INF-EMAIL-Help-a-friend | Task description CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 ITALIAN A1 Help a friend who is looking for work Description of Test Task* The task described here was provided by the renowned test institution telc (Germany). Telc test tasks have been subject to the ALTE auditing procedures. In the MERLIN project, all written learner productions were re-rated by especially trained telc raters who used the MERLIN rating grid. It should be noted that the descriptions below refer to these post hoc rating procedures, not to the original marking inside the test institutions. Description of Test Task Report on analysis of Target language of this test Target level (CEFR) of this test Task number/name Writing Italian A1 Espressione scritta, Parte B, 1385-S10-040101 General Information - the whole original test 1 Total test time Ca. 95 minutes 2 Purpose General proficiency 3 Examination background High stakes test developed by telc. 4 Candidature Adult language learners 5 Structure of the test Language Elements, Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking *The task analysis is based on the “CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 (presentation)”. The original template for this grid was developed by ALTE members: For explanations of the numbered items in the grid please refer to “Notes on the task descriptions”. INF-EMAIL-Help-a-friend | Task description CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 General Information - the writing component 6 Number of tasks in the writing paper 2 7 Total component time 15 minutes 8 Integration of skills Reading and writing 9 Channel Handwritten 10 CEFR level of this component A1 11 The writing component format Open writing task 12 Specific Information - example task Candidates receive a short description of a contextualised communicative task such as writing a short email to a friend and asking for further information about help that is needed. Three additional points and four linguistic suggestions found in a box below the task help candidates structure their texts. Candidates are reminded to write two to three short sentences addressing each point. 13 Mark distribution in MERLIN n.a. 14 Task rating in MERLIN The test was rated on the basis of the MERLIN rating grid which is directly related to the CEFR levels. The grid is available on the MERLIN platform. 15 Effective level Telc test tasks have been subject to the ALTE auditing procedures. The test publisher is a member of ALTE. *The task analysis is based on the “CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 (presentation)”. The original template for this grid was developed by ALTE members: For explanations of the numbered items in the grid please refer to “Notes on the task descriptions”. INF-EMAIL-Help-a-friend | Task description CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 16 Sample task: *The task analysis is based on the “CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 (presentation)”. The original template for this grid was developed by ALTE members: For explanations of the numbered items in the grid please refer to “Notes on the task descriptions”. INF-EMAIL-Help-a-friend | Task description CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 i) Task input/prompt 17 Language of input/prompt Italian 18 CEFR level of input/prompt A1 19 Time permitted or suggested for this task 15 minutes 20 Control/guidance Semi-controlled 21 Content Specified 22 Genre E-mail 23 Rhetorical function(s) of input Describing, asking for help 24 Imagined audience Friend 25 Mode of input/prompt Written 26 Topic or theme of input Job search 27 Integration of skills for input Reading ii) Response (description of written response elicited by the prompt(s)/input) 28 Number of words expected n.a. 29 Rhetorical function(s) expected Expressing probability, asking for further information about friend’s job situation and wishes, greeting 30 Text purpose Referential, conative, metalingual, phatic 31 Register Unmarked to informal 32 Domain Private 33 Grammatical competence expected A1 34 Lexical competence expected A1 35 Discoursal competence expected A1 36 Authenticity: situational High 37 Authenticity: interactional High 38 Cognitive processing Reproduction of known ideas *The task analysis is based on the “CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 (presentation)”. The original template for this grid was developed by ALTE members: For explanations of the numbered items in the grid please refer to “Notes on the task descriptions”. INF-EMAIL-Help-a-friend | Task description CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 39 Content knowledge required Personal/everyday life knowledge areas iii) Rating of Task in the MERLIN project 40 Known criteria MERLIN rating grid 41 Task rating method Analytical scale 42 Assessment criteria Grammatical accuracy, lexical range & accuracy, coherence/cohesion, orthography, sociolinguistic appropriateness, task fulfilment 43 Number and combination of raters Each test was rated by a trained rater; 10% of the tests were double-rated. The doubleratings serve as a link to calculate a fair average, i.e. to adjust test results to rater severity/lenience. Please note that telc generally provides double-ratings. *The task analysis is based on the “CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1 (presentation)”. The original template for this grid was developed by ALTE members: For explanations of the numbered items in the grid please refer to “Notes on the task descriptions”.
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