A the anchor BIMONTHLY from the Rector PUBLICATION OF CHRIST CHURCH, EXETER 2 Easter Glory Welcoming signs of new life and beginnings with Easter. 2-3 Caring Ministries Bringing to light all the “quiet” ministries that Christ Church members participate in. 4 Bishop Visit Join the celebration with the Bishop to welcome in New Confirmands. 4 Holy Week Schedule Refer to this schedule for days and times of the Easter Week events 7 Youth Theater Returns {april • may 2015} Living joyfully in faith Connecting with God and one another Serving the local and global community Presenting...Cinderella! Church Office Hours as of April 20 are: 9 am to 1 pm Monday through Thursday; 9 am through 12 noon on Friday. The Rev. Mark B. Pendleton Easter Glory Let’s admit it: this winter has been hard. Yes, we are tough New Englanders. Yes, we know New Hampshire is cold and it snows in the winter. But still…this winter has been hard. From the leaks in the ceiling of the church sacristy – pardon the mess as we wait for things to melt and dry out before repairing – to the potholes in the roads and the dents in our wallets for all of the snow and cold related expenses. The winter has caused so many cancellations that it was hard to keep the momentum of programming, Sunday school and events during this long climate imposed communal hibernation. This winter has been our collective Lenten wilderness and desert, exiling us from routine, visits to the ocean’s shore, and leisurely meals outdoors. The longing for spring this year comes from a place of deep yearning for light, warmth, newness and fresh air. We have an ideal setup for a glorious Easter, even with stacks of dirty snow alongside plastic eggs and sprouting flowers. We need the message of Easter now more than even. Frederick Buechner, the one-time Chaplain at the Academy wrote in The Magnificent Defeat, “Remember Jesus of Nazareth, staggering on broken feet out of the tomb toward the Resurrection, bearing on his body the proud insignia of the defeat which is victory, the magnificent defeat of the human soul at the hands of God.” Even if it feels as if we are staggering towards Easter, we know we will be greeted with a joy that is powerful enough to sustain us through the ups and downs of life. Blessings! The Rev. Dr. David D. Holroyd Caring Ministries A little while ago Sarah and Mark hosted a gathering for people who are involved or interested in the many caring ministries that happen in Christ Church. We refer to these ministries as inreach because they refer to ways in which we “take care of our own.” I found this gathering to be uplifting as we shared much of what we are doing and did some brainstorming about what additional opportunities might exist for future consideration. Our inreach includes everything from visiting the home bound, providing meals for those who are recovering from surgery or illness, hosting gatherings in Harris Hall after funerals, knitting prayer shawls, delivering altar flowers, going to baseball games, overnight camping at Christ Church, and a host of other ministries. One of the attendees suggested that much of what we do may be unknown to many, and he is right. It reminds me of the many quiet ministries that go on in our wonderful parish. There are those faithful altar guild folks who come in on Saturdays and prepare the altar for worship on Sundays and holy days. There are those many volunteers who plow our driveways and parking lots and shovel our walks. Others prune our shrubs and make our gardens look beautiful. Much of this caring ministry occurs when few or no other people are even here. I have come in here for a funeral and found someone mowing the lawn in preparation for a burial in the Memorial Garden. There are those wonderful people who go shopping for tailgate parties before the ballgames, picnics, etc. All of these caring ministries that I have named, and many that go unnamed, occur because of caring people. Caring ministries require caring people. It was uplifting to listen to those who are involved in these caring ministries. We were full of bright ideas for increasing what we do. We left the meeting with a resolve to pray for discernment in an effort to match potential needs with caring folks who can make it all happen. We know that we may not be able to do everything and that it may be preferable to do a few things well as opposed to trying to do everything not so well! [2] Caring Ministries continued... Perhaps what was most uplifting to me, however, was the presence of thirteen people who show their love for God in the caring ministries of Christ Church as well as the ministry of Sarah and Mark, who have hosted many gatherings to widen the total ministry of our parish. I also know of the many ways and times that individuals reach out to other individuals in our parish simply because they care. It is all a part of living into our mission statement of LIVING joyfully in faith, CONNECTING with God and one another, and SERVING the local and global community. Thanks be to God, the One who makes all things possible! LIVING joyfully in faith Bishop A. Robert Hirschfeld to visit May 17 We prepare for the biannual visit of our bishop on Sunday, May 17 by inviting those adults who would like to be received or confirmed into the Episcopal Church, to please make contact with the rector. Along with 17 young people who have been participating in our Confirm not Conform program, interested adults may want to join the following sessions. Even if you are not interested in confirmation or reception, join us for all or some of the topics at 7:00 - 8:30 pm. April 15 • What does it mean to be an Episcopalian/Anglican? What do Episcopalians believe? April 22 • Are Episcopalians Protestants or Catholics? The History of the English and American church. April 29 • A Tour through the Book of Common Prayer May 6 • The Sacraments and Episcopal Liturgy May 13 • Structure, Decision Making, and all things Episcopal Holy Week Schedule The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday • Sunday, March 29 • 8:00 and 10:30 AM The Liturgy of the Palms, the Reading of the Passion and the Holy Eucharist Maundy Thursday • Thursday, April 2 • 7:00 PM An interactive liturgy that commemorates the events of the Last Supper, washing of the disciples’ feet, and then the stripping of the altar. The liturgy begins in Harris Hall and concludes in the church. Good Friday Liturgy • Friday, April 3 • 12:00 PM Faure’s Requiem & Solemn Collects • Friday, April 3 • 7:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter • Saturday, April 4 • 8:00 PM In this ancient liturgy we gather outside, and wait in darkness for the new fire to be kindled; we hear Old Testament stories of God’s saving acts and renew our baptismal vows; then we move into the church and bells begin to ring; light shines forth, and we celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter Day. Easter Sunday • Sunday, April 5 Festival Eucharist with music by the Junior Choir • 8:00 AM Parish Breakfast • 9:15 AM Festival Eucharist with music by the Christ Church Choir • 10:30 AM [3] Developing Teams for Ministry Meetings Education Ministries Meeting RESCHEDULED for May 5 • 7:00 pm All parishioners are invited to come together to discuss the current education and spiritual development programs this program year. We are eager to hear how parishioners are finding the new Sunday School, Bible Study, Wednesday night series and would like the opportunity to discuss the future of these and other programs that might benefit the parish at large. Reception with Bishop Rob Hirschfeld, May 17 following the 10:30 am Confirmation Service All parishioners are most welcome to a reception in honor of Bishop Rob and our new confirmands following the 10:30am Confirmation service on May 17. Look for more information in the church bulletin regarding RSVP and food sign ups. CONNECTING with God and one another Honoring Linda Carey • April 12 Linda Carey will worship with us during both services on Sunday, April 12 to allow us to personally thank her for her ministry at Christ Church over these 30+ years. Look for announcements for ways to add to the celebration. New Staff Hires As we mark the retirement of Linda Carey here at Christ Church, we have hired Darla Watt of East Kingston to work as our new half-time administrative assistant 5 days a week in the mornings. Welcome Darla! Darla moved to New Hampshire in 2014 after living in Ohio for three decades. She has worked as an administrative assistant in the private sector, operated her own retail gift shop business, and for eleven years has the executive secretary for a president and CFO of a medical products company in Mason, Ohio. We have also brought on Mark Antlitz as a 10-hour per week building manager to help oversee the day-to-day operations of the buildings and to give our hard work volunteers (notably the Junior Warden) some welcome rest. Mark, who resides in Hampton, comes to us with experience as a building manager of a condominium complex in New York State and as a HVAC/R specialist with the Nestle Food Corporation. Please introduce yourself as you meet them! Year End Parish Picnic May 31, following the 9:30 am Service Although May 17th will mark the end of our Sunday School and 2014-2015 program year, we’re waiting until after Memorial Day to celebrate the year with our traditional Year End Cook Out. Come out on MAY 31 and enjoy the sun as we celebrate all that has happened! Enjoy some hamburgers and hotdogs, salads of many kinds, and rejoice in the long-lost sun and warmth! Salads and side dishes are MOST welcome. Cuba Night a Huge Success! Over 100 people attended the Cuba Night Evening on a cold, snowy night in February. Harris Hall was decorated colorfully and intricately (thanks to Scott), a full spread of delicious Cuban food was feasted on by all, and [4] attendees got to enjoy the rest of the evening learning how to dance the salsa. Thank you for coming and a special thanks to all who helped out. We thought you might enjoy the photos below! { music } Saturday, May 2 • 2 PM at Christ Church of Exeter The Concord Chorale performs their Spring concert, “Expecting the Main Things From You.” The program includes a musical ensemble of organ, string, percussion and harpsichord, focusing on new music of Nico Muhly (2005), plus a choral gift to the Chorale from composer Janika Vandervelde and a Robert Browning poem set to music by Dominick Argento. Tickets are $20 for general admission, $15 for students/seniors and are available at the door, at the Water Street Bookstore in Exeter, from Chorale members, or by calling 4635504. Visit www.concordchorale.org. Let the Church Sing! There’s power in song. Singing has been exercised throughout human history to express joy and sadness, to remember cultural history and to adore a deity. Voices, whether solo or corporate, singing in melody garner the attention and influence the whole individual, awakening and enlivening even the soul. Songs have the ability to encourage the downtrodden, strengthen the weak and motivate people to action for a consecrated cause. Singing is a powerful exercise. Singing has a rich history among God’s people and an anticipated future. At the dawn of creation the, “morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38:7). After the nation of Israel was delivered in the Exodus, they sang a song of thanksgiving, declaring God, “has triumphed gloriously,” (Exodus 15:1, 21). Song resounded as Israel returned victoriously from battle when the, “women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing,” (1 Samuel 18:6). The songbook of the Bible, the psalter, repeatedly challenges men and women to sing for joy, to sing praises to God’s name, to sing making a melody to the Lord, and to sing a new song. In the New Testament, churches flourished by “addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart” (Ephesians 5:19) and “teaching and ad- [5] Music Ministry continued... monishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16). According to author G.W. Icenogle, “Singing [was] simultaneously an act of remembering the past, celebrating the present and anticipating the future.” At the end of the present age the new song from heaven and earth resounds to the glory of God (Revelation 5:9, 14:3). - Excerpted from an online article by Mark Hudson Good Friday Evening Liturgy Will Feature the Gabriel Fauré Requiem This year’s Good Friday Liturgy at 7:00 will feature the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré sung by the Parish Choir and singers from the University of New Hampshire Chamber Choir. The choir will be accompanied by organ and orchestra. Fauré’s masterpiece is a moving and hauntingly beautiful setting of the requiem mass. It is an ideal piece of music to include in our service; remembering events of the end of Jesus’ life that first Good Friday. { formation activities for children & youth } EY35(short for Episcopal Youth 3rd-5th Grade) • Saturday, April 11 • 10:00 am-12 pm We’re happy to announce that we’ll be offering a few activities for children ages 3rd – 5th grade! Activities will include food and team building and focus on a fun service or outreach project! We look forward to seeing your children there. Diocesan Youth Event Who: What: When: Where: 6th-12th Graders Gathering of youth groups from around the Diocese April 12, 8:00am-4:00pm St Andrew’s in Hopkinton, NH Registration Deadline: March 27 Vacation Bible School 2015 We are happy to announce that we will once again be hosting VBS this summer. As we have had many snow days thus far, we have 2 possible dates for VBS. First choice is June 22-26. If we keep accumulating snow days, the dates of VBS will be moved to July 20-24. Stay tuned for official dates. This year we will be using Cokesbury’s VBS Program entitled GForce: “At Cokesbury’s G-Force VBS, kids explore how to put their faith into action. In this mission-focused VBS, kids experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. Watch your church come alive with movement and images of all sorts of kid-friendly transportation, such as skateboards, running shoes, roller blades, and more! Watch the G-Force meter climb illustrating how God is at work around the world and how God’s people are on the move.” Set up & Training Schedule is below. Please email Sarah Watts ([email protected]) if you would like to be a part of the planning team! June 20 or July 18 1:00pm-4:00pm – VBS Youth Leadership Training June 21 or July 18, 10:30am-2:00pm– VBS All Volunteer Set up & Training [6] SERVING the local and global community Youth Theatre Returns! We are thrilled to announce that the Youth Theatre Program will be returning in November 2015 with Cinderella! Suzanne Jalbert Jones, Choir Director at Christ Church, and Sarah Watts, Ministry Assistant, have been working closely with Lexi Deshcene, a local theatre director, to put the process in motion. In the past, this program has created a safe space for children, youth and adults to discover new truths about themselves and life through storytelling, acting and singing and present those truths to the community. Many of the performers, and most of the people who have attended these productions, are not Christ Church members. More than just a youth program, Christ Church Youth Theatre has been an important outreach ministry to youth and children in the Exeter area. It is our deep hope to continue this ministry. The theatre program is open to all parishioners and community members ages 8 and up. Although the program is focused on children and youth, there is a definite need for adults both on and off stage. Interested in Supporting the Production? If you are interested in being involved, please email Sarah Watts ([email protected]). Here are some ways you could help out (either as a team or a leader): • Assistant Stage Manager • Production Assistant • Pit Musician • Costumes • Make up • Tech Director/Set Designer/Builder • Light Designer • Sound • PR & Communications Important Dates Audition Dates:Production Dates: • September 1, 6:00pm-8:30pm • Wednesday, November 18, 12:00pm • September 2, 6:00pm-8:30pm (for local schools) • Call Backs: September 3, 6:00pm-8:30pm • November 20 & 21, 7:00pm • November 22, 2:00pm Rehearsal Times: • Sundays, 1:00pm-3:30pm • Tuesdays, 6:00pm-8:30pm Mark your calendars... Seacoast Family Promise will be hosted at Christ Church again June 14 - 21 There are many different ways you can support a SFP Host Week! How can you be involved? Email Sarah Watts ([email protected]) to sign up as a volunteer. [7] CHRIST CHURCh NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE 43 Pine Street Exeter NH 03833 PAID RAM Companies Change Service Requested CHRIST CHURCh A joyful and diverse community anchored in Christ Rector The Rev. Mark B. Pendleton 772-3332 x12 [email protected] Priest Associate The Rev. Dr. David D. Holroyd 772-3332 x11 [email protected] Asst for Ministry Develpmt. & Coord. Sarah Watts 772-3332 x13 [email protected] The Anchor Christine Hodsdon, Design Editor Mark Pendleton, Executive Editor Executive Assistant Linda Carey/Darla Watt 772-3332 x11 [email protected] Church Office Upper Level, Harris House (603) 772-3332 x11 Linda Carey, Executive Assistant [email protected] Office Hours until April 19: M o n d ay - F r i d ay 8:30 am - Noon, 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours as of April 20: M o n d ay - T h u r s d ay 9:00 am - 1:00 pm F r i d ay 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Director of Music & Organist Bruce Adami 772-3332 x15 [email protected] All parishioners are invited to submit articles to The Anchor, Choir Director Suzanne Jalbert Jones due on the 10th of each month [email protected] preceding publication. E-mail articles or questions to Child Care Nancy Taylor and Allissa Younan [email protected] 43 Pine Street Exeter, New Hampshire 03833 (603) 772-3332 [email protected]
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