March 2015 Grapevine - Christ Lutheran Church

The Grapevine
March 2015
A monthly newsletter of
Christ Lutheran Church, Ferndale WA
I am the vine, you are the branches. - John 15:5
Lent 2015
“Lord, Hear Our Prayer”
The season of Lent is one for slowing
down and returning to God, especially
with prayer, fasting, and giving.
Our theme this Lent is “Lord, Hear Our
Prayer.” Opportunities for praying and
learning about prayer abound, including Labyrinth walks and adult education about prayer (see page 7 inside).
Wednesday night services—continuing
through March 25—will include reflections from church members about their
own prayer life.
The forty days of Lent (excluding Sundays, which are considered “little days
of resurrection”), culminate in Holy
Week—the first week of April—when
we undertake a journey with Jesus
toward the cross and resurrection.
Soup Suppers—There will be no
soup suppers before the Wednesday evening Lent services this year.
If you have interest in coordinating
them next year, please let Linda
Anderson or Pastor Jana know.
February 25, 7:00—7:30 pm, Holden Evening Prayer
Message: John Vickery
Worship followed by a Labyrinth walk
March 4, 7:00—7:30 pm, Holden Evening Prayer
Message: Jan Schlack
Worship followed by a Labyrinth walk
March 11, 7:00—7:30 pm, Holden Evening Prayer
Message: Pete Corcorran
Worship followed by a Labyrinth walk
March 18, 7:00—7:30 pm, Holden Evening Prayer
Message: Bethany Dietrich
Worship followed by a Labyrinth walk
March 25, 7:00—7:30 pm, Healing Service
Worship followed by a Labyrinth walk
April 2, 6:00-7:30 pm, Maundy Thursday Seder Meal
April 3, 7:00-8:00 pm, Good Friday Worship
April 5, 9:00 and 11:15 am, Easter Sunday Worship
Easter brunch at 10:15 am
Are you looking for daily devotions to
use during Lent?
Visit to download Luther Seminary's 2015 Lent devotions, There In God's Garden.
This devotional includes a daily scripture reading, reflection, and prayer.
Pastor’s thoughts on ...
…Not Trying So Hard in
I have a confession to make, which
comes just at the right time during Lent.
Here goes…
Sometimes, I fail to pray.
Yes, your pastor sometimes (perhaps
more often than I care to admit) fails to
first go to God in prayer before I either
worry about something, move ahead at
warp speed through a busy schedule, or
make a decision about something for
which I should have prayed first.
I know the reason I do so. It’s not because I don’t trust in the power of prayer
or fully believe that prayer is one of the
most important practices of the Christian life.
It’s because sometimes prayer feels like
hard work...more work on top of the
work of worrying and leading a busy life.
It feels ridiculous to even write that,
since I know and preach that prayer is
what calms us and gives us a foundation for a grounded life.
But in all my humanness, I still sometimes fail to stop and pray because of
the time and energy it consumes from
my life and the sense that sometimes
prayer is a chore.
It was a recent quote from my daily
devotional book that made me reflect
on my occasional failure to pray. James
Finley reflects about the monk and writer Thomas Merton:
Merton once told me to quit trying so
hard in prayer. He said, “How does an
apple ripen? It just sits in the sun.”
A small green apple cannot ripen in one
night by tightening all its muscles,
squinting its eyes and tightening its jaw
in order to find itself the next morning
miraculously large, red, ripe, and
juicy beside its small green counterparts.
Like the birth of a baby, or the opening of a rose, the birth of the true
self takes place in God’s time. We
must wait for God, we must be
awake, we must trust in God’s
hidden action within us.
When I think of prayer that way –
waiting for God, being awake, trusting in God’s hidden action within us
– prayer doesn’t seem quite so
hard. In fact, it was reading this
quote that helped me make a decision about my Lenten discipline this
For Lent 2015, I am “not trying so
hard in prayer.” I’m giving up prayer
as a chore, and instead taking up
prayer as a time to let myself ripen
in the light of God. My daily practice
of prayer this Lent is to simply sit in
God’s presence and not feel like I have to have all the right
words. Instead, in my prayer time I am simply waiting for
God, being awake, and trusting God’s hidden action within
me. I am confident God knows my needs and the needs of
those for whom I pray, so I’m just going to marinate in God’s
presence, trusting that God is already at work.
I’m so grateful that we’re focusing on prayer this Lent at CLC
during our Wednesday evening Lenten services and Adult
Education classes, as well as walking the labyrinth together
on Wednesday nights after worship. I encourage you to
commit to participating in these opportunities, and I trust
that we’re going to learn a whole lot more about prayer
during these 40 days together.
Perhaps you’ll even learn “not to try so hard” in prayer, too!
In prayerful hope this Lent,
Pastor Jana
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
Holy Week
Our Northwest Washington Synod Assistant to
the Bishop, Kathryn Buffam, will preach at both
services. Worship will include palm branches
handed out to the congregation, a special
children’s message and parade with palms at
the beginning of each service, and a reminder
of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem before
his death and resurrection. New members will
also be received at each service.
The Seder Meal is a worship service that follows
the ritual of a Passover Meal and the Last Supper.
We begin in the church sanctuary, walk in silence
to the Fellowship Hall, and continue with eating the
Passover Meal with explanations of each part of
the ritual. There will be a time for visiting as we
finish our meal. Then we continue with Holy Communion and return to the sanctuary (in silence) for
the stripping of the altar.
Because a meal is included as part of the service,
it is crucial that you sign up to attend by Sunday,
March 29. The sign-up sheet will be on the table in
The mission of
Christ Lutheran Church:
We live in Christ
and share his love
with all people.
the narthex starting March 15. If you can help with
setting tables, food preparation, or clean-up,
please indicate on the columns of the sign-up
This service takes about 90 minutes. Childcare will
be provided while children are not eating with their
families. There will be a free will offering to help
pay for the food.
Come experience the stations of Jesus' journey to
the cross in sound and sight. A moving, quiet, candlelit service to prepare for the promise of Easter.
We celebrate the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection
with special music, the Easter message, and an
Easter egg hunt and light Easter brunch between
Have you found yourself wanting to hear a sermon
again? Most Sunday morning sermons and the
messages given by CLC members at the Wednesday evening services during Lent are available on
the church website,
Feel free to pass the link on to a friend!
Sharing God’s Love with All People
News and Updates on Social Concerns
The Seahawks may not have won (this time) but
THANK YOU to everyone who helped to make the
“Souper Bowl of Caring” a win. One hundred and
thirty one pounds of food was delivered to the
Ferndale Food Bank (121# for the Seahawks, 10#
for the Patriots). An additional $110 in financial
gifts was given. These gifts enable the Food Bank
to meet the needs of the hungry in our community.
The Ferndale Community Meal is held on the 2nd
and 4th Saturdays of each month, 10:00am-noon
at United Church of Ferndale, 2024 Washington
Street. Ferndale residents gather for a free meal
and for shared hospitality. Everyone is invited to
come and share stories over food. You are also
welcome to volunteer to help prepare, serve, or
clean up.
As the Seahawks reminded us, not everyone can
be a winner. We need to remember our call to help
those who are “losers.” These “losers” include
families who have lost a job, families where an untimely death means they have lost a breadwinner,
or people who are losing a struggle with illness.
These losses, and many more beside, send people to the Food Bank. Your financial and food gifts
to the Ferndale Food Bank are welcome throughout the year. Food gifts can be left in the appropriate box near the church entrance. Financial gifts
can be designated and placed in the offering plate
or mailed to the church office. Your gifts help people who are at a loss for where else to turn.
Joanne Flores serves as the Community Meal
coordinator. She can be reached at
[email protected] or (360) 384-1422.
For monthly meal date and menu information
call (360) 714-9029. Thank you for your gifts
of time and treasure to this ministry to our
Our school families are so appreciative of the
support the Other Bank provides. We replace
toothbrushes every six months, so it is time for
new ones. We welcome donations of anything
for the bathroom or kitchen, as well as clothing,
bedding and towels. Thanks to Karen Nipges’
hard work and Pastor Phil Petrasek’s donation
of shelving, the clothing bank is organized and
in constant demand. Thank you for keeping the
Other Bank bin full of wonderful contributions
([email protected]).
Whatcom County Lutherans are fortunate to have
a Lutheran camp in our own backyard, Camp Lutherwood. Not only are we blessed with the Camp
Lutherwood staff members’ active presence in our
worship community, Camp Lutherwood will also be
the location for summer confirmation camp and will
also be providing staff and curriculum for Vacation
Bible School (VBS) this summer.
A speaker from Camp Lutherwood will give a brief
presentation on March 15 during worship and will
be available to answer questions. A special offering will be collected to help fund the mission and
ministry of passing on the faith and providing a
retreat for people of all ages. Camps are available
for first through twelfth grade students throughout
the summer. Camping and lodges are also available. Check their site for more information,
Sharing God’s Love with All People
News and Updates on Social Concerns
Lifting Up Our Neighbors With Homes,
Warmth and Hope
March 28 5:30 pm—Best Western Lakeway Inn
It’s an evening
of fun and
spirit, all to
support our
neighbors in
need of
homes, warmth and hope. The Interfaith Coalition
Hope Auction is a lively and inspiring event
you won’t want to miss --- and we need your help!
If you can donate a homemade craft or art item, a
service your business offers, weekend or vacation
home getaways, gift cards, tickets to concerts, a
themed party or specially-prepared dinner, then
you have something valuable to offer!
Interfaith provides homes for families with
nowhere to go, offers warm shelter for homeless
men and women on the coldest nights, and delivers
hope in the face of despair.
Your donations to our auction help assist
these vulnerable people.
Ways for you to participate in this event:
Put together a table of your fellow congregation
members and purchase your tickets before we sell
out ($45 each, including dinner). Get
creative with a special donation and know you are
helping change lives.
To donate an auction item, purchase auction tickets
or for more information, please call the Interfaith
office at 734-3983, or contact Linda Anderson, your
representative on the Interfaith Coalition board.
Look out! It is likely to be noisy at both services on
March 29. Children at both services will be helping
you lose weight and make a joyful noise simultaneously. The weight you lose will be the excess coins
you have accumulated in the first three months of
the new year. The joyful noise will be these coins
falling from your fingers into the children’s collection cans.
Every month with a fifth Sunday, Christ Lutheran
collects coins in order to fund the congregations’
Needy Family Fund. Quieter money like bills and
checks are also welcome!
This fund is available to church members, as well
as the broader community, in order to meet pressing financial needs due to unforeseen life circumstances. The Needy Family Fund provides onetime assistance to help cover a bill such as a utility
payment. Join the joyful noise and celebrate God’s
Jubilee economics of grace and love for our neighbor.
If you or someone you know is in need, please let
Pastor Jana know, [email protected]. She
provides anonymous information to the Social
Concerns Committee who determines a level of
support from the Needy Family Fund.
Remember your extra weight on March 29 and use
it to make a joyful noise!
The deadline for
submissions to an
upcoming edition of the
Grapevine is 9:00am on
the 15th of the prior month.
Please, email items to
[email protected]
or leave a copy on the desk in the office.
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
Crafty People
Saturday, March 28
9:00am to no later than 12:00 noon.
The crafters will gather Saturday, March
7, 9:00am at the home of Carol Gahm.
Mark your calendars and join us for CLC’s
Spring Clean-Up.
What is done? Tasks not routinely done by our
custodian, including:
Window washing - inside and outside.
Spreading beauty bark.
Cleaning the woodwork in the Sanctuary and
Narthex (altar rails, pews, choir chairs, tables).
Vacuuming the pews and choir chairs.
Replacing, where needed, pencils and offering envelopes in pews.
Removing dripped wax from Sanctuary carpet and pews.
Picking up toys in the Cry Room.
And anything else we may have the time to
What can you bring?
 Shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows
 Rags
 Yourself
Big or tall, short or small, please come one and
all. Help make our church "Spring clean" for our
families, friends, guests, and us!
All are welcome! Bring whatever your
current craft happens to be.
Please call Carol at 312-0267 for
directions to her house or information
about the group.
Please Keep in Prayer
Please continue to hold these individuals
and their families in your daily prayers:
 The loved ones of Jake Smith and
Sherri Buchler
 Those dealing with life situations and
health issues including: Carol, Bruce,
Steve, Pete, Matt, Doug, Danielle,
Charlene, Andalena, Elizabeth, Kristie,
Ginger, Allison, Tony, Dick, Kerri, Roy,
Bruce, Herb, Willis, Victoria, Clarence,
Jim, Anita, Logan, Dick, Ray, Gwen,
Lisa, Scott, Jerri, Darrell, Lindsay,
Debbie, Mike, Mrs. Sujk, Chloe,
Tammy, Molly, Esmi, Judy, Juanita,
 The homebound, and those in nursing
homes and assisted living facilities
including Kathleen and Edna
January 1—31, 2015
Total Income:
- Budget
Total Expenses: $22,249
 All those who serve in the military
including Robert, David, Scott,
Thomas, Joshua, Rick, Kayhan
 Those struggling with deteriorating
health, addictions, and illnesses
affecting the mind and spirit
 Those who travel including Pat, Karen,
Elisabeth, Rich, Becky
Upcoming Adult Education
All are welcome Sunday mornings in the conference/cry room from 10:15-11:05am.
Check out the information below, and bring your Bible to each class!
March 1: Walk into Lent on
the Labyrinth, lead by Myra
Corcorran and April Boyden.
Do not go to the Conference
Room, go directly to the Labyrinth. Myra and April will facilitate
a walk enhanced by the Stations
of the Cross. Scripture and artwork will meet walkers at every
The Stations of the Cross has
been an important devotion used
in Lent for about 800 years. It
allows us to us to prayerfully "go
to Jerusalem" and follow Jesus'
footsteps on Good Friday. On
the labyrinth our footsteps journey with Jesus from his condemnation by Pilate, through his
suffering and death, all the way
to the tomb.
Our CLC labyrinth is patterned
after the one constructed in the
Chartres Cathedral of France in
1201 AD. Medieval Christians
walked this path as an alternative
to taking a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It is thought that medieval
monks may have entered the
labyrinth during Lent on their
hands and knees as a sign of
penitence, and that pilgrims
danced on the labyrinth to cele-
brate Easter. Today we can walk
the labyrinth as one of the many
ways to pray.
prayer aids will be provided to all
class participants.
Some umbrellas will be available
in case of rain, but feel free to
bring your own or a hat (or remember your baptism).
March 29, April 12, 19, 26:
Adult Education Hour Looks at
ELCA Resource: "Claimed,
Gathered, Sent"
Rod Schofield and April Boyden
will facilitate discussion of this
new resource that promises "to
change you"! Bishop Eaton says
that conversations might:
March 8, 15, 22: The Way of
Prayer, lead by Peter and Myra
Corcorran. Would you like to
learn how to pray without ceasing, and communicate with God
throughout your week, not just in
church on Sunday? Have you
struggled in your prayer life?
Have you wondered what prayer
is all about? Is your prayer life
hum-drum or "stuck"? Or are you
looking for new ways to talk and
listen to God this Lent?
Please join us, whatever your interest or experience with prayer.
We will be studying from the
book, The Way of Prayer, as we
explore the nature of prayer and
a number of prayer forms. (Study
books—$10/ea— can be purchased through Peter or the
church office.) You do not have
to purchase or read the book to
attend the class! Handouts and
 help us grow in understand-
ing of being church, being
Lutheran and being together
 deepen our awareness and
relationship with the global
church foster excitement
about serving in daily life
 nurture us in reaching out in
our neighborhood and in the
Come join the conversation, even
if—especially if—you've never
come to the education hour
April 5: Easter—No Class
Please join the CLC family in the
Fellowship Hall for a light Easter
Everyone is always welcome to come to Adult Ed on Sundays between services! Everyone is always
welcome to walk the labyrinth! And you are even welcome to participate with the groups of volunteers
who plan classes and walks! The Labyrinth Group is currently meeting the third Thursday of each
month at 2:15pm but we will be happy to change the day and/or time to accommodate those who want
to participate. To get involved or to at least share your ideas or wishes for Adult Ed topics, please contact
Myra ([email protected]) or April ([email protected]).
Patience Now!
by the Rev. Kirby Unti, NWWA Synod Bishop
As printed in the March 2015 edition of The Spirit
The Spirit, a publication of the Northwest Washington Synod of the ELCA, is intended for
members of synod congregations and organizations.
Follow this link for a full print version of The Spirit.
Return to the Lord our God for God is gracious and
merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast
I had on my desk for years a small wooden block
with the etched saying, "God give me patience and
give it to me now!"
It was a helpful corrective to me as a young pastor
because I just could hardly tolerate the slow pace
by which I saw change taking place in the life of the
It was only after I had been there for several years
that I discovered how long it takes before trust can
be established. Even then the pace has to be just
on the edge of the community's discomfort level.
This is such a challenging balance for leaders to
navigate. On the one hand you have to establish
a sense of trust, stability and confidence. On the
other hand you have to push for change, disrupt
the system and modulate the level of disappointment that it creates. It was living within this tension
that began to teach me the importance of patience.
I was equally challenged at home trying to learn
patience with our four daughters. I was not good at
it and marveled at how Kim was able to keep her
cool. I was often the one acting like the two year
old. It finally was through the help of a counselor
that I had a break through. She said to me, "Kirby,
you need to lower your expectations and allow your
children to be children." It was a painful lesson to
learn but one that continues to provide me with
Two years ago during the summer boating season
I was preparing to trailer our boat to the launch. It
meant opening the large side gate on our property. In the process of doing so the hinge of the gate
smashed my middle finger and blackened the nail.
Jesus and I exchanged a few words and as the
pain subsided I continued to ready the boat.
injury. It is a reminder
to me that the whole
creation moves at a very
different pace.
Friends I believe that the
times that we are living in as
a church call for patience.
God is at work continuing to call, gather and sanctify but not at the rate of speed we demand. These
times call for us to slow down, breathe deeply and
listen carefully.
We need to allow the Season of Lent to be the gift
that it is intended to be. Let Lent be a time that
interrupts the pace of our lives, calls us back to
God, and stills our hearts so that we can know,
as the Psalmist sings, "God is a gracious and
merciful, SLOW to anger and abounding in
steadfast love."
Stay in touch and in the know!
Have you checked out the Synod Website
Do you receive the Weekly Update eNews?
Synod Office
M—F, 9:00am—4:00pm
5519 Phinney Ave. North
Seattle, WA 98103-5829
Synod Staff
Rev. Kirby Unti, Bishop
Rev. Nancy Winder, Assistant to the Bishop
Rev. Kathryn Buffum, Assistant to the Bishop
Rev. Jerry Buss, Assistant to the Bishop &
Director for Evangelical Mission
Would you believe that finger nail has not yet
completely restored itself? In fact, at the rate that
it is healing I would imagine it will be almost two
years to the date before there is no sign of the
Margaret Spatafore, Synod Office Administrator
Susan Berg, Synod Relations Administrator
CLC Preschool Points
Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but the glitter
lingers on! What fun watching all the students
opening their Valentines from their classmates and
friends, playing games in the fellowship hall and
icing and decorating their cookies. Next adventure
(at this writing), the FIG (Family Interactive Gallery) in Bellingham.
I am a little sad that I will miss the field trip, but I
am really excited about attending the second part
of ELEA’s new director’s Boot Camp! The first half
was awesome and a great resource for me. This
time, Pastor Jana will be taking part as well. Between the two of us, we should bring back lots of
ideas and strategies for the preschool.
CLCP will also be celebrating ELEA Lutheran
Schools Week. March 1 will be Preschool Sunday
complete with our “I Love Jesus” poster. We hope
Sunday, March 1 is “Preschool Sunday” at Christ
Lutheran, and preschool families are especially
invited to attend worship at CLC at either our 9:00am
(Traditional) Worship Service or 11:15am
(Contemporary) Worship Service.
Preschool children will sing “Jesus Loves Me” during
you will add your handprints to this poster. We are
also planning a Teddy Bear Picnic and a Crazy
Hat Day in March. The best part about March... the
weather will be improving and the students will be
able to get outside and use the playground.
We are now a member of Haggen’s School Bucks
program! Sign up is simple! Just link your Haggen
card to the preschool, through their website!
Pre-registration Packets for the 2015-2016 school
year available to Christ Lutheran Church members
March 1. See me or CLCP Committee Chair,
Jennifer Petersen.
Sally Soderlund Memorial Scholarship applications being accepted. See article below.
God’s blessings and peace to you all!
CLCP Director, Jan Koehler
[email protected]
the children’s message, and children will create a
banner of handprints to which the congregation will
add. At the 11:15am service, a special activity for
children will take place the last half of worship in the
Fellowship Hall led by Youth Minister, Ashley Linn
and our KFC youth. Welcome our preschool families
to worship on March 1!
for 2015-16 prospective students and their families,
Thursday, March 26, 6:00—7:00pm.
Sponsored by Christ Lutheran Christian Preschool
This year two scholarships the amount of $500 each will be given in memory of longtime Christ Lutheran
Church member and preschool supporter Sally Soderlund.
Graduating high school senior during the
2014-2015 school year.
A past student of Christ Lutheran Christian
Preschool or some other affiliation with the
Preschool or Christ Lutheran Church.
Planning to attend post-secondary school.
Preference will be given to those planning a
career in the areas of service to others.
Forms with complete instructions and criteria for
applicants are available now on the table in the
church hallway.
The application and other required forms
must be mailed to the preschool and postmarked no later than April 3, 2015.
Youth and Confirmation Ministries at CLC
Our vision:
The youth group has another busy month ahead:
Sundays, March 1, 15, 29
Middle School KFC
Friday, March 6 – Saturday, March 7
Middle School GO! Night with Worship
service, Late night pizza, Games with
Lutherwood, Roller skating, Bowling,
Sundays, March 8, 22
High School KFC
March 1 – March 15
Butter Braid Sales
Saturday, March 21
Rummage Sale (8:00am – 2:00pm)
The upcoming fundraisers: butter braids, rummage sale, cookie dough sales (in April) and a
Bunco fundraiser (also in April) are to help the
Kids going to Camp Lutherwood and the National
Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer fund their
trips. A Go Fund Me account has been set up
for one of the Kids as well, if you would like to
donate directly:
Saturday, March 21, 8:00am-2:00pm
A couple families have
moved and are donating
items they don’t need
anymore or don’t have
room for.
If you have something
that you would like to
donate, don’t forget to put your shelves, tables,
toys, stuffed animals, books, movies, puzzles,
games, furniture, appliances, clothes, luggage,
dishes, vases, clothing, etc. in Sunday School
classrooms 2 or 4.
Please bring bigger items the week before.
Ashley Linn, youth minister
Detroit will be an expensive trip, and we thank
the congregation for all your support given to the
youth group throughout the year.
Ashley Linn, youth minister
Vacation Bible School at CLC
March 13—14 & 20—21,
All students in grades 1-5 are invited to go to
Lutherwood for a weekend jam-packed with fun,
songs, games, and Bible study! The theme for
the weekend will be WTL (the Way the Truth and
the Life), and they will learn all about how Jesus
is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Register
online at
August 3—7, 2015
For preschool-fifth
Camp Lutherwood is
scheduled to lead VBS
with the theme "Rock
Watch for ways to support VBS in future
Youth and Confirmation Ministries at CLC
Our vision:
John Vickery (a.k.a Shrek) is the youth leader of
the month for March.
Here are some things you should know about
Mother: Beth Vickery
Sisters: Danae (Pib), Emma (Crescendo),
and Molly (Mushu)
Date of birth: January 28, 1992
Favorite color: blue, but a close second is
Favorite Bible passage, John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God.
John Vickery or Shrek as he is known at Camp
Lutherwood has been at the camp for 14 years
(nine years as a camper, three years as a
counselor, and two years as a year-round staff
member). His sisters join him at camp, first as
campers, then as CITs (Counselor in Training)
and one (Danae) is now on staff there during the
John has been playing in the Worship Band
during our 11:15am service since September
2013 and has been the Contemporary Music
Director for the Worship Band since September
2014. If you haven’t heard the band play, I
highly recommend it.
This school year is the first year John is the
assistant to the youth minister for the high school
youth group. He is a huge asset to Kids For
Christ providing another Christian male role
model for the Kids. John finds he is able to talk
to both the boys and the girls, since he grew up
with three sisters. It is also wonderful having
John’s Lutherwood experience when it comes to
Biblical lessons, story–telling, and games. All
the KFCers greatly enjoy having him around,
especially during the January lock-in.
Thanks, John, you’re the best!
The Sunday School is partnering
with Orphanage Emmanuel in
Honduras for our Lenten service
project. There are 550 kids living
at the orphanage ranging in age
from newborn to college age. As one can imagine,
Christmas time can be an incredibly hectic time for
Orphanage Emmanuel. As a Sunday School we aim
to make their Christmas preparations easier by helping with presents. Each boy and girl will get three presents, and we would like your help with this project.
Like Christmas time the Sunday School will be placing
a giving tree in the narthex with gifts that are needed
for the kids at Orphanage Emmanuel. If you would
like to check out their website, please visit:
The Sunday School will be meeting each Sunday in
March, and the teachers would like to reward each of
the classes for their contributions to Cluck Bucks
(gaining points to earn flocks of chickens to send to
developing countries), so each time a class earns 75
Cluck Bucks they will earn an ice cream party, a trip to
Woods coffee or breakfast at McDonald’s. This year
we have already sent 8 flocks through the Heifer
Project to Africa. Well done, Sunday School!
Ashley Linn, superintendent
Your ready to bake doughy goodness will arrive just in
time for Mother’s Day! Here are the flavors you can
choose from:
Chocolate Chip
Candy with mini M&M bits
Oatmeal Raisin
White chocolate Mac Nut
Snicker doodle
Christ Lutheran Church Council Meeting
February 10, 2015
Unofficial Minutes; amended to fit available space
Present: Randy Bellville, Larry Blomquist, Scott Boyden, Laura Ensch, Mary Ann Essig, Sandy Hall,
Carolyn Huggett, Pat Kuehnel, Dave Magelssen, Dave Schlack, Pastor Jana Schofield, Nancy Tupper,
Janet Wilhoite Absent: Kevin Wolter
 Dave Schlack opened the meeting with prayer
 Treasurer’s Report and January 2014 Minutes: Motion to approve, passed unanimously.
 Pastor's Report: Available on the bulletin board across from the church office . Noted: Pastor Jana was elected to
serve on the Nominating Committee for the Lutherwood Board.
 Lutheran Presence—125 Anniversary: Council members (2-3) are requested to attend organizational
meeting Feb. 26, 3:00pm, at Central Lutheran. No commitments made. Concern expressed about possible overlap of anniversary events happening on Rally and “God’s work, Our hands” Sunday, to which CLC is committed.
 Council Training: Report/takeaways of workshop attended by Pastor Jana, Laura, and Nancy: CLC Council
functions well in many key areas; mission and vision statements need revisiting. Tools for effective meetings
shared (“parking lot” technique, communication guide).
 Pastor’s Benefit Package: Pastor’s disability benefit package (necessary monthly payments totaling $1,800),
was inadvertently missed in the church budget figures, but will be paid.
 Devotion: Carolyn read excerpt from Soul Cravings by Erwin Raphael McManus, and accompanying Bible
 Learning Team (LT) and Building Expansion (BE) Task Forces: Randy shared LT and BE responses to
checklists of visioning, planning, and building team process. Both task forces are clear on which areas to cover,
and most items on checklists are covered. Ashley Linn will provide input on future youth needs regarding grounds
use. Identifying and listing memorials/special gift possibilities would eventually fall to a financial task force, with
BE in a consulting role. LT expects to complete tasks at end of May or by September. A Feb. 28 congregational
event will focus on members’ historical experiences with CLC and other churches, as well as forward visioning
 Financials: Discussed responsibility of each committee representative to monitor committee’s budget and expenditures, to carefully review details of treasurer’s monthly reports, and to notify Council of any problems. All
committee expenditures need approval from chair for reimbursement. Larry is drafting a form for reimbursement
requests. Purchases of $1,000 or more require additional documentation. Reimbursement policies may be revisited at later time.
 Priorities Update: Constitution Revision Team: meets Feb. 23, 6:00 p.m. Spiritual Growth Team: no report
Communications Team: Drafted problem statement and 3-month plan. Council Corner focus: Council’s perspective on selected topics; will seek topic idea input from congregation; articles to be submitted to council by 10th of
month, allowing 48 hours for comment and 48 hours for revision, before forwarding to office manager by 15th of
 Preschool Budget: Preschool budget for 2015-2016 is being modified and will need Council approval on proposed raises in tuition, registration fee, and salaries. CLCP fees are competitive, and preschool continues at full
enrollment. Proposal is currently under review by Executive Committee and will soon be sent out with explanations. Enrollment should begin soon, so approval of fees is needed. Motion to approve the proposed increases in
registration (to $100) and tuition (2-day to $100 per month, 3-day to $125 per month) for CLCP for 2015-2016:
carried unanimously.
 The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Next Meeting: March 10, 2015
Council Corner
Next Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, March 6, 10:00 am
Next Council Meeting: Tuesday, March 10, 6:30 pm
by Pat Kuehnel
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same
Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but
the same Lord; and there are varieties of
activities, but it is the same God who activates
all of them in everyone. For just as the body
is one and has many members, and all the
members of the body, though many are one
body, so it is with Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:4-6 & 12
It takes a village, and this month the council
wants to recognize and thank those who support
maintaining the church and its grounds.
Members might not notice the routine upkeep
to our church and property, but if we stop for a
moment and consider what it takes to keep our
own homes operating then it’s easier to see and
appreciate what takes place here.
This past month Property Management fixed
water valves, light bulbs, a clogged sink, faucets,
and a shelf. Harvey Bishop having served on
Property Management for many years is stepping
down. Harvey, thank you for your many years of
So what do we need from you? We need your
help. You don’t need to be an expert plumber or
electrician. We need a lot of volunteers who are
willing to donate a little time and be responsible
for small tasks in certain areas of our church.
Things like accepting responsibility to keep a
Council President
Randy Bellville
[email protected]
Council Vice President
Kevin Wolter
[email protected]
Council Secretary
Nancy Tupper
[email protected]
Evangelism Committee Rep.
Mary Ann Essig
[email protected]
specific area of the buildings windows washed a
few times a year; caring for shrubs and pulling
weeds in one of many garden beds; picking up
garbage on the property perimeter; changing light
bulbs; vacuuming areas that aren’t ordinarily
cleaned; sweeping the sidewalk; and many other
typical things each of us already know how to do
in keeping our own homes operating effectively.
True we would be excited to find one or two with
above average talents in construction, plumbing,
or electrical skills willing to join, but the majority of
the work doesn’t require special skills, just the
willingness to donate a little time to our church.
If you and your family are willing to donate a little
time to the care of our church and property please
contact Property Management Chair, Kurt Anderson. Kurt can usually be found attending the
9:00am service or sipping coffee at fellowship
time. You can also reach him at
[email protected] or contact me, Pat
Kuehnel at [email protected]
Pat Kuehnel,
Council Representative
Property Management Committee
Send your suggestions for Council
Corner topics to [email protected]
or talk to our Vice President, Kevin
Fellowship Committee Rep.
Sandy Hall
[email protected]
Parish Education Committee Rep.
Janet Wilhoite
[email protected]
Property Mgmt. Committee Rep.
Pat Kuehnel
[email protected]
Preschool Committee Rep.
Scott Boyden
[email protected]
Social Concerns Committee
Dave Schlack
[email protected]
Stewardship Committee Rep.
Laura Ensch
[email protected]
Worship & Music Committee Rep.
Dave Magelssen
[email protected]
Youth Committee Rep.
Carolyn Huggett
[email protected]
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
Class: March 21, 9:00am-12:00 noon
Receiving New Members: March 29
9:00am and 11:15am
Do you have questions about Lutheran
Christianity, or have you been thinking about
becoming an official member of Christ Lutheran Church?
All are welcome to the Inquirer/New Member
Class taught by Pastor Jana on Saturday,
March 21 from 9 am-noon in the sanctuary.
The class is for those wanting to join the
congregation as well as anyone who wants
to know more about Lutheranism and Christ
Lutheran Church. New members will be
received at CLC during worship at both
services on Palm Sunday, March 29, when
Assistant to the Bishop Kathryn Buffam will
be with us. New members are also invited
to an open house brunch at the home of
Carolyn and Gary Jonson on March 29
from 12:15 to 2:00pm.
Membership at CLC allows for a deeper relationship with the church community and the
opportunity to vote on the direction, leadership, and annual budget of the congregation.
Please RSVP to the church office
([email protected] or 360-384-1422)
to take part in the class. Refreshments and
free child care will be provided. If you will be
joining the church, pick up a new member
registration form and information from Sam
in the church office, or request it by email
([email protected]). Please return to
Sam by Monday, March 16.
An important theme of the
Lenten season is the humanity of Christ. In Jesus,
God became human and
fully experienced the wide
range of emotions we all
encounter in life. Jesus experienced times of
loneliness, sadness, hurt, anger, disappointment, grief, and abandonment. That is part of
being human. Another part of being human is
needing help from each other. God never
intended us to be completely self-sufficient.
Part of God’s plan is for each of us to turn to
others for help when we need it.
So when you are experiencing difficult times,
don’t struggle alone. Our Stephen Ministers
will walk with you, listen to you, encourage
you, pray with you, and provide confidential
one-to-one care to help you through tough
times. Stephen Ministers can bring the love
of Jesus back into your life.
On the fourth Sunday of each month, during
communion at both worship services a
Stephen Minister is available in the coat
room at the back of the Sanctuary. Please
feel free to visit, before or after you have
received Communion. Any concern for
yourself or another may be lifted up. A prayer
shawl will be available, anointing with oil on
your hands or forehead will be offered, and
all will be held in confidence. The next time
this Stephen Ministry Prayer Station will be
made available is March 29.
To learn more about Stephen Ministry, talk
to one of our Stephen Leaders: Linda
Osgood: 360- 201-7025 or 312-8086, or
Victoria Baum 360-383-0382.
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
All church members are encouraged to walk
the labyrinth during Lent, either on your own,
or after Holden Evening Prayer services on
Wednesday evenings from 2/18-3/25. Look for
handouts near the door to the Memorial Garden on “How to Walk” and “Lenten Pilgrimage.” Blessings on your path!
Labyrinths are currently used worldwide as a way
to pray, quiet the mind, recover balance, meditate, gain insight, self-reflect, reduce stress, and
spark creativity. Labyrinths are open to all people
and all ages as a prayer tool. The practice
of labyrinth walking integrates the body with the
mind, and the mind with the spirit.
A labyrinth can be described as a walking meditation or path of prayer. The labyrinth has ancient
and anonymous origins and is therefore an archetype, a pattern that is universal to all of humanity.
Labyrinths have been found in many cultures all
over the world---on pottery, coins, tablets and
tiles that date as far back as 5,000 years. Many
patterns are based on spirals and circles mirrored
in nature.
"Walking my labyrinth grounds me in a very real
way to home---both in the physical and spiritual
sense. It is where I go to reconnect with myself,
with Divine Presence and with creation. When I
step into the labyrinth, I find it easier to quiet my
mind, to breathe more fully and to listen deeply to
my soul." - Mary Ellen W.
Labyrinths are generally constructed on the
ground so they may be walked along from entry
point to center and back again. They have historically been used in both group and private prayer,
and there are numerous different designs, although they are mostly constructed in the form of
a circle, symbolizing unity, oneness or wholeness.
The first recorded use of a labyrinth in a church
was in 324 AD. In the twelfth century, labyrinths
were often constructed in the nave of cathedrals
in Italy and France. The oldest surviving Christian
medieval labyrinth from that time is in Chartres
Cathedral, in Chartres, France. It was completed
in 1201, and its unique pattern is steeped in
Christian symbolism. The labyrinth in Christ Lutheran Church's memorial garden is modeled after the Chartres labyrinth.
The term labyrinth is often used interchangeably
with maze, but modern scholars use a stricter
definition: a maze is a puzzle with many complex
branching passages with choices of path and direction; while a single-path labyrinth has an unambiguous through-route to the center and back.
Mazes are meant to challenge the mind, labyrinths encourage the mind to rest.
Labyrinths can be found in private, church and
public settings: medical centers, parks, churches,
schools, prisons, memorial parks, spas, cathedrals, backyards and retreat centers. 40% of
Washington’s labyrinths are found in churches.
You can find labyrinths in Whatcom County at
Stillpoint Spirituality Center in Bellingham, Fairhaven Park in Bellingham, Turtle Haven in Deming,
and Garden Street United Methodist Church in
Bellingham, as well as many private homes. To
find labyrinths in your neighborhood or when visiting other areas, visit the Worldwide Labyrinth
Locator at
A Sunday School class walking the
labyrinth on a recent Sunday morning.
”We live in Christ and share his love with all people.”
Discerning Your Call to
Public Ministry in the ELCA
Saturday, February 28, 9:00am
through Lunch at Our Savior's, Everett
Do you want to know more about
becoming a pastor, Associate in Ministry,
Diaconal Minister, or Deaconess? Come
and join others in worship and prayer,
conversation and learning in this morning
workshop about how you respond to the
call of God and your faith community. For
more information, and to R.S.V.P. please
contact Pastor Nancy Winder at
[email protected], or
Grab a member of Kids
For Christ and order your $12 Butter Braid
March 1—March 15.
These delicious pastries, ready to thaw and
bake, will arrive by Palm Sunday, March 29,
just in time for the Easter holiday.
The different flavors include:
Bavarian Cream
And much more
Save The Date: Saturday, April 25.
Kids For Christ is doing a new fundraiser this year.
Look for more information coming soon about BUNCO.
A Spud Social to celebrate
St. Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 15, 5:00pm
Candle Lighters Relocated
The candle lighters have been moved out
of the Cry Room – permanently. There are
times when the room is in use and the lighters
need to be accessed. This causes a
distraction usually to the Adult Ed. class
on Sunday mornings.
The lighters have been relocated into the coat
room. Please look for them there and replace
them to this same spot after worship.
Each family is asked to bring a baked potato
topping and a salad or dessert. GREEN would
be fine, of course.
There will be
group games
and prizes! You will
also have a
chance to
guess the
weight of the
We look forward to seeing you there!
March 2015
Lent 2
Preschool Sunday
9:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
(preschool - adult)
11:15 AM Worship
6:00 PM
KFC (Middle School)
Pr. Jana's Day Off
Lent 3
Community Meal
9:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
(preschool - adult)
11:15 AM Worship
12:10 PM
Confirmation Class
6:00 PM
KFC (High School)
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Palm Sunday
Noisy Offering
Asst. to the Bishop
Rev. Kathryn
Buffum preaching
9:00 AM New
Member Photos
9:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
(preschool - adult)
11:15 AM Worship
12:15 PM
New Member
Open House Brunch
Pr. Jana's Day Off
9:00 AM
Office Closed
10:00 AM
Executive Committee
10:00 AM
Pastor & Preschool
Director Meeting
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Youth Committee
7:00 PM
Preschool PEP
(Parent Event
Planners) Meeting
Office Closed
KFC Rummage
Sale Set-up
9:00 AM
Bulletin Announcements Deadline
2:00 PM
Youth Minister
Office Hours
6:30 PM Cub Scout
Pack Committee
7:00 PM
Lenten Service
7:30 PM
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM
Pastor & Preschool
Director Meeting
2:15 PM
Ministry Group
KFC Rummage Sale
9:00 AM
New Member Class
Office Closed
9:00 AM
Spring Clean-up
10:00 AM
Meal Served
5:30 PM
Interfaith Coalition
Hope Auction
(Best Western
Lakeway Inn)
6:00 PM
Preschool Open House
7:00 PM
Preschool Committee
10:00 AM
Community Meal
KFC Rummage Sale
Office Closed
Pr. Jana, Synod
9:00 AM
Craft Group
GO! Night - Middle School
KFC Rummage
Sale Set-up
9:00 AM
Bulletin Announcements Deadline
2:00 PM
Youth Minister
Office Hours
7:00 PM
Lenten Service
7:30 PM
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM
Pastor & Preschool
Director Meeting
6:30 PM
Worship Band
9:00 AM
Bulletin Announcements Deadline
11:00 AM
Pr. & Youth
Minister Meeting
2:00 PM
Youth Minister Office
7:00 PM
Lenten Service
7:30 PM
Choir rehearsal
6:30 PM
Worship Band
Pr. Jana's Day Off
9:00 AM
Bulletin Announcements Deadline
1:30 PM
VBS Planning
2:00 PM Youth
Minister Office Hours
7:00 PM
Lenten Service
7:30 PM
Choir Rehearsal
9:30 AM
Stephen Minister
Group Meeting
6:30 PM
Worship Band
6:30 PM
Council Meeting
Pr. Jana's Day Off
Lent 5
9:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
(preschool - adult)
11:15 AM Worship
12:10 PM
Confirmation Class
6:00 PM
KFC (High School)
Pr. Jana's Day Off
Lent 4
Offering (or 3/22)
9:00 AM Worship
9:00 AM Newsletter
Submissions Due
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
(preschool - adult)
11:15 AM Worship
5:00 PM Spud Social
6:00 PM
KFC (Middle School)
6:30 PM Social
Concerns Committee
6:30 PM Worship
Band Rehearsal
6:30 PM Property
7:00 PM
Ferndale Community
Meal Committee
9:00 AM
A 12 month calendar is available at
6:30 PM
Worship Band
Office Hours, M—TH
8:30—11:30 am & 12:00—3:00 pm,
(Closed 11:30 am—12:00 pm for lunch)
Preschool Classes, M—F
9:30 am—12:15 pm & 1—3:15 pm
(No afternoon classes on M or F)
Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA
5904 Vista Drive, P.O. Box 845
Ferndale, WA 98248
Office Hours
Monday—Thursday (closed Fridays)
8:30—11:30 am & 12:00—3:00 pm
Sunday Worship
9:00am & 11:15am
Children (infant—5yrs) are welcome
at any time in the cry room during
worship. Our child care providers
will nurture and care for them, at
no charge.
Contact Us
Church: 360-384-1422
Fax: 925-480-5594
Preschool: 360-380-2233
[email protected]
Our Staff
Rev. Jana Schofield
[email protected]
Youth Minister
Ashley Linn
[email protected]
Assistant to the Youth Minister
John Vickery
Preschool Director
Jan Koehler
[email protected]
Office Manager
Sam Blanton
[email protected]
Preschool Teachers
Cheryl Johnson
[email protected]
Lavonne Eggink
[email protected]
Preschool Aide
Angela Bruns
[email protected]
Preschool Registrar
Karri Huisman
[email protected]
Letha Schroeder
[email protected]
Choir Director (Interim)
Rachel Wulff
[email protected]
Contemporary Music Director
John Vickery
[email protected]
Sue Gault
Carolyn Jonson
Inside this issue
Upcoming Lent and Holy Week Schedule
Spud Social, March 15, 5:00pm
New Member Class, March 21 and
Reception of new members, March 29