Agenda Number: DRC 15-04 MEETING DATE: April 9, 2015 REPORT TO THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMISSION SUBJECT: Appeal of a staff decision related to window signage and a request to exclude awnings on the storefront for a Site Plan Modification/Exterior Alteration application for the H&M retail store in the Carriage Crossing Life Style Center EXHIBITS: 1. Staff comments by Diana Dubois in response to February 20, 2015, application (2/24/15) 2. Applicant’s letter of appeal to DRC (rec’d 4/2/15) 3. Minutes of 5/8/03 DRC meeting 4. Excerpt from Carriage Crossing Tenant Manual 5. Excerpts from Carriage Comprehensive Sign Policy INTRODUCTION: Mr. Eric Dull, representing H&M, is requesting an appeal of a staff interpretation (see Exhibit 1) of the Design Guidelines related to Exterior Alterations and window signage based on corporate design and marketing practices, and the characterization of the window displays. The H&M store is located in the Carriage Crossing Life Style Center (Price Farm, Phase 2) at Houston Levee Road and Highway 385, and zoned R-1 Low Density Residential with a Planned Development overlay (Price Farm) that allows uses as permitted in the SCC Shopping Center Commercial zoning district. BACKGROUND: The Design Review Commission approved the Tenant Manual and Comprehensive Sign Policy for Carriage Crossing on May 8, 2003 (see Exhibit 3). The Tenant Manual (see Exhibit 4) requires that a tenant incorporate two out of four elements into the storefront: A. B. C. D. Door Covering/Canopy Window Canopies Projected Display Windows Window Landscape Boxes The 2003 Conditions of Approval required that any storefront elevation not in compliance with the Carriage Crossing Tenant Manual be submitted to the Design Review Commission for review and approval. The Comprehensive Sign Policy (CSP), as amended in 2012, requires that all signage within Carriage Crossing be consistent with the Town’s Sign Regulations and Design Guidelines unless the CSP specifically allows deviations (see Exhibit 5). The CSP allows, as a “Glazing Sign,” a trade name or logo on a tenant’s glass storefront area. Window graphics and signage are further limited to 15% of the window with a maximum of 20 square feet, and alphanumeric or graphic symbols no more than 6” in height. The CSP specifically prohibits internally illuminated signage in show windows. KEY QUESTIONS: The Design Review Commission may find the following questions helpful in determining whether the proposed deviations from the Carriage Crossing Tenant Manual are consistent with the Design Guidelines. 1. Is the request to complete the H&M storefront without awnings (or canopies) compatible with the overall design of the Carriage Crossing Lifestyle Center? Yes. Other tenants in Carriage Crossing have storefronts without canopies, including Abercrombie and Fitch, one of the spaces being combined to 4/2/2015 4:47:43 PM Page 1 of 3 create H&M. The existing tower element at the corner of the façade of the H&M store, the metal roof and false windows in the second story, and recessed brick panels above the storefront combine to break up the mass and create shifts in wall planes without the need for canopies or awnings. 2. Are the proposed illuminated graphics boxes considered signage as defined by the Town’s Sign Regulations? Perhaps. A sign is defined by the Sign Regulations as “any device, fixture, placard, or structure that uses color, form, graphics, illumination, text, symbol, and/or writing to advertise, attract attention to, announce, identify, or identify the purpose of a person or entity, or to communicate information of any kind. The following shall not be considered signs subject to sign regulation: artwork; holiday lighting and decorations, including strips or strings of lights outlining property lines, sales areas, roof lines, doors, windows, wall edges, or other architectural features of a building, displayed between Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day of each calendar year and fifteen (15) days prior to and after this time period; and memorial plaques, cornerstones, historical tables, and the like.” The Regulations define a window sign as “a sign placed within, affixed to, in contact with, or located within three feet of a window and intended to be seen from the exterior.” The DRC will need to decide if the illuminated graphics boxes are something other than signage. If they are signs, the DRC should uphold the staff decision and H&M will need to find other ways to display their products in the storefront windows. 3. If the DRC finds that the staff determination on the illuminated graphics boxes is in error, then will the Town be expected to allow other retail developers in Town to install them in storefronts? No. The Carriage Crossing Lifestyle Center is within the Price Farm Planned Development (PD). Most of the Carriage Crossing storefronts are entirely inwardly-focused with visibility only from the parking areas and drive aisles of the center. As a PD, the Outline Plan can be amended to allow illuminated graphics boxes in specific areas not visible off the property. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this two-fold. The first request is for the Design Review Commission (DRC) to allow the storefront elevation to not incorporate any two of the four elements required by the Carriage Crossing Tenant Manual. The second request is for the DRC to affirm (or find error in) staff’s decision that the illuminated graphics boxes are signage. Out of an abundance of caution, staff made the determination that they are signage based on the Sign Regulations as adopted in 2010. The applicant maintains that the graphics boxes are used for the same purpose as mannequins and other types of window displays (see Exhibit 2), and that H&M uses the boxes “as part of their global marketing…with imagery, mannequins and props in their display windows to convey design styles and trends.” The applicant proposes four of the illuminated graphics boxes within the 280+ linear feet of storefront, less than 10% of the display window area. NEXT STEPS: If the applicant is not in agreement with the any determination of the DRC an appeal can be submitted to the BMA for review of the appeal. If Staff’s determination is affirmed, then the plans for the storefront (adding two of the four elements) and/or interior improvements (illuminated graphics boxes) must be revised and resubmitted to the Planning Division and Building and Codes Division for review. The Carriage Crossing management should revisit the 2003 Tenant Manual to determine if there is a need to update the Manual. EXAMPLE MOTION #1 (BASED ON APPLICANT’S REQUEST): To waive the requirement for H&M to incorporate two out of the four elements as listed in the Storefront Requirements in the Carriage Crossing Tenant Manual. EXAMPLE MOTION #2 (BASED ON APPLICANT’S REQUEST): To overrule staff’s interpretation of the Design Guidelines related to an interpretation of the Design Guidelines in an email dated February 24, 2015, (specifically comments #7 and 8), by Diana Dubois related to the review of a Site Plan Modification/Exterior Alteration application on behalf of H&M. 4/2/2015 4:47:43 PM Page 2 of 3 If the DRC votes to overrule the actions of staff’s administrative interpretation as noted in the email of February 24, 2015, regarding the Design Guidelines requirements, then the DRC should provide for the record an explanation of the decision to the motion (and why the illuminated graphics boxes are appropriate). If the DRC does not overrule the staff’s interpretation of the Design Guidelines over the use of the illuminated graphics boxes, the DRC should state the necessary revisions to meet the intent of the Guidelines (e.g., locate the boxes a specific distance from the window, externally illuminate the boxes). CONTACT INFORMATION: Property Owner Applicant Project Planners Paul Reinke Eric Dull Nancy Boatwright, AICP (primary) Jaime Groce, AICP G & I Retail VII (Carriage Crossing) 2650 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Ste 3150 Memphis, TN 38118 901-531-8716 H&M Hennes & Mauritz, LP 110 Fifth Avenue, 11th 110 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 38118 601-608-2148 [email protected] [email protected] Contact: Organization: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: 4/2/2015 4:47:43 PM Page 3 of 3 Town Of Collierville 500 Poplar View Parkway Collierville, TN 38017 457-2363 457-2354 [email protected] Exhibit 1 Nancy Boatwright Diana Dubois [[email protected]] Tuesday, February 24, 2015 12:26 PM Paul Reinke Nancy Boatwright RE: H & M From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Paul: I sent you a draft copy of this email this morning so there are a couple of items that are wrong. I have highlighted the areas that have changed in red. As you know, I am your “project planner” for the storefront and building elevations requests for the H & M Site Plan Modification/Exterior Alteration. The following information/submittal requirements must be submitted before the application to be considered sufficient and processed for review: Complete Application : provide one (1) collated copy of the application, cover letter/narrative and all supporting material submitted to the Planning Division for review. This will include the $200.00 application fee for your request to be a sufficient application. Due to your tight construction schedule, I have reviewed your plans emailed February 20, 2015. The comments and questions are noted below: 1. What does W35 indicate on the Building Permit plans set page R-301.01? 2. I have not reviewed the wall signs with this application. The plans indicate that the blade 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. sign will be illuminated per the plan set A-600.01. The Carriage Crossing Design Criteria does not allow illuminated blade signs. Once the Sign Permits and review fees for the permits are submitted, the signs will be reviewed. However, the blade sign cannot be approved per the Carriage Crossing Design Criteria if it is illuminated. Can you explain what the plans mean when they note powder coated glass? On page A-604-00 of the Building Permit Plans set notes powder coating. What color is the glass. The Carriage Crossing Design Criteria indicates that all glass must be clear. Or is it shown as a white powdered coated window frames? The stainless steel base must be a minimum of 8” not the 6” shown. Please indicate where the required awnings will be installed on the building front. Page 7 of the Carriage Crossing Design Criteria requires that awning be installed as part of their storefront design. Provide the lighting information and cut sheets for the storefront light box, the lights in the display windows, and also for the entrance to H & M per Section 5, page 8 of the Carriage Crossing Design Criteria. Will the existing exterior wall mounted lights remain at this site? Since window graphics are considered signage, it is calculated as part of the overall signage. If the storefront display boxes are internally illuminated they will be required to be 10-feet back from the window. If the storefront display windows are externally illuminated they will have a setback of 3feet from the window. According to the Carriage Crossing Design Criteria, #8, the area of the signage/graphic on each window opening shall not exceed 15% of the window upon which the signage is to be placed. In no event shall the total of window signage for a Tenant exceed twenty square feet (20 sq.) and must be included in computing the 1 Exhibit 1 Maximum Permitted Signage of 150 sq. ft. (for the 20,000 sq. ft. tenant space as noted). Please note there are other requirements for glazing signs that will also apply. This information can be found on Page 17 of the Carriage Crossing Design Criteria. Here’s what to expect once the plans have been revised and resubmitted to the Town of Collierville: • Comments or a notice to proceed: You will receive comments on your revised plans within 10 days of the Town receiving the plans. Or, you will receive a notice to proceed. • Building Permits: If you are granted a Notice to Proceed you may work with the Building Codes Division regarding the permits. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Diana Dubois Planner Town of Collierville 500 Poplar View Parkway Collierville, TN 38017 901-457-2366 (desk) 2 Exhibit 2 KENNETH NISCH, AIA 29110 Inkster Road x Suite 200 x Southfield x Michigan x 48034 x USA x Tel 248 355 0890 x Fax 248 351 3062 Requested Variances DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 1 April 2015 Town of Collierville, DRC Eric Dull, H&M Arvin Stephenson, KN AIA Requested Variances H&M Carriage Crossing Mall 4674 Merchants Park Circle - Space #640 Collierville, TN. 38017 Dear Commission, H&M is requesting your approval to move forward with two items that conflict with the current Carriage Crossing Design Criteria. The first variance requested is allowing the façade to be completed without awnings. The second requested variance is to allow the use of Illuminated Graphic Boxes in the display windows without considering them as signage elements and counting them in the overall signage square footage requirements. H&M the Company - Offer inspiring fashion with unbeatable value In 1947 Hennes women’s clothing store opened in Västerås, Sweden. Today the H&M Group has become a global fashion company offering fashion for everyone under the brands of H&M, COS, Monki, Weekday, Cheap Monday and & Other Stories, as well as fashion for the home at H&M Home. Currently H&M has 3,500 stores spread across 57 markets worldwide with an aggressive 2015 expansion plan consisting of 400 new stores net. Most new stores in 2015 are planned to open in China and the US. The H&M logo with its vibrant red color has become an identifier to the brand and a symbol in the marketplace. The retail environments echo their commitment to fashion, design and trend. The storefront display windows reinforce their design philosophy. Refer to Appendix A Awnings H&M interior designs are simplistic in nature and can be identified throughout the global marketplace. Their exterior façades are no different. The use of additional elements such as awnings distract from the design and the global recognition that has become H&M. With over 280 linear foot of storefront, the use of awnings would become a distinctive design element that challenges their recognition and design philosophy. Exhibit 2 Page 2 Several retailers throughout the center have been granted permission not to use awnings as part of their finished façade. Abercrombie and Fitch, which is one of the spaces being combined to create H&M, was completed without the use of awnings. See photos below. Rendered Storefront Elevations are attached in Appendix B. They show the storefront façade as we are requesting, without awnings. Exhibit 2 Page 3 Display Windows and Illuminated Graphic Boxes As part of their global marketing, H&M uses imagery, mannequins and props in their display windows to convey design styles and trends. The mannequins and props are lit from above using track heads with a color temperature of 3500K. At Carriage Crossing the track and track heads will recess above the glazing channel to conceal the light source. The Illuminated Graphic Boxes are used similar to the mannequins and props. The images convey styles and trends in a contemporary presentation without the use of verbiage. The presentation is clean, easily maintained and updated. The backlighting assures the graphic will be evenly illuminated using (32)T5 lamps with a color temperature of 6,500K. There are no hot spots or dark areas due to a burned out bulb. The images are printed on a fabric material that allows light to penetrate which will soften the intensity of the lamps and results in image that is vibrant with color and depth. See Appendix C for lightbox details. H&M proposes using 4 illuminated graphic boxes in its more than 280 lineal feet of storefront. Appendix D contains drawings indicating the sizes, locations and overall areas of each window and illuminated graphic box. Each illuminated graphic box is approx. 66 sq ft in area (110.32”x86.63”). The percentage of display window area filled by these range from 12.6% to 14% to 22.2%. Overall, less than 10% of the display window area is illuminated graphic boxes. Examples of current Display Windows and Opportunities Exhibit 2 Page 4 Below are images of exterior illuminated graphic boxes during the day and night. The images are of a lifestyle and trend and do not convey location, costs or sale. Exhibit 2 Page 5 The image below depicts an interior mall location with multiple levels and display windows. Each window depicts a lifestyle or trend. It is groupings like these that have become the H&M brand that is known globally. Conclusion We appreciate your consideration on these items and look forward to discussing these with you and answering any questions or concerns you may have. Best Regards, Arvin Exhibit 2 Appendix A The Exhibit 2 The H&M Way H&M Way 1 Exhibit 2 The H&M way The H&M Way – living by our values and guidelines every day H &M is built on solid foundations. Our business concept “Fashion and quality at the best price” is as clear as our values, which are based on a fundamental </=:/->09</+-238.3@3.?+6+8.38-6?./+ɲ<7,/63/0 in our people. Other shared values are teamwork, simplicity, entrepreneurial spirit, cost consciousness, straightforwardness and openness, as well as striving for constant improvements. These values represent “the H&M spirit” and they are the very same @+6?/=+=>29=/98A23-2FA+=ɲ<=>09?8./.,C my grandfather Erling Persson in 1947. Today we are a global company, with many thousands of H&M colleagues who serve millions of -?=>97/<='/-97/0<977+8C.3Ɔ/</8>,+-5grounds and nationalities, but no matter who we are, we are united by the H&M spirit and the desire to give our customers the best possible fashion deal – the best combination of fashion, quality and price. We are present in many markets around the world, expanding rapidly and recruiting new employees every day. At this time of strong expansion, our success is more than ever dependent on our people. We are judged on how we act and how we treat each other, our customers, our suppliers and other stakeholders as we do business and interact with the world around us every day. This H&M document covers all brands within the H&M Group such as H&M, H&M Home, COS, Monki, Weekday, Cheap Monday and & Other Stories. In this context it is vital that no matter what our role is at H&M, we always live according to our values and guidelines and that we are all good H&M role models in everything we do. When we do business “the H&M way” we do so ethically, honestly and responsibly. We continually encourage our suppliers and other business partners to do the same. Written in this document is what we at H&M already know by heart. But since we are all ambassadors for H&M, I would like to emphasise the importance of our values and guidelines as they are always the starting point for how we act. Living by them every day is fundamental to our business and to our long-term success. Karl-Johan Persson CEO H&M Hennes & Mauritz AB 2 Exhibit 2 The H&M Way What we DO We deliver our business concept – fashion and quality at the best price – to everyone, and we do so in a sustainable way – today, tomorrow and in the future. WHO we are We are a value-driven, customer-focused, creative and responsible fashion company. For us, fashion, fun and action are essential. We are /0ɕ80/-CY>30FA,CWG9?<.?6>?<0@,6?0=,8/2?Ȩ/06Ȩ80= A3Ȩ.3<0ɠ0.>>3030,<>,8/=9?691F Y%30FA,CW/0ɕ80=A39A0,<0A3,>A0/9,8/39AA0/9Ȩ> It’s like a framework through which we can continuously manage our performance, work together and encourage new talents as they grow and develop. 3 The H&M story Exhibit 2 The H&M Way – a never-ending passion for fashion @0<=Ȩ8.09?<19?8/0<<6Ȩ82!0<==989:080/>30ɕ<=>0880==>9<0Ȩ8>30.9<80<=>980 91F3,=,6A,C=-0089ů0<Ȩ82.?=>970<=1,=3Ȩ98,8/;?,6Ȩ>C,>>30-0=>:<Ȩ.0 1947 2006 The H&M story begins when Erling Persson opens >2/ɲ<=>/88/==>9</38&ǘ=>/<Ǖ=#A/./8=/66381 women’s clothing. Major expansion of H&M’s online sales. 1960’s $2/ɲ<=>=>9</9?>=3./#A/./89:/8=389<A+C8 1968, the name is changed to Hennes & Mauritz when Erling Persson buys the hunting store Mauritz Widforss and a stock of men’s clothing comes with the store. This was the start of sales of men’s and children’s clothing. 2007–2008 /A,<+8.=+</+../.>9>2/F<9?: The H&M Conscious Foundation is founded in 2007 +=+898:<9ɲ>169,+609?8.+>398 #3=6+?8-2/.+=+8/A,<+8.38 In 2008 H&M acquires the fashion company Fabric #-+8.38+@3/8+8.A3>23>>2/,<+8.='//5.+C Monki and Cheap Monday. 2010 1970’s F3=63=>/.98>2/#>9-52967#>9-5B-2+81/$2/ ɲ<=>=>9</9?>=3./#-+8.38+@3+9:/8=3898.98 $2/ɲ<=>98=-39?=966/->398-98=3=>3819079</ sustainable materials, is launched. #>9</8?7,/<9:/8=$2/=>9</3=69-+>/. in Osaka, Japan. 1980’s–1990’s 69,+6/B:+8=398>+5/=9ƆA3>28/A7+<5/>==?-2+= /<7+8C>2//>2/<6+8.=/613?7?=><3+?B/7burg, Finland and France. 2011 The H&M Incentive Program for all employees starts. 2013 2000’s $2/ɲ<=>=>9</=38>2/%#+8.#:+389:/838 In subsequent years H&M opens in more European markets and also in Asia. $2/8/A,<+8.F>2/<#>9<3/=+8.FV= 98638/=>9</38>2/%#+</6+?8-2/. #>9</8?7,/< 9:/8=$2/=>9</3=69-+>/. in Chengdu, China. 2004 $%$%" $2/ɲ<=>./=318/<-966+,9<+>398=>+<>=A3>2 Karl Lagerfeld. The collaboration is to be followed by many more. #>9</8?7,/<9:/8=38<+8-/38 Boulogne-sur-Mer near Lille. Our exciting journey continues, as H&M evolves with new markets, new concepts, new innovations and an endless love of fashion. 4 Exhibit 2 The H&M Way %"&%# – the H&M spirit ?<@,6?0=,<0,>>30@0<C.9<091Y>30FA,CW%30=0@,6?0=2?Ȩ/09?<,.>Ȩ98=Ȩ89?</,Ȩ6C A9<5,6982AȨ>39?<:96Ȩ.Ȩ0=,8/2?Ȩ/06Ȩ80= ?<@,6?0=,<0.,660/Y>30F=:Ȩ<Ȩ>W We believe in people We are one team onstant improvement traightforward and open-minded ntrepreneurial spirit eep it simple ost-conscious in all we do, sustainability is a natural part These values ensure a workplace in which the decision paths are short, where everyone works together at a fast pace, and where everyone can rely on each other’s 589A6/.1/+8.+,363>3/=8.3@3.?+66C>2/=/@+6?/=7+C=//79,@39?=?>>91/>2/<>2/C09<7+-?6>?</>2+>A/>23853=?83;?/+8..3Ɔ/</8>0<977+8C9>2/< companies. Our values, “the H&M spirit”, should be regarded as a support, something to strengthen us and use in our everyday work. 5 How we '"$$" Exhibit 2 The H&M Way We believe that our common values create energy and commitment. y providing a fun, creative and dynamic work place where teamwork is essential, we all grow together. veryone working at H&M is an ambassador for our company – everything we do and say, internally and e ternally, matters. A %#& '" Our people are our success. We are committed to maintaining an inclusive workplace. It’s one where 2?7+8<312>=+</</-9183=/.+8.A2/</A/ȵ></+> each other with integrity, respect, humbleness and dignity. We promote diversity and equality and do not tolerate any kind of discrimination or harassment. H&M is committed to following all applicable labour and employment laws wherever we operate. WE '" $# LEAD BY EXAMPLE Teamwork is essential at H&M and is part of our culture. We are always driven by our values and we lead by example. Our leaders should always be role models and set a good example in everything they do. At H&M leadership is about inspiration, delegation, feedback and motivation. )% "' WE "' By providing a fun, creative and dynamic workplace, we all grow together. Great opportunities are provided through internal recruitment and work rotation. @/<C98/3=+ȵ>+6/8>ȵ+8.7+5/=+.3Ɔ/</8-/+>F HEALTH #$) AT '" We want to maintain pleasant and sustainable working environments throughout our operations. This includes ensuring that you as an employee have a safe workplace. H&M takes preventative measures to ensure the long-term safety and good health of our employees. We encourage our employ//=>9</:9<>+--3./8>=9<ȵ?8=+0/A9<5381-98.3>398= to their manager. 6 Exhibit 2 %# %" " POLICY H&M creates workplaces in which open and honest communications among all colleagues are valued and respected. One of our core values is “being straightforward”. Our Open Door Policy grants all colleagues the opportunity to openly discuss any work-related issue directly with their managers. EMPLOYEE "$# We believe in being a good employer in every sense, and working in fair partnership. We respect the rights of our employees to establish or join organisations of their own choosing. We believe in constructive employee relations with our employees +8.A3>2+8C/7:69C//+==9-3+>3989<ȵ><+./?8398 that represents them. WE #$"&E " #%#$$) &")$ WE DO #?=>+38+,363>C7+5/=,?=38/===/8=/+8.3=+8 integral part of everything we do. It’s a shared responsibility of everyone working at H&M, where /@/<C98/V=/Ɔ9<>=7+5/+.3Ɔ/</8-/ WE " ETHICAL DO $ $" $ Y "M OF ""% $ We have a good ethical compass and zero tolerance of all forms of bribery and corruption, which we express clearly in our anti-corruption programme and in our Code of Ethics. The H&M Way WE "# $ "&) % #%" $ "$ ) ##$# Information about H&M is an important asset and provides a competitive advantage. It’s >2/</09</@3>+6>2+>A/=+0/1?+<.+8C-98ɲ./8>3+6 information about the company. This includes everything from contracts to pricing information, 0<97/B:+8=398>97+<5/>381:6+8=0<97ɲ8+8-3+6 information to personal information. It means safeguarding both employee and customer data, and respecting everyone’s privacy. Teamwork is essential for us and a natural part of our culture 7 How we handle ($""$# – H&M’s business guidelines @0<C/,CA0Ȩ8>0<,.>AȨ>3>30A9<6/,<9?8/?=Ȩ8/Ȩů0<08>=Ȩ>?,>Ȩ98= Working at H&M means that we all represent the H&M brand every day and we do so by putting our values and guidelines into practice. y following Y>30FA,CWAȨ>39?<.?=>970<==?::6Ȩ0<=-?=Ȩ80==:,<>80<=,8/9>30< stakeholders, we ensure that our communication with our stakeholders is characterised by openness, ob ectivity, accessibility and sensitivity. Towards our customers WE " COMMITTED TO ')# &" # !%$) AT THE #$ " Our customer is always our focus, from the design :<9-/==>9>2/=29::381/B:/<3/8-/%8./<=>+8.381 and meeting our customers’ needs is at the core 90/@/<C>2381A/.9'/9Ɔ/<0+=2398A3>22312 attention to quality to everyone. We want our -?=>97/<=>90//6-98ɲ./8>>2/C+</1/>>381>2/ best possible deal when shopping at H&M. THE %#$" # %" " Every time we interact with a customer either in our stores or online we play an important role in their experience of H&M. It’s natural for us to always be friendly and courteous to our customers. If a customer asks us for any assistance, no 7+>>/<A2+>A/ȵ+</.9381A/+6A+C=><C>913@/ the best service. uidelines are applicable everywhere in the roup, but may need to be adapted to local national laws and regulations. Exhibit 2 The H&M Way WE "& #%# # '" !%$) ##%" # KEY We strive to provide products that are designed, produced and transported with respect for human rights and the least possible negative impact on the environment. Our products should be durable, user-friendly, well-made, well-cut, safe and free from harmful chemicals. Our customers are knowledgeable and demand both the best design and quality from our products, and also an increased awareness of sustainability, from materials used to the carbon footprint of transporting the products to the stores. We always aim to be at the forefront of sustainability. #?=>+38+,363>C3=+837:9<>+8>:+<>90A2+>A/ 9Ɔ/<9?<-?=>97/<= #" %" #%# ## We believe it’s important to increasingly communicate with our customers about all the conscious actions that we take. In all we do sustainability is +8+>?<+6:+<>ȵ+8.A/+66:6+C+:+<>38-977?83-+>ing our conscious message to our customers. %" "$G # &$$ " TO %" #$"# We use a mix of ever-evolving external media to reach our customers. The most important of these are our stores – especially the windows – and our online stores. H&M’s marketing has a major impact and it’s essential for us to convey a positive image and that the models portray our fashion in a good and healthy manner. H&M’s advertising images do 89>+37>9-977?83-+>/+8C=:/-3ɲ-3./+6,?><+>2/< a range of styles, attitudes and ethnic backgrounds. The campaigns are designed to be clear and simple, and aim to inform our customers of what’s new at H&M. All our marketing is part of the shopping experience, aiming to guide and inspire customers >9ɲ8.>2/<312>0+=2398:<9.?->=,9>2389?<=>9</= and online. H&M’s marketing activities comply with the ICC** advertising guidelines. International hamber of ommerce. 8 Exhibit 2 The H&M Way Towards our suppliers and other business partners H&M does not own any factories, but instead buys products from suppliers, primarily in sia and urope. We work in close cooperation with our suppliers to ensure their compliance with H&M’s ode of onduct, ode of thics and rigorous chemical restrictions. WE & $" " $ WITH %" #% "# We believe that well-managed business relationships have the potential to turn into successful strategic alliances, based on shared risks and shared rewards. We believe such alliances can eventually result in a great sustainable business performance. $$" WE #$"& " #%#$$) H&M takes pride in running all its business operations in a way that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. We expect all our suppliers and business partners to do the same, and we work to promote sustainable operations among our partners throughout the supply chain. WE "# $ % "$# %" " $# We are committed to respecting human rights in our operations, our supply chain and in the communities where we operate. We seek to avoid any negative 2?7+8<312>=37:+->+8.A/?=/9?<38ȿ?/8-/>9 :<979>/>2/0?6ɲ67/8>902?7+8<312>= WE DO $ $" $ ""% $ WE ')# ACT WITH $"$) Honesty, integrity, fair play and transparency are essential to how we act towards all our suppliers, stakeholders and partners. We do not tolerate corruption in any form and our employees and suppliers/business partners must commit to a strong anti-corruption code, our Code of Ethics. We are determined to ensure that the objectives 90>2/9./90>23-=+</0?6ɲ66/.$23=+::63/=>9 all H&M’s business dealings and transactions in all the countries in which we and our suppliers/ business partners operate. H&M informs, instructs and trains employees as well as suppliers/business partners to secure their compliance with the Code of Ethics. WE # & A #$"$ GIFT POLICY We do not accept any kind of advantage, which includes gifts of any size and value. Our policy is thus clear, easy to comply with and leaves no room for subjective judgments. WE FOLLOW THE LAW AT ALL $# We comply with all applicable legal requirements and relevant international conventions and work to ensure that all our actions are sustainable and ethical. WE %#$ & $# OF $"#$ 98ȿ3->9038>/</=>7+C+<3=/A2/8+838.3@3.?+6V= :/<=98+638>/</=>=-97:/>/9<-98ȿ3->A3>2>2/ interests of H&M. Therefore our employees should avoid any actual or conceivable situation that could put integrity at risk. It’s very important that we strive to have an open climate and act transparently and that all our colleagues have the -98ɲ./8-/>93809<7=97/98/+,9?>+8C538.90 -98ȿ3->9038>/</=> 9 Exhibit 2 The H&M Way %9A,</=Ȟ9?<9>30< stakeholders H&M is committed to engaging closely and openly with our various stakeholders. This includes providing transparent information aiming to meet the needs of our diverse stakeholders. % " $ WITH %" #$"# Throughout the year, H&M works to maintain regular dialogue with our stakeholder groups such as suppliers and their employees, the communities +<9?8.?==K89819@/<87/8>+69<1+83=+>398=L =K38>/<19@/<87/8>+69<1+83=+>398=L:963-C 7+5/<=38.?=><C://<=+8.ȵ=2+</296./<='/.9>23= on a daily basis through regular meetings, dedicated surveys or our active participation in several multistakeholder initiatives. We actively seek collaboration A3>29?<=>+5/296./<=389<./<>9ȵ37:<9@/FV= performance as a business and corporate citizen. G – $" HIGH "$$) # IT ## TO % %" "# #$# 981>/<72312:<9ɲ>+,363>C3=/==/8>3+609<F and also for our shareholders. A high level of solvency guarantees long-term stability and =/-?<3>C09<9?</7:69C//= <9ɲ>=+8.+=><981 ɲ8+8-3+6:9=3>3987+5/3>:9==3,6/09<?=>90?6ɲ6 our responsibilities. ""$ %$" $" # "$ %$ F2+=,//863=>/.98>2/#>9-52967#>9-5 Exchange since 1974 and we have an open dialogue with the stock market and the media. Our communi- cation is correct, neutral and transparent and abides by the stipulated laws and regulations. We comply with the information regulations laid down by #!(#>9-52967'/</6/+=/+8+88?+6 #?=>+38+,363>C"/:9<>'/?=/>2/"K69,+6 "/:9<>38183>3+>3@/L#?=>+38+,363>C"/:9<>381?3./638/=+8.>2/::+</6+8.99>A/+<#/->9<#?::6/7/8>+=A/66+=>2/%ȵ69,+697:+->:<38-3:6/= as a basis for our sustainability reporting. ')# TAX $ H&M is tax compliant and our tax policy always </ȿ/->=9?<,?=38/==F:+C=3>=>+B/=+>>2/ appropriate times. We provide, without delay, any relevant information requested by the appropriate tax authority to accurately establish the company’s tax liabilities. H&M’s internal transaction model is fully in line with the OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines. " $$ H&M is dedicated to promoting fair competition and our business is operated in a climate of an open market. $# F.9/=89>:<9@3./.3</->ɲ8+8-3+6-98><3,?>398= to individual politicians or political parties. #" $" Our employees that have insider information about H&M shall act in compliance with all applicable insider trading rules. H&M insider information is non-public information which is likely to have +=3183ɲ-+8>/Ɔ/->98>2/><+.381:<3-/90>2/ H&M share. F#%#%$» #$&" Besides H&M’s work to drive sustainable change in the value chain, the H&M Conscious Foundation 09-?=/=987+5381+:9=3>3@/.3Ɔ/</8-/38:/9:6/V= and communities’ everyday lives in countries where H&M operates. This is done in close cooperation with a variety of organisations both globally and locally. 10 Exhibit 2 The H&M Way HIP – H&M Incentive rogram – for everyone at H&M We know that our employees are the key to our success. To show our appreciation, H&M has created HIP – the H&M Incentive Program – which since 2011 has recognised the daily commitment and long-term involvement of our employees. The programme was initiated with a substantial .98+>398,C>2/#>/0+8 /<==980+736C 0>/<9?</7:69C//=2+@/=:/8>ɲ@/C/+<=A3>2 F>2/C,/138>9=2+</>2/:<9ɲ>38-</+=/7+./ by the H&M Group. The longer you are an employee, the more you will receive. It’s that simple, and is the same for everyone in the H&M Group, in all countries, regardless of position, salary, or contract of employment. Our employees will receive payouts from HIP when they turn 62. However, from the year 2021 our /7:69C//=-+8-299=/>9</-/3@/>2/3<ɲ<=>:+C9?> as soon as they have been with the H&M Group for ten years. Detailed information about HIP including projections of estimated payouts can be found at or H&M Inside. ?0>969.,6602Ȩ=6,>Ȩ98>30>0<7=,8/<?60=7Ȩ23>/Ȩů0<Ȩ8=970.9?8><Ȩ0= 11 Exhibit 2 The H&M Way upporting odes and olicies >9>3Ȩ=/9.?708>Ȩ8.6?/0G ode of thics Human ights olicy iscrimination and quality olicy iversity olicy Harassment olicy ecurity olicy omplaint rocedure rug and lcohol olicy Whistleblowing olicy ode of onduct ustainability olicy roduct olicy urchasing olicy Finance olicy Ta olicy ommunication olicy dvertising olicy As we constantly revise our polices and guidelines in order to keep them up to date, some of the above policies may change and change name over time. Guidelines and policies are applicable everywhere in the Group, but may need to be adapted to local/national laws and regulations. 12 Exhibit 2 Appendix B Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Appendix C Exhibit 2 - Aluminum frame illuminated ES 120 - (32) T5 fluorescent tubes @ 28watts each w/ (16) electronic ballasts - Distance between tubes around 160mm 3 Pg_01 118.32" 110.32" 55.159” 55.159” BALLAST (16) 94.63" 86.63" SWITCH H&M Lightbox Detail H&M 1 FRONT VIEW SCALE: 1:16 BOLT INTO EDGE OF FRAME WHEN MOUNTING TO WALL T5 FLUORESCENT BULB (32) RR RACEWAY / WIRE TRAY NGS 02/09/2012 AVAILABLE SPACE FOR 3/4” BLOCKING 1:16 Pg_01 1 Exhibit 2 110.32" 55.159” SIDE VIEW SCALE: 1:16 Pg_02 3 55.159” 5.875” 2 86.63" 3 CL CL 4.00" 4.00" 8.00" CL OUT FOR POWER 8.00" OUT FOR POWER 55.159” 2 REAR VIEW SCALE: 1:16 55.159” CL H&M Lightbox Detail H&M RR NGS 110.32" 02/09/2012 Pg_02 Exhibit 2 Appendix D Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Appendix E Light Levels in the Display Windows Exhibit 2 49.9 59.6 55.4 63.6 57.5 49.9 60.3 67.2 66.9 69.6 68.4 72.1 75.4 69.3 65.9 51.5 47.9 63.4 79.3 79.3 73.7 77.2 70.5 70.5 79.3 73.2 78.1 82.9 74.8 76.3 73.0 62.2 49.8 49.2 48.1 36.4 55.8 63.3 65.1 66.2 62.9 63.9 59.3 57.0 54.0 76.9 91.0 87.9 87.6 91.8 80.7 86.0 77.4 64.9 35.5 40 40.6 40.0 35.7 81.8 78.4 77.4 67.9 57.6 105.5 100 105.2 100.1 92.1 71.6 37.6 39.4 40 42.2 70.4 76.1 87.2 100.5 40 31.7 40 70.9 5.5 21.7 4.2 4.5 42.4 53.8 57.2 57.3 59.3 57.6 57.0 59.3 57.6 57.5 60.3 59.3 58.4 60.2 58.2 54.8 49.3 75.1 70.8 69.5 77.0 69.3 69.1 76.7 69.1 69.8 78.1 70.5 70.2 77.2 66.2 56.9 40 63.4 2.5 55.6 59.5 58.9 57.3 55.8 54.4 52.9 57.1 64.0 74.1 70.9 72.1 81.1 74.9 73.6 81.2 67.3 56.1 82.5 74.7 72.1 73.9 72.4 Exhibit 3 7. Any additions or deviations from the approved plans shall require the approval of the DRC and/or staff prior to work being undertaken. 8. Electrical service shall be underground. 9. Required landscaping shall not be placed on utility, water, sewer, or drainage easements. 10. Prior to installing a sign the applicant is required to submit specifications, including the design, color samples and lighting information, to the Design Review Commission for review and approval. 11. Understory plantings are required under the street trees in the front yard. Formal Agenda: 02-91 Carriage Crossing – Request Approval of Tenant Manual & Signage Policy Ms. Diana Anders addressed the Commission with staff’s presentation. Mr. Bob Dalhoff, representative for the applicant, addressed the Commission. Discussion ensued regarding the tenant manual and the sign policy. Chairman Herdzina asked if there was a motion on the request. Motion by Mr. Mark Conder seconded by Mr. Monty Lee to approve the request for tenant manual and signage policy for Carriage Crossing, with the following conditions: Tenant Manual: 1. Any storefront elevation not in compliance with the Carriage Crossing Tenant Manual shall be required to revise the proposal per the approved manual, or submit the request to the DRC for review and approval. 2. Per the Tenant Manual, the Planning Division shall review any future elevation changes proposed for storefronts through change-outs or face lifts. 3. The lighting requirements on page 17 item (H) Lighting Criteria: shall be revised as per the email submitted from Mark Conder to staff dated May 7, 2003: Changes are as follows: Items 1 & 2 shall be separated from 3 & 4 in the Specific Criteria for Storefronts to differentiate the respective areas of concern; 1 & 2 for Display Widows, 3 & 4 for Exterior Store Fronts. Item 2 under Specific Criteria for Storefronts shall be revised to state, “tenants requiring greater highlighting of merchandising will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but shall not exceed 250 foot-candle maximum at the storefront display window.” Item 4 under Specific Criteria for Storefronts shall be revised to state, “All lamps shall be shielded from direct view. Directional lights shall be so installed that they illuminate only the task and the lamps are not visible.” 4. Site lines shall be submitted to the Collierville Planning and Building Divisions noting locations of the rooftop units. The purpose of the site lines are to ensure these units are located on an area of the roof to minimize the public view of the units and vents from State Route (SR) 385. The site lines will note the height of the parapet and the location of the mechanical units on the roof as each tenant submits construction drawings. In cases where the units cannot be screened from SR 385, the developer will paint the units a uniform color. DRC 05/08/03 4 Exhibit 3 5. On page 20, item # 6 add, (prohibited storefront materials) add g. “plastic, vinyl, or reflective materials.” 6. On page 24, section N, (under prohibited sign components), add “exposed bulbs” 7. On page 25, item # 11 change to, “All lamps shall be shielded from direct view. Directional lights shall be so installed that they illuminate only the task and the lamps are not visible.” 8. On page 26, item # 11 add, “ Must be full cut-off spot light directed at the blade sign only.” 9. On page 27, item # 3, of the Tenant Manual, the words “only” shall be noted in bold to emphasis the very limited use of neon. 10. On page 27, item # 4 add, “Reverse channel” to the beginning of the sentence. 11. On page 27, item # 5 add, “in compliance to the storefront criteria approved by the Landlord and the Town of Collierville.” to the end of the sentence. 12. On page 27, item # 6, (prohibited materials) add “ reflective, plastic, and vinyl awnings” to the list of prohibited awnings. Also, add illumination of awnings is subject to Landlord and Town of Collierville approval. 13. Comprehensive Sign Policy Plan: 14. Any damage caused by the installation or removal of signage shall be repaired by the tenant. 15. Any sign not in compliance with the Carriage Crossing Comprehensive Sign Policy Plan shall be submitted to the Design Review Commission for review and approval. 16. Material samples shall be submitted for all signage. 17. All signs meeting the requirements of the approved sign policy shall obtain applicable Permits before installation. 18. Internally and backlighted signs to be illuminated with white neon (argon) only. Tenants may use wall-mounted signs with either halo illuminated reverse channel letters (backlighting), or with internal illuminated channel letters with opaque metal sides and translucent faces, or exterior illumination as per the approved Comprehensive Sign Policy. 19. Wall mounted and freestanding signage not facing the interior of the center shall have white faces only. All other signs facing the interior of the center may have colors other than white if not otherwise regulated by The Avenue “Tenants without a National Sign Program Policy”. 20. All signs will have a matte finish. 3M film applied to Lexan letter face will be used for the internally illuminated signs. 21. The coping and lettering proposed for the Main Identification Signs may be different from the representation submitted in the Comprehensive Sign Policy but shall be consistent in intent including massing, height, scale, design, exterior illuminated and of a similar quality. 22. The exact color, location, and design of project signs will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division. A consensus was researched about quantity and the general location. 23. The project signs shall be located outside the site line triangle as required. DRC 05/08/03 5 Exhibit 3 24. The applicant shall note the materials used for the directional signage on pages 14 -18 of the Sign Policy. Architectural metal samples shall be submitted to staff along with the color for the file. 25. The material submitted by Miller Graphics for small tenant signage “Tenants without a national sign program” shall be added to the Comprehensive Sign Policy. It addresses allowable colors and letter styles for small tenants. An additional note shall be added that requires Town of Collierville and Landlord approval prior to installation. 26. On page 13, the material and design used for the legs and top of the Free Standing Directory and the top proposed for the Wall Mounted Directory shall match the sign designs on pages 14-18. Material samples shall be submitted that are architectural type metal that will fit in with the design of the center. 27. The construction sign is approved as submitted as for size and design. It shall meet the setback requirements of the Sign Ordinance. Roll Call: Conder- yes, Doran- yes, Lowrey- out, Brewer- yes, Shappley- yes, Lee- yes, Herdzina- yes, Motion Approved 03-28 Washington St. Bistro (170 Washington St.) – Request Approval of Signage Ms. Diana Anders addressed the Commission with staff’s presentation. Mr. Matt Semko, representative for the applicant, addressed the Commission. Discussion ensued regarding the applicants request. Chairman Herdzina asked if there was a motion on the request. Motion by Mr. Mark Conder seconded by Mr. Ken Shappley to approve the request for signage for the Washington Street Bistro, located at 170 Washington Street, with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall obtain the necessary permits from the Division of Construction Code Enforcement. 2. Any additions or deviations from the approved plans shall require the approval of the DRC and/or staff prior to work being undertaken. 3. All repairs to the building, dumpster/utility screen, and sign shall be completed prior to the issuing the sign permit. 4. All dead and diseased plant material will be removed from the sign base and replace as originally approved. 5. The applicant shall spray diffuser spray to the interior of the sign to reduce the glare produced by the internal illumination of the sign. 6. The text for Robust Food and embracing charm shall be removed from the sign as required by the Design Standards. DRC 05/08/03 6 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 TENANT SIGN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CRITERIA INTRODUCTION The Carriage Crossing Comprehensive Sign Plan (CSP) will be enforced by the shopping center’s managing agent, Poag Shopping Centers, LLC, not the Town of Collierville. Tenants are required to submit their sign shop drawings to the Landlord and gain Landlord written approval prior to submitting to the Town of Collierville. The Town of Collierville will review signage considering only the Town’s Sign Regulations and Design Guidelines and with proof of approval by the Landlord. With the exception of any deviations contained in the Price Farm Outline Plan and Carriage Crossing CSP as approved by the Town of Collierville Board of Mayor and Aldermen, all signage within Carriage Crossing shall be consistent with the Town’s Sign Regulations and Design Guidelines. The Carriage Crossing managing agent shall review all sign applications for conformance with the Carriage Crossing CSP. The purpose of the graphics and signage program for Carriage Crossing is to ensure that the designs of Tenant signs are appropriate for the store and the surrounding context. Tenant signage is intended to enhance downtown Main Street character of the project as well as convey the Tenant’s branding and identity. This distinction warrants a unique and original approach to signage and graphics that encourage a lively outdoor atmosphere. 1. Sign Design Criteria Storefront signs are the Tenant’s first opportunity to engage the customers at Carriage Crossing and should be seamlessly integrated into Tenant’s storefront design. Artistic and imaginative sign designs that reflect this principle will enhance the overall retail and entertainment. Wording of the signage shall be limited to the Tenant’s trade name, and shall not include specification of merchandise sold or services rendered, regardless of Tenant “legal name.” Logos may be permitted at the discretion of the Landlord. The storefront and blade signage must be installed on or before Tenant opens for business in the Tenant space. Except with the prior written approval of Landlord, no advertising placards, banners, pennants, names, insignia, trademarks, or other descriptive material shall be affixed or maintained upon the glass panes and supports of the show windows and doors, or upon the exterior walls of the storefront or building. Stores with corner locations may place signage on both elevations, subject to these criteria. Exceptions may be made by the Landlord and shall be determined on an individual basis. Store sign shall not exceed 70% of the storefront width, distance that shall be determined by the lineal footage of the Tenants Lease line. In no case shall signage be placed within 24 inches of the adjacent demising wall. 2. Required Sign Types Primary Storefront Sign To be located within Tenant’s Sign and Awning band Storefront Blade Sign Attached to Tenant’s storefront a minimum 7’-6” above finished grade Choice of either Canopy/Awning Sign or Glazing Sign See the following sections for details Primary Address Sign 6” tall white numerals to be placed on the storefront in “Mrs. Eaves” font Page 13 of 34 Exhibit 5 6. Primary Address Sign Tenant shall display the suite number of the Premises to allow for precise identification of the Premises. The suite numerals of the Premises are to be applied second surface on the interior of the storefront glazing in the Landlord’s standard numeral font for the shopping center. Address sign area not to exceed 36 square inches. 7. Rear Door Address Sign Signs will be single face, constructed from .050 black kynar aluminum with applied HP vinyl graphics. Colors to match existing. Coordinate with Landlord representative. Signs will be similar to the illustration below: 8. Glazing Signs Tenant, at its option, may include a graphic such as its Trade Name or logo on its glass storefront area. Any other type of graphic must be approved by Landlord and the approval of such will be granted only when appropriate for the storefront design requirement and, in the opinion of Landlord, enhances the design intent of the Shopping Center. All window graphics and signage are subject to the following: The area of signage/graphic on each window opening shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the window upon which the signage is to be placed. In no event shall the total of window signage for a Tenant exceed twenty square feet (20 sf) and must be included in computing the Maximum Permitted Signage (typically 75 sf) as described in the sections later. Any signage on glass must be: o Alphanumeric or graphic symbols no more than 6" high with serif or ornate type face, or o Larger recognized graphics logos, all permanently painted or silk screened on interior side of glass (gold leaf, metallic color, etc.). o If Tenant does not utilize a local or nationally recognized prototypical sign design using graphics that are identified with its signage and Trade Name, then Tenant’s sign shall utilize one of the typestyle options set forth below. o Internally illuminated and neon signage are prohibited in show windows. Incidental glazing signs shall not exceed o 36 square inches for signs like “Ring Bell for Service” or “Mail Drop for Anchor” etc o 12 square inches for signs like “Hours of Operation:…” or “All Major Credit Cards Accepted” etc Page 17 of 34
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