American Society of Mammalogists 95th Annual Meeting June 12-16, 2015 Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Jacksonville, FL Sponsorship, Exhibition, and Advertising Opportunities The American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) invites businesses, companies, organizations, and agencies to th participate in its 95 annual meeting. Your participation provides exposure and visibility to the members of the society – comprised of thousands of members consisting of scientists, researchers, educators, students, and more – all working together to enhance the knowledge of mammals as it pertains to public policy, resources management, conservation, and education. Members attend annual meetings to enhance their professional development, share ideas, strengthen partnerships, and discover new resources to advance their studies. ASM welcomes you to take advantage of this unique occasion to connect with customers, make new client contacts, and showcase your products and services. ASM offers a diversity of sponsorship and advertising opportunities and is dedicated to working with you to find a package that will best suit your needs. DIAMOND SPONSORSHIP – $5,000 or more This level is recognized as a Lead Sponsor of the Annual Meeting. • Logo on conference bag and back cover of program • Opportunity to include promotional materials/flyers in conference bag • Recognition as a lead sponsor in media releases and meeting website with link to organization’s/company’s website • Recognition as a lead sponsor in program and a full-page advertisement • Verbal acknowledgement in plenary and capstone welcomes • Name and logo acknowledgement in plenary, capstone, symposia, and technical session PowerPoint slides • Two tables in the exhibition • Five complimentary conference registrations with sponsorship ribbon on badge, plus two picnic and two banquet tickets*, name and logo on banquet program • 10% discount on sponsorship at the 2016 Annual Meeting PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP – $4,000 This level is recognized as the Sponsor of the Banquet, Picnic, or Opening Reception. • Logo on conference bag and back cover of program • Opportunity to include promotional materials/flyers in conference bag • Recognition in media releases and meeting website with link to organization’s/company’s website • Recognition in program and a three-quarter page advertisement • Name and logo acknowledgement in plenary, capstone, symposia, and technical session slides • One table in the exhibition • Four complimentary conference registrations with sponsorship ribbon on badge, plus two picnic and two banquet tickets* • 5% discount on sponsorship at the 2016 Annual Meeting • Option to sponsor one of the following events: o Banquet – Signs acknowledging sponsorship, table tents with company logo, opportunity to put promotional materials on tables, name and logo on banquet program o Opening Reception – Signs acknowledging sponsorship, table tents with company logo, opportunity to put promotional materials on tables o Picnic – Signs acknowledging sponsorship, table tents with company logo, opportunity to put promotional materials on tables GOLD SPONSOR – $2,500 This level is recognized as the Sponsor of the Capstone Symposium, Symposia, or Plenary Sessions. • Recognition in media releases and on meeting website with link to organization’s/company’s website • Recognition in program and half-page advertisement • Name and logo acknowledgement in plenary, capstone, symposia, and technical session slides • One table in the exhibition • Three complimentary conference registrations with sponsorship ribbon on badge, plus one picnic and one banquet ticket* • 5% discount on sponsorship at the 2016 Annual Meeting • Option to sponsor one of the following events: o Capstone Speaker – Signs acknowledging sponsorship o Symposium – Signs acknowledging sponsorship o Plenary Sessions – Signs acknowledging sponsorship SILVER SPONSOR – $1,500 This level is recognized as the Sponsor of the Student Mixer or Refreshment Breaks. • Recognition in media releases and on meeting website with link to organization’s/company’s website • Recognition in program and quarter-page advertisement • Name and logo acknowledgement in technical session PowerPoint slides • One table in the exhibition • Two complimentary conference registrations with sponsorship ribbon on badge, plus one picnic ticket* • 5% discount on sponsorship at the 2016 Annual Meeting • Option to sponsor one of the following events: o Student Mixer – Signs acknowledging sponsorship, table tents with company logo, opportunity to put promotional materials on tables o Refreshment Breaks – Signs acknowledging sponsorship, table tents with company logo * If not all complimentary registrations are utilized, the sponsor can reallocate them to assist with student registration or guest speakers. BRONZE SPONSOR – $500 This level is recognized as a Sponsor of a Workshop or Thematic Technical Session. • Recognition in media releases and on meeting website with link to organization’s/company’s website • Recognition in program • Name and logo acknowledgement in technical session PowerPoint slides • One table in the exhibition • One complimentary conference registrations with sponsorship ribbon on badge • Option to sponsor one of the following events: o Workshops – Signs acknowledging sponsorship o Thematic Technical Sessions – Signs acknowledging sponsorship CONTRIBUTOR – up to $500 Individuals, organizations, or businesses that provide funds ($100-$499) in support of the conference will be recognized as a Contributor of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. This level does not provide participation in the Exhibition but does include recognition on media releases, meeting website, and program. LITERATURE ONLY – $150 This level of participation is ideal for companies or organizations that cannot attend the annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. During the Exhibition, allocated space will be provided on a shared (multi-vendor) exhibitor table to display submitted literature. Key Contacts Eileen A. Lacey, ASM President-Elect Museum of Vertebrate Zoology University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 510-643-0284; Fax: 510-643-8238 Tony Ballard, Program Coordinator Kansas State University K-State Conference Services 1615 Anderson Ave. Manhattan, KS 66502-4098 Email: [email protected] Phone: 785-532-2402; Fax: 785-532-2422 Advertising Opportunities In addition to sponsorship opportunities, the American Society of Mammalogists offers a variety of advertising options. Companies and organizations are encouraged to showcase their products and services by placing an advertisement in the Annual Meeting’s program. This guarantees personal exposure to the Society’s members. The meeting’s program is a bound standard-sized (8 ½” x 11”) booklet. It is distributed to each member in the conference bag and also is available as a pdf on the meeting website. Advertisements are black and white, and available in full-page (10”x7”), three-quarter-page (7.5” x 5 ¼ “) half-page (horizontal, 7”x5”), and quarter-page (vertical, 4 ¾”x3 ¼”) options. SIZE COST Full Three-Quarter Half Quarter $800 $700 $600 $500 DISCOUNTED PRICE** $400 $350 $300 $250 ** Discounted prices are offered to those who participate in the exhibition as a Literature Only participant, or for sponsors wishing to increase the size of their allocated advertisement. Exhibition Benefits The exhibition is a 4-day opportunity for you to interact face-to-face with the members of the American Society of Mammalogists and an opportunity for you to build visibility for your company or organization in a high traffic environment. Participation is provided through Sponsorships (see above) or Advertising. By participating as a Sponsor, Exhibitor, or Advertiser, we value your support and want to provide the chance for your company or organization to be recognized, generate new sales by expanding your customer relationships, demonstrate new and relative products, software, and services during the annual meeting. This is a perfect opportunity to distribute catalogs, flyers, and business cards that members will take back to their universities, colleges, natural history collections, museums, and other institutions. The set up for the exhibition includes a clothed table and two chairs. Electrical access is available by request only. Extra exhibit tables are available for a fee of $100 each. As a participant of the exhibition, you will receive a complimentary copy of the program and frequent access to attendees. The meeting’s refreshment breaks, job boards, student member table, and poster sessions will be held in or in proximity to this area, maximizing your time with the members of the Society. We will work with you to ensure you are placed in a desirable location, but please be aware that assignments will be made in the order in which registration forms are received. The floor plan for the exhibition room will be distributed in advance of the meeting. Tentative Exhibit Hall Hours Set-up: Friday, June 12, 2015: Day 1 Saturday, June 13, 2015: Day 2 Sunday, June 14, 2015: Day 3 Monday, June 15, 2015: Day 4 Tuesday, June 16, 2015: Tear Down: Tuesday, June 17, 2015: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Sponsor, Exhibitor, and Advertiser Registration Form American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting June 12-16, 2015 Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront, Jacksonville, FL Please list the address of the person who will attend the meeting. That information will be listed on the participant list. All correspondence concerning conference sponsorship, exhibits, and advertising will be sent to the pre-event contact. Please return the completed form by April 1, 2015. If payment is not received by April 10, 2015, invitations will be extended to exhibitors from the alternate list. Pre-event Contact: ___________________________________________________________________ Pre-event Contact E-mail: ______________________________________________________________ Booth Personnel (staff at booth): ________________________________________________________ Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ________ Postal Code: ______________ Country: __________ Telephone: ___________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Company Web Page: _________________________________________________________________ Additional Booth Personnel who will be staffing the booth only. Name badges will be provided. Please print. 2 nd Representative: ___________________________________________________________________ rd 3 Representative: ___________________________________________________________________ Payment Method Information _____ Enclosed is a check for $_______ payable to American Society of Mammalogists Charge the fees to: ______ Visa ______ MasterCard ______ American Express ______ Discover Cardholder’s Name (please print): _______________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Card No. _______________________________________Expiration Date (month / year) ____________ (Credit card charges cannot be processed without amount indicated, signature, and expiration date) Please send all completed forms to: American Society of Mammalogists Registration - Sponsors Kansas State University 1615 Anderson Avenue Manhattan, KS 66502-4098 Fax: 785-532-2422 Sponsor, Exhibitor, and Advertisement Order Form Important Deadlines OPPORTUNITY ITEM DATE DUE SPONSORSHIP Completed Contract for Sponsors April 1, 2015 PRINT ADVERTISING Completed Application Form for Program Advertising April 1, 2015 Please provide in .tiff or .pdf format to [email protected] Copy for Program Advertising April 11, 2015 PAYMENT Receipt of Payment April 11, 2015 REFUND INFORMATION Deadline to receive refund less $50 administrative fee for cancellation April 15, 2015 Quantity Total Description $5,000 Diamond Sponsor $4,000 Platinum Sponsor $2,500 Gold Sponsor $1,500 Silver Sponsor $500 Bronze Sponsor $100 - $499 Contributor $150 Literature Only $100 Extra Exhibitor Table $250 Additional Registration $800 ($400 disc.) Full-page Program Ad (10” x 7”) $700 ($350 disc.) Three-quarter-page Program Ad (7 ½”x5 ¼“) $600 ($300 disc.) Half-page Program Ad (7” x 5”) $500 ($250 disc.) Quarter-page Program Ad (4 ¾” x 3 ¼”) Total Enclosed To purchase additional banquet or picnic tickets, contact Eileen Lacey or Tony Ballard. Please provide details, if any, of your registrant’s special assistance requirements or special dietary needs: ____________________________________________________________________________________
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