April 2015 Or Current Resident Mother's Day is Sunday, May 10 We will be celebrating this as a “Women’s Sunday” with several members from United Methodist Women assisting in our Worship Services. We hope you will come and help us honor all women of CUMC! 1475 Center Road, Venice, FL 34292 941-493-7504 / 888-833-9408 Website: www.christvenice.com Email: [email protected] Dear Friends, We are in the midst of exciting times at Christ UMC! Over the past year, we have seen an increase in our worship attendance by about 15%. During the season (January-March) both our 9:15 and 10:45 services were full each week and we saw a 51% increase in attendance at the 9:15 service. On Easter Sunday we had several people volunteer to sit in the narthex at the 10:45 service to make room for our guests. If you have been keeping up with news around Venice, then you know that more developments are planned and coming on-line within a 5 mile radius of the church. 80% of our congregation lives within that radius now. We can expect to see more new people arrive at our church as these developments are built because you will be inviting them! How are we preparing for this growth? At the most recent meeting of the Church Council we discussed several options to handle this growth and voted to create a team to think through and come up with a strategy for growth. They created the Acts 2 Team. Sunday Worship Schedule 8 & 10:45 am Traditional 9:15 am Contemporary CUMC STAFF LEAD PASTOR Rev. Michael Hudson ASSISTANT PASTOR Rev. Larry Potts The Acts 2 Team is charged with thinking through the options for growth, coming up with a short term (actionable by October 1, 2015) and long term strategy, and presenting it to the Church Council in July, 2015. ASSISTANT PASTOR Robert Haley Of course, with growth comes change. But as we look back at our own history as a church, we see that we have always done what it takes to reach and welcome new people. Whether it was building a Sanctuary that was “too big” at the time or starting a contemporary worship service, our church has stepped into change with faith, not fear. God has done amazing things with the faith we have shown. And I can’t wait to be amazed at what He has in store for us next. YOUTH MINISTRY Jeff DunnDunn-Rankin Jonetta Dudley Marcia Schaberg NON PROFIT ORG U. S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA, FL PERMIT # 808 I’m asking each of you to be praying for the Acts 2 Team. We need wisdom, discernment, and faith as we explore where the Lord is leading us. Your faith and prayers will be what moves the mountains and makes a way for the Lord to work in a manner that will cause us to laugh and say, “Only God could do this!” These are exciting times, indeed! Yours in Christ, Pastor Mike MUSIC MINISTRY Cheryl Smith Bobby Whipple CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Susan Pence DISCIPLESHIP AND LAY MINISTRY Nancy Kinney TREASURER JoEllen Whipple SECRETARY Michele Morley CHILD D EVELOPMENT CENTER Anita Burton NOTES from the MUSIC MINISTRY SUMMER CHOIR IS COMING SOON!!! Have you always want ed to sing with a choir and have never been able to do it? Maybe the summer choir alternative is for you. During the months of June, July, August, and September, the choir comes in on Sunday mornings and practices with Cheryl at 10:15am in the choir room. There are NO Wednesday night rehearsals to attend during June, July and August. We don’t wear robes. Dress casual is worn. Interested? Summer choir begins Sunday, June 7. CHANCEL CHOIR!!! A huge “Thank You” to all the singers in the chancel choir for sharing your musical gifts during Holy Week through Easter Sunday. We always need singers, especially tenors and basses. Currently, we rehearse from 6:45 to 8:15pm on Wednesday evenings in the choir room. *Please note that our last rehearsal of this season will be May 27. Rehearsals will resume on Wednesday, Sept 9. PRAISE ORCHESTRA WE APPRECIATE YOU! Thank you once again to the members of our CUMC Praise Orchestra. This group of committed musicians accompanies our 10:45 worship services each week from October through April. Rehears als will resume again on Tuesday, Sept 29 at 11:15am in the sanctuary. We are always looking for more instrumentalists to play with us. JOYFUL SOUND NEEDS YOU!!! A big “Thank You” to our Joyful Sound singers at our Early Riser service! This small ensemble of dedicat ed folks adds so much to our worship experience. We meet each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary at 7:30am to do a sound check and run through the morning anthem. Please contact Cheryl Smith if you are interested in or would like more information on any of our music ministries. [email protected] LIBRARY NEWS! The new library shipment of books and DVDs are here! Come in and check out new items--a sampling for you: Debbie Macomber--the Rose Harbor series -- books #1 and 3 are in. Tim LeHaye--Books #3 and 4 of the "End Times" series Rosenbery--Book #3 of the "Twelfth Imam" series--Damascus Countdown Large Print -- The Family of Jesus Children -- Go Ahead and Dream Terry Blackstock--3 new books --Moonlighter series Plus non-fiction books by Chuck Colson, Bill Hybels, David Jeremiah and Jim Cymbala .... AND 7 new DVDs! Wow - I love books and these look like great reads --find them on the top bookshelf marked NEW-- read, enjoy, and please write a review. Karen Quinn Women of Valor In A Year of Biblical Womanhood (Thomas Nelson), Rachel Held Evans explores the concept of the Proverbs 31 woman, whose character is described as noble or virtuous. Many scholars say the most accurate translation of the Hebrew phrase “eshet chayil” is actually the “valorous woman.” To many modern-day women, Proverbs 31 seems like an impossible-to-meet job description. But Evans says that shouldn’t be the case. “The woman of Proverbs 31 is not some ideal that exists out there; she is present in each one of us when we do even the smallest things with valor,” she writes. “Like any good poem, the purpose of this one is to draw attention to the often-overlooked glory of the everyday.” To affirm the females in her life, Evans started calling them “women of valor.” What an honoring way to bless someone’s day! Brooks, Benjamin Seiders, Christian Ruehr, Sean Whidden, Skip Pack, Gaylord Pippin, Judi Vass, Lil Petty, Mariana Ah/born, Fred Davis, Sarah Decker, Arlene Hurst, Barbara Montano, Eleanor Storm, Mel Thompson, Ruth Kocher, Irene Milligan, Jan Obregon, Dr. Pete Peters, Carol Schmidt, Bill Czajkowski, Donna Wood, Jessica Bibus, Mary Brown, Barbara Hoffman, Donnabelle Crotty, Frances Hawkins, George Lafave, Irene Peterson, Lane Flowers, Mary Lou Schleutker, Jean Wolf, Karen Collins, Johnalee Harnish, Kay Sandilands, Gary Berry, Bernard Susalla, Leon 5/1 5/1 5/2 5/2 5/3 5/3 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/7 5/9 5/9 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/13 5/14 5/14 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/16 5/16 Blevins, Noah Gould, Meredith Shockey, Lisa Stone, Charlie Thomas, Catherine Grant, Don Hertzog, Ann Kotkiewicz, Tommie Leisenring, Melissa Sullivan, Pat Hitt, Karen Smith, Patti Baxendale, Paul Hunt, Mildred Robson, Dee DeArk, Betty Jones, Barbara Collins, Penny Noser, Brooke Gilmore, Beth Griffiths, Louise Kalkbrenner, Roger Schleutker, Earl Woodruff, Ken Klatt, LuAnn Weerasooriya, Lena Hunt, Gene Myers, Chris Vancura, Paul Reiter, Edie Wilson, Margie Barrick, Gary Booth, Betty Outerbridge, Janet Pfeiffer, Joan Canfield, Amy Demike, Sarah 5/17 5/17 5/17 5/17 5/17 5/18 5/18 5/18 5/18 5/18 5/19 5/19 5/20 5/20 5/20 5/21 5/21 5/22 5/22 5/23 5/23 5/23 5/23 5/23 5/24 5/24 5/25 5/25 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/28 5/28 5/28 5/29 5/29 Hadsall, Patricia McCluskey, Ginny Byers, Jerry Conover, Carolyn Quinn, Karen Carpenter, Byron Smith, JoAnn 5/29 5/29 5/30 5/30 5/30 5/31 5/31 Freeman, Terry & Kelly 5/1 Kellogg, Jack & Joan 5/7 St Clair, Gary& Juli 5/7 Crabbe, Larry & Marcia 5/10 Honn, Bill & Vicki 5/10 Obregon, Dr. Pete & Judy 5/11 Mersman, Harold & Jan 5/12 Disler, Tim & Jackie 5/16 Eichert, Matt & Bert 5/17 Draime, Walter & Carole 5/18 Rogers, Tyler & Patience 5/18 Kotkiewicz, Tom & Donna 5/20 Leisenring, Andy & Melissa 5/20 Thorne, Michael & Debbie 5/20 Whipple, Bobby & Kyla 5/21 Hilbert, Larry & Edith 5/25 Wardell, Carl & Donna 5/25 Knapp, Jack & Jean 5/26 Sheets, Paul & Marie 5/26 Caterson, Ed & Theresa 5/28 Montano, Rob & Eleanor 5/29 Gaylor, Bill & Phyllis 5/31 Thoennissen, Bill & Marge 5/31 You are invited to CUMC’s Intergenerational VBS On June 22nd – 25th, 6:00 – 8:00pm Experience the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of a unique culture at Thailand Trek VBS, where kids and their families will discover how much God loves the world. Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join us. Call 941-493-7550 to register for this life-changing adventure! Contact Susan Pence at 941-468-7550 or [email protected] if you are interested in being a part of the team for this exciting week! Great turn out for the golf tournament! WEEKLY ITEMS In total, the golf outing raised approximately $4,850 between 19 hole sponsors, 66 golfers, 6 spouse dinners, raffle tickets and mulligan sales. Club Whatever Sundays at 5:00pm We extremely appreciate everyone's continuous support by our returning golfers and hole sponsors. Through your generosity we are able to spread God's word and make a difference in the hearts of Gary, West Virginia! Chris Eaton, Youth Intern REVERB At the end of March, the youth group went on our annual spring retreat. This year, we traveled to a church in Wachula, Florida. The theme of our retreat was "Reverb". It was a weekend filled with powerful worship and lessons lead by Joshua Price. We also played Club Whatever's first game of “Quidditch” ever, and yes I am talking about the game from "Harry Potter." Everyone learned a lot and had a great time. Kori Disler, Youth Intern Seventh through Twelfth Grade students come to the Family Life Center each Sunday evening for a time of games, dinner, and worship. See our Youth Ministry page on the website (christvenice.com) or contact Jonetta Dudley for more information. SAFE Ministry Mondays at 6pm SAFE is a ministry of Support and Addiction Family Education. SAFE Support meets every Monday evening at 6:00 in Memorial Hall, Room 24. In addition to sharing and support, meetings include a brief educational discussion of a topic related to addiction and recovery, as well as prayer, good fellowship, and hope! Everyone who has a loved one with alcohol, drug, or other addiction problems is cordially invited to attend. www.cumc.info/SAFE, email [email protected], or call Jewell at 941-716-6169. Guest Follow-Up Ministry Wednesdays at 10am Are you one who loves to meet new people? Are you one who loves to brag on the ministries of CUMC? Are you one who believes in outreach for our Lord Jesus Christ? Then this is ideal for you. We go out two by two to greet the visitors from the previous Sunday, and new-comers to the area. You’ll be blessed! Call Pastor Larry at 493-7504. Worship at The Windsor Assisted Living Facility Wednesdays at 11am Come and join us for a short worship service at the Windsor Assisted Living Facility every Wednesday at 11:00am. Your support and interaction with the residents in this outreach opportunity to worship with others outside our church is appreciated. ACOLYTE CORNER We are now in the Easter Season. Easter Sunday is forty days (not counting Sundays) after Ash Wednesday. It is the first day of the Easter Season which is the crowning season of the Christian year. It is the period of celebration of the resurrection of Christ. The color is white - representing purity, chastity, light, and rejoicing. Some Easter Trivia: Easter was originally called “Pascha” after the Hebrew, meaning “Passover”. The date of Easter, which determines much of the rest of the church calendar, is fixed according to the Paschal Calendar. Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon, falling on or after the first day of spring (March 21). Fixing Easter in such a manner causes it to fall at the same time as the Jewish Passover, since the first Passover coincided with that feast. Exploration Station & The Current Wednesdays at 6:45pm Exploration Station is for elementary age children and The Current is for middle-schoolers. Both groups meet in the Family Life Center each Wednesday evening and are fun, engaging places for young people to learn and grow together in their faith. Contact Susan Pence at the church for more information. Pastor’s Bible Study Wednesdays at 5:00pm Meet in the main Sanctuary for a time of inspirational, practical, and Biblical teaching by Pastor Mike; currently, teaching through the book of Genesis. Yard and Grounds Crew Fridays at 7am (or so) WE NEED SOME YOUNGER BLOOD! We have openings for men and women to operate self-propelled mowers and weedeaters, clean-up sprinkler heads, maintain equipment, plus a host of other things. Please just show up on Fridays before 8am; come to the maintenance building. Contact Matt Eichert at 497-0965. “Tour of Israel with Andy Stanley” Recap Wednesday, May 20 at 6:45pm Presented by Rich & Elaine Hutter. Join them after the dinner in Memorial Hall Room 22 as they share the highlights of their trip to Israel, including the messages given by Andy Stanley and the main Biblical sites that were visited. Andy stated on the first night of the trip that there was an event that forever changed the world, find out what he was talking about. MONTHLY ACTIVITIES Pastor’s Social on the first Wednesday Wednesday, May 6, meet in the Memorial Hall Parlor at 6:45pm for an informal time to meet with Pastor Mike, ask questions, find out what it means to be a disciple at CUMC, and get to know others. Please call the church office to RSVP so that we know to expect you. Then, if you are interested in becoming a member of Christ UMC, we invite you to attend a 2 week orientation class that will help you get connected, and grow in your faith. These classes are held on the second and third Wednesday, 6:45. CUMC Nite at DAIRY QUEEN on the first Thursday Thursday, May 7 join us at the Venice Avenue Dairy Queen from 5-8pm. 10% of their sales during this time period are donated back to us for local missions. How Important is Education? Being a retired teacher, I’m a bit prejudiced, but I’d say it’s VERY IMPORTANT. Especially for today’s young people. Our technological society demands education beyond High School either College or Trade School. Please help our very own graduates by giving a donation this spring to the CUMC Scholarship Fund. Your help is needed and much appreciated! Thank you from your CUMC Scholarship Team Pancakes & More Breakfast on the first Saturday Saturday, May 2 in the Memorial Hall from 8:00am til 9:30am. This is a United Methodist Men’s sponsored breakfast with proceeds benefitting orphans in India. United Methodist Men’s Dinner on the second Tuesday Tuesday, May 12 at 6:00pm. Come for dinner in Memorial Hall and a guest presentation. Sign up on Sunday mornings after services; dinner is $6, payable at the door. Senior Singles Mingles (A Christian Social Group) Lunch and a Movie Monday, May 18 meet in Memorial Hall at noon. Glenn Petty will prepare lunch, now $6 per person, pay at the door. RESERVATIONS NEEDED. Call Pat Lysher at 484-4380 (after 9:30am) before Friday, April 17. God’s plan is for you to be in relationships that provide mutual help and assistance. As much as you need other people for help and friendship, THEY NEED YOU for the same reason. If you are looking for a “Jonathan to your David” type of fri endship, a man to man friendship of Biblical proportions, grounded in the Bible and in the John Wesley tradition, then the Jonathan Group stands ready to welcome you. Come and see what we are all about. We meet every Tuesday in the Memorial Hall Parlor at 10:00am. We’ll keep the door open for you and the light - His Light - is always on. After our meeting, we’ll catch a quick bite at one of our many local eateri es, by election, and wrap things up with a lot of friendly fellowship around the table. atÇvçËá aÉàxáM “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol.” (Galatians 5:22 NIV) “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25 NIV) This is a good checklist for me as I find myself sometimes not fully producing the fruit that has been given me by the Holy Spirit! I think being in the nature of Christ means I need to be the “whole fruit salad!” Ouch! Love you, atÇvç THANK YOU “COOKIE LADY!” It’s difficult to again say thank you to a wonderful person who is leaving their ministry work after over 27 years. Dee Wright has faithfully delivered cooki es to our first time guests visiting our church. She has affectionately come to be known as “the cookie lady” by many receiving the delicious cookies baked by so many of you. We still need your cookies. Pastor Larry and several members deliver bread each Wednesday morning to our guests and he has offered to add the cookies to the delivery! So keep the cookies coming. Thank you Dee and know that we love you! MINISTRY IN THE WORKS “Ministry in the Works” is something you will be hearing about in the near future. We are moving to matching Spiritual Gifts given by the Holy Spirit to all believers, with ministry service. This will be a gradual change as we engage in doing this together. If you are currently serving in a ministry, letters are being sent to the leaders of each ministry, inviting all to come to one of three “Ministry in the Works” sessions. (If you miss one, you attend one of the other sessions.) At each session you will have an opportunity to learn about some new ministry tools that will be available for you. It will also be a great time to learn about more suggestions that you may have for doing ministry. Thursday, April 16, 6:45pm – Session 1 Tuesday, May 26, 6:45pm – Session 2 Tuesday, June 16, 6:45pm – Session 3 THE TOOLSHED Using the ministry equipping tools, and how will they benefit you in ministry, will be the focus of “The Toolshed!” There are several new tools that will help you do ministry easier. There will be one session per month and will usually be the fourth Wednesday evening of each month, 6:45pm in Memorial Hall. Wed, May 27 “Churchteams Database” Wed, June 17 “Spiritual Gifts Inventory” Wed, July 22 “Spiritual Gifts & Ministry Matching” ALL STATES DINNER Recap & Update One of the programs that our church people seem to enjoy each year is the All States dinner. It is a night when new people can meet other church members, laugh together, enjoy a good meal, and then be entertained and blessed by the program guest. Paul and Esther Baxendale want to thank everyone who came on board to help make this year's event such a wonderful evening. It takes a lot of people helping to have the tables arranged, the tables set, the cooking, clearing tables, washing dishes and final clean up. Thank you everyone! The Baxendal e's have done the CUMC All-States Dinner for the past 10 years and they have decided to pass the baton to another person or persons in 2016. Paul and Esther are willing to talk to any interested party to explain the details of planning this event. It needs to be started now as contacting a program guest is usually booked early. Please contact Nancy Kinney at (941) 493-7504. Church Basement Ladies at Broadway Palm (Fort Myers, FL) Thursday, June 11, bus loading at 10:00 am $75 per person The ever popular “Church Basement Ladies” is back to serve up some laughs! From the senior matriarch of the kitchen to the bride-to-be learning to arrange things in proper order, everyone will recognize the humorous and down-to-earth characters. Added is a little romantic stir for the new pastor and the outcome is heavenly entertainment! TOUR INCLUDES: • Full Buffet Meal including Dessert Bar • Off-Broadway Palm Show We extend our deepest Christian sympathy to • • • Rodney Hornbake in the death of his wife Billie Hornbake Johanna Smith and family in the death of her mother Vera Olsen Doris Dohl in the death of her husband, Bill Dohl. Adversity is a part of life. But there's some good news, We don't have to face the challenges alone. Whether it's illness, anxiety, loneliness, personal battles or whatever, learn about how a Stephen Minister may be able to help you over the rough spots. We're not here to judge you. We're here to spend time, listening and sharing with you as you work your way through the problem. Sharing in a confidential setting can help you recognize the problem, express it, accept it, and understand it better. To learn more about our ministry, or to request a Stephen Minister, please call a Stephen Leader, Judy Obregon 445-5682, Don Paull 497-5597 or Juli St. Clair 416-2171. To receive Home Communion you may ask a Stephen Minister, a Stephen Leader or call the church office, 493-7504. If you have previously served as a Stephen Minister, we welcome you to join us in our program and invite you to call one of the leaders to discuss it.
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