here - The Chemeketans

Matterhorn/Sacajawea Traverse
Date: July 24-26, 2015
Leader: Chris Salaz, 503-871-0288 cell, [email protected]
Climb Leader Sponsor: Mike Rudy ,503-428-1133, [email protected]
Route: Wallowa Lake trail to Ice Lake
Matterhorn Elevation: 9826’
Sacajawea Elevation: 9838’
Elevation Gain: ~ 5200’
Distance: ~ 17 miles round trip
The Matterhorn and Sacajawea peak are the two highest points in the Wallowa Mountains. The majority
of the Wallowas are located within the Eagle Cap wilderness of Oregon. One of the largest wilderness
areas in the state. Know for their rugged yet scenic beauty, we will enjoy views of alpine wild flowers,
glacial lakes and tarns, vast peaks, and deep canyons of the region.
Route Description
Day One: From the Wallowa Lake Trailhead 4500’ we venture out onto the West Fork Wallowa River
Trail 1820. We proceed 2.5 miles gaining elevation until we reach the trail junction with the Ice Lake
Trail 1808. On the Ice Lake Trail we gain significant elevation and traversing many switchbacks reaching
our camp for the evening at Ice Lake 7849 at 6.6 miles.
Day Two: From our camp at the south east side of Ice Lake we will make our way to the north end where
we find the climbers trail. We follow the climbers trail and cairns up the east side of the Matterhorn
9826’. After some photos, snacks, and a quick rest we make our way north on the ridge between the
Matterhorn and unnamed peak 9775’. From the unnamed peak we proceed north again following the
ridge to Sacajawea peak 9838’. This is the intimidating part of the climb! We will be doing some class 3
scrambling over and around the gendarmes on the ridge. (See links provided below.) Once past the
gendarmes it is smooth sailing to the summit of Sacajawea peak. Photos, snacks, and rest to be had
before the journey back to camp. Our return back to camp retraces our steps back across the ridge with
the gendarmes to the unnamed peak. We take a slightly different decent following a separate climber
path/ goat trail down the ridge and slopes back to Ice Lake. Round trip for the day is roughly 5 miles with
approximately 2000’ gained and lost.
Day Three: Return to the Wallowa Lake Trail head via our route of approach from day one. Meet at
Mutiny Brewery in Joseph for Lunch and Summit Certificates. Make our way home from there.
Driving Information
Link to Googlemaps directions:,+1100+Airport+Road+Southeast,+Salem,+OR+9
From Salem:
North on I-5 to I-84 East Exit 104
East on I-84 to OR-82 Exit 261
OR-82 to Power House Road.
Suggested mileage reimbursement for carpoolers is $69.30 (Round Trip 770 miles @ 9 cent/mile)
Drivers should work this out with car poolers before hand.
Friday, July 24, 2015
5:45 AM – Gather at the State Motor Pool (Salem)
6:00 AM – Depart State Motor Pool
8:30 AM – Stop at Biggs Junction, OR for gas and to stretch legs
11:00 AM – Brief stop to stretch legs or restroom break.
1:00 PM – Arrive at Wallowa Lake Trailhead
1:30 PM – Depart Trailhead
3:30 PM – Junction for Ice Lake Trail
6:00 PM – Arrive at Ice Lake
Saturday, July 25, 2015
6:45 AM – Wake and Eat Breakfast
7:30 AM – Depart Ice Lake camp for the Matterhorn
9:00 AM – Matterhorn Summit
9:30 AM – Depart for Sacajawea Peak
11:30 AM Arrive at Sacajawea Peak
12: 00 PM – Head back to camp
2:00 PM – Arrive back at Camp
Sunday, July 26, 2015
6:45 AM – Wake, Eat Breakfast, and Break down camp.
7:30 AM – Depart from Ice Lake
10:30 AM – Arrive back at trailhead
11:00 AM – Depart Wallowa Lake
11:15 AM - Meet at Mutiny Brewing CO. in Joseph for lunch and summit certificates
12:30 PM – Head back to Salem
4:00 PM – Pit stop at Biggs Junction
6:30 PM – Arrive back at the State Motor Pool
Food & Water
food & extra food
water bottles, 2-32oz.
collapsible Water jug (96 – 128oz)
base layer pants(synthetic)
base layer top (synthetic)
hat, sun
hat, warm
nylon/polyester shorts (optional)
pants, waterproof/breathable
parka, waterproof/breathable
socks, liner
socks, thick wool
puffy jacket (down or synthetic)
trekking poles (optional)
10 Essentials/Personal Items
Topo map & compass
first aid kit
head lamp
bug repellant
pocket knife
fire starter
tissue paper
GPS (optional)
altimeter (optional)
camera (optional)
cell phone (optional)
duct tape
lip balm (optional)
two large garbage bags
Water filter or way to purify
Extra batteries
Camping Gear (shared with tent mate *)
Tent *
sleeping bag
sleeping pad
cooking pot, utensils *
fuel (8oz per person/day, 4oz backup) 3
large canisters should be enough*
Group Gear
1 rope 50m (emergency use only)
Radios (Channel 10 code 5) will be carried
by Leaders and assistants, and
optional/encouraged for climb members
Climb Roster
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Chris Salaz 503-871-0288, [email protected]
Parking Permit:
Northwest Forest Pass
Climbing Permits:
Self issued at the trailhead
Emergency Contacts
Wallowa County Sheriffs Office – 541-426-3131
Eagle Cap Ranger District
88401 Highway 82
Enterprise, OR 97828
(541) 426-4978
Note: I will be carrying a SPOT
Drugs/Alcohol/Firearms are not permitted
Each member must sign the Chemeketan Release and Liability form
Our campsite will be located above the timberline. Water will be available but will need to be boiled or
filtered . If anyone has questions related to gear requirements please email or call me. For anyone that
is a fisherman Ice Lake is also know for its brook trout. There may be time after our return on day 2 to
make a couple casts 
Useful Links
My map:
Loomis Adventures blog of the same trip:
Summit Post links:
75 Scambles of Oregon:
Sacajawea Peak Pg 192-194
Matterhorn Pg 181-184