LITERARY SUPPLEMENT PASSOVER GREETINGS 2015 B2 [ Pa s s ov e r G r e e t i n g s ] M Contributors A Passover Story Rachel Stiebel . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS April 2, 2015 On the cover Cover concept and illustration by veteran Israeli artist Avi Katz. PAGE 3 The Memory of Smell Rita Wilder Craig . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 4 The Shabbat Candles Bena Singer . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . PAGE 4 First Date Prep Julie Schwartz . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 5 The Village and the Maggid Barry Rosen . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 6 A Passover Wish Judy Weinryb . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 8 Signs Dorothy Glick . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 10 Friday Lily Kovan . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 12 If – Then and Now Howard Kurlandski . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 14 My Pet Goosey Lynn Sand . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 16 Rosh Hashanah Rosalie Chad . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 19 Waiting for the Minyan Larry Finkelman . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . PAGE 20 Who Would Have Ever Thought Lynn Sand . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 21 Jerusalem Snow Pearl Adler Saban . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 26 Candlesticks Rhoda Wise . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 27 All Alone for Passover Marvin Zylber . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . PAGE 28 Witness Norma Barkin . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 29 Just as Sweet Rachelle Lerner . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . PAGE 30 When a Daughter Leaves the Shtetl Fiona Gold Kroll . . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 32 What If Helga Stummer . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 33 The Holocaust Museum Joyce Wihl . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 34 The World Has Gone Mad Suzanne Reisler Litwin . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 34 The Chanukah Flame Anne Duchowny . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. PAGE 35 Here is The CBC News Sam Hoffer . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 22 You’re Doing the Work of God Marvin Hershorn . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . PAGE 35 Bar Mitzvah in Israel Gail Berman . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 24 Cooking for the Holidays Rhoda Wise . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 37 The Day I Met a Mensch Sally-Ann Kerman . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. Payday, Shabbat and the Paths We Create Sheila Madan . . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 38 The Last Prayer Marvin Hershorn . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . PAGE 39 PAGE 25 iPray Suzanne Reisler Litwin . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . PAGE 26 Financial Services Celebrating freedom Wishing everyone Chag Pesach Sameach ALICE KERN We are an Independent Travel Insurance Broker Licensed by QC - AMF Ontario - FSCO We sell ONLY Canadian Insurers We find the RIGHT PRODUCT FOR YOU! YOU are our #1 Priority Your Travel Insurance Specialist PwC wishes our friends, clients and families a happy and healthy Passover. Chag Kasher V’Sameach. © 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. 2933-03b Pre-existing Medical Condition Coverage* Immediate Medical Underwriting * Tel: (514) 332-3776 Trip Cancellation/Interruption Toll Free: 1-866-270-4996 Single Trip coverage Multi-trip (annual) coverage (514) 486-3925 Fax: Visitors to Canada Email: Super Visa (for eligible visitors) [email protected] Expatriate Coverage Website: Call for your quotation *subject to stability requirements starting from 7 days onward. 5775 Cavendish Blvd, #805 Cote Saint-Luc, Qc H4W 3L9 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 B3 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M A Passover Story RACHEL SHTIBEL I was born in 1935 in Poland and lived in the village of Turka near the city Kolomyja. I lived with my parents, Sara Malka and Israel Dov Milbauer, my paternal grandparents, Frida and Eliyahu Milbauer, and my two uncles, Uncle Velvel and Uncle Yehoshua who were the younger brothers of my father. My Zaidie Eliyahu was a kohen and so were his three sons. My family was Orthodox and observed all the religious customs. It was a happy and loving home. My heart is vividly engraved with wonderful Passover memories. My family prepared for the holiday by painting the house white, everything was cleaned, dishes were changed and the aroma of cooking and baking was pleasantly overwhelming. I see in front of my eyes a beautiful table set with a white tablecloth, candles in the silver candelabra, the matzah covered with an embroidered special white cloth, all the beautiful dishes and silver cutlery. We prepared ourselves for the holiday by bathing and dressing in beautiful and new holiday clothes. I myself wore a white em- Avi Katz Illustration - cover of CJN’s Literary supplement 2008 broidered blouse with a navy blue pleated little skirt. My Zaidie Eliyahu, who led the seder, prepared and set aside the afikoman. I, being the youngest at the table, and the only child present, proudly asked the four questions, with help from my father and uncles. My mind was only on the afikoman and I wanted to be the one to find it and hide it from everyone. I left the seder table and took the afikoman from its hiding place where my Zaidie Eliyahu hid it and placed it under the pillow in my own bed. Little did I know that my Uncle Velvel had his eye on me and without my knowing took the afikoman from my bed and hid it in the third spot for that night. My Uncle Velvel was unaware that his own younger brother Yehoshua was following this afikoman and hid it for the last time from all of us. When the time came in the seder to reclaim the afikoman, I came up empty, Uncle Velvel came up empty, and Zaidie Eliyahu could not find it either. Finally Uncle Yehoshua produced the missing afikoman. What fun and excitement we all had that Passover seder. May I say that the lost afikoman was given to me to claim. How excited I was to hear from my Zaidie that for the next eight days of Passover he would crack open the walnuts that were grown on our property, and I would help by scooping out the nuts with my little fingers, and putting them all in a silver bowl given to me by my Bubbie Frida. These walnuts were shared and enjoyed by my family after dinner. Uncle Velvel would play his violin and we would all sing Yiddish songs and songs from the Haggadah. This was my happiest and most memorable Passover. I was four years old, the year was 1939, and none of us knew that it would be the last time that our whole family would be together to celebrate Passover. ■ Happy Passover The holiday of freedom, the festival of spring, symbolizes new beginnings. Bank Hapoalim, Israel’s leading bank, wishes all its clients, friends and colleagues a Happy and Joyous Passover with blessings for peace, hope and prosperity. Toronto Representative Office 4950 Yonge Street, Suite 2105, Toronto, Ontario M2N 6K1 Tel: (416) 398-4250 Fax: (416) 398-4246 Bank Hapoalim B.M. Montreal Representative Office La Tour Xerox, 1, Place Alexis Nihon, 3400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West Suite 1470, Montreal, Quebec H3Z 3B8 Tel: (514) 935-1128 Fax: (514) 935-1129 B4 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 The Memory of Smell The Shabbat Candles RITA WILDER CRAIG My mother couldn’t stand it said she didn’t know how they could live there but I loved that smell and would wait for it to waft across to my aunt and uncle’s flat a pleasure second only to Perchik’s where you could scoop the real thing from a barrel in the street BENA SINGER The Shabbat candles Light up the kitchen Their flickering flames Move from side to side in musical rhythm Other rooms are dark blinds left open street lights glare shining into hallway emitting an eerie glow I watch as the candle burns slowly to its end Wick is intact I look forward to a week of peace lit with tranquility The attraction wasn’t just the smell – there were my two older cousins Celia and Stella – women really to my child – shy girls living seemingly uneventful lives until suddenly they left for Israel never to be seen again at least by me And who could blame them you can’t live all your life across from a pickle factory I suppose חג פסח כשר ושמח Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy Passover CANSEW INC. & THE SCHACHTER FAMILY 1‐800‐361‐7722 ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES (CANADA) CO. LTD. [email protected] MONTREAL – TORONTO – WINNIPEG – CALGARY – VANCOUVER MONTREAL TORONTO HALIFAX VANCOUVER Tel. (514) 875-2335 Fax (514) 875-2746 Tel. (416) 703-7301 Fax (416) 703-7310 Tel. (902) 422-7447 Fax (902) 429-1515 Tel. (604) 693-2335 Fax (604) 693-0094 Happy Passover! Hotel_Cantlie_ad_CJN_ol.indd 1 13-08-26 8:15 PM THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M B5 First Date Prep: Not Too Jewish JULIE SCHWARTZ I t is 1970. I am 19 years old, and my mother and father are worried that I am spending time with the wrong people – long-haired, aimless hippie types, dedicated to turning on, tuning out and protesting everything. Boys, my father says, will be lucky to get jobs painting the yellow lines on highways. Boys, my mother says, are only interested in one thing. “Norman, can’t you arrange for one of your medical students to take her out for dinner?” my mother petitions. My father eventually responds with a promising med student in the third year class he teaches. The victim’s name is Toby Mandelman: a “wonderful Penn graduate” who grew up on Philadelphia’s Main Line in a well-respected family of lawyers. Toby is Jewish, but not too Jewish. According to my mother’s standards, this means that nothing about him suggests Judaism other than his last name. “He loves music, offers up my father – classical music. “He has tickets to the Philadelphia Orchestra’s all Chopin program, and wants to take you to dinner at Le Bec Fin.” Le Bec Fin is Philadelphia’s finest French restaurant. I live for rock music and would prefer tickets to see the Doors at the Electric Factory, and then feed the munchies with piles of fries along with friends at South Street’s Blue Dog Café. I announce that I will only co-operate if I can wear jeans to the orchestra. “We will get you something more appropriate,” my mother insists. “No way I wear a dress,” I insist back. A nice blouse and decent pants (defined as all one colour, worn at the waist and hemmed and unfrayed at the bottoms) evolve as the default outfit and the shopping safari for my date clothing is on. My mother drives us to Loehmann’s, New York’s mecca of low-priced high fashion that has finally opened in Philadelphia. “Last Wednesday, I saw Rhoda Himowitz here with Becky and they found a stunning Cacheral skirt and an Oscar de la Renta blouse.” “Becky is a goody goody suck in Girls Service League. She has millions of skirt and sweater sets that she looks fat in, and who cares what she wears anyway?” In the store with me in tow, my mother bypasses the main section and beelines for the Back Room – Loehmann’s inner sanctum of designer duds reserved for the couture cognoscenti. She scans the racks with a practiced eye, and in under five minutes, recruits three pairs of “exquisite pants and perfect blouses” that I am to try on. This involves jostling our way into the communal dressing room where any notions of privacy are dashed in the light of the twinkling chandelier that illuminates excess pounds of flesh spilling out over bra cups and too-tight pantyhose waists. Luckily, the third pair of pants I try on is the charm. Several flesh-spillers agree with my mother that these pants are truly stunning, and “will take me anywhere.” As long as they take me out of Loehmann’s, I will be happy. They do, along with a robin’s egg blue Candice Bergen tailored button-down blouse. When Toby came to pick me up for our date, he turned out to be smart, pleasant and clean-cut. He was polite and actually took me seriously. As the proverbial parental dream date he was, by definition, nowhere near right for 19-year-old, Jim Morrison-crazed me. The Chopin concert was actually bearable, but dinner was way too fancy. The Happy Passover. Best wishes to you and your family for a happy and healthy Pesach. Chag sameach! ©2015 Ernst & Young LLP. All Rights Resereved. pommes frites were up to the standards of my impeccable outfit, but nowhere near as satisfying as Blue Dog fries with stoned friends. Toby actually followed my father’s footsteps into internal medicine at Temple University Hospital. Thankfully, I eventually met Larry Schwartz and followed him to Canada in 1977. n B6 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] Chag Sameach! And a Healthy Passover to all our Donors, Supporters and Friends M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 The Village and the Maggid Magen David Adom is no ordinary ambulance service… service It also provides the people of Israel with essential medical equipment and medical supplies, ambulances, all blood bank and supply needs, and the finest pre-hospital medical services in the world. Help our Israeli brethren by donating generously. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: TORONTO CHAPTER: 6900 Decarie Blvd., Suite 3155 Montreal, QC H3X 2T8 Tel.: 514-731-4400 Fax: 514-731-2490 Toll-Free: 1-800-731-2848 Email: [email protected] 4580 Dufferin St., Suite 508 Toronto, ON M3H 5Y2 Tel: 416-780-0034 Fax: 416-780-0343 Toll Free in Ontario: 1-888-858-2632 Email: [email protected] ISRAEL CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT MDA - MDA CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT YOU EKATERINA LIN / SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTO BARRY ROSEN L ong ago, in another land, there was a Jewish village where hard times had found a good home. It became the type of place where, if they manufactured umbrellas it would never rain, and if they made coffins then nobody would ever die. In addition to their economic problems, the people in the village were very negative. If the sun shone, they would say “sure it may be sunny now but soon everything will dry up and we’ll die of thirst!” If there was a gentle rain, they would say, “this will only get worse and we will all drown in a flood!” The few visitors that came to the village found their luck changed – from good to bad. Things became so miserable that the place became known as the Village of Sorrow. Needless to say, this name did not do anything to improve their situation. In a distant village, there lived a maggid – a travelling Jewish storyteller. The maggid was known by a single name, Chazanov. Most people were surprised when they discovered that Chazanov was a woman named Chana. A female maggid was unheard of since the popular belief at the time was that a maggid could only be a man. But when Chana Chazanov began to speak, there was virtual silence – the adults would stop talking, the children would stop playing, the crows would stop crowing and the cows would stop mooing. Chana was known not only for her amazing storytelling skills, but also for her chicken soup, which was exquisitely delicious. Chana’s husband Nachum was her manager. He helped her make the arrangements for her various storytelling concerts throughout the land and he drove their wagon. They were a team, but in truth Chana did most of the work. She knew this, but she didn’t mind as her love for Nachum was as deep as the ocean. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 M Since they were getting on in years, Chana and Nachum had become tired of travelling. They were on their way to do a final storytelling concert, travelling in their bright red wagon, pulled by their horse Ferdele. They had not yet reached their destination but the sun was about to set and they needed a place to stay. They realized that their options were either to spend the night under the stars and risk being attacked by robbers, or to travel to the closest village. Unfortunately, the closest village was the Village of Sorrow. They knew about its reputation, but it seemed a better idea than being attacked by robbers so they made their way there, with more than a little reluctance. They found the local inn, and the innkeeper was ecstatic to discover that his overnight guest was none other than the famous Chazanov the Maggid. Chana and Nachum had little money so they offered to pay for their stay at the inn with what they had in abundance – stories and chicken soup. The innkeeper graciously accepted their offer. The news spread throughout the village like wildfire. “Chazanov the Maggid has arrived in our village! Chazanov the Maggid has arrived in our village!” That evening, most of the villagers showed up at the inn. The place was jammed to the rafters. People were sitting on the porch and even on the street outside the inn. Long into the night, magical stories were told and Chana’s delicious chicken soup was consumed. The inn hadn’t been this busy for years. The villagers were so enthralled with the stories, the soup, and the personalities of Chana and Nachum that they wanted them to reside permanently among them. The innkeeper proposed that they make [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] the inn their home, with only a few conditions. He and his wife would continue to live at the inn, and Chana would continue to provide stories and soup. Chana and Nachum happily agreed with this plan. It was a new beginning for the village. The economy improved and life started to blossom – all because of the stories and the soup. Before long, the Village of Sorrow became known as the Village of Joy. Years later, Nachum died in his sleep. Chana was completely overcome with grief. She blamed herself because the night before his death, Nachum had eaten a bowl of her chicken soup. She was sure that she had inadvertently killed him. The village elders told her that this was impossible, since everyone knew that her chicken soup had such healing properties and no one had ever died from consuming it. But her guilt was just too overwhelming. She could no longer bring herself to tell stories and cook soup, despite pleas from the villagers that she resume these highly valued activities. Eventually, things in the village started to decline and the Village of Joy became known once again as the Village of Sorrow. Shortly afterwards, Chana died and all that remained of the village’s better times were the memories. Legend has it that if you visit the graves of Chana and Nachum late at night and pay close attention you will hear a wonderful story told by the wind and you will also experience the delicious aroma of Chana’s chicken soup wafting through the air. And it is said that if you are feeling sad, are physically unwell, or have fallen on hard times, the story and the fragrance of the soup will instantly lift your spirits. ■ B7 B8 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 A Passover Wish JUDY WEINRYB O n a snowy winter’s morning, Sara Snyder stood in line at Starbucks, waiting patiently for her morning coffee. Her mind began to wander to a place far away from the chilly Toronto climate, as she imagined herself walking hand in hand on a tropical beach with her husband Steve. She could hear the hypnotic sound of waves rolling in from the deep blue waters of the ocean and feel the texture of the soft, grainy sand under her feet. Sara was enjoying her fantasy when she was abruptly brought back to reality by a barista ready to take her order . Reflecting on her vision later in the day, she realized that it had actually been years since she and Steve had gone on a beach holiday, or any type of holiday in fact, without their children. At that moment, Sara decided that it was time they did. Unfortunately, it was Steve’s busiest season at his law firm. “Maybe in the spring,” he said, after she raised the idea, over dinner that evening. “Our annual conference is scheduled for mid-March. Sometime after that could definitely work.” Sara began to count the days. She would try to be patient. What was another month or two, if she had waited this long? Then something foreboding happened. The flyers for supermarket specials for Passover began to arrive in her mailbox. A case of concord grape juice for only $29.99, matzah at $12 for five boxes, and assorted brands of gefilte fish for only $4.99 a loaf. It was simply too much for her to bear, like a slap in the face, a dark reminder that it was time to start scrubbing and polishing. Sara would now have to be Wonder Woman – days in the office, afternoons driving car pools and shuffling the children to various activities, evenings in the kitchen and the supermarket. It was tiring just to think about it. “Steve”, Sara declared emphatically after dinner a few days later, “ We either make plans to get away for Passover or I’m going to have a complete meltdown.” After mulling over her ultimatum, Steve agreed to take off the time. “I really do know how much this means to you, and I think it’s a great idea” he told Sara. “Our conference was a big success but I could use a break now too. Let’s do it!” By the following week, arrangements had been made for an all-inclusive Kosher for Passover holiday for two at an upscale hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico Admiring the photographs of the pools, the nightclub and the smooth, sandy beach, Sara was elated. The menu looked particularly appealing, since she would be wined and dined in style, with someone else doing the cooking for a change. Jonathan and Mindy, Sara and Steve’s teenage children, did not make a fuss about being left behind. Rather, they were excited about the prospect of spending Passover with their aunt and uncle in Montreal, something they had never done before. After dropping them off at school a few days later, Sara decided to pop into Yorkdale for a little pre-vacation clothes shopping and strolled around the mall looking at beachwear and sun hats. She realized that she was not far from the assisted living building where her grandmother lived, and decided to pay her a visit. She found her door unlocked and walked into her suite. Fresh out of the bathtub, Bubbie Ruth was wearing her favourite flowered housecoat. She had kicked off her slippers and plunked her haggard feet onto an old brown ottoman. Her uncombed white hair fell loosely on her shoulders. “Sara honey, it’s so nice of you to drop by,” She looked lovingly at her only granddaughter, grateful for the unexpected visit. “Sweetheart, you know how last year I was in the hospital and couldn’t come to your seder? Well, this year not only will I be there but I’ll make the best brisket you ever tasted.” Her dark brown eyes, so sad since Zaidy Max passed away, seemed, if only for just one brief moment, to sparkle as she spoke. Sara sat back in stunned silence. She held back tears and tried to smile. “Sounds wonderful Bubbie. Steve and I will see you at Mom’s for dinner on Friday. We can discuss the Passover menu after dessert.” The next morning, over breakfast in her kitchen, Sara poured out her heart to her best friend Karen. “You know, it wouldn’t be so bad if my sister hadn’t moved to L.A. I don’t know how I could have been so selfish.” Karen had recently split up with her second husband, who had thrown himself entirely into his career, leaving their relationship on the back burner. She understood that a second honeymoon, or even a third or fourth could be very beneficial to a marriage. A Very Happy Passover “Ho n e y, you just can’t c a n c e l n ow. Forget about Bubbie Ruth. I’m sure she’ll be just fine if you go away, just this once, for Passover.” In spite of her words, Sara would not budge. Her mind was made up. She could not let Bubbie Ruth down. She broke the news to Steve and cancelled the airline tickets, the cost of which could be transferred t o a f u t u re flight. Fortunately, it was not too late to cancel the hotel arrangements either. On Friday night, Bubbie Ruth arrived at her daughter’s home looking remarkably well. Coming directly from her weekly hair appointment, she was wearing her blue linen suit, which she usually saved for special occasions. Sara’s mother, Fay, liked having the family around for Sabbath dinner. It made her feel less lonely since she and Sara’s father had gotten a divorce, two years earlier. Fred Ginsberg, a man Fay had met at an art class she was taking, was joining them tonight. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE WE AT NINA MILLER REALTIES INC. WISH OUR CLIENTS, FAMILIES & FRIENDS A VERY HAPPY & HEALTHY PASSOVER! Nina Miller Faigie & Rubin Zimmerman and Family ALEXANDRA BITTON SHARON GORDON SILVIA KERTESZ NATHALIE MENAHEM BEVERLEY SASSON FRED WISEMAN and soon to be new broker Sarina Calandriello. Tel.: 514-482-4562 [email protected] THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Warm wishes for a happy and healthy Passover M [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] They had been dating for a few months and Fay wanted him to meet her family. In addition, Carl, Sara’s cousin who had recently returned from a year’s sabbatical teaching philosophy at Berkeley, had dropped in. After the main course, the entire entourage, including Sara, Steve and the kids, retreated to the living room for dessert. Bubbie Ruth was feeling nostalgic tonight. “Fred darling” she said to Fay’s new boyfriend, “We used to live just around the block from here. Did you know that? Who would have thought that Brunswick Avenue would become so chic?” She laughed, as she picked up her coffee mug to wash down the rich chocolate mousse she’d just consumed with great gusto. “When my Fay was growing up, we had a small cleaners on College Street.” She continued, “It was a thriving business and gave us enough income to bring our baby up in the style to which she’s become accustomed.” “Don’t listen to her, Fred.” Fay pleaded. “Mom, can we keep our opinions to ourselves tonight, please?” Maybe inviting him tonight had not been such a good idea. “You know” Bubbie Ruth continued, “in those days we made everything from scratch – soup, fish, cakes, everything! My mother, may she rest in peace, brought recipes from Poland that were handed down over many generations. By the way, Carl,” she added, directing her words towards her C M Y CM MY CY CMY K © 2013 KPMG LLP, a Canadian limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. B9 grandnephew, “did you know that she left would not feel lonely if she and Steve were her family home in Krakow all by herself to in Puerto Rico during the upcoming family marry my father, who was waiting for her in seder. Her memories would be more than Montreal? The first time she ever laid eyes enough to keep her company. At that moon him was when she got off the train from ment, Steve, who was sitting next to her on Halifax. Boy, did people ever take chances the sofa, squeezed her hand. She turned in those days, eh?” her head to catch him looking at her as Carl, who was fascinated by this generous though he could read her thoughts. outpouring of family history, nodded his “You know,” he said quietly so as not to head enthusiastically. disrupt Bubbie Ruth’s continuing monoSara had heard Bubbie’s stories time and logue. “I got a call today from the travel time again. She loved to recount how she agent that our airline tickets cannot be met Zaidy Max at Wallerstein’s Ice Cream exchanged or refunded after all, so I think Parlour on Spadina Avenue, and how he we’re going to have to go on the holiday saved every penny until he was able to bring we planned. I checked with the hotel and over his brothers from Poland just in time they can still have us for Passover. Do you to rescue them from certain death. Those mind?” ungrateful bastards, they didn’t even count Did she mind? She could hardly behim in when they opened a clothing store lieve his words. She most certainly did that made them a fortune. not. Without the slightest hesitation, she “You can never tell about people,” Zaidy jumped out of her seat to announce their used to say. “My own family. Who would plans to everyone in the room. have thought?” It was one of Bubbie Ruth’s Before she could utter a word, Bubbie favourite stories, Sara recalled, waiting for Ruth turned to her and said “Honey, those her to get to it. days were great but they’re just memories What was Bubbie Ruth looking for, Sara now. I hope you don’t mind, but I just got wondered? Did she feel that by constant- this terrific offer from Saul Weinstein, my ly talking about the past, she could go back next door neighbour in the building, to join and relive it? Was the upcoming seder even him and his kids on a luxury cruise from going to be real for her, or would she just Miami to Curacao for Passover. I’m sure imagine that she was back on Brunswick Av- Zaidy Max would understand. Even an old enue in the 1950s, sitting at the seder table lady like me gets a little lonely sometimes. What9:44 doAMyou think darling, should I take with ZaidyCJN.03.15.2015PASSOVER.pdf Max, and her children? 1 2015-03-05 Sara realized that her grandmother the package with the drinks included?” n B10 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] Montréal • Toronto Happy Passover! M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Signs DOROTHY GLICK Erase if you can the black letters scrawled, dripping on the walls – levied at you (screaming at you); etched into the orbs of your eyes, and memory (Jews out! Death to Jews!) Erase if you can those photos, the amorphous apparitions oozing from the movie screen chasing you home – crawling into bed with you to hound you for hours and then days, and still more – years! Schwartz Levitsky Feldman S.E.N.C.R.L./s.r.l./LLP Société de comptables professionnels agréés Partnership of Chartered Professional Accountants A world-wide network of independent accounting firms and business advisors Erase if you can the cataloguing, the notating, the filing… . the numbers; those millions engraved into nonentities that hold our consciences in terror and ignominy ~ Consider if you can that night…(Were there stars? I will ask) they came out of the shadows of trenches, though they were frightened they lifted themselves into the light hands held out across the night… they came across the lines towards each other singing their voices stronger than those voices that commandeered them the next day to murder THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS April 2, 2015 M [ Pa s s ov e r G r e e t i n g s ] B11 B12 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Friday LILY KOVAN I was still in bed, half sleeping. The familiar noises from the kitchen woke me up. As always, my mother had an early start on Friday, so she could finish all the chores before Shabbat. I woke up feeling good. I loved the anticipation of having my whole family together around the table, having interesting discussions, maybe some jokes, and of course, a good meal, maybe even chicken. I don’t know how my mother managed to cook all the various dishes for Shabbat on kerosene. The cooking process on kerosene was very slow and she only had one burner. Well, somehow, we always had soup, a meat or chicken dish, rice or fried potatoes and cake. She always did it but she did have to have an early start. I moved slowly and sat on the bed when I heard my mom say, “Are you up Lily, get up already. I need some help.” “I am up mom,” I said. I stood up and looked out the window. It was a typical March day, snow, drizzle and wind. The naked tree branches were shaking as if they were shivering from the cold wind. “Are you ready Lily,” yelled my mom again. “Get up already! What would the neighbours say if they walked in? Still in bed at this late hour!” “Yes mom, I just have to brush my teeth and get dressed.” “I washed your dress last night. Check the hanger, it must be dry now.” The apartment where we lived had one large room, one smaller room and a kitchen. In one corner of the larger room were two single beds with a night table in between, where my brother Tamazi and I slept. The other end of the room had a desk which was shared by the two of us. Tamazi hardly did his homework. I could say that the desk was mine. If the desk was occupied, one of us would use the round dining table, standing in the middle of the room with four chairs around it. Against the wall, there was a sofa, occasionally used for overnight visitors and the other side of the wall had a small closet that was shared by all of our family. We didn’t have many clothes. We each had a few outfits for every day and one set of dressy clothing for going out to special occasions. So, it was common that we had to wash a set of clothes the night before to wear the next day. We frequently, dried the clothes by ironing them. Throughout the winter, we hung the clothes on a rope that was going from one end of the room to the other. During the summer it was easier (except, when it rained.) We could hang things outside in the yard. I hated when the room was full of clothes hanging. It looked really ugly. I reached out for my dress to see if it was dry. The dress was still slightly wet. I plugged in the iron to finish up drying my dress so that I could get ready and help my mom with the chores. I was lucky. I had time off from school due to spring break. “Are you ready, Lily?” called my mom from the kitchen again. “I want you to buy three loaves of bread and some cheese, perhaps a few bottles of Borjomi (natural mineral water from the town of Borjomi in Georgia). CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 M B13 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] CAREFREE RETIREMENT LIVING Luckily, your dad had a pay day two days ago. I had enough money to buy chicken for Shabbat yesterday,” said my mom joyfully. I finished ironing, got dressed and walked into the kitchen to see what my mom was up to. You could not have been too quiet, walking on our floor. Every step taken made the floor sound as if it was squirting from some horrible pain. “Hi mom,” I said and looked around the kitchen. It was a tiny little space, just enough to have a kerosene and one small cabinet, but the smell of the cooking filled the whole apartment with an enticing aroma. “Hurry up,” mom said. “We still have to clean the apartment, finish shopping and set up the table. I invited the professor from across the street tonight. Poor man, he is so lonely, no wife, no children...” I took some money to go shopping and walked out of the door, when I saw our regular Friday visitor standing in front of the door to receive his weekly Friday charity. I grabbed the loose change that mom always had on the table for the poor. My mother never felt poor. She was always taking joy from having a loving husband, friends and family and of course me and my brother. She knew there was someone else poorer than her. ■ PA S S O V E R G R E E T I N G S From our family to yours, wishing Chag Pesach Sameach, a Happy and Healthy Passover! 1066 Avenue Road Toronto, ON M5N 0A3 416-483-9900 RESERVE TODAY ONLY A FEW SUITES REMAINING. 866 Sheppard Ave. W. Toronto, ON M3H 2T5 416-636-9555 The Shlafman Family B14 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 extends Chanukah Greetings to its many friends and clients The Shlafman Family extends Passover Greetings to its many friends and clients If – Then and Now HOWARD KURLANDSKI (with apologies to Rudyard Kipling) 74 rue Fairmount Ouest Montreal, QC H2T 2M2 Tél.: (514) 272-0667 If you can go to shul when all about you Fill the air with talk, but have nothing substantive to say. If you can trust in God, when all men doubt you And still have enough inner sense to pray. If you can keep your mind on heaven While still managing to keep your feet on the ground And tell the difference between matzah and leaven By learning enough to keep your reasoning sound. If you can engage yourself by learning Torah. Yet not disengage yourself from your fellow man. If you can separate yourself from lashon hara And stop running to be an also-ran. If you can begin, and not be afraid by starting Or lose your way, and not be hampered by loss If you can stand up straight at a tearful parting And smile either way at a fateful toss. If you can assist, when assistance is needed And not mention a word of what you did. If you can speak, and know that you’ll be heeded Not revealing hurts that should remain forever hid. If you can motivate those around you And know that when all is done That doing right will remain a virtue, And – what is more – you’ll be a mensch, my son. THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS M APRIL 2, 2015 DECARIE Passover 2015_Layout 1 2015-02-27 11:19 Page 1 B15 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] ABOVE & BEYOND ADVENTURE. IT’S IN OUR DNA. THE NEW 2015 DISCOVERY SPORT Introducing our most versatile compact SUV to date. Intelligent technology including class-leading Terrain Response® makes the New Discovery Sport perfect for the great outdoors. A generous storage space of 1,698 litres and available clever 5+2 seating makes for a great indoors too. Arriving Spring 2015. HAPPY PASSOVER DEcariE MoTors inc. 8255 Bougainville, Montréal, Qc H4P 2T3 Phone: 514.334.9910 / Fax: 514.336.0548 [email protected] Follow us on Facebook | /decariemotors Twitter | @DecarieMotors B16 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] My Pet Goosey LYNN SAND I t was going to be our first Passover in America in April 1925. Spring was unusually warm that year. The towering chestnut trees on McCaul Street were in full bloom. The squirrels and robins played hide-and-seek around the huge cone-shaped blossoms. I can almost smell the pungent aroma that filled the air and wafted skyward. We had been separated from Papa for three l-o-n-g years and now he was going to conduct our first seder in our own rented house. I was jubilant. I was seven years old. Papa, a pious soft-spoken man became a peddler because he would not desecrate the Sabbath. Papa’s love of God and Torah made him oblivious to the materialistic world around him. Mama, on the other hand, was very much aware of our poverty. But she never complained. She accepted her lot with grace and dignity. She was also able with unmatched skill to stretch 10 cents into a dollar. She could create and serve a Sabbath meal for the seven of us from one large capon. She would make fricassee, chopped liver and soup, and then bake the boiled chicken from the soup to whet the appetite of the most discriminating palate. Maybe it was because she was raised by a stepmother who was a rival to Cinderella. For this, our first Passover together, Mama asked Papa for a goose. She wanted it at least two months before the holiday so that she could fatten him up. She claimed that goose fat when rendered down was far tastier than chicken schmaltz. It would also produce enough jars of fat to last her for months – possibly to the High Holy Days. The crisp greeven ground into the chopped liver would enhance the flavour beyond imagining. Then there were the goose feathers and down that would make an extra cushion or a small comforter for the expected baby. Another mouth to feed. What surprised my innocence was how a petite woman like Mama could produce such large healthy beautiful babies and be able to nurse them for nine months or more. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Geoffrey Adams CFA Howard Messias [email protected] CPA, CA 514-937-0815 [email protected] 514-937-9741 Trust • Independence • Experience Sherbrooke Street Capital is an independent full service brokerage firm and investment dealer. We wish all of our clientele & friends A Happy & Healthy Passover 4749 Notre-Dame St West, Montreal, QC H4C 1S9 M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 I remember with her seventh and last baby, she had so much milk that when she had to wean her, she was able to nurse a stranger’s infant because the mother was too ill. Papa would give Mama the sun and the moon if he could. I’ll never forget the day he brought her the goose. Mama’s face lit up with pleasure. Papa’s violet eyes sparkled like stars when Mama smiled. The Goose that Laid the Magic Egg. The goose was huge. I thought he was beautiful. Soft snow-white feathers, a long neck with an orange beak – even his B17 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M feet were orange. I wanted to hold and caress him, but he made such a loud honking noise that it frightened me. He was too big for me to hold him anyway. The next morning before I left for school, I went out to the back yard with a bowl of water for the goose. As soon as he saw me coming toward him he spread his great wings and began to flap them furiously as if he was about to take flight. He rushed around the yard. His loud strained honking sounded as if he was very frightened. “Come on Goosey, don’t be afraid of me” I spoke softly. “See I brought you some water. I’ll just leave it here and you can drink it when you get thirsty.” Poor Goosey, I thought, he must be very lonely, taken away from the farm and all his feathered friends. I rushed home from school at lunchtime straight to the yard to see if Goosey drank his water. That’s when I saw Mama stuffing grain down his wide open beak. He was twisting, squirming and honking trying to break away from her clutches. “Mama! Mama, you’re choking him. Why are you forcing him to eat?” I cried, before I realized I was questioning her authority. “Papa never does that to Jake. He just puts down a pail with some grain and a bunch of hay in his stall and leaves him alone.” “Go inside and eat your lunch,” she commanded, “And see that your sisters eat theirs. I made scrambled eggs you can all have with bread and butter, and there’s bananas and milk.” I couldn’t eat a thing. When Mama came in she looked flushed. I rushed out to see Goosey. I had to chase after him. He put up a terrible fight when I caught him. His strong wings scratched my face trying to get away from me. “Poor, poor Goosey, don’t be afraid,” I whispered in his ear. “I’ll take care of you.” I stroked his soft feathers and kissed him on the head. “We’re gonna be friends. I’ll bring you water every day and we’ll walk around the yard.” I didn’t watch Mama feed him after that. But I would rush out after she fed him and tried to calm him down and place a fresh bowl of water for him. Soon he grew to trust me. It was wonderful to see him rush toward me – his outstretched wings flapping and honking just two times. Now he didn’t sound angry. We became friends. He was my pet, my beautiful swan. After school I had more time to walk around the yard and talk to him. Once in a while he would stretch his long neck and honk, as if he understood what I said. All the time I was plagued with the knowledge that Mama was trying to fatten him up for the Passover meals. This gave me many nightmares. One night I woke the whole household with my cries. In my nightmare I saw the shoichet’s sharp knife... “No, no!” I screamed... Papa and Mama came running in from their bedroom. Papa held me. I was in a cold sweat and trembling. “Sha-sha mine kint,” he whispered trying to calm me. Since we slept four in a bed, Mama thought maybe I got kicked and hurt. But I couldn’t tell them about my dream. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE HAPPY PASSOVER Our very best wishes for Health, Happiness, Peace & Prosperity B18 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE My older sister blurted out, “You know what’s wrong with her? She’s upset because you’re pushing grain down the goose’s throat. She thinks you’re choking him trying to make him fat for Pesach, and that we’re going to eat him.” Goldie was mean that way. A real snitchcat. Mama said, “Go back to sleep all of you.” Later when all was quiet, everyone was back in their bed, I could hear Mama through the thin wall say, “Leibkeh, I think you should check the mezuzah on the children’s door. Maybe it’s worn out. Rifkaleh shouldn’t have such bad dreams.” The next morning when I went to see Goosey he wasn’t there to greet me. I rushed into the shed and found him sitting on a patch of straw. He honked, flapped his wings when he saw me but remained sitting. I rushed back to the house. ‘ “Mama, Mama! Something’s wrong with Goosey.” We both ran back to the shed. She put her hand underneath him and to our great surprise found an egg. I knew chickens laid eggs but I didn’t know a goose could too. My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I saw how big it was. Mama was very pleased. THE VOICE OF MONTREAL I knew chickens laid eggs, but I didn’t know a goose could too. Back in the house she said, “Kinderlech, we’re all gonna have lunch from this one egg.” She could do that. She was happy. “Mama,” I asked, “Is this like a miracle? Like when God gave manna from heaven M to the people in the desert when they were very hungry? That’s what our teacher in Sunday School told us. So then, Mama, if Goosey can lay an egg every day you won’t have to buy eggs anymore. You wouldn’t want to kill him for Pesach would you Mama? Would you?” She looked at me surprised. But she didn’t say a word. With tears streaming down my face I rushed out to hug Goosey who was running around the yard honking like crazy. He sounded wild. Even worse than the first day. I couldn’t catch him. I think he was very upset because Mama took his egg. My older sister, the prima donna, came out after me and shouted, “What’s the matter with you? You big cry baby. You upset Ma.” “You mind your own business. You’re so mean. All you care about is yourself. You’re just mad because maybe now you won’t have Goosey for Pesach.” Several days later, at our supper table, Papa said to Mama in Yiddish (they always spoke in Yiddish to each other), “You know Hitzaleh,” his voice always just above a whisper, “When I told George Henry that the goose laid eggs, he said had he realized the goose was not a gander, he wouldn’t have sold it to me. But Happy Passover from home & commercial alarms camera systems emergency medical response Protecting what matters most WEEKDAYS 5:30 - 9 AM he told me that he’d be happy to pay me three times the price I paid him, because you took such good care of it.” Papa was looking at me all the time he was talking to Mama. My head kept turning from Papa to Mama. I could hardly believe my ears, when Mama said, “You know Leibkeh, I was getting very tired feeding that goose. It was putting up such a fight. It was wearing me out taking up too much of my time. Anyway, the extra money you are getting will be a godsend. The children all need new shoes for Pesach.” I rushed over to hug and kiss Papa. I whispered in his ear, “Papa, now I’ll be able to see Goosey when I go to the farm with you in the summertime won’t I? And you know what? I’m gonna tie an orange ribbon around his neck so I’ll know it’s my Goosey. Be sure to tell the farmer never to take it off.” “Yes, mine kint,” he said, and patted my head affectionately. Then I went to Mama. I know she didn’t believe in showing physical tenderness, but I hugged and kissed her too and said, “Thank you Mamishie.” I knew she loved me, even though she brushed me aside and said, “Leibkeh, make sure you bring me two large rock hens for Pesach. They make the best chicken soup.”■ card access FOX O OX ANDREW CARTER THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 514 327 4942 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M B19 Rosh Hashanah ROSALIE CHAD B essie lay in bed watching the new day erase the shadows. She glanced over to Abraham’s bed on the other side of the night table. He was snoring still. His mouth was open, his cheeks were sunken. Perhaps if she were lucky she would manage to wash and dress before he opened his eyes. Gingerly she manoeuvred herself into a sitting position wincing as she stretched her legs. Her feet found their soft slippers in a mixture of pain and relief as she triumphantly reached the floor. She realized she didn’t have much time to arrange her dinner for the family. Above the morning news she heard Abraham walking. Thud, shuffle, thud, shuffle. She heard the bathroom door close. Her potato kugel, carrot tsimmis and chicken soup filled the room with the fragrance of parsley and dill. The escaping steam frosted the windows. She set the table for breakfast. Glancing at the clutter she was overcome by fatigue. Abraham would complain. He liked a neat kitchen. He liked to have his orange juice, his three minute egg, his hot half milk, half coffee ready when he reached the table. “Fifty years this May,” she thought. As she poured the orange juice his voice jarred her, “Good morning, dear.” He was cheerful. “I see you were busy.” “Just my Rosh Hashanah preparations.” She put the egg in the boiling water and checked the time. “A good Yom Tov,” he said. He kissed her on the forehead. “The same to you.” “After you clean the kitchen, I’ll help you set the table,” he said. “Josh and Debbie coming?” She nodded. She loved it when her son and daughter-in-law came to dinner. Everything became so festive. And this year their granddaughter, Barbie and her family were coming as well. She could hardly wait. She found it amazing that Barbie, beautiful Barbie, was a mother. Bessie sighed. Abraham picked up his paper. No more conversation. They sat down for breakfast. She watched him drink his orange juice. She wished he could wipe his mouth. Couldn’t he feel that yellow foam hovering over his lip? She suddenly hurried from the table to put Abraham’s egg on to boil. To her amazement there it was bubbling gently. She removed it from the water hoping it was soft. She watched him tap the shell lightly. She glanced with satisfaction at the round shiny challah and the honey cake she had baked last night. She used the same recipes from her Hadassah cookbook each year. “Bessie, aren’t you listening?” Abraham was pointing to the radio. “He’s talking about the weather.” “….As usual the Jewish New Year will be celebrated with unseasonable temper- atures, sunny with a high in the low 80s.” Abraham smiled complacently. “Would you like more toast Abraham?” “I’ve had it,” he said. “I’ll go downstairs for the mail. “Good, we should have lots of cards,” Bessie smiled. She watched Abraham limp toward the front door. Years before his accident he might have sprinted out the door. They used to win dance contests when they were young. She was ashamed of her impatience toward him this morning. “Good Yom Tov” she called as he left the apartment. CONTINUED ON PAGE 36 Happy Pass o ver B20 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Fine Upholstered Furniture Contact your favorite decorator or designer. Best wishes for a Healthy and Happy Passover 2245, Théodore, Montreal 514-255-3651 Happy Passover Happy Chanukah Waiting for the Minyan LARRY FINKELMAN The faithful gather on the Sabbath day, some to gossip some to pray. Old men stand and mill around, waiting for the minyan. There is nothing heard in the quiet air, congregants pause, some to stare as the rabbi begins to chant, waiting for the minyan. He takes a moment to put down the book. Around the shul he casts a look. Mostly ghosts now sit on benches, waiting for the minyan. Past the memorial lights and into the pall, the closing door echoes in the hall: one more arrives and that makes six, waiting for the minyan. They’re out playing golf on this sunny day, gone to market or making hay. I don’t begrudge them that, but still, we are waiting for the minyan. A few nod off then come awake. The sound of feet begin to snake up the stairs; that makes eight, waiting for the minyan. So what’s for kiddush? Did someone say? Lox and bagels to make the day? And cheesecake too? Ever hopeful, waiting for the minyan. The rabbi’s service draws to an end. Didn’t make it once again. It’s been five weeks and still we are, waiting for the minyan. THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS April 2, 2015 M Happy & Healthy Passover to all our members and friends B21 [ Pa s s ov e r G r e e t i n g s ] Happy & Healthy Passover to all our members and friends Who Would Have Ever Thought? Lynn Sand The signs were there But we didn’t see We didn’t listen We didn’t believe It didn’t seem possible Were we deaf, dumb, and blind? Where was God through all this? How could He let this happen? Did He disappear? Our hearts were heavy and full of trepidation Was this a nightmare that wouldn’t end? There was no day – there was no night Everything seemed dismal, grey, and unwelcoming I needed to remember the beauty of spring. The flowers, the butterflies, the birds that would sing I needed to digress to survive and dream... We were packed like sardines without ventilation We travelled for days without water, without food, without toilets We couldn’t breathe – many perished before we arrived The train stopped People were talking We didn’t know where we were Vicious dogs and brutal masters faced us – ready to attack With whips and harsh spotlights blinding us Screaming, “Men on one side, women and children on the other.” The elderly and sick were sent to gas chambers All remnants of human dignity were stripped forever We were unrecognizable Living skeletons wandered around—insane with hunger What would become of us? We prayed to be saved Some prayed to die Who would save us? Why couldn’t anyone stop Hitler? How could anyone get away with such atrocities? No one could save us but ourselves Many tried to – but their lives were on the line, too We had to be tough to endure We had to keep breathing Doing things we never thought we could do But thank God, many of us survived And lived to tell the story Please God, “Never Again!” W W Happy & Healthy Passover to all our members and friends W elcome elcome to to Hillsdale Hillsdale Golf Golf and and Country Country Club Club an exceptional opportunity for you and your family to enjoy Hillsdale’sopportunity renowned golf courses an exceptional for you and and yourprivileges. family elcome to to enjoy Trial Hillsdale’s renowned golf courses and privileges. Country Club (25-39 years) Hillsdale single Member $995 plus $60 per game per member family $1,295 plus $60 per years) game per member Trial Country Club Golf(25-39 and Country Club Trial Country Club plus) single Member $995 plus $60 (40 per game per member single Memberopportunity $1,495 plus member an exceptional for $75 youper andgame yourperfamily family $1,295 plus $60 per game per member $1,995 golf plus $75 per game member to family enjoy Hillsdale’s renowned courses and per privileges. (new member only) Trial Country Club (40 plus) Trial Country Club years) equity and non-equity single and family(25-39 Memberships with unlimited single Member $1,495 plus $75 per game permember member single Member $995 plus $60 per game per Golf and Corporate Memberships are also available. family $1,295 family $1,995 plus plus $60 $75 per per game game per per member member for more information please contact Jeannot ratthé Trial Country Club (new member only)(40 plus) ([email protected] or 450-435-6521 x233) single Member $1,495 plus $75 per game per member family $1,995 plus Memberships $75 per gamewith per unlimited member equity and non-equity single and family (new member only) Golf and Corporate Memberships are also available. equity and non-equity single and family Memberships with unlimited Golf and Corporate also available. for more informationMemberships please contactareJeannot ratthé ([email protected] 450-435-6521 x233) for more information pleaseor contact Jeannot ratthé ([email protected] or 450-435-6521 x233) w w 9850 Montée Ste. Marianne, Mirabel QC J7J 2A8 T: 450.435.6521 • F: 450.435.7992 td_Country Club Memberships_ad_6x12_Passover.indd 1 3/11/15 2:49 PM w w 9850 Montée Ste. Marianne, Mirabel QC J7J 2A8 T: 450.435.6521 • F: 450.435.7992 9850 Montée Ste. Marianne, Mirabel QC J7J 2A8 T: 450.435.6521 • F: 450.435.7992 td_Country Club Memberships_ad_6x12_Passover.indd 1 3/11/15 2:49 PM B22 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Here is the CBC News... We wish all our readers a Healthy and Happy Passover. With Many Good Wishes for Happiness at Passover and Always SAM HOFFER L istening to the radio was for us no casual matter. My parents and older brothers were survivors of the Holocaust, newly arrived in the early 1950’s in a Jewish farming colony in southern Saskatchewan. Despite the challenges of a strange, new language, the radio and more particularly the CBC, provided them with a window to our new homeland and an occasional link to the world they had left behind. For me, a young boy of about 10, it was the gateway to a kaleidoscope of life and events I could hardly imagine. Here are three childhood memories of newscasts, of that time, that shaped the world. The Rosenbergs (1953) 5025, Ramsay ◆ St. Hubert ◆ Quebec ◆ J2Y 2S3 Tel: (450) 445-0050 ◆ (514) 879-9008 Fax: (450) 445-4828 Every hour, life comes to a halt. We listen to the news, our eyes fixed on the radio. “What are they saying?” my mother asks. My father, anguished, waits for an answer. “Nothing. It’s all up to the president,” Joe replies, the strain evident in his voice. More bulletins. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are being prepared for execution. Husband and wife. Found guilty of giving the Russians secrets to the bomb. “Is it possible? Why kill them even if they did these things,” I wonder but don’t dare to ask. “They have to blame somebody, so they’re blaming the Jews. Nothing has changed,” my father declares. My brother’s last hope is written on his face. “It can’t happen in America,” he says. It’s erev Shabbos. The radio crackles. There will be no pardon. Not even a delay. Hours later, the announcer reports that they are dead. Death enters our house. Disbelief. Fear. Silence. Outside, I catch the sun nearing the horizon. Miles above, a vapour trail led by a silver speck, traces across the sky. Another military plane protecting us from the Russians. They say that we are safer now. The Rosenbergs are dead. Sinai War (1956) The threat of war is heavy in the air. Shooting across the border. Israeli soldiers, the victims of snipers. I recognize his voice on the radio. Nasser, the president of Egypt, threatening Israel’s destruction. Fear is in my parents’ voices. Another war. Lives in danger once again. Our family is there. I sense my brothers’ frustration. Too far to join the coming fight. What will happen? To Israel? To us? In the morning we hear the news. War. Millions aligned against us. Reports of death. Tanks and planes. Speeches. A tidal wave of hate. “Bring us your atlas,” they ask. The one I just got. Thick black arrows carved across the Sinai. I stare at the scars. My atlas. A casualty of war. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE M B23 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] RAFFI Towing Air Conditioning General Mechanic Happy Passover to all my customers and friends you “Wishing y p p a h a Passover” 5D3 5650 Westminster 489-3544 Happy Passover Happy Passover Sputnik (1957) “Here is the six o’clock news. History was made today when the Soviet Union launched the first satellite ever to orbit the earth. The satellite entered an orbit at ...” Joe and I are in the living room. He looks serious, staring at the radio, but says nothing. My mother asks him to shut it off. It’s almost Shabbos. She blesses the candles and asks us to come to the table. My father rises to recite the Kiddush. He drinks from the cup of wine and blesses the challah. We savour my mother’s Shabbos meal. “I heard them talking a whole day on the radio about the satellite,” my mother says, knowing that the subject is still on Joe’s mind, “but I don’t really understand. What exactly did they do?” Joe explains, “The Russians shot a rocket far up into the sky and instead of falling back down, it’s going to stay up, go around Listening to the radio was for us no casual matter. the earth and send radio signals back.” “And what about the Americans?” she asks. “That’s the point. They haven’t done it yet. The Russians are first and who knows if the Americans will ever catch up? No one knows where this will lead. They might even get to the moon.” “It’s all made up,” my father says, breaking his silence. “They aren’t going around the earth. They’re not going anywhere. Not to the moon. Nowhere.” “ Dad,” Joe replies, “they will go to the moon. It’s only a matter of time.” “Nowhere! They tried it with the Tower of Babel and we know how that ended. If God had wanted us to be on the moon he would have put us there. It’s all propaganda – the Russians and the Americans are trying to outdo each other and all the fools are believing it.” I look from one to the other and at the clock. Time for the news, an update on what’s happening. “Could it all be fake?” I wonder, “are the Russians just scaring us?” I glance at the radio. It’s off. It’s Shabbos. ■ May You Be Blessed With Peace, Prosperity And Joy. 1D2 1D2 1D2 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 B24 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Bar Mitzvah in Israel GAIL BERMAN Our Best Wishes For A Happy Passover חג הפסח שמח The excitement commenced one beautiful spring day, when the family boarded an El Al flight to Israel last May. There were the grandparents, parents, two boys and a girl. One of the boy’s was the bar mitzvah boy, with much wisdom just like a pearl. (514) 733-7101 · 3888 Jean Talon West While the airplane was swiftly traversing the sky, Daniel, the bar mitzvah boy, was reviewing his parshah, to ensure that he knew it dry. SHULTERM When the family arrived in Jerusalem, they were met by their cousins, all joyous. Everyone went to the cousins’ home, and along the way, passed by the famous Dome. • Canadian customs bonded sufferance warehouse • Distribution & transit service • Container consolidation import & export Following some days of touring, the family completed preparations. Because on that coming Shabbat, the special event would occur. Would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers, friends and family a Healthy and Happy Passover! Indeed, Saturday arrived, sunny and warm, and the Silverman family prepared to go to shul. They met with their rabbi and cantor, and did the necessary, according to rule. The Shabbat morning service began, and the prayers ran their course. Then came the anticipated moment, when Daniel approached the bimah with his parents. He chanted his parshah and Haftarah very well. The congregation sat still, as though under a spell. 2708, rue Léger Ville de LaSalle, Québec H8N 1A3 The bar mitzvah boy, all the while, was thinking, how fortunate he was, to be celebrating his occasion in Israel. Tel.: (514) 367-4004 Fax: (514) 367-4334 7C5 This was worth the lengthy flight, that covered many a mile! THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 M B25 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] The Day I Met a Mensch Wishes You Happy Wishes You New Year Happy Wishes You Passover 514.489.8872 Happy Wishes You 5487 Monkland Ave., New Year Happy And Now On The Plateau At 514.489.8872 New Year 4177A St Denis 5487 Monkland Ave., 514.289.2549 514.489.8872 Ave., At And5487 NowMonkland On The Plateau 4177A St Denis And Now On The Plateau At 514.289.2549 1D2 began visiting Israel in 1980 when my daughter planned to move to there to be with her fiancée. I was a little apprehensive because I do not speak Hebrew but I was assured that a great many people speak English and besides I would probably always be with family members who could rescue me when it came to the language issue. I was anxious to see the country and became very excited every time I embarked on a visit there. Then, one year I became very brave and ventured forth on travels by myself. My daughter assured me that when I left the train station in Jerusalem, it would be easy to find a taxi to take me to the hotel she had suggested I stay in. The hotel was not that far from the train station and it was on the main street, in the midst of all the great shopping stores. It was a lovely sunny day when my daughter waved to me after she had put me on the train in Binyamina on my way to Jerusalem. The ride was spectacular, especially as one approaches the hills surrounding Jerusalem. It was spring and the wild flowers were abundant. They seemed to decorate the entire view and I was thrilled watching them, especially since I knew there were only cold, snow and ice storms back home in Canada. Finally, I arrived at the train station in Jerusalem and asked about the hotel I was going to. The kind gentleman I asked spoke and lay down on the bed. I didn’t wake up until dark and I went downstairs to the front desk where I was told the best place to get something to eat. I did have an exciting and fruitful time for the next few days and returned to my daughter’s house with nothing but wonderful stories and all my shopping “buys.” She asked me who the nice old man was who helped me that first day and I fished around in my pockets until I found his card. My daughter collects business cards from people that impress her. Neither my daughter or son-in-law could believe my ignorance when I showed them the business card of that wonderful man who was so kind to me and taught me the history of the city that meant the world to him. They were still laughing and chiding me for not knowing who he was. They finally told me it was no other than Teddy Kollek, the mayor of Jerusalem. I wasn’t as impressed with his title as much as of the man himself and the love and pride that oozed from his very pores when he spoke of Jerusalem. My title for him was simply Mensch. There are probably many attempts at translating the word “mensch” and you can try, if you like. Let me know what you come up with. You will likely have many people describe someone that fits that description, but I have never met anyone as true to the meaning and feeling of the word “Mensch” as Teddy Kollek. (Well, maybe my Zaidie, but that’s another story). ■ 4177A St Denis 514.289.2549 1D2 I no English but he scurried about and found someone who did. The young man assured me that although it was very hot, I would have no trouble walking the short distance to the hotel. I started on my way. It was 35 degrees out. My luggage, which I thought was very light suddenly, became very heavy as I trudged along. I kept watching for the hotel but did not see it. Finally, when I was at the end of my strength and was thirsty, tired, grubby and generally thinking it was not such a good idea to go to Jerusalem, I suddenly I spotted a Jerusalem Tourism Office and I literally flopped in on one of the seats there. A kind old man came over, brought me a cold drink and asked me if I was lost. I told him I think I am lost and I am exhausted and sorry I ventured out to this terrible city. Well, that was a personal affront for him. It is a beautiful city and you have come at an important time, he informed me. We are celebrating the return of Jerusalem to our people for 20 years. Yes, it was 1987 and the city was busy with the planned visit of many tourists. I was not very impressed but the love and pride in the face and voice of this old man began to penetrate. Suddenly, after I had rested a while, this kind old man took me by the hand and escorted me to the hotel. He left me his card and asked me to enjoy my visit to Jerusalem. I shoved his card in my pocket, thanked him for his kindness and entered the hotel where I went up to my room, refreshed myself 1D2 SALLY-ANN KERMAN B26 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 M iPray SUZANNE REISLER LITWIN Everyday For something, everything One thing. To solve the crimes Spread the joy Be our best Peace, solitude, happiness, health Not for me But for you, and you, and you Follow the ancient words Make a difference Love all those who need love iPray for all and everything and everyone, everywhere I do, iPray Success, a point, a goal achieved A dream, a miracle For her and him and them iPray for that day will be Jerusalem Snow PEARL ADLER SABAN iPray for the world At night when I’m alone I hear my inside voice Quietly I summon our God iPray for mankind This is my effort To find the cure In this time I think I like that name for a book. Or a song. Or a poem. Or a clothing label – “What are you wearing?” “Oh, I’m wearing Jerusalem snow.” Those fluffy flakes that fall and cover the city and surrounding landscape, patched together like a white, pristine down comforter filled with goose feathers that God has shaken and spread out across his Jerusalem bed Step In Safely Looking for a quick and economical alternative to messy, disruptive and costly bathroom renovation? Warm wishes to our clients & friends for a Happy & Healthy Passover HAPPY PASSOVER Let us make a difference in your life today! ENTREPRISE TUBWAY Phone: 514.544.2929 Toll Free: 1.855.544.2929 • Email: [email protected] THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 B27 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M Candlesticks O ne of my earliest memories was watching my mother light candles on Shabbat. I remember the Sabbath table set with a snow-white tablecloth, the good china and gleaming silverware. I especially loved the silver candlesticks with the candles glowing in them. I knew they were very special because my mother polished them every week and used them on Friday nights and Jewish holidays. They were about 12 inches high and covered with worn down engraved flowers. There was a sort of umbrella shaped structure over the base and just under the tulip-shaped top. The stem between the two umbrella shapes ballooned out into one large and one small shaped urn. The design was unusual. I had never seen it anywhere else. When I was older, my mother explained to me that they had originally belonged to my grandmother’s mother, my great-grandmother, who had lived in Lithuania. She gave them to my grandmother when she married. My grand- mother brought them to Canada with her and gave them to my mother on her wedding day. My mother passed them on to me after I married. They are one of my most precious possessions. When I use them, I feel a link to my distant past and to the future when my own children will use them. In 2001, my husband and I went on the March of the Living. We went to Poland a few days before the march began to do some sightseeing on our own. While passing through a village in the northeast we noticed an old synagogue and stopped to look at it. Inside was a small museum. On dis- play were various artifacts showing what Jewish life had been like in this area before the Nazis had destroyed it. We entered and I immediately spotted the candlesticks. They were identical to the ones in my home. I realized we were near the Lithuanian border and probably near the village where my grandmother had grown up. The unique design of the candlesticks must have been indigenous to this area. I started to cry and could not stop. I felt an incredibly strong connection to my family who had lived there and could actually feel their presence. I thought about how far our candlesticks had travelled, how often they had been used, and how they had survived time and space. I felt privileged to have somehow arrived here to be able to experience my roots. It was as if I had been destined to come. ■ MHcl HAPPY PASSOVER MK 6600 Côte-de-Liesse (514) 735-5150 0C4 RHODA WISE B28 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 All Alone for Passover MARVIN ZYLBER Is this what my Passover seders have become? I sit alone at my seder table, My place setting is only for one. Still I am all alone again for the Passover seders It is lonely, sad and hard The only ones now at my seder tables Are just Eliyahu, me and God. My family and friends are long gone Or moved on, Or far too busy, Or think the seders are just a drag on The Jewish community is small and Passover is upheld by a few, Many said this day would come and others said it was nothing new Still I called out to my neighbours, My colleagues, Even to strangers that were Jews, “Come” I said “to my seders” but nobody came, not even to schmooze. When I think back to my youth When seders were not uncouth, My family came from far and wide and fed their sweet tooth. Times have changed and some still complain, That Passover food is very costly, far too out of their range, But I said my seder meals are absolutely free, Just enjoy it, nothing to do, nor arrange BERSON & PAPERMAN MONUMENTS INC Laurence Paperman and Brandee Berson-Klein are proud to announce the formation of Berson & Paperman Monuments Inc., a family business. Combining over 100 years of experience and commitment to our Montreal Jewish community, continuing the traditions of our families before us. CUSTOMS BROKERAGE FREIGHT FORWARDING NORTH AMERICAN TRANSPORT Montreal 514-288-2161 • Dorval 514-695-3585 • Toronto 905-673-1568 • Vancouver 604-821-1677 1-888-MILGRAM • To better serve the community in January 2015 we opened our brand new modern production facility and showroom located at: 5635 Ferrier (corner Devonshire) Tel: 514-845-7700 Happy Passover, Chag Sameach! !פסח כשר ושמח THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 M B29 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] Witness NORMA BARKIN From precious remnants of a mad experiment, A small, intrepid army, by miracle was sent, Emerging out of tortured loss and stolen youth, To vow that hate would never triumph over truth. They mustered all unbroken will and made the choice To lay bare anguished memories and give them voice. Those shattered beyond speech were counted with the rest. Cold numbers, mutely worn, would silently attest. They marched and spoke and sang and wrote, revisiting their pain. Then, when it seemed their strength was spent, arose and marched again. In ghost-like camps, or bustling schools, they had their message heard, As eager minds and feeling hearts recorded every word. Each offered grisly evidence, with nothing spared, Remembering another world where no one cared, And men performed unholy tasks in fiendish haste, While deeply loved and treasured souls were rendered waste. This testimony will continue to defy The fools and monsters who continue to deny, What was so undeniably man’s vilest crime, And shine the light of truth upon that evil time. JOËLLE WIZMAN PHARMACIENNE - PROPRIÉTAIRE 5820, av. Monkland Montréal (Québec) H4A 1G1 Tél. : 514-487-1411 Téléc. : 514-487-7223 HAPPY PASSOVER Free delivery to Côte Saint-Luc, Hampstead and Westmount Nursing and Nutritional services available Pharmacie Wizman, Bougie & associés Affillée à HAPPY PASSOVER! B30 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Just as Sweet RACHELLE LERNER P roust is right: we reach back to the past through our senses. I am just recovering from one of those splendid gifts that Canadian winter presents us all with – a cold and chest infection – and I finally realized why I, a vegetarian of more than two decades, always crave chicken soup whenever I am laid low. Never mind the cliché that it is Jewish penicillin. It comforts me because my bubbie, who was tender and brusque, always smelled of chicken soup. Whenever we visited, the first thing that she did was to lean over and kiss me, and I remember the softness of her crumpled skin and its perfume – the chicken soup that was invariably simmering away on the stove. Oh, and that large purse that she always carried, a beige, platinum leather, rectangular purse with a metal clasp that she snapped opened to give us the treasures housed within: chocolate bars, Turkish delight, and a mauve gum long since no longer manufactured. The recent death of my uncle that leaves only my one aunt and my dad, the two youngest in the family, has stirred up memories, not least because at the shivah house, we looked at black-and-white wedding photos of my aunt and uncle. My dad had no recollection of having worn a top hat – yet, there was the proof. Later, my dad and I watched the films that he had shot of a succession of seders during my childhood. I still feel the heat of those light bulbs used with that Super 8 camera. One of the funniest moments was seeing my short, but sturdy bubbie reach across the dining room table to seize the wine glasses from the clutches of two of my cousins who liked to get as drunk as they could on the kosher wine. Just to show how enduring memories can be, I do remember my dad turning the camera on my mom and her telling him to stop, which, tease that he is, only encouraged him to persist, as I do of one of my uncle’s long goodbye (for he had gotten loaded). There is also a trace of a memory of playing circle games with my bubbie and my cousins. And the mere thought of my bubbie’s searing horseradish, as, too, my mom’s, makes my eyes well up and my nose flare from the fumes. My dad recounted that when he was a child, my bubbie took in boarders to supplement the meager earnings that my zaidie made as a chicken salesman, and one boarder learned the hard way just how lethal my bubbie’s horseradish was. When she encouraged him to try some, he eagerly helped himself to a heaping soup spoon’s worth that made him start a dance frantically all through the kitchen that became even more frenzied after he tried to douse the heat with water. Watching the films and seeing how young and vibrant my mom was re- GRAND CENTRAL INC. Passover our & friends clients & friends to our clients & friends 210 Crois Netherwood Hampstead, Québéc H3X 3H5 (514) 744-1535 • téléc. (514) 744-4035 Cell (514) 702-4779 sans frais 1-888-695-8989 [email protected] division de les développements david gandell Happy Passover Our Very Best Wishes We Purchase Quality Antiques Actively seeking: • English & Continental Furniture • Chandeliers • Paintings • Sculpture • Objets d’Art • Silver • Mirrors etc. • Free Appraisals • tel (514) 935-1467 2448 Notre Dame West 7C5 Happy Passover HappytoPassover our Happy Passover to our clients & friends our clients &Happy friends to Passover minded me of why Passover is such a bittersweet holiday for me. A week before Passover in 1995 and right before her birthday, my mom died at the age of sixty-three. Numb and in shock, I got up from sitting shivah, and had to go to the grocery store to buy all the food that we needed for that holiday. No matter how drained that I felt, I still had to go on with the cleaning and the cooking, in part for my then young sons and my husband, and in part to honour my mom and my bubbie, who both expressed their love through food. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Since then, each time that I take out the white linen and cotton tablecloth and serviettes that my mom bought for me, light the candles in the silver Shabbat candleholders that my bubbie brought over from Poland, and place the matzah in her embroidered silk tasseled holder, I think of them. The symbolic foods for each holiday endow the festivities with a vivid continuity through their tastes, shapes, and smells. So do the memories of the foods that my bubbie and my mom prepared. On one visit to my bubbie – who spoke only Yiddish – told me to take a little taste. I asked her what I had just eaten and she said: “cowfleish.” My dad then translated: “beef tongue.” Horrified, all B31 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M that I could visualize was this gigantic tongue masticating. Perhaps, though, it was the very early memory of my bubbie cleaning a chicken that started me on the road to becoming a vegetarian. Nonetheless, I did eagerly ingest her tomato flavoured fricassee, including the chicken feet that then you could buy, even though I felt slightly squeamish. My mom was an expert baker, who excelled in creating all kinds of elaborate floral decorated cakes. She always baked the birthday cakes for our sons. The first one was a large teddy bear cake and three little alphabet block cakes. The second production was a yellow big bird cake, with blue Cookie Monster cookies to hand out as party favours (which turned the children’s mouths blue.) In her last year of baking, she made a huge hockey rink cake, complete with hockey players intricately shaped out of blue and white, and red and white royal icing. So, after my mom died, I wanted to carry on the tradition and told my younger son that I would bake a hockey rink cake for his birthday. I laboured for hours. By his bedtime, he was in tears because it just did not look as good as Bubbie’s cakes had been. But, I redoubled my efforts and, by the next day, my family pronounced it outstanding. My bubbie and my mom were both strong willed individuals. While my bubbie was Orthodox, my mom maintained that you can worship anywhere and that it is your daily actions that manifest your spirituality. Still, with her characteristic enthusiasm for any new project, my mom threw herself into making an Orthodox home after she had converted, endeavours that my dad, rebel as he was, asked her to tone down. We did observe all of the Jewish holidays, and regularly attended Friday night dinners at my Bubbie and Zaidie. But, my parents also encouraged my siblings and me to learn about other religions, too. Nevertheless, they did draw a line when we moved into the suburbs and I started attending elementary school. In those days, each school day began with singing God save the Queen, reciting the Lord’s Prayer, followed by an hour of religious instruction. Soon after I started school, I came home to ask who this “Jesus Christ” was. Alarmed, my parents met with the school principal the very next day, as did the parents of the only two other Jewish students at the school. The upshot was that we three were excused from reciting the prayer and the religious class. However, instead of allowing us to go to the library, we were told to sit outside in the hallway – as if we were the great unwashed. Needless to say, we began to be ostracized. It was an early lesson in the need for religious tolerance. My parents also wanted me to get a Jewish education. When I was eight years old, they enrolled me in a part-time Hebrew school that I attended Monday through Thursday after my regular school day and Sunday mornings. It was a classroom filled with some 80 boisterous students, who loved to toss food and books around. I was meek and well behaved, hence the report cards that I received were filled with A+s. Unfortunately, all that I actually managed to learn over the next three years was the Hebrew alphabet and to parrot some Hebrew songs. Rather, I learned from my parents’ teachings and from reading the English translation of the Torah. (I was shocked to learn when I took a mythology and religious studies course at university that the Old Testament has more than five books and are in a different order.) The only other memory I have is of the miserable car ride to and from the classes. The car windows were always shut tight, which made the air noxious, because the driver smoked cigarettes incessantly and one of the other children always brought two oranges to peel and eat. To this day, the smell of either makes me ill. There is one more lingering smell from my childhood that is also a phantom one everywhere, except in my memory. Whenever I look at two photos of my dad and me, taken when I was a toddler, I recollect standing in the dispensary of the pharmacy where my dad had worked – way back in what was called New Toronto. In the second photo, I am perched on a tall white stool. I flashback to watching my dad prepare a medication using a mortar and a pestle and my nose wriggles at that peculiar drugstore smell long since vanished. None of the chain drugstores have that distinctive blend of chemical and sweetish odours. Since then, only once have I encountered that smell in – of all places – a cluttered pharmacy in Niagara Falls. It is not quite Proust’s madeleine, but it is perhaps closest to what Gertrude Stein meant with her echo of Shakespeare: “A rose is a rose is a rose.” It smells just as sweet as the memories of childhood. n Elliott Alper Karla Alper Lach Chag Sameach ! Instigatrice de la solution pour Steven Lach Creators of The Specialty Insurance Solution™ MCassurance spécialisée MC Instigatrice de la solution pour une une assurance spécialisée | Creators of The Simon Rimock Specialty Insurance Solution™ Isaac Sadaka Cabinet de services financiers | Financial Services Firm 5520 rue Paré, Montréal | Québec | H4P 2M1 Cabinet de 1-800-264-3435 services financiers Financial Services Firm Tél:| 514 737-3434 5520 rue Paré, Montréal | Québec | H4P 2M1 | T 514 737 3434 | 24H 514 233-3434 Fax: 514 737-8585 | [email protected] Ilan Sarid B32 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 When a Daughter Leaves the Shtetl I n 1908 Sheva embarks on the most important journey of her life. She crosses the cobblestone street and cuts through the village square on her way to Rivka’s house. It’s spring. Green leaves unfold from sticky brown buds on trees and yellow daffodils mingle with blades of grass, bowing to one another in the gentle breeze. It looks peaceful enough until a black cloud appears in the sky like the pogroms that send Jews fleeing in fear when thugs shatter windows and ransack homes. Just after Yankel’s birth Moshe decides they must leave the shtetl, and he makes his way to England. Now, after three long years of separation, Sheva counts the days until they are together again. Sheva and Rivka grew up together. They laughed and cried together and today while sipping hot tea, reminisce about childhood adventures. The clock on the mantel ticks in the background. Sheva glances at the time, stands up, brushes off her long skirt and drapes her shawl around her shoulders. “Rivka, I could spend hours talking, but I must go, I have to pack. Promise me you’ll write?” “I will – I promise.” They hug each other so tight Sheva can barely breathe. She kisses Rivka’s tear stained cheeks. “Look after Lazer and the children,” Sheva says. She holds out her hand to Yankel. “Come Tatala, let’s go home.” Together, they walk past the little wood frame shul where Sheva davens upstairs on Shabbat with the other women. She pokes her head in the shop next door and says good-bye to Motel the butcher. Not that his meat was ever good. Once Sheva marched into his store and slapped a piece of cooked brisket on the counter. “You call this a piece of meat, Motel? It’s tough like leather!” Tiny, fearless Sheva is no pushover. She walks around the corner, down the gravel road, past the well. Yankel kicks pebbles into the ditch, just as Sheva did as a child. In the distance she sees her father, sitting outside the house on his old wooden chair. Face drawn and pale, he strokes his red beard and pushes his black kippah back and forth on his head. Yankel runs, and climbs on his lap. “Tatti, are you alright?” says Sheva. Her father wraps his arms around Yankel and kisses his cheeks. “I wish you would leave him here with Mameh and me. You’re going to live in an unknown world. Will he study Torah, will he attend yeshiva?” “Tatti, Yankel is my son. I could never leave without him. I don’t know what the future holds, but you have my word, Moshe and I will raise our children as honest Jews.” Just then, her mother steps outside. “So, did you ask her?” she says. “Mameh – how could you even imagine I would leave Yankel behind?” “Shush, let’s not argue. The soup is hot, the bread warm. Come inside and eat before the food gets cold,” says her mother. Sheva sits down and looks around the table at her brothers and sisters and wonders if she will see them again. Maybe they’ll come to England. Life is full of maybe’s, she thinks. That night, after she tucks Yankel into bed, Sheva folds the few clothes she is taking with her and puts them on top of the dresser. Tired from the emotion of the day, she lies on the bed beside her son and pulls the feather comforter over the two of them. Her eyes close and she tries to imagine her Moshe. She reaches out to touch his face. Soon we’ll be together again. Yankel sighs when Sheva pulls him into her. She strokes his hair, and kisses his forehead before her head sinks into the pillow. Sheva wakes with a start. Paper burnskindling crackles as her father stokes the wood stove. She gets up and pulls the lace curtain back from the window. It is still dark outside. She splashes water on her face. Hurry, we have a train to catch. Yankel stirs and rubs his eyes. She washes his hands and face and helps him dress. Half asleep, neither one of them can eat, it’s too early. “At least have a hot drink,” her mother says, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Happy Passover Fashion Specialist in sizes12-26 ALEMBIKA ZUZA BART KOKOMARINA EILEEN FISHER WOMAN RAFFINALLA TOMO SPANX …& MORE NOW CARRYING BERNIE MEV SHOES (Master of woven footwear ) New Hours Mon. - Wed. 10 - 6 Thur. & Fri. 10 - 7 Saturday 10 - 5 Sunday 12 - 5 4828 ST. LAURENT BLVD MONTREAL 514.844.9159 FIONA GOLD KROLL OPPEN’S HAS BEEN CELEBRATING WOMEN’S EVOLVING LIFESTYLES FOR OVER 25 YEARS. KUCO / SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTO Pessach Pessa’h Passover Pessah Pesach G E O R Paques GES L A OPassover UN Paysach Pessach Pessa’h Happy Pesach Passover Pessah to our friends, customers and artists. Pesach Paques Paysach Passover Pessach Pessa’h 514-844-1919 4012 St. Denis, Corner Duluth Passover Pessah Pesach Paques O P T I C I E N 514-985-0015 1396 Sherbrooke West Museum of Fine-Arts bldg. THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Sheva lays their clothes in a clean linen sheet with two loaves of bread for the journey and ties the ends together in a bundle. She buttons up Yankel’s coat and wraps herself in a shawl. “Have you got all your tickets?” “Yes, Tatti I do,” she smiles. She closes the old door to the house and rubs her fingers over dents and cracks in the wood. Several are from age, others from the hoodlums who beat down the door, just to scare them from time to time. Tatti turns the key. The lock clicks. Sheva knows she will never return. In the early morning darkness, the four of them walk to the train station in silence. They sit down on the bench beside the tracks. Yankel yawns and snuggles with his grandfather. Slowly dawn breaks, birds chirp and the rising sun brightens the sky with pink and mauve shadows chasing night clouds over the horizon. Suddenly the quiet is broken by a harsh whistle. A black engine rumbles down the tracks, spewing white smoke from its funnel like an angry bull. Yankel buries his head in Sheva’s lap and covers his ears. The train clatters into the station, and stops with a hiss of steam and screeching brakes. Sheva hugs her mother. “Good-bye Mameh. Take care of yourself and make sure everyone helps you next Pesach.” She turns to her father and looks into his blue eyes, moist with sadness. Her beloved Tatti the most wonderful father, she could hope for – pious, patient, kind and caring. “Look after you and Mameh,” she says, B33 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M tears rolling down her face. He hugs her tight and kisses her forehead. “Go. Be well – all of you.” She takes Yankel’s hand and climbs on the train. They sit by a window and when the train begins its slow chug out of the station, Yankel stands on his seat and waves good-bye to his Bubbie and Zaidie. They travel all day, stopping in Vienna at night. Sheva knows the two loaves of bread will not be enough to feed them for the entire journey, so they spend the night at the Jewish shelter where they eat and rest. In the morning, they board a train to Bremen, and finally embark on the ship. It takes two nights to cross the wild North Sea without food other than the bread Sheva carries with her. She sings songs, tells Yankel stories in Yiddish and cradles him in her arms until they both fall asleep exhausted. Moshe paces on the wharf waiting for Sheva and Yankel to disembark at the London docks. His anxious eyes search faces on the crowded deck. Then he sees them walking down the gangway and when they reach the bottom, he scoops up Yankel in his arms and hugs and kisses Sheva. She removes her head scarf and runs her hand through the soft waves in her hair. “Where’s your sheitel?” he asks. “I don’t remember.” Sheva tilts her face to the clear blue sky and soaks up the warmth from the sun. She looks at Moshe, smiles and together my grandparents and uncle walk hand in hand with hope for a better life in England. ■ What If HELGA STUMMER Ahasverus’ harem had not been replenished, After Queen Vashti he had banished. IF Esther’s beauty had not pleased the king, And with another he would have had his fling. IF his word had not held sway, And Haman would have had his way. IF Haman’s plot had not boomeranged, and Mordechai would have been hanged. Then Purim would be full of sadness, Instead of nachas, joy and gladness. There’d be no megillah, no gragger, and no hamantach, Nothing to read or rattle and nothing to nosh. Happy passover for Health, Happiness and Peace 5250, Décarie, #700 Montréal, Québec Canada H3X 3Z6 A HAPPY & HEALTHY PASSOVER TO ALL OUR CLIENTS & FRIENDS (514) 487-1566 1D2 (514) 488-5145 100, boul. Alexis Nihon, bureau 520 Montréal (Québec), H4M 2P1 Téléphone: (514) 932-2163 Fax: (514) 739-2785 E-mail: [email protected] B34 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Just One Photograph at the Holocaust Museum The World has Gone Mad JOYCE WIHL SUZANNE REISLER LITWIN Yesterday we were boys, and this was my friend. Today he is accused of a bad word I hardly ever heard of. Today he is “Jew”. My shame hurts us both. Yesterday these streets were ours. Today these streets, these people are foreign. Did our silly imaginations invent their guns and uniforms? Can our wishing make them go away? A mysterious horror is throbbing inside me. I am already tired of questions and fear. And I am afraid. Yesterday we were boys, and this was my friend. Yesterday is further away than death. Has it? Perhaps some of it Seriously, what’s gone wrong? Thank God, not all of it In these twisted minds When incomprehensible hate Madness has set in, then out Happens someplace, somewhere Have mothers stopped loving their Each day children? Someone has gone mad. This world is my home Your home When it’s so easy to be The only truth home we share Free, kind and peaceful Live by 10 ancient laws Rebirth oneself into his arms Allow the good to penetrate your What’s gone wrong? soul Believe, truly believe…in Is there a void of love? KILDARE KT TOWERS Lack of contact, commitment, Only then can we contentment Heal the world Missing relevant involvement? One word at a time To all our clients and friends. CO T E S T- LU C LOOKING FOR A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! AT KILDARE TOWERS RENTING MAKES GOOD SENSE. LUXURY CONDO STYLE LIVING 3 1/2 & 4 1/2 AT VERY REASONABLE RENTAL RATES THE BEST VALUE YOU CAN FIND Adjacent Cavendish Mall Happy Passover 514-489-6441 Our best wishes for a very happy and healthy Passover. Pager: 514-230-3361 5761 Honore De Balzac Cote St Luc LLP/SENCRL LE MANOIR CAMELIA Chartered Professional Accountants & Business Advisors 5875 Cavendish Pager: 514-936-5651 514-875-2865 * Emergency * Emergency 1hr re 1 *of Hook * aHookless ess Partials a s agreeoWho gives gives youyou Kamenetzky encouraged encouraged the the impleimpleMystrength proposal My proposal essentially essentially consists consists of two ofKamenetzky the the strength to act to act valiantly” valiantly” (Deut. (Deut. mentation mentation of such such prenuptial a Part prenuptial agreetwo prenuptial prenuptial agreements. agreements. * Emergency * Emergency 1hr repa 1hr repair r liantly” tly” (Deut (Deut. mentation mentation of such of such a prenuptial a prenuptial agreeagreetwo two prenuptial prenuptial agreements agreements. First, in order in order for for a sefer a sefer keritut keritutment, 8:18). 8:18). 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M514 P 2545 M17 Page 17 M P M17Page 17M514 PageM15 oto (bill vorce of divorce requ required red Torah by Torah aw (bill law of divorce divorce required required by Torah by law law our parsha our parshat ha-shavuah ha-shavuah, s› August is our parshat our parshat ha-shavuah, ha-shavuah, is›could invoked is invoked po shof polish Kamene Kamenetzky’s zky s Torah proposa proposal polish polish Rabbi Rabbi Kamenetzky’s proposal proposal nwe w om ugive 9 nvoked 2012 9,invoked 2012 n wto om Audwe u › August 9must 2012 9,must ›2012 August August 9, 2012 9, 2012 August › August 9,Rabb 2012 9,Rabbi 2012 racts contracts andCJN and that nsurance that, wh insurance ewhile contracts contracts and that that, wh The The wto eby wife thus thus contro controls s›(bill the The the The w eSaguenay wife contro controls spurse the the 2545 Cavendish Cavendish 514 982-2517 982-2517 Cavendish Cavendish doing doing so, so, must wethe must give thanks doing thanks doing the so, the so, we give give thanks thanks to the to the purse strings strings of the ofKamenetzky’s marthe marpurse purse strings strings of2545 the of marthe mar5555 5555 Wes m Westminster ns er #102 #102 5555 5555 Wes m Westminster ns er #102 #102 I was born n n the Lac St cial cial rulings rulings could could render render the bride bride an an he n The CJN on on if the if husband the husband so agrees so agrees. ‘Tis a day pray Cote Cote St. Luc, St. QC The Canad The Canadian an ew sh Jewish news The news Canad The Canadian an The ew Canadian The sh Jewish news Canadian news Jewish Jewish news The news Canadian The Canadian Jewish Jewish news news oagunah, d Rabbi sso toMoshe dissolve ve Moshe hebut marr thepurse marriage be ween between to dissolve two to dissolve the marriage the marriage between two two by byveIRabbi Moshe Moshe Fe nsto Feinstein nthe ggero (Iggerot by to by Feinstein Feinstein (Iggerot (Iggerot ha so that con itorms conforms wbetween hAccordingly, with he the somarthat soitus that conforms itus conforms with the with consensus the consensus agunah, but aage astr prenuptial agreement agreement Jan. Jan. 19, 2012, 19, 2012, IRabb presented a proposal ae proposal to Accordingly, let letethank thank the Creator the s’ jew sh jewish lCreator fe liferiage. jew sh jewish l QC femarital jewish life jewish life life Lu ust e rod. must g ve give thanks do thanks to ng doing the so to we the so, must we must gpresented give thanks thanks to the purse ngs strings owo the ofso marthe marpurse purse str ngs strings oconsensus the ofconsensus marthe Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic Creator Creator for granting for granting us the us Creator ability theRabbi Creator ability to for to granting for granting usprenuptial the usjustiability the ability to to riage. riage. When marital marital riage. When marital Co Cote SWhen Luc St. Luc, QC H4W QC,version H4W 2J2version 2J2 Co e Cote SWhen Luc St. Luc, H4W QC, H4W 2J2 2J2 Jean reg on ofvalid, Quebec ‘Tis Yom Kippur Day agunah, agunah, but but a prenuptial a prenuptial agreement agreement proposal d a proposal to to Accordingly Accordingly, let us let thank us thank the Creator the Creator ews Jews) o be to va be d valid, here there mus must be no Jews) be no Jews) to be to valid, be there there must must be no be no Mosheh Mosheh, Orach Orach Cha m Chaim 2 111 2:111) as us as Mosheh, justiMosheh, Orach Orach Chaim Chaim 2:111) 2:111) as as justio posk of m poskim. Under Under a mod a modified fied vers on version of poskim. of poskim. Under Under a modified a modified Free Free Par Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic will will presciently presciently solve solve the the dilemma dilemma by by that that effect. effect. Since Ithese have Ithese have received received who who has has given given the the readership readership of scheme CJN ofharmony CJN nt granting ng us the us Creator ab the ty Creator ability to or to grant forSince granting ngRabbinic usthen, the usthen, ab the ty ability to to rpolicies, age riage. When When mar marital ta r age riage. When When mar marital ta conceive of of policies, policies, Rabbi conceive Rabbi Feinconceive Feinof these of these policies, Rabbi Rabbi FeinFeinharmony harmony dissolves, harmony dissolves, dissolves, [email protected] [email protected] michael.wisema michael.w ved financ financial a human coerc coercion on mposed imposed on he on financial the coercion coercion imposed imposed onbeaut the onprethe fica conceive on fication or human for human be ngs beings o dra tofication draft fication for for human beings beings to draft to draft ofinancial Rabb of Rabbi Kamene Kamenetzky’s zky s scheme scheme of(preRabbi of Rabbi Kamenetzky’s Kamenetzky’s scheme (pre(preMichael Wiseman Michael Mich Ref Ref lections lections Ref Ref lections lections cdissolves, mb Gam the Go anWiseman He ghts where She rep ed “The most fu part of Free Free Park Parking nga nMichael Free Free Park Parking ng will will presciently solve solve the the dilemma dilemma by by Ive have received received who who has has given given the the readership readership of CJN of CJN ethese po cpolicies, es Rabb conce Rabbi Fe conceive ve n-Feinopresciently these of these po c policies, es Rabb Rabbi Fe nFeinharmony harmony d sso dissolves, ves harmony harmony d sso dissolves, ves m chae [email protected] w eman@mcg ca m chae [email protected] w eman@mcg ca granting granting the the bride bride and and groom groom freefreeilluminating illuminating feedback feedback from from sagacious sagacious and and myself, myself, working working co-operatively co-operatively stein stein declares. declares. stein stein declares. declares. although although the wife the wife is not is not although although the wife the wife is not is not Ref Ref lections Ref Ref lections lections husband husband. The firs The first prenuptial ahas agreehusband. agreehusband. The first The prenuptial first prenuptial agreeagreensurance insurance con lections rac contracts. s The Crea The Creator or has insurance has insurance contracts. contracts. Theprenup Creator The Creator has sen ed sented nnce my in my essay), every every day ha day he that sented the sented inGr myin essay), my essay), every every day that day the that the DSCD, DDS DDS, DSCD M RCS M RCS Ed Adrian nd.d. (Edin) DDS,Grinb DDS, DSCDD Adr Adrian an nberg Grinberg Adr d.d. Adrian an d.d. Gr Adrian nberg Grinberg Adrian Grinberg d.d. Grinberg d.d. d.d.Grinberg Jews know ‘tis Yom Kippur Day we study Josephus The Jewish Wars Jo-Adrian the prov ”essay granting granting the bride bride and and freefreemnity. rom sagacious sagacious and and myself myself, working working co-operatively es. steCJN nstein dec ares declares. aethough although the wment the e wife sco-operatively not is not though wthe e“the wife spronot is not Ch u gChirurgien nto D n any D any nfurther a Su gfurther onSurgeon Chirurgien Chirurg Den men ment here therefore, ore sh ds shields, hetrue prothe proment therefore, therefore, shields, the prothe g the ven given humank humankind nd he crea the creative ve w sgiven wisgiven humankind humankind the the creative wiswishusband husband andawshields, and e although wife ve nthe live harmony in harmony, he husband the husband and wife and live wife in live harmony, in harmony, the the The The same same isgroom assuredly isgroom assuredly true The true for The same for same is assuredly iscreative assuredly true for for entitled entitled to any to any further further entitled entitled toDentiste/Dental dom dom of religious of religious conscience. conscience. CJN readers readers recommending recommending improveimprovetogether, together, “the strength strength to act to valiantly” act valiantly” DENTUROLOG DENTUROLOGIST ST DENTUROLOG DENTUROLOGIST DENTUROLOGIST ST DENTUROLOGIST DENTUROL DENTU Jews know ‘tis a Holy Day sephus narrat on of the Batt e of Gam a “Are you here for the f rst t me?” I nTelarge Tel: 514 (514) 481 2630 481-2630 Tel: (51 Te me s assured is assuredly y true The true or The same for same s assured is assuredly y true true or for ent t entitled ed to any to any urther further ent t entitled ed to any to any urther further spec spective ve br de bride and groom and groom – be – ore before spective spective bride bride and groom and groom – before – before dom dom o dev to se devise nsurance insurance programs programs dom dom to devise to devise insurance insurance programs programs husband husband wou d would g ve h give s w his e a wife arge a husband large husband would would give his give wife his a wife large a dom dom ofmy religious ofessay. religious conscience. conscience. nding g improveimprovetogether together, “the “the to act to valiantly” act valiantly” judicial judicial decisions decisions that that may judicial may be judicial be decisions decisions that that may may beRebecca be drafting drafting prenuptial prenuptial agreements drafting drafting that that prenuptial agreements that that allowance, allowance, now now posposallowance, allowance, she she now now pos-posRabb Rabbi Sha om Shalom Spagreements a Spira Rabb Rabbi Sha om Shalom Rabbi Sp a Rabbi Spira Shalom Spira Spira Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira ance ance), ae now Rebecca was Rebecca ouat Ma ance our aMatriarch, ch ance), a now wa Rebecca ance), was ance), as ou was Ma as our Rebecca was aMatriarch, ch Rebecca our Matriarch, ance), our Matriarch, ance), as was as Rebecca was Rebecca our Matriarch, our Matriarch, aprenuptial now al is ava nowShalom ab available estrength aagreements hstrength p at a //www http://www. now al is ava now al ab available is al awa is has available now p at //www http://www. available http://www. at al is http://www. al isas available now available at http://www. at http://www. th Second, Second, in order in order to financially to financially ememments ments to to my essay. There There isthat no is greater no greater in publishing in publishing such such ashe proposal ashe proposal to beneto beneJews know ‘tis a be day to pray comes awealth ve we watch the es soar qu red hey they con rac contract he rowance their marr marriage age –teaches rom –ethey from they contract contract their their marriage marriage –eco from from ha benefi that benefit ethe society. y that The The verse eaches teaches that benefit that benefit society. society. The verse The verse teaches sum osum money of Oas course no h–recorded nothing ng sum shusband of sum money. of money. (Of course, nothing nothing anow eco as ded recorded bymoney. Ra by h eRashi n(Of commen a course, in commenas ded byas Ra recorded by his as Rashi n recorded commen byin Rashi commenbywealth Rashi in(Of commenascourse, in recorded commenasAs recorded byis Rashi byis Rashi in commenin eag commenwepape /443780/P wepape cjudicial a dec ssoc decisions ons that may may ud be cemjudicial abe dec sin decisions ons that that may be pt enuptial aisgreater agreements agreements dra tdrafting that ng prenupt that prenuptial a agreements agreements that amay allowance, she she now posposainterpreted owance allowance, she she now now posposinterpreted interpreted as depriving as depriving the interpreted husband the husband depriving as depriving the the husband champion champion welfare theverse welfare of the of righteous champion the righteous champion the welfare the welfare of the of righteous the righteous sesses sesses the extensive the extensive sesses sesses the extensive the extensive wealth wealth Second Second, in order in order to financially to financially emre no no greater publishing in publishing such such a proposal a proposal to beneto beneComp *eoverhead Complete eof DENTURE DENTURE e son ce service Comp *e27:9. Complete ethe DENTURE *batt DENTURE Complete e*eComplete cesDENTURE service DENTURE service * Complete * Complet DENT “And you “And ha you emembe shall remember HaShem “And HaShem, you “And ha you “And emembe shall you remember “And shall HaShem you remember shall HaShem, remember HaShem, “And HaShem, you “And shall you remember shall remember HaShem, Rabb HaShem, Rabbi Yaakov Yaakov Rabb Rabbi Yaakov Yaakov Rabbi Rabbi Yaakov Yaakov Rabbi Rabbi Yaakov Yaakov a y on tary Gene on Genesis 27 9 27:9. a y on tary Gene on Genesis tary 27 on 9 tary 27:9. Genesis on Genesis 27:9. 27:9. tary tary Genesis on Genesis 27:9. nup a nuptial_Agreements. _Ag eemen nup a nuptial_Agreements. _Ag eemen nuptial_Agreements. nuptial_Agreements. nuptial_Agreements. nuptial_Agreements. any governmen any government eg s a legislation on or or any government any government legislation legislation or or us o us dra to draft commerc commercially a y appropr appropriate a us e to us draft to draft commercially commercially appropriate appropriate g ven given on he on Sabba the Sabbath h or es or va festivals.) s given given on the on Sabbath the Sabbath or festivals.) or festivals.) power power the the bride, bride, she she can can be given be given (if (if compliment compliment possible possible to this to this newsnewsfit the fit righteous the righteous women women Israel. of Israel. Jews know ‘tis Yom Kippur Day tt ng on te we re service “Yes the s sters are here for the f rst interpreted asof depr as depriving vrighteous ng the husband nterpreted the interpreted husband as God, depr as depriving vGod, ng the husband the husband he e are welfare o theofrchamp the ghteous righteous champion on thenterpreted we the are welfare owomen the rthe ghteous sesses sesses the extens the extensive ve wea wealth thKamenetzky sesses sesses the extens the extensive ve wea wealth th very of money money in in event the of any of marital any money marital money in the in event the event of any of marital any marital women of Israel. of Israel. In the In the women article “May women “May of Israel. of Israel. In the In article the article “May “May necessary necessary to to to pay toHoo her pay necessary husband her husband to offer to offer to*e Hookless pay pay husband her husband *ethe Hookless Partials Hoo Patoaher *the Partials Hookless *the Hookless Partials Partials * Hookless * Hookles Partia you God your God, ocan for He itthat, Who isarticle Heinsurance Who ve God you gives your o you your for He itopo your Who isof He for geWho ve itthat, is for you gives He it Who you He gives your Who you gives your Kamene for you itMy is for zky He itMy Who is encou He gives Who encouraged aged you gives he Kamene you mp the Kamenetzky econsists implezky encou Kamenetzky encouraged aged Kamenetzky he encouraged mp encouraged ePa implethe Kamenetzky implethe Kamenetzky impleencouraged encouraged impleimpleMy prighteous My proposal aGod, en essentially a yis con My consists pevent oGod, opo My proposal of aGod, eof en proposal essentially aof yThe con proposal essentially consists essentially of consists My proposal ofsoffer My proposal ofoffer essentially essentially consists consists ofanecessary ofthus power power the the bride bride, she she can be given be given (if (if this toIngrand. this newsnewsfit the fit the righteous women women of Israel of Israel. nsurance insurance con rac contracts s“May and and ha wh egyou while insurance contracts contracts and and that, while while w The eopay wife hus thus con ro controls he the The wife The thus wife controls controls the the 5555 Wes 5555 m Westminster ns er #102 #102 5555 Wes 555 of money of money n in event the event of any of of mar any money of marital ta money n the in event the event of any of mar any marital ta Israel. the In art the women carticle e “May women “May o Israe of Israel. In the In art the c article e “May necessary necessary to o to er offer to pay to her pay necessary husband her necessary husband to o to er offer to to her pay husband her husband Eme genc * Emergency 1h epa 1hr repair Eme genc * Emergency 1h * epa Emergency 1hr repair * Emergency 1hr repair 1hr repair * Emergency * Emergen 1hr back to 67 CE exper enc ng the fa of t me We are a new We w v s t the ho y Rabbi Shalom Spira Spira spiritual spiritual the the groom groom so offers so offers before before the the wedwedpaper’s paper’s readership! readership! he ‘Hartmanized’” the eng‘Hartmanized’” strength h o ac to vaact anthat valiantly” y” he Deu the eng (Deut. strength hIall o‘Hartmanized’” the ac strength to va the act an valiantly” y” toeemen act Deu to valiantly” (Deut. act valiantly” the (Deut. strength the (Deut. men strength to aeemen mentation act on to valiantly” o act uch valiantly” of asuch p(Deut. enup aSuch prenuptial (Deut. men a two ag aRabbi ee mentation on agreeoShalom uch mentation of asuch pmentation enup a of prenuptial such a agof aee such prenuptial agreeasefer prenuptial mentation agreementation agreeof such asuch prenuptial adentures prenuptial agreewo pdisagreement. two enup prenuptial astrength ag agreements. wo two enup alegislation/judiag two prenuptial agreements. two prenuptial agreements. agreements. prenuptial two prenuptial agreements. agreements. disagreement. Such legislation/judidisagreement. disagreement. Such legislation/judilegislation/judiwe we be all be we that Idoing all we was be was be ‘Hartmanized’” that that IpSuch was Iprenuptial was for for sefer sefer keritut, keritut, which which will be for will kosher ais be for kosher ais sefer keritut, which which will be will kosher beagreekosher m of Implant m Implant dentures Implant dentures Implant do ng doing soall weso, mus webefore must g vebefore give hanks thanks o he doing to the so, we so, must we must give thanks give thanks to the to the purse purse skeritut roainangs strings oakeritut heofmarthe marpurse purse strings strings ofdiamondthekeritut, of marthe maroud zed ” that Co eit’s SCote Luc St. Luc, QC, H4W 2J2 2J2 Cote St. Cote Luc S Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira is is the the groom groom so offers so the the wedwedFse First, n de in order oappears an for ewhich ewhich a ke Fsefer u keritut First, n o de in First, order oWe aspiritual in First, for etut order ewhich ait’s in ke sefer for u for a First, sefer keritut in First, order in for ait’s for ait’s keritut sefer keritut 8offers 18 8:18). Th ve This elegislation/judiverse, wh ch which appea 8 18 appears 8:18). Th n orve This in 8:18). eTheir verse, wh 8:18). This chosins which appea verse, This verse, which appears in 8:18). appears 8:18). This in men verse, This inspiritual ment, bu verse, which but nece appears necessary aorder appears y ch dsefer men amond to infe diamondment, bus but nece ment, it’s necessary aorder ment, but y o dsefer but amond necessary to diamondnecessary to diamondment, to ment, but it’s but necessary necessary to QC diamondtoH4W diamondd sagreement disagreement. Such Such eg s at d on/ sagreement disagreement. ud Such Such eg s legislation/judiat on/ ud man Hartmanized’” we that Iawe was be I all was Hartman be ‘Hartmanized’” zed ” that that I was I was a for er a sefer ker tut keritut, wh ch w be will or kosher a be for se kosher er a sefer ker keritut, wh which w be will kosher be kosher upon the water they did cast Gam a v car ous spectators s ghts be eve that very frag e leader leader of Congregation ofRabbi Congregation Kol Yehouda Kol Yehouda in in ding) ding) aohavuah prenuptial aofrulings prenuptial agreement agreement of of tosecial cial rulings could could render render the cial the rulings cial bride an rulings an could could render the bride the bride anbypRabbi an As such, As such, the second second edition edition – yThe re–oCreator reprivileged privileged publish to publish in in privileged The CJN privileged CJN on to on publish to publish inisability The in The CJN CJN on on if the if husband the so agrees. so agrees. if ifriage. husband the husband soRabbi agrees. so2545 agrees. Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic Crea Creator or the or gran for to granting ng us he ushavuah ab the ability to for granting for granting us the us the ability to to rinvoked age riage. When When mar marital apolish riage. When When marital marital Here Here is your is your chance chance to b (bill d vo ce divorce equ ed required by To b ah by oTorah (bill aw d vo oflaw ce divorce (bill equ oftoseed required (bill divorce byRabbi of To divorce ah by Torah aw by law Torah (bill of Torah law (bill divorce of law divorce required required Torah by Torah law law ou pa our ha parshat ha ha-shavuah, ou nvoked pa isCreator our invoked ha parshat ha our ha-shavuah, parshat our parshat ha-shavuah, nvoked ha-shavuah, invoked is our invoked parshat is our invoked po parshat ha-shavuah, hbride polish Rabb ha-shavuah, Kamene isrequired Kamenetzky’s zky isrequired invoked po prender opo hby polish proposal Rabb ahusband Kamene Kamenetzky’s polish Rabbi zky Kamenetzky’s opo proposal Kamenetzky’s athe polish proposal polish proposal Rabbi Kamenetzky’s Kamenetzky’s proposal proposal 2545 2545 Cavend Cavendish sh 2545 514 2545 Cavend 982-2517 514 2545 Cavendish 982-2517 sh Cavendish Cavendish 514 982-2517 514 2545 982-2517 514 2545 Cavendish 982-2517 514 Cavend 982-25 leader leader of Congregation of Congregation Kol Yehouda Kol Yehouda in in ding) acand prenuptial aru prenuptial agreement of toseaconce cial ngs rulings d could render render the cof br the a de cial bride an rulings an could render the br the de bride an an dition dosoedition – The re–prThe reub publish sh in CJN v privileged eged CJN onding) to on pub to publish sh ncou The in The CJN CJN on on the if husband the husband so agrees so agrees. the husband the husband so agrees so agrees. Free Park Free ng Parking Free This judgment day they will fast Here Here is your is your chance chance to reminisce toconsensus reminisce with with atheCJN annocent CJN “So much olet ence sothe many Each ewe ed sun tCote moment must be conceive ve o hese these po cRabbi policies, es Rabb Rabbi nFeinconceive of these of these policies, policies, Rabbi FeinFeinharmony harmony dso sso dissolves, ves harmony harmony dissolves, od d o ve dissolve he the age marriage be ween between d wo to o ve dissolve two he ma to the dissolve age marriage to dissolve be the ween marriage between the wo marriage between two to between dissolve two to dissolve the two marriage the marriage between between two two by Rabb by Mo he Moshe Fe nFe eru Feinstein nconceive by gge Rabb by ocou (Iggerot Rabbi Mo by he Moshe Rabbi Fe by nrender Feinstein Moshe nma gge Moshe Feinstein (Iggerot Feinstein by (Iggerot Rabbi by (Iggerot Rabbi oif Moshe ha so Moshe con that Feinstein o itlections conforms m Feinstein w (Iggerot h he with (Iggerot con othe ha en consensus uLuc, con that o it conforms so m that w so hitthank conforms that he with con itthank the conforms en consensus with u the with consensus so the so itv conforms that it conforms with with consensus consensus agunah, agunah, but aRabbi but prenuptial prenuptial agreement agunah, agreement agunah, but abut prenuptial a prenuptial agreement agreement Jan. 19, Jan. 2012, 19, 2012, Iagreement presented I presented atoseproposal Jan. angs proposal 19, Jan. to 2012, 19, to 2012, Ito presented IeRabbi presented ao(enhanced proposal aoaproposal to to Accordingly, Accordingly, let us let us the Creator the Accordingly, Creator Accordingly, uslet thank us thank the Creator the Creator m ha [email protected] w man@m gthat adissolves, [email protected] [email protected] finen Cote St. St. Luc, Que. Que. fet mezonot fet mezonot (enhanced daily daily allowallowvised vised and corrected corrected –of of –prenuptial my of my proposproposRef lections Ref lections Ref lections Ref agunah but abut prenupt aproposal agreement agunah agunah, but ajustibut prenupt aAt prenuptial ato agreement agreement 2, resented a proposa Jan a proposal 19 Jan. 2012 19, 2012, Imezonot presented Inthat presented a(enhanced proposa aheh to to Accord Accordingly, et us let thank us thank Creator Accord Creator Accordingly, ng yby et us let thank us thank the Creator the Creator ew Jews) om be va y be d2:111) valid, he eas mu there ew be must Jews) no othe be to va no Jews) be d valid, he to eUnde be mu there to valid, must valid, there no must there Jews) be must to no be to valid, no be valid, there must there must noalthough no Mo Mosheh, OSince adaily haOrach Cha m Chaim 2agreement 111 Mo 2:111) a heh ustein Mosheh, asOCote adeclares. h Orach Mosheh, Cha Mosheh, Chaim 2ng Orach 111 aQue Orach Chaim uhave Chaim 2:111) justiMosheh, 2:111) asthe justiMosheh, asthe Orach o justipo Orach Chaim kof mJews) poskim. Chaim 2:111) Under abe 2:111) as mod justiabe fied as modified ono justive po kthe of on m version poskim. Unde of poskim. anot mod of poskim. aby fied Under modified veby Under abe on modified version abe modified of version poskim. ofthe version poskim. Under anot modified a modified version version reporter, reporter, who who will will relate relat y s eagunah, stein dec ares declares. stein declares. abe hough although he w the eJews) swife no isUnder although the wife isUnder wife not is yizkor they will shed acher tear Cote St Luc St. Luc, Que. fetto mezonot fetto (enhanced daily allowallowmy ofI presented my proposproposwill presciently will presciently solve solve dilemma the will dilemma presciently will presciently by solve solve dilemma the dilemma that effect. effect. Since then, then, I have I that have received that effect. received effect. Since Since then, then, I I have received received who who has given has given the readership the readership who of who has CJN of given has CJN given the readership the readership of CJN of CJN deaths…you cou d fee the carnage It s shed Jerusa em s the p ace where financial asolve coe cassuredly on coercion mpo imposed ed financ on financial he adraft on coe the chas financial on coercion mpo financial coercion imposed ed on coercion he imposed on the imposed financial on financial oncoercion the coercion imposed on the on the fica on fication oreceived human for human ng fica oThe don fication aby toThe odraft human fication human be fication for ngd beings human oemma for ddilemma human ato beings draft beings fication toby fication to odraft Rabb human for ofg Rabbi human Kamene beings Kamenetzky’s beings zky to readersh draft cheme too odraft scheme Rabb pof Rabbi Kamene (preof Kamenetzky’s Rabbi zky ofimposed Rabbi Kamenetzky’s cheme scheme Kamenetzky’s p erelate (prescheme of scheme Rabbi (preofstory Rabbi Kamenetzky’s (preKamenetzky’s scheme scheme (pre(preMto chae Michael W seman Wiseman M Michael W Michael seman Wiseman Michael Wiseman Wisem M reporter, reporter, who who will will relate your your story in our in chae our upcoming upcoming nemy’s The presciently The same same srece assured assuredly ydthe rue true orbeings for same same is assuredly is true true for for en ed entitled any to any ur her further entitled entitled any to further any further presc will yI have so veissolve the emma wbe dilemma presc will by presciently ent yfinanc sofor ve the the by eSince thenthen, Igame have I that have recee that received ved ecteffect. Sw nceSince then then, Ient have ved who who has ghas ven given the readersh the readership who p ofor who CJN of has CJN ven given the the readership pe the o CJN of CJN This judgment day that they do fear 7C5 7C5 B35 C 0K2 0K2 C 7C5 I agreements AA proposal proposal on Aon A proposal prenuptial proposal prenuptial onon prenuptial agreements prenuptial agreements Yom Kippur Day agreements 7C5 Aprenuptial Aproposal proposal Aprenuptial A proposal on proposal onprenuptial prenuptial on onprenuptial prenuptial agreements agreements agreements agreements Adrian Adrian Grinberg Grinberg Adrian d.d. Adrian d.d.G oposal roposal AAproposal on proposal onprenuptial on onprenuptial agreements agreements agreements agreements Adrian Adrian Grinberg Grinberg Adrian d.d. Adrian d.d.Grinberg Grinberg d.d. d.d. You’re Doing the Work of God ries C 7C5 getting gettingen e getting gettingengaged? engaged? getting gettingmm getting gettingmarried? married? Just Justgot gotm Just Justgot gotmarried? married? 0K2 0K2 7C5 Just Just got gotmarri Just mar Jus Just Justgot gotmarried? Just married? Justgot got married? married? 7C5 The Chanukah Flame K K 0K2 Or, Or, have have y A proposal A proposal A proposal A onproposal on Aprenuptial proposal Aprenuptial proposal onon Aprenuptial proposal A on prenuptial agreements proposal on agreements prenuptial prenuptial on agreements on agreements prenuptial prenuptial agreements agreements agreements agreements Or, Or, have have yOu yOu been been happily happily ma m getting getting engag enga getti get happily happily married married fOr fOr getting getting engaged? engaged? getting getting engaged? engaged? mOre mOre than tha getting getting marrie marr gett get mOre mOre than than 5050 years? years? getting getting married? married? getting getting married? married? Or, Or, have have yOu yOu Or, Or be h Or, Or, have have yOu yOu Or, Or, been have been have yOu yOu been been getting getting engaged? engaged? getting getting enga eng happily happily married marrie happi hap happily happily married married happily happily fOr fOr married married fOr fOr getting getting married? married? getting getting marr mar mOre mOre than than mOre 50 mOr 50 yey mOre mOre than than mOre 50 mOre 50 years? years? than than 50Just 50 years? years? Just Just got got married? married? Just got got marr ma granting granting the bride the bride and and groom granting groom granting freefreethe bride the bride and and groom freefreeilluminating illuminating feedback feedback from sagacious illuminating sagacious illuminating feedback feedback from from sagacious sagacious and and myself, myself, working co-operatively co-operatively and myself, myself, working co-operatively co-operatively exh arat ng earn ng –every onate we fThe nd so ace and peace If darkness huinsurance band husband. The fiea The p first enup prenuptial hu a The ag band ee husband. agreeThe fihusband. pnfirst husband. enup The prenuptial aay first ag The ee prenuptial first prenuptial husband. agreehusband. agreeThe first The prenuptial first prenuptial agreeagreen u ance insurance con ac contracts. The Cfrom The ea no uCreator ance ha insurance con has ac contracts. The insurance C contracts. 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CJN CJN readers readers recommending recommending improveCJN readers improvereaders recommending recommending improveimprovetogether, together, “the “the strength strength to act to valiantly” together, act together, “the “the strength strength to act to valiantly” act valiantly” thet c pa nfu and ntrospect ve You fee comes I see God s ght n the ho y c ty ” enigration. Te 514 Tel: 481 (514) 2630 481-2630 Te 514 Tel: 481 (514) 2630 Tel: 481-2630 (514) Tel: 481-2630 (514) 481-263 Montreal Montreal Wedding Wedding Section, Section, november november 1st. 1st. n erpre interpreted ed as depr as depriving v ng he husband the husband interpreted interpreted as depriving as depriving the husband the husband champ champion on he we the are welfare o he of r gh the eous righteous champion champion the welfare the welfare of the of righteous the righteous sesses sesses he ex the ens extensive ve wea wealth h sesses sesses the extensive the extensive wealth wealth spective binsurance de to bride and gprograms and oom groom –pec be o ve spective –va eprograms before b devise de spective bride and gspective and oom bride groom –g programs bride be and o groom eprograms before and groom –wife –wou before bride andhusband groom and –wife –give before dom dom o improvedev toence edevise n u ance insurance pdom og am programs dom o dev topec econsc dom devise nve u to dom ance devise p og devise insurance am insurance programs dom to dom hu to band devise husband insurance wou insurance d would ve h–give w his hu eact aspective band abefore husband ge aspective large dhusband would g bride ve hgive would w his e groom awould give abefore geahis large wife his husband awife large husband awould large would give his give wife hisawife largea large domrecommending dom of re of g religious ous consc conscience. dom dom of re of g religious ous conscience. ence sommend recommending ng CJN mprovereaders CJN improvereaders recommend ng mprovetogether together, “the “the strength strength to act to together act ant valiantly” together, y” “the “the strength strength to to va act ant valiantly” y” Second, Second, inThe order in order to to financially Second, emSecond, emin order in order to financially to financially ememments toof my to my There is no greater ments greater to my to my essay. 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Such Such legislation/judilegislation/judiwe acompliment webeall Har be ‘Hartmanized’” ”possible ha that we I op was all be all ‘Hartmanized’” be ‘Hartmanized’” that Ilegislation that was Inewswas or aven se for er aaoquence ker sefer uokeritut, wh ch which be will kosher be kosher for a legislation sefer for a of keritut, sefer keritut, which which will be will kosher be has to break fast frighteous you If you are are nterested norrighteous shar in sharing ng your your story wofmemory th with for osmos s Sub m na ce ar Quebec e Her rrepress b e opt power the br the de bride, she can she be can power g be ven power given the ( br the (if de bride, she can she be can g be ven given ( (if oss t possible b e to thto comp s this newscompliment ment news-power poss possible b e to th to s this newsnewsfit the fit r the ghteous righteous women women o Israe fit of the Israel. fit r the ghteous righteous women women o Israe of Israel. The The Canadian Canadian Jewish Jewish News New n u ance insurance con ac contracts and ha and n u wh that, ance insurance e while con insurance ac contracts and insurance contracts ha and wh contracts that, e and while that, and insurance while that, insurance while contracts contracts The and w that, The and e hu wife while that, con thus while o controls he The the w The e hu wife con The thus wife o controls The he thus wife the controls thus controls the The the wife The thus wife controls thus controls the the 5555 W5555 mShalom Westminster n #102 #102 5555 W5555 mWestminster n 5555 #102 Westminster 5555 #102 Westminster #102 re #1 cprivileged a ru cial rulings coupublish d could render render hespade br the deoffers bride an cial an rulings cial rulings could could render render the bride the bride anCanadian an pr vpaper’s eged privileged oreadership! pub toreadership! publish sh n The in CThe N on CJN privileged on tongs publish to in The in CJN The on CJN on he ifhusband the husband soso agrees so agrees. if theJew if husband theJewish husband so agrees. so agrees. Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira is of spiritual isRabbi spiritual Rabbi Shalom Spira Spira [email protected] spiritual is spiritual the groom the groom so offers so before before the groom wedthe groom wedoffers so offers before before the wedthe wedpaper’s paper’s paper’s readership! readership! Will they call a a spade The Canad an News readers readers, ema email nfo@thec ffer do ng doing o be weso, mu we gmust ve hank give dothanks ng o doing he oso to weo the so, mu doing we gRabbi must ve doing so, hank we give so, must thanks we o give he must tothanks the give doing thanks to the doing so, to we the so, must we give must pu thanks give ebr purse thanks to ng the strings oThe to he the of ma the marpu e purse ngocstrings osh purse heNews ma strings purse thestudents marstrings of the of marthe marpurse strings purse strings of the of marthe marthe and teachers who by chance m sm burned ght y “What s your Co S Cote Lu St. QC Luc, H4W QC, 2J2 H4W Co 2J2 S Cote Lu St. QC Luc, Cote H4W QC, St. Cote 2J2 Luc, H4W St. QC, 2J2 Luc, H4W QC, 2J2 H4W Rabb Sha om Shalom Sp ra Spira s sp is Rabb r tua spiritual Rabbi Sha om Shalom Sp ra Spira s sp is r tua spiritual theangroom the groom so o so ers offers ore before the groom wedthe groom wedso ers offers be ore before the wedthe wedhdership! p woes paper paper’s s readersh readership! p August August 30th 30th and an ai before before agunah agunah, bu auICreator but prenup agranting aability agreemen agreement agunah, agunah, but aus but prenuptial aus prenuptial agreement agreement 19 Jan. 2012 19, 2012, presented aan proposa auproposal Jan. 19, to Jan. 19, 2012, Isuch, presented presented aprenuptial proposal aous proposal to to Accord Accordingly, ng yage ethe us let hank us thank he Crea the Creator orRabbinic Accordingly, Accordingly, letamarital us let thank us thank the Creator the Creator leader leader of Congregation of Congregation Kol Yehouda Kol leader Yehouda leader of in Congregation of in Congregation Kol Yehouda Kol Yehouda in in ding) ding) a prenuptial a prenuptial agreement agreement ding) of ding) tosea of prenuptial tosea prenuptial agreement agreement of toseof toseAs such, As second second edition edition As –Creator such, reAs rethe second the second edition edition – re– reRabb Rabbinic n c Rabb Rabbinic n c Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic Cpresen easuch, oIthe Creator oed gthe for ng granting heo us C ab ea the yo ability o2012, o g–to an for Creator ng granting for he us ab for the y granting the to us Creator ability the Creator ability to for granting to for granting the ability riage. When ability to When ma to a marital age riage. When When ma riage. riage. When When marital marital riage. riage. When When marital marital Here Here is your is your chance chance to Free reminisce toParking Here reminisce Here iswit yo And stick toopromises that they made August 30th and and ath reporter ato reporter w will contact contact you before before agiven happen be Jew sh cupat on Ihe ask?” Pa k ng Parking F dissolves, Free kyou. ng Free Parking eader leader oSince Congregat of Congregation on Ko Yehouda Kol eader Yehouda leader ofet n Congregat of in Congregation on Ko Yehouda Kol n in d ng) ding) aethat prenupt aeffect. prenuptial aSince agreement agreement dof ng) ding) toseaconce ofproposprenupt toseaconceive prenuptial aand agreement agreement toseof tosesecond the second ed t on edition As– such reAs– such, rethe second the second t and on edition –ocorrected re–of rew presc will presciently en ymezonot so ve solve he d the emma dilemma by will by presciently will presciently solve solve the dilemma the dilemma by by ha ec Sed nce hen then, have Ipo have rece ved received that effect. that effect. Since then, Ithese have Ipolicies, have received received who has who gmay has ven given readersh the readership p oYehouda CAugust N of who CJN has who given has the the readership of CJN of CJN Here Here sdCote your is your chance chance to rem to Here reminisce no30th sce Here sreadership w your is with your aFchance CJN amFree chance CJN to rem to reminisce ndissolves, sce wPath with aParking CJN amichael.wiseman@mcgi CJN conce conceive ve he eMichel these co eMichel policies, Rabb Fe Rabbi ve nproposocharnel Feinhe conceive of echarnel po these ccorrected conceive epolicies, ofthen, Rabb of Fe Rabbi these n– Feinpolicies, Rabbi conceive FeinRabbi conceive of Feinthese of policies, these policies, ha Rabbi mony harmony FeinRabbi Feinoand ve dissolves, ha mony harmony d@m harmony ve dissolves, harmony dissolves, dissolves, harmony harmony m w [email protected] mallowm w [email protected] @m [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] belief. Cote St. Luc, St. Luc, Que. Que. Cote Cote St. Luc, St. Luc, Que. Que. fet fet mezonot (enhanced (enhanced daily daily allowmezonot fet allowmezonot (enhanced (enhanced daily daily allowvised vised and corrected – – my of vised my vised and corrected – of my of proposmy proposRe ect Ref ons lections Re ect Ref ons lections Ref lections Ref lections Ref lections Ref lections What What do you do you know know about about a a house. house. spect spect and a general a general duty duty of humanity of humanity Please note note inis the inthe subject the subject line:story line: Mo 012 reporter, who who will relate will relate your reporter, your story reporter, in who o granting ng he br the de bride and groom groom reegranting freegranting the the bride and groom and freefreeum illuminating eedback feedback from sagac sagacious illuminating illuminating feedback feedback from from sagacious sagacious and myse myself, working co-opera co-operatively ve yng and myself, working co-operatively e nproposdec stein aChanukah erom declares. eallowngran dec stein edeclares. stein declares. stein declares. stein declares. stein declares. a work hough although he the egroom no hough although he wmyself, although the e working wife no although is the not the is wife not is notreporter, although although thePlease wife the is wife not not “It s wife aco-operatively throwback to our ancestry am a bride teacher ”ng sa dwife “vissnot taand The danc ng fna of the cand es faspect cker ng br ght Cote Cote St Luc St. Que Luc, Cote Cote St St. Que Luc, Que. et corrected mezonot fet mezonot (enhanced (enhanced da et ydaily aous mezonot fet owmezonot (enhanced (enhanced da yQue. daily aand owallowcorrected cted – o Michel –my ofv propossed myvised and corrected –ames ong–my my proposout about Michel aproposcharnel aand charnel house. house. spect and and a general a general duty duty of“Iand humanity ofLuc humanity The The Canadian Canadian Jewish Jewish news news PI wease Please note note n the inIsrae sub the ect subject ne line: MontreAl MontreAl Wedd Wedding ng Sect Section. on jewish jewish life life reporter reporter, who who wonly re will ate relate your your story reporter, story who nany our in who w upcom our re will upcoming ate relate ngyour story story nfurther our in upcom our ng The The ame ng same amproveu is ed assuredly yCJN ue The true o The ame for same u is ed same assuredly The y having same is ue assuredly true ois assuredly for true The for true same The for same isher assuredly assuredly ed entitled true ostrength for true to for uany he further en ed entitled o reporter any entitled to uany he entitled further tostrength to further any further entitled entitled to your any to further any de Montaigne de Montaigne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? 1571, In 1571, having witnessed witnessed such such not not only to beasts to beasts that that have have life life and and Indicate Indicate your your full name, fullupcoming name, address, addre p Regretfully as it improvemay be dom dom oIn re of gaThe ous religious consc conscience. ence dom dom of religious of religious conscience. conscience. Cr N readers CJN readers recommend recommending improvereaders CJN readers recommending recommending improveoge together, “isen he s“the reng hany o ac to va act anvaliantly” y” together, together, “the strength “the to act to valiantly” act valiantly” ars pa n of cyc ca oppress on H story comes w th students from Dawson Co ege n The ref ect on n the w ndow um nat ng the n ght 2)? In 1571, In 1571, having having such not only only toon beasts to beasts that that have have life life and and nd cate Indicate your your fu name full name, address phone phone number number and and address address. ud caajudicial dec decisions haha may that be cemajudicial be dec on decisions judicial ha judicial may that be decisions may that be that judicial be may be decisions that may that be may be dmy a witnessed ng drafting p witnessed enup a is agno eemen agreements d such a ng ha drafting pnot enup that drafting prenuptial drafting eemen prenuptial agreements that agreements drafting that drafting prenuptial that prenuptial agreements adecisions owance agreements allowance, that he now that po now posadecisions owance allowance, he allowance, now she allowance, po nowaddress, she posnow posnow posallowance, allowance, sheema now sheemail posnow posMontreal Montreal Wedding Wedding Section, Montreal Section, Montre nov Second Second, nag order inagreements order o financ to financially aud ymay emSecond, Second, in order in order to financially tomay financially ememments s ao nobleman, mytoessay essay. There There sprenuptial no grea er greater ments ments to my to essay. my essay. There There isprenuptial no is greater no greater nblanch pub in sh publishing ng such asuch proposa ashe proposal ojudicial benetogetting in benepublishing in publishing such asuch proposal ashe proposal to beneto benegetting engaged? engaged? getting getting getting engaged? getting engaged? engaged? engaged getting getting en We will be barking the He was He men was as nobleman, government government atrocities atrocities as as “make blanch with with sense, but but even even to trees to trees and and plants.” plants.” Montreal Montreal Wedding Section, Montreal Section, Montreal november Wedding november Wedding 1st. 1st. Section, Section, november november 1st. 1st. nwe e painterpreted eewelfare ed dep as veou depriving ng hethe hu nme the eup band pthe interpreted husband eme ed awrong dep interpreted asthe vdepriving interpreted ng he as hu depriving the band as husband depriving the interpreted husband the interpreted husband depriving as depriving the husband the husband champchampion on he we the a ewelfare oeach he of champ gh the eou righteous champion on eheg champion the champion o a he the of“make gh welfare the the righteous welfare of righteous of champion righteous champion the welfare etree welfare of e the sesses he righteous of ex the the en righteous extensive vesense, wea hwealth e Wedding e as sesses he ex the en sesses extensive ve sesses wea the extensive h wealth the extensive wealth wealth sesses sesses the extensive the extensive wealth wealth to fe when we are on s te ” Montrea I t and ponder as I watch cand ow Adrian Adrian Grinberg Grinberg d.d. d.d. n, overnment governmentatrocities atrocities ascompliment “make as “make me blanch blanch with with sense, sense, but but even even to trees to trees and and plants.” plants.” ery power power he br the de bride, she be can garticle be given power (if the the bride, she can she be can be given (if (if comp men possme b possible to s newsthis compliment newscompliment possible possible to this to newsthis newsfipower he rbride, gh eous righteous women women ogiven srae of Israel. the fit righteous the righteous women women ofher Israel. of Israel. ohorror,” money of money he even the event any oven of ma money any of aretired marital money n he of in even money the o event money any of ma in any event the amarital of event any of of marital money any marital the in event the of event any of marital any marital women women oe oand ae ofhIsrael. n he In a wine the women c earticle “May women o “May ae of women Israel. n women hen of In ashe Israel. the cin of ecan article “May Israel. In o the “May In the women article “May women ofnece “May Israel. of necessary afit Israel. In yof o the oin In article ethe to the ooffer pay article “May to he pay nece “May hu her band necessary ahusband yof omoney oin necessary efit to ooffer pay necessary to he to pay offer hu her to band tooffer husband pay to her pay necessary husband necessary husband to offer to payIfto her pay husband her husband To think that they will change their way Iftooffer you are you interested are interested in sharing in sharing Ifyour youIfyou sto are yo official, official, mayor mayor of Bordeaux of Bordeaux and wine horror,” Montaigne Montaigne retired from from sosoWhat What follows follows are are ideas ideas from from his his DENTUROLOGIST DENTUROLOGIST getting getting married? married? getting getting getting married? getting married? married? married getting m “I can see that you are a pass onate “We re part of an Israe trave earn ng About the m rac e wrought a m enn um ago Rabb Rabbi Sha om Shalom Sp ra Spira s sp is r ua spiritual Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira is spiritual is spiritual he groom the groom so o so ers offers be ore before he wedthe the wedgroom the groom so offers so offers before before the wedthe wedpaper paper’s s readersh readership! p paper’s paper’s readership! readership! d ag eemen disagreement. Such Such eg a legislation/judid on/ ag ud eemen disagreement. Such disagreement. Such disagreement. eg a legislation/judion/ Such ud legislation/judiSuch legislation/judidisagreement. disagreement. Such legislation/judiSuch legislation/judiwe a we be all Ha be man ‘Hartmanized’” zed ” ha we a that wa we be I all Ha was be we man ‘Hartmanized’” all zed we be ” all ‘Hartmanized’” ha be ‘Hartmanized’” that wa I was that we I all that was we be I all o ‘Hartmanized’” was a be for ‘Hartmanized’” a k sefer u keritut, that wh ch I that which was w be I o was will ko a be he for kosher a k sefer u for keritut, wh a sefer ch for which w a keritut, sefer be will ko keritut, which be he kosher which will be for will kosher a sefer be for kosher a keritut, sefer keritut, which which will be will kosher be kosher you If are you nterested are interested n shar in sharing ng your you If your story are you nterested story are w th interested with n shar in sharing ng your your story story wgetting th with xeaux and and wine wine horror,” horror,” Montaigne Montaigne retired retired from from sosoWhat What follows follows are are ideas ideas from from his his ance), as was as was Rebecca Rebecca ourour Matriarch, Matriarch, al is al now is now available available at http://www at http://www . . ance), ‘Twill the same Yom Kippur Day The Canadian The Canadian Jewish Jewish News News readers, The readers, Canadian The email Canad ema inf J mirth. as as recorded recorded by by Rashi Rashi in in Congrega of Congregation on Ko Yehouda Kol Yehouda n leader in leader of Congregation of Congregation Kol Yehouda Kol Yehouda in in ng ding) acon prenup prenuptial abe agreement of ding) toseding) ahe prenuptial aocial prenuptial agreement agreement of toseof toseaght uacial ng rulings d ende render co banext the de uThe cial an bride ng rulings cou an cial d could ende rulings render rulings he could b the de render could an bride render the an cial bride the rulings cial an bride rulings could an render could render the bride the an bride an p vsecond eged privileged oPerigord pubtoon h publish n pin vThe Ndeged privileged on CJN o pub privileged to h publish privileged ncou The toagreemen in publish Ccould The N to on publish CJN in The on privileged in CJN privileged on CJN to on publish hu ifleader to the band publish husband in The o ag in CJN ee so The agrees. on CJN he on hu if the band husband if o the ag ee husband so if the agrees. husband so agrees. so agrees. if the husband if the husband so agrees. so agrees. AsChanukah such Asin such, he the second ed edition – The re-what –CAs resuch, As such, the second the second edition edition –he re–oseregrower grower who who lived lived the in the Perigord area area ciety. ciety. He built He built a quiet, a quiet, bucolic bucolic study, study, essays essays that that provide provide the the thrust thrust of his of his teacher ” she sa d program We spend two weeks on k bbutz Oh Oh Chanukah a de Here Here s your is your chance chance to rem to nreminisce sce w Here th with aHere isCJN your aisCJN your chance chance reminisce to remi The Canad TheRabbi Canadian anYaakov JewYaakov sh Jewish NewsNews readers The readers, Canad The ema Canadian email annfo@thec Jew [email protected] sh Jewish News ca News readers readers, ema email nfo@thec [email protected] ntocagot * Comp * n Complete ete DENTURE DENTURE serv service ce ber ember HaShem, HaShem, Rabbi on on Genesis Genesis 27:9. 27:9. nuptial_Agreements. nuptial_Agreements. Just got got Just married? Just got Just got Just married? got married? got married? Just married Just got m e rigord Perigord area area ciety. ciety. He built He built a quiet, a quiet, bucolic bucolic study, study, essays essays that that provide provide the the thrust thrust of of his agunah agunah, bu atary p but enup eemen agreement bu afet p agunah, but enup a dprenuptial agunah, abut ag eemen prenuptial but agreement aproposal prenuptial but but a prenuptial agreement ancorrected 19 Jan. 2012 19, 2012, pmy eof en I presented ed apropospvised opo ana 19 proposal avised Jan. 2012 omezono 19, to 2012, pJan. e corrected en I19, presented Jan. ed 2012, a19, pof opo I2012, presented aatary proposal aprenuptial Ida presented oa ag aagunah proposal to Jan. aagunah, 19, proposal Jan. to 2012, 19, Acco Ito 2012, presented Accordingly, ILuc ng presented yhis aQue eaproposal u aQue. hank let us tothank heagreement Cagunah, Acco to ea theoagreement Creator dagunah, Accordingly, ng yJust ea prenuptial u Accordingly, hank let us Accordingly, thank he C let ea the us oagreement thank Creator letmarried? usthe thank Creator Accordingly, the Creator Accordingly, let us thank let us the thank Creator the Creator August August 30th 30th and a and reporter a reporter will Augu co w before before before before Co e S Cote St. Luc, Cote St. Cote Luc, St. Que. Luc, Que. e fet mezonot enhanced (enhanced y daily a owfet allowmezonot mezonot (enhanced (enhanced daily daily allowallowv sed vised and correc and ed – o – proposmy and corrected and – my – of proposmy propos*contact Hook * Hookless ess Part Partials aw sesscontact e ho Who gives gives you Kamenetzky encouraged encouraged the the impleimpleMy proposal proposal essentially essentially consists consists of of Kamenetzky She touched my shou der “B you then trave the country Trave educat on To My watch your cand es for br upeved the ght August 30th 30th and aand reporter athe reporter August contact will August 30th you 30th and you. aand reporter areadership will yourelate you. be ore be ore before reporter reporter, who w who re will ate relate your story reporter, story nreporter our reporter, in upcom our who upcoming will who ngcontact relate will your your storys ofyou southwestern of began southwestern Frances Frances for six desix debegan began to write to his his essays essays and and modmodthought thought on many on many subjects: subjects: they lend(Deut. w pSince will eeffect. cthat en presciently y Iowrite ve solve he the emma w that phave will eby cthat en presciently by ywill osuch ve presciently will he the emma solve bybefore the solve dilemma bythe presciently will presciently by solve the solve by by ha eagreements. that ec effect. Sagreements. nce Since henghten then, have Iha ece have that ec received effect. Sn nce that hen then, have effect. Since ece have then, Since ved received Idthen, have Idilemma received effect. received who effect. Since ha who then, Since gsolve has Idpresciently then, have given heprenuptial Idilemma received eade have the received readership hAugust who p owill ha Cdilemma who Nof gby ven has CJN given he eade has who the given readership has hdilemma p o given Cdilemma readership Nw the of CJN readership who of CJN who of given CJN the given readership the of CJN ofrepair CJN *has Emergency *your Emergency 1hr 1hr repa r antly” aliantly” (Deut. mentation mentation of such of a prenuptial a agreeagreetwo two prenuptial prenuptial mp What What do you do know you know about about Michel What Michel What do do you know about about Michel Michel ayou charnel aknow charnel house. house. a charnel aven charnel house. house. spect spect and a and general awho general duty duty of humanity spect of humanity spect and aand general ahas general duty duty of humanity of humanity ces for for six desixabout debegan to write to write hisorder his essays essays and and modmodthought thought on many on many subjects: subjects: Please Please note in note the in subject the subject line:yOu MontreAl line: Please MontreAl Please note Weddi in note the W i First, First, in in order for for a sefer a sefer keritut hich appears appears in in ment, ment, but but it’ s it’ necessary necessary to diamondto diamondOr, Or, have have yOu Or, yOu Or, been have been Or, have Or, yOu have yOu have been been Or, yOu Or, been have been ha gkeritut an ng granting he b feedback the de bride and g and oom g an groom ng ee granting he freebs granting the de bride and granting the g and oom bride the groom ee bride and freegroom and granting groom freegranting the freebride the bride and groom and groom freefreeum na illuminating ngMichel eedback feedback om from agac um ou sagacious na illuminating nghouse. eedback illuminating feedback illuminating om from agac ou sagacious feedback from sagacious illuminating from sagacious illuminating and feedback my and feedback e genera myself, from wo k sagacious from ng working co sagacious ope and co-operatively a ve my and y e myself, wo and k ng working myself, and co ope myself, working co-operatively a ve working y co-operatively and co-operatively myself, and myself, working working co-operatively co-operatively u o know you know about M What che Michel What do you do know you know about about M che a charne a charnel house house. a charne a charnel house spect spect and a and genera a general duty duty of human spect of humanity spect and ty a and a general duty duty of human of humanity ty You are do ng the work of God ” s exper ent a on the ground earn ng We ■1st. P ease Please no e n note he in sub the ec subject ne MontreAl line: P MontreAl ease Please no Wedd e n note he Wedding in sub ng the ec Sect subject ne Section. on MontreAl line: MontreAl Wedd Wedding ng Sect Section. on cades. cades. estly estly adopted adopted for for his his motto motto “Que “Que • Man • Man is certainly is certainly stark stark mad. mad. He He Montreal Montreal Wedding Wedding Section, Section, Montreal november Montreal november Wedding 1st. Wedding Section, Secti (bill (bill ofde divorce of divorce required required by T by orah T orah law law uah, , is invoked is invoked polish polish Rabbi Rabbi Kamenetzky’ Kamenetzky’ s proposal s proposal 2545 2545 Cavendish Cavendish 514 514 982-2 982 Montaigne de Montaigne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? de de Montaigne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? In 1571, In 1571, having having witnessed witnessed In such 1571, In such 1571, having having witnessed witnessed such such not only not only to beasts to beasts that that have not have life only not and life only to and beasts to beasts that that have have life and life and Indicate Indicate your full your name, full name, address, address, phone Indicate phone number Indicate your numbe and full you dom o dom e g of ou religious con c conscience. ence dom o dom e g of ou religious dom con of dom c religious conscience. ence of religious conscience. conscience. dom of dom religious of religious conscience. conscience. CN eade CJNhis readers ecommend recommending ng C mp N Montaigne ove eade CJN improvereaders ecommend CJN recommending readers CJN ng readers recommending mp ove recommending improveCJN improvereaders CJN improveoge readers recommending he together, recommending “ he “the eng improvestrength h o ac improveva to oge act an he valiantly” together, y” “ he together, “the eng strength h together, o “the ac va to strength “the act an valiantly” strength y” to act valiantly” together, to act valiantly” together, “the strength “the strength to act valiantly” to act valiantly” we share. estly estly adopted adopted for for his motto motto “Que “Que • Man • Man is certainly is certainly stark stark mad. mad. He He The The Canadian Canadian Jewish Jewish news The news The Canadian Canadian Jewish Jewish news news to dissolve to the the marriage between between two two tein instein (Iggerot (Iggerot so that sothat that conforms it conforms with with the the consensus consensus jewish jewish life life jewish jew gne 1533-92)? (1533-92)? de Monta de Montaigne gne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? Indissolve 1571 In 1571, hav ng having wmarriage tnessed witnessed In such 1571 In such 1571, hav ng having tnessed witnessed such such not on not yw only to beasts to beasts that have not have fe on not and life ySecond, only to and beasts to beasts that that have have fe and life and nd ca Indicate eopo you your name full name, add ess address, phone nd phone ca Indicate eayou number and your umarried name ema and full email add add ess ess address. address, numbe number and ema and email add ess address. happily happily married happily happily fOr happily married fOr happily married married married fOr happily fOr happily fOr ma fO Second Second, nnobleman, ono dein order ono financ to ano Second yIgreater em Second, emnme de in oh financ Second, to in order a ysuch em to order emto financially Second, emSecond, in emin to order financially to financially emmen o my eto my ay The essay. egovernment There gmust isea eobe greater my esais tobe ments my ay The essay. ments to eatrocities my There essay. to gmy isof ea There essay. e“make greater There isfinancially ments is no ments togreater my nopub essay. to my inorder publishing There essay. ng uch There isfinancially no aas pin greater is no afinancially proposal greater a n“make ou pub bene into h publishing beneng uch inorder publishing aa such ptrees in opo publishing aa proposal aand such onumbe bene such proposal to beneaplants.” publishing beneinname, to publishing benesuch aphone such proposal aphone toand beneto beneHissais His mother mother descended descended from from anomen anoments sais je?” je?” “What “What do Iit do know?” know?” cannot cannot make make flea, flea, and and yet he will he will Jews) Jews) to He be to be valid, valid, there must no no m 111) 2:111) as justias justiof poskim. poskim. Under Under a modified a modified version version was He was aments nobleman, athere nobleman, government He was He was aatrocities nobleman, amake government government as as “make me blanch atrocities blanch atrocities with with “make as me blanch me blanch with with sense, sense, but even but even to to trees sense, and plants.” sense, but even but even to to trees and plants.” you If aemyou eyet nproposal are einto es interested ed n sha intrees ng sharing you sproposal your oIf yyou story w If are hplants.” you with interested are interested in sharing in sharin your ended ed from a government asais je?” je?” “What do Icoercion do know?” I me know?” cannot cannot make acan flea, flea, and yet he will he will a b nobleman, eman government He was He was aatroc nob aatrocities nobleman, eman government government t “What es as “make as “make bme anch blanch whcomp tto th es with as “make as “make me b me anch blanch w th with sense but but even to trees to trees sense p and ants sense, plants.” but ”he even but even trees to trees and p and ants plants.” ”thebride, financial financial coercion imposed on on the the ngs beings tofrom to draft draft of Rabbi of Rabbi Kamenetzky’ Kamenetzky’ s scheme s scheme (pre(preMichael Michael Wise W powe power he boeven the de bride, he she bea can powe gand ven be power given he band the (if de power bride, power can the she be bride, can the gto ven be bride, she given she (ifof can power given be power the (if given bride, the (if she can she be can given be women (if given (ifof comp compliment men po batroc possible eimposed o atrocities new this compliment men newsposense, compliment b possible ecompliment h possible to new this possible newsto this compliment to newsthis compliment newsfiyet he possible fit gh the possible eou righteous to women this to newswomen this ocan newsfibe ae he Israel. fit gh the eou righteous fit women righteous fit women othe righteous aeof women Israel. of Israel. fit the Israel. righteous fit the righteous women women of Israel. of Israel. The Canad The Canadian an ew sh Jewish News News eade readers, s ema The email n Canadian The o@ [email protected] Canadian hec Jewish n ca Jewish News News readers, readers ema official, official, mayor mayor of Bordeaux of Bordeaux and official, and wine official, mayor wine mayor of Bordeaux of Bordeaux and and wine wine horror,” horror,” Montaigne Montaigne retired retired horror,” from horror,” from soMontaigne soMontaigne retired retired from from sosoWhat What follows follows are ideas are ideas from What from his What follows his follows are ideas are ideas from from his his husband. husband. The The first first prenuptial prenuptial agreeagreeThe Creator Creator has has sented sented in my in my essay), essay), every every day day that that the the DDS, DDS, DSCD, DSCD, M RC M mOre mOre than than mOre 50 mOre 50 years? years? mOre than mOre than 50 than 50 than years? years? mOre 50 mOre 50 years? year than th proposal roposal A A proposal on proposal on prenuptial prenuptial on on prenuptial prenuptial agreements agreements agreements agreements Adrian Adrian Grinberg Grinberg Adrian d.d. Adrian d.d. Grinberg Grinberg d.d. d. Spanish Spanish Jewish Jewish family family that that lived lived in in In her In her splendid splendid recent recent book book about about make make Gods Gods by the by the dozen. dozen. Rabb Rabbi Sha om Shalom Sp a Spira p Rabb is ua spiritual Rabbi Sha om Shalom Rabbi Sp a Rabbi Shalom Spira p Shalom is ua Spira spiritual Spira is spiritual Rabbi is spiritual Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira is spiritual is spiritual he g oom the groom o o e so offers be o e before he g wed oom the groom wedo o the e so groom offers be the o groom e so before he offers wed so the offers before wedbefore the groom wedthe groom wedso offers so offers before before the wedthe wedpape paper’s eade readership! h p pape paper’s eade readership! h paper’s p paper’s readership! readership! paper’s paper’s readership! readership! of yor Bordeaux of Bordeaux and offic w and official, a nemayor wine mayor ofher Bordeaux of Bordeaux and w and ne wine horror horror,” ” splendid Monta Montaigne gnerecent ret red retired horror from horror,” from so” Monta soMontaigne gne ret retired from from sosoWhat What fored ows follows are are deas ideas from What from hwife What slive fo hislive ows follows are are deasideas from from s his beDENTUROLOGIST ment ment therefore, therefore, shields, shields, the the proprocreative ethat creative wiswishusband husband and and wife in harmony in harmony , the ,hthe yat lived lived in in In her In splendid recent book book about about make make Gods Gods by the by the dozen. dozen. DENTUROLOGIST DENTUROLOGIST Augus August 30 30th and ath and epo a the reporter eachance w con will ac contact August you August you. and aand reporter a repor w oCongregation ebefore before before T el: T(514) el: (514) eade leader osecond Cong of ega Congregation on Ko Yehouda eade Kol Yehouda leader otosenbucolic Cong of in ega Congregation leader on leader ofKo Yehouda of Kol Yehouda nchance Kol Yehouda in leader Kol leader of in of in Kol Yehouda Kol Yehouda inDENTUROLOGIS in d ng athe ding) psuch, enup ain prenuptial aon ag eemen agreement d o ngwould o ading) enup toseaRebecca ding) aciety. ag athe ding) eemen prenuptial agreement a prenuptial oHe o agreement ofretoseagreement ding) of aa ding) prenuptial oflarge tosea prenuptial agreement agreement of toseof toseA now uch As lived such, he econd the second ed grower on edition A–al uch e– As –al such, rehe econd As second As ed the such, edition second – Perigord the eas second edition reedition As –epof such, reAs –prenuptial the such, resecond edition edition –eance), –a regrower grower who who lived in the inInquisiPerigord the Perigord grower area who area who lived lived the in the Perigord area area ciety. ciety. He built He built a–Bakewell quiet, aBakewell quiet, bucolic bucolic study, ciety. He study, built built aHow quiet, aHow quiet, bucolic study, study, essays essays that that provide provide the thrust the essays thrust of essays his that of his that provide provide thrust the thrust of of his Here Here sCongregation your is chance your to rem Here toserved nhYehouda reminisce sce Here sCongregation wus your is aCongregation chance with your CJN Here CJN is Here to your rem is to chance nyour reminisce sce chance whis to th reminisce a30th with CJN Here to reminisce a30th CJN is Here with your isa481-2 chance with your CJN a48 cha CJ to spective spective bride bride and and groom groom – before before rance ce programs programs husband husband would give give his his wife wife large m alom Spira Spira Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira ance), ance), was as was Rebecca our our Matriarch, ance), Matriarch, as was as was Rebecca Rebecca our our Matriarch, Matriarch, al is alheight now is available available at http://www at http://www is now is. now available . available at http://www at http://www . . Aragon Aragon at the at the height of the of the InquisiMontaigne, Montaigne, Sarah Sarah explains explains • • many many things things that that served us o d lived n the in Per the gord grower Perigord grower area who area who ved lived n the in Per the gord Perigord area area c ety ciety. He bu He t built a qu a et quiet, buco bucolic c c ety study ciety. He study, bu He t built a qu a et quiet, buco bucolic c study study, essays essays that that prov provide de the thrust the essays thrust of essays h that of s his that prov provide de the thrust the thrust of h of s his they they contract contract their marriage – from – from verse hethe verse teaches teaches sum sum of money of money . (Of . (Of course, course, nothing nothing is is * Wedding * in as as by Rashi by in commenas commenrecorded as recorded Rashi by Rashi in commenin e SRashi Cote Lu Que Luc, Co e Shuman Cote Lu St. Que Luc, Cote Que. St.Cote Luc, St. Que. Luc, Que. Cote St. Cote Luc, St. Que. Luc, Que. e you mezono fet mezonot enhanced (enhanced da eyMichel adaily mezono ow fet allowmezonot enhanced fet mezonot (enhanced fet mezonot da (enhanced yin aa daily ow (enhanced allowdaily fet allowdaily mezonot fetby allowmezonot (enhanced (enhanced daily allowdaily allowv Bakewell edtheir and vised co and ec corrected ed –marriage oche my –vof ped opo my and vised proposco and ec vised corrected ed –and vised ohouse. my corrected –about and of precorded opo my corrected propos–recorded ofthings my –vised of proposmy and vised proposcorrected and corrected –St. of my –Que. of proposmy proposWha What do you do know you know abou about M Michel What What do do know you know about Michel a charne a charnel house a charnel a charnel house. house. spec spect and a and genera general du y o duty of humanity spect y spect and a and general a general duty of duty humanity of humanity he of InquisiInquisiMontaigne, Montaigne, Sarah Sarah Bakewell explains explains • How • How many many things that that served served us us P ea e Please no e n note he in ub the e subject ne MontreAl line: MontreAl Wedd Please Please note ng Sect note the subject in Section. on the subject line: MontreAl line: MontreA We reporter reporter, who w*who re will ate relate your story your reporter, story who n our reporter, win who upcom our rereporter, will ate upcoming ng relate who yourwill who story relate will story relate our your reporter, in upcom our story your reporter, upcoming ng story in who ourwill in who upcoming our relate will upc r of southwestern of southwestern Frances Frances for of six for southwestern ofdesix southwestern de-began Frances Frances for six for desix debegan to write to write his essays his essays and began and modbegan to modwrite to write his essays his essays and and modmodthought thought on many on many subjects: subjects: thought thought on many on many subjects: subjects: Comp * Complete ereporter e DENTURE DENTURE serv service ce *your Complete *n Complete DENTURE DENTURE servi *Genesis ou hall shall remember remember HaShem, “And HaShem, “And you you shall shall remember remember HaShem, HaShem, Rabbi Rabbi Yaakov Yaakov Rabbi Rabbi Yaakov Yaakov tary tary on Genesis on Genesis 27:9. 27:9. tary tary on Genesis on 27:9. 27:9. nuptial_Agreements. nuptial_Agreements. nuptial_Agreements. nuptial_Agreements. any any government government legislation legislation or or ally appropriate appropriate given given on on the the Sabbath Sabbath or festivals.) or festivals.) n Frances Frances for ofwhile sfor southwestern xgives ofdesix southwestern deFrances Frances for sproposal for xessays desix debegan began toit wr te write h1533-92 his essays and began and modbegan to modwr to tewrite hthere sof essays his essays and and modmodthought thought on many on many sub ects subjects: thought thought on many on many sub ects subjects: Hook Hookless ess Par Partials aaddress, s * Hookless * Hookless Partials Partials ,stern it for is it He is while Who He Who your gives your God, you God, you for for it He is Who He Who gives gives you you Kamenetzky Kamenetzky encouraged encouraged the Kamenetzky the impleKamenetzky impleencouraged encouraged the impleimpleMy proposal My essentially consists consists My proposal My proposal of essentially essentially consists consists of of de Mon de Montaigne aisto gne (1533-92)? ?essentially de Montaigne de Montaigne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? n 1571 In 1571, hav ng having w nessed witnessed such such In 1571, In 1571, having witnessed no on not yhaving only o beas to beasts syesterday, hawitnessed have thatsuch have e such and life not and only not to only to*beasts that have that life and lifephone andIndicate tion tion in the in the late late 15th 15th century. century. Three Three that that there was was no precedent no precedent in literain literayesterday, as articles as articles of faith, of faith, today today nd a Indicate e*beasts you uthe your name full name, add ehave phone numbe number andIndicate ema your and full add email your name, e full address. name, address, address, phone phone number n d and that, that, The The wife wife thus thus controls controls the the 5555 5555 W estminster W estmins *stark Emergency *Man Emergency 1hr repa 1hr repair r * Emergency * Emergency 1hr repair 1hr repair gth to act to act valiantly” valiantly” the (Deut. the strength (Deut. strength towas act toprecedent act valiantly” valiantly” (Deut. (Deut. mentation mentation of his such of such a estly prenuptial a prenuptial mentation agreementation agreeof such of such a Montreal prenuptial a prenuptial agreeagreetwo two prenuptial prenuptial agreements. agreements. two two prenuptial prenuptial agreements. agreements. century. ury. Three Three that that there there was no no precedent in literain literayesterday, yesterday, as articles as articles of faith, of faith, today today cades. cades. cades. cades. estly estly adopted adopted for for motto his motto “Que estly adopted “Que adopted for his for motto his motto “Que “Que • Man • Man is certainly is certainly stark mad. • mad. • He Man is He certainly is certainly stark stark mad. mad. He He mp an Implant den u dentures es Montreal Wedding Wedding Section Montreal Section, Montreal november Wedding Montreal november Wedding 1st Montreal Section 1st. Wedding Section, Wedding november Section, Montreal november Section, 1st Montreal november 1st. Wedding november Wedd 1st. S B I J O U T E R I E ve hanks thanks to the to the purse purse strings strings of the of the marmarCote Cote St. Luc, St. Luc, QC, QC H He was He a was nob a eman nobleman, governmen government He was He a was nobleman, a nobleman, government government a roc atrocities es as “make as “make me b me anch blanch w h atrocities with atrocities as “make as “make me blanch me blanch with with sense sense, bu even but even o rees to trees and p and plants.” s ” sense, sense, but even but even to trees to trees and plants.” and plants.” First, First, in order in order for for a sefer a sefer keritut First, keritut First, in order in order for for a sefer a sefer keritut keritut erse, s verse, which which appears 8:18). appears 8:18). This in This in verse, verse, which which appears appears in in ment, ment, but but it’ s necessary it’ s necessary to diamondment, to diamondment, but but it’ san necessary it’ s necessary to diamondto diamondcades cades. est y estly adopted adopted for h for s motto his est motto y “Que estly adopted “Que adopted for h for s motto his motto “Que “Que • Man • Man s certa is certainly n y stark stark mad • Man mad. • He Man s He certa is certainly n y stark stark mad mad. He He Rabbinic Rabbinic us the ability ability to to riage. riage. marital marital members members of his of family his family were were ture ture for his for his essays essays –Torah casual, – je?” casual, are are fables? fables? †Free † Park (bill (bill of divorce of divorce required required by T (bill by orah T (bill orah of law divorce of law divorce required required by T by orah law law hat ha-shavuah, ha-shavuah, isour invoked isour parshat invoked parshat ha-shavuah, ha-shavuah, is invoked is invoked polish polish Rabbi Rabbi Kamenetzky’ Kamenetzky’ sWhen polish proposal sWhen polish proposal Rabbi Rabbi Kamenetzky’ Kamenetzky’ s proposal s proposal 2545 2545 Cavendish Cavendish 2545 2545 514 514 Cavendish 982-2517 Cavendish 982-2517 514 His His mother mother descended descended from His from His a mother a mother descended descended from from a a sais je?” sais “What je?” “What do I do know?” I know?” sais sais “What je?” “What do I do know?” I know?” cannot cannot make make a flea, a flea, and and yet cannot he yet cannot will he make will make a flea, a flea, and and yet he yet will he will Free Parking were ehe ture ture for his for essays his essays – casual, – casual, are are fables? fables? you a If e you n e are e interested ed n ha in ng sharing you you a If your o e you y n w e story are e h If interested ed you with n are If ha you interested in ng are sharing you interested in your o sharing y w story in h sharing If your you with story are If your you interested with story are intere with in when when you you purchase purchase Silhoue Silho † † ® ® ® ® o fic a official, mayor mayor o Bordeaux of Bordeaux and w and ne official, wine official, mayor mayor of Bordeaux of Bordeaux and wine and wine horror horror,” ” Mon Montaigne a gne re red retired rom from sohorror,” sohorror,” Montaigne Montaigne retired retired from from sosoWha What o ows follows are deas are ideas rom from h s his What What follows follows are ideas are ideas from from his his cies, , Rabbi Rabbi FeinFeinharmony harmony dissolves, dissolves, to dissolve to dissolve the marriage the marriage between to between dissolve to two dissolve two the marriage the marriage between between two two oshe Moshe Feinstein Feinstein by (Iggerot Rabbi by (Iggerot Rabbi Moshe Moshe Feinstein Feinstein (Iggerot (Iggerot so that so that it conforms it conforms with with the consensus the so that consensus so that it conforms it conforms with with the consensus the consensus ther descended descended from H s from His a mother a mother descended descended from from a a saOrach s sais e?” “What je?” “What do I valid, do know?” I valid, know?” sa s sais e?” “What je?” “What do I do know?” Iof know?” cannot cannot make make a of flea a flea, and and yet cannot he yet cannot whe make will make aof flea aof flea, and and yet he yet whe will Ref Ref lections lections when when you you purchase purchase Shscheme houette Silhouette ,Canadian Duette , [email protected] Duette Jews) Jews) to be to be must Jews) must be Jews) to no bebe to no valid, beposkim. valid, there there must must be no be no Orach h Chaim Chaim 2:111) 2:111) Mosheh, as Mosheh, justias justiOrach Chaim Chaim 2:111) 2:111) asthere justiasthere justiposkim. Under Under a modified a modified version poskim. version poskim. Under Under a modified a modified version version although although the the wife wife is not is not Canad The Canadian anabout ew Jewish New News eade The readers, Canad ema The an email nthe o@ ew The he hdozen. Canadian Jewish New The n dozen. aCanadian News eade Jewish readers, ema Jewish Newsemail nreaders, News o@ The [email protected] he readers, Canadian email The n aCanadian [email protected] email Jewish info@the Jewish News r burned burned atJewish the at the stake. stake. They They formalistic formalistic reflections. reflections. They They •bucolic Few •bucolic Few men men dare dare publish publish to the to the world world Spanish Spanish Jewish Jewish family family that Spanish that lived Spanish Jewish in Jewish family family that that lived lived in in In her In splendid her splendid recent recent book book about In about In splendid splendid recent recent book book about make make Gods Gods by the by dozen. the dozen. make make Gods Gods by by the grower grower who who ved lived nrecent he in Per the gord Perigord area grower area grower who lived who lived in the in Perigord the Perigord area area elived y•in ciety. He He built a qu ea quiet, buco bucolic cKamenetzky’ spublish udy ciety. study, ciety. He He built aher quiet, aher quiet, study, study, essays essays ha prov that provide de he hrus the thrust o hThe essays sof his essays that provide that provide the thrust the thrust of his of his financial financial coercion coercion imposed imposed financial on financial the on the coercion coercion imposed imposed the on the human or human beings beings fication to draft to draft for for human human beings beings to draft to draft of Rabbi of Rabbi Kamenetzky’ s scheme sto scheme of Rabbi of (preRabbi (preKamenetzky’ Kamenetzky’ s scheme s (pre(preMichael Michael Wiseman Wiseman Micha Mic ® ®will dly uredly true true for for entitled entitled to any any further further They ycontracts. formalistic formalistic reflections. reflections. They They Few •bu Few men men dare dare publish toon the tobuilt the world world wish fam family y The that Span that ved Spanish lived shnfication Jew insh fam family ysp that that ved lived n in In her In her end splendid d recent book book about Inprenuptial her about Incsp her end splendid d recent recent book book about about make make Gods Gods by the by dozen the dozen. make make Gods Gods by the by dozen the dozen. Augu August 30 h day and 30th a that and epo Augu onwill August a30 contact you h and 30th August you. a and epo August 30th a ereporter wand 30th on aRCS will reporter and a(Ed contact you a reporter August you. contact will August 30th contact you. and 30t y be® oevery e before beaoereporter ewbefore before before before before husband. husband. The The first first prenuptial husband. agreehusband. agreeThe The first first prenuptial prenuptial agreeagreentracts. The Creator insurance Creator insurance has has contracts. contracts. The The Creator Creator has has sented sented in my in essay), my essay), every every day sented day that sented that the in my the in essay), my essay), every day that the the DDS DDS, DSCD DSCD, M RCS M n) (Edin) DDS, DDS, DSC ® or Vignette or Vignette shades shades with w judicial judicial decisions that that may may be be agreements ements that that allowance, allowance, she she now now posposo humankind sou ofdecisions hwes southwestern ern Frances Frances or s for x desix of southwestern deof southwestern Frances Frances for six for desix debegan began o wr to e write h s essays his essays and modand began modbegan to write to write his essays his essays and modand modhough thought on many on many sub ec subjects: s thought thought on many on many subjects: subjects: Aragon Aragon at the at height the height of the of Aragon Inquisithe Aragon Inquisiat the at height the height of the of Inquisithe InquisiMontaigne, Montaigne, Sarah Sarah Bakewell Bakewell Montaigne, explains Montaigne, explains Sarah Sarah Bakewell Bakewell explains explains • How • How many many things things that that served • How served • How us many us many things things that that served served us us or V or gnette Vignette shades shades w th with L teR LiteRise. se. ment ment therefore, therefore, shields, shields, the ment the ment protherefore, protherefore, shields, shields, the the propromankind kind the the creative creative given given wishumankind wisthe the creative creative wiswishusband husband and and wife wife live in live harmony in husband harmony husband , the , and the and wife wife live in live harmony in harmony , the , the were were prominent prominent Marranos Marranos the the prayers prayers they they make make to Almighty to Almighty getting getting engage engag Wha do What do know you abou know about M Wha che Michel do What do know What you abou know do What you about M do know che you Michel about know about Michel What Michel do What you do know you about know about Michel Michel ayou cha ane charnel hou e house. a cha ane hou a e house. charnel a charnel house. house. aof charnel charnel house. house. pec and spect aus gene and ahusband aextensive general du ylarge othat duty human pec humanity and spect yawealth aserved gene and spect aageneral du and spect general human and of a general humanity ya of duty humanity spect of humanity and spect and ael: general duty of duty humanity of humanity T (514) (514) 481-2630 481-2630 Tline: el:Sec T ( he the ght height ofinsurance the ofAragon Inqu theprograms Aragon Inquisis programs at -dom the atinterpreted he the ght height of the of Inqu the Inquisisyou -and Monta Montaigne, gne Sarah Sarah Bakewe Bakewell Monta exp Montaigne, aexplains ns gne Sarah Bakewe Bakewell exp aexplains ns •ythe How •the How many many th ngs things that that served •charnel How served •adopted How us many many th ngs things that served us us interpreted as depriving as depriving the the husband the of the righteous righteous sesses sesses the the extensive wealth no Please ny o note haduty ub in the subject nduty MontreA line: MontreAl no Please Wedd n note ha general Wedding ng ub Please inT the Sect subject note nPlease on Section. MontreA inel: the line: note subject MontreAl in the line: Wedd subject MontreAl line: Wedding ng Please MontreAl Sect note Please Wedding on Section. in the note Wedding subject in the Section. subject Mo spective spective bride bride and groom groom spective – husband before spective – Sarah before bride bride and and groom groom – before – before devise se insurance dom to devise to devise insurance insurance programs programs husband husband would would give give his wife his wife a husband a large would would give give his wife his wife large a large os anos prayers prayers they they make make to Almighty to Almighty cades cades. cades. cades. es estly adop adopted ed or h for s mo his o motto “Que estly “Que estly adopted for his for motto his motto “Que “Que • Man • Man s cer is a certainly n y s ark stark mad mad. He • Man He • Man is certainly is certainly stark stark mad. mad. He He of money of money in the in the event event of any of any marital marital he article article “May “May necessary necessary to offer to offer to pay to pay her her husband husband they they contract contract their their marriage marriage they – they from contract – from contract marriage marriage – from – from ociety fit society . The . The verse verse that teaches that benefit teaches benefit society society .the The .late The verse verse teaches teaches sum sum of money of money . precedent (Of . course, (Of course, nothing sum nothing sum of is money of is money . (Of . course, (Of course, nothing is is de Mon de aMontaigne gne 1533 (1533-92)? 92 de Mon de Montaigne gne de 1533 Montaigne (1533-92)? de 92 Montaigne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? de Montaigne de Montaigne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? nlate 1571 Inlate 1571, havtheir ng having wtheir ne witnessed edprecedent nuch 1571 In such 1571, hav ng In having 1571, ne In witnessed 1571, having ed uch having witnessed such witnessed In such 1571, In such 1571, having having witnessed witnessed such such no on not yw oonly bea to beasts have that no have eon and not y life oonly and bea not to only ha not have to only beasts have to enothing and beasts that lifetoday have and that not life have only and not to and beasts to beasts that have that have and life and tion tion in in the late 15th 15th century. century. tion Three tion inaor Three the in the 15th 15th century. century. Three Three that that there there was no was no that in literathat there in literathere was no was precedent no precedent in literain literayesterday, yesterday, as articles as articles of faith, of yesterday, faith, yesterday, today as articles as articles ofaddress. faith, oflife faith, today today nd abeasts Indicate ou uthat your nam full add name, address, phon nd a numb phone Indicate oulife number and uonly your nam ma Indicate and full add add name, email Indicate your address, full phon your name, numb full phone address, name, number andaddress, phone ma Indicate andadd number phone email Indicate youraddress. number and fullyour name, email and fulladdress. address, name, email aa getting getting married marrie who had had gone gone through the the God. God. 15th 15th century t appropriate on Three tion nwho Three the indraft the ate late 15th 15th century century. Three Three that that there there was no was precedent no precedent that n terathat there in literathere no was precedent no precedent name terain literayesterday yesterday, as art as cInobleman, articles es of fa of th yesterday faith, today yesterday, today art as cha articles es of fa of th faith, today today any any government government legislation legislation any any government or government legislation legislation or or as mmercially tlate commercially us appropriate to us to draft commercially commercially appropriate appropriate given given on the on Sabbath the Sabbath or festivals.) or given festivals.) given on the on Sabbath the Sabbath or festivals.) or festivals.) disagreement. disagreement. Such legislation/judized’” ” that that I century. was I was for a for sefer sefer keritut, keritut, which which be kosher be kosher H sthrough mo His her mother descended descended rom from amembers His awas His mother descended descended from ahis sa smother e?” sais “Wha je?” “What know?” do know?” sais je?” sais je?” “What do Iawill know?” do Iawill know?” canno cannot make make flea and flea, ye and yet w he cannot will cannot make make aare flea, and flea, yet and he yet will he will He waand He aSuch was noblegislation/judiaeman nobleman, gove nmen government He wa He aawas nob aeman He nobleman, was He gove a was nobleman, nmen government government He was He awife was nobleman, ame nobleman, government government oc atrocities ean ado “make as “make ba anch me afrom blanch oc wgovernment atrocities eha awith “make atrocities as “make atrocities bbut as anch me “make blanch as w “make h me with blanch me atrocities blanch with atrocities as with “make as “make me blanch blanch with with en e“What sense, bu even o even ee to and trees pen and an eThe sense, bu plants.” ”he even but sense, o even ee sense, but to and trees even but pme and an to even trees plants.” ” toa and trees sense, plants.” and sense, but plants.” even but to even trees toand trees plants.” and plants.” h eThe the God. God. ntracts contracts and and that, insurance that, while insurance while contracts contracts and that, that, while while The The wife thus thus controls controls the the The wife wife thus thus controls controls the the 55555555 Westm Westminster nster #102#102 555555 W cial cial rulings rulings could could render render the the bride bride an in The CJN CJN on on if family the if the husband husband so agrees. so agrees. members members of his of family his family were were members of his of family his were were ture ture for for essays his essays – casual, – casual, ture ture for his for essays his essays – casual, – casual, are fables? are fables? fables? are fables? must we must give give thanks thanks doing to doing the so, to the we so, must we must give give thanks thanks to the to the purse purse strings strings of the of marthe marpurse purse strings strings of the of marthe marEvery Every qualifyin qual fam f his family y were were members members of h s of fam his family y were were ture ture for h for s essays his essays – casua – casual, ture ture for h for s essays his essays – casua – casual, are fab are es? fables? are fab are es? fables? Bookmarks Bookmarks Cote Cote St ideas Luc St.marrie Luc, QC QC, H4W 2J2 2J2 CoteCote St. L Just Just got got marri o fic aprenuptial official, mayo mayor o Bo deaux of Bordeaux and o fic w aSpanish and official, nemayo wine o official, deaux of official, mayor Bordeaux and mayor ofAccordingly w Bordeaux and ne ofAccordingly wine Bordeaux and official, wine and official, mayor wine mayor of,splendid Bordeaux of Bordeaux and homayor oBo horror,” ”end Mon arecen Montaigne gne elived ed retired ho om o horror,” from o ”about Mon soa Montaigne horror,” gne horror,” eWhat ed retired om Montaigne from retired soretired horror,” from sohorror,” from Montaigne soMontaigne retired retired from sofrom soWha oMontaigne ow follows aand e by dea are ideas om Wha hfrom What o his ow follows aWhat e make dea are What follows ideas om follows are hfrom ideas are his ideas from What his from What follows his follows are are ideas from his from hisH4W Span Spanish sh ew sh Jewish am family yprenuptial ha that ved lived n Spanish in Jewish family family that that lived in in nJewish her In sp her splendid d recent book book abou In her In her splendid recent recent book book about about make Gods Gods by he dozen the dozen. make Gods Gods by the by dozen. the dozen. agunah, agunah, but but a a agreement agreement a ed proposal a proposal to to ,make let us let thank us thank the the Creator Creator motions motions oftogranting of conversion, conversion, •owine Nothing •wine Nothing isCJN so is firmly so firmly built built as that as that Every Every qua qualifying fy ng purchase purchase he ps helps ch children dren Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic Rabbinic or anting granting us the us Creator the ability Creator ability to for for granting us the us the ability ability to to riage. riage. When When marital marital riage. riage. When When marital marital Bookmarks Bookmarks n, sion, • Nothing • Nothing is so is firmly so firmly built built as that as that burned burned at the at stake. the stake. They They burned burned at the at stake. the stake. They They formalistic formalistic reflections. reflections. They They formalistic formalistic reflections. reflections. They They • Few • Few men men dare dare publish publish to the • to Few world the • Few men world men dare dare publish publish to the to world the world Free Free Park Parking ng Fr will will presciently presciently solve solve the the dilemma dilemma by by have , I have received received who who has has given given the the readership readership of CJN of gThey owe grower ved who he in Pe the g owe Perigord dThey aAragon grower ea who area ved who lived he grower who in Pe the lived go who Perigord dpub aaBakewell lived ea the in Perigord area the grower grower who lived who lived the in Perigord the Perigord area cgne est yheight ciety. bu He aBakewe built qu ein quiet, buco cbucolic ceThey yPerigord udy He ciety. study, bu He aharmony ciety. built qu aHe ciety. quiet, buco built He bucolic cade built udy aBakewell study, quiet, bucolic ciety. study, He ciety. study, built He built quiet, aHow quiet, bucolic study, study, ethe ay ha pthat ov provide he h the ue area thrust ay obucolic h essays ha of phis that ov essays provide he essays h the provide uthat thrust obucolic provide h the ofthings thrust his the essays thrust ofserved his essays that ofserved provide his that the thrust the thrust of his of his of ese these policies, policies, Rabbi conceive Rabbi conceive FeinFeinof these these policies, policies, Rabbi Rabbi Feinharmony dissolves, dissolves, harmony harmony dissolves, dissolves, Ref Ref lections Ref Ref lections lections stake the stake. They They burned burned at the at stake theof stake. They forma st cwho reflect reflections. ons They forma formalistic cnHe reflect reflections. ons They • freeFew •grower Few men men dare dare publish sh to the •area to Few wor •area Few men world dessays men dare dare pub publish sh to the to wor the dade Aragon Aragon athe heformalistic at he the gh height olections he ofnlived nqu the InquisisFeinAragon -go at at the height of the of Inquisithe InquisiMon Montaigne, athe Sarah Sarah exp a explains ns Montaigne, Sarah Sarah Bakewell explains explains •Montaigne, How •ein How many many hquiet, ngs things ha served that served us •world How us •that many many things that that us provide us Or, have have yOu yOu bee be granting granting bride bride and and groom groom free- and om sagacious sagacious myself, myself, working working co-operatively co-operatively ares. . from stein stein declares. declares. although although the wife the wife is not is not although although the wife the Or, wife is not is not but but continued continued to practise to practise which which we least we least know. know. othe ou ofhwe southwestern eMarranos n F ance Frances oo xou for de of hwe six southwestern deeprominent of nwhich Fsouthwestern ance ofwFrances southwestern o xand Frances de sixessays Frances defor of six southwestern for of six southwestern deFrances for six for desix debegan began owe to eleast h write efor his ay and began mod and began odemodwentitled to e began h write eFrances began his to aymany write essays and to his write mod and essays his modessays and began modand began tothey modwrite tothey his write essays his essays and modand modhough thought on on many ub ec subjects: hough thought on many on thought many ub thought ec on subjects: many on many subjects: subjects: thought thought on many on many subjects: subjects: in need in need get ge cl were were prominent prominent Marranos were were prominent Marranos Marranos the prayers the prayers make make to Almighty the to Almighty prayers the prayers they they make make to Almighty to Almighty ame is improveassuredly is improveassuredly true The true for The same for same is assuredly is assuredly true true for for entitled to any to any further further entitled entitled to any toarticles any further further ectise which we least know. know. dom dom of religious of religious conscience. conscience. ending ing together, together, “the “the strength strength to act to act valiantly” valiantly” on tion n he in athe eagreements 15 late h 15th cen ury century. Three tion Three in tion the in late the 15th late 15th century. century. Three Three ha that here there was no was preceden no precedent nmake erain that literathere that there was no was precedent no precedent in literain literayes erday yesterday, as ar as c articles es o a of h faith, oday yesterday, today yesterday, as as articles of faith, of faith, today today Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Rebate Rebate Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Reba R n need in need get get c oser closer to the to their r w sh. wish. nt inent Marranos Marranos were were prom prominent nent Marranos Marranos the prayers the prayers they they make to A the to m Almighty prayers the ghty prayers they they make make to A to m Almighty ghty judicial judicial decisions decisions that that may may judicial be judicial be decisions decisions that that may may be be prenuptial uptial agreements agreements drafting drafting that prenuptial that prenuptial agreements that that allowance, allowance, she she now now posposallowance, allowance, she she now now posposcade cades. cade cades. cades. cades. cades. cades. e y adop estly ed adopted o h for mo his e o motto y “Que adop estly “Que ed adopted estly o h adopted estly for mo his adopted o motto for “Que his for “Que motto his estly motto “Que adopted estly “Que adopted for his for motto his motto “Que “Que Man •a Man ce a isa n certainly y a k stark mad Man mad. He •to Man ce Heisa• n certainly Man y • ais Man khappily certainly stark mad is happily certainly mad. Hestark Hestark mad. • engaged? Manmad. He • engaged? is Man certainly He is certainly stark stark mad. mad. He He enga married married f Second, Second, in order in order to financially to financially emem- in Bernard ere is no is greater no greater publishing in Bernard publishing such such proposal proposal to benebeneBaskin Baskin getting getting getting getting eng Happy interpreted interpreted as depriving as depriving the interpreted husband the interpreted husband as depriving as depriving the husband the husband n welfare the welfare of the of righteous champion the righteous champion the welfare the welfare of the of righteous the righteous sesses sesses the the extensive extensive wealth wealth sesses sesses the the extensive extensive wealth wealth Judaism Judaism secretly. secretly. • Fame • Fame and and tranquility tranquility can can never never be be Bernard Bernard Baskin Baskin who who had had gone gone through through the who the who had had gone gone through through the the God. God. God. God. members members o h s of am his family y were were members members of his of family his family were were ure ture or h for s essays his essays – casua – casual, ture for ture his for essays his essays – casual, – casual, are ab are es? fables? are fables? are fables? In the In spirit the spirit of the of ho th † † ® ® ® ® † † ® ® power power the the bride, bride, she she can can be given be given (if (if o to this this newsnewsfit the fit the righteous righteous women women of Israel. of Israel. H mo His he mother de cended descended om H from a mo His he a mother de His cended mother descended His mother om descended from a descended a from His from a mother His a mother descended descended from from a a a e sais ” “Wha je?” “What do know do I know?” ” a e sais ” “Wha je?” “What sais do je?” know sais do “What I je?” know?” ” “What do I know?” do I know?” sais je?” sais “What je?” “What do I know?” do I know?” canno cannot make make a flea a and flea, ye and canno he yet w cannot make he will make a cannot flea a cannot and flea, make ye and make a he flea, yet w a he and flea, will yet and cannot he yet will cannot make he will make a flea, a and flea, yet and he yet will he will • Fame • Fame and and tranquility tranquility can can never be be one through through the thewomen who had“May had gone gone through through the the God God. God God. of money of money inthe the in article event the event of any of of any marital money of marital money in the in event the event of offer any of any marital marital f ael. Israel. In the In who the article article women “May of Israel. of Israel. In the In article “May “May necessary necessary to to offer to pay tonever pay her necessary husband her necessary husband to offer to offer to pay to pay her husband her husband when when you purchase you purchase S houe Silhouette e when Due , when Duette you e purchase you purchase Silhouette Silhouette , Duet , n the In sp the r t spirit o the of ho the day holiday season season, we at we Hunter at Hunter Doug Douglas as mOre mOre than than 50 50 yea ye getting getting married? married? getting getting mar ma Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira is spiritual issefer spiritual the the groom groom so offers so offers before before the wedweddisagreement. disagreement. Such Such legislation/judilegislation/judidisagreement. disagreement. Such Such legislation/judilegislation/judirtmanized’” ‘Hartmanized’” that wethat I all we was be I all was ‘Hartmanized’” be ‘Hartmanized’” that that I was I burned was for a for sefer sefer keritut, keritut, which which will will be for kosher be for sefer kosher a keritut, keritut, which which will will be kosher be kosher Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks burned burned amotions he at sin the ake stake. They They at the at stake. the stake. They They orma formalistic sher cthe reflec reflections. ons They They formalistic formalistic reflections. reflections. They They •so Few •family men Few men dare pub dare publish sh oin he to wor the d •is world Few •agrees. men Few men dare publish dare publish the to world the world Span Spanish hhis ew hThe Jewish am yCJN family ha Span that vedburned Spanish hlived nthe ew in hSpanish Jewish am Spanish yfamily Jewish ha that Jewish ved family lived naRabbi family that inCongregation Spanish lived that Spanish in lived Jewish in family that lived that in lived n he In pcould end splendid dcould ecen recent book abou book n he about In p her end splendid dJewish In ecen her In splendid recent book her splendid abou book recent about recent book about In book her about In splendid her splendid recent recent book about book about make make God by Gods he by dozen the dozen. make God by Gods make he by dozen make Gods the dozen. by Gods the by dozen. the dozen. make make Gods by Gods the by dozen. thebuilt dozen. motions of of conversion, conversion, motions motions of of conversion, conversion, •a Nothing •make Nothing is so firmly so firmly built • built Nothing as Nothing as that is so is firmly so firmly built as that that ® •that ® to ®as ® have Passover Daniel Daniel J. Boorstin, J. Boorstin, in his Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks bedfellows. bedfellows. have partnered partnered with leader leader of of Congregation Kol Kol Y Y ehouda in in ding) ding) a prenuptial a prenuptial agreement agreement of toseof tosecial cial rulings rulings could render render cial bride the cial rulings bride an rulings an render render the bride the bride an an nd edition – re– republish to edition publish in The in privileged The CJN privileged CJN on on to publish to publish incould The in CJN on the on if if husband the husband so agrees. agrees. if the ifehouda husband the husband so agrees. so convers of conversion, on mot motions ons of convers of conversion, on • Noth • Nothing ng s so is firm so firmly y bu • t built Noth as • that Nothing as ng that s so is firm so firmly y bu t built as that as that Here Here is your is your chance chance to reminisce to reminisce with with a or V gne or Vignette e shades shades w h L with eR LiteRise. se or Vignette or Vignette shades shades with LiteRise. with LiteR is n his bedfellows. bedfellows. have have partnered partnered w th with The The Ch dren Children’s s W sh Wish Foundat Foundation on o of Just Just got got married? married? Just Just got got mar ma A agon Aragon a he at he the gh height o he A of nqu agon the Aragon Inquisia he at he Aragon the gh height Aragon o at he the of at nqu height the the Inquisiheight of the Aragon of Inquisithe Aragon Inquisiat the at height the height of the of Inquisithe InquisiMon a Montaigne, gne Sa ah Sarah Bakewe Bakewell Mon exp a a Montaigne, n explains gne Sa Montaigne, ah Sarah Bakewe Montaigne, Bakewell Sarah exp a Sarah Bakewell n explains Bakewell Montaigne, explains Montaigne, explains Sarah Sarah Bakewell Bakewell explains explains How • many How many h ng things ha e that How ved served • u many How us many • h How ng things • ha many How e that many things ved served u things that us served • that How served • us many How us many things things that served that served us us agunah, agunah, but but a prenuptial a prenuptial agreement agunah, agreement agunah, but but a prenuptial a prenuptial agreement agreement 12, presented I presented a proposal Jan. a proposal Jan. 19, to 2012, 19, to 2012, I presented I presented a proposal a proposal to to Accordingly Accordingly , let us , let thank us thank the Creator the Accordingly Creator Accordingly , let us , let thank us thank the Creator the Creator were were prom prominent nen Marranos Marranos were were prominent prominent Marranos Marranos he prayers the prayers hey they make make oCJN Am to gh Almighty the yknow. prayers the prayers they they make make toCJN Almighty to Almighty Cote Cote St. Luc, St. Luc, Que. Que. mezonot mezonot (enhanced (enhanced daily daily allowallow– my of my propospropos- fet fet but but continued practise to practise but continued continued to practise to practise which which we least we least know. which which we least we least know. know. reporter, reporter, who who will will relate relate your your story story in our in ou u will will presciently presciently solve solve the but dilemma will dilemma will presciently by presciently by solve solve the dilemma the dilemma by by nce .to Since then, I have I have that received that effect. received effect. Since Since then, then, I have Ito have received who who has has given given the the readership readership who has CJN of has given given the readership readership of CJN of ued pract to then, practise se but but cont continued nued to pract to practise secontinued wh ch we east we least know. ch which we east we least know know. Canada Canada to turn to turn wish book book The The Creators Creators writes, writes, •in As •of As fidelity, to fidelity, there there is no is animal no animal in in on ntion he inasagacious the ereceived 15 late h cen 15th uwho century. ythe on Thhad ntion ee he Three in aha the ewhich tion late hin cen 15th the in u late century. ywas the Th 15th late ee century. Three 15th century. 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God. God. Canada Canada to turn to turn w shes nto into ty reality. s, rites, •oBernard As •of15 to As fidelity, to fidelity, there there is is animal no animal in Bernard Bernard Baskin Baskin Bernard Bernard Baskin Baskin Montreal Montreal Wedding Wedding Section, Section, novemb nove Judaism Judaism secretly. secretly. Judaism Judaism secretly. secretly. • Fame • Fame and and tranquility tranquility can • never can Fame • never Fame be and be and tranquility tranquility can never can never be be dom dom ofBernard religious ofBernard religious conscience. conscience. dom dom of religious of religious conscience. conscience. ecommending rs recommending CJN improveCJN improvereaders readers recommending recommending improveimprovetogether, together, “the “the strength strength to act to valiantly” together, act valiantly” together, “the “the strength strength to act to valiantly” act valiantly” Baskin Baskin Bernard Baskin Baskin membe members o h of am his y family we e membe were members h members am his y members family we of e his were family of his family were members were members of his family of his family were were u e o ture h for e his ay essays – ca ua – casual, u e o ture h for e his ay ture essays – for ca ture his ua – for casual, essays his essays – casual, – casual, ture for ture his for essays his essays – casual, – casual, a e ab are e fables? a e ab are e fables? are fables? are fables? are fables? are fables? † ® qualifying ® ® purcha ® pu cretly. y essay Juda Judaism sm secret secretly. yto essay •Second, Fame •Second, Fame and and tranqu tranquility tyfinancially can •never can Fame •a never Fame be and be and tranqu tranquility ty can never can never be be Every Every qua qualifying yw† ng purchase ps Every helps ch Every dren children Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks happily happily married married happily happily fOr marri mar Purchase Purchase any combination any combination of 4sharing Silhouette, 4qualifying Silhouette, Duette or Vignette orw V † bene®so ® to ® to ® ® ® purchase ® he Second, Second, in in togreater financially to financially ememin order in order to to financially ememessay my . There . There is no ments is greater no ments greater to my my essay .memory There .memory There isorder no isorder greater no in publishing in publishing such such proposal proposal in to publishing in to publishing benesuch a proposal a®proposal benebenemo ons motions o convers of conversion, on motions motions of conversion, of conversion, •as No •ha Nothing ng seon so is firm so yfirmly bu built as ha •such Nothing that •publish is is firmly so firmly built built as that that “The “The Marrano Marrano were were mostly brief brief and “Into “Into the the world world so treacherous so treacherous as as If you If you are are interested interested in sharing in your your story stor Pu chase Purchase any comb any na combination on omen 4as houe ofwomen 4men eNothing Due eof Duette oThey Vworld gne or eVignette shades shades hmen Las with eR se LiteRise be ween between Sep embe September 1offOr and Decembe 1 andDuette December bu ned burned aJ.this he atand ake the They bu They ned burned athe he at burned ake the J. burned stake. They at the They atstake. the stake. They burned They burned at the at stake. the stake. They They o ma formalistic cmostly eflec reflections. on They oThey ma formalistic cas eflec formalistic reflections. formalistic They reflections. reflections. formalistic They formalistic reflections. reflections. They Few men •and Few da men pub dare publish h oThey he Few to wo the men •They Few d world da e•Spub Few dare •Silhouette, Few h oof dare men he to wo publish dare the dIsrael. publish to the •man. Few to world the men •man. Few world dare publish dare publish to the to world the world mory yBoorstin, were were mostly mostly brief brief and “Into “Into the world world so treacherous so treacherous man. man. power power the the bride, bride, she she can can be power given be power given the (if the bride, (if bride, she she can can be given be given (if (if ent possible possible this to compliment this newspossible possible to to this newsnewsfit the fit righteous the righteous women women of Israel. of fit Israel. the fit righteous the righteous women Israel. J. Boorstin, instake. his in his Daniel Daniel J. Boorstin, Boorstin, in his in his bedfellows. bedfellows. bedfellows. bedfellows. 15, 2013 15, and 2013 receive and receive areaders, $200 areaders, manufacturer’s $200 manufacturer’s rebate. rebate. Also, when Also The The Canadian Canadian Jewish Jewish News News email email info@t info mOre mOre than than mOre 50 mOre 50 years? years? than than 50 5 orst .ship! n n h to in s his Dan Daniel ecompliment JsnewsBoorst J.s Boorstin, n Daniel n hDaniel in sgroom his bedfe bedfellows. ows bedfe bedfellows. ows You could bu con but continued nued opBoorstin, prac toprominent practise se Ma but continued but continued to practise toprominent practise wh ch which we eas we least know know. which which we least we least know. know. Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira is spiritual is Rabbi spiritual Rabbi Shalom Shalom Spira Spira is spiritual is spiritual the the groom so offers so offers before before the the the the groom wedgroom wedso offers soMarranos offers before before the the wedwedadership! paper’ paper’ readership! readership! 15 2013 15, and 2013 ece and ve receive a $200 a manu $200 ac manufacturer’s u e s eba e rebate. A so when Also, you when pu you chase purchase any numbe any number o hese of add these ona additional shades shades you you’ll n need in need get c get oser closer to the to r their w sh in wish. need in need get closer get closer to th we e were om nen ano Marranos we e p were om prominent nen were Ma prominent were ano Marranos Marranos were prominent were prominent Marranos Marranos he p the aye prayers hey make they make o A he m to p gh Almighty the aye y prayers hey the make they prayers the make o prayers A they m to gh make Almighty they y make to Almighty the to prayers Almighty the prayers they make they make to Almighty to Almighty ®co August August 30th 30th and and a reporter a reporter will will contac before before could could have have been been lost lost them he he whatever whatever was was •there The •Luc, The man man who who tries tries please to please the the leader leader ofput Congregation ofput Congregation Kol Y Kol ehouda leader Yehouda leader of in Congregation of inCongregation Kol Y Kol ehouda Y ehouda in in ding) ding) abest prenuptial a wishes prenuptial agreement agreement ding) of ding) toseof a prenuptial toseathem prenuptial agreement agreement of toseof tosehe h, the second second edition edition As – not such, reAs – not such, rethe the second second edition edition – re– reHere Here your is your chance chance to reminisce to Here reminisce is with your isanimal your a chance CJN amore chance to LiteRise, reminis to rem receive receive an extra an $40 extra $40 each.To for each.To learn learn about more about LiteRise plea ® ®to in My towrites, my Bernard Bernard Baskin Bernard Bernard Baskin Baskin book book The Creators Creators writes, book book The Creators Creators writes, writes, •an As to As to fidelity, there is no is •to no As animal •to in fidelity, fidelity, there is no is animal no in st lost them them he put he put whatever was was •gone The •gone The man man who who tries tries to please to please the the ece ve receive exsof $40 extra onever $40 each for To each.To ea nbe mo learn eis abou more Lanimal about eR LiteRise, pAs ease please voin sGod. hun visit ethere doug as caHere Va dwe afor Valid cwith at pa participating ng dea eCJN srelate dealers on yeyour only. uda Judaism sm secre secretly. yThe Judaism Judaism secretly. secretly. ••to Fame •to Fame and and ranqu tranquility ya•an can can never be •reporter, •there Fame and tranquility and tranquility can never can never be be who had who gone hadwhatever gone h ough through he who the had who had who h ough had who through gone he had through the gone the who the had who gone had through through the the God God. God God. God. God. God. Cote Cote St. through Luc, St. Luc, Que. Que. Cote Cote St. St. Luc, Que. Que. fet mezonot fet mezonot (enhanced (enhanced daily fet daily allowmezonot fet• allowmezonot (enhanced (enhanced daily daily allowallowrected corrected – of –my of vised my proposvised proposand corrected corrected – of –my of my proposproposw bout about Michel a charnel aand charnel house. house. spect spect and and a a general duty duty of humanity humanity Creators tors wrMichel tes writes, book book The The Creators Creators wr tes writes, •The As to As fide to fidelity, ty there there sBaskin no is an •general no As ma animal As fide ngone in fidelity, ty there no isfidelity, an no ma animal nFame in nse he In sp the spirit he of ho the day holiday season season, apa we Hun In at the ein Hunter Doug In spirit the as Douglas of spirit the of holiday the holiday seaso P ease Please note note n the sub the ect subject ne line: M o M n t o r n eA t r l eA W l d W d e i d n d gi n S reporter, who who wi will re ate relate your reporter, your reporter, story story in who our in who will our upcoming will relate upcoming your stor ®number ®be *Shades *Shades ofso Joy manufacturer’s ofAme Joy manufacturer’s rebate rebate will issued will be issued in the form in theoe 92)? ? InHe 1571, InHe 1571, having having witnessed witnessed such such not not only only to in beasts towine beasts that that have have life life and and nd cate Indicate your your fu name full name, address address, phone phone number and and ema Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Shades *Shades o Joy manu of Joy ac manufacturer’s u e s eba e w rebate be will ssued be issued n he o in m the o form a Hun of e a Hunter Doug as Douglas P epa d Prepaid can American Exp ess Express G Ca Gift d THE Card. THE mo on motions o conve of conversion, on mo on motions o motions conve of motions conversion, on of conversion, of conversion, motions motions of conversion, of conversion, No h • ng Nothing o fi is m so y firmly bu No a built h ha • ng Nothing as that o • Nothing fi is m so • y Nothing firmly bu is so a built firmly is ha so as firmly that built • Nothing as built that • Nothing as that is so firmly is firmly built as built that as that on Michel. on Michel. frequently frequently expressed expressed in his in his head: head: His His tastes tastes in wine and and multitude multitude is never is never done. done. “The “The Marrano Marrano memory memory “The “The Marrano Marrano memory memory were were mostly mostly brief brief and and “Into “Into were were mostly mostly brief brief and and “Into “Into the world the world so treacherous so treacherous as the man. as world the man. world so treacherous so treacherous as man. as man. Dan eDaniel Boors J. family Boorstin, n n sin in his Daniel Daniel J. Boorstin, J. in his intreacherous his bed ebedfellows. ows bedfellows. bedfellows. have pa have nepartnered ed Section, wPROMOTION hMontreal The with Ch The dCARD en Children’s snovember Founda have Foundation partnered have on opartnered with of The with Childre The Montreal Montreal Wedding Wedding Section, Montreal Wedding november Wedding 1st. 1st. Section Sect ntly expressed expressed in Marrano his in his head: head: His His tastes tastes in wine wine and and multitude multitude is never is never done. done. o rrano memory memory “The“The Marrano memory memory were were most mostly ynued brhand ef brief and “Into and “Into were were most mostly yBoorstin, br ef brief and “Into and “Into the wor the world dbut sopractise treacherous so as the man as wor the man. world d so so treacherous as man as man. clients, friends an, government government atrocities atrocities as “make as “make me me blanch blanch with with sense, sense, but but even even to trees totreacherous trees and and plants.” plants.” PROMOTION isW CARD ash trademark isWish a trademark of Hunt ofDiversified Hunt Diversified Marketing MarC PROMOT PROMOTION ON CARD CARD s a adema is a trademark k o Hun of D Hunt ve s fied Diversified Ma ke Marketing ng nc A R Inc. gh All s Rese Rights ved Reserved. bu con but continued o p ac to practise e bu con but nued continued but o p continued ac to continued e to practise to practise but continued but continued to practise to practise wh ch which we ea we know least know. wh ch which we ea we which know least which know. we least we know. least know. which which we least we know. least know. fin If to you are are nterested in sharing your you your story you are interested story are w th interested with in sharing in yo deaux ux and and wine wine horror,” horror,” Montaigne Montaigne retired retired from from sosoWhat What follows follows are are ideas ideas from from his Canada Canada o the uanimal nn towshar turn shes wishes nng o If ea into yIf reality. Canada Canada to turn to wishes turn wishes into reali int ®shari ® book book The Crea The Creators ors wr eswrites, book book The Creators The Creators writes, writes, ••Bernard As •o As fide to fidelity, ythem here there sto is an no ma animal n •his As to •you As fidelity, fidelity, there there is no is no animal in in could could not not have have been been lost could lost could not have have been been lost lost them them he put he whatever put whatever was was them he put whatever put whatever was was •is The •neve The man man who who tries tries to please to •Baskin The please •interested the The man man who who tries tries to please to please the the discovering iscovering Rediscovering Rediscovering Michel Michel de Michel de Michel Montaigne Montaigne de de Montaigne Montaigne ® ® THE PROMOTION THE PROMOTION CARD isCARD abe Prepaid isJewish abe Prepaid American American Express Express Card issC his sense his sense of the of injustice injustice done done the to the food, food, his childhood childhood memories, memories, his his •yBernard The •no The greatest greatest thing thing in the in the world world is is Bernard Bernard Bask Baskin n Bask Bernard Baskin nthrust Baskin Baskin Bernard Baskin The The Canadian an Jew Jewish sh News News readers The readers, The Canadian ema Canadian email nfo@thec Jewish [email protected] News n ca News readers, reader em ece have been been ost cou lost d could not not have have been been ost lost them them he put he put whatever was them was them he put he whatever put whatever was was ••not The •Judaism The man man who who tr es tries to p to •ease The please the The man the man who who tr es tries phe to the the uda m ec equiet, secretly. y to uda Judaism m ec estudy, secretly. y his Judaism secretly. secretly. Judaism Judaism secretly. secretly. Fame • Bernard Fame and and anqu tranquility can Fame can •ease never be Fame and and anqu •his Fame •Purchase yBernard Fame and can tranquility neve and can tranquility never be can •Dnever Fame can •Duette never be Fame and tranquility be and tranquility can never can never THE PROMOT THE PROMOTION ON CARD CARD splease aof Pbe epa is aCanad dtranquility Prepaid Ame can American Exp ess Express Ca dbe ssued Card issued by Amex by Bank Amex Bank Perigord he Perigord area area ciety ciety . He . the He built built aJudaism quiet, awhatever bucolic bucolic study, essays essays that that provide provide the the thrust of his done done to the to the food, food, his his childhood childhood memories, memories, his his The •were The greatest greatest thing the in the world world is ®Purchase ®LiteRise for a healthy and happy mworld any combination of 4 Silhouette, orCanada. Vignette Purchase w shades any combination with any w combination of between 4 Silhouette, m30th ofSeptember 4ofSilhouette, Duette D of 1m and orCanada Duette Vignette December Vignette shades shades LiteRA August August 30th and and aas reporter a reporter w August contact will August contact you 30th and you. and aorreporter a with repo before before before before “The “The Marrano Marrano memory memory “The “The Marrano Marrano memory memory were mos mostly y his br ething brief and “in and nin otastes “Into were were mostly mostly brief and “Into and “Into he wor the dworld so reacherous so treacherous man as man. the world the so treacherous so30th treacherous asis man. man. ® brief ®as Used by Used Amex by Bank Amex Bank Canada under license under license from of of Canada. nces s for for six six dedebegan began to write to write his his essays essays and and modmodthought thought on on many many subjects: subjects: on Michel. on Michel. He frequently He frequently expressed on expressed Michel. on Michel. He frequently He frequently expressed expressed in his in head: his head: His tastes His in wine in in his wine in and head: his and head: His tastes His tastes in wine in wine and and multitude multitude is never is never done. done. multitude multitude never is never done. done. Dan e Daniel Boo J. Boorstin, n n h in his Dan e Daniel Boo J. Daniel Boorstin, n n h Daniel J. Boorstin, in J. Boorstin, in his his Daniel Daniel J. Boorstin, J. Boorstin, in his in his bed e bedfellows. ow bed e bedfellows. ow bedfellows. bedfellows. bedfellows. bedfellows. o Canada of Canada. Used by Used Amex by Bank Amex o Bank Canada of Canada unde under cense license om Ame from can American Exp ess Express. do ou you know know about about Michel What Michel What do you do you know know about about Michel Michel a charnel a charnel house. house. a charnel a charnel house. house. spect spect and and a general a general duty duty of humanity spect of humanity spect and and a general a general duty duty of humanity of humanity 15, 2013 and receive m a $200 manufacturer’s rebate. w Also, 15, when 2013 you 15, and purchase 2013 receive m and any a $200 receive number manufacturer’s a of $200 these manufacturer’s additional rebate. shades Also, rebate. when you’ll Also, you when purchase you purch any Mon M to rn eA tl r eA We ld W den dg d iS n ec gt S ec oM n to io n M n. to rn eA tl rne W frequent He frequently y expressed on expressed M on che Michel. He frequent He frequently y expressed expressed n h in s head his head: H s tastes His tastes n w n in ne h wine in s and head his and head: H s tastes His tastes n w in ne wine and and mu t multitude tude s never is never done done. mu t multitude tude s never is never done done. Jews, Jews, which which confirms confirms his his doubts doubts on on playful playful cat and cat and the the way way his dog’s his dog’s ears ears to know to know how how to be to self-sufficient. be self-sufficient. estly estly adopted adopted for for his his motto motto “Que “Que • Man • Man is certainly is certainly stark stark mad. mad. He He e igne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? de Montaigne de Montaigne (1533-92)? (1533-92)? In 1571, In 1571, having having witnessed witnessed In such 1571, In such 1571, having having witnessed witnessed such such not not only only to beasts to beasts that that have have not life not only and life only and to beasts to beasts that that have have life and life and his doubts doubts on on playful playful cat and cat and the the way way his dog’s his dog’s ears ears to know to know how how to be to self-sufficient. be self-sufficient. cou dcould no have not have been been os lost could could not have not have been been lost lost hem them heecannot pu hecannot wha put ever whatever was was them he put he put whatever was was •aCreators The man The man who who rwhatever esan tries oAno panimal to please he •he The the •there man The man who who tries tries please the receive an extra $40animal forn each.To m learn more about receive please anreceive visit extra $40 ananimal extra for each.To $40animal forin Valid learn each.To at more participating learn about more LiteRise, dealers about LiteRise, please only. visitplease hunterdoug visit hu book book The C The ea oCreators e writes, book book The C The ea book othe Creators w book The Creators writes, The Creators writes, writes, book book The The Creators writes, writes, Atrees othem ••a fide As to y fidelity, he eand no is ma obut •ease fide n As toeven in yfidelity, •thing As to eto •thing fidelity, As no toan is fidelity, no ma there is there no in animal is •to noplease to animal •to in fidelity, AsLiteRise, tothe in fidelity, there is there no is no in cended ded from from a sais sais je?” je?” “What do I do know?” Iw know?” make make flea, flea, and yet yet he he will will nobleman, a nobleman, government He was He was ahis a nobleman, government government Passover. atrocities atrocities as “make as “make me me blanch atrocities blanch atrocities with with as “make as “make me me blanch blanch with with sense sense, but even to to trees and sense, and plants sense, plants.” but ” even to trees and plants.” plants.” sense his sense of the of injustice the injustice his to sense his the to sense of the of injustice the injustice done done to the to the food, food, his childhood his childhood memories, memories, food, food, his his his childhood his childhood memories, memories, his his •there The •What The greatest greatest in the in •and world the The •from world The greatest isAs greatest is thing the in world the world frsly the nof ust injustice ceBordeaux done hgovernment done sa to sense his the to sense of the the of the n ust injustice ce done done to the to the food food, hnobleman, s“What ch his dhood childhood memor memories, food esdone food, hh done ssMichel. his ch his dhood childhood memor memories, es hhe sbut his •Michel. The •“The The greatest greatest th ng thing n the in •oeven wor the The •the world dwere The greatest smultitude greatest is th ng thing n the in wor the world d smostly isare *Shades mtrees of Joy manufacturer’s wdone. rebate will be issued m inthing thetreacherous *Shades Hformso ofDatreacherous ofin *Shades Hunter Joy manufacturer’s Douglas of Joy manufacturer’s m Prepaid rebate American willis rebate beExpress will be inGift the issued forminof thea Hunter form ofDouglas a Hunter Gissued Cis H Card. THE Enter at mayor Bordeaux of and official, and official, wine mayor wine mayor of Bordeaux of Bordeaux and and wine wine horror,” horror,” Montaigne Montaigne retired retired horror,” from horror,” from soMontaigne soMontaigne retired retired from from sosoWhat What follows follows are are ideas ideas from What from his follows his follows are ideas ideas from his his on M on che Michel. He requen He frequently y expressed expressed on on He frequently He frequently expressed expressed n h s in head his head: H s as His es tastes n w in ne wine and in and his in head: his head: His tastes His tastes in wine in wine and and mu ude s never is never done done. multitude multitude is never is never done. “The “The Ma ano Marrano memo memory y “The “The Ma ano Marrano memo “The Marrano memory y Marrano memory memory “The “The Marrano Marrano memory memory we e mo were y mostly b e and brief “ n and we “Into e mo y mostly b were e and brief mostly were “ n and o mostly brief “Into and brief “Into and were “Into were mostly brief and brief “Into and “Into he wo the d world o eache so treacherous ou a he man wo as the man. d world o eache the so world treacherous the ou world so a treacherous man so as treacherous man. as the man. world as the man. world so as man. as man. that that lived lived in in In her In her splendid splendid recent recent book book about about make make Gods Gods by by the dozen. dozen. force force as an as effective an effective agent agent of persuaof persuatwitched twitched when when he was was dreaming. dreaming. All All Emerson Emerson called called Montaigne Montaigne the the most most OMO be PROMOTION ON C self-sufficient. Dbe CARD m isthrust a trademark Hof Dhis ofknow Hunt Diversified M Marketing PROMOTION Inc.PROMOTION All Rights CARD isReserved. aCARD trademark is a trademark of Hunt Diversified of Hunt Diversified MarketingMarketing Inc. All Rights Inc. All Reser Rig ent of persuaof persuatwitched twitched when when he was he was dreaming. dreaming. All All Emerson Emerson called called Montaigne Montaigne the the most most ho ved lived in in Perigord the Perigord grower grower area who area who lived lived in the in Perigord the Perigord area area ciety ciety .which .which built He built a quiet, a quiet, bucolic bucolic ciety study, ciety . which He study, .built He built a quiet, a quiet, bucolic bucolic study, study, essays that that provide provide the the thrust essays thrust of essays his that of his that provide provide the the thrust of hishow Jews, Jews, confirms confirms his doubts his Jews, doubts Jews, which on on confirms confirms his doubts his doubts on playful playful cat and cat and the way the way his dog’s playful his dog’s playful ears cat ears and cat and the way the way his dog’s dog’s ears ears to know to know how how to to know to how to self-sufficient. be self-sufficient. the of the InquisiMontaigne, Montaigne, Sarah Sarah Bakewell Bakewell explains explains • How • many many things things that that served us us cou d could no have not been have been cou lost dears could no have not could been have could not been o have not lost been have been lost could lost could not have not been have been lost hem them pu he wha put eve whatever wa hem was he them he wha them put eve whatever he them wa put he whatever was whatever was them was he them whatever put was was The •pu The who man who elost tries oserved pbe ea to The eself-sufficient. please man The the who •Hto The who eTHE •put The tries ohe man ea toself-sufficient. ewhatever please tries who he tries the please • American to The please •man the who man tries who tries please to please theis aAmerican the American h nfirms confirms hthe s Inquisidoubts his Jews doubts Jews, wh on ch which on confirms confirms h sHe doubts his doubts on on p ayfu cat cat the and way the way h sprecedent dog p his ayfu sodog’s playful ears cat and cat and way the way hessays she dog his sHow dog’s ears ears to know know how how to be to se be f-suffic self-sufficient. to know to ent know how how to be to se f-suffic ent CThe Card issued m byto Amex Bank Card issued Card by issued Amex Bank by Am OMO PROMOTION ON Cpwho Dgreatest CARD is ato m Prepaid Express THE PROMOTION THE PROMOTION CARD is aCARD Prepaid Prepaid Express Express hdesplayful sense his sense oand he of n the us injustice ce done done odehe his to the sense his sense of the of injustice the injustice done done to the to the ood food, hthe sto ch his dhood childhood memor memories, es h food, son his his childhood his childhood memories, memories, his his •food, The •man grea The greatest es h ng thing nput he in•he wor the dman world •shis The is •man greatest The thing thing in the inthe world theto world isbe is western ern Frances Frances for of six for southwestern of desix southwestern Frances Frances for six for six debegan began to write to write his essays his essays and began and modbegan to modwrite to write his essays his essays and and modmodthought thought on many on many subjects subjects: thought thought on many on many subjects: subjects: ameublemen ameublem ntury century . Three . Three that that there there was was no precedent no in literain literayesterday, yesterday, as articles as articles of faith, of faith, today today Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Rebate Rebate ameub ement de ma de son cades. cades. estly estly adopted adopted for for his his motto estly motto “Que estly adopted “Que adopted for for his his motto motto “Que “Que • Man • Man is certainly is certainly stark stark mad • Man mad. • Man He is He certainly is certainly stark stark mad. mad. He sion.” sion.” of this, of this, as well as well as terse as terse accounts accounts of the of the honest honest of all of writers. all writers. He wrote, He wrote, “Cut CHis ofmultitude Canada. Used mameublement by Amex CBank ofHe Canada under license mis“Cut m ofmaison from Canada. American of Canada. Used Express. by Amex Used Bank by Amex of Canada Bankmost ofunder Canada license under from license American from American Express. on M on che Michel. He equen He frequently y exp on e M expressed on che ed Michel. He on equen He Michel. on frequently Michel. y exp He frequently e expressed He ed frequently expressed on Michel. expressed on Michel. He frequently He frequently expressed expressed n h in head his head: H a His e tastes n w n ne in h and wine in head his and head: H in his a His e in head: tastes his n w head: His ne in tastes and wine His tastes and in wine in in his and wine in head: his and head: tastes His tastes in wine in and wine and mu multitude ude neve is never done done. mu multitude ude neve multitude is never done done. is never is never done. done. multitude multitude never is never done. done. of this, of this, as well as well as terse as terse accounts accounts of the of the honest honest of all of writers. all writers. He wrote, He wrote, “Cut “Cut force force as an as effective an effective agent agent of force persuaof force as persuaan as effective an effective agent agent of persuaof persuatwitched twitched when when he was he was dreaming. dreaming. twitched twitched All when All when he was he was dreaming. dreaming. All All Emerson Emerson called called Montaigne Montaigne Emerson the most Emerson the most called called Montaigne Montaigne the most the ere y were ture ture for for his his essays essays casual, casual, are are fables? fables? ews Jews, wh ch which confirms confirms h was sdo doub his doubts sng on Jews, Jews, which which confirms confirms his doubts his doubts on p ay– u playful ca and cat and he way the hway sdo dog his s dog’s ears playful ears playful and cat the and way the his way dog’s his dog’s ears ears o know to know how how o be to se be -su self-sufficient. fic most en towhen to know how how toyou be towill self-sufficient. be self-sufficient. ct effective vedescended agent agent offorce persuaofforce as persuaanas effect an effective ve agent agent ofje?” persuaof persuatw tched twitched when when he was he dream dreaming. tw tched twitched A–on when All when he was he was dream dreaming. ng Aon All Emerson Emerson ca ed called Monta Montaigne gne Emerson the most Emerson the most ca ed called Monta Montaigne gne the the most mother er descended from His from His a mother a mother descended descended from from a a sais sais je?” “What “What I do know?” I know?” sais sais je?” je?” “What “What do I know?” I know?” cannot cannot make make a flea a cat flea, and and yet cannot he yet cannot will he make will make a flea, aknow flea, and and yet he yet he will wishing all our friends and customers when you purchase purchase S houette Silhouette , Duette , Duette hformalistic enhis e sense osplendid he of n the u injustice cein done h book done oenhis he e to sense oabout the he his of n the sense u his injustice ce of done the of injustice done o the he to injustice the done to sense done the his to sense of the the of the done to done the to the ood food, h splendid chsense his childhood memo memories, ood ehis h food, hdare ch his his dhood food, childhood food, his memo childhood his memories, eng childhood h memories, his food, memories, his food, his childhood his childhood memories, memories, histhe his The •injustice g The ea einjustice greatest hmake thing nmake he in wo The the d•gworld The ea egreatest isby •his hThe ng •greatest thing nThe he greatest in wo thing the d world thing in isin •world The the •greatest world is The greatest is thing thing in thein world the world isameublement is hey .sh They formalistic reflections. reflections. They They •dhood Few • Few men men dare publish publish to the to the world world ewish family family thatSpanish that lived lived Jewish inJewish family family that that lived lived in In her In splendid her recent recent book In her about In her splendid recent recent book book about about make make Gods Gods by the by the dozen dozen. Gods Gods by the the dozen. dozen. ameublement de maison de maiso or V or gnette Vignette shades shades w th with L teR LiteRise. se. ameub ameublement emen de ma de son maison ameub ameublement emen de ma de son maison InSpanish recent Inin recent years years there there has has been aevents aforce political, political, social social and and religious religious events events these these words, words, and and they they would would bleed.” bleed.” sion.” sion.” sion.” sion.” of this, of this, as well as well as terse as terse accounts accounts of this, of of the this, as of well the as well as terse as terse accounts accounts of the of the honest honest of all of writers. all writers. He wrote, He honest wrote, honest “Cut of “Cut all of writers. all writers. He wrote, He wrote, “Cut “Cut orce force associal an as eheight an ecand effective ve agen agent obeen persuaof persuaforce as an as effective an effective agent agent of persuaof persuaw ched twitched when when he was he dream was dreaming. ng Awould twitched All twitched when when he he dreaming. was dreaming. All All Emerson Emerson ca ed called Mon Montaigne a gne he mos the Emerson most Emerson called called Montaigne Montaigne the most the most e t the height height of the of Aragon the InquisiAragon Inquisiat the at the height of the of the InquisiInquisiMontaigne, Montaigne, Sarah Sarah Bakewell Bakewell Montaigne, explains Montaigne, explains Sarah Sarah Bakewell Bakewell explains explains • How • How many many things things that that served •was How served • How us many us many things things that that served served us us ere has has been been a a political, political, social and religious religious events these these words, words, and and they they would bleed.” bleed.” nos rranos the the prayers prayers they they make make to Almighty to Almighty s on sion.” ” of th of s this, as we as well as terse as terse accounts accounts of th of of s the this, as of we the as well as terse as terse accounts accounts of the of the honest honest of a of wr all ters writers. He wrote He honest wrote, honest “Cut of “Cut a of wr all ters writers. He wrote He wrote, “Cut “Cut ameub emen de ma son ew wh Jews, ch which confi m confirms h doub ew his doubts wh Jews, on ch which on confi Jews, m confirms which Jews, h doub which confirms his doubts confirms on his on doubts Jews, his doubts which Jews, on which on confirms confirms his doubts his doubts on on p ay u playful ca and cat he and way the h way dog p ay his ea u dog’s playful ca and ears cat playful he and way playful the cat h way and dog cat his the and ea dog’s way the his ears way dog’s playful his ears dog’s playful cat and ears cat the and way the his way dog’s his ears dog’s ears o know to know how how o be to e be u self-sufficient. o fic know en to know how to how o know be to to e know be how u self-sufficient. fic to how en be to self-sufficient. be to self-sufficient. know to know how to how be to self-sufficient. be self-sufficient. he te late 15th 15th century century tion . Three tion in . Three the in the late late 15th 15th century century Three .precedent Three that that there there was was no.precedent no that in literathat in there literathere was was no precedent no precedent inarticles literain of literayesterday yesterday, as articles as faith ofyesterday, faith, today yesterday, today as articles as articles of faith, of faith, today today the gh the God. God. ameub ameublement emen de made son maison ameublement ameublement de maiso de m s of on ”sion.” sion.” sion.” oIn hcasual, sof as this, we as as well erse as terse accoun accounts swagent o he of of this, the of as this, well as as well terse as terse accounts accounts of the of the hones honest o aand of wr all ers writers. He wro He etwitched wrote, “Cu honest “Cut honest of all of writers. all writers. He wrote, He wrote, “Cut “Cut is of family his family were were members members his of family his family were were ture ture for his for essays his essays – – casual, ture ture for his for essays his essays – casual, – casual, are fables? are fables? are fables? are fables? a happy, healthy Passover In recent In recent years years there there has been has recent been In a recent a years years there there has been has been a a political, political, social social and and religious religious political, events political, events social social and and religious religious events events these these words, words, and they and they would would these bleed.” these bleed.” words, words, and they and they would would bleed.” bleed.” o ce a force an e as ec an effective ve agen agent o o pe ce of a ua force persuaan e as ec an force effective ve agen as force an effective agent o as pe an effective of ua persuaagent of force persuaof as force persuaan effective as an effective agent agent of persuaof persuaw ched twitched when when he wa he d was eam dreaming. ng ched twitched A when All twitched when he wa twitched he d when was eam dreaming. ng when he was A he dreaming. was All twitched dreaming. All when All when he was he dreaming. was dreaming. All All Eme Emerson on ca ed called Mon a Montaigne gne Eme he mo Emerson the on ca most ed Emerson called Mon Emerson a Montaigne gne called he called Montaigne mo the Montaigne most Emerson the most Emerson the called most called Montaigne Montaigne the most the most Every Every qualifying qualifying purchase purchase he Bookmarks Bookmarks nt ars years there there has been has In recent been In a recent a years years there there has been has been a a po t political, ca soc a social and and re g religious ous po events t political, ca events soc a social and and re g religious ous events events these these words words, and they and they wou would d these b eed these bleed.” words ” words, they and they wou would d b eed bleed.” ” Boorstin, Boorstin, in summing in summing up up MonMonspirited spirited renewal renewal of interest of interest in Monin Monaround around him.” him.” ersion, on, • Nothing • Nothing is so is firmly so firmly built built as that as that Boorstin Boorstin, summing in summing up up Monterest st in Monin They Monaround around him.” him.” e t the stake. stake. They burned burned at the at the stake. stake. They They formalistic formalistic reflections. reflections. They They formalistic reflections. reflections. They They •formalistic Few •in Few men men dare dare publish publish to Monthe •to Few world the • Few men world men dare dare publish publish to the to world the world PROVINCIAL ameub ameublement emen de ma de son maison ameub ameublement emen de ameublement ma de son ameublement maison deto maison detheir maison ameubleme ameu n recen In recent years years here there has been has been a In a recent In recent years years there there has been has been a a po political, ca soc a social and re and g ous religious even events political, s political, social social and religious and religious events events hese these words words, and hey and wou they d would b eed bleed.” ” these these words, words, and they and would they would bleed.” bleed.” on ” sion.” on ” sion.” sion.” sion.” sion.” sion.” o h of a this, we as a well e as e accoun terse o accounts h o of he a this, we of the as a of well e this, as e of accoun as terse this, well accounts as as well o terse he as accounts of terse the of accounts this, of the of as this, well of the as as well terse as accounts terse accounts of the of the hone honest o a w of all e writers. He w hone He o e wrote, “Cu honest o a “Cut w of honest all e writers. honest He of w all He o writers. of e wrote, all “Cu writers. He “Cut wrote, honest He wrote, “Cut honest of all “Cut writers. of all writers. He wrote, He wrote, “Cut “Cut ractise ise which which we we least least know. know. 19 in need in need get get closer closer to their wis minent ent Marranos Marranos were were prominent prominent Marranos Marranos the the prayers prayers they they make make to Almighty the to Almighty the prayers prayers they they make make to Almighty to Almighty Boorstin, Boorstin, inlife summing inand summing up uBoorstin, Monup Boorstin, Monin sp summing inr spirit summing up Monup Monspirited spirited renewal renewal of interest of interest spirited in Monspirited inhim.” Monrenewal renewal of interest of interest inngMonin Monaround around him.” him.” around around him.” him.” PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL PROVINC Boorst Boorstin, n nlife summ in summing up Boorst Monup Boorstin, Monnyears n summ in summing ng up Monup Monnterest of interest spntaigne rMonspirited ted intaigne Monrenewa renewal of of interest n Monin recent Monaround around hnterest m him.” ” through around hhas m ”taigne’s Bernard Bernard Baskin Baskin home nPROVINCIAL she nc • Fame • and and tranquility tranquility can can never be be gone e of through through the who the who had had gone gone through the the around God God. God. God. nswords, the In nc. the tand of the of ho the day holiday season, season, we at we H home home furni f taigne’s life and thought, thought, offers offers this this and and his his singular singular achieveachieveHe He hated hated cruelty cruelty in in any form. form. no ecen yea he ein ha there been naround ecen abeen Inaround recent yea a taigne’s In he recent eIn ha there recent years been has there years abeen has there ais been In has recent aany been In recent years aBoors has there been has abeen po political, oc aof social and eFame and g ou religious po even ca political, events oc aoffers political, social and political, edthere and gwords, social ou religious even social and religious events and religious political, events political, events social social and religious and religious events events he ehim.” wo these and hey wou they dtaigne’s would he b eed eanever wo these ”bleed.” dMonwords, and these hey words, these wou they words, dand would b eed they and ”bleed.” would they these would bleed.” these bleed.” words, and they would they would bleed.” bleed.” home home furn furnishers shers inc. life and and thought thought, offers this this ranewal ular achieveachieveHe He hated cruelty cruelty in any in nyears any form. form. Boorstin, n summ in summing ng up up MonBoorstin, Boorstin, in summing in summing up Monup Monsp rhated spirited edof renewa renewal nInof eres interest Monspirited Monspirited renewal renewal of interest interest in Monin Monh mca ”years him.” around around him.” Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks of conversion, conversion, motions motions of conversion, conversion, • Nothing • Nothing so is firmly so firmly built built •n Nothing as • that Nothing as that isIONA so is firmly so firmly built built as that ashave that IONA IONA KLIOT KLIOT PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL PROVI PR in his bedfellows. bedfellows. have partnered partnered w th with The The Ch dren’ Children’ s Winc. s sh W ONA KL OT KLIOT LEO KL LEO OT KLIOT home home furnishers furnishers inc. taigne’s taigne’s life and life and thought, thought, offers taigne’s offers taigne’s this life this and life and thought, thought, offers offers this this taigne taigne and and his his singular singular taigne achievetaigne achieveand and his his singular singular achieveachieveHe hated He hated cruelty cruelty in any in any He form. hated He form. hated cruelty cruelty in any in any form. form. nis, home home urn shers furnishers nc inc. home home urn shers furnishers nc inc. ta gnes taigne’s e and life and thought thought, o ta ers gnes offers taigne’s th s this e and life and thought thought, o ers offers th s this d,shis his sto ngu singular arpractise ta ach gne taigne eveachieveand and h s his s ngu singular ar ach eveachieveHe hated He hated crue cruelty ty n any in any He form hated He form. hated crue cruelty ty n any in any form form. Boo Boorstin, n n umm in summing ng up Boo Mon up Boorstin, Monn n umm Boorstin, in summing ng Boorstin, up in Mon summing up in Monsumming up Boorstin, Monup Boorstin, Monin summing in summing up Monup Monp ed spirited enewa renewal o n e of e interest p n Mon ed spirited in enewa Monrenewal spirited o n spirited e of renewal e interest n renewal Mon of in interest Monof interest spirited in Monspirited in renewal Monrenewal of interest of interest in Monin Mona ound around h m ” him.” a ound around h m ” him.” around around him.” him.” around around him.” him.” ed nued practise to but but continued continued to practise to practise which which we least we least know know. which which we least we least know. know. IONA KLIOT IONA KLIOT IONA KLIOT IONA KL email: [email protected] Canada Canada to turn to turn w shes wishes nto into rea reality ty.furnishers .inc. writes, tes, • As • to As fidelity, to fidelity, there there is no is no animal animal in in home home u n she furnishers s nc inc. home home furnishers ONA KL IONA OT KLIOT ONA KL IONA OT KLIOT LEO KL LEO OT KLIOT LEO KL LEO OT KLIOT aattacked gnes taigne’s eme and life and hough thought, o ers offers h“His taigne’s senduring this taigne’s life and life thought, and thought, offers offers this this IONALEO a gne taigne and and h s shis ngu singular arand ach eveachievetaigne taigne and and his singular his singular achieveachieveHe ha He edabhorred hated crue cruelty y enduring n any in any orm form. He hated He hated cruelty cruelty in any in form. any form. Bernard Bernard Baskin Baskin Bernard Baskin Baskin tribute: tribute: “His enduring miracle miracle me to me ments. ments. He He abhorred bigotry bigotry and and attacked secretly etly. . Judaism Judaism secretly secretly . . • Bernard Fame • Fame and and tranquility tranquility can can • never Fame • never Fame be and be and tranquility tranquility can can never never betobe ONA KL IONA OT KLIOT KLIOT IONA KL LEO KLIOT OT KLIOT tribute tribute: “His “His enduring miracle miracle to to me He He abhorred abhorred bigotry bigotry and attacked attacked home home unc nthis she furnishers s nc inc. home uIONA n she furnishers shome nc home inc. inc. hom atribute: taigne’s eHe and life hough and thought, aany egne offers h taigne’s e“His this and life taigne’s hough and thought, life oKLIOT and elife thought, offers and h thought, offers taigne’s offers this taigne’s life this and life thought, and thought, offers offers this this abgne taigne and hand his ngu singular abrief ach aand gne eve taigne achieveand hand taigne his ngu taigne and singular asbedfellows his and eve singular achievehis singular achievetaigne achieveand his and his singular achieveachieveHeHe ha He ed hated cach ue yworld cruelty n any intaigne He oany m ha He form. ed hated cgne ue He ysingular cruelty hated n“His He any hated in cruelty oany m cruelty form. ino in“His He form. any hated He form. hated cruelty cruelty in any in form. any form. emory ory were were mostly mostly brief and “Into “Into the the world so treacherous so treacherous as man. as man. email: email: provincialh provi tribute: tribute: enduring enduring miracle tribute: to tribute: to “His me “His enduring miracle miracle to furnishers me toOfurnishers me ments. ments. ments. ments. abhorred He abhorred bigotry bigotry and and He attacked abhorred abhorred bigotry bigotry and and attacked attacked loorstin, J. Boorstin, in ments his in ments. hisDaniel Daniel J. Boorstin, Boorstin, inbigotry his in hisand bedfellows. bedfellows. bedfellows. ema email: pmiracle ov [email protected] ame h@sympa coenduring ONA Ktaigne’s O ONA Kmiracle IONA O KLIOT Ohome IONA Kca LEO KLIOT KLIOT KLIOT IONA K inc. 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He He was was ently ly expressed expressed in his in his head: His tastes tastes in wine in wine and and multitude multitude is never is never done. done. arrano no memory memory “The “The Marrano Marrano memory memory were were mostly mostly brief brief and and “Into “Into were were mostly mostly brief brief and and “Into “Into the the world world so treacherous so treacherous as the man as the world man. world so treacherous so treacherous man. as man. is this, is this, who who picks picks up his up essays is his this, essays is this, who in who picks picks up his up his essays in in For 36 For years, 36 years, a hideous a hideous religious For religious 36 For years, 36 years, a hideous a hideous religious religious the persecution the persecution of witches. of witches. the He persecution the was He persecution was of witches. of witches. 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Abraham had put on his best suit. He no longer went to the synagogue. He davened at home. It was too far away to walk so many blocks. He was hungry. The cooking smells had tempted him all day. “Shouldn’t they be here by now?” asked Abraham. They’ll be here soon,” said Bessie. “Maybe they had to wait for Barbie.” “Barbie?” “She’s visiting Josh and Debbie for the week with Bill and the baby. We wanted to surprise you.” She lowered her voice, giggling,“we’ll see our great-grandson.” Abraham flushed, “Oh, boy! So that’s why all the fuss!” “No more than any other year,” said Bessie, huffily. “So now I’ll put on two more place settings.” Abraham started to sing softly, My Yiddishe Mamma. Bessie started rearranging the table. Abraham continued, “How I long to see her now.” “My gefilte fish came out especially tasty this year,” said Bessie. “Her jewels were in her baby’s smile,” sang Abraham. Bessie felt light-headed with anticipation. “My dessert! Wait ‘til they taste my torte. I really outdid myself.” The phone rang. “Answer it Abraham. I’ll change my dress.” Bessie hurried into the bedroom. She wished she could lie down for a few minutes. No time. Abraham’s voice was hoarse and loud, “What do you mean you aren’t coming?” Bessie caught her breath. She must have heard wrong. She picked up the extension. “The baby is sick. The doctor says he has swollen glands and an earache.” The voice was Joshua’s. “Oh,” Bessie gasped. “Hi, mom.” “You can’t bundle him up and bring him?” “It’s warm out. You’re driving in the car.” “Barbie is afraid.” “So you and Debbie can come?” “How c a n we ? ” Joshua asked. “Barbie and Bill are visiting with us.” “So how will you celebrate Rosh Hashanah?” Bessie tried to keep the plaintive tone out of her voice. “Debbie said we can order dinner from a caterer.” “Isn’t too late?” Rosh Hashanah is tonight.” “No, Debbie said she knows who to call,” Joshua’s voice had an edge to it. It was almost as if she were disappointing him. She tried to sound casual, “I made dinner for you.” Then adamantly, “Barbie and Bill should understand!” “They do. But how can we leave them after they’ve travelled all day yesterday to get here?” Joshua asked. “Oh,” Bessie could barely hear her own voice. Joshua continued, “Barbie will call you later, mom. She sends her love to you both. We’ll all try to visit before they leave for home.” “Maybe we should go there?” Abraham broke in. “No, no, we’ll wait for the visit.” Bessie said. “If we can…” Wishestotoour our Clients Clients & Friends for a Best wishes Happy & Healthy Healthy New Passover Happy Year jna jna dj dj Best Wishes for a Happy Best Best Wishes for for a Happy wishes a and Healthy Passover happy and healthy Stein, Stein Jacobs, Jacobs Krolik Krolik 5I5 Société en NomCollectif Collectif --General Partnership Société en Nom General Partnership Chartered Professional Accountants Comptables Professionnels Agréés Chartered Accountants Comptables Agréés Agréés Chartered Professional Accountants - -Comptables Professionnels Charles Leon Krolik Krolik Charles Jacobs Jacobs Leon Lawrence Stein William Hurwitz Lawrence Stein William Hurwitz Morton Barry Rashkovan Rashkovan Morton Stein Stein Barry Moti Moti Sherer Sherer 100Alexis Alexis Nihon Nihon #290 #290 100 St.Laurent, Laurent, H4M H4M 2N7 2N7 St. Tel.: Tel.:(514) (514) 747-7571 747-7571 Fax (514) (514) 744-0737 744-0737 • Diabetes management: blood tests, follow-up • Hypertension: blood pressure check, follow-up • DispillTM and other pill dispensers • Kosher vitamins • Free delivery service PRESCRIPTION FILE TRANSFER IT’S FAST AND EASY! Ask about it! Would you like to transfer your prescriptions? Just drop by our pharmacy! We will take care of the entire process,* for a fast and easy transfer of all your prescriptions! 8 am to 7 pm 8 am to 4 pm Closed 9 am to 1 pm * Some restrictions apply. FREE DELIVERY Anne Benguira Pharmacist-owner af filiated with Happy Passover 7005, rue Kildare, Montréal 514 508-1818 (inside the Medical Center adjacent to CIBC bank) WŚĂƌŵĂĐĞƵƟĐĂůƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐĂƌĞƚŚĞƐŽůĞƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďŝůŝƚLJŽĨƉŚĂƌŵĂĐŝƐƚƐ͘ PUL0029645_1 Opening hours Monday to thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Kathleen Weil Kathleen Weil Kathleen Weil Chanukah Meilleurs voeux pour une Meilleurs voeux pour une joyeuse et prospère Meilleurs voeux joyeuse et prospère pour un Chanukah Pesach MNA for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce MNAMinister for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce of Immigration, Diversity MNA for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Inclusiveness (514) 489-7581 (514) 489-7581 Your family pharmacist SERVICES AVAILABLE “OK,” Bessie interrupted Joshua. “Look mom, dad…I have to go.” There was a brief silence. We’ll call you tonight,” he added. “Yes,” said Bessie lamely, “At least let us know how the baby is.” But Joshua had hung up. Abraham and Bessie stood looking at the table. The resonance of the liturgical music filled the room. “Tonight is Rosh Hashanah, Bessie” Abraham said. He leaned over and whispered, “Happy New Year, dear.” He kissed her warmly and hugged her holding her close. “Happy New Year, dearest,” said Bessie in a surge of feeling. “Let’s have a little toast,” said Abraham lifting the wine decanter. His hand shook slightly as he poured the wine. Bessie held her breath. The decanter fell from Abraham’s hand. It shattered the wine glass. The wine spread over the white damask cloth. The broken decanter rolled onto the floor. The wine formed a crimson pattern on the soft beige carpet. Bessie and Abraham clung together silent and motionless.n plein de joie et de santé THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 M [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] Cooking for the Holidays RHODA WISE W ith Passover approaching, I have been reminiscing about how we celebrated the Jewish holidays when I was growing up. The first thing I thought of was food and cooking. I remembered my mother and her mother spending an entire day preparing gefilte fish for the seders. A few days before cooking this dish, my grandfather would go to the fishmonger and carefully select the various kinds of fish needed. My mother and her mother, my bubbie, would spend the day grinding, shaping, seasoning, boiling and then baking the fish. The house smelled fishy for days afterwards. Years later, when my grandparents were quite old, my husband, Ralph, would drive my grandfather to the fishmongers. Then my bubbie, my mother and I would make the fish in my home. Bubbie, now seated in a chair, carefully seasoned the fish and directed my mother and me on the preparations. I would do all the cleaning up. When we brought the platter of fish to the holiday table, there was always a great deal of discus- sion on whether it was too sweet or salty. Inevitably, it was proclaimed delicious. My grandfather would then stand up and proudly say, “I bought the fish.” I still serve gefilte fish on holidays, but now that my mother and grandmother are no longer here I buy it ready-made, but I always feel guilty for not making it. On Yom Kippur, my mother always invited our family and friends to break the fast. One of the traditional dishes she served was yeast buns from a recipe my grandmother had brought from Lithuania. This took two days to make, one day to prepare the yeast dough and let it rise, and the second to shape, fill and bake the buns. When my mother was too old to continue hosting breaking the fast, my daughter Heidi took it on. A week or two before the event, she and my mother would make the buns and put them in the freezer. My mother now sat in a chair and directed Heidi on the preparations. They only made yeast buns for this occasion and everyone took a package of them home. My mother died eight years ago but Heidi has continued this tradition and hosts breaking the fast complete with yeast buns every year. As families gather around the seder table to share the story of the Exodus – from generation to generation – let us reflect on the journey from slavery to freedom and celebrate the peace we enjoy and cherish as Canadians. On behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada and our Parliamentary caucus, my family and I extend our very best wishes on this Passover. Chag Pesach Sameach! Joyeuses Pâques חג פסח שמח Justin Trudeau Leader, Liberal Party of Canada “I feel like she is with me and supervising the preparations,” Heidi often tells me “I feel very close to her at these times.” At Purim, when my four grandsons were young, I would bring them and my mother, who they called Go-go Evie, to my house and we would make hamentashen together. Go-Go Evie, seated in a chair directed everybody. The four little boys, all with aprons tied around them stood on chairs around the kitchen counter taking turns cracking the eggs, cutting the butter, mixing the dough, putting in the fillings and shaping the tri-corned hats. I let them fill half of the pastries with chocolate chips and Smarties because the children really did not like prunes. After baking them, we would deliver the hamentashen to relatives and friends. I realize that our family has received a wonderful legacy. Cooking for the holidays has become full of traditions, stories and rituals that are woven into the threads of our lives today. The traditional foods we cooked together over the years were recipes to connect us to our family and to past generations as well as to a Jewish community that is worldwide and goes back thousands of years. n B37 B38 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 Friday, Pay Day, Shabbat and The Paths We Create Best wishes for a happy Passover are together with our cherished relatives and friends gathered around the seder table in a room filled with warmth, love and respect. Over the years, each of us have suffered devastating losses. At the seder, the presence of our dearly departed are deeply missed, their cherished memory forever embedded in our heart. We ecstatically welcome the blessing of each new arrival to the family, a precious baby, a promise of things to come, and the endurance of our people. We are, undeniably, fortunate to find ourselves living in this wonderful part of the world, in a great country where we can practice our religion and celebrate our treasured customs at will. Each year the seasons come and the seasons go, circumstances are apt to change and our lives evolve, but thankfully, some things still remain the same and will continue to endure as long as we continue, with diligence to create the significant paths for younger generations to follow. It’s our privilege and duty to provide them the exposure, expectations and encouragement to carry on noble values and cherished family traditions. The payoff is invaluable. ■ WEWWISH E WISHYOU YOU WE WISH YOU HEALTHY A HAAEALTHY HEALTHY PEACEFUL AND PEACEFUL ANDAND PEACEFUL PASSOVER PASSOVER PASSOVER LTD. LTD. LTD. SERVING SERVING THE COMMUNITY WITH DIGNITY THE Jean COMMUNITY WITH DIGNITY 3801 Talon W. (corner Cote des Neiges) 514-344-1716 SERVING 3801 Jean Talon W. (corner Cote des Neiges) 514-344-1716 5400 Paré (Near Decarie) TMR Tel: 342-6360 THE COMMUNITY WITH DIGNITY 3801 Jean Talon W. (corner Cote des Neiges) 514-344-1716 1D2 very Friday, that pungent aroma of a delectable Shabbat dinner in the making was evident – the savoury scent of tangy roast chicken, noodle kugel and mouth-watering freshly baked apple cake permeated throughout the house. And every Friday, which he referred to as pay day, my Zaida arrived home from work with his cherished Yiddish newspapers, the Keneder Adler and the Forward tucked under his arm. Much to my delight, Friday, according to my Zaida, was pay day for me as well. When he picked up his weekend newspapers at the corner store he always remembered me with some sort of small trinket or confectionery treat. On one occasion he presented me with what was supposedly the latest rage, fake buck teeth, which caused me endless gagging each time I forced that wax-like object into my mouth. My mother reacted with a “feh”, which said it all, and promptly tossed my Friday pay into the garbage. After that incident Zaida went back to the reliable chocolate bar or candy treat. When I grew a bit older, he switched from the trinkets and candy to presenting me with a quarter each week. That was my first introduction to finance and the value of money. Growing up, I was taught to save my allowance, birthday gift money and Chanukah gelt in order to have the ability my delight, surprised me with that very blouse on my birthday two weeks later. M y g r a n d f a t h e r ’s gleaming quarters on pay day fashioned a path for me to follow. Save your pennies towards that special something and then just go for it! Likewise, the weekly ritual of our Shabbat dinners created a path for me to follow, a time for family to gather together, a custom to be valued and passed on for generations to come. I’m reminded of an occasion when my young son was dutifully helping me set the dinner table, and caught himself inadvertently putting out the dairy cutlery for a meat meal. With an impish grin and mischievous gleam in his eye, he reacted with an alarming “Oh, oh, I nearly put out the wrong dikeh!” (in reference to milche-dikeh vs. fleischech-dikeh). The path had been paved. He was aware of what was expected of him and of carrying on our customs to the best of his ability. Pesach plans are usually fashioned well in advance. Decisions are made as to who will prepare the chicken soup and matzah balls, who will bring the meat balls, whether or not to order a smoked turkey and where our seder would take place. Will the family gather in Montreal or in Toronto? It really doesn’t matter as long as we 1D2 1D2 E to treat myself to that special something. In my early teens, I developed an appreciation for nice clothing, and together with my mother would occasionally window shop along Jean Talon, just a few short blocks from home. I would salivate over the array of splendid trinkets on display in the window of the one and only jewellery store in the area, and admire the outfits on the models exhibited in the window at Shamie’s retail store for ladies. One particular Friday afternoon I lingered by Shamie’s store front window, oblivious to the blare of honking horns, the stench of bus fumes, and general hustle and bustle of the street. The display of beautiful spring attire in the window was a welcome sight after a long, cold Canadian winter and I stood there frozen in my tracks, utterly mesmerized by an array of blouses which lay before me. I had to have the pale blue one. I just had to have it – the one with the short sleeves, gathered yoke, tiny buttons down the front and a soft feminine tie at the neck. How I yearned to have that blouse. It was mine. I could almost feel the softness of the cool cotton next to my skin, and after all, it was Friday pay day! Well, pay day or not, I didn’t get the blouse that day. I knew I had to be diligent, to save my allowance if I wanted to purchase that “got to have” something special. In the end it turned out to be unnecessary for me to hoard my allowance for long as my parents, much to 5D3 SHEILA MADAN THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015 B39 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] M The Last Prayer MARVIN HERSHORN “But you, whenever you pray, go into your own room And shut the door, and then pray to your father…” (Mathew 6:6) My father put on his tallit, his prayer shawl, in solitude At home alone, strained and heartfelt A powerful journey of reverence, fear, love, and devotion A shawl with a ritually knotted fringe Knotted at each corner, worn by Jews With pious conviction, furtive language and coded signals In prayer, a shawl handed down from my grandfather, a shawl that was warm and embracing A symbol of inclusive unconditional love Universal, bringing the sense of sacred in daily life The shawl wrapped him, enfolded him Embraced him and gave him comfort He was affirmed and uplifted with solace and peace Given wings to soar above his troubles His age was the impediment, a demographic architecture Laced with illuminating self-awareness Understanding that self-knowledge is not redemptive Shaped with compassionate empathy He displayed a brooding transparent intelligence Ensorcelled by quiet sophistication of transformative prayers He remained a sole avatar of his people’s traditions Of a righteousness signature persona The winter of his life seems to have taken a firm grip on him Tight and suffocating, with resignation and anxiety He can no longer drive his car or go to synagogue He can no longer be with his “Minyan- Aires” His beloved cronies who prayed together morning and evening Year after year, an uncluttered slice of time The quorum of 10 men, the band of prayer brothers Who prayed, free of existential distractions…immersed The shul family, their blessings ripple From person to person, a holy osmosis Of prayer in unison, feeling the unconditional embrace Of a loving God, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, “After he dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside By himself to pray.” (Mathew 14:23) Happy Passover Tel.: (514) 875-5780 Fax: (514) 875-5785 Tel.: (514) 875-5780 Fax: (514) 875-5785 Our Best Wishes For a Happy & Healthy Passover 2010 GE I N E R AT 2D1 R IV AN N E R NS H O E-MAIL: [email protected] F OU 550, rue Sherbrooke Ouest Suite 2070, Tour Ouest Montréal, Québec H3A 1B9 TELEPHONE: (514) 842-8421 FAX: (514) 842-9251 RY SA Best BestWishes Wishes for aa Happy & & Healthy Healthy Chanukah Happy Passover Montréal, Québec, H3B 2B6 H. W. Hollinger (Canada) Inc. CABINET EN ASSURANCE DE DOMMAGES - FIRM IN DAMAGE INSURANCE INSINSURANCE S.E.N.C. Bratt Fremeth Star S.E.N.C. Société de comptables professionnels agréés Partnership of Chartered Professional Accountants 1 Place Ville Marie Suite 1615 Montréal, H3B 2B6 1 PlaceQuébec, Ville Marie Email: [email protected] Suite 1615 Bur.: 514.489.6793 Cell.: 514.827.6793 [email protected] 75 T BRATT FREMETH STAR Helen Liberman 100% CLUB 2D1 Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy Passover Sandra Zelikovic, M.B.A. PLATINUM CLUB 2011 B40 [ PA S S OV E R G R E E T I N G S ] EVOLUTION OF EXCELLENCE M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS APRIL 2, 2015
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