EASTER ISSUE: MAXIMUM J O Y ! Also: Maximum Communication “March” into Worship LWA! Spring Brunch is Coming! Mission Trip Opportunities Every Morning Is Easter! Plus: A Sneak Peek at our new Website ! March/April 2015 Christ Tidings 2 as well as an 11-week Life Group study on 1 John, we will seek to receive God’s incredible gift of “maximum joy.” Such joy we will discover centers on God and what He has done for us through Jesus. That’s why the journey to the cross, the empty tomb and the birth of the church are all tied into a “maximum Pastor Burkey joy” experience. These are not merely the stories of long ago, they are invitations to God’s work in On Day 27 of Transformed I had a “Wow! Moment” our life today – death to sin, resurrection to a new when I read: “The secret to strength is joy.” And part joyful life, and the Holy Spirit’s power to live that of the life God desires to give us, and even more for us life with “maximum joy.” to live, is one of “maximum joy.” And notice it’s “maximum joy,” not “maximum Easter is the defining event of the Christian story. happiness.” Happiness is usually based on Jesus dies for our sins on Good Friday and rises circumstances; joy flows from a living relationship again. Yet the joy of Easter goes beyond just that one with Jesus. day. It is an invitation to live the Easter life, one of Mother Teresa’s job description for working “maximum joy.” with the sick and dying in Calcutta was based on The Bible tells us that Jesus’ favorite disciple a desire to work hard and even more importantly was John, and John – in his first letter – writes of have a joyful attitude. Joy gives strength in living “maximum joy.” When the power of God’s love and life each day. forgiveness becomes more than a moment of life, but a God’s invitation to “maximum joy” centers on movement in life, “maximum joy” happens. living out of the overflow of life with Him. This That’s why on Easter Sunday we kick off a Easter get ready for Maximum Joy, not just on series on 1 John: Maximum Joy. Through weekend Easter Sunday, but everyday living empowered by messages, daily readings from 1 John using a study the Holy Spirit, with Christ in the heart of life each method known as Lectio Divina (Divine Reading), day. Maximum Joy Christ Tidings is published six times a year by Christ Lutheran Church Ministries 7929 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, CA 91942-5029 619.462.5211 Editor: Bill Gowdy Contributors: Pastor Richard Burkey, Pastor John Palka, Xavria Schwarz, Roger Howard, Cheri Selander, Brandon Heath, Joanene Falk, Cindy Meyer, Phil Lamonica and Marcy Moeller. Created by God, sent by the Holy Spirit, passionately transforming lives to be like Jesus Every Morning Is Easter Morning! Xavria Schwarz Easter People At Christ Lutheran School we are Easter people every day. Because we believe that Jesus conquered death and the power of the devil, we live with the joy and confidence of knowing we will be with Jesus some day in heaven. Easter is so much more than a church service, family dinner, egg hunts, and baskets – it is the center of our faith. If Jesus had stayed in the tomb our faith would be in vain, but we are Easter people! Jesus is our resurrected Lord and Savior. We have much to celebrate. Every morning is Easter morning from now on! Isn’t it great to know the students enrolled at Christ Lutheran School come to school and are reminded of this great truth every day? Students at Christ Lutheran School are confident in the truth of Jesus’ resurrection and certain of their home in heaven. Each day they are growing in this truth and knowledge. I am so thankful that parents at our school are committed to giving their children this daily gift. Wow! Christ Lutheran School is developing dynamic disciples for Christ! Happy Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Gifts of Grace Gala 2015 On Saturday, March 14 Christ Lutheran School will host its eighth annual Gifts of Grace Gala. The gala, which includes drinks, appetizers, dinner, entertainment, and both a silent and live auction, has become Christ Lutheran School’s largest fundraiser. Over the past eight years the Gifts of Grace Gala has provided more than $450,000 to the benefit of the students enrolled in our Preschool to 8th grades. Gala funds have been invested in above-and-beyond annual budget needs that enhance our school’s programs. Enhancements funded by the gala have included student furnishings for the school, updating instructional materials, completing the computer lab, classroom laptops, projectors, document cameras, 3 interactive white boards, one-to-one student iPads (all tools that make our classrooms fully equipped for 21st century technology instruction), K-8 and preschool facility upgrades, and the tuition assistance fund. Your investment in the Gifts of Grace Gala equips Christ Lutheran School to stay on the cutting edge of education. Formal invitations have been mailed. Mark your calendars now and make plans to attend this year’s Gifts of Grace Gala on March 14 at 5:30 p.m. This year the gala will return to the McMillian Event Center located in beautiful Liberty Station with ample parking and an engaging atmosphere. New to the event this year…electronic bidding! A fun and interactive piece to add excitement to the evening! If you will not be able to join us the night of the gala, consider giving a fully, tax-deductible donation in lieu of attending. Maybe you have an auction item that would make a great addition to our silent or live auction items? Please contact me in the school office, 619-462-5211, ext. 132. All funds generated by the Gifts of Grace Gala will be used to enhance curriculum elements at our school and continue to provide adequate tuition assistance funds. The Gifts of Grace Gala provides the additional revenue necessary for Christ Lutheran School to continue being an exceptional academic institution that is distinctly Christian and academically rigorous. Christ Lutheran School is committed to developing young dynamic disciples for Christ who are well equipped to share their love of Jesus and positively contribute to their home, school, and community. The Gifts of Grace Gala isn’t just another event… it’s an opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of our students. Join us to celebrate the many amazing things that God is doing at Christ Lutheran School! Don’t miss it! Follow Christ Lutheran School on Facebook Visit Christ Lutheran School’s website at www. lutheranschool.org and click on the Facebook link. Or use this link: https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Christ-Lutheran-School-in-La-MesaCA/249821385053883?sk=wall and “Like” Christ Lutheran School in La Mesa, CA today! Christ Lutheran School’s Facebook page is regularly updated with exciting videos, activities, and updates. It’s a great way to follow Christ Lutheran School all year long! Christ Tidings 4 Make 2015 Great With A Mission Trip Pastor John Once again, God is busy tapping people at Christ Lutheran Church Ministries on the shoulder saying, “This is the year I want you to go on a mission trip.” Being tapped on the shoulder with this call to “go” is both exciting and scary. It’s exciting because you’ve heard from other short-term missionaries about all the blessings of their mission trip, but at the same time the thought of raising the money, traveling to a new culture, eating new foods, and talking about Jesus is all scary. If you feel like the scary out-weighs the blessings, here are some exciting blessings you can look forward to on a mission trip: 1. You will encounter God’s heart. As you step into another culture you will experience first-hand that God is a global God. God cares for all people and His family includes folks from “every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” 2. God will strengthen your faith. It’s all too easy to get stuck in a spiritual rut. As you accept God’s call to mission, you will be stepping out of your comfort zone, and God will stretch and grow you. 3. You will grow in appreciation. Mission trips often bring an attitude adjustment. As you see how people in other nations live, you will be reminded anew of all of your many blessings. 4. You will discover your spiritual family. When you minister alongside Christians in others cultures, you will find that God knits your hearts together in a very special and lasting way. 5. You will overcome your fears. Fears can freeze you dead in your tracks. Mission trips give you the opportunity to walk side-by-side with other Christians, strengthening one another, and overcoming those freezing fears. 6. God will use you to expand the Kingdom of God. As you have the privilege of sharing Jesus’ love through your words and actions, God grows His Kingdom. Going on a mission trip is ultimately a step of faith, but like other steps of faith, you take it not by your own strength, but with the strength of God. Remember the Words of Philippians 4:13, For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Created by God, sent by the Holy Spirit, passionately transforming lives to be like Jesus “March” Into Worship Roger Howard Now that March has arrived, there are a number of calendar events that are significant. Some we do not even observe, but just knowing about them can enhance our life of celebrating God together at Christ Lutheran Church Ministries: • Lent, which began with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 18, is a six-week journey of spiritual reflection that helps us prepare for Easter by meditating on the “passion” of Jesus as He sacrificed His very life for us. Through Lent we will hold our annual Lenten Suppers in the gym every Wednesday evening at 5:30, during which we’ll explore The Life You’ve Always Wanted (see the ad on page 10 for details). Lent culminates with Holy Week (see March 29). • The Jewish feast of Purim (March 5) celebrates God’s intervention through Queen Esther to save His people from annihilation. • Daylight Saving Time begins March 8 as we set our clocks forward to…well, save more daylight. • Laudate Bells (grades 6-8) will participate in the annual Lutheran Schools Music Festival at Concordia University in Irvine on Saturday, March 14. • The annual Gifts of Grace Gala, also March 14, celebrates our school ministry and raises lots of money necessary to fund that mission. • St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) celebrates the patron saint of Ireland and his efforts to bring Christianity to pagan Ireland. St. Patrick is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish. In their 5 culture, the Irish had many triple deities, a fact that aided St. Patrick in his evangelism efforts. • March 19 celebrates the feast day of Joseph, Guardian of our Lord Jesus. The earliest references to Joseph as nutritor Domini (educator/guardian of the Lord) began to appear in the 9th century. St. Thomas Aquinas discussed the necessity of the presence of Joseph in the plan of the Incarnation, for if Mary had not been married, the Jews would have stoned her, and in his youth, Jesus needed the care and protection of a human father. • Spring begins on Friday, March 20 (a fact more noticeable and welcomed in every region of the U.S. except Southern California). • The Annunciation of our Lord (March 25, exactly nine months before Christmas) is the Christian celebration of the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, marking His Incarnation. • Christ Lutheran’s annual Easter Egg Hunt for our community will be held on March 28. It takes place at Harry Griffen Park at 9:00 a.m. (See the ad on page 6 for more details). • Holy Week begins March 29 with the celebration of Palm Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem hailed as Redeemer and King. Sunday school students and their families will attend our Palm Sunday Experience beginning on the school playground at 9:15 a.m. (see the “Holy Week” ad on the back cover, page 12 for more details). There is not even room to feature significant events in April…except Easter Sunday on April 5! Sunrise worship with communion begins at 6:30 a.m. in our sanctuary, Choir and brass lead Festival worship at 8:30 in our sanctuary, and the Praise Band leads our Contemporary worship at 10:30 a.m. in the gym. (Watch for us to celebrate Easter Sunrise on Mt. Helix in 2016!) Christ Tidings 6 Easter Is... Cheri Selander Easter is all about Jesus. It is all about responding to the knowledge that a man who was dead, came to life. Easter is not just about any man coming to life, but the Son of God. It’s about us being able to live as Sons and Daughters of this living God, the one and only true God. Easter is all about the abundant life of hope that we live every day. It’s about sharing that hope, celebrating that hope. Easter for us is preparing to celebrate the risen Lord by coming together on March 29 for the Sunday School Palm Sunday Event. Who: Families with children 3-years-old through sixth grade When: Sunday, March 29, 9:10 to10:25 Where: Begin on the School Playground for the Opening What: Parents and children together experience the journey of Jesus during his last days on earth. Easter, for us as a community of believers who value families, is about a Christ Lutheran Easter Egg Hunt. Who: Toddlers through 4th grade When: Saturday, March 28, 9:15 to 10:30 Where: Harry Griffen Park in La Mesa What: A traditional Easter Egg Hunt with Jumpies, face painting, and refreshments Easter is about honoring our Mighty God. And what a joy it is to be a part of the Christ Lutheran Church Ministries community of believers who worship, connect, learn and serve all year long! Created by God, sent by the Holy Spirit, passionately transforming lives to be like Jesus 7 Sticky Faith: Maximum Communication Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Colossians 4:6 Those of you that have had a Jr. High, High School or college student in the home know the joys of communication. When you ask the question “How was your day?” you are met with a plethora of information...“GOOD”. Communication is hard, yet Kara Powell in her book, The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family shares some findings from her Sticky Faith Research about communication: • “Ask questions, but share your own story” • “Doubt is most toxic when it goes unexpressed” • “The best conversations are inspired by life” • “If conversations are win-lose, parents have already lost” An interesting finding is that “Christian parents are less likely to talk about tricky subjects with their kids.” Sex, divorce and other taboo topics are hard for adults to talk to one another about, let alone their children. So it isn’t any wonder that our faith is hard for us to talk about as well. You are not alone! But that is why God has placed us into a community. He has given us our church community, including those Christians that we choose to live life together. This community helps us tell our story of faith to adults and children alike. We can admit our own doubt with one another, so we can be open to hear the doubts of our children. The conversations we are having about life has these people sewn into it. And this community reminds us that Jesus came to live in the gray of life, die for our sin and was resurrected so we may have eternal life with God the Father. This Easter, remember the grace Jesus has given you and your family, and be blessed by the community of believers that surround you. Check out this free sticky faith resource for your family as well: http://stickyfaith.org/articles/parent-start-here Coming in May: our Spring Issue 8 Christ Tidings LWA! Spring Brunch to Feature Food, Fun and Guest Speaker Janet Lynn Mitchell Lutheran Women Alive! will hold their annual Spring Brunch on Saturday, March 21. The theme for this year’s event is Encountered by Love, with guest speaker Janet Lynn Mitchell. Candid, friendly, dynamic and memorable are just some of the words used to describe Janet Mitchell. A master storyteller, her fun and engaging style keeps her audiences wanting more. Her presentations share her heart, passions and faith, relating incidents from her life that will touch you and make you laugh while addressing relevant life issues. Her presentation at the Spring Brunch will be Everything I Learned about Love, I’ve Learned from Others. As always, the Spring Brunch also features a delicious meal, catered by Cupid’s Catering, the same people who provided the food last year. This year’s brunch will also serve as an ingathering and love offering for Mouthfuls of Hope, one of the many ministries of Building Generations, a ministry of the Lutheran Church that helps the poor in Tijuana. The ingathering is rather unusual this time: big bags of shelled nuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, dried fruit and boxes or bags of granola are being purchased. Mouthfuls of Hope began when Melissa Salomon saw families in Tijuana having to wait for long periods of time – sometimes days – outside of a hospital to see and care for their loved ones. These families became hungry and couldn’t afford food because they would have to use their money to buy medicines for their hospitalized family member. Boxes and bags of trail mix and a Christian tract or New Testament would be handed out to the waiting family members. Thrivent financial will match our offering $1 for every $3 donated. According to event organizer Joanene Falk, “This will be a fun and inspirational ‘morning out’,” adding, “Janet’s message of Everything I Learned about Love I’ve Learned from Others will speak to the hearts of women of all ages.” Tickets are on sale March 8 and 15 in the courtyard. Tickets are $15. Tickets for seniors, 65 and older, or children 13 and under are just $13. For more information contact Valerie Graziano at 619-462-7232 or by email at [email protected]. The deadline for ticket purchase is March 16. We hope to see you there! Created by God, sent by the Holy Spirit, passionately transforming lives to be like Jesus Treasures in the Church Library: Attention Parents! 9 It is a safe assumption that as Christian parents you seek God’s guidance as you carry out your responsibility to “bring up a child in the way he should go.” Without relying on God to direct your paths, your anxiety builds. This month we are highlighting five of the dozens of books on parenting that are in our church library. Getting Out of Your Kids’ Faces and Into Their Hearts by Valerie Bell. This is not a book filled with ways to manage, train, and discipline your kids. Instead it gives you guidance in developing a relationship with them. How do we stay connected, spend quality time, and be a relatively stable parent? This book gives you the tools in this unique look at parenting What My Parents Did Right! by Gloria Gaither. We are surrounded by negativity. As parents we tend to beat ourselves up about the things we are doing wrong. Gloria Gaither compiled stories from people like Kay Arthur, Joni Eareckson Tada, Gary Smalley, Frank Peretti, and more than 40 other people who point out the positive things their parents did. It’s Okay to Cry by H. Norman Wright. Children’s losses may range from a favorite toy breaking to a pet dying. Or they may be grieving over a grandparent dying or their parents’ divorce. Learn how you, as parents, can recognize symptoms of grief and walk along side your children on their path to recovery. “Don’t Make Me Count to Three!” by Ginger Plowman. Is there a parent around who has never threatened, repeated instructions or raised their voice in an attempt to get their children to obey? This book weaves together solid Biblical truths and practical parenting advice. Taming Your Family Zoo by Donna Jones. The subtitle is Six Weeks to Raising a Well-Mannered Child. It is meant for every parent who wants to visit the zoo and not live in it. These books, and many others, are available in the Church Library. Library Hours: Sunday mornings from 7:30 to 9:20 and from 10:15 to 12:15. You can also visit the library anytime during the week, stopping by the church office and asking for the key. Help support the library: When you shop at Family Christian Stores, ask for the “Family Ministry Builders” stickers. Bring them to the church office, and they can be used for book purchases to grow our library! Christ Lutheran School Reminders: March 27: Early release at 12:30 (ESC available) April 3: Good Friday (no school, no ESC) April 6-10: Easter Vacation (no ESC, School closed) Visit our website for more information! lutheranschool.org 10 Christ Tidings Lenten Suppers to Study The Life You’ve Always Wanted Our Annual Lenten Supper and Study sessions take place every Wednesday evening in the gym throughout Lent. The supper portion runs from 5:30 p.m. to 6:15, immediately followed by the study session until 7 p.m. This year we are studying The Life You’ve Always Wanted, based on the book by noted Christian author and pastor, John Ortberg. Ortberg’s book ties in well with our recent Transformed study series. It looks at how you can live a deeper, more spiritual life right where you are. Themes covered include prayer and your relationship with God and how it impacts every aspect of living. Ortberg calls readers back to the dynamic heartbeat of Christianity – God’s power to bring change and growth – and reveals both the how and why of transformation. The suggested donation for the Supper and Study session is $7 per person, $2 for children age ten and under, or $20 for the entire family. This year’s donations support the Senior High Rafting trip this summer. New CLCM Website Launching Soon! Something exciting has been brewing in Christ Lutheran Church Ministries’ media department… During the past few months, Pastor John and our media team have been working with the church staff on a complete overhaul of the CLCM website. Gone are links to obsolete information or links that go nowhere. In are links to sermon audio recordings and downloads of the weekly GPS and important documents. The revised site is easier for visitors to navigate and easier for staff to update. Listen for the launch during church announcements or watch for it at www.christlamesa.org in the very near future! Created by God, sent by the Holy Spirit, passionately transforming lives to be like Jesus CLCM College Voices a new feature highlighting a young adult college-age church member Name: Karsin Gowdy Year/University/Major: Senior / Concordia University Irvine, Christ College / Elementary Education Where/how have you connected with other Christians on your campus? Concordia is a Christian school, so it’s easy to stay connected with fellow Christians. I attend chapel every day, have devotions in the school cafeteria in the morning, and attend a women’s Bible study in the evening. Where have you seen God at work at school? One specific thing that comes to mind is how I’ve seen God work through our students. We just had a student baptized a few weeks ago. She came to this school last minute, from the Middle East, and had no idea it was a Christian campus. Through the friends she made, she came to know the Lord. Watching her be baptized was a beautiful thing and reminded me how God can work through all of us to reach out to others, even within the “Lutheran Fishbowl.” Where are your favorite hang-out places? My favorite place is this little coffee shop on campus called Emendare. It has a great vibe and I love to wind down from class, just hanging out in there, and studying with some yummy tea. On campus, there is a little chapel called Good Shepherd Chapel. It has the perfect view of the city. I love taking walks up there at night. I’ll just sit down, observe the city, spend time in prayer and thought. Another favorite place to hang out is off campus at Disneyland. Nothing is better than the happiest place on earth. I love going there for dinner with my friends after a long day of classes or just spending time enjoying the environment on the weekends. What is something you have learned while away at school? One thing I’ve definitely learned while at college is how to be independent. What are your career plans after graduating? I hope to get a call and be a teacher in a Lutheran Elementary School. How can Christ Lutheran members pray for you? Prayers for minimal stress in school would be wonderful and for all my work in school to bring glory to God. ECPCC Walk For Life to be held March 28 The East County Pregnancy Care Clinic will hold its annual Walk for Life fundraiser on Saturday, March 28 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Chollas Lake Park. For more information, visit the the Walk for Life table in the courtyard after services on March 1, 8 and 15, or contact Phil Lamonica at 619-200-1930 or by e-mail at prlamonica@cox. net. Help ECPCC let the world know that the culture of life is alive and well in San Diego County! 11 12 Christ Tidings
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