SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The University of Waikato offers different types of scholarships and grants that cover many subject areas and cater to a variety of student groups, including secondary school leavers, postgraduate students, Māori and adult students. For more information and application forms for scholarships and other awards offered, visit INCOME STATEMENT PEOPLE For the year ended 31 December 2014 Staff Profile 2014 (Full time equivalent staff numbers (FTE)) Income $000 Academic 636 Government Funding and Grants 99,819 Other 847 Fees Income 72,000 TOTAL 1,483 Research Income 27,969 Interest Received 1,807 FIRST-CLASS FACILITIES AT WAIKATO Total Other Income »» Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts Donations »» Student Centre TOTAL REVENUE »» 904 rooms of student accommodation in our campus Halls of Residence Costs »» 65 hectares of park-like grounds Personnel Costs »» UniRec – onsite gym Other Costs »» University of Waikato pools. Finance Costs 23,114 632 225,341 $000 126,585 161 20,045 TOTAL COSTS The University of Waikato has a number of specialist research facilities that were established to support University teaching and research, but which are also available for external contract work. SURPLUS These include a variety of analytical chemistry services, the Waikato DNA Sequencing Facility, Waikato Mass Spectrometry Facility, Waikato Stable Isotope Unit, Electron Microscope Facility, and the Waikato Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, which is a national facility. $988 million generated in revenue for the New Zealand economy 5,500 jobs generated nationally by UoW operations $500 million added to the national GDP annually 74 Senior Lecturers Lecturers Facts and Figures 234 95 Other 151 TOTAL 636 International TOTAL Student Age Profile ECONOMIC IMPACT For the year 2014 Associate Professors Domestic Student Citizenship 216,153 9,188 82 Student Profile 2014 69,362 Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment SPECIALIST FACILITIES Seniority of Academic Staff Professors 2,048 12,232 Under 25 7,796 Over 25 4,436 Foundation Certificate Total Qualifications completed by Level in 2014 10,184 Degree-level Graduate/Postgraduate Higher degree TOTAL 523 The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Phone: 0800 WAIKATO Gate 1 Knighton Road 0800 924 528 Private Bag 3105 Fax: +64 7 838 4300 Hamilton 3240 Website: New Zealand Email: [email protected] Vice-Chancellor’s Office Phone: +64 7 838 4006 Email: [email protected] Marketing and Communications Division Phone: +64 7 838 4007 Email: [email protected] Research Office Phone: +64 7 838 4349 Email: [email protected] 1,937 968 92 3,520 ©The University of Waikato, April 2015. THE UNIVERSITY AND ITS VISION The University of Waikato celebrated its first 50 years in 2014. During its first half century it has grown steadily to become one of New Zealand’s major research organisations, playing a key role in the economy and making a significant contribution to the international innovation system. Today there are more than 12,000 students who choose to study at our campuses in Hamilton and Tauranga, and online. International students from 70 countries make up approximately 20% of the student population. The University offers a broad range of qualifications and flexibility in the composition of its degrees. We encourage our students to complete work placements or practicums during their study so they graduate as competent all-rounders ready for careers in the global marketplace. In January 2015, Times Higher Education ranked the University of Waikato 61st out of 100 “most international” universities in the world. Our Hamilton campus is impressive, located on 65 hectares of park-like grounds. Our location, origins and partnerships with Māori mean we hold a special place in our region, which is fundamental to our identity as we operate as a key driver of social well-being and economic growth. The University of Waikato strategy is to provide a future-focused curriculum and offer a world-class student experience that is excellent and distinctive, enhanced by ongoing investment in technology and campus development. ON THE COVER: Earth and Ocean Sciences Professor Louis Schipper with PhD candidate and Flower Fellowship recipient Jack Pronger. UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO RESEARCH INSTITUTES AND CENTRES The University of Waikato makes a significant contribution to New Zealand research and innovation and is ranked highly by independent assessment for the quality of its research. We have identified areas of cross-disciplinary research strengths, demonstrated in the research institutes and centres that operate on campus. The research carried out by academics and postgraduate students in these centres influences policy in a number of areas. WILF MALCOLM INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (WMIER) WMIER takes a leading role in New Zealand research spanning the early childhood and school years, focusing on learning, teaching, curriculum, cultural and literacy issues, and policy. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (NIDEA) University demographers and economists work with public policy experts at Wellington-based Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust to provide policymakers with a better understanding of the issues surrounding an ageing and increasingly diverse population. INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS RESEARCH (IBR) Based in Waikato Management School, IBR has research expertise in areas ranging from innovation to economic impact analysis. IBR staff work with industry, government agencies and other organisations to enhance productivity and contribute to sustainable business. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (ERI) ERI encompasses the University’s internationally-recognised expertise in ecosystems in coastal and freshwater systems, urban and rural terrestrial systems, and in Antarctica, where we have led New Zealand in terrestrial biological research for more than 25 years. TE KOTAHI RESEARCH INSTITUTE (TKRI) TKRI provides research, consultancy and capacity building services relative to Māori economic development and well-being. Researchers collaborate with iwi, other research institutes and organisations to undertake projects from a kaupapa Māori approach. Researchers also engage with indigenous academics, researchers and communities outside New Zealand. THE INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING (IPL) IPL in the Faculty of Education provides high quality, researchinformed programmes of professional learning and development that contribute to improved professional practice in early childhood centres, kura, schools and tertiary institutions in New Zealand and overseas. IPL is also a member of the Te Toi Tupu consortium which offers professional development focused on improving outcomes for Māori and Pacific students and students with special education needs. Other Units and Centres have research strengths in software innovation, computer networks, Māori and indigenous governance, psychology, traffic and road safety. SENIOR LEADERS – DEANS SENIOR LEADERS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Dean – Prof Robert Hannah Email: [email protected] Vice-Chancellor Prof Neil Quigley Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof Alister Jones Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Executive) Helen Pridmore Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Operations) Anna Bounds Chief Financial Officer Andrew McKinnon Head of Marketing and Communications David Craig Head of Human Resources Carole Gunn Head of Facilities Management John Cameron Head of Student and Academic Services Michelle Jordan-Tong Head of Information Technology Services Kevin Adamson University Librarian Ross Hallett Tauranga Partnership Liaison Manager Dr Nigel Calder Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences Dean – Prof Geoffrey Holmes Email: [email protected] Faculty of Education Dean – Prof Roger Moltzen Email: [email protected] Te Piringa - Faculty of Law Acting Dean – Mr Wayne Rumbles Email: [email protected] School of Māori & Pacific Development Dean – Prof Linda Smith Email: [email protected] Faculty of Science & Engineering Dean – Prof Bruce Clarkson Email: [email protected] Waikato Management School Dean – Prof Don Ross Email: [email protected] RESEARCH, INTERNATIONALISATION, COMMERCIALISATION AND ENGAGEMENT (RICE) GROUP Director of Research and Innovation CEO WaikatoLink Ltd Director of International Business Dr Bret Morris Duncan Mackintosh Sharon Calvert Pro Vice-Chancellors Māori Prof Linda Smith Postgraduate Prof Kay Weaver Research Prof Al Gillespie Education Prof Robyn Longhurst International Assoc Prof Ed Weymes
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