CYPS Coach’s Newsletter April 29, 2015 In This Issue Coach’s Update Meet Results Issue 8 Coach’s Update CONGRATULATIONS to Pool Shark swimmers who competed at the Aylmer SEAL Meet and the Year End SEAL Championship! Practice Changes Upcoming Meets Great work by the swimmers who attended the Aylmer SEAL Meet and the Year End SEAL Championship! The improvement of all swimmers from the start of the year has been amazing! Check out the results below for a breakdown on the results. Please make sure to check out the upcoming practice changes. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Coach Bailey at [email protected] Meet Results The results from the Aylmer SEAL Meet are as follows: 110 races by 23 swimmers 45 Best times totaling -429.45 seconds off 49 New Times (races new to that swimmer) 16 swimmers had personal best in every swim: Gabby, Maddy B., Alexis, Maddy D., Megan, Clare, Jack, Grace H., Sophia H., Noah, Connor M., Vanessa, Grace R., Sarah, Ava, and Ethan V. Congratulations to Top 8 Finishers: Alexa, Gabby, Maddy B., Alexis, Liam, Clare, Jack, Sophia H., Noah, Connor M., Georgia, Grace R., Ava, Ethan V., and Erica. The results from the Year End SEAL Championship are as follows: 185 races by 36 swimmers 121 Best times totaling -393.64 seconds off 2 New Times (races new to that swimmer) 9 swimmers had personal best in every swim: Connor C., Sean, Matthew D., Kaidance, Noah, Quinn, Connor M., Sarah, and Ava. Congratulations to Top 8 Finishers: Alexa, Maddy B., Connor C., Alexis, Sean, Evan D., Matthew E., Clare, Jack, Averie, Noah, Quinn, Connor M., Evan M., Georgia, Grace R., Carter, Gabe, Alex, and Ethan V. Congratulations to Top 3 Overall Finishers: Noah (1st Boys 7& Under), Sean (1st Boys 10-11), Connor C. (2nd Boys 10-11), Grace R. (1st Girls 10-11), and Jack (1st Boys 12-13). Long Course Season This year we are offering to all of our current swimmers in the Intro to Competitive and SEAL Competitive the opportunity to train longer and compete at long course meets for no additional cost (excluding meet fees)! In order to partake in this option, there must be no outstanding balance owed to the club. The swimmers in these two groups will run as scheduled until Friday, May 1st, 2015. Effective Monday, May 4th until July 8th the schedule for both groups will be the following: Mondays: 5:15 – 6:15 pm Wednesdays: 5:15 – 6:15 pm Fridays: 5:00 – 6:00pm We understand that the swimmers will also have other activities occurring over the summer. Our expectation is that they continue with one to two practice(s) a week in order to maintain their swimming fitness. Please let Coach Bailey know if you are thinking of participating in this opportunity so we have an idea of numbers. Upcoming Practice Changes Friday, May 1, 2015 – Bring a Friend to Practice On Friday, Intro to SEAL and SEAL Competitive Groups will have the opportunity to bring a friend to practice from 4:30-5:30 pm. We asked that any friend be able to swim and be comfortable in the deep end. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Bailey or Coach Caitlin. Upcoming Meets Please take a look at the meets below and take note of the deadlines. The email has an attachment of the swimmers who are currently confirmed to swim at the four meets listed. To confirm for any meet, please contact Coach Bailey at [email protected] Invitational Meets: May 8 - 10 in London We are attending 24th Annual Hollandia Spring Invitational at Canada Games Aquatic Centre on Friday, May 8th- Sunday, May 10th 2015. The warm up and session times are as follows: Friday, May 8 Session 1 & 2: 13 & Over (800/1500m) warm-up 8:00 am Session 3: 12 & Under (800m for 11-12, 400m for 10 & unders) warm-up 11:00 pm Session 4: 13 & Over (50’s) warm-up 2:30 pm Session 5: 12 & Under (50’s) warm-up 5:30 pm Saturday, May 9 & Sunday, May 10 start 9:00 am start 12:00 pm start 3:30 pm start 6:30 pm 13 & Over Prelims warm-up 7:00 am start 8:00 am 12 & Under warm-up 12:15 pm start 1:15 pm 13 & Over Finals warm-up 5:30 pm start 6:30 pm May 22 - 24 in London We are attending the SWA – Mustang Spring Invitational at Western Student Recreation Centre on Friday, May 22 - Sunday, May 24, 2015. The warm up and session times are as follows (all events are timed finals): Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 13 & Over warm-up 7:00am start 8:10am 12 & Under warm-up 1:00pm start 2:10pm Tentative Meet Schedule DATE MEET LOCATION FOR WHO May 8 – 10, 2015 Hollandia Invitational Hosted by LAC CGAC – London, Ontario Qualifiers May 22 - 24, 2015 SWA Mustang Spring Invitational Hosted by SWA Western University – London, Ontario Everyone June 5 – 7, 2015 WOSA 13 & Over Regionals Hosted by SWA Western University – London, Ontario Regional Qualifiers June 6 – 7, 2015 WOSA Sting Meet Hosted by SWA Western UniversityLondon, Ontario Non- Regional Qualifiers (All Ages) June 13 – 14, 2015 WOSA 12 & Under Regionals Wilfred Laurier University – Waterloo, Ontario Regional Qualifiers CGAC – London, Ontario Festival Qualifiers Nepean, Ontario Provincial Qualifiers Thames Park – London, Ontario Everyone June 27 – 28, 2015 July 2 – 5, 2015 Ontario Summer Festival Hosted by LAC Ontario LC Provincial Championships July 10 – 12, 2015 Paul Hauch Invitational Hosted by LAC July 29 – August 3, 2015 2015 Canadian Age Group Swimming Championships August 5 - 8, 2015 2015 Canadian Senior Nationals University of Laval PEPS – Quebec City, Quebec Pointe-Claire Aquatic Centre Pointe-Clarie, Quebec Age Group National Qualifiers Senior National Qualifiers
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