DANCE SITES NETWORK WHAT DID WE DO PROGRAM 1- DEVELOPMENT In 2013 three artists were brought together from each partner organisation – FIONA BRYANT (VIC), RHIANNON NEWTON (WA), KAY ARMSTRONG (NSW) to support the development of 3 new work by circulating and exposing them at all stages of development to interstate audiences, peers and presenters. The first phase of the project was hosted by STRUT's Eyes Wide in the studio at Kings St Art Centre, Perth, WA in November 2013 followed by a 1-week residency "Process and Method" in February 2014 at Critical Path, Sydney. The final phase of the pilot, “Next Stages”, took place at Dancehouse in Melbourne in August 2014. NEXT STAGES 3-10 AUG 2014, DANCEHOUSE VIC Each artist worked one week developing their work in progress with feedback from Rebecca Hilton and three public presentations of the consortiums works in development. KAY ARMSTRONG 100th Monkey RHIANNON NEWTON Assemblies for one body FIONA BRYANT And Now I Know Workshop Program Five hands-on practical sessions led by experienced professionals working within the independent arts sector: o Working with a producer – a user’s manual o Building and understanding a production/ touring budget o Developing an international network o Working in regional Australia, the impossible dream? o Dreaming up your own context Witnessing the development of the works across the three gatherings of Next Stages, and particularly, the investment of the artists (and their collaborators) in each other’s creative process, was illuminating and satisfying in equal measure. Rebecca Hilton Dance Sites Network Page 1 of 4 PROGRAM 2 – PRESENTATION 22 NOV - 12 DEC, 2014 Rosalind Crisp, Andrew Morrish and Ros Warby taught workshops and performed new dance works in Perth, Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne PERTH 22-30 NOV, 2014 MOVEME IMPROVISATIONAL FESTIVAL Various venues Performances o NO-ONE WILL TELL US… by Rosalind Crisp o UNWRAPPING D A N S E A performed dance lecture by Rosalind Crisp (Australian premiere) o TWO SOLOS No Time to Fly choreographed by Deborah Hay and performed by Ros Warby & Court Dance her current work in development performed and choreographed Ros Warby o HE FERRYMEN by Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman Workshops o Rosalind Crisp o Ros Warby o Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman SYDNEY 21 NOV – 7 DEC, 2014 IMPROVISATION PRACTICES SYMPOSIUM Critical Path, The Drill Hall Public Program o SUSPENSION OF TIME AND SPACE - Streamed in real-time Tony Osborne - Sydney, Andrew Morrish and Peter Trotman - Perth, Hemabharathy Palani - India with Sally Doughty and Miranda Wheen in the UK met virtually, crossing time and space joining in conversation sharing their approaches to improvisation. o UNWRAPPING D A N S E by Rosalind Crisp o TWO SOLOS No Time to Fly & Court Dance. Performed by Ros Warby Workshops o Rosalind Crisp o Ros Warby o Seminar Series: Andrew Morrish & Jondi Keane BRISBANE 5 & 6 DEC, 2014 Expressions Dance Company studio & Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts. Dance Sites Network in partnership with Ausdance Qld who hosted Rosalind Crisp & managed local participation, information dissemination, advertising & administration in Brisbane. Dance Sites Network Page 2 of 4 Performance o UNWRAPPING D A N S E by Rosalind Crisp Workshop o ROSALIND CRISP MELBOURNE 7 -12 DEC, 2014 DANCEHOUSE Performance o TWO SOLOS No Time to Fly & Court Dance. Performed by Ros Warby Workshop o ROS WARBY I think the model that Dance Sites proposes an extremely viable opportunity for independent dance artists providing valuable resources and exposure with necessary critical feedback/mentorship en route. Paul Selwyn Norton – Director of Strut Dance One of the most important factors that the DSN made possible for me was the repeated and deepened development of my work across a series. This is rare in Australia. The flow-on from city to city enabled me to hone and expand my presentations with different audiences. The combination of performances and workshops made for a full and satisfying mix, exposing and intersecting the different yet complementary aspects of my practice Ros Crisp Sharing practice and new thinking with colleagues across three cities created a critical mass around the practice of improvisation for the first time in Australia. The creation of a performance platform was incredibly valuable, offering critical feedback from engaged audiences and colleagues within the umbrella of intelligent and engaged dialogue about Improvisation and performance practice. A great platform for both the individual artists involved, and the dance community across Australia. Ros Warby Dance Sites Network Page 3 of 4 ABOUT THE ARTISTS Kay Armstrong (NSW) is a respected and prolific member of the NSW dance community. Kay has been Artistic Director of pulse8, was Founder and Director of youMove Company, and has held numerous board memberships and peer assessment committees. She is currently focused on developing her independent solo practice. The work developed as part of Next Stages "100th Monkey' is solo movement piece that looks at the visceral ramifications of loss and how this state can be embodied, and how the viewer then experiences it. Through an investigation of active forgetting and improvised scores, the work negotiates in movement and spoken word the size and shape of shifts between the real and the hyper-real. Rhiannon Newton (WA) Rhiannon is an Australian dancer and choreographer focused on choreographic investigation, improvisation and physical research. Her Next Satges work "Assemblies For One Body" is a series of parameters that observe how repetition operates between the unknown and the known. Working alongside sound designer Kynan Tan, Rhiannon makes visible her processes of chance, memory, prioritization and loss. Through a network of emergent action-space relations, the work collects the shared present into a choreography that questions how identity and history is designated to a performed action. Fiona Bryant (VIC) is a Melbourne based choreographer and performer. Her practice is chiefly concerned with discovering and re-discovering ways in which to engage the whole psychophysical self in the processes of generating and performing live performance. In recent years her works have covered a diversity of themes including ageing, folk-pop culture, natural disaster and loneliness. Fiona is working with choreographer and performer, Natalie Cursio who makes small and distinctive works in a range of spaces and contexts. Intricate and experimental, Natalie's choreographies explore, process and comment upon issues and ironies around culture and nature. The NEXT STAGES work And Now I Know is a scored duet concerned with "our perceptions of and responses to the mundane, boring or nothing moments of our day-to-day existence". Facilitator Rebecca Hilton Rebecca Hilton is a Melbourne based performer, teacher, choreographer and director. Rebecca's choreographies have been presented by companies including Lucy Guerin Inc, BalletLab, Chunky Move, Laborgras (Ger), Mestizas (Arg) and La lagrima (Mex). She teaches extensively for companies, schools and in festivals through out the world including Sasha Waltz and Guests (Berlin), Impulse Tanz (Vienna), Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne), PARTS (Brussels), and Movement Research (NY). Dance Sites Network Page 4 of 4
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