CURRICULUM VITAE Jenifer Presto Comparative Literature Department 5242 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-5242 Tel: (541) 346-4065 Fax: (541) 346-3240 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D. Slavic Languages and Literatures with Comparative Literature Minor May 1996 Dissertation: “Zinaida Gippius and the Fashioning of Gender” Advisor: Clare Cavanagh M.A. Slavic Languages and Literatures May 1989 Middlebury College M.A. Russian Language August 1988 Smith College A.B. magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa Russian Literature May 1985 Study Abroad Middlebury College Academic Year Program in Moscow 1987-88 CIEE Semester Program in Leningrad Fall 1983 Additional Language Study Italian Language Courses (Audit) University of Oregon Fall 2003-Winter 2006 Middlebury College Intensive Second-Year Russian Program Summer 1982 FIELDS OF INTEREST Russian Modernism; Gender Studies; Literature and the Visual Arts; Imaginative Geographies; Russian-Italian Cultural Interactions; Russian Émigré Literature EMPLOYMENT University of Oregon Director of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 2013-present Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Russian 2006-present Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Russian 2003-06 University of Southern California Assistant Professor of Slavic and Comparative Literature 1997-2003 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Slavic Languages and Literatures 1996-97 Presto 2 University of Virginia Visiting Lecturer in Slavic Languages and Literatures 1995-96 Moscow State University Resident Director of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Exchange Program 1994-95 University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Assistant in the Russian Language Program 1990-91 & 1986 Research Assistant for Faculty in the Slavic Department 1988-90 HONORS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND GRANTS Faculty Research Award Summer 2015 CAS Program Grant for the “A Symposium on Russian and Comparative Literature in Memory of James L Rice” Spring 2014 CSWS Faculty Research Grant Fall 2012 Summer Stipend for Humanities and Creative Arts Faculty 2012 CAS Program Grant for “Russian and East European Arts, World Stage” Spring 2012 Oregon Humanities Center Research Fellowship Spring 2007 CAS Program Grant for “The Oregon Brodsky Symposium” Fall 2006 NCEEER Policy Research Fellowship ($22,000) Summer 2006 Summer Research Award 2005 Summer Workshop in Proposal Development 2005 Research Associate and Housing Grant Russian Center Champaign, IL Summer 2005 Junior Professorship Development Award 2004-05, 2005-06 University of Oregon New Faculty Award 2004-05 Instructional Technology Workshop Stipend Fall 2004 Zumberge Research and Innovation Grant 2000-01 Five College Women’s Studies Research Center Associate 2000-01 (declined) Alternate for ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowship Spring 2000 Marilyn Simpson Research Grant in the Humanities 1998-99 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship USC 1996-97 NEH Summer Seminar on Gender and Identity in Russian Literature 1996 J. Thomas Shaw Prize for the Best Graduate Student Essay at Wisconsin AATSEEL 1993 Research Associate Russian Institute Champaign, IL Summer 1992 SSRC Dissertation Fellowship 1991-92 University of Wisconsin Dissertation Fellowship 1991-92 Dobro Slovo Honor Society 1986 Title VI Fellowship 1985-86 Smith College Alumnae Scholarship 1985 First Group Scholar Smith College 1982, 1983 & 1985 PUBLICATIONS Book Beyond the Flesh: Alexander Blok, Zinaida Gippius, and the Symbolist Sublimation of Sex. Presto 3 Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008. xviii + 334 pp. Refereed Journal Articles “Uncanny Excavations: Khodasevich, Pompeii, and Remains of the Past,” Russian Review vol. 74, no. 2 (2015), 272-92. “The Aesthetics of Disaster: Blok, Messina, and the Decadent Sublime,” Slavic Review vol. 70, no. 3 (2011): 569-90. “Unbearable Burdens: Aleksandr Blok and the Modernist Resistance to Progeny and Domesticity.” Slavic Review vol. 63, no. 1 (2004): 6-25. “The Androgynous Gaze of Zinaida Gippius.” Russian Literature XLVIII-I (2000): 87-115. “Reading Zinaida Gippius: Over Her Dead Body.” Slavic and East European Journal vol. 43, no. 4 (1999): 621-35. “The Fashioning of Zinaida Gippius.” Slavic and East European Journal vol. 42, no. 1 (1998): 58-75. “Ivan Fedorovich Shpon’ka i ego tetushka’ as ‘Oral’ Narrative, or ‘Food for the Critics.’” Russian Literature XXXIX (1996): 359-72. Book Chapter “Women in Russian Symbolism: Beyond the Algebra of Love.” In A History of Women’s Writing in Russia. Eds. Adele M. Barker & Jehanne Gheith. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 134-52. Encyclopedia Entries “Decadence.” Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Fourth Edition. Eds. Roland Greene & Stephen Cushman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. 338-40. “Zinaida Gippius.” Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. Vol. 2. Ed. Bonnie G. Smith. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 380-81. “The Silver Age.” Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire. Vol. 4. Eds. John Merriman & Jay Winter. Detroit: Chas Scribner’s Sons, 2006. 2181-83. “N. A. Teffi.” Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Vol. 15. Eds. Anne Commire & Deborah Klezmer. Waterford, CT: Yorkin Publications, 2002. 257-61. “Zinaida Gippius.” Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. Eds. Anne Commire & Deborah Klezmer. Waterford, CT: Yorkin Publications, 2000. 253-58. Book Reviews Elena Glazov-Corrigan’s Mandel’shtam’s Poetics: A Challenge to Postmodernism. Slavic Presto 4 and East European Journal vol. 47, no. 4 (2004): 686-88. Temira Pakhmuss’s Zinaida Gippius: Hypatia dvadtsatogo veka. The Russian Review vol. 63, no. 1 (2004): 154-55. WORK IN PROGRESS Books Flowers among the Ruins: Southern Italy and the Russian Modernist Imagination. Nabokov’s Russian America: A Literary Geography (in the planning stage). Edited Volume Coeditor and introduction, with Anindita Banerjee (Cornell University), of a special section of Slavic Review on “Russian Geopoetics.” Article “Ionian Reflections: Zinaida Gippius, Taormina, and the Aesthetic Scene.” CONFERENCE PAPERS AND INVITED LECTURES “Uncanny Excavations: Khodasevich, Pompeii, and Remains of the Past,” University of Illinois-Chicago and Northwestern University (February 2015) “Zinaida Gippius on the Shores of the Ionian Sea,” A Symposium on Russian and Comparative Literature in Memory of James L. Rice (Eugene, OR, May 2014) “Ionian Reflections: Zinaida Gippius, Taormina, and the World of Art” (ASEEES, Boston, 2013) “Uncanny Archaeology: Khodasevich, Pompeii, and the Russia’s Remains” (AATSEEL, Seattle, 2012, Russian and East European Arts, World Stage, UO, May 2012, Wisconsin AATSEEL, UW-Madison, Oct 2012, Italy-Russia: Cases in Cultural Appropriation, Reed College, Oct 2012, AAIS, Eugene, OR April 2013) “The Aesthetics of Disaster: Blok, Messina, and the Decadent Sublime” (UO Course on “The Idea of Europe,” May 2011) “Big Night, or the Failure of Excellence” (UO Nomad Lecture and Film Series on Sustenance, February 2011) “Seismic Southern Italy, Revolutionary Russia, and the Writing of Rupture” (AAASS, Boston, 2009) “The Politics of Disaster: Blok, Gorky, and the 1908 Messina Earthquake” (Oregon Humanities Center, Spring 2007) “Blok, Messina, and the Revolutionary Sublime” (AAASS, Salt Lake City, 2005) “From Catastrophe to Strophe: The Messina Earthquake and Its Aftershocks in Russian Culture” (AAASS, Boston, 2004) “Alexander Blok and the Modernist Family Romance” (Symposium on Russian Literature in the World Context, Smith College, April, 2003; AAASS, Pittsburgh, 2002) “Poetry against Progeny: Alexander Blok and Modernist Filicide” (U of Pennsylvania, February, 2003; U of Oregon, January, 2003) Presto 5 “Poetry against Progeny: Blok and the Problem of Poetic Reproduction” (USC Slavic Dept., December, 2001) “Unbearable Burdens: Alexander Blok’s Resistance to Progeny and Acmeism” (AAASS, Denver, 2000) “Infanticide as Creative Imperative in Alexander Blok” (BASEES, Cambridge, England, 2000; Rocky Mountain Slavic Conference, San Diego, 2000) The Space between St. Petersburg and Leningrad: Liudmila Ivanova and the Transformation of Russian Culture” (Rountable Presenter, USC Fisher Gallery, March 2000) “20th Century Russian Women Writers and the Fashioning of Female Poetic Identity” (USC First-Year Russian Program, Fall 1998) “Gender and Russian Poetry” (USC First-Year Russian Program, Spring 1998) “A Taste of Gogol” (USC Emeriti Association Lecture Series, Valley Oasis, December, 1997; Stetson U, March, 1997) “Male Appropriation of the Maternal Metaphor: Alexander Blok and Poetic Reproduction” (AAASS, Seattle, 1997) “Contemporary Russian Women” (USC First-Year Russian Program, Fall 1997) “Reading Zinaida Gippius: Over Her Dead Body” (USC, March, 1997; Duke U, March, 1996; UVa, Feb. 1996; Bucknell U, January, 1995; MLA, Toronto, 1993) “Zinaida Gippius and the ‘Body’ of Criticism” (AATSEEL, Washington D.C., 1996; Smith College, April, 1996) “Zinaida Gippius” (USC First-Year Russian Program, Fall 1996) Contes d’amour, or ‘Loving to be Able to’” (AATSEEL, Chicago, 1995) “Redressing a Cultural Figure: Zinaida Gippius as Female Dandy” (AATSEEL, San Diego, 1994) “Critical (Mal)practice on Zinaida Gippius” (Wisconsin AATSEEL, 1994) “The Fashioning of Zinaida Gippius” (Wellesley College, January, 1994; Wisconsin AATSEEL, 1993) “’Ivan Fedorovich Shpon’ka i ego tetushka’ as ‘Oral’ Narrative, or ‘Food for the Critics’” (AATSEEL, Toronto, 1993; Wisconsin AATSEEL, 1991) TEACHING University of Oregon COLT 203: Modernist Lyric (Fall 2004 & 2005) COLT 305: Cultural Studies (Spring 2010) COLT 360: Adulterous Fiction (Fall 2007) COLT 360: Marriage “Plots” (Spring 2004) COLT 405: Directed Reading on Nabokov and Postmodernism (Summer 2014) COLT 405: Directed Reading on the Epistolary Novel (Fall 2004) COLT 405: Directed Reading on Modernist Poetry (Fall 2004) COLT 410/510: Visuality and Literature (Spring 2015) COLT 418/518: Gender and Modernism (Winter 2005) COLT 430/530: Symbolism and Decadence (Spring 2011) COLT 461/561: Writing Disaster (Winter 2006) COLT 605: Directed Reading on Russian Literary Theory (Spring 2012) COLT 605: Directed Reading on Gastronomy and Early Soviet Literature (Fall 2010) Presto 6 COLT 605: Directed Reading on Vladimir Propp and Russian Fairy Tales (Spring 2010) COLT 614: Introduction to Comparative Literature (Winter 2009) COLT 615: Word, Image, Statue, Text (Spring 2012) REES 605: Directed Reading on Russian and Soviet Cinema (Winter 2006) RUSS 205: Russian and Soviet Literature, 1905-1962 (Winter 2004) RUSS 205: Russian Literature and the Politics of the Fantastic (Winter 2005-2014) RUSS 331: The Russian Short Story (Fall 2005, 2006 & 2010, Winter 2008 & Spring 2013) RUSS 334: Dostoevsky (Spring 2008, 2010 & 2012) RUSS 351: Russian Literature and Western Cinema (Spring 2005 & 2013, Winter 2007, 2008, 2010 & 2011 & Fall 2008) RUSS 399: Special Topic: Russian and Soviet Cinema (Summer 2008, 2010 & 2011) RUSS 399: Special Topic: Russian Short Story (Winter 2004) RUSS 405: Directed Reading on 20th Century Russian Prose (Summer 2007) RUSS 405: Directed Reading on Gender Studies (Winter 2010) RUSS 407/507: Film and Culture: Russia’s Roaring 20s (Fall 2004, 2007, 2009, 2013, & Winter 2012) RUSS 410/510: Vladimir Nabokov: Between Worlds, Languages, and Media (Spring 2014) RUSS 426/526: Russian Modernism (Fall 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 & 2014) RUSS 426/526: Russian Symbolism and Decadence (Spring 2004) RUSS 605: Directed Reading on Russian Futurism (Spring 2013) RUSS 605: Directed Reading on Simonov and Soviet War Poetry (Spring 2013) RUSS 605: Directed Reading on Soviet Magical Realism (Spring 2011) RUSS 605: Directed Reading on Brodsky and Émigré Literature (Fall 2008) RUSS 605: Directed Reading on Film Adaptation of Russian Classics (Winter 2007 & 2008) RUSS 605: Directed Reading on Russian Modernism (Fall 2006) University of Southern California ARLT 100: Imagination and Revolution in Modern Russian Literature (Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Spring 2002, Fall 2002 & Spring 2003) ARLT/LTA 100: Political Fictions (Fall 1997, Fall 1998 & Spring 1999) COLT 335: Symbolism and Decadence (Spring 2003) COLT 345: Realist Fiction (Spring 1999 & Spring 2002) COLT 357: The Avant-Garde (Spring 1998) COLT 401: Senior Seminar on Symbolism and Decadence (Spring 2000) COLT 490: Directed Reading on Symbolism (Spring 2000) SLL 321: Russian Culture (Fall 1998) SLL 420: Seminar in Russian Language (Spring 1998) SLL 450: Current Issues in Russian Culture (Spring 1997) SLL 490: Directed Reading on Death and Femininity in Russian Literature (Spring 2003) SLL 490: Directed Reading on Gippius and 20th Century Poetry (Spring 1998) SLL 490: Directed Reading on The Brothers Karamazov (Fall 1997) SLL 501: Graduate Proseminar (Fall 1997, Fall 1999, Fall 2001 & Fall 2002) SLL 542: Graduate Course on Russian Symbolism (Fall 1996 & Fall 2001) SLL 590: Directed Reading on Slavic Literatures: Desire, Tourism, and Exile (Fall 2002) SLL 590: Directed Reading on Sexing the City in Fin-de-Siècle Russia (Fall 1999) SLL 590: Directed Reading on Russian Symbolist Prose (Spring 1998) Presto 7 SLL 590: Directed Reading on Russian Symbolism (Fall 1996) University of Virginia RUSS 401: Fourth-Year Russian (Fall 1995) RUSS 402: Fourth-Year Russian (Spring 1996) RUSS 493: Directed Reading on Russian Language for Graduate Students (Spring 1996) RUTR 247: 20th Century Russian Culture (Spring 1996) RUTR 256: Marriage “Plots” (Spring 1996) RUTR 335: 19th Century Russian Literature (Fall 1995) University of Wisconsin-Madison RUS 101: First-Year Russian (Fall 1986 & Fall 1991) RUS 102: First-Year Russian (Spring 1992) SERVICE Advising Master’s Thesis Advisor for Anastasia Savenko-Moore (REEES) Spring 2015 Master’s Thesis Reader for Maya Larson (REEES) Spring 2015 Master’s Thesis Reader for Eric Spreat (REEES) Spring 2015 Senior Honors Thesis Reader for Tahni Nikitins (COLT) Spring 2015 Interim Advisor for Daria Smirnova (COLT) Spring 2014 Master’s Thesis Advisor for Tatiana Yarygina (REEES) Spring 2014 Master’s Thesis Advisor for Rick Moore (REEES) Spring 2014 Master’s Thesis Reader for Paul Forehand (REEES) Spring 2014 Senior Honors Thesis Reader for Alescia Dichmann (OHC) Spring 2013 Senior Honors Thesis Reader for Anthony Topoleski (REEES) Spring 2013 Senior Honors Thesis Advisor for Jacob Plagmann (COLT) Winter-Spring 2013 Master’s Thesis Reader for Alena Nekrasova (REEES) Spring 2013 Dissertation Reader for Matthew Hannah (ENG) Spring 2013Master’s Thesis Advisor for Michael Butler (REEES) Spring 2012 Master’s Thesis Reader for Daria Smirnova (REEES) Spring 2012 Dissertation Reader for Rachel Bash (ENG) Fall 2011Master’s Thesis Reader for Alexis Gunderson (REESC) Spring 2011 Master’s Project Reader for Randianne Leyshon (Journalism) Spring 2011 Senior Honors Thesis Advisor for Alexis Gibbons (REESC) Winter-Spring 2010 Senior Honors Thesis Reader for Shona Allison (REESC) Spring 2010 Dissertation Reader for Jacque Pollard (ENG) Summer 2009 Dissertation Reader for Greg Miller (Journalism) Spring 2009-Fall 2010 Doctoral Exam Committee for Greg Miller (Journalism) Spring 2009 Master’s Thesis Reader for Kathryn Dooley (REESC) Spring 2009 Master’s Exam and Thesis Advisor for Melissa Cook (REESC) Spring 2009 Master’s Thesis Reader for Christopher Pike (REESC) Spring 2009 Senior Honors Thesis Reader for Anna Harbaugh (HIS) Spring 2009 Senior Honors Thesis Advisor for Mary Renolds (COLT) Winter-Spring 2009 Dissertation Reader for Roger Adkins (COLT) Fall 2007-Spring 2010 Presto 8 Dissertation Reader for Stacy Kaplan (ENG) Fall 2007-Winter 2010 Senior Honors Thesis Advisor for Rosalia Gobeo (HC) Fall 2007-Spring 2008 Summer Advising (REESC) 2005, 2009, 2012 & 2013 Dissertation Reader for Kathryn Olsen (COLT) Spring 2005-Fall 2007 Reader for Master’s Thesis for Alexander Kashirin (REESC) Spring 2005 Dissertation Advisor for Thomas Dolack (COLT) Fall 2004-Spring 2007 Reader for Master’s Thesis of Hillary Colter (Folklore) Spring 2004-Summer 2006 Reader for Senior Honors Thesis of Sara Kirker (COLT) Spring 2004 Reader for Senior Honors Thesis of Krzysztof Sokolowski (REESC) Spring 2004 Undergraduate Advisor for Slavic 1997-99 & Spring 2003 Faculty Advisor for Czech and Russian Programs 1998-99 & Spring 2003 Recruiting Advisor for the Graduate Program (SLL) 2001-03 SARAL Graduate Student Association Advisor 1997-98 & Spring 2000 Dissertation Reader for Natasha Varnica (SLL) 2001-03 Dissertation Reader for Michele Torre (Cinema) 2000-03 Dissertation Reader for Elizabeth Durst (SLL) 1999-2003 Dissertation Advisor for Peter Huk (COLT) 1998-2003 Committee Work Merit Review Committee COLT Spring 2014 Contract Renewal Committee COLT Winter 2014 Tenure Review Committee Clark Honors College Spring 2012-Fall 2012 COLT Speaker’s Committee Fall 2011-Fall 2012 COLT Graduate Committee Spring 2010-Fall 2012 REESC Undergraduate Fellowship Committee Spring 2010 Consultative Committee Chair for Selection of REESC Director Spring 2010 European Studies Committee 2007-2009, 2014Oregon Humanities Center Advisory Board Fall 2006-09 COLT Graduate Curricular Review Committee Fall 2006-Spring 2007 COLT Undergraduate Curricular Review Committee Fall 2006-Spring 2007 Search Committee for Literature Position at Clark Honor’s College Fall 2006-Winter 2007 Tenure Review Committee for COLT Faculty Member Fall 2006 Off-Campus Scholarships & Grants Committee 2005-07 REESC Committee Fall 2004-present REESC Russian Committee Fall 2003-Spring 2004 Selection Committee for COLT Chair 2002-03 Comp. Lit. Merit Review Committee Spring 2002 & 2003 Slavic Graduate Studies Committee Spring 1998 & 2001-03 Comp. Lit. Graduate Studies Committee 2001-03 Lawrence C. Welch Comparative Literature Essay Prize Committee Spring 2000 Consultative Committee for the Selection of a Slavic Chair Fall 1999 Comp. Lit. Undergraduate Studies Committee Fall 1998-99 Slavic Merit Review Committee Spring 1998, 2002 & 2003 Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position in Slavic Linguistics 1998-99 Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position in Russian Literature 1997-98 Search Committee for Replacement Position in Russian Literature Summer 1997 Presto 9 Russian Language Committee 1995-96 Study Abroad Committee 1995-96 Faculty Liaison to the Russian House 1995-96 Additional University Service Director of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies July 2013-present Board Member of the Oregon Consortium of International Areas Studies July 2013-present Co-organizer of Symposium on Russian Literature and Culture in Memory of Professor James Rice Spring 2014 Co-organizer of REEES Graduate Symposium Spring 2013 Co-organizer of Conference on Russian and East European Arts, Word Stage Spring 2012 Organizer of Oregon Brodsky Symposium Fall 2006 Faculty Fellow to USC Residence Hall 2002-03 USC Ambassador 2001-03 Organizer of Lecture Series for the Slavic Dept. 1999-2000 Co-organizer of Exhibition on Russian Decadence at IMRC October 1999 Interviewer for Trustee/ Presidential Scholars Spring 1998, 1999 & 2002 Seminar for COLT Graduate Students on the Academic Job Market Fall 1998 Freshman Orientation Summer 1997 & 1998 Judge for Russian Olympiad Spring 1998 Seminar for Slavic Graduate Students on the Academic Job Market Fall 1997 Search Committee Liaison to the Provost’s Office 1997-98 Representative of Slavic Department at Majors Fair Fall 1996 & 1997 Critical Theory Discussion Group 1996-97 Service to the Profession Associate Editor of Comparative Literature 2010-present Occasional Manuscript Reviewer for SEEJ, Comparative Literature, Northwestern UP, Russian Review, and Slavic Review Organizer of AAASS Panels on “Dreams, Illusions, and Russian Modernist Aesthetics” (2010), “Psychoanalysis and Its Discontents in Russian Modernism” (2003), “Decadence and Degeneration in Russian Culture” (2001), “Rethinking Alexander Blok” (2000), and “Women in Russian Symbolism: Between Signifier and Signified” (1998), and Coorganizer of AAASS Panel on “The Family Romance of Russian Modernist Poetry(2002) Abstract Reviewer for AATSEEL Conference 1998-2003 LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Near-Native Fluency in Russian Good Working Knowledge of Italian Reading Knowledge French, German, Serbo-Croatian, and Old Church Slavonic REFERENCES David M. Bethea Vilas Research Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Presto 10 University of Wisconsin 1432 Van Hise Hall 1220 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 Tel: (608) 262-9766 E-mail: [email protected] Eliot Borenstein Professor of Russian and Slavic Languages and Literatures New York University 19 University Place, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 Tel: (212) 988-8670 E-mail: [email protected] Clare Cavanagh Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literary Studies Northwestern University 4-130 Crow Hall 1860 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208-2163 Tel: (847) 467-2360 E-mail: [email protected] Stephanie Sandler Ernest E. Monrad Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Harvard University 12 Quincy Street Barker Center 321 Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: (617) 495-3956 E-mail: [email protected] Updated: April 28, 2015
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