CORDRY-SWEETWATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT NEWSLETTER April 2015 Chairman’s Comments by Jim Ray While there are myriad issues that the board of directors and CSCD staff must deal with on a day-to -day basis, there are two that tend to be of the greatest interest to the most freeholders, and for good reason. Those are the conservancy district’s budget – particularly with regard to its effect on property tax rates – and communication of information between CSCD and freeholders. The process for developing a budget for calendar year 2016 will begin soon in earnest. Although no numerical targets have been discussed yet by the board of directors, I’m certain all would agree that we should create a budget that is as frugal as possible, while still allowing us to accomplish what needs to be done to protect our infrastructure and make this a wonderful community. We were able to construct a budget for this year that was about $42,000 less than 2014. We have already asked each of the commissions, with staff assistance, to create tentative budgets for the areas they oversee. Those numbers will be merged, evaluated and adjusted, and there will be public meetings to discuss the budget that is being considered. If you have a strong interest in the budgeting process, and particularly if you have a background in dealing with such budgets, we would welcome your direct involvement early in the process as a member of an ad hoc budget preparation committee. While there have been focused efforts over the past couple of years to enhance our communication capabilities, in order to share information more expeditiously with freeholders, we will continually be looking for ways to improve. An old web site that was not particularly user-friendly has recently been replaced with one that contains more, routinely updated information; staff members regularly post information about infrastructure-related activities on a Facebook page; more information is being shared via electronic mail and through text messages; directors communicate in person, by telephone and via electronic mail with individual freeholders while staff members spend untold hours doing the same. None of the directors or CSCD staff members is a communications specialist, but we’re all trying our hardest. As part of our continuous improvement process, we’d love to have any of you with professional or technical communications skills work with us. If you have experience with web site development, marketing, professional writing or other related areas of expertise, please consider sharing your skills. Jim Ray , Chairman Open Saturdays May 2nd thru end of August Monday thru Friday 7:30AM to 4PM Saturday 8AM to 12PM June through August CSCD Board meetings dates will move to Saturday mornings at the CSCD Office. June 13, 2015 July 18, 2015 August 15, 2015 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 1 The Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District now has a new text alert system. It will send up to 8 messages per month with alerts and/or information to those who subscribe. This could be from boil water alerts to meeting date/time changes or cancellations. Message/data rates may apply. There are two ways in which you can subscribe: from your mobile phone you can text "cscd" to 97000 or you can go onto our website at and sign up from the homepage. Please like us on Facebook: Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District for information and updates about Commissions, Board Meetings, Infrastructure, boil orders, road conditions, and more! The District has a new website!! It has the same URL ( but a new look. You will be able to find meeting minutes for the Board and Commissions, the latest news, calendar of events and more! Please take time to check it out! If a Lot Owner is selling or purchasing additional lots, marrying lots, quit claiming deeds, changing names on lots, combining multiple lots onto one deed, that Lot Owner will need to record it with the Brown County Recorders Office and those documented changes will need to be filed with the CSCD Office. Please report any changes of address, email address and multiple phone numbers. It is necessary to reach residents when problems with Lot Owner’s property occur. 2 By: Josh Hawley Finally the winter grip seems to be loosened! As we say good-bye to the snow and welcome the warmer weather we wanted to thank-you for the positive comments and even baskets of goodies we received over the winter in regards to road clearing. We will assess our job and look forward to improving more for next winter! As spring rolls in so does the wet weather and wet weather means some muddy roads. Our crews are working hard to keep gravel on the roads and potholes filled. The Roads Commission is also looking at long-term solutions to some of the longer gravel roads. If you are having issues on your road, don’t hesitate to call the office and let us know. We are also going to be beginning several water projects including hydrant flushing, repair, and painting; replacing the yellow valve markers; and continuing to replace old service lines. We also still have a week each month that utilizes most of our staff for reading water meters; so we are busy busy! Work will also soon begin on several improvements at the beach area and the other offshore park areas around both lakes; as well as the construction of a new basketball court! We are very excited to be a part of all these great improvements for you, the freeholders. Please keep in mind that until our seasonal, part-time help is hired we are still only a crew of three trying to get these projects up and rolling as well as perform our daily tasks. We are looking forward to finally getting outside and beginning to make some real, positive changes as well as continue to update our infrastructure so that we are in a good position years from now. Safe travels back to these beautiful lakes and here’s to a great 2015 season! THE SPEED LIMIT IS 25 MILES PER HOUR ON MAIN ROADS. THE SPEED LIMIT IS 15 MILES PER HOUR ON SIDE DRIVES. WATCH YOUR SPEED BECAUSE WE ARE! 3 As the next step in our multi-year sediment removal plan, which calls for alternating from one lake to the other from year to year, work will soon proceed again in Cordry Lake. The contractor has already begun to stage equipment and hopes to begin work in the next few weeks. In some locations it will be necessary to ask lot owners to temporarily remove their free-standing boat lifts to allow for contractor access. Letters are being sent to several lot owners to that effect. If you are one of those lot owners, not only will you benefit from having sediment removed from your immediate vicinity, your neighbors will also benefit as contractor access to their lakefront can be accommodated. A list of the areas to be dredged is shown below, and it’s possible that the contract may allow for additional coves to be dredged, as well: CORDRY LAKE COVES - DREDGING IN 2015 COVE NUMBER LOCATED BETWEEN WHICH DRIVES G-1 Firebush/Elm Court G-6 Ginkgo/Haw H-2 Hemlock/Hickory H-6.5 Hackberry/Hornbeam I-3 Hoptree/Indian Cherry I-4 Indian Cherry/Inkbrush I-5 Inkbrush/Ironwood I-6 Ironwood/Juniper I-7 Juniper/Kingnut I-8 Kingnut/Laurel I-9 Laurel/Maple I-10 Maple/Nettle I-12 Maple/Nettle J-1 Hornbeam/Heather Court J-2 Heather Court/Heather J-3 Nettle/Oak J-5 Pawpaw/Cordry J-6 Pawpaw/Cordry J-7 Pawpaw/Cordry Adjacent to East End of Dam Lot AA 1 4 Board Meeting 3rd Tuesday of each month 7pm Clubhouse Building Commission 1st Tuesday of each month 7pm Clubhouse Ecology Commission 1st Thursday of each month 7pm Office Security Commission 2nd Tuesday of each month 7:30pm Office Roads Commission 2nd Tuesday of each month 6pm Office Water Commission 2nd Thursday of each month 5pm Office Please welcome our newest Board members, Matt Petersen and Jerry Engle! Matt Petersen took over for Quinn Hetherington for Area 3 and is on the Security Commission and Jerry Engle took over for Fritz Gantner for Area 7 and is on the Ecology Commission. Cathey Byers, who lives in and represents Area 6, has announced that she will be resigning from the board of directors by the end of May this year. The board will be responsible for appointing someone to fill her position until the annual meeting in January 2016, at which time a special election will be held to determine who should fill the position until the four year term to which Cathey was elected expires in January 2017. Although there are some questions regarding statutory requirements for eligibility to fill the position, we hope to have those resolved soon. In the meantime, if you have an interest in being considered for the position, please notify the office. Properly maintaining our dams is critical to the long term management and protection of the two lakes. An issue has been identified with a portion of the concrete spillway structure about halfway down the face of the Sweetwater Lake dam. An engineering consulting firm has been contracted to thoroughly evaluate the damaged portion of the structure, determine the best approach to repairing it, and prepare all the documents needed to solicit bids for performing the repairs. 5 As you know, the conservancy district has had rules in place for several decades that regulate construction projects, watercraft use, fishing, water utility operation and many other activities. We’ve indicated on several occasions during the past couple of years that an effort was underway to revise and improve the language of the rules to eliminate misunderstandings and reflect current needs. The effort has reached a point at which the various commissions have been asked to scrutinize what has been assembled so far, in order to then create a draft document that would be suitable for general circulation, evaluation and comment. The intent always has been to provide ample opportunity for all freeholders to be involved in the process, so we will continue to keep you apprised of progress on the project and notify you when a draft document becomes available for consideration, as well as when open meetings will be held to allow for freeholder discussion and comment. Now that spring is here, those of you who enjoy fishing are undoubtedly eager to get out on the lakes and begin fishing again. Please keep in mind that some new fishing rules were put in place last year that affect the number and sizes of largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, bluegill, redear and crappie you can keep each day. For details about the rules, check with the office or check the CSCD web site at If you already own a boat that is capable of holding ballast intended to create a large wake for wake surfing or other purposes, this is a reminder that the use of such ballast is prohibited on our lakes because of the potential for adversely impacting other boaters and for causing shoreline erosion. Boats with ballast tanks are allowed on the lakes as long as the tanks are not filled and the ballast system is rendered inoperable. If you own such a boat, you should have signed an affidavit asserting that you will not use the ballast system. If you are considering purchasing a new boat, you should be aware that there is a temporary prohibition against allowing any new V-drive boats on the two lakes, since those are the boats that typically contain ballast systems. As the weather warms up, construction work increases in the CSCD. The CSCD continues, as it has for many years, to review ALL construction done in the CSCD. If you are planning a project involving construction of structures on property within the CSCD, check first with the Nick Johann, the Building Compliance Officer, to determine if your project requires a permit from the CSCD which involves approval by the CSCD Building Control Commission and the CSCD Board of Directors. Discussion continues on improving and simplifying the building application for freeholders and contractors. 6 2015 CORDRY – SWEETWATER FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNDRAISERS AND OTHER EVENTS SCHEDULE CSVFD GARAGE SALE April 11(Pick-up/drop-off) 10 AM- 3 PM April 18 (Pick-up/drop-off) 10 AM- 3 PM April 25 GARAGE SALE 8 AM- 4 PM CSVFD PANCAKE BREAKFAST May 24 7:30 AM-11:30 AM CSVFD FISH FRY June 20 11 AM -7 PM CSVFD FISH FRY June 20 11 AM -7 PM CONCERT AT THE BEACH June 20 7:30 PM (Rain date 27th) CORDRY BOAT PARADE July 4 8 PM CORDRY-SWEETWATER TRIATHALON July 11 8 AM CSLOA FIREWORKS July 11 DUSK (Rain date July 18th ) CSVFD PANCAKE BREAKFAST July 12 7:30 AM-11:30 AM CSVFD PANCAKE BREAKFAST August 2 7:30 AM-11:30 AM CSLOA & CSVFD OX ROAST September 5 11 AM-7 PM FIRE PREVENTION WEEK October 4th-10th CSVFD OPEN HOUSE October 3 10 AM-3 PM CSVFD HAUNTED FOREST October 23 & 24 8 PM-Midnight HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREAT HAYRIDE October 31 6:30 PM 7 The Cordry Sweetwater Lot Owners Association and the Cordry Sweetwater Volunteer Fire Department provide valuable services to the freeholders of the conservancy district. Both are not-for-profit organizations that rely primarily on voluntary contributions from freeholders for their existence. Annual CSLOA membership fees currently support the clubhouse, the library, the July fireworks, playgrounds, and EMT/ambulance and fire protection services. The devoted, unheralded volunteers who staff both organizations can only stretch a dollar so far. Consider that they must conduct several fundraisers each year just to remain viable. Imagine what our lives at the lakes would be like without the services they provide. If you don’t already support these organizations financially through membership or otherwise, please consider doing so. Many of you have received letters indicating that your property is on this year’s rotation for a mandatory septic system evaluation. Because septic systems pose a significant potential threat to the quality of the lakes if they begin to malfunction, it’s very important that you comply with the instructions provided in the letter. There is an expense associated with the evaluation, but it’s only required every 5 years, and the cost associated with allowing a septic system to fail is orders of magnitude greater. Thank you for your cooperation in this important effort. For After Hour Water Emergencies, please call (317) 306-0882. It is that time of year to please take the time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. The CSCD Water Department asks that you please not remove your blue flag placed next to your meter pit as these are used to help locate the meter. THA NK Y OU!! It’s that time of year again to start looking at sprucing up the yard. Be very careful how you treat your lawn. Please do not use anything that will harm the lakes. Make sure your fertilizer is phosphorus free, since phosphorus promotes growth of algae when it washes into the lake. The conservancy office has information on a new organic liquid lawn treatment which will not leach into the water, and is safe for animals and humans. Contact or come by the office for information. 8 The conservancy district has contracted again this year for a professional vegetation management firm to conduct surveys of both lakes in early May, and again in June, and determine herbicide treatment needs on the basis of those surveys. The goal of the treatments, as outlined in the CSCD’s vegetation management plan, is to prevent an overabundance of aquatic vegetation, but maintain enough of the plants to maintain an ecological balance in the lakes. Protecting the long term health of the lakes is essential to their appeal to those who might wish to own property in CSCD. Striking the right balance between too few and too many plants, while trying to satisfy the sometimes competing interests of all the lakes’ users is challenging. Nonetheless, CSCD strives to accommodate everyone’s interests and desires, to the extent possible. You can review the CSCD Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan on the website at From a fire or medical emergency perspective, it is very important that you have your house number displayed on your home or somewhere near the road so that emergency personnel can quickly locate your home in an emergency. Also, check that your house number on your home matches your warranty deed since on one occasion this was not the case. The building rules require that your lot number is placed on your dock in a visible location from the water. This is also important information for the boat patrol should there be an emergency incident on the water near your dock that needs to be reported to the deputies or emergency medical personnel. Spring has sprung!! Time to do some spring cleaning. Reminder to help keep your property values up by keeping trash and debris cleaned up and around your property. The marina will open beginning Memorial Day weekend thru Labor Day weekend. The marina hours are as follows: Cordry Lake: Wednesday & Friday 4 pm - 6 pm Saturday 11 am - 7 pm Sunday & Holidays 11 am - 5 pm Sweetwater Lake: Wednesday & Friday 6 pm - 8 pm Saturday 11 am - 7 pm Sunday & Holidays 11 am - 5 pm 9 Your 2014 CSCD Board of Directors Jim Ray, Chairman 317-502-7985 Herb Benshoof, Vice Chairman 317-501-6811 Anita Writight, Secretary 317-933-3234 Cathey Byers 317-878-5293 Chad Crimmins Matt Petersen Jerry Engle Stacy Wethington Conservancy Manager 317-933-2750 317-755-7855 317-809-6091 317-933-2893 [email protected] Area 5 [email protected] Area 1 [email protected] Area 4 [email protected] Area 6 [email protected] Area 2 [email protected] Area 3 [email protected] Area 7 [email protected] Please do not dispose of waste along the roads of the Conservancy. Always deposit trash in trash receptacles. Thank you for helping us keep our area beautiful!! Cordry Sweetwater Conservancy District 8377 Cordry Drive Nineveh, IN 46164 Presorted First Class U.S. Postage Paid NINEVEH, IN Permit No. 22 10
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