Christ The Servant Parish Mass Intentions Tuesday May 5 9:00 a. m. George Yelichek by Ted & Barb Wellman Wednesday May 6 9:00 a.m. John Kuhar by Jeff & Karen DeAngelis 10:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday May 7 9:00 a.m. Jim Salvino by Mary Mueller Friday May 8 9:00 a.m. Sam Purses by Ralph & Nancy Dublikar Saturday May 9 4:30 p.m. Anne Panella by Family Beatrice Schott by Nancy & Todd Futterluety Sunday May 10 9:00 a.m. John Vertolli Jr. by Bernard & James Heinrich Maria Fontes by Anita Petry & Paul Family 11:00 a.m. Don Giannetti by Becky Giannetti Frances Stanko by Anna Marie Wilson & Family 6:30 p.m. Mary Kinsley by Children David, Tony & Andrea Christ the Servant Parish Stewardship 4/25/15 & 4/26/15 $11,691.00 Monsignor’s Corner Our Holy Father, when he was chosen to lead the Church as the Bishop of Rome, kept something that had been very meaningful for him, as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires – his pectoral cross. Canton, OH The somewhat modest silver cross includes the image of Christ the Good Shepherd. Looking carefully, you will see around the Lord’s neck, the lost sheep, found and returned to the sheepfold. Jesus, the Good Shepherd stands at the center of the horizontal bar, and on either side of the figure of Jesus - is the sheepfold. Above the head of Jesus is the dove, a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Our Holy Father has stressed the cross since the beginning of his pontificate. In his very first homily with the Cardinals after his election he said, “If we walk without the Cross and build without the Cross and confess in Christ without the Cross, then we are not the Lord’s disciples,” he said. “We are a worldly people. We may be bishops, priests, cardinals, popes. But we are not disciples of the Lord.” At the same time he reminded the Church that the fundamental responsibility we have as disciples is to proclaim Christ. “If we don’t proclaim Christ, something is wrong,” Francis said, for without Christ, “we would become a compassionate NGO and not a Church.” As followers of Christ the Servant we are called to proclaim Christ by our life as “servants,” forming our lives after the one who we claim as the Good Shepherd. Our prayer is that we as Christ the Servant will be faithful shepherds of the lost, the last, and the least in our acre of God’s world. And may we lift high the Cross of Christ as we journey toward the future. LGaetano Come join us and meet someone new! We have a donut for you and some coffee too! Please come today after the 9a.m. Mass Sunday, May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 May the Month of Mary and the Celebration of First Eucharist May is the Month of Mary and for our parish community here at Christ the Servant at Our Lady of Peace Church. Our Blessed Mother is, as the Second Vatican Council reminded us, the model for our lives as Christians. For our young people, our Catholic faith needs to be made visible and evident through the families and the adult community of faith. Our children should be able to see in our lives the conviction that the Spirit of God overshadows our lives. If our children look at Mary of Nazareth at the time of the Annunciation, they will find someone who is young in age. They will find someone who is attentive to the Word of God in her life, hears it, and courageously accepts the mission entrusted to her. In the Virgin of the Magnificat they will discover the boundless joy of a young person in solidarity with the poor and the helpless. The Woman of Cana will be their model and companion at all the joyful moments of their lives; while at Calvary she will show them what it means to be a person of faith in the darkest hours of human existence. As a community our responsibility is to show our children how to be attentive to the Word of God; living out our mission each day; being in solidarity with those in need; and celebrating and journey through our family and community life in faith. The First Sunday of May we celebrate the First Communion for the children of our parish community. Please share with them in celebrating and keeping our families and the children in your prayer that their life journey will be watched over and guided by Our Blessed Mother. LGaetano Those receiving First Eucharist: Nicole Adamski Estrella Lopez-Cruz Ella Degenhard Kamryn Ellis Rachel Geiger MacKenzie Hawkins Lanaya Hunter Orlasia Hunter Grace Joy William Knowles Alexandria Lauer Anthony Lauer Arianna Mitchell Fletcher Placko Andrew Potwora Taylor Repp Hayley Rorie Alexys Sterling Giada Szekeres Nathan Tolin Received their First Eucharist Sunday, April 19, 2015 Gwyneth Douce Kyle Douce Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Stamp Out Hunger May 9 delivers hope Helping 27,000 of Stark County neighbors struggling with hunger becomes as easy as mailing a letter May 9 during the 23rd Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Stark County Hunger Task Force officials and area letter carriers ask residents to gather non-perishable food items and place them in a bag at their mailbox for pickup and distribution to our network of more than 30 pantries throughout the county. Spearheaded by National Association of Letter Carriers AFL-CIO Hall of Fame Branch No. 238, last year’s campaign delivered more than 44,000 pounds of food to the tables of our neighbors in need of food. “This time of year tends to be slow for donations, and the Stamp Out Hunger campaign gives our network of pantries a greatly needed boost to food on the shelves and ultimately to the food on the tables of our neighbors struggling to feed their families,” said Ralph Norton, SCHTF assistant director. PENNY DRIVE FUNDRAISER BENEFITING THE STUDENTS OF OUR LADY OF PEACE SCHOOL COLLECTING SPARE CHANGE AND ANY OTHER DONATIONS UNTIL THE FEASOFTHE ASSUMPTION (Aug. 15th) ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR THE STUDENTS OF OLOP DONATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THE CHANGE BIN LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE CHURCH (Main Entrance) Wedding Anniversaries Our love and prayer are extended to Herman and Lucille Haren who are celebrating 65 years of marriage. That love story began formally on May 20, 1950 at St. Anthony’s Church in Canton. When you see them in Church, one has no doubt that their love for each other has only grown over the years. Herman and Lucille have 7 Children: Dan (Teresa) Haren, Nancy (Rick) Addessi, Debbie (Larry) Bergert, David (Sue) Haren, Ed Haren Rob Haren and Mike Haren. 19 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. The Haren’s are founding members of Our Lady of Peace Church; long standing members of the OLOP Men’s Club and the Altar – Rosary Society. Herman is now an altar server on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the 9 am Mass. Our prayer is that you, Herman and Lucille, will continue to become a living Sacrament of God’s Love for us here at Christ the Servant Parish. The Haren’s will be at the 4:30p.m Mass Saturday May 16 celebrating their anniversary. Congratulations on the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Joseph and Phyllis Tuscan, OFS ( Order of Secular Franciscans) Joe and Phyllis were married at Little Flower Parish on May 15,1965, by Fr. Bartley Joseph Kennedy. Celebrating with them on this special day will be their son, Father Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap. (Order Friars Minor, Capuchin). Fr. Joe will be presiding at this special liturgy on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. We congratulate Joe and Phyllis for their faithful witness and dedication to the faith we share, and for being a living Sacrament of God’s Love for 50 years. What a beautiful experience for them to be able to celebrate this day. May their love continue to grow and continue to be the inspiration that it is for our community. All our welcome to attend this very special anniversary Mass. Third Sixth Second Fourth Fifth The Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday of Divine in in ofof in Ordinary Lent Ordinary Easter Mercy of Ordinary Lent Easter the Lord Time Time Time FifthResurrection Sunday of Easter November Baptism 30,of 2014 the Advent Lord Hamilton Forum Presents Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ “Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues” Thursday, May 7 ~ 7:00 PM St. Paul Catholic Church 241 South Main Street North Canton, Ohio Sister Helen Prejean, a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph, has been instrumental in sparking national dialogue on the death penalty and helping to shape the Catholic Church’s newly vigorous opposition to state executions. Realizing that being on the side of poor people is an essential part of the Gospel, she moved into the St. Thomas Housing Project in New Orleans and began working at Hope House. During this time, she was asked to correspond with a death row inmate Patrick Sonnier. She agreed and became his spiritual adviser. After witnessing his execution, she wrote a book about the experience. The result was Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States. It became a movie, an opera and a play. Sister Helen is presently at work on another book - River of Fire: My Spiritual Journey. Sister Helen will sign copies of her books, which will be available for purchase. Reservations not required. NO ADMISSION CHARGE 25th, 40th, 50th and over Wedding Anniversary Celebration The Diocese of Youngstown will sponsor a Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, June 14, 2:00 p.m. at St. Columba Cathedral in Youngstown, honoring couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding anniversaries in 2015. The Wedding Anniversary Celebration will include Mass with Bishop George V. Murry, S.J., renewal of marriage vows and a personalized certificate for each couple. Following the Mass, there will be a reception for the couples and their families in the Cathedral Hall hosted by Holy Apostles Parish, Youngstown. You must make reservations in advance for this event by contacting your parish office before May 14. Bible Study There will not be Bible Study on Wed. May 6th. Bible Study will resume on Wed. May 13th. New participants are welcome February March January February February March March April April 22, 25, 12, 15, 19, 26, 1, 8, 1, 2015 2015 2015 2015 May 3, 2015 First December Sunday January of 11, 21, Advent 2015 2014 Sponsor for the Week Raisin Rack Readings First Reading : ACTS 9:26-31 Second Reading: 1 JN 3:18-24 Gospel: JN 15:1-8 General Parish and School Activities 50/50 Every Monday a winner will be drawn the winner will be posted in the following weeks bulletin. Put a dollar in the envelope to participate. The envelopes are found in your Stewardship Packets. 04/20/2015 #60620 was drawn, and did not participate and would have won $110.00 Lifetouch will be coming to our parish for our new Parish Directory 6/6/15-6/20/15 and 7/14/157/18/15. We need help in coordinating appointments and helping families as they arrive for pictures. Please call the parish office to volunteer 330.492.0757 Message from Bishop’s Appeal Office Dear Msgr. Gaetano, Congratulations to you and the people of Christ the Servant parish for surpassing your 2015 Bishop’s Appeal parish goal. I am very grateful for the leadership and support you give to our Appeal. May our Lord bless you and the people of Christ the Servant parish for your generosity and response in faith to those served through our Bishop’s Appeal. Sincerely yours, Mr. Pat Palombo, CFRE Director of Development & Stewardship Fifth Sunday of Easter Holy Cross Academy Our Lady of Peace Preschool Registration: We are now accepting registrations for children ages 3, 4 & 5 for the 2015-2016 school year. Please contact Megan Zampino at 330-492-4440 to inquire about our program and schedule a tour. Open House days are Sunday, April 12th & Sunday, May 3rd 10am12:30pm. Please tell your family and friends! We look forward to seeing you! May 3, 2015 Bible School is J une 22-26, 2015"It takes a village" or faith community to invest in our children. We need volunteers to help with Bible School. We are looking for Adults and High School students. Please call the parish office or email [email protected]. Wondering what to do with all those samples you collect on vacation? (shampoo, toothpaste, hand cream, soap, etc.) Bible School is collecting them for our Catholic Charities service project, as well as, toothbrushes, toilet paper, tissues. Won't you help us by dropping off these supplies in the box in the back of Church during April and May. Fourth SundayofofEaster Easter Fifth Sunday April 26,2015 2015 May 3, Please call or email the parish office by Monday at Noon with the names of anyone who has a prolonged illness or is in the hospital. Their names will appear in the bulletin that week so that all parishioners will be able to pray for them. This week please pray for: Viola Burkhart Sister Julie Demchak Molly Samsa Josie Slish Cheryl Schott John Popovich Pam Popovich Mary De Mario Harriette Schaffer Raymond Johnson Sr. Rinaldo Aquino Maria Rossetti Ann Sibilia Virginia Freday Emil Soehnlen Linda Drescher Patti Hamilton Philip Gracia Shirley Courter Chuck Schott Lucinda Cress Christina Beckett Rose Reda Jim Vertolli Mary Alice Zink Chris Anderson Mary Margaret Gill Joan Hoover Kevin Ryes Peighton Childers Marty Harris Eric Hain Tracy Roadarmel Aubrey Mathie Rick Porter Barbara Fernandez Cathy Horansky Gene Gerace Ellen Allen Bonnie Bandi Tony Pellegrene Shawn Wenzel *Please let us know when someone on this list should be removed* NOTICE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Please remember your pledge commitment so we can continue with our projects. THANK YOU Homebound Eucharistic Ministry The parish is in need of Eucharistic Ministers who are willing to take the Eucharist to the homebound. Please consider this ministry with great thought. It doesn’t take a large amount of time and is so appreciated. If you are interested, please call the parish office at 330.492.0757 or Rosemarie 330.492.0716. Also, if you are homebound and would like someone to bring you the Eucharist or would just like someone to visit with you once in a while, please call 330-492-0757. All hospitals and nursing homes in our boundaries (Bethany, Stone Crossing and Canton Christian Home) already have volunteers who do this. If you know of someone in the hospital or a nursing home that has not been visited, please call 330-492-0757 Thank you! Clubs and Organizations Men’s Club The Men’s Club will meet the Second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room. Come join a great group of guys who give it their all to support OLOP School Athletics. Ladies’ Guild The Ladies’ Guild meets the third Monday of each month September thru May at 1:00 PM in the Gathering Room. All are welcome! Garden Club The Christ the Servant Parish Garden Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7PM in the Gathering room or at another location. Call Carol at 330.499.0515. Please join us! All are welcome! Seniors Group The Christ the Servant Parish Seniors’ Group meets the second Tuesday of every month in the Gathering Room from 2 to 4PM. Come join us for a relaxing time of fun and fellowship. All are welcome! Knitting Guild The Gazinda Knitting Guild will meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in Rm. 7 in the school. Call Rosemarie at 330.492.0716. All levels of knitters are welcome. Respect Life Committee Meetings are in the school on the first Thursday of the month. Please contact Tom and Kathy Baker at 330.493.9255 Parish Mom’s & Kids Group every second Wednesday of the month at 10 am at Chick-fil-A on Dressler Road starting November 12. If you have any questions or need more information, contact Sarah Luerman at (502) 3033313 or [email protected]. Bible Study Group Bible study is on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the Gathering Room. Please contact Jim Naegeli Email Prayer Chain Our parish has an email prayer chain. The emails will be sent to those who sign up, periodically. If interested in receiving these emails, sign up at [email protected] or call the parish office at 330-492-0757.
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