PARISH OF COOLE (MAYNE) NEWSLETTER 5 APRIL 2015 EASTER SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S RESURECTION Immaculate Conception, Coole St. John the Baptist Whitehall Parish Priest: Fr. Oliver Skelly Parochial House, Coole, Mullingar Co. Westmeath Tel. (044) 966 1191 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for April WHITEHALL COOLE 9.30 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Kathleen Moran Róisín Moran Ministers of the Word for April Luke Moore Tom Keague Counters for April James Etherson and Rita Dobson tions: Sat. 4 Apr. (9.00 p.m.) John and Margaret Etherson; Sun. 5 Apr. Kathleen Sulliv Elizabeth Coyne (Month’s Memory); Sun. 12 Apr. Ettie Kelly; Tues. 14 Apr. Joh nd Paddy Monaghan; Sun. 19 Apr. Mary Reilly; Sun. 26 Apr. Thomas and May Coug cBride and Deceased members of the McBride Family; n. 5 Apr. Deceased members of the Bacon Family; Fri. 10 Apr. Parish List of the D as Doyle (Month’s memory); Fri. 17 Apr. Peter Farrell; Patrick, Margaret and Pádraic tty McCormack and Deceased members of the McCormack Family; Jim Smyth; cy Sunday 12 Apr. in St. Mary’s, nfessions; 2.30 p.m. Rosary; 3.00 p.m. Divine t; 3.30 p.m. Holy Mass, followed by blessing Saint Faustina. Celebrant Fr. Éamonn . F. M. h 175: Committee meeting in the Parochial n. 13 Apr. at 8.00 p. m. 0 Ireland Retreat in St. Finian’s ngar from Fri. 17th to Sun. 19th Apr. The consist of workshops, drama, inspirational monies, prayer, music and friendship. n Fri. at 8.00 p.m. This is a great opportunity what your Faith is all about in a friendly, atmosphere. For people aged 16 to 35. For ation see www.youth2000 or tel. (01) 675 Gaels Hurling and Camogie Club: e and his Band supported by Celtic Chique in ollard at 8.30 p.m. on Fri. 27th Apr. Tickets h 175: Afternoon Tea on Sun. 17th May in 00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. If you would like to host p in any way, please contact Ann Cullen on 5. Paul II Theological Society: Prof. Philosophy, Theology and the Challenges to Religion pr. 4.00 p.m. First Divinity Hall, St. Patrick’s nooth. Ado ration for all parishioners takes place in Coole Church on Tuesdays 10.00 a.m. to dnesdays 6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Voters’ Register: If you live in County W wish to vote you should check that you are vote correctly. You can check the Register by, or by contacting County Council on 933 2257. Coole Drop-In Centre open each Wednesda a. m. to 12.30 p.m. All are welcome in for a “c chat! Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Old People needs volunteers to help speak up for across all care settings. For more information 1428, email [email protected] Citizens’ Information Service in Castl Offices from 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. each W in Mullingar County Buildings (beside the A Mount Street from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m Friday. (086) 107 6660; [email protected]; Last If you would like to rece message with details of funerals arriving at C text last120 to 51444, or at Whitehall Churc to 51444. For more information visit ou Bap tism cou rse takes place in Castlepollard on the third Wednesday of every month. A candidates to be baptised are invited to attend Na Pro Fe rtility Care Family Planning for th This is an exciting new concept in reproductiv an holistic and healthy system that empowe make healthy reproductive choices regarding Further details from nd members of the Altar Society for rk during the year. It is greatly appreciated. s Jesus want there to be Christians who live their whole unmarried chastity and obedience? God is love. He longs for our love ving surrender to God is to live as Jesus did – poor, chaste and obedient. Som s way has head, heart and hands free for God and neighbour. In every age let themselves be completely overtaken by Jesus, so that “for the sake of th (-Mt. 9: 12) they give everything away for God – even such wonderful gifts as elf-determination and married love. This life, according to the Evangelical C hastity and obedience shows all Christians that the world is not everything with the divine Bridegroom “face to face” will ultimately make a person happy ngelical Counsels: Poverty, unmarried chastity and obedience are the counsels given in the G ating Jesus. d Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said to him, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you hav e, follow me’” (-Mk.10: 21). er I recognised that there is a God, it was impossible for me not to live for him alone”. (Blessed Charles de Foucauld, 1858-1916, Christian hermit in the Sahara desert) ENCYCLICAL LETTER OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF PAUL VI HUMANAE VITAE We turn in a special way to Our own sons and daughters, to those most of all whom G in the state of marriage. While the Church does indeed hand on to her children th aid down by God’s law, she is also the herald of salvation and through the sacrament the channels of grace through which man is made a new creature responding in char the design of his Creator and Saviour, experiencing too the sweetness of the yoke o edience then to her voice, let Christian husbands and wives be mindful of their voca fe, a vocation which, deriving from their Baptism, has been confirmed anew and he Sacrament of Matrimony. For by this sacrament they are strengthened and, one m rated to the faithful fulfillment of their duties. Thus will they realize to the full their s as becomes them, to Christ before the world. For the Lord has entrusted to them ble to men and women the holiness and joy of the law which united inseparably their l d the cooperation they give to God’s love, God who is the Author of human life. W to pass over in silence the difficulties, at times very great, which beset the lives o (from The Mass: Our Splendid Privilege compiled by A h Day is an experience you will never forget! WYD2016 in Krakow, Poland is less you can already feel the excitement and energy. Will you be there? Movement: Catholics are invited to take part in Mass and Holy Communion on the Fi (Ictus Friday) and to abstain from meat each First Friday for the protection of all hum niversary of the death of St. Columban on 20th and 21st Jun. St. Columban Parish n Sat. 25th Apr. 9.45 a. m. to 12.30 p.m., (also Tuesday 28th Apr. for those who cann ). An information pack will be provided to participants. The meeting will conclude w A contribution of €12.00 per person would be appreciated. State Militants Bomb Famous Ancient Catholic Monastery e militants bombed an ancient Catholic monastery in Iraq, according to the Internat ighters released pictures of the tomb complex of Mar Behnam near Mosul being blo ates back to the fourth century and was built at the site where two first century marty ew, were buried. “Come adore this wondrous presence” ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT in this parish Tuesdays 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Wednesdays 6.00 p.m. to 10.00 pm. All Welcome “Come, let us adore” ncy living as a hermit for a while? Come to Holy Hill Hermitage for FREE Young Adults Programme (18-35): Cost: FREE Dates: 1st Oct. until 1st Dec. 2015 king retreats: Cost: 15hours work a week. Dates: Ongoing, so when can you come? rmits are provided with a comfortable hermitage with a well stocked kitchen. The ng Adults Programme includes: mountain climbing, workshops, seminars, regular , mountain biking, Eucharistic services, Eucharistic adoration, meditation, spiritual direction, contemplation, regular time for silent solitude. ly Hill Hermitage, Co. Sligo, is a Catholic Diocesan Institute of Consecrated Life practising Carmelite spirituality. A Blessed and Happy Easter to All!
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