and support agreement with the OEMs. The bidder should submit valid letter from all the OEMs (whose products are being quoted) confirming the following: i. Authorization for bidder ii. Confirm that the products/ components/services quoted are not end-of-life. iii. Warranty as mentioned in the Special conditions n. The Bidder is required to quote for the complete BOQ. Partial quote are liable to be rejected. o. The bidding firm must have made profits as per the balance sheets in the last three financial years i.e.2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-14 and should be in sound financial position. A copy of last three financial years relevant audited balance sheets and IT returns must be submitted along with the bid. p. The bidding firm should provide Performance warranty for the structured cabling for 25 years. q. The bidding firm should provide NBD replacement Warranty for 5 years for the active components. 2.2 Bid Rejection Criteria: Besides other terms and conditions highlighted in the tender document, bids that fail to comply with the following shall be summarily rejected: a. Bids submitted without proper EMD. b. Bids that do not conform to the validity of the bid as prescribed in the tender. c. Any effort on the part of the bidder to influence the bid evaluation, bid comparison and decisions on contract award. d. Firm/Company/concern who has been banned by the Central/State Governments and DGS & D to do business with Government departments. e. Those firms who have not fulfilled the eligibility criteria. 11 SECTION III Request for Proposal Tender No. NCESS/PUR/5458/14 Date:16.03.2015 Dear Sir, NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram desires to undertake network structured cabling and LAN upgradation in the entire NCESS campus. This request for proposal, released by the NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram, hereinafter referred to as Tener, is to invite you to quote for supply and installation of structured CAT 6 LAN cabling with fiber backbone to Network operating centre (NOC) and copper distribution. Proposal in the form of two-part BID are requested in complete accordance with the documents/ attachments as per tender conditions. Bidder shall submit their bids in two parts, each in a separate by e-procurement in PDF format by ‘logging on’ in the website eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. PART-I : Technical Bid including organisational capability, complete with all technical details. Technical bid should also contain all information as in the Financial bid, except for the price information. Note: a. Filling up prices in Part I will render the bidder disqualified. b. Part numbers and make of all components quoted should be specified, failure of which will lead to disqualification of the bidder. PART-II Financial Bid with full price details Bids complete in all respects should be submitted on or before the bid due date and time. Solutions offered should be strictly as per requirements mentioned in this Bid document. Please spell out any unavoidable deviations, Clause/ Article-wise in the Technical bid. Once quoted, the bidder shall not make any subsequent price changes, whether resulting or arising out of any technical/commercial clarifications sought regarding the bid, even if any deviation or exclusion may be specifically stated in the bid. It is expected that all clarifications are sought for earlier and the bid requirements understood clearly by the bidder before submitting the bid. Such price changes shall render the bid liable for rejection. However, the Tenderer reserves the right to request the bidder/s to give revised commercial offer after technical evaluation, if the situation so warrants. 12 Interested bidder can download the bid documents from NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram website www.cess.res.in/tenders for the purpose of submission of his bid. Yours faithfully Chief Manager NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram 13 Network Architecture 14 Section IV BOM and specification for networking – supply Active Part Requirement Name of Item 1 Core Switch* (One core switch for redundancy) 2 Distribution and Edge Switch (20 10/100/1000BASE-T and 4 Combo 10/100/1000BASET/SFP ports) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Description SWITCH 10G Lyer3 with 24 Nos 10G SFP+ port density populated with 10G BASE-SR SFP+ transceivers having dual LC connectors (850nm for up to 300 meter transmission on 50/125 um multimode fiber) spread across multiple line cards Stackable L2+ Management with minimum 24 x 10/100/1000 Base T Ethernet Port , 2x 1G SFP,2 x 10G SFP+ uplink ports and 2 x 10Gbps or higher dedicated stacking ports in addition to uplink ports. 4 Nos 10G Ports to be populated with 10GBASE-SR SFP+ transceivers (850nm for up to 300 meter transmission on 50/125 um multimode fiber) having dual LC connectors. 10-GbE SFP+ to SFP+ 1m For Stacking( SFP+ port using for stack) Direct Attach Cable 10GBASE-SR SFP+ Transceiver. Transceiver for Core switch(SFP+) 1-port 1000BaseT 3.3V miniFor Combo 10/100/1000BASE-T/SFP module GBIC 1-port Gigabit PoE Injector For Access Point(AP) Wireless Controller and Access point The controller should have license for controll actual Wireless controller number of APs installed. Confirm the compatability with AP and controller) AP's (It may be selected with internal omni directional Access Point antennas.Or else try for external) Network Management Software Network Management System Network Management System with required features Unified Threat Management Security Firewall,Bandwidth Management, Multiple link Firewall Management, VPN & on appliance reporting. Security Value Subscription Plus includes Anti Malware, Web and Application Filter, Intrusion Prevention System Support Pack , 24 x 7 Support, hardware warranty and RMA fulfillment Multiple link Management, VPN & on appliance reporting. COPPER Cat6- 4 Pair UTP Cable, 305m Edge switches to Nodes Cat 6 Lead Frame Keystone Jacks for I/O Cat6 24 Port Patch Panel loaded For terminate UTP in the rack Surface mount box for I/O Faceplate single for I/O CAT 6 patch cords-3Ft Patch panel to Switch CAT 6 patch cords-7Ft I/O to PC FIBER OFCable 06F Out door Armoured unitube MM 50/125um OM3 For Backbone HDPE Sheath SC Simplex 50/125UM Pigtail For LIU MM 1 mtr, OM3 Unit Qty Nos 2 Nos 20 Nos 18 Nos 58 Nos 4 Nos 20 No 1 Nos 20 Nos 1 Nos 1 Nos 1 Box Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 80* 459 20* 459 459 459 459 Mtr 3000* Nos 132 15 20 21 22 23 SC-SC Duplex Patch Cord 50/125 MM 3 mtr, OM3 SC-LC Duplex Patch Cord 50/125 MM 3 mtr, OM3 1U 19" 24 Port LC Duplex Rack Mount Enclosure With Panel, Unloaded 1U 19" 12 Port LC Duplex Rack Mount Enclosure With Panel, Unloaded Panel to Panel, Extend the backbone to first floor. Nos 4 Panel to Switch SFP+ (Backbone) Nos 58 LIU loaded for fiber splicing, to mount at racks. Nos 3* LIU loaded for fiber splicing, to mount at racks. Nos 11* RACKS & PVC 24 Wall mounted enclosure of dimension 600W X12UX500D with front sheet steel glass door , top and bottom cover with cable entry provision, integrated side walls , 1 pair of 19" angles with wall mounting provision with HW packer(20nos), Cooling fan, Depends upon Building structure Nos 10* 25 Cable manager Depends upon structured cabling inside the rack Nos 19* 26 27 40mmPVC Conduit/Casing 25mmPVC Conduit/Casing For Cable running depends upon building and nodes For Cable running depends upon building and nodes Mtr Mtr 2000* 3000* 28 HDPE Pipe For OFC, depends building Mtr 600* Nos 10 29 UPS with stand 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 LABOUR Laying CAT 6 UTP I/O fixing and termination Patch panel termination 12 U rack fixing Laying PVC Casing/Capping Laying of HDPE Pipe MM fiber splicing LIU fixing Copper channel Scanning Fiber laying Installation of access point & controller Trenching of soil UPS Output power capacity 360Watt. If it is use to provide back for equipped rack , then need to check total load of each rack and compare this load with the rated power capacity of providing Ups. 24400 459 20 10 5000 600 132 14 459 3000 Mtr Nos Nos Nos Mtr Mtr Nos Nos Nos Mtr 20 Nos 300 Mtr * approximate quantity, shall be billed at actual 16 Section V SPECIFICATION I. CORE SWITCH 1.1 General requirements: • Port density • M inimum 24 Nos o f 10G SFP+ p o r t s • populated with 10G BASE-SR SFP+ transceivers (850nm for up to 300 meter transmission on 50/125 um multimode fiber) having dual LC connectors spread across multiple line cards evenly to achieve redundancy. • 1 No of RJ-45 console port for out-of-band management • 1 No of dedicated 10/100/1000 Base-T RJ-45 Ethernet port for out-of-band remote management • 1.2 Performance requirements • • • • 1.3 Should have a switch fabric capacity of minimum 980 Gbps Should support minimum 714 Mpps of throughput Should be scalable to support up to 32 Nos 10G ports. Should support 40G for future requirement. Layer 2 Switching • • • • • • 1.4 Should support minimum 55K MAC addresses per system Should support minimum 4096 VLAN Should support Port-based VLAN Should support 802.1Q VLAN tagging Should support Spanning Tree protocol Standards Should support IEEE 802.1AB: Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Layer 3 Routing • • • • 1.5 Should have non-blocking wire speed performance for all 10G uplink ports Support IP-MAC-Port Binding Should be manageable through CLI, Web Interface, SSHv2 and HTTP/HTTPs All modules quoted on the core switch should be capable of full IPv4 / IPv6 L3 routing Should support IPv4 Routing protocols: RIPv1/v2, OSPF, BGP Should support VRF-Lite (or equivalent ) for RIP, OSPF, BGP, PIM, IGMP Should support IPv6 Routing protocols: OSPFv3, IPv6, BGP, MLDv2 Quality of Service Should support IPv6 NAT (QoS ) requirements 17 • • • • 1.6 Should support Queuing based on VLAN, interface, bundles, or filters System Management and Administration Should support Software upgrades Should support SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Security features • • • • • • • 1.7 Should support AAA using RADIUS or TACACS Should have multiple levels of access or role based access mechanisms. Should support MAC limiting Should support access control lists (ACLs) Should support VLAN and Router based ACL's Built-in troubleshooting Extensive debugs on all protocols High Availability • • • • • 2.0 Should Support Link Aggregation with Max. 16 groups per device, 12 ports per groups Should support sub second failover between the switches in case of a dual switch configuration Switching fabric module, routing engine and line cards should be hot swappable Should have Redundant, internal hot-swappable power supplies Should have redundant field replaceable fan trays DISTRIBUTION / EDGE SWITCH L2+ The switch should be a stackable with Minimum 24 Nos of 10/100/1000 Base T Ethernet Port, 4 Nos of 1G SFP, 2 Nos of 10G SFP+ uplink ports o Ports to be populated with 10G BASE-SR SFP+ transceivers (850nm for up to 300 meter transmission on 50/125 um multimode fiber) having dual LC connectors 2 Nos of 10Gbps or higher dedicated stacking ports in addition to uplink ports Should have RJ-45 console port for out-of-band management. Performance requirements Should have a switch fabric capacity of minimum 128 Gbps Should support minimum 95 Mpps of throughput Layer 2 Switching 18 Should support ARP, Proxy ARP and Gratuitous ARP. It shall have Automatic Negotiation of Trunking Protocol, to help minimize the configuration & errors Should have support Spanning Tree protocol Standards Should have minimum 32K MAC address table Should support minimum 255 VLAN's and up to 4000 VLAN ID’s Should support Port-based VLAN and MAC-based VLAN L3 Features IPv4/IPv6 Layer3 Static Routing Wire-speed IP forwarding Should support Static Routing Should RIP v1, v2 Should support DHCP Server/Relay Should have policy based routing. Quality of Service (QoS ) requirements Should support Queuing based on VLAN, interface, bundles, or filters System Management and Administration Should support Software upgrades Should support SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Broadcast and Multicast traffic/storm control Should support IPv6 Management including Neighbor discovery, Logging, Telnet, SSH, Web, SNMP, NTP and DNS Class of service shall be based on Switch port, DSCP, VLAN ID,TCP/UDP port, Protocol type,802.1p queues, IPv4/v6 address, IPv6 flow label & User defined packet content Security features Should support Port, VLAN and Router based Access control lists (ACLs) Should support MAC limiting Should support Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) Should support DHCP snooping Services and Manageability Should be manageable through CLI, Web Interface, SSHv2 and HTTP/HTTPs Configuration backup via FTP/secure copy. 3.0 FIREWALL 3.1 Hardware Requirements Should be modular and should have internal redundant power supplies Should have minimum 6 x 10/100/1000BaseT Copper Gigabit ports and 2 x SFP Fiber 19 3.2 3.3 Gigabit Ports populated with single mode fiber module. Should be scalable to support an additional 24 Gigabit ports for future expansion Should be provided with minimum 2GB DRAM and 2GB Flash Firewall & Security Features Should support AAA using RADIUS or TACACS Should support Packet Filters Should have stateful Firewalling with support for minimum 96 zones Should support Network attack detection and support DDoS attack prevention Should support Tunnels (GRE, IPSec) Should support MD5 and SHA-1 authentication Should support session synchronization for firewall and VPN Should support TCP reassembly for fragmented packet protection and Brute force attack mitigation Should support SYN cookie protection Should support Zone-based IP spoofing Should support Network address translation (NAT) with support for Source NAT with PAT and Destination NAT with PAT Should support next generation firewalling with support for following features Should have support for context, protocol information, and signatures used to identify atleast 900 different applications on any TCP or UDP port Should have ability to identify Nested applications running on top of, or embedded into approved/trusted services and protocols. Should have ability to create fine grained application control policies to allow or deny traffic based on dynamic application name or group names rather than static IP/port information. Should have ability to identify attacking botnet traffic against legitimate client traffic based on application-layer metrics and provide remedy against these botnet attack Should have ability to collects byte, packet, session, and time statistics on a per application level Should be tightly integrated with an IPS solution so that the IPS can subscribe to the results of the application identification / contextualization to determine the appropriate protocol decoding and attack objects to use for the permitted incoming traffic L3 / L2 Feature Support Firewall should support IPv4 and IPv6 routing features Should support Policy Based Routing, Source Based Routing and Reverse path Forwarding Should support Routing Protocols over IPSec Tunnels Should support 802.1q VLAN with support for minimum 3000 VLAN's Link Aggregation 802.3ad / LACP and Jumbo Frame (9216 Byte) Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) 802.1D, RSTP 802.1w, MSTP 802.1s Should have an internal DHCP server 20 3.4 4.0 Management and Troubleshooting Should have Console, Telnet and Web for management Should support Software upgrades through Web Should support SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Should have extensive debugs on all protocols Should have flow monitoring and accounting services Should have SLA monitoring features with support Bandwidth usage for Sessions, packets & WIRELESS RADIO / ACCESS POINT Access point should be Indoor (Omni directional), dual radio. Software-configurable dual radio should support 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz Should support radio technologies: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Supported modulation types: o BPSK, QPSK, CCK o BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM o BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Should have minimum 16 SSID Should support to work in Stand-Alone Mode and Managed Mode with Wireless Controller Should have Band steering to load balance between 2.4 Ghz & 5 Ghz Remote configuration and management through Web browser, SNMP or telnet with command line interface (CLI) Security Integrated wireless intrusion protection offers threat protection and mitigation and eliminates the need for separate RF sensors and security appliances. Encrypted IPsec VPN tunnels securely connect remote users to corporate network resources. Should support MAC address authentication Spectrum analysis Capable of part-time or dedicated air monitoring, the spectrum analyzer remotely scans the 2.4GHz and 5-GHz radio bands to identify sources of RF interference. Ensures that APs stay clear of RF interference. Power Power over Ethernet (PoE) Other interfaces Two 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet network interfaces (RJ-45) 21 4.5 4.6 5.0 5.1 Should have console interface Should have Visual indicators (LEDs): o Power/system status o Ethernet link status - Radio status Mounting Mounting brackets and required mounting kits Environmental Operating Temperature: 0° C to +50° C Operating Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing Storage and transportation: Temperature: -40° C to +70° C WIRELESS CONTROLLER Should support for minimum 64 APs Should support Minimum Remote Access point-256 Should support Minimum Wired access point-64 Should support Minimum 4096 users Should support minimum 16 SSID Should support Minimum VLAN IP interfacec-256 Should support Minimum MAC address-64000 Should support Access Control Lists (ACLs). Should Support to manage authentication, encryption, virtual private network (VPN) connections, IPv4 and IPv6 Layer 3 networking, Should support Spectrum Analysis and Wireless Intrusion Protection capabilities. Should support for 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Minimum security standards WEP, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), DES Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Should support Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) Should support SNMP v1, v2c, v3 Should support for management interfaces like Web-based: HTTP/HTTPS individual device manager, Command-line interface: Telnet, SSH, serial port Interfaces Console (RS-232) RJ-45 4x Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000BASE-T)- Dual-personality ports – 10/100/1000BASE-T or pluggable module 4x Gigabit Ethernet (1000BASE-X) SFP- Dual-personality ports – 10/100/1000BASE-T or pluggable module LED indicators: Link Activity (each 1 Gigabit Ethernet port), Power, Status, Alarm 22 5.2 Operating Specifications and dimensions Operating temperature range: 0° C to 40° C Storage temperature range: -40° C to 70° C Humidity, non-condensing: 5% to 95% 6.0 UTM 6.1 General 24/7 support & Warranty on Items quoted for 3 -Years from date of Installation Supplier should produce MAF from OEM involved. Supplier or OEM Should be ISO Certified for Post sales Support services. OEM should have regional presence for sales and support The proposed solution should match the following criteria. a. Must have a 64-bit hardware platform b. Must be based on Multicore Parallel Processing Architecture or ASIC c. 10 x 10/100/1000 interfaces d. 80,000 New sessions/second e. 2,000,000 concurrent connections f. 10,000 Mbps Firewall throughput g. 2200 Mbps IPS throughput h. 2400 Mbps AV throughput i. 1450 Mbps of UTM throughput 6.2 The proposed solution should support unrestricted user/node license. The proposed solution must work as a standalone HTTP proxy server with integrated Firewall, Anti Virus, Anti Spam, Web filtering, IPS & Application control. Proposed appliance should support minimum 250GB drive for storage of Logs and Reports or Supplier shall supply External hardware device with 3 Years 24/7 warranty. The proposed solution must support User based policy configuration for security and Internet management. The proposed solution should provide on-appliance reports based not only on IP addresses but also based on users. Administration, Authentication & General Configuration The proposed solution should support administration via secured communication over HTTPS, SSH and from Console. The proposed solution should be able to export and import configuration backup including user objects The proposed solution must be able to be deployed in Route (Layer 3) and Transparent mode (Layer 2), individually and simultaneously. The proposed solution should support integration with Active Directory, LDAP, Radius, RSA SecurID. 23 The Proposed solution must support SSL/TLS on LDAP/Active Directory integration. The proposed solution must support Automatic Transparent Single Sign On for user authentication. SSO must be proxy independent and should support all applications for authentication. The proposed solution should itself host Dynamic DNS service free of cost for costeffectiveness and enhanced security. The proposed solution should provide bandwidth utilization graph on daily, weekly, monthly or yearly for all or individual ISP links. The proposed solution should provide real time data transfer/bandwidth utilization details regarding individual user/ip/application. The proposed solution should support Parent Proxy deployment with IP/FQDN support. The proposed solution should support NTP. The proposed solution should support user/ip/mac binding that can map username with corresponding IP and MAC addresses for security reason. The proposed solution should have multi lingual support for Web admin console. The proposed solution should support Version roll back functionality. The proposed solution should be able to force-logout users upon session time-out and idle time-out. The proposed solution should support ACL based user creation for administration purposes. The proposed solution should support LAN bypass when the appliance is configured in Transparent Mode. The proposed solution should support inbuilt PPPoE client and should be capable to automatically update all required configuration whenever PPPoE is updated. The proposed solution should support SNMP v1, v2c and v3. The proposed solution must provide flexible, granular role-based GUI administration. The proposed solution must provide support of multiple authentication servers for each module (e.g. Firewall, Different type of VPN) The proposed solution must support multiple Thin Client authentication mechanisms and must be able to differentiate between requests originating from the same IP address. The proposed solution must support: a. DHCP/DHCPv6 Server b. DHCP/DHCPv6 Relay Agent c. DHCP support over Ipsec VPN The proposed solution should work as DNS/DNSv6 Proxy The proposed solution must provide customizable login security settings The proposed solution must provide customizable administrator password complexity setting The proposed solution must support DNS Inbound load balancing for redundancy Multiple ISP load balancing and Failover The proposed solution should support Load Balancing and Failover among more than 2 ISP Links. 24 6.3 High Availability 6.4 The proposed solution should support explicit routing based on Source, Destination, Username, Application. The proposed solution should support weighted round robin algorithm for Load Balancing. The proposed solution should provide options for failover condition which includes detecting a failed ISP link on ICMP, TCP or UDP protocol. The proposed solution should send alert emails to the administrator(s) notifying any change in gateway status. The proposed solution should provide Multi-link Management for IPv4 s well as IPv6 traffic. The proposed solution should support High Availability Active/Passive and Active/Active The proposed solution should notify administrator(s) on change of appliance status in High Availability. The proposed solution should tend to Link, Device and Session failure. Firewall The proposed solution should support state full inspection with user based one-toone and dynamic NAT and PAT. The proposed solution should use User Identity as matching criteria along with Source/Destination IP/Subnet/group, destination Port in firewall rule. The proposed solution should facilitate the application of UTM policies like AV/AS, IPS, Content filtering, Bandwidth policy and policy-based routing decision on the firewall rule itself. Also UTM controls should be able to be applied on inter zone traffic. The proposed solution should support user-defined multi-zone security architecture. The proposed solution should support inbound NAT load balancing with different load balancing methods like First Alive, Round Robin, Random, Sticky IP and failover with server health check by TCP or ICMP probe. The proposed solution should support 802.1q VLAN tagging. The proposed solution should support dynamic routing like RIP1, RIP2, OSPF, BGP. The proposed system must provide Mac Address (Physical Address) based firewall rule configuration to provide OSI Layer 2 to Layer 7 security The proposed solution must support DoS protection against IPv6 attacks The proposed solution must support Spoof prevention on IPv6 The proposed solution must support for Link Aggregation The proposed solution must support 3G UMTS, GSM, GPRS modem via USB interface for VPN and Gateway Failover - Load Balancing. The proposed solution must support Bandwidth Management which allows administrator to create application-based bandwidth policies. 25 6.5 IPS 6.6 The proposed solution should have signature-based and protocol-anomaly-based Intrusion Prevention System. The proposed solution should have 4500+ signatures in its database. The proposed solution must support creation of custom IPS signatures. The proposed solution must support creation of multiple IPS policies for different zones instead of a single blanket policy at interface level. The proposed solution must allow disabling/enabling of IPS categories/signatures to reduce packet latency. The proposed solution should display username along with the IPs in IPS alerts and reports. The proposed solution should update automatically by synchronizing with an update server. The proposed solution should generate alerts in case of attacks. The proposed solution should generate historical reports based on top alerts, top attackers, severity wise, top victims, protocol wise. Gateway Anti Virus The proposed solution should have an integrated Anti Virus solution. The proposed solution should support scanning for SMTP, POP3, IMAP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP over HTTP protocols. The proposed solution should be able to block dynamic/executable files based on file extensions. For SMTP traffic, the proposed solution should support following actions for infected, suspicious or protected attachments mails. a. Drop mail b. Deliver the mail without attachment c. Deliver original mail d. Notify administrator For POP3 and IMAP traffic, the proposed solution should strip the virus infected attachment and then notify the recipient and administrator. The proposed solution should scan http traffic based on username, source/destination IP address or URL based regular expression. The proposed solution should provide the option to bypass scanning for specific HTTP traffic. The proposed solution should support real mode and batch mode for HTTP virus scanning. The proposed solution should provide historical reports based on username, IP address, Sender, Recipient & Virus Names. The proposed solution should have a virus detection 26 6.7 Gateway Anti Spam The proposed solution should have an integrated Anti Spam solution. The proposed solution should have configurable policy options to select what traffic to scan for spam. The proposed solution should support spam scanning for SMTP, POP3, IMAP. The proposed solution must allow mail archiving to store copies of incoming and outgoing mails from particular email address(s). The proposed solution should support multiple configurable policies based on email ID/address group, for quarantine setting, etc. There should not be just a single blanket policy. The proposed solution should support real time spam detection and proactive virus detection technology which detects and blocks new outbreaks immediately and accurately. For SMTP traffic, the proposed solution should support the following actions a. Tagging b. Drop c. Reject d. Change recipient e. Deliver the mail to recipient 6.8 The proposed solution should support IP/Email address White List/Black List. The proposed solution should allow enabling/disabling of anti-spam scanning for SMTP authenticated traffic. The proposed solution should support language independent spam detection. The proposed solution should block image based spam mails i.e. email message with text embedded in an image file. The proposed solution should provide historical reports based on username, IP address, Sender, Recipient and spam category. The proposed solution must provide Anti-Spam Message Digest feature per user. Web Filtering Solution The proposed solution must be able to work as a Standalone HTTP proxy. The proposed solution must have the following features inbuilt a) b) c) d) e) f) Should be able to block HTTPS based URLs Should be able to block URL based on regular expression Should support exclusion list based on regular expression Should be able to block any HTTP / HTTPS upload traffic. Should be able to block google cached websites based on category. Should be able to identify and block requests coming from behind a proxy server on the basis of username and IP address. g) Should be able to identify and block URL translation request. 27 The proposed solution should support application control blocking features as follows a) Should be able to block known Chat applications like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Google, Rediff, Jabber etc. b) Should support YouTube Education Filter c) Should support blocking of File transfer on known Chat applications and FTP protocol. 6.9 The proposed solution must block HTTP or HTTPS based anonymous proxy requests. The proposed solution should allow customization of Access Denied message for each category. The proposed solution should be able to generate reports based on username, IP address, URL, groups, categories and category type. The proposed solution should allow searching in reports to filter relevant data. The proposed solution should support creation of cyclic policies on Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly basis for Internet access on individual users/group of users. The proposed solution should support creation of Internet access time policies for individual users or user group. The proposed solution should support creation of cyclic data transfer policies on Daily/weekly/Monthly/yearly basis for individual user or group. The proposed solution should have integrated bandwidth management capability. The proposed solution should provide option to set higher priority for critical applications. The proposed solution must provide web category based bandwidth management and prioritization. The proposed solution must provide logging and extensive controls on Instant Messaging (IM) traffic for Yahoo and MSN messengers such as: 1. Log of chat sessions for all or specific set of users. 2. Rules to control allow or deny chat, voice, web cam and file transfer for specific ID or Group of IDs. 3. Archiving of transferred files. 4. Antivirus scanning on file transferred. VPN The proposed solution should support IPSec (Net-to-Net, Host-to-Host, Client-tosite), L2TP, PPTP and SSL VPN connection. The proposed solution should support DES, 3DES, AES, Twofish, Blowfish, Serpent encryption algorithms. The proposed solution should support Preshared keys as well as Digital certificate based authentication. The proposed solution should support external certificate authorities. The proposed solution should support export facility for Client-to-site configuration which ensures hassle free VPN configuration in remote Laptop/Desktop. The proposed solution should support commonly available IPSec VPN clients. 28 6.10 Logging and Reporting 6.11 The proposed solution should support VPN failover for redundancy purpose wherein more than one connection are grouped together. If one connection goes down it automatically switches over to another working connection ensuring zero downtime. The proposed solution must support automatic failover of Point to Point link (MPLS ) with VPN for redundancy purpose. The proposed solution should have preloaded third party certificate authorities including verisign/Entrust.net/Microsoft and should provide the facility to upload other certificate authorities. The proposed solution should support Threat free IPSec/L2TP/PPTP VPN tunnelling. The proposed solution must support Apple iOS and Android VPN clients The proposed solution must support authentication to comply with Internet Privacy laws The proposed solution must have On-Appliance, integrated reporting solution or External Device. The proposed solution should allow customization of reports The proposed solution should support drill down reports. The proposed solution should support logging of Antivirus, Antispam, Content Filtering, Traffic discovery, IPS, Firewall activity on syslog server. The proposed solution should provide data transfer reports on the basis of application, username, IP address. The proposed solution should provide connection-wise reports for user, source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port or protocol. The proposed solution should support Auditing facility to track all activity carried out on the appliance. The proposed solution should support multiple syslog servers for remote logging. The proposed solution should be able to provide detailed reports about all mails passing through the firewall. The proposed solution should provide reports for all blocked attempts by users/IP address. The proposed solution must be capable to provide Multiple Dashboard Report along with the facility to customize the dashboards. The proposed solution should be capable of forensic analysis to help organizations reconstruct the sequence of events that occurred at the time of security breach. Application Filtering Solution The proposed solution must provide inbuilt Application Filtering solution The proposed solution must identify (Allow/Block/Log) the applications regardless of port, protocols, encryption including SSL/TLS. The proposed solution's application database must get updated automatically without any manual intervention The proposed solution must give Identity based reports (username along with IP) 29 The proposed solution must be capable of blocking the following type of applications: a. Applications that allow file transfer b. Online Games c. Instant Messengers (Including Non-English Versions) d. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications (Including Non-English Versions) e. Browser Based Proxy (Regardless of IP address or Port Number) f. Web 2.0 based applications (Facebook, CRM etc) g. Applications that provide Remote Control h. All type of streaming media (Both Web and Software Based) i. VOIP Applications 6.12 Bandwidth Management 7.0 The proposed solution must be capable of identifying hidden applications running over standard ports (80, 443, 22 etc) Application and User Identity based Bandwidth management Guaranteed and Burstable bandwidth policy Application and User Identity based Traffic Discovery Web Category-based bandwidth restriction NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION The NMS should be capable of handling the MIBs of all the active components, except firewall. Documentary evidence substantiating this should be provided. Meet complete configuration management and monitoring of the network. Real time monitoring and analysis of critical network performances indicators. Discovery and topology update Topology summary and hierarchical representation of managed resources Must provide easy access of configuration. Visual topology for Logical and physical. On time alerting system to give information on network bottle neck. Must provide information on network bandwidth. 7.1 Fault Management Event/trap processing; Alarm drill down; Problem resolution work flow management; Categorize alarms; Period / Daily based reports. 30 SECTION 6 GENERAL TENDER CONDITIONS 6.1 Supply and Installation Terms: a) The Bidder shall provide the details (technical specifications, dimensions, brochures, make, model, photo catalogues, and conformance to standards mentioned about the quoted LAN cabling components and system) along with the bid. b) The required delivery period must be mentioned against each item. After the order has been placed, the goods must be delivered within the stipulated period. c) The successful bidder should supply items as per the quantity listed in the BOMs. d) The quantities mentioned in the BOM for Cabling Accessories are approximate only. So the successful bidder should supply items listed in the above mentioned BOM only as and when required during the execution of the cabling work. The payment will be made only for actual installed/ utilized quantities & labour at the site e) For the certification procedures & for successfully completing the work, any component addition or deletion to the existing BOMs should be quoted by the bidder separately. f) Supply & installation is at NCESS, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram. 6.2 Project Duration a) The entire supply and installation should be completed within 75 days of accepting the purchase order. b) The entire documentation & testing reports should be submitted within 15 days of completing the work. c) However the site certification can be submitted within one month of completing the work. d) Final acceptance certificate will be issued by NCESS only after completing point number 1, 2 & 3 mentioned above. 31 SECTION 7 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION 7.1 Standards to be followed for Supplies and Installations: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) TIA / EIA – 568-B.1 TIA / EIA – 568-B.2 TIA / EIA – 568-B.3 TIA J-STD-607. TIA / EIA – 606. TIA – 569-B. TIA-526-7. TIA 526-14 TIA-758. TIA – 942 for Data Centers. ( For Server Room Earthing & Bonding) 7.2 Stipulations to be followed by Bidders a) Certification for 25 years warranty of the structured cabling from OEM to be submitted by the Bidder on completion of the successful installation. b) All products quoted for switches and modules should be of the same make. c) NBD replacement Warranty for 5 years from the date of installation is to be provided for all items other than cable plant. d) The Bidder must submit copy of their Certified Installer Certificate for the PARTICULAR MAKE OF CABLE PLANT and a letter in original from the OEM, clearly Certifying that the Certificate produced by the Bidder is current and valid as on date and that the Bidder is authorized by them to carry out the Structured Cabling Plant at NCESS premises and that the work done by the Bidder will be certified by them and will be given site certificate for Twenty Five Years Warranty. e) Switching installation and configuration should directly be done by the OEM technical support team. f) The Bidder must conduct the Channel Certifying Test using all the Patch Cords at both ends. g) The cable exit and entry from cable trays should be properly supported and shall be laid in flexible / PVC conduit. The cables laid in the cable runners, rack trays and Patch cords should be bunched only by using double sided Velcros. h) The cable ids provided at the Outlet End and the Patch Panel should exactly match. i) All the OFC and Copper Patch cords should be labelled at both the sides with laser printed and laminated labels as per the switch Port nos. and cable ids. j) The Bidder should also check the Design of the Cabling Plant for all the relevant standards compatibility and the Design and work quality is the responsibility of the Bidder. 32 k) The Bidder should have experience in doing OFC Campus Backbone for at least 1500 (one thousand five hunderd Meters) for one site or at least two sites for a minimum of 700 meters and he should produce the Purchase Order Copy or a letter from the customer on this effect. l) All the OFC Terminations are to be fusion spliced. m) Any components or modules failing during the course of work shall be replaced free of cost by the Bidder. n) Material put up for inspection shall be those to be supplied and in quantities laid down in the Schedule of Quantities. Any variation shall require the prior approval of the Purchaser before the material is manufactured/ offered for inspection. o) The work shall be executed to the highest standards using best quality material. The system design shall use state-of-the art techniques/tools. The Bidder shall ensure that the entire specification is complied with. It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to demonstrate compliance of technical as well as functional specifications. p) The Bidder shall have adequate Technical Support Center to meet the criteria for fault restoration/faulty unit repair, having a support center within the Trivandrum Town limit. q) The Service window for all the equipments would be 24x7x365. r) The LAN cabling job should be carried out under the supervision of certified engineers. s) All technical literature of the products should be attached. 33 SECTION 8 FORMATS OF BID SUBMISSION Attachment #1 Technical Proposal Submission Form The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695011 Kerala , India Sir, Sub: Your Tender No. NCESS/PUR/5458/14 I/We the undersigned having read and examined in detail all the tender documents in respect of “Network structured cabling and LAN upgradation at NCESS” do hereby offer you to supply the stores and services specified in the Tender Document at the price here under quoted. We declare that our bid price is for the entire scope of the work as specified therein and confirm that our tender prices and all inclusive. We also agree to hold this offer open for a period of 90 days from the date of opening the tender. I/We shall bind to supply the stores/service hereby offered, upon the issue of the work order communicating the acceptance thereof on or before the expiry of the delivery date therein. You are at the liberty to accept any one or more of the items of such stores. I/We, notwithstanding that the offer in this tender has not been accepted in whole shall be bound to supply to you such items and such portion or portions of one or more of the items as may be specified in the work order communicating the acceptance. We confirm that in the event of any further information/ clarification/documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our tender, we agree to furnish the same to your satisfaction. In case we fail to execute the agreement as aforesaid incorporating the terms and conditions governing the contract, NCESS shall have the power and authority to recover from us any loss or damages caused to NCESS by such breach as may be determined by CESS. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Authorized Signature: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of the Firm & Address: 34 Annexure #1: General Information of the BIDDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of BIDDER Address Telephone Number Fax Number Email Web Site Legal status: a) b) c) d) e) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Government/ Public Sector Undertaking Propriety firm Partnership firm (if yes, give partnership deed) Limited company or limited corporation Member of a group of companies (if yes, give name and address, and description of other companies) f) Subsidiary of a large corporation (if yes give the name and address of the parent organisation) If the company is subsidiary, state what involvement if any, will the parent company have in the project. Is the firm a registered company? If yes, submit documentary proof. Date of Establishment Correspondence Address: Name Address E-mail Phone fax Is the firm registered with sales tax department? If yes, submit valid sales tax registration certificate. Is the firm registered for service tax with Central Excise Department (Service Tax Cell)? If yes, submit valid service tax registration certificate Number of years of experience in the relevant field Number of Offices / Project Locations Do you have a local representation /office in Trivandrum, Kerala? If so, please give the address and the details of staff, infrastructure etc in the office and no. of years of operation of the local office Is your organization has SEI –CMM / ISO 9000 certificates? If so, attach copies of the certificates. State details, if certified by bodies, other than that stated List the major clients with whom your organization has been/ is currently associated Date of Commencement of Indian operation of the proposed product’s OEM. Documentary proof to be provided 35 18 19 Whether the OEM is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Certified. Documentary proof to be provided Whether Bidder has “Certified Installer Certificate” for the PARTICULAR MAKE OF CABLE PLANT quoted. Documentary proof to be provided. Also a letter in original from the OEM, of the Make of the Cable, certifying that the certificate produced by the Bidder is current and valid as on date, that the Bidder is authorized by them to carry out the Structured Cabling Plant at NCESS premises, that the work done by the Bidder will be certified by them and will be given site certificate for Twenty Five years warranty (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Annexure #2: Bidder’s Experience in Executing Similar Projects Brief of Bidder’s Organization Experience in executing similar projects (Provide here a brief description of the background and organization of your firm) 1. Clients Name and Address: 2. Assignment/job Name: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) Description of Project Approximate value of the contract (in Rupees) Country Location within Country: Duration of the Assignment/job (months) Name of the employee: Total No of staff-months of the Assignment/job: Approx. value of the Assignment/job provided by your firm under the contract (in Rupees): Start date (month/year): Completion date (month/year): Name of associated TSP, if any: No of professional staff-months provided by associated TSP: Name of senior professional staff of your firm involved and functions performed. Description of actual assignment/job provided by your staff within the assignment/job Note: Please provide documentary evidence of copy of work order and completion certificate form the client, for each of the above mentioned assignment. The experience shall not be considered for evaluation if such supporting documents are not submitted with the proposal. (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder 36 Annexure # 3 Financial Information of Bidder S.No Name of the bidder Turnover (Rs. Crores) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Net worth (Rs. Crores) 2014-15 ** Note: . Submit the audited financial statement/ audited annual report of the last three financial years. (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Annexure # 4 Letter of authorization from the OEMs that the bidder is representing them, and that the bidder’s commitment shall be met in Toto by them (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Annexure # 5 Format for Technical Capability – OFC Campus Backbone S.No Name of . bidder Project Start name date End date Brief Description of OFC Backbone Project Role of bidder Length of Fiber cable installation Value of the project Contact details of the customer Note: Submit the copy of purchase order indicating the project value, customer contact details, customer completion/satisfaction certificate. (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Annexure #6 Detailed Technical Proposal meeting the bid requirements covering detailed specifications should include: 37 a) Make, model and part no. of items and sub-items quoted. b) Detailed Description of Technical specifications c) Detailed brochure with specifications for the offered items with model & part nos. highlighted. d) Relevant test certificates/performance certificate/End-user acceptance certificate of the offered components/ systems (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Annexure # 7 Any proposed deliverable/ functional aspects/ technical aspects/ terms/ conditions or any other item NOT IN compliance to tender Requirement (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder 38 Annexure 8.1: Format of Financial Bid S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Component Total in Rs. Active Components Passives - Structured Cabling - Supply Rack & Accessories Cabling Accessories - Supply Installation and Labour Charges Statutory Taxes Grand Total (Including all Charges) Annexure 8.2: Split up of the financial – components Item Description (Manufacturer, Unit Model & Part No. etc) Total Unit Price Tax amount (P) (t) T=(P +t) Total Qty (Q) Total Amount (P +t)*Q Total Cost Annexure 8.3: Split up of the financial – Labour Unit LABOUR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Laying CAT 6 UTP I/O fixing and termination Patch panel termination 12 U rack fixing Laying PVC Casing/Capping Laying of HDPE Pipe MM fiber splicing LIU fixing Copper channel Scanning Fiber laying Installation of access point & controller Trenching of soil Total Unit Price Tax, if (P) any (t) Total Amount T=(P +t) Total Qty. T= (Q) Mtr Nos Nos Nos Mtr Mtr Nos Nos Nos Mtr 24400 459 20 10 5000 600 132 14 459 3000 Nos 20 Mtr 300 Total Amount T*Q 39 Annexure # 9 Commercial Bid Submission Form The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695011 Kerala , India Sir, Sub: Your Tender No. NCESS/PUR/5458/14 I/We the undersigned having read and examined in detail all the tender documents in respect of “LAN upgradation in NCESS Campus” do hereby offer you to supply the stores and services specified in the Tender Document at the price here under quoted. We declare that our bid price is for the entire scope of the work as specified therein and confirm that our tender prices and all inclusive. 1. Price and validity a) All the prices in our tender are in accordance with the terms and conditions as specified in the tender document. The prices and other terms and conditions are valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the date of opening the tender. b) We herby confirm that our tender prices are all inclusive. 2. Earnest money deposit We have remitted EMD of a sum of 4.0 Lakhs (Rupees four Lakhs only) in the specified account. The EMD is liable to be forfeited in accordance with the provision of the contract. 3. Deviations We declare that all services will be performed in accordance with the tender document except for the variations and deviations all of which have been detailed out exhaustively in our bid document, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else in our bid. 4. Tender pricing We further confirm that the prices stated in our bid are in accordance with your instruction to Bidders included in the tender document. 5. Qualifying data 40 We confirm that having submitted the information required by you in your instruction to bidders, in case the NCESS require any further information/clarification/ documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our tender, we agree to furnish the same to your satisfaction. 6. Bid price We declare that our bid price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the tender document. 7. Contract performance guarantee bond We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee bond In case we fail to execute the agreement as aforesaid incorporating the terms and conditions governing the contract, NCESS shall have power and authority to recover from us any loss or damages caused to NCESS by such breach as may be determined by NCESS, appropriating the EMD deposited by us and if the EMD is found to be inadequate, the deficit amount may be recovered from us and our properties movable and immovable. We hereby declare that our tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the tender is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive. Thanking You, Yours faithfully, Authorized Signature: Name and Title of Signatory: Address: 41 Annexure 10: Performance Bank Guarantee (To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act) Bank Guarantee No. Date: To The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695011, Kerala , India Whereas M/s. ………………………, having its registered Office at ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (hereinafter called ‘The Contractor’) entered into an Agreement No. ………………………………….. dated ../../…. for the supply, installation and commissioning of …………………… (hereinafter called ‘The Contract’) with National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Thuruvikkal P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, India (hereinafter called ‘The Purchaser’). And whereas under the terms and conditions of the contract balance 10% payment amounting to …………….. under the contract is to be made against a performance bond in the form of a bank guarantee furnished by the contractor for a sum of ………… equivalent to 10% (ten per cent) of the value of the contract towards the supply, installation and commissioning of ……………………, its satisfactory performance and its warranty service, valid for a period of one year from the date of installation. Now we Bank of …………………………………… hereby agree and undertake to pay on demand and without any demur to National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Thuruvikkal P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, India on behalf of the contractor a sum not exceeding ……….. against any loss or damage that may be suffered by the Purchaser by the reasons of unsatisfactory performance of the said ……….. or non-adherence to the contractual obligations. And we, Bank …………………………………………………………………….. hereby also agree that the decision of the said Director, Purchase & stores as to whether the said ………… is giving satisfactory performance or not and as to the amount of loss or damages suffered by the Purchaser on account of unsatisfactory performance of the said ………….. or non-adherence to the contractual obligations shall be final and binding on us. 42 And we Bank ………………………………………………………………… hereby further agree that our liability hereunder shall not be discharged by virtue of any agreement between the purchaser & the contractor whether with or without knowledge and/or consent or by reason of the Purchaser showing any indulgence or forebearence to the contractor whether as to payment, time performance or any other matter whatsoever relating to the contract which but for this provision would amount to discharge of the surety under the law. Our guarantee shall remain in force until ………………. and unless a claim under the guarantee is lodged with us all rights of the purchaser under the Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all our liabilities hereunder. Our liability under this guarantee shall not be affected by any change in our constitution or the constitution of the contractor. This Guarantee shall be governed by the laws of India and only the courts of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the adjudication of any dispute which may arise hereunder. Dated the ________________ day of _______ 20__ (Signature) Bank Rubber Stamp (Name) Designation with bank Stamp Plus Attorney as per Power of Attorney No: Dated: 43
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