April 19, 2015 Welcome and Announcements Prelude Call to Worship The Lord’s Prayer.......................................................................Malotte/Day Announcements: CFC Live Unable to make it to Sunday morning worship service sometimes? If you have access to the internet, please log on to cfcpca.org and join the worship service via our uStream Live Video button! Primetimers The Primetimers annual Cinco De Mayo party will be held May 2nd, 5:30 p.m. at the home of Gary and Eleanor Livingston. The cost is $15 each. ‘Our’ Mariachi band will come to entertain us. Anyone over 50 is welcome. Come, make new friends, and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship. Call Karen at 615-5096 or sign up in the narthex today. Next Reason Why Class (6/14) Opening Prayer Worship through Song Praise to the Lord, the Almighty..................................Winkworth/Neander As It Is In Heaven..............................................................................Maher/Cash Crown Him with Many Crowns..................................Elvey/Thring/Bridges How Great is Our God/How Great Thou Art........Tomlin/Reeves/Cash/Hine Pastoral Prayer Offertory Upon This Rock.....................................................Gaither/McGuire/Hayes Kimberly Chaffin and Wade Poteet, soloists “The Bible: How can we trust a text that’s been copied and recopied through the centuries?” The defending your faith Reason Why class answers challenging questions and gives reasons for a Christian worldview every 2nd Sunday in CR1. Due to Mother’s Day, our next class will be June 14th. CCA/PRCA Job Opening Controller & Business Manager Catalina Foothills Church Schools is searching for a dynamic financial professional who will be part of the Administrative Team that will help to ensure the long-term financial integrity of the schools. Please visit the school website (www.prca-cca. com) for more information or contact Rebecca Shepperd at 797-0107 x219. Missions VBS in Vietnam We will be holding our 8th annual Vacation Bible School at the Binh Chau Church on June 9th-11th. We have 158 children registered to attend this year. The children will spend 3 days and nights at the church learning about Jesus, having a lot of fun and 4 hot meals a day. Please consider stopping by our Jesus in Vietnam Ministries table today to sponsor a child for $50. We will use your gift to teach your child about Jesus and pray God will change his or her life for all eternity for His glory. Rockwells in Tucson Next Sunday, April 26th, Larry, Sandra and young Jonathan Rockwell will be visiting CFC. They will share briefly about their ministry among the indigenous Quechuas high in the Andes of Peru. Join us as we learn about their life reaching these descendants of the ancient Incas. Short Term Mission Trips One spot has opened up for the Costa Rica trip May 30th-June 6th. If God has been nudging you about this trip, please call Jill Reilly at 907-9123. There is also still some room left on the trip to Honduras, so if you have questions or a desire to join the team going to help Mike & Erin Pettengill from August 15th22nd, please contact Jess Lambe at 2472603. Sermon.................................................................Reverend Allen Cooney “A Different Drummer” Matthew 4:17 Doxology Benediction VBS July 6-10! Registration coming soon! Pastoral Staff Rev. Mark Roessler Pastor, x-108 Rev. Winston Maddox Executive Pastor, x-107 Rev. Allen Cooney Associate Pastor, x-105 Ministries Staff Debbie Graves Director, Women’s Ministry, x-129 Steve Johnson Director, Family Ministries, x-126 Tyler Ells Director, High School Ministry Trever Cook Director, Middle School Ministry Keegan Krell Director, Family Worship & Vision Kerry Graham Director, Communications/Media Allen Cooney Acting CFCS Headmaster Jason Clapero Principal: PRCA High School David Towne Principal: PRCA Middle School Jeff Jones Administrative Staff Donita Van Stelle, Office Mgr, x-103 Kathy Somerville, Pastor Mark’s Asst., x-109 Kristina Graham, Accountant, x-152 Kara Gilbert, Admin. Asst., x-123 Vivi Adams, Office Asst., x-110 Lesley Sasse, Family Admin. Asst., x-136 Scott Farris, Sound Tech, x-117 Steve Booth, Facility Coordinator, x-102 Cara Cone, Nursery Coordinator, x-122 Anna Johnson, Children’s Coordinator, x-135 Bob Davis ‘16 Don DeWoody ‘15 Paavo Ensio ‘16 Walter Hoge ‘15 Jerry Kindall ‘15 Jess Lambe ‘16 Bob McWard ‘15 David Mehl ‘16 Bob Reilly ‘15 Tony Smith ‘15 Dennis Spencer ‘15 Jim Stark ‘15 Todd Vanden Branden ‘15 Deacons Stuart Carey, Jr. ‘ 15 Dave Dent ‘15 Mike Gibbons ‘15 Bill Gutman ‘15 Warren Hatcher ‘17 Todd Henninger ‘16 Sunday, April 19 8:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm Morning Prayer Mtg, Conf Rm Worship Service, Sanctuary Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School Kid’s J.A.M. - 405/407 SAF - CCA Library Catechism Club - 406/408 Children’s Choir - 405/407 Worship Service, Sanctuary Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School Children’s SS - CCA Campus AWAKE, (Middle School), Youth Room The Rock (High School), Youth Room The Valiant Bereans, 406/408 The Foundation, CR 1 HomeBuilders Sunday School, CR 2 Memorial Service for Don McFarlane 242 (College/Career), Sanctuary Monday, April 20 Tuesday, April 21 Ron Hutchings ‘16 Jack Johnson ‘16 Jeff Jones ‘17 Jim Jones ‘17 Kent Laughbaum ‘17 Curtiss Leroy ‘16 Michael Lucht ‘15 Scott Montague ‘17 Danny Morgan ‘15 Elmer Olinger ‘17 Dennis Peceniak ‘15 Scott Polston ‘17 Doug Roper ‘15 Mike Slowey ‘15 Dray Sterling ‘15 Rich Tofel ‘17 Michael Treiberg ‘16 Jim Vincent ‘15 Jerry Walker ‘15 Ottmar Wischki ‘17 Attendance on Campus 9:00am - 331 11:00am - 418 General Fund Giving Last Week: $43,399.84 Weekly Budget: $43,936.87 YTD Budget: $659,053.05 YTD Actual: $542,356.97 Next week in the life of our church: Sunday, April 26 8:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 6:00pm Morning Prayer Mtg, Conf Rm Worship Service, Sanctuary Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School Kid’s J.A.M. - 405/407 SAF - CCA Library Catechism Club - 406/408 Children’s Choir - 405/407 Worship Service, Sanctuary Nursery & Pre-School Sunday School Children’s SS - CCA Campus AWAKE, (Middle School), 402/404 The Rock (High School), Youth Room The Valiant Bereans, 406/408 The Foundation, CR 1 HomeBuilders Sunday School, CR 2 242 (College/Career), Youth Room Monday, April 27 5:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm GriefShare, Conf Room 6:00pm Stephen Ministry, 406/408 7:00pm Boy Scouts, 405/407 GriefShare, Conf Room Boy Scouts, 405/407 Tuesday, April 28 9:00am WIC Bible Studies, Sanctuary; Youth Room 1:30pm Staff Mtg, Conf Rm 7:00pm MERGE, Youth Room 7:00pm Deacon’s Meeting, 406/408 9:00am WIC Bible Studies, Sanctuary; Youth Room 1:30pm Staff Mtg, Conf Rm 7:00pm MERGE, Youth Room Thursday, April 30 10:00am Friday, May 1 Wednesday, April 22 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Fireside Room Thursday, April 23 Principal: CCA Elders This week in the life of our church: 9:00am MOPS, Sanctuary 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary 7:00pm 7:00am Cactus Bob, Youth Room 3:30pm Shakespeare Festival, CCA Campus Friday, April 24 7:00am Cactus Bob, Youth Room 10:30am WIC Spring Tea, Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary Saturday, April 25 Save the Date National Day of Prayer - May 7 VBS - July 6-10
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