Information for Course Registration College of Business Graduate School of Business SPRING 2015 Contact Information Satomi Taniguchi (Ms.) COB International Business Program Office McKim Hall 6F (M611) [email protected] 03-3985-4241 General Information <Number of credits> According to the rules and regulations for maintaining your Japanese student visa, all exchange students must register for a minimum of 10 contact hours per week each semester. This is equivalent to 7 courses (90minutes x 7 courses = 10.5 hours per week) at Rikkyo University. In most cases, one course is 2 credit units; a 2 credit unit class usually meets once a week for 90 minutes for 14 weeks. Students may register for a maximum of 20 credits per semester. Students who wish to register for more than 20 credits per semester must consult with their academic advisor at Rikkyo or the COB Study Abroad Director (Professor Tsuji). 1 Course Information <Global Study> *This course is for COB exchange students only. This is a supplemental course. For example, If you require a total of 3 credits to transfer course credits to your home institution, you can take one regular class that counts for two credits and Global Study (1credit). For example, assume you require 3 credits in introductory finance: Register for Regular course: Finance (2units) – instructor is Prof. Takezawa and Register for Global Study: Theme – Hedging FX risk (1 unit) – supervisor is Prof. Takezawa Students who wish to enroll in this course, must select an appropriate topic/theme, prepare a proposal for study, and contact the International Business Programs Office at [email protected] in order to find an appropriate faculty supervisor. The faculty supervisor will in most cases be the instructor of the regular class mentioned above. Then students should notify the COB International Business Program Office (M611) of the name of the faculty supervisor and the number of credits by 5pm Thursday, April 2. *Although each Global Study course will have its own theme, the course title printed on your transcript is simply “Global Study”. <Note 1: Quarter-based courses> Quarter-based courses are offered 2 consecutive classes per week and will be completed either in Spring 1 (Friday, April 10th to Monday, June 1st) or Spring 2 (from Tuesday, June 2nd to Monday, July 20th) Courses offered in Spring 1 (Friday, April 10th to Monday, June 1st) BT237 Topics in Business 2 (Prof. Sanjay) BT132/KN304(co-listed) Cases in Marketing Strategy and Operations (Prof.Marshall) KN141 Business Environment: Political Economy of Asia (Prof.Sanjay) KN251 Advanced Seminar in Global Business 5 (Prof.Marshall) Courses offered in Spring 2 (from Tuesday, June 2nd to Monday, July 20th) BT239 Topics in Business 4 (Prof.Li) KN121 Multinational Enterprises and Strategy in Asia (Prof.Li) <Note 2: Intensive courses> Intensive courses are offered several classes per a week for a limited number of weeks. Students who wish to enroll in these courses cannot register for any course which conflicts with any of the time periods in which these courses are offered. BT236 Topics in Business 1 / KN221 Advanced Seminar in Global Business 2 (Prof.Sewardl) co-listed June 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 (5th and 6th period) KN171 Strategic Financial Management (Prof.Seward) June 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23 (5th and 6th period) 2 <Note 3: Advanced Small Group Communication by Dr.Schules > Course Outline: Small Group Communication is a project-based course that focuses on effective communication in small group settings (4-5 members per team). Through a hands-on approach students will learn about—and, more importantly, practice and experiment with—theories about working effectively in small-size teams. Students work together on a few projects throughout the semester and they are expected work with their teammates on the projects outside the class. In class, students will engage in various training activities and exercises (which the instructors also provide for junior-to middle-managers of enterprises in Japan in his consulting). Application Procedure: Students interested in the course should apply by submitting short answers to the following prompts: 1. Describe a situation in which a small group project went disastrously wrong. 2. Reflect on how the situation could have been avoided or otherwise made less serious. Please submit applications to the instructor of the course, Dr. Douglas Schules ([email protected]), in either Word or PDF formats. Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 2, 2015 in the Japanese Local Time <Note 4: Limited-enrollment courses: Registration Form E> The space in these courses is limited. If students wish to enroll in these courses, they should submit Registration Form E to the COB International Business Program Office (M611) by 5pm Thursday, April 2. Late submission will not be considered. If there are more applicants than the maximum, students will be selected as fairly as possible. The selection results will be posted at the International Office and on the COB website ( at 3pm Monday, April 6. BT168 Global Strategic Management (Prof.Namiki) BT208 Business Communication (Prof.Schules) BT207 Language and Culture (Prof.Schules) BT205 Intercultural Business Management (Prof.Htu) BT132/KN304(co-listed) Cases in Marketing Strategy and Operations (Prof.Marshall) *Students are not permitted to drop these courses without a legitimate reason. 3 <Note 5: Co-listed courses> The following courses are co-listed with undergraduate and graduate students. For these courses, undergraduate students should use “BN” code on Form A and graduate students should use “KN” code on Form A. 1) BT132 “Cases in Marketing Strategy and Operations” and KN304 “Cases in Marketing Strategy and Operations” 2) BT236 “Topics in Business 1” and KN221 “Advanced Seminar in Global Business” <Note 6: Graduate Level Courses for Undergraduate exchange students: Registration Form G> * This is for COB UNDERGRADUATE exchange students only Undergraduate students with advanced standing may register for the graduate courses. In order to enroll in these graduate level courses, students must meet the prerequisites as noted below. It is the responsibility of the student to confirm prerequisites prior to registering for the course. The space in these courses is limited. If there are more applicants than the maximum, students will be selected as fairly as possible. Undergraduate students wishing to enroll in these courses must submit Registration Form G to the COB International Business Program Office (M611) by 5pm Thursday, April 2. The selection results will be posted at the International Office and on the COB website ( at 3pm Monday, April 6. *Students are not permitted to drop these courses without a legitimate reason. Code Course Title Instructor Prerequisites KN121 Multinational Enterprises and Strategy in Asia Li Advanced Standing * KN141 Business Environment: Political Economy of Asia Peters Advanced Standing * KN171 Strategic Financial Management Seward Advanced Standing * KN181 Japanese Economy Miyata Advanced Standing* KN211 Advanced Seminar in Global Business 1 Tsuji Advanced Standing * KN241 Advanced Seminar in Global Business 4 Ito Advanced Standing* KN251 Advanced Seminar in Global Business 5 Marshall Advanced Standing * KN261 Advanced Seminar in Global Business 6 Akita Advanced Standing * * Advanced standing: You have passed introductory courses in accounting, finance, marketing, organizations or human resources, strategy, international business as well as three electives in business or economics. You are currently in your final year of undergraduate studies (or equivalent) at your home institution. <Note 7: Graduate exchange students> * This is for COB GRADUATE exchange students only - There is no minimum number of credits that graduate students are required to register. - For “co-listed” courses, graduate students should use “KN” code on Form A. 4 <Note 8: Business Japanese: Registration Form BJ> Students who wish to enroll in this course need to submit Registration Form BJ to the COB International Business Program Office between 10am and 5pm from Thursday, March 26 to Monday, March 30. <Note 9: Web Registration A> Web Registration A is an online registration system in which you will be required to submit ALL the courses you are enrolling in for this semester. Details will be explained at the Course Registration Orientation by International Office. 5
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