Most Inspiring Newcomers Winners: Jephson H.A’s Scrutiny Panel About the panel Jephson HA’s Scrutiny Panel was set up in early 2013 and started training in June of that year. Following a rigorous recruitment campaign, 12 successful candidates were appointed; they were made up of a good mix of gender, age and ethnicity that reflected Jephson HA’s customer profile The panel chose its first review – customer involvement – during their induction training. Independence Although very new, the panel has demonstrated a good level of independence from the start. For example: The panel chose the topics it has reviewed The panel members worked together to develop their own approach to scrutiny reviews and worked with very little support from officers They write their own reports They carry out their own assessments of training needs and identify training to support their continued development They made a business case for the provision of lap tops – this enables the panel to communicate via video link and share information via Yammer, thereby cutting down on meeting related expenses Partnership working An internal and external assessment of the panel’s effectiveness revealed that the members have already been successful in building good relationships with Board, officers and other tenants. One senior officer said: ‘the panel has made a huge impact in the first year. Their report following the review of customer involvement made sensible recommendations for change, recommendations which influenced the direction of our business, improved engagement and saved us money. They are a great bunch of people who had not been heavily involved in the past, a refreshing mix of generations and backgrounds. This has bought new thinking, new working and new relationships that are really working for Jephson’ The panel communicates with other tenants about its role, activities and achievements via the customer newsletter and Jephson HA’s website. As a result of this, they managed to recruit 3 new members who were interested in the work of the panel; these new members had no previous involvement with Jephson HA. Positive outcomes The panel’s first review resulted in significant changes to Jephson HA’s resident involvement arrangements. They identified not only recommendations for improvements but also cash savings for the organisation by changing the way they work. As a result of the Panel’s recommendations/review, Jephson HA has: Restructured how they involve customers. This was done by phasing out tenant panels; which the panel found did not produce any outcomes and cost the organisation a lot of money. Put in place a wider menu of opportunities for customers to get involved. Put in place dedicated Regional Leads for Involvement Come up with a set of performance indicators and set ourselves targets for involvement within the organisation Provided extra resources to this area of the business from the savings made from phasing out of tenant panels The panel’s review of the contractor’s code of conduct resulted in a new code that has been introduced across all of Jephson HA’s contractors – something that was highlighted as good practice by one of the contractors. The judges’ comments: This group has achieved a significant amount in a really short space of time, having completed its first review about this time last year. The group has demonstrated independence at a very early stage. Significantly, as a result of the recommendations made by this group in their first detailed review, their landlord has refreshed its approach to customer involvement – a fantastic first review! They subsequently carried out a lighter touch review which resulted in a contractor making changes, not just for the landlord’s customers, but for other landlords’ customers the contractor works with.
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