City of Edgewater 104 N. Riverside Drive Edgewater, FL 32132 Meeting Minutes City Council Michael Ignasiak, Mayor Christine Power, District 1 Gigi Bennington, District 2 Dan Blazi, District 3 Gary T. Conroy, District 4 Wednesday, March 18, 2015 10:00 AM Council Chambers Workshop 1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, INVOCATION Present: 5 Excused: 1 Also Present: 2 - Mayor Mike Ignasiak, Councilwoman Christine Power, Councilwoman Gigi Bennington, Councilman Dan Blazi, and Councilman Gary T. Conroy City Attorney Aaron Wolfe City Manager Tracey Barlow, and City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel 2. The City Council held a workshop and discussed: 1) Development of a 60± acre parcel of land located on US Highway 1 north of Boston Whaler, and Improvements to Whistle Stop Park City Manager Tracy Barlow discussed workshop procedures, and had individuals with principal interests in the workshop topic introduce themselves: Chris Carver, Boston Whaler; Rebecca Crews, Boston Whaler; Francis Solomon, TransCapital Bank; Rick Rueger, TransCapital Bank; Melissa Henry, Kern Company; Joe Kern, Kern Company and owner of D2K; Sheldon Reuben, Reuben Communities; Jack Corder, Leisure Services Director; and John McKinney, Finance Director. Mr. Barlow stated the purpose of the workshop is to discuss future development and land use of the property; and to determine development opportunities that are compatible to the area and neighboring properties. He made a staff presentation discussing businesses and residential communities that are located on opposite sides of the 60 aces site; the City desiring additional water front access; the recent expansion of Boston Whaler; opportunities for a public/private partnership; the 60 acre site being sandwiched between Hacienda Del Rio and Boston Whaler; site location and features; and the property currently being zoned as Residential Planned Unit Development. He stated the City purchased the property in 2003; sold the property in 2004; the previous owner had a development order for a mixed use project; and that the deal expired on February 23, 2010. He discussed the former development order; concerns, and stipulations of the development order; the development order expiring; the property not having any entitlements or active permits that he is aware of; TransCapital Bank foreclosed on the property in March of 2011 and currently owns the City of Edgewater Page 1 Printed on 4/22/2015 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 property in good standing; the property is located in the City of Edgewater; the current asking price for the property is $5.7 million dollars; and to the best of his knowledge there are not any active contracts on the property. He discussed the City being approached by a private developer who is interested in doing a public/private partnership; discussed various possible purchasing options; the developers operating about 43 acres as a recreational vehicle resort and two (2) acres of Commercial up towards US 1; and the City would own approximately 15 acres of waterfront for a large boat ramp and supporting amenities. He reviewed an updated conceptual development plan with the Council, stated that the City owning the 15 acres would also allow sharing of easement areas and right of ways, storm water improvements, and that there could actually be some sharing of development costs; reviewed some of the development's conceptual drawings; possibly modeling Edgewater's boat launch facility off of the Canaveral cruise ship facility; possibly modeling boat ramps from that area; and discussed possible facility options for the City’s 15 acres. He also discussed recreational vehicle (RV) lot owner options; the neighboring manufacturing environment; zoning and land use complications due to adjacent property land use being at opposite ends of the spectrum; trying to find uses that are compatible for both ends of the spectrum; the former owner having most of the permitting work accomplished; permitting and environmental studies; costs economy of scale by using one (1) engineer; estimated development costs of approximately two (2) million dollars; and grants and funding opportunities. Developer Joe Kern discussed the history of the RV park development plan; creating a destination location; reasons for a public/private partnership; the sequence of events that led to the site plan; and discussed numerous future options for the 60 acre site. City Manager Barlow, Mr. Reuben, and Mr. Kern discussed rezoning requirements; undeeded lots, deeded lots, and condo options; no one living there on a permanent basis; and exploring the option to possibly operate the site similar to a condo hotel. Councilman Conroy stated he loved the concept and the continued enhancements being made to the site development plan; and that he sees no down side at this time. Councilman Blazi stated that he would like to hear from a Hacienda Del Rio representative to see what their overall take is on the project; and that he likes the idea of the project. The group discussed deeding concepts; the existing seawall and material still on site from the previous owners, and any hidden associated costs; environmental concerns, studies, and existing reports; the uniqueness of the players involved in the proposed public/private partnership and what that brings to the table; overall barriers between adjacent entities being negotiable; and landscaping options. Councilwoman Bennington stated that she likes the idea, which seems perfect for the area; and asked what the length of time would be before any work actually started at the site. The group discussed costs and funds being dedicated to the project; stages of the proposed project that need to be accomplished; financing the project; the proposal and start dates being dependent on the City; public access to the boat ramp facility; restaurant ownership and development options; boat launch site facility options; and the need for additional boat launch sites in Volusia County. City of Edgewater Page 2 Printed on 4/22/2015 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 Councilwoman Power discussed the need to know how far down the no wake zone goes and wet-slip possibilities. The group discussed Volusia County’s manatee protection plan fee of $1,000 for every slip built; the importance of creating a destination for boaters; the need for transient wet-slips; and determining the best ways to efficiently use the property. Mayor Ignasiak stated that he likes the concept, which appears to be a unique fit between the two distinct entities of manufacturing on one end and housing on the other; the trip to Cape Canaveral was eye opening in as far as the design of the RV park; he feels the development would be a perfect fit and likes the components in the concept design of development plan, and the ability to expand; the increase of RVs in the area; and that it will be interesting to see how the plans develop and come out in the future. Mayor Ignasiak opened the meeting for public comment. Mark Walshleiger, President, Hacienda Development Corporation, stated they own Hacienda Del Rio, the site shares approximately 2700 feet of property line with the 60 acre parcel; they have been very concerned with past problems with the previous operation; he is very impressed with the conceptual plan; his concerns will probably be with the details in the plan since he has a 55 plus Community; they would not want children coming over and using their facilities; discussed buffer design between the entities; the difference in types of RVs and restrictions incorporated by RV parks; they are happy that there are no tent designations in the concept plan; individual concerns of pads for the RVs, using paved roads in the development, and individual storage for each RV site. He stated that Class A motor homes would be a welcome thing; and that they would like to see more; and that everything they do they try to run by the Hacienda Del Rio home owners association (HOA); and he feels the project is something that they may support. The group discussed fencing; access by golf carts be a positive thing for everyone concerned; all pads and roads being paved in the RV park, with full hook-ups; internet hook-up; the facility not being a cheap deal; looking at the quality of the people using the facility, not the age of their RV; and costs of using a quality facility influencing the people using it. Joseph Adams, Vice President of the Hacienda Del Rio HOA stated that he loves the plan, but it's too early to give an opinion, and invited the developers to come to their April 7, 2015 HOA meeting to brief the members. City Manager Barlow replied that he would like to talk to the property owner and HOA president first; that it is too early in the planning and concept phase to give an information presentation; he would like to meet with the developer to firm up the concept plan first; and then attend one of their HOA meetings, so they are better prepared to answer questions and interest of the Hacienda Del Rio residents; and then asked Mr. Walschleiger if that was acceptable, to which Mr. Walschleiger replied “yes”. Kevin Byrd, Edgewater property owner questioned the facility creating revenue for the City; discussed other needs in Edgewater that require City funding; and stated that he is for the RV Park and what it brings to the City, but against the boat ramp. Mayor Ignasiak closed the meeting for public comment. City of Edgewater Page 3 Printed on 4/22/2015 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 City Manager Barlow stated that the City’s portion of the real estate acquisition would be approximately $1.4 to $1.5 million and another approximately $2 million for development, and stated that Finance Director John McKinney would brief on funding options in general. After discussion, the Council concurred to table Mr. McKinney’s staff presentation on debt issuance as a way to fund the Leisure Services master plan until after the Whistle Stop park agenda item. Mayor Ignasiak passed a parks information paper and stated that Edgewater parks are dated; in sore need of updating, in some cases complete renovation; and that one of the keystones in the discussion is Whistle Stop Park. Jack Corder, Director, Leisure Services gave a staff presentation on Whistle Stop park. He discussed the park’s history and current amenities; reviewed an aerial overview of the park; discussed various park improvement suggestions, which he incorporated in to a concept plan; and reviewed conceptual drawings and the costs factor of approximately 1.8 million dollars to incorporate the changes. The Council and staff discussed splash pad liability to the City; racquet or handball court upgrades; all inclusive equipment, accessible fitness equipment; the park equipment being able to accommodate various age and ability groups, the more versatile the amenities the better; the importance of everyone being able to use the accessible fitness equipment; use and costs analysis of shuffleboard courts; the Parks board putting together concepts plans for resident review and input; trying to obtain data from the 55 plus community as to how much use they feel shuffleboard courts would get; possibly having a separate skate park; possibly increasing the number of pavilions and considering the City would rent them out; having to fund additional personnel to maintain the park; the need to provide shade for the equipment; increasing the number of handicap spaces; obtaining input from special needs community during the planning phases; problems with current facilities at the park, to include criminal activity, drug use, vandalism, vulgarity, sexual activity at the park, and the City falling behind the curb on park maintenance; security cameras being insufficient to deter those types of problems; the possible use of Park Rangers or Community Service Officers program and addressing the current problems at the park before committing anymore City funds; being in front of the possible demand for shuffleboard courts if the City does get a senior citizen housing facility; the City possibly putting in a clubhouse that can be expandable into the future; possible uses of a City clubhouse; parks needing to be a showplace for the Edgewater community; hours of the park, paving, and lighting the park; completely closing the park during the renovation; keeping one (1) of the three (3) baseball fields at the park; opening the road from Roberts Road to 28th Street; the option for the City to install speed bumps and/or gates to deter some of the other activity that is allegedly occurring at the park; by increasing the number of law abiding citizens at the park their will be less unlawful; the park and its facilities are being used; police department having taken action, patrols increasing dramatically, arrests being made and that emphasis needing to continue; all suggestions and comments being valid, and determining how to bring it all together; possibly giving all of the ideas to the Park & Recreation Board so they can go out and obtain public response; repair and maintenance of other City parks; making sure families have access to City parks and the direct effect on children’s behavior; and the City Manager taking the data to the Park & Recreation Board. Mayor Ignasiak opened the meeting for public comment. City of Edgewater Page 4 Printed on 4/22/2015 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 Tary Valle, Manager of the New Smyrna Beach skate park stated that he sees a lot of potential for Edgewater to have a very good skate park; crime and proper etiquette; free skate board lessons; from the number of Edgewater residents that come to the NSB skate park, there is definitely a need in Edgewater for a quality skate park; a skate board park does help to curb bad behavior; he is encouraged about the positive direction the Council is taking for their residents; and he feels the Council is doing a great thing. The Council and Mr. Valle discussed skate park operating procedures and the positive influence of a skate park on children. Kelley Denasha, an Edgewater resident stated that she is an Edgewater business owner; social media does reflect what each council member has discussed at the meeting; she thinks that everything the Council is planning is great; the Council should add money to spend more on a skate park, less on shuffle board, put in more lighting, and to put in a gate; thanked the Council for their park improvement plan; and offered assistance with getting volunteers and fund raising. Michael Visconti, 316 Pine Breeze Drive, stated that he is a member of the board and is proud and happy with what is being planned, and hopes it goes through; with living on Pine Breeze Drive right near the park his one concern is the traffic use of Pine Breeze Drive to get to the park; suggested some type of barrier from 30th Street to 28th Street; and discussed the excessive traffic at Meadow Lake and a suggest putting in some type of speed bump to help slow the traffic down. Mayor Ignasiak closed the meeting for public comment. Mayor Ignasiak called for a 10 minute recess. Mayor Ignasiak reconvened the meeting at 12:05 p.m. City Manager Barlow stated that the total of all projects discussed during the workshop is approximately $10 million, and that Finance Director John McKinney would walk through some funding options. Mr. McKinney’s made a staff presentation on debt issuance as a way to fund the Leisure Services master plan; stating that he is looking at an overall $10 million initiative for land acquisition for parks; park upgrades; signage; gates; the entire package; not only for the 60 acres; Whistle Stop, Rotary Park, Hawkes Park, and some projects that were identified in the Leisure Services Master plan. He discussed a couple of options to pay for the master plan; the “pay as you go” process, an internal loan program, an unrated bank note, a revenue backed bond, and a general obligation bond; provided a quick overview of the reserve requirements; possible grants; and discussed the minimum and maximum amount of the annual debt service that is required to be set aside. The Council and staff discussed possible future grants and using the proceeds to do enhancements for projects that are on the referendum; various options to use for the voting process; looking in to hybrid funding approaches; buying real estate now, would not be a loss in the future; the importance of securing the property in a timely fashion; projected increase in future recreational impact fees and using the fee revenue towards expanding some of the projects; election dates and considering all City of Edgewater Page 5 Printed on 4/22/2015 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 options; looking at the water front property as a Council approved portion of the project; earning income from a dry stack storage facility in Edgewater; not combining or bundling projects like the new City hall building into the Whistle Stop general obligation bond, and the park issue being an easy sell because it benefits everyone; not delaying Whistle Stop park project; financing projects effecting the budget cycle and millage rate; the economy effecting whether or not projects are sellable or not; referendum bonds and bank notes, and not bonding out the City’s entire debt capacity for parks; future locations and purchase options for City Hall property; and visioning now for the future and thinking forward. Mr. Barlow summarized his understanding of the direction he is to take regarding the 60 acre parcel as; to come back to the Council and talk about acquiring/continue working on a partnership; continue working with the bank; see what acquiring the property would look like now; the City not being able to guarantee development until either “a.” the Council either gives direction to the City Manager to break it up into separate initiatives to put out as a general obligation bond, or “b.” to try and “pay as you go”, and try to develop the site later on, which is not what the developers want to hear, of course; with the City’s limited debt capacity, the Council cannot give any commitment today that the City would acquire and develop the property; the only thing the Council can do is to give them some assurance that the City is very interested in acquiring the property and pursuing the public/private partnership; and that the City will try to sell the project on a general obligation bond as a separate item from Whistle Stop Park. Also to come back to the Council and discuss whether or not the City would incorporate the land for a new City Hall and parks system, which is approximately $2 million, give or take from the general obligation bonds; or to request funds separately for each project. The Council, staff and Mr. Kern discussed the purchase of the 60 acres possibly being easier for everyone to agree to if the developer were to deliver a complete package to the City, to include studies, boat ramp installation, and an established costs for the City; that approach presenting opportunities of sharing development and impact fees; a municipality purchasing and developing property taking longer than a private developer; the suggested development option providing the City more time to pursue further development of the property, which would allow greater flexibility to the City to provide voters with more detailed information; designing the development of the site with the City and then coming back with a costs for the City; a private entity being able to develop a site cheaper than a municipality; dry stack boat storage operations; most marinas in South Florida are government owned; and they discussed investing in park amenities attracting more people to the City of Edgewater. After discussion, the Council concurred on the City Managers summation of the direction he is to follow as it pertains to the 60 acre site. 2) Park Signage City Manager Barlow, discussed the Council previously directing staff to develop standard Edgewater facility signs, and more importantly City park signage; he distributed a handout of sign design concepts that were developed by the City's consultant (marked option a through option e); and asked the Council for guidance on which concept they want staff to work on with the City's consultant, so as the City starts to replace signs they can begin to standardize the look. City of Edgewater Page 6 Printed on 4/22/2015 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 The Council and staff discussed Volusia County's sign on the new pedestrian trail bridge over SR 442; New Smyrna Beach's new signs; the likes and dislikes of each of the five (5) sign concepts; establishing standard signs is part of the City's branding; naming policies having a term limit; and asked for, and obtained Leisure Services Director Jack Corder's input on the proposed sign concepts. They also discussed the size of the City seal that would go on signs; the difference between gateway signs and park signs; having aesthetics on the signs; and having some type of amenity symbols on each of the City park signs. After discussion, the City Council concurred to use a modified version of Concept A, with a smaller City seal on it, and the park name going across the sign; with either grass features or park amenity symbols at the bottom of each park sign. Mayor Ignasiak opened the meeting for public comment. Glenn Powers, 2628 Yule Tree Drive, stated that he and his daughter are excited about the planned renovations to Whistle Stop park; the sooner improvements can be started the better; discussed cameras as a security consideration; improving the aesthetics of the two (2) entrances to the park; putting in drive through speed bumps; and stated that he feels the boat ramp facility being discussed for the 60 acre site will eventually pay for itself. Mayor Ignasiak closed the meeting for public comment. 3. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:36 p.m. Minutes Submitted by: Mitch Honaker Deputy City Clerk City of Edgewater Page 7 Printed on 4/22/2015
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