Christ King Parish Wauwatosa, WI March 22nd, 2015 Christ King Parish Wauwatosa, WI March 22nd, 2015 2 Christ King Parish CHURCH CALENDAR Saturday, March 21st Mass for the Lord’s Day 4:30 PM †Michael Schroeder (Conrad & Gretchen Werra) Sunday, March 22nd Fifth Sunday of Lent PB 8:00 AM †Ralph Radske (Beverly Radske & Radske Family) PB 10:30 AM For Parishioners of Christ King 6:00 PM Tri-Parish Lenten Reconciliation Service at Christ King Monday, March 23rd Lenten Weekday / St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop 7:35 AM Daily Rosary PB 8:00 AM †Marge Caiati (Family) Tuesday, March 24th Lenten Weekday 7:35 AM Daily Rosary 8:00 AM †Jennie Lynn Chudzik (Laura Geisler) 6:30 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 7:00 PM Family Rosary — Use 91st St. Entrance Wednesday, March 25th The Annunciation of the Lord 7:35 AM Daily Rosary RT 8:00 AM †Mary Klein (Nancy Wituschek) Thursday, March 26th Lenten Weekday 7:35 AM Daily Rosary PB 8:00 AM †Elizabeth Riesen (Mrs. Barkow’s 1st Grade Class) 6:00 PM Mary’s Stations of the Cross Friday, March 27th Lenten Weekday 7:35 AM Daily Rosary PB 8:00 AM Josephine Passante (Jim & Mary Murtaugh) Saturday, March 28th Lenten Weekday 9:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Reminder: for Palm Sunday Masses Come to the Gym First Mass for the Lord’s Day JH 4:30 PM †John C. Lochbaum (Jim &Mary Manto) Sunday, March 29th Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord PB 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King PB 10:30 AM †Gerald Emmerich (Gerald Ward) 6:00 PM Tosa Trio Youth Ministry Mass at St. Pius X PB=Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki RT=Rev. Russ Tikalsky JH=Very Rev. John Hemsing Requiescat in Pace Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of †Margaret Dunn, who was buried from Christ King this past week. THIS WEEK Sun. 22 Parish Library Open, both Masses Lenten Enrichment Series (last session), between Masses, Parish Center-Dining Room Blood Pressure Screening, between the Masses, Parish Center Wed. 25 The Gospel at Breakfast, 7:00 AM, Contact Ray Clark at 262-628-7470 St. Vincent de Paul Northside Meal Program, see Bulletin Item Thu. 26 Men’s Ministry, doors open at 5:45 AM, breakfast and meeting begin at 6:00 AM, Parish Center Fri. 27 Home & School Fish Fry, 5:30-8:00 PM, North Hall OR Carry-Out Sat. 28 Parish Library Open, 4:30 PM Mass Sun. 29 Parish Library Open, both Masses COMING UP AT CHRIST KING Mar. 28-29 Palm Sunday, Masses at 4:30 PM Saturday, 8:00 & 10:30 AM Sunday Mar. 30 Holy Week Begins, through April 4th, No Parish Meetings or Major Events Apr. 2 Holy Thursday, Mass at 7:00 PM Apr. 3 Good Friday, Service at 3:00 PM Apr. 4 Holy Saturday, Blessing of Food at 1:00 PM, Easter Vigil at 8:00 PM Apr. 5 Easter Sunday, Masses at 8:00 & 10:30 AM Apr. 13 Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church Apr. 17-18 Called and Gifted Workshop Session 2, Friday 7:00-9:00 PM and Saturday 8:30 AM-12:00 Noon May 18 Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church Pray for the Sick Please pray for the following with acute health problems this week and for all those in nursing homes and those with continuing health concerns: Austin Sobczak, Cheryl Bausch, Will Jauch, Kathi Burwell, Antonia Studenec, Joan Bielefeld, Elaine Fernando, Eli Anderson, Maureen Ivans, Sharon Jensen, Barbara Tyler, Frank Kohler, Don Hanbury, Tom Stepp, Steven Neitzke, Michael Harvey, Brian Higgins, Janice Higgins, Teagan Lane, Craig Baker, Jimmy Higgins, Jane Gamez, Carol Machulak, Ruth Murphy, Lois Dries, Savanna Heltemes, Ray Palmieri, Doug Shears, Dolores Schendt, Fr. Luke Strand, Angeline Garner, Margie Makal, Ann K. Readings Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 Dn 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62/Jn 8:1-11 Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30 Is 7:10-14;8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59 Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42 Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56 Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2: 6-11/Mk 14:1-15:47 Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Financial Report Week #36 (Weekend of March 14th/15th) Regular Stewardship .............................................. $ 23,444.18 Offertory ................................................................ $ 616.12 Total for Week ....................................................... $ 24,060.30 Year to Date Total.................................................. $ 977,239.07 Area Holy Week / Easter Schedules Christ King’s Holy Week and Easter schedule is included in the “Coming Up at Christ King” feature on page 2. For your convenience, other area Holy Week / Easter services are as follows: St. Pius X Holy Thursday ................................................................ 7:00 PM Good Friday .................................................................... 7:00 PM Holy Saturday Easter Vigil ............................................. 8:00 PM Easter Sunday ........................................ 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM Mother of Good Counsel Holy Thursday ................................................................ 7:00 PM Good Friday .................................................................... 1:00 PM Holy Saturday Easter Vigil ............................................. 8:00 PM Easter Sunday ...............................................................10:00 AM St. Bernard Holy Thursday ................................................................ 6:30 PM Good Friday .................................................................... 1:00 PM Holy Saturday Blessing of Food ...................................11:00 AM Holy Saturday Easter Vigil ............................................. 7:30 PM Easter Sunday ........................................ 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Christ King Home & School Fish Fry Please join us and support our school for our first Lenten Fish Fry!! When: Friday, March 27, 2015 Time: 5:30-8:00 PM Where: Christ King School, North Hall OR Carry-Out 3 THREE GREAT DAYS Easter Vigil Tonight we are going to tell our name—to ourselves, by way of reminder, to those who will become part of us this night through baptism and confirmation, and to those of the world who will listen, who will take the time to hear. —Brian Helge The very word “vigil” implies that this is an event that we need to hunker down for! We keep vigil in our lives, waiting at the bedside of a loved one, waiting for a child to be born into the world, and eventually waiting for that same child to return home safely. We keep watch long into the night because it is important that we do so. What could be more important than to keep watch on that night: “when Christ broke the prison-bars of death and rose victorious from the underworld?” —from the Easter Proclamation (Exsultet) On the night of the Easter Vigil, in ordinary parishes ordinary Catholics flock to church. They are conscious of—and try their best to fathom the magnitude of what is happening in the tomb that night. Time is not a factor: on this night, time seems to vanish. At the end of the evening, people glance at their watches and are surprised that hours have elapsed. Is it possible to consolidate—in the space of a few short hours— the essence of who we are and what we believe as Catholic Christians? Not entirely. But the Easter Vigil comes close to doing so! Come, and realize that you need not be hurried and anxious about the time that lies ahead: Haste will stop up your ears finally, and then you will not hear. Relax and make yourself comfortable in the darkness and don’t even try to “make sense” of the name. Just hear it, let it roll over you in waves of meaning. This will enable you to hear the lovely language in which we can really name ourselves as God himself has named us. —Brian Helge Watch for the FLYER in next week’s bulletin. You will have a choice of fried cod or cajun tilapia. Sides include: french fries, german potato salad, coleslaw, applesauce, rye bread and dessert. Children’s options are fish or chicken strips, macaroni and cheese, applesauce and dessert. Soda, juice boxes, water, beer and wine will be sold for dine-in patrons only. The Northside SVDP is serving the meal this Wednesday, March 25th, and as always we appreciate any gifts of time or food you can spare and share. Sponsored by your Christ King Human Concerns Committee. Please consider a donation of the following items to be delivered to: For more information or questions, please refer to Wednesday Wireless or contact April Bargar, [email protected]. Buns & sweet breads:.............................Murtha, 2643 N. 89th St. Large cans of baked beans: ...................... Giese, 2441 N. 83rd St. Cut carrots & cucumbers: ....................... Blaha, 2810 N. 72nd St. Jello: ..............................................Anderson, 9515 W. Hadley St. Northside Meal Program Faith, service and stewardship Mary’s Stations of the Cross – This Thursday Thursdays in Lent at 6:00 have the been the place for Stations of the Cross. This Thursday, for the second year in a row, we pray the Stations in a special way, from the perspective of Mary, Jesus’ mother. Be present for this very moving and prayerful experience. 6:00 in church this Thursday. A special thank you to Janet Babler who has pulled this together for a second year. Palm Sunday – Important Information for Mass Next Sunday is Palm (Passion) Sunday and the start of Holy Week, the most important period in the Church’s liturgical year. The Passion Sunday Masses include a reading of the Passion so keep in mind that Mass will be a little richer than usual (translation: a little longer). Good prayer, like good experiences in life, sometimes demands a nobility and more deliberate pace. Part of our Catholic spirituality is the concept of pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is a prayer the includes traveling to important places in our tradition: shrines, the Vatican, the Holy Land, the steps of Saint Paul, etc. Pilgrimage can be lived out in more local ways, such as the traditional procession with palms as we unite with Jesus who entered Jerusalem to face his Passion. The Church’s preference on Palm Sunday is the full, formal procession. We will take part in this tradition this year at all Masses next weekend. Thus, Mass will begin in the main gym. It is there that palms will be blessed, the Gospel proclaimed, and the homily delivered. We will then walk together into church in prayer to continue Mass. This is not something “new,” though it may be at CK, but something long revered on Palm Sunday as a way to enhance our prayer entering Holy Week. So, next weekend, Mass starts in the gym. The gym is accessible to all (elevator at the school entrance) and the walk into church will include a “shortcut” for those who are not physically able to walk the full route which will include walking half of the block around the parish campus. Please plan accordingly and let your guests know this as well. I know it will be a meaningful experience. See you at Mass, Fr. Phillip Annual Lenten food drive Our Lenten food drive will run through Sunday, March 29th. The donations will be delivered to the Wauwatosa Community Food Pantry. This organization is always in need of non-perishable food items such as canned fruits and vegetables, soups and protein items such as tuna, peanut butter, pasta and beef stew. As in the past, please place your items in the front of church by the altar of the Blessed Mother. Palm Sunday—important information Palm Sunday: Important Information This year, on Palm Sunday, we’ll be taking our faith to the streets—or more accurately—around the block as we will begin ALL of the Masses with the first and preferred entrance rite: The Procession. When you come to Mass that weekend, come directly to the GYM. There palms will be available and will be blessed. The Procession Gospel will also be proclaimed in the gym, and this is where Father will deliver the weekend homily. Once these commemorative rites have been completed, we will process outside from the gym to the main doors of the church on Swan Blvd. Once everyone is seated, Mass will continue as usual. Please know that the gym is elevator accessible from the 91st street entrance to the school. Directions will be posted and our Parish Ambassadors will be on hand to direct and assist you. Called and Gifted Workshops Called & Gifted: Discerning Charisms God has given you a special set of gifts; do you know what they are? Shouldn’t you want to know what they are? The Called & Gifted workshop will give you the opportunity to discern and explore your unique spiritual gifts. A Called & Gifted workshop will be held Fri-Sat April 17/18. When: Session 2 Friday, April 17, 7:00-9:00pm and Saturday, April 18, 8:30am-noon Where: Christ King Parish Center Cost: $20.00 Registration: Registration for each session is limited to 30 participants. Register at [email protected] or 414-258-2604. Questions: Contact Cindy [email protected] or 414-476-2413 Schmidt, schmidtcyn- He is Waiting for you This Season of Mercy, spend time with the ONE who loves you. Our doors are open for prayer and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 6:30—7:30pm - March 24,Christ King Parish Lenten Opportunities Reconciliation: This Sunday, March 22nd, at 6:00 pm there will be a wonderful opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We will come together for a brief prayer service and then the individual celebration of the sacrament will be available. Take advantage of this opportunity, celebrated in collaboration with St. Pius X and St. Bernard Parishes. Stations: Please join us for a Moving Way of the Cross told from the perspective of Mary the Mother of God. This will be held at Christ King on Thursday March 26th from 6:00-7:00pm. This is another wonderful way to prepare for our Easter Celebration! Need your blood pressure checked? We all have our Highs and Lows! Christ King Blood Pressure Committee has restarted the program. Would you like to have your Blood Pressure checked by trained professionals? Please come to the Parish Center between the 8am and 10:30am masses on the fourth Sunday of each month for a screening. There is an elevator accessible on Sundays for those who need it to get to the first floor of the Parish Center. Committee members include: Dr. Jack Gucciardi, Patty Guinen and Lauretta Hren Fifth Sunday of Lent 6 You’re Invited Join the St. Pius X Seniors for their annual Day of Reflection program this Tuesday, March 24th. Adele Lund of the Laureate Group will present “Valuing the Stories of Our Lives,” a beautiful way to reflect on the “God Moments” and times of challenge and growth in your life, especially as we head into Holy Week and Easter, and how to share them. Come for Mass in the chapel at 9:00 AM, continental breakfast at 9:30 AM. Adele’s presentation will begin around 10:00 AM See You at Mass! Mar. 27th-29th Confirmation Retreat II: Info for parents. Depart by bus Friday 6:15 PM from Christ King parking lot. Return to Christ King parking lot Sunday by 12:45 PM. Please pray for the retreat team and participants. Summer Outreach Mission Trip Participant Reminder: NO TOOL TIME March 22nd Next Up! Mass with Class on March 29th, April 19th and 26th. Parish Appeals for the Mission Trip to the Appalachian Mountain Range March 7th & 8th started at Christ King (the Tosa Trio Teens thank you!!) March 14th and 15th at St. Bernard March 21st and 22nd at St. Pius X Lenten Outreach Project Capuchin Hygiene Bags, collection ends March 29th. See items for donation at Questions? Please call Barb at 414-322-0298 or e-mail [email protected] or visit Christ King Lenten Enrichment Series Presentation Schedule – Lent 2015 Deepening our Understanding of Mass -------------------------------------------------Between the Sunday Masses Christ King Parish Center – Mother of God Dining Hall 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM -------------------------------------------------5th Sunday in Lent - 22 March 2015 "Mass and Liturgical Music" - Mr. Bill Lieven HELP Center Needs YOUR Help Fr. Gene’s HELP Center needs your help. Spring is here but the cold weather is still hanging on. Urgently needed items are: Children’s spring/winter jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, gloves, shoes, all sizes; men’s spring/winter jackets, coats, scarves, all sizes; women’s jackets, coats, all sizes; purses; children’s books, stuffed animals, games; towels, dishes, cups, glasses, pots and pans. And more. For further information, please contact Deacon Jeff Copson at 414-258-9023. Christ King Mass League The following have been enrolled in the Christ King Mass League and will share in monthly Mass intentions for the next twelve months: †Al & †Florence Hinnenkamp (by Thomas & Diane Roethe); †Norman Bongard (Mr. & Mrs. Don Bongard). March 22, 2015 7 Hungering for a Healthy Harvest CRS Rice Bowl brings our Lenten journey back to Africa this week, to the Democratic Republic of Congo. We join our fasting in solidarity with people who go hungry, and we remember in prayer the importance of building a community that is willing to support those most in need. Hamuli’s story When banana trees die, Hamuli Kahati has nothing to sell. And his family has nothing to eat. That’s why it’s so important for farmers like Hamuli in the Democratic Republic of Congo to be able to care for their crops. Sometimes it isn’t safe for Hamuli to tend his trees—the DRC has a long history of war and conflict. Other times, the trees themselves get sick with a banana wilt disease. When the disease devastated the trees on Hamuli’s farm, his income dropped from $150 a month to only $7. He struggled to give his three daughters even one meal per day. Catholic Relief Services helped start a field school where farmers like Hamuli could try different ways of treating banana wilt disease and learn new ways to work together. After training at the school, members visited each other’s fields and worked as a community to clean the disease off the trees. By coming together as a team, the farmers were able to help each other restore their farms and support their families. Now Hamuli’s trees are thriving. With the $40 he earns each month, Hamuli’s family is eating two to three meals a day. He is even able to send his children to school. Hamuli knows that healthy harvests mean healthy families—and this is a lesson his entire community can share. Facts to consider • The DRC has seen nearly 20 years of internal violence. The government reports that over 967,000 people are internally displaced in the province of North Kivu, where Hamuli and his family live. This violence is one factor contributing to food insecurity and high levels of malnutrition. • The banana wilt disease, or banana xanthomonas wilt, spreads rapidly and affects up to 80 percent of banana farmers in some parts of the country. • The banana wilt disease is characterized by wilted leaves on the affected plant and the rotting of the male bud which ultimately leads to the death of the plant. • CRS works with 380,000 vulnerable banana and cassava farmers in DRC to introduce food production and disease mitigation activities Becoming Catholic…. Have you ever thought about taking the next step? Perhaps you have never been part of a Christian community or never been baptized, but now you have felt drawn to begin this journey of faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps you’ve been baptized and raised in another Christian tradition, but now you want to continue your life of faith in the Catholic Church ... or at least explore what that means. If either of these describes you, we would very much like to hear from you. We want to listen to your story of faith or non-faith, answer your questions, and share with you the beauty, truth, and wonder of the Catholic faith. If you want to know more, please contact the Parish Office at 414-258-2604. Sacraments Baptism: Please call the Rectory about the baptism preparatory session, which must be completed before the baptism. Arrangements should be made several months in advance. An explanation of sponsor requirements is available at the Rectory. Reconciliation: Individual Confessions are heard in church at 9:00 AM each Saturday and Thursday nights at 6:00 PM (unless otherwise noted). Marriage: Please make arrangements with a parish priest at least one year in advance because of preparation requirements. Christ King Parish Offices 2604 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa WI 53226 Phone: 414-258-2604 Fax: 414-258-1993 Parish website: E-mail: [email protected] Pastor: ..........................................Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki, ext. 20 Parish Deacon:................................Rev. Deacon John A. Ebel, ext. 18 Director of Administrative Services: ........... Kathleen Grasse, ext. 12 Director of Finance: ............................................... Ron Braier, ext. 34 Director of Liturgical Music: ................................Bill Lieven, ext. 22 Director of Liturgy:.........................................Maggie Pernice, ext. 23 Director of Formation for Children: ............... Abigail Kohal, ext. 33 Daytime Secretaries (8:30 AM-5:00 PM): .......... Ann Murtha, ext. 10 .... Shelley Harrington, ext. 10 Evening Secretary (5:00-9:00 PM):....................... Bill Meyer, ext. 17 Christ King School 414-258-4160 2646 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa 53226 School Website: Principal: ............................................................. Dr. Kevin F. Hughes We Make House Calls Youth Ministry 414-322-0298 Director of Youth Ministry: .............................................. Barb Abler We’d be happy to do so. There are a number of parishioners who are active Eucharistic Ministers to the sick and homebound. They would like to make a visit to chat, pray and bring communion. If you or a family member or neighbor would like to arrange for a house call, please call the Rectory at 258-2604. SPRED (Special Religious Development) 414-607-7008 Chairperson: .........................Eileen Wingenter, [email protected] Greater Tosa Interfaith 414-453-5750 Director: ........................................................................... Diane Euting
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