1 COONABARABRAN HIGH SCHOOL and P&C NEWSLETTER 20 March 2015 PO Box 3 COONABARABRAN NSW 2357 Phone: 02 6842 1099 www.coonabarabranhigh.com G Enks, Relieving Principal Art Preview Awards at Coonabarabran Show Penny Price’s artwork came first in the Years 7—9 Visual Arts section of the Coonabarabran Show this year. Penny was also awarded the best overall artwork in Year 7—12. Congratulations Penny! Pictured below are Ashur Quaglino and Mason Connell with Mason’s artwork. See page 8 for more entries. To view in colour go to the school’s website. Fax: 02 6842 2267 M Fosdick, P&C President UPCOMING EVENTS Week 9 Mon, 23 Mar Tue, 24 Mar Wed, 25 Mar Thur, 26 Mar Week 10 Tue, 31 Mar Thu, 2 Apr Event Formal Assembly P&C AGM—Library NW Winter Trials CAT Maths comp. Shoe-horn Sonata excursion Parent Teacher night 4-7pm Open Girls Softball CHS Swimming Event Moorambilla auditions Year 12 Reports distributed Last day of term Term 2 Week 1 Mon, 20 Apr Tue, 21 Apr Fri, 24 Apr Event Pupil Free Day Students return Greater Region Rugby League Week 2 Wed, 29 Apr School Cross Country Week 3 Mon, 4 Apr Fri, 8 May NW Boys Squash Trials Year 11 RYDA Week 4 Mon, 11 May Tue, 12 May Wed, 13 May Thu, 14 May Fri, 15 May Sat, 16/Sun, 17 NW Girls Squash Trials NAPLAN NAPLAN NAPLAN Barista course RSA & RCG courses Week 5 Mon, 18 May Tue, 19 May Thu, 21 May Fri, 22 May Half-day Athletics School Athletics Carnival Year 9 Student Forum—Council Next Newsletter Events are subject to change, so please check the school’s website for updates. The website has a new format, which allows for bigger and better photos. Next P&C Meeting Monday, 23 March @ 5.30 pm School Library ALL WELCOME We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 2 Principal's Report Year 12 have just completed their Half-Yearly examinations and I trust that students have achieved results commensurate with their commitment and efforts. It would be a timely and valuable exercise for students to reflect upon their individual achievements, continue to work with their teacher’s to build a positive relationship, and seek to address areas that require further attention. I noted in my previous P&C report, the employment of Mr Phil Draper, on a part-time basis to fulfil the role as a support person and supervisor in the Tom Williams Wing, our senior study area in the school library. Mr Draper has been pro-active in providing individual goal setting, study skills, homework/assessment management strategies, including personalised diaries and tutoring for our senior students as they embrace this challenging period of their HSC preparation. Student participation across a breadth of areas has been a pleasing aspect of our 2015 school year. I won't comment on individual performances, due to the comprehensive list of achievements, however three swimming competitors have been successful in gaining representative honours for their school and region in the forthcoming NSW Combined High Schools event to be held at Homebush Olympic Stadium on 26 March. Our Under 15 Netballers, with their sustained training, under the guidance of Ms Charnelle Crossingham, once again have the opportunity to defend their North West title following recent victories. The Lawn Bowls team, coached by Mr Frazer were also very competitive and progress to the next round of their competition following their recent defeat of Coonamble. The Mock Trial Team, although not successful were, according to Mr Moffat, very close to continuing the strong tradition of success in this state-wide event and did succeed in convincing the magistrate of their client's innocence. Mrs Gail Kenny and Year 10 students have been very innovative in their implementation of the Year 7 Peer Support program. This weekly event focuses upon building self-esteem and re-enforcing the values of respect, honesty and integrity. Student participation and leadership was also the focus for our recently elected Student Representative Council members, when they participated in a 2015 planning day under the guidance of Mrs Kellie Nash, Ms Charnelle Crossingham and our School Captains. I recently participated in two community meetings. The first being with parents and students involved in the Indigenous Youth Leadership Program. This program provides students with the resources to pursue high quality educational and leadership opportunities. Parental input included support for the greater participation of their sons/daughters in school and community events. One such initiative, which has been consequently warmly accepted by the RSL, is to include a presentation by Allynta Sutherland (IYLP scholarship holder) at the town ANZAC ceremony, on the historical involvement of Indigenous solders. In addition, Stephen Watton, will proudly lead the ANZAC March. Stephen's great grandfather, Mr William Wallace Chatfield participated in the ANZAC campaign as a member of the 1st Light Horsemen. The North West Equestrian Expo committee also met with parents and riders to discuss training preparations, show participation and associated management. Mrs Kellie Nash with support from Mrs Kylie Deshon and Mr Duncan Graham, is working with all stakeholders to ensure that this event remains a significant entry on our school calendar, not only for our school, but also for our community. I also acknowledge the valued and time-consuming work behind the scenes of the Expo Committee, chaired by our former Principal, Mr Kevin Sharp. As a school we endeavour to acknowledge achievement at all levels. This takes place on a daily basis, commencing on our morning assembly and continues within the classroom. Significant achievements, however, will be acknowledged at our Formal Assembly on Monday 23 March when sporting, academic and cultural participation will be recognised by the school community. On Thursday 26 March, we have our first Parent/ Teacher evening which commences at 4.00 pm and concludes at 7.00 pm. I encourage Parents and Carers to meet with your children's teachers and discuss the strengths and areas within each class which may require celebration or further attention. Finally, I encourage Parents to attend our P&C Annual General Meeting on Monday 23 March. Our P&C makes a strong contribution towards the success of our school and provides a forum for discussion about future directions and programs. This will also be an opportunity to meet our new members of staff. We also welcome our new School Chaplain, Maz O’Callaghan, who has enjoyed the respect from youth within the community, particularly through her involvement in the Drop-In Centre at the Youth Club. Ms O’Callaghan will be a valued addition to our welfare program. I look forward to seeing some new faces next Monday evening in the Library at 5.30pm. G Enks, Relieving Principal INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE Upcoming events 1 Coona Show Art 1/8 Principal’s Report 2 P&C President’s & Treasurer’s Reports 3 SRC Planning Day 3 P&C Minutes 4 Baradine & Coona Shows 5 Your time starts now 6 Welcome to Year 7 BBQ & Social 6 Burra Bee Dee excursion 7 Guest speaker for History 7 Peer Support 7 Expo ‘Hut’ 7 Youth Week—Free Events 9 Breakfast Club 9 60 Seconds with Alex McCaw 9 North West Equestrian Expo 9 Let’s get writing/Year 10 Camp 10 Easter Sundance Festival 10 Term 2 Canteen Roster 11 Sport 12 We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 3 P&C President’s Report Thanks to all the staff, parents and students that helped run the entry gates to the show at the weekend. This is a particularly profitable activity, with half the proceeds going to the P&C and half to the 2016 Year 12 formal. Details of the revenue may be available at Monday’s meeting. The Annual General Meeting will also be held on Monday 23rd. Several office bearers, including myself, will not be recontesting their positions providing opportunities for those that wish to take on an executive role. Please don't miss this meeting so as to avoid being pushed into a role. No one will be asked to do a role they don't want. For those that are thinking of nominating, I can assure you they are not too onerous and can be quite rewarding. See you on Monday, Mark. SRC Planning Day The Student Representative Council held its Planning Day on Friday 13th March at the Warrumbungle Shire Chambers. The SRC Executive for 2015 is: Sally Deshon, President; Lily Abbott, Secretary; Annie Nash, Treasurer; Allynta Sutherland, Canteen Representative and School and Community; Grounds/Environment Committee, Olivia Colantonio; Gina Elton, Charities. Mr Shinton was our Local Leader this year. He spoke to the group about his background and experiences in leadership over his whole working life and the opportunities he has taken while he has been a Councillor and Mayor of Warrumbungle Shire. We appreciate the time he made to make our day a more worthwhile experience. The school Captains, Sara and David, and the Vice Captains, Caitlyn and Stephen presented a leadership session called “Voices of Experience”. They showed us different leadership styles and how different styles are effective in different situations, and also made clear the value of good communication. David also ran a session based on the TED talk, “It starts with why”, by Simon Sinek which makes clear the correlation between knowing why you do something and your level of success, compared to just knowing what you are doing. These workshops were of great value to everyone. We spent some time planning the timing of activities this year and have planned activities for Youth Week– “It starts with us” – which we will hold in the last week of term. We appreciate Miss Crossingham spending the day with us and making it all possible, and would like to thank the Warrumbungle Shire for use of their facilities and Mrs Morris and Mrs Hadfield for their organisation. We have a strong and enthusiastic SRC and look forward to a year where we can all contribute to the culture of Coonabarabran High. Treasurer's Report COONABARABRAN HIGH SCHOOL Parents and Citizens' Association Statement of Receipts and Payments as at the 23 February 2015 BALANCE Opening Cash Balance as at 24 November $11,885.32 Add Receipts Receipt No Total $- $11,885.32 Less Payments Cheque No 652 Warrumbungles Publications-ad for International Night Reward Distribution - Int. Night 653 Chris Brown - reimburse 654 P & A Van Schalkwyk - reimburse $182.24 655 Robert Holden - reimburse $140.00 656 Mel Johnston - reimburse $128.80 657 Graham Enks - reimburse $100.00 658 Tammy Samuel - reimburse $167.00 659 Angela Karagiannis - reimburse $200.00 660 CHS Canteen - Chatswood High $188.50 661 Tracee McHugh - reimburse $39.00 Total $1,621. 651 $153.00 $183.26 $139.25 Cash book balance as at 23 $10,264.27 Bank Statement Reconciliation Balance as per statement 31 January 2015 $10,264.27 Receipt No Add deposits since 31 January Total Cheque No $- $10,264.27 $- $10,264.27 Less unpresented cheques/ payments since 31 January 2015 Total Reconciled total as per cashbook 23 February 2015 $10,264.27 Donations for Expo Donations of pumpkins and fresh vegies are now being taken for the upcoming North West Equestrian Expo. Please leave your donations at the canteen so my team & I can start making soups etc. to freeze. Many thanks to all those who have contributed so far. Julie McGlashan We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 4 Coonabarabran High School P&C Meeting Minutes Monday 23rd February, 2015 Meeting Opened: 5.35 p.m Present: Mark Fosdick, Nick Karagiannis, Tammy Samuel, Mark Fosdick, Angela Karagiannis Kellie Nash, Skye Lambert, Tracee McHugh, Graham Enks, Col Mercer, Anita Tighe, Mandy Sulter. Apologies: Geoff Gasior. Previous Minutes: Minutes of Monday 24th November 2014, Motion minutes be accepted: Moved: Mandy Sulter Seconded: Kellie Nash Business arising from Previous Minutes: Open invitation from Mark Fosdick and committee for new CPS staff to attend next meeting. Coonabarabran Show gate, Mark to speak to Serena about setting up roster on the CHS website, need to ensure Year 11 parents are aware that it is a fund raiser. Mr Enks to encourage Year 11 students and parent participation ensure their awareness that half funds raised donated to Year 11. Mark to follow up on instructions and rules for the show gate from Jeanette Fenwick, also ensure Light is operational for the Highway gate. Discussion around Sign or volunteer badges gate volunteers, investigate gathering of name badges. Correspondence In: Warrumbungle Publications Invoice for Coona Blue Award. 2015 Fundraising Directory. Parent & Citizen Journal, Term 1, 2015. ACNC Quarterly, January 2015. Email Provided by Col Mercer, from NSW Farmer’s Coles provide $1000 for Schools for gardens, eg native and bush tucker gardens. Correspondence Out: Thank you letters to International Feast Night stall holders and Tammy Samuels. Treasurer’s Report: Tabled by Angela Karagiannis. International Feast night profit -$4950 Current balance $10264 Audit from Ron Slade received, Motion: To provide Ron Slade with a $50 Woolworths voucher for Auditing services. Moved: Angela Karagiannis Seconded: Tammy Samuel - all in favour. Canteen Report: Tabled by Anita Tighe Advised the first meeting will be on 17th , then every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3.40pm, Request to inform parents at the Year 7 welcome night to join the committee and volunteer for canteen roster. May need to look for someone to Audit the accounts in 2016 as should be the same person for P&C and Canteen. Environment & Grounds Committee Report: Waiting for rain, the Executive split into two groups to look at areas that need addressing, senior area shading, disabled access, too look at funding possibilities. An Indigenous garden to be developed this year with the help of Mrs Kenny, Alison Stanton and the Aboriginal Studies students. Principal’s Report: Mr Enks looking forward to the challenge of 2015 as Acting Principal, Mary Doolan has taken on board some great welfare strategies for the students as the Acting Vice Principal. An overview of the Principal’s Report as detailed in the February Newsletter was provided, including staff changes, School Plan and homework centre arrangements. Year 7 BBQ will be held on 26th February, 2015 at 6.00 pm, followed by the School Social 7.00. Mr Enks discussed the issue of peanut products in the School, nuts cannot be used in the school curriculum but there is no directive that they cannot be sold peanuts at the canteen. The School will continue to encourage non sharing of food. Mr Enks and the committee discussed regarding requests from Facilities for funding from the P&C for resources, etc. Mr Enks to provide a list at the next meeting and invite facility heads to speak to P&C Deputy Principal’s Report: Ms Doolan gave overview of the SMH article about CHS. Student welfare for Year 7 is being coordinated by Gail Kenny. Peer support students from Year 10 are working with the Year 7, implementing a transition program which they attended a training day about. Prefects have been organising activities at lunch time for all students. In addition, Year Advisors do an enormous amount of additional work and are the first port of call and an excellent support. HSC Mentoring program has also been organised by Kellie Nash to assist and support Year 12 students. Mr Phil Draper will be providing great and well organised support for Year 12 students. A successful study night with the Year12 from 2014 was well attended, 2014 HSC students provided real life tips on HSC exams and how to get through them and the dos and don’ts, the format was based around a Q&A. AEO Alison Stanton – great link for students who have come from the CPS very positive presence and helpful. Funds available for disadvantaged students and uniform support, also the uniform cupboard requires more donations of quality uniforms, this would be much appreciated. Community grant from WSC informally advised for a breakfast club before school will start soon. Also investigating the Schools capacity to liaise with other organisations, Mackillop, Burnside, Mission etc. students to ensure students do not miss out who required inclusion support.. Student leadership program at Lake Keepit discussed as a possible option for IYLP and SRC students. General Business: Girl’s school uniform options – discussion regarding a shorts option for girls in the summer uniform, the cost of the shirts due to logo and skirt change in Senior years. Mr Enks acknowledged the concerns, will need to be much consultation in the broader community. Survey will need to be given to students and parents. To ensure the process is correct P&C constitution to be checked. Mr Enks and Mark Fosdick to bring appropriate documents and policies to the next meeting P& C email address – question as to whether still required, will hold over to the next meeting Next meeting will include the AGM, Mandy to advertise in Coona Times AECG – Is it running this year – could contact Michelle Brady Disability support class for the disability support funding is it being utilised this year. NAIDOC Week and Education week, Mr Enks to provide dates at the next meeting. CPS asked how much was the electronic signs. Dates for 23rd March 2015 AGM and General Meeting2015 26th March Parent Teacher. Next Meeting: 23rd March, 2015 - 5.30pm, School Library Meeting closed: 6.45pm We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 5 Baradine and Coonabarabran Shows 2015 The cattle team were lucky enough to show Terry and Maylene Griffin’s Charolais heifers and bulls again this year. Temana Charolais has supported the Coonabararan High School cattle team by lending their cattle for the last four years and it has been a great privilege to have such quiet and high-quality cattle to show in our local shows. Here are some of the highlights of the two shows: Baradine Show Cattle 1st in the under 12 months heifers 2nd in the under 12 months bulls Paraders Champion—Caitlyn Green Reserve Champion—Natalie Young 1st in Age group—Matilda Chapman Coonabarabran Show Cattle 1st, 3rd 4th Heifer under 14 months 1st & 2nd Bull under 14 months Junior Champion European Heifer Junior Champion European Heifer Champion European Female Supreme Champion Exhibit 2nd pair of heifer 2nd breeders group Paraders 1st under 13 years—Summer Ensor 1st under 14 years—Tilly Chapman 1st under 18 years—Caitlyn Green Reserve Champion—Summer Ensor Congratulations to all students involved in the hard work they put in preparing, breaking in and practicing with the cattle at school during their lunchtimes. The effort and dedication of these students is a pleasure to see and the results speak for themselves. We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 6 YOUR TIME STARTS NOW….Pip Danson Welcome to Year 7 BBQ & Social On 26 February, Year 7 were officially welcomed to high school at a special BBQ run by the SRC. Afterwards an all-school social was held. My earliest memory is …my brother piggy backing me home from school My school report usually said…tries her best My first relationship was …serious! I don’t like talking about…..myself My most treasured possession is…my car My mother and father always told me…. be kind In the movie of my life, I’d be played by…. Meg Ryan I wish I had….. learnt to play the piano I wish I hadn’t….been so shy My guiltiest pleasure is…lemon meringue pie My most humiliating moment was…letting a goal past in hockey at high school My happiest moment was….too many to choose At home I cook….bickies (and lemon meringue pie) My last meal would be…lemon meringue pie My favourite gadget is…Bluetooth speaker I’m very bad at……public speaking When I was a child I wanted to…. be a jillaroo The book that changed my life is……the Bible If I could live anywhere I’d choose…the beach It’s not fashionable but I love….lemon meringue pie My worst trait is….procrastination Friends say I am…calm If I wasn’t me I’d like to be….more confident The song I’d like played at my funeral is….Amazing Grace (the modern version) It scares me, but I’d love to….go sailing in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race If I could change one thing in the world it would be…..selfishness My greatest fear is…..sharks If only I could….sing The hardest thing I’ve ever done was…. have my first job interview The last big belly laugh I had was….yesterday I relax by….. reading or watching movies What I don’t find amusing is….disrespect I’m always being asked….how are the kids? My favourite place in the world… beach or bush At the moment I’m listening to…. Gurrumul and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra My favourite work of art is…. too many to pick just one My worst job was….. at a ‘milk bar’ in Centrepoint Tower, Sydney Pip Danson is a School Administrative Assistant. Attention Junior students: All Junior Maths classes will have an Assessment Test during Week 9. We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 7 Burra Bee Dee On Monday 2nd March our Aboriginal Studies class travelled to Burra Bee Dee. Whilst there we did a tour of Burra Bee Dee with local Aboriginal Elders Pat Chatfield, Myra Cain and Margaret Robinson along with members from the community and the local police. It was a very informative tour as we learnt about the history of Burra Bee Dee and it’s people. Thanks to Pat, Myra and Margaret for your tour and information about Burra Bee Dee. COONABARABRAN HIGH SCHOOL P&C ASSOCIATION HELP WANTED for the P&C’s MAJOR ANNUAL FUNDRAISER at The North West Equestrian Expo CATERING at the Showground ‘HUT’ (Friday 29 May – Tuesday 2 June) WAYS YOU CAN HELP: DONATING CAKES AND SLICES Please hand in to the School Office by Friday 29 May or to the ‘Hut’ at the showground from Friday 29 May Guest Speaker for History Elective History students were very lucky to have Mrs Barac visit recently to speak about her life experiences. Two of Mrs Macintosh’s classes – the junior World Issues class and the Year 11 Modern History – were enthralled as Mrs Barac explained how the Sudanese Civil War had affected her life from the age of nine. Additionally, Mrs Barac discussed the mindset she developed to tolerate the horrific situation in which she and her extended family had become trapped. One of her important messages was that education is the key to a better future. The students were captivated by Mrs Barac’s presentation and admire her resilience in adversity. The classes found it a thought-provoking experience and would like to sincerely thank Mrs Barac for taking the time to speak to them. VOLUNTEERING TIME Please volunteer your time to work at the ‘Hut’. 2 hour working time-slots are available each day, from Friday 29 May to Tuesday 2 June Please look out for the ‘Hut’ roster on the school’s website next term. THANK YOU Peer Support Year 7 and their Peer Support Leaders met on Tuesday, 24 February to learn about respect and showing care and consideration for themselves and others. They discussed the many ways they can show respect and were involved in activities which encouraged students to realise how others feel valued and accepted when they are respected. Year 7 students met with their Peer Support Leaders on Wednesday, 4 March to discuss the idea of responsibility. Students learnt that behaving responsibly means doing their best to meet their commitments. They discussed the different responsibilities they had in many areas of their lives. Students were encouraged to recognise that as they get older their responsibilities will change and this is often the result of the trust others place in them. We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 8 Art Preview Awards at Coonabarabran Show Coonabarabran High’s art students have achieved some excellent success this year at the local show. Clockwise from above: Lauren Bennell; Rabecca Cole; Ale Van Schalkwyk; Katie Young; Maddison Hincks; Ellen Nilsson. We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 9 60 seconds…. What’s On – FREE EVENTS Coonabarabran 30th March – 2nd April Various Activities @ Coona High School Chatter/Comedy Box, Volleyball, Dodgeball, Red Rover. Thursday 9th April Galaxy Girlz Cooking Club – 1pm til 6pm– Youth Club. Friday 10th April Opening of NYW – 2pm til 7pm – Youth Club Teenage Tennis, Shooting Hoops, Skate Skills & BBQ. Monday 13th April Cornflour Slime & Powder making (Colour Run) 10am til 2pm – Youth Club. Thursday 16th April Pool & Tennis Comp. – 12noon- 3pm Drop In Centre – Youth Club. Friday 17th April PCYC Blue Light Disco – 6.30pm til 9pm Free entry, Free Sausage Sizzle, Canteen available. Sunday 19th April “Colour Run”- Fun Run – 10am – 2pm No. 1 Oval, 1km & 3km Fun Run, BBQ For more information see: www.youthweek.nsw.gov.au www.warrumbungleregion.com.au/events Breakfast Club This week will see the commencement of a school Breakfast Club. The club will be run by volunteer staff and students on a daily basis from 8.30 am until 8.50am, serving a simple breakfast to any students. Year 10 Peer Support students and IYLP Scholarship students will also be helping out and volunteers from Year 11 are welcome. The initial setup and running costs will be covered by a community grant from Warrumbungle Shire Council, which will allow the school to purchase materials for running costs and ongoing supplies for Semester 1. While the school will be able to meet the initial running costs, we will gratefully accept donations to assist with ongoing running costs. The importance of eating a good breakfast in terms of positive educational outcomes is well established. We trust that this program will be a great support to our students. If you have any queries please contact either Duncan Graham or Mary Doolan. My name is… Alex McCaw My nickname is… Cheesy My friends tell me… shh! That’s not interesting My favourite movie is… Lord of the Rings—The Two Towers My favourite song is… I Want to Break Free—Queen It scares me, but I’d love to… sing The best advice I’ve been given was… enjoy the little things My favourite place other than Coona is… the inner core of the planet Venus My funniest memory is… when I performed in the circus swallowing swords If I could change one thing in the world, it would be… the chemical make up of the human brain I have never understood… the language English I am happiest when… I’m happy—logic I would cry if I lost… my sanity The hardest thing I’ve done was… Advanced Maths If I was Prime Minister I would… wake up from my dream If I was reincarnated I would come back as a… mosquito School has been… an experience, whether good or bad is up for speculation When I grow up I want to be an… annoying old man Any words of wisdom?... Any words that come from my mouth are not those of wisdom. North West Equestrian Expo 2015 If you are planning to compete in Expo this year, entries need to be given to Mrs Nash in the Library with payment by Friday 27 March. You must have a photocopy of relevant Showjumping or One Day Event grading cards OR a letter from a qualified instructor with your entry if you are entering in Combined Training 3 and above or if you are entering in the Showjumping or One Day Events. A safety requirement of Expo this year is that all riders must wear medical arm bands at all times. Some riders will already have these. If you need an armband, the Expo committee has made a bulk order of them and you can order one with your entry. All entries must be made by the school as a school. We cannot wait for your entry if you are late with it. All cheques must be made out to North West Equestrian Expo Inc. If your child has not received any forms from the school regarding Expo, please collect them immediately. The program and the entry forms are available on the Expo website. It is important entries are in by the due date. Minor changes can be made through the school after the closing date. Kellie Nash We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 10 Let’s Get Writing! Year 10 Camp 2015 Following on the success of past years, the English faculty have again been focusing on their students’ entries for the many writing competitions we compete in each year. With Years 7 and 10 solely focussing on their writing within their creative writing units, Years 8 and 9 have been taking time out of their reading of novels to get creative themselves. Teachers have been enjoying the wide appeal of their students’ stories, as well as the relaxed atmosphere that flows from students achieving something for themselves and sharing with each other. It makes for a lovely, positive beginning to the year for all involved! Whilst the hardest task might be ‘how do I begin my story?’, once begun, the draft process requires students to constantly re-evaluate their work, share with others and focus on the important areas of spelling, grammar, word choice and punctuation. Thus, the draft process models and teaches students essential skills that they will put into practice across subjects and throughout the years for greater success in creative, as well as analytical, writing. Whilst most of the short story competitions ask students to write based on an Australian theme or style, the Whitlam What Matters? Competition asked students to write persuasively about what matters to them in society today, seen as it is from their perspective as young adults. It is largely through the efforts of Mrs Macintosh that we all get so passionate about creative writing, as every year she tracks down more competitions to enter and streamlines the entry process for the students by making sure that entry forms are accessible and entries are in on time. With competition closing dates ranging from the end of March to the beginning of April, both students and teachers look set to continue having a rewarding time in the classroom for some time to come. We will keep you posted on our successes! Year 10 will travel to Coffs Harbour in August to participate in the Coff’s Coast Adventure Centre’s outdoor education program. Students will be involved in a variety of activities including surfing, stand up paddle boarding, high ropes, and commando training and night time activities. Places are filling up fast and students will need to return their permission note with their $50.00 deposit to Ms Ryan in the front office to secure their place on this trip. Easter Sundance Festival Date: April 5th, 2015 Where: Burra Bee Dee Picnic Area Open Invitation – Everyone is welcome Come and join the Coonabarabran Local Aboriginal Land Council and local elders on Easter Sunday at our beautiful Burra Bee Dee Mission to watch the Sun dance across the sky from Forky Mountain and an early morning breakfast followed by an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Agenda 5:00am – Meet and Greet at Burra Bee Dee car park 5:15am – Begin Tour/ walk up Forky Mountain 6:30am – Breakfast 8:00am – Easter Egg Hunt for kids/ Tour and stories Please RSVP to the Coonabarabran Local Aboriginal Land Council before the 2nd of April 2015, for catering purposes. Ph: (02) 68423137 We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com Term 2 2015 Cathy Raaen Debbie Korf 5-May Jenny Smith 12-May Caroline Purdy Arndell 19-May Athletics Carnival 26-May Joanne Harris 2 June EXPO 4-May Ansie 11-May Belinda Meier 18-May Dee Roworth 25-May Paula Soussa 1 June EXPO We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com 24-Jun 17-Jun 16-Jun 23-Jun Debbie Korf Caroline Purdy Arndell If you can do any other days please phone me on the above number. Thank You. 22-Jun Tracee McHugh Queens Birthday Weekend 15-Jun 10-Jun 8-Jun 26-Jun 19-Jun 12-Jun Lois Smith 5-Jun Michelle McEvoy 29 May EXPO Leesa Kelly 22-May Angela Karagiannis 15-May Lois Smith Julie McGlashan, Canteen Supervisor 25-Jun 18-Jun Raylene Bonello 11-Jun Trish Knight Elizabeth Bowmaker Serena Fiegert 9-Jun 4-Jun Ansie 28-May 21-May Raylene Bonello 14-May 3-Jun 27-May 20-May 13-May Trish Knight 8-May 7-May 6-May Miriam Fretwell 30-Apr-15 Dee Roworth 29-Apr-15 1-May-15 24-Apr 28-Apr-15 23-Apr Friday 27-Apr-15 22-Apr Thursday Michelle McEvoy 21-Apr 20-Apr Wednesday PUPIL FREE Tuesday Monday If you cannot do your day please ring me on 6842 1904 or AH 6843 1671 CANTEEN ROSTER 11 We are still needing more volunteers in the Canteen. If any Parents/Carers/Grandparents have even a few hours in the morning to help us get under control, we would really appreciate it. The roster is also on the school website. I can be contacted on the canteen phone 68 421904 (8am-2pm). I look forward to meeting some new faces. Please also consider joining the Canteen Committee which meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 3.45pm in the Canteen. Thank you 12 Zone Team Members U15 Netball Team Coonabarabran’s High School’s U15 Netball Team has made an excellent start to defending the North West title when they played against Coonamble and Narrbari in Round 2 and 3 of the North West Knockout on Thursday 5th March. The team played exceptionally well in attack and defence, stamping their authority on both of the games early. The final score in the Coonamble game was 42 to 2 while it was 31 to 14 against Narrabri. This is an excellent start to defending the North West title as it puts the team into the Semi Final. Thank you to Liesl Fretwell, Breeana McNeilly and Hayley Walton for refereeing the games and good luck girls in the semi– final. Soccer Lily Abbott (Coona) Sally Deshon (Coona) Sarah Richards (Coona) Annie Nash (Coona) Heidi Abbott (Coona) Eugenie Martin (Coona) Teaghan Barron (Coona) Netball Liesl Fretwell (Coona) Sophie Stinson (Coona) Hayley Walton (Coona) Maddie McNeilly (Coona) Hollee Watts (Coona) Lakeyia Wood (Coona) Breeana McNeilly (Coona) Open League Harley Wood (Coona) Donald Kuras (Coona) Blake Cain (Coona) Steve Watton (Coona) Josh Masman (Coona) Ed Martin (Coona ) Luke Michael (Coona) U15 League Jack Isedale Darcy Abel Cody Whitty Fred Griffiths Back L-R: Ale Van Schalkwyk, Molly Atkinson, Kadesha Ayoub, Sophie Stinson and Hollee Watts. Front L-R: Darcy Cain, Kiara Hawkins, Mariah Pennell and Meg Walton. NW Swimming Carnival Fifteen Coonabarabran High students travelled to Armidale on the 2nd March to their represent their school at the North West Swimming Carnival. Despite the usual Armidale weather of four seasons in one day, all the students competed to their best ability and enjoyed the atmosphere. Three students were selected in the NW Team for individual events. They gained selection by placing in the top 3 positions in their respected events. Kate Masman was selected in the 100m Freestyle, Logan Meyers in the 50m Freestyle and Tristan Sulter in the 100m Breaststroke. These students will represent the school and NW region at the Combined High Schools Swimming Carnival being held in Sydney on the 26-28th of March. Good luck at the championships. North West Touch On Tuesday 10 March Blake Cain, Ethan Whipper, Donald Kuras and Jack Masman Travelled to Inverell to participate in the North West Touch trials. As usual the standard of touch was very high and our boys acquitted themselves well on a very warm day. At the end of the day Blake Cain was selected in the North West Open Team and will now go to Coffs Harbour to play in state inter-regional championships. Blake has previously represented North West in 15’s Touch. Thanks to Patty Cain for transporting the boys to Inverell. We’re on the Web! View online at www.coonabarabranhigh.com
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