Tyler MacDougall Professor Hovhannisyan EC 220 Business Statistics 3/20/15 Case Study Part 2: Longwell Realty Longwell Realty is a realtor based out of Colombia, MD which has provided data showing the quantity and types of homes they have sold in the past three months. The company is interested in learning how to appropriately price a house in order to gain a larger share of the housing market. The data they have obtained can be formatted to determine which prices to sell each particular type of house at in order to maximize profitability, and essentially increase their market share. There are multiple factors which influences the sale of houses in the realty business. Over the past three months Longwell has obtained data for variables such as: housing type, number of beds, number of rooms/bathrooms, square feet, parking type, year built, and last sale price. After performing a statistical analysis on the data obtained by Longwell Realty Inc. the information can be analyzed to determine which variables effect how to appropriately price a home. In order to begin to understand how to appropriately price a house, we first have to get a feel for what a typical house costs in Longwell’s market. According to the table in (1a), we can see that the mean price of a randomly selected house that Longwell Realty has sold in the past three months is $339,969.61. Therefore, it can be estimated that any house that Longwell is able to sell will go, on average, for that amount. Table (1b) organizes sale price data in way which is useful in providing statistics on the frequency of houses sold in different ranges of sale price. This histogram of sale price shows us that the majority (31%) of houses sold by Longwell Realty were listed at a sale price in the range of $200,000-$299,999. The statistics in table (1a) show that the sale price mean is greater than the sale price median. Judging by this knowledge we can determine that the data is skewed to the right. The estimation of average house sale price, the majority of sale price frequency and the skewness of the data are all inferential statistics, while all of the other explicit findings that our graphs provide are descriptive statistics. The next step in analyzing the housing price data from Longwell Realty would be to separate the sales into the different types of houses. A non-graphical way to see this can be found in table (2a) which is a pivot table showing the frequency of sales within a specified range for the sale of condos, single family residences, and townhouses. Another way to view this data would be graphically. Table (2b) organizes the house type data into a bar chart which shows the number of each type of homes sold within each sale price range. Judging by the bar chart, we could say that the majority of homes sold by Longwell are priced between $200,000 and 499,999. Of the houses sold within that range, Longwell found more success with the sale of Single Family Residences and Townhomes (94%), than with the sale of condos (6%). The two most significant facts that come from this data set are that Longwell Realty sales drop off when houses are priced above $499,999, and that condos make up a very small portion of Longwell sales. Another useful way to analyze the data from Longwell Realty is to find which variables have the greatest effect on sale price. For example, by performing a regression analysis on sale price and square footage, we find that square footage has a positive correlation of 0.629756493. This correlation is considered week because it falls between -0.7 and 0.7. Although it is considered week, this correlation still gives us valuable information on the effects of sale price. As we see in the Square Footage Regression table (3a), square footage actually has the strongest relationship with sale price because the R-squared is the closest to 1. An easier way to interpret the relationship between sale price and square footage is graphically with a scatter plot. Table (4a) is a scatter plot which depicts a graphical relationship between sale price and square footage. From the statistics in the square footage regression table we can estimate the regression equation for the square footage variable. The equation can be found in table (4b). There are two coefficients generated from this equation. The first is the independent variable of 130.579(SQFT), and the second coefficient is the Y-Intercept of 82,172.97. The coefficient for square footage shows that for every additional one square foot, there is an increase of $130.58 in sale price, while the $82,172.97 represents the theoretical price of a house with zero square feet. The R-squared of the square foot regression shows us that 62.83% of variation in sale price has been explained by estimated regression model. If we used the value from the first observation in Longwell Realty data of 929 sqft to plug into our estimated regression equation, we would find that the estimated sale price is $203,480.90. (4c) Based off of this estimate, it would be reasonable to price the house of 929 sqft at $142,000 because the difference of $61,480.86 is less than the standard error of $83,375.47. Out of all of the variables in the Longwell Realty data set, the dependent variable is last sale price because that value is being effected by all of the other variables. The independent variables in this set would be everything else such as home type, number of beds, number of baths, square footage and year built. Since all of these independent variables increase the value of the house, I would estimate there to be a positive correlation between all of the independent variables and last sale price. By performing a multiple regression on all of the variables, we can find the relationship between each independent variable and sale price (5b). Since home type, and parking type are both qualitative variables, we had to use dummy variables in order to find the correlation. After doing this I discovered that my expectation for the independent variables was wrong since both reserved and garage parking types have a negative correlation with last sale price (5b). The correlation of square footage is different in the multiple regression equation of 55.97, than from the previous regression analysis of 130.57. This is because there are more independent variables included in the regression which make the equation more accurate. For the type of home variable we used two dummy variables to compare townhouse and single family residence. The correlation of townhouse was 26,960, while the correlation of single family residence 121,779. This means that if the house sold was a townhouse, then there is an increase of $26,960 in sale price, and if the house sold is a single family residence then there is an increase of $121,779 in last sale price. This makes sense theoretically because the cost of a single family home would be significantly higher than a townhouse. After conducting a statistical regression analysis on all of the variables in Longwell Realty’s sample set, we are able to find a useful model that helps use to understand how to appropriately price a house. It would be more useful to have a sample set that spans over at least one year, because the housing market fluctuates over time so having a sample that reflects those fluctuations would be most useful. However, the sample set of three months still provides us with helpful information to predict the most profitable sale price for Longwell Realty. Appendix: (1a) Descriptive Statistics: Sale Price Mean 339969.6 Standard Error 8736.143 Median 309000 Mode 245000 Standard Deviation 136742.3 Sample Variance 1.87E+10 Kurtosis 0.972903 Skewness 0.93217 Range 732000 Minimum 118000 Maximum 850000 Sum 83292556 Count 245 (1b) Last Sale Price 100000-199999 200000-299999 300000-399999 400000-499999 500000-599999 600000-699999 700000-799999 800000-899999 Total Frequency 33 75 68 38 17 11 2 1 245 Relative Frequency 0.13 0.31 0.28 0.16 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.00 1 Percent Frequency 13.47% 30.61% 27.76% 15.51% 6.94% 4.49% 0.82% 0.41% 100.00% (2a) Count of LAST SALE PRICE Row Labels 100000-199999 200000-299999 300000-399999 400000-499999 500000-599999 600000-699999 700000-799999 800000-899999 Grand Total Column Labels Single Family Condo Residential 16 3 4 1 24 Grand Total Townhouse 3 19 33 31 12 11 2 1 112 14 53 31 6 5 109 (2b) Frequency of House Type 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Condo Single Family Residential Townhouse 33 75 68 38 17 11 2 1 245 (3a) Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.793572 R Square 0.629756 Adjusted R Square 0.628233 Standard Error 83375.47 Observations 245 121307.9 82172.97 203480.9 142000 61480.86 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept SQFT 1 243 244 Coefficients 82172.97 130.5796 Significance SS MS F F 2.87E+12 2.87E+12 413.3248 2.39E-54 1.69E+12 6.95E+09 4.56E+12 Standard Error t Stat 13753.72 5.974599 6.422877 20.33039 (4a) P-value 8.16E-09 2.39E-54 Upper Lower 95% 95% 55081.24 109264.7 117.928 143.2312 Lower 95.0% 55081.24 117.928 LAST SALE PRICE 900000 800000 Sale Price 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Square Feet (4b) Last Sales Price = 130.579*(Square Feet) + $82,172.79 (4c) 130.579*(292sqft) + $82,172.79 = $203,480.86 (5b) Last Sale Price = 3838.81*(BEDS) + 38599.40*(BATHS) +55.98*(SQFT) + 3352.62*(YEARBUILT)* + 121,799.17*(SingleResidential) + 26960.33(Townhouse) 36,179.96*(Reserved) - 1,629.90*(Garage)
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