2015 Application for Renewal of Registration Renewal Deadline: May 31, 2015 Please refer to the online Renewal Guide at http://www.cotm.ca/index.php/registration/renewal for more information or contact the office with questions. 1. MEMBERSHIP STATUS: Select the appropriate renewal status for COTM and/or MSOT, and complete the sections indicated. COTM Renewal Status Complete Sections MSOT Renewal Status Complete Sections Renew as Practising 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15 Join as a Full Member 1,2,13,14,15 Renew as Provisional 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15 Join as Associate (Retired) Member 1,2,12,14,15 Renew as Non-Practising 1,2,3,4,5a,7,8,9,10,11,15 Join as Out of Province Member 1,2,12,14,15 Resignation of Registration 1,2,4,12 Continue Life Membership 1,2,12,14,15 2. DEMOGRAPHICS: Indicate necessary changes to demographic information below and complete blanks. Name: Member #: Full Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Email: Home Phone: Work Phone: 3. EDUCATION UPDATES: Only complete if reporting new information. Submit a photocopy of any new degree(s). a) Designation: Certificate/Diploma Research (thesis-based) Masters Bachelors Professional (course-based) Masters Doctorate b) Details: Title of Degree/Certificate/Diploma _____________________________________________________________________ Major Field ____________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation _______________ School ________________________________________________________________ Province/Country _________________ 4. OT EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Provide details for where you worked JUNE 1/2014 – MAY 31/2015 The COTM currency requirement as per The Occupational Therapists Regulation is for 700 hours of practice in the three year period preceding the date of application for registration or renewal of registration. We ask you to provide us with your worked hours in the one year period (June1, 2014 to May 31, 2015) in order to conduct our review of your practice hours to determine if you meet the 3 year currency requirement a) Check all of the following items that apply: NOTE: Please see online notice i) I worked at least 700 hours during this period (Provide details in section b) regarding pending changes to hours ii) I have changed employers during this period (Provide details in section b) and currency requirements. iii) I have not worked at least 700 hours this period (Provide details in section b) iv) I was on leave of absence for more than 3 months (Provide dates in section b) v) My work included education or volunteer hours (Provide details in section b and attach proof) b) If applicable, provide details for your previous registration year’s work. If more space is required, attach a separate sheet to your form. Worksite Address (including postal code) In calculating “total hours worked” subtract vacation days, sick days, leave of absence, etc. Dates of Employment Total hours worked (if less than 700) Total Hours (if less than 700) FAILURE TO SUB MIT ALL DOCUMENTS FOR COTM RENEW AL BY MAY 31, 201 5** W ILL RESULT IN A LATE FEE 5. CURRENT OT EMPLOYMENT IN MANITOBA: Provide details for your work situation AS OF JUNE 1/2015 a) Choose one of the following descriptions that best suits your current work situation, then proceed as instructed. Working as an occupational therapist. (Please complete parts b &c of this section) Unemployed and not seeking employment in occupational therapy. (Proceed to section 7) Unemployed and seeking employment in occupational therapy. (Proceed to section 7) Employed, but on leave of absence such as parental leave. (Proceed to section 7) Employed, but not as an O.T. (Proceed to section 7) b) Complete all fields for each employer. If more space is required, please attach a separate sheet to your form. Employer Scheduled Hours Work Phone Address of Employer including postal code Primary □ Check here if same as in section 4 Secondary □ Check here if same as in section 4 Tertiary □ Check here if same as in section 4 [Primary - Most hours], [Secondary - Less hours], [Tertiary - Least hours]. If you have additional employers, attach a separate sheet to your renewal form. c) Complete all fields for each employer. See the Renewal Guide - Statistics if clarification is required. Is the postal code for the employer the same as the postal code for your worksite? (worksite = where service is delivered) Primary site □ yes □ no Secondary site □ yes □ no Tertiary site □ yes □ no Employment Category (indicate one for each employment) Primary Employment □□ 10 Permanent 20 Temporary Secondary Employment □□ 30 Casual Tertiary Employment □□ Tertiary Employment □□ Tertiary Employment □□ 40 Self-Employed Full/Part time Status (indicate one for each employment) Primary Employment □□ 10 Full time 20 Part time/Casual part time Secondary Employment □□ Position (indicate one for each employment) Primary Employment 10 Manager □□ Secondary Employment 20 Professional leader/ Coordinator □□ 30 Direct Service Provider 40 Educator 50 Researcher 60 Other Employer Type (indicate one employer type for each employment) Primary Employment 010 020 030 040 050 □□□ Secondary Employment General Hospital Rehabilitation Facility Mental Health Hospital/Facility Residential Care Facility Assisted Living Residence 060 070 080 090 100 □□□ Community Health Centre Visiting Agency/ Business Group Professional Practice/Clinic Solo Professional practice/Business Post-Secondary Educational Institute Tertiary Employment 110 120 130 140 □□□ School or School Board Assoc/Gov’t /Para-Government Industry/Manufacturing & Commercial Other Employer type, not described Area of Practice (indicate one for each employment) Primary Employment 010 020 030 040 050 □□□ Secondary Employment Mental Health Neurological System Musculoskeletal System Cardiovascular & Respiratory Digestive/Metabolic/Endocrine 01 06 □□ General Physical Health Vocational Rehabilitation Palliative Care Health Promotion & Wellness Other areas of Direct Service Tertiary Employment □□□ Service Administration Client Service Management Medical/Legal related Client Service Management Teaching Research 160 Other Area of Practice Geographical Area of Service Provision (indicate one for each employment) Map to RHA’s in Manitoba: -http://www.rham.mb.ca/rhaMap.html Primary Employment 060 070 080 090 100 □□□ Secondary Employment Winnipeg Mixed 02 07 Prairie Mountain Health Manitoba 03 08 110 120 130 140 150 □□ Tertiary Employment Southern Health Out of Province 04 Interlake Eastern 05 □□ Northern Client Age Range Primary Employment 10 41 □□ Secondary Employment Preschool age Mixed Adults 20 44 School age All Ages 21 98 □□ Tertiary Employment Mixed Pediatrics Not working with clients 30 □□ Adults 18-64 40 Seniors 65+ Funding Source (indicate funding source for each employment) Primary Employment 10 Public Government □□ Secondary Employment 20 Private Sector / Individual Client □□ 30 Tertiary Employment Public / Private mix 40 □□ Other funding source FAILURE TO SUB MIT ALL DOCUMENTS FOR COTM RENEW AL BY MAY 31, 201 5** W ILL RESULT IN A LATE FEE 6. LIABILITY INSURANCE: This section must be completed if renewing with COTM as ‘practising’ or ‘provisional’. As per The Occupational Therapists Regulation, Section 18: “Every occupational therapist who provides clinical services shall obtain or be covered by, and maintain, liability insurance coverage to a minimum of $5,000,000.00.” Indicate the type(s) of coverage you hold: CAOT Insurance: expiry date _________________________ - Original insurance certificate required with renewal Other Insurance: expiry date _________________________ - Original insurance certificate required with renewal Employer Insurance: covered by HIROC or HED (please specify) _______________________________________________ Other Employer Insurance - Verification letter required with renewal The nature of my practice does not necessitate liability insurance Remember: It is your r esp onsibility to maintain professional liabilit y insu rance cover age for all relevan t areas of pr actice. 7. PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (As of June 1, 2015): Answer the question, and provide details if required. Are you registered to practise occupational therapy in another province or country? Yes (provide details and proof) Regulatory Organization Province/State and Country No License/Registration # 8. REGISTRATION IN OTHER REGULATED PROFESSIONS (As of June 1, 2015): Answer the question, and provide details if required. Are you registered to practise in another profession in Manitoba or elsewhere? Yes (provide details and proof) No Check here if permanent registration certificate has already been submitted to COTM, then skip to Section 9 Regulatory Organization Province/State and Country License/Registration # 9. HISTORY and CONDUCT: Answer the following questions, and provide details if required. Do you have a physical or mental condition, disorder or addiction to alcohol or drugs that interferes with your ability to practise occupational therapy? Yes No Have you been refused registration by an O.T. regulatory organization since June 1, 2014? Yes No Have you had a finding of, or are you currently facing a proceeding for professional misconduct, incompetence, incapacity or a similar issue in another jurisdiction? Yes No Have you had a finding of, or are you currently facing a proceeding for professional misconduct, incompetence, incapacity or a similar issue in another profession in Manitoba or another jurisdiction? Yes No Have you been convicted of, or indicted for, a criminal offence for which you have not been pardoned, or are you currently undergoing a criminal investigation? Yes No If you answered YES to any of the above, COTM will contact you with information on how to proceed. 10. CONTINUING COMPETENCE PROGRAM (CCP) DECLARATION Have you completed the PREP *2014-15 COTM registration year online quiz (Topic: Consent) and received acknowledgement of completion? Yes No If Yes: Completion Date (mm/yy) _________________ If No: Reason Code: _________________ Have you completed a CCP Self-Assessment (SA) between June 1 2013 and the date of this renewal application? If Yes: Completion Date (mm/yy) _________________ Yes No If No: Reason Code: _________________ Have you completed or updated a CCP Professional Development Plan between June 1, 2014 and the date of this renewal application? Yes No If Yes: Completion Date (mm/yy) _________________ If No: Reason Code: _________________ Codes for “No”: 1= I have been on leave/nonpractising during *2014-15 3= I am registered and meeting CCP requirements in another province 2= I registered to practise for the first time in *2014-15 4= Other If you answered OTHER for any of the NO answers, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAILURE TO SUB MIT ALL DOCUMENTS FOR COTM RENEW AL BY MAY 31, 201 5** W ILL RESULT IN A LATE FEE AL L CO T M M EM BER S M UST CO M PL ET E EI T HER S ECT IO N 1 1 O R 12 11. DECLARATION I hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided on this application is true, correct and complete in every respect. I agree to abide by The Occupational Therapists Act and Regulation and the By-laws and Code of Ethics of COTM and the Essential Competencies of Practice for Occupational Therapists in Canada. I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain professional liability insurance coverage for all relevant areas of practice. SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE________________________________ 12. RESIGNATION FROM COTM: Provide place and date of last employment as an OT. Employer Address of Employer including postal code End Date I wish to cancel my registration with the College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba, and declare that I will not be practising O.T. in Manitoba after May 31, 2015. I hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided on this application is true, correct and complete in every respect. I understand reinstatement of registration is required prior to resuming O.T. practice in Manitoba. SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE________________________________ 13. COTM / MSOT NOMINATIONS: Please answer the following questions: Would you consider serving on the Council of the College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba? COTM is the regulatory organization for O.T.’s in Manitoba. Currently serving Yes No Would you consider serving on the Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists Board or Committees? MSOT represents and advocates on behalf of Manitoba’s occupational therapists. Currently serving Yes No 14. MSOT INFORMATION (to be completed by MSOT members only): Please answer the following questions: Would you be willing and able to provide OT services in a language other than English? Please specify language: ____________________ Yes No MSOTRF (Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists Research Fund) Would you like to make a donation to the MSOTRF? Yes $____________ (A cheque made payable to COTF (Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation) can be forwarded with your renewal.) Would you be willing to assist MSOTRF in reviewing grant applications? Yes No 15. MEMBERSHIP FEES: Check the category(ies) of membership that apply and submit fee(s) accordingly. College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba Practising $525.00 Provisional $525.00 Non-Practising $210.00 Late Fee $50.00 Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists Full member Associate Member (Retired) Out of Province Installment Payment Option $100.00 $37.50 $45.00 (Please see enclosed Information sheet for further details) COTM TOTAL TOTAL ENCLOSED $ MSOT TOTAL $ $ Make cheque or money order for the total amount (including MSOT fees) payable to: College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba or COTM (post-dated cheque or money order must be dated no later than June 1, 2015) ** Renewals will be accepted until 4:00 pm June 1, 2015 as a result of May 31, 2015 falling on a Sunday. College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba (COTM) & Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists (MSOT) 7 – 120 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 1L1 Phone: (204) 957.1214 Toll free: 1.866.957.1214 Fax: (204) 775.2340 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Web: www.cotm.ca; www.msot.mb.ca FAILURE TO SUB MIT ALL DOCUMENTS FOR COTM RENEW AL BY MAY 31, 201 5** W ILL RESULT IN A LATE FEE
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