Summer 2015 Let’s do stuff! Our outdoor classroom… To register: Call 914-274-8205 or go to Summer Camps 2015 Camps by Weekly Schedule (below) – Click on the camp name to get more info on each program. Pricing per camp is shown below; multiple camp and sibling discounts applied upon registration. All camps are ½ day, one week sessions. (Due to July 4 holiday, some camps run 4 days). See last page for more info. Click for: Camps by Grade Level Click for: Camps by Theme Click for: Policies/Discounts/Additional Info AM Camps are 9:00-12:00 PM PM Camps are 1:00-4:00 PM Children registered for AM and PM camps in a single week may stay through lunch at no additional charge. Date June 22-26 AM Camp (click on camp name for more info) Lead Instructor Ages Groupings Price A Trip Down Storybook Lane Jessica Lazarowitz 4-5 PreK 275.00 Jackie Bastardi 4-5 PreK 175.00 Isabel Dominguez 5-9 Open Studio 250.00 Jackie Bengastardi 5-7 Grade K-1/Grade 2 225.00 Jessica Lazarowitz 6-10 Grade 1-2/Grade 3-5 225.00 Wonderful journey through childhood favorites while creating characters and settings of classical children’s tales. June 22-26 PM Creative Robot Factory Tech and creativity combine in this class designed to open up ideas on what your personal robot should look like, build it, then learn about basic electronics to make it move. Robots are kept by participants. June 29-July2 AM Woodworking Studio The open woodworking studio allows for kids to design their own projects and then work with the guidance of the instructor to bring it to life. Kids start with blueprints and raw materials – no kits here! This is real creative woodworking in the true sense of the word. June 29-July2 PM STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics Explore the concept that “everthing in the universe has an effect on every other thing” by testing, recording, designing and making. This class explores basic concepts of physics – the driving forces of our world – and brings them to life in games we play and projects we build. Every day is a new theme. June 29-July2 PM Calder’s Circus with littleBits Circuits A wonderful combination of technology and inspired creativity. Kids re-create the concept of Calder’s circus and then learn how to automate it with littleBits circuitry. July 7-10 AM Hudson Valley Paleontologists Jackie Bastardi 5-7 Grades K-2 225.00 Jackie Bastardi 5-7 K-2 225.00 Learn how fossils form and how they are excavated by professionals. Study extinct animals and the traces they left behind. Create your own model of a dinosaur. Practice excavating techniques. July 7-10 PM STEAM Camp B: Engineering Feats I Projects and challenges involve making things that float the longest, bear the most weight, stay aloft, and project the furthest using concepts of mechanical, civil and aviation engineering. Teaching fundamental engineering concepts. July 7-10 PM Minecraft Redstone/Obstacle Course Challenge Sean Curran 8-11 Open 225.00 Tara Carmody 9-12 Grade 4-6 250.00 Sean Curran 10-14 Grade 5-8 275.00* Jackie Bastardi 5-7 Grade K-2 275.00 TBD Incrediflix Staff 5-7 Grade K-2 7-13 Peer Groups 275.00 275.00 Incrediflix Staff 7-13 Peer Groups 275.00 Adele Falco 5-7 One Group 175.00 Jackie Bastardi 5-7 Grade K-2 275.00 Sean Curran 12+ Grade 6-8 275.00 Jackie Bastardi 8-11 Grade 3-4/Grade 5-6 275.00 Take the challenge! You have the chance to create a complex obstacle course challenge and work with your peers and the instructor to see how your challenge is working (or does it need more work?). Kids work in live Minecraft environment on individual computers. July 13-17 AM Young Novelists If you have a story in your head (or maybe you’ve already starting writing it?), you will work with a creative instructor to bring your story to life. This is a creative writing class for kids who want to write their own novels from scratch or work on one they have already begun. July 13-17 PM Robot Demolition Derby-Arduino/Raspberry Pi Design, build and program your own robot using Arduino and Raspberry Pi programming interface tools. July 13-17 PM STEAM Camp C: EcoFriendly Engineering Investigations into alternative forms of energy, solarpowered devices, solar ovens, innovative ways to grow plants and water treatment processes. July 20-24 July 20-24 AM AM Aquanauts: Marine Biologists Live Action Flix Hosted by Curious-on-Hudson and delivered by Incrediflix, kids produce their own professionally edited movies with a crew on-hand. July 20-24 PM LEGO Flix Hosted by Curious-on-Hudson and delivered by Incrediflix, kids produce stop-motion animation films with LEGO. July 21-23 PM SCRATCH Game-Maker for Early Readers Class for young children just beginning to read and early readers to learn Scratch, the coding program from the Lifelong Kindergarten at M.I.T. July 27-31 AM Creative Robot Factory Tech and creativity combine in this class designed to open up ideas on what your personal robot should look like, build it, then learn about basic electronics to make it move. Robots are kept by participants. July 27-31 PM Intro to 2D Game Design Intro to coding (C++), basic computing concepts and use of the AGK (game engine) to produce simple video games. July 27-31 PM STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics II Explore the concept that “everthing in the universe has an effect on every other thing” by testing, recording, designing and making. This class explores basic concepts of physics – the driving forces of our world – and brings them to life in games we play and projects we build. Every day is a new theme. Projects are done in groups using indoor and outdoor spaces. Aug 3-7 AM Woodworking Studio Isabel Dominguez 9-13 Grade 4-5/Grade 6-8 275.00* Open studio for older kids involves design and building using raw materials. Kids use variety of handt ools to create their own projects. Aug 3-7 AM Robot Demolition Derby-Arduino/Raspberry Pi Sean Curran 10-14 Grade 5-8 275.00* Design, build and program your own robot using Arduino and Raspberry Pi programming interface tools. Aug 3-7 PM Printmaking Isabel Dominguez 9-13 Grade 4-5/Grade 6-8 275.00 Jackie Bastardi 8-11 Grade 3-4/Grade 5-6 275.00 Creating printing through collagraphs foar and E-X cut printing plates. Combined print-making, drawing and collage. Aug 3-7 PM STEAM Camp B: Engineering Feats II Projects and challenges involve making things that float the longest, bear the most weight, stay aloft, and project the furthest using concepts of mechanical, civil and aviation engineering. Teaching fundamental engineering concepts. Investigates engineering through the ages from ancient to modern times. Aug 10-14 AM Build a City and Light it Up! Jessica Lazarowitz 5-7 Open 275.00 Build a cardboard city and use circuits to light it up – art/tech/creative hybrid camp. Aug 10-14 PM Minecraft Redstone Challenge Camp II Sean Curran 8-12 Grade 3-6 275.00 Jackie Bastardi 8-12 Grade 5-8 275.00 TBD Jessica Lazarowitz 8-12 Grade 3-4/Grade 5-6 5-7 Grades K-3 275.00 275.00 Tara Carmody 9-12 Grades 4-6 250.00 Sean Curran 12+ Grade 6-8 275.00 Jackie Bastardi 9-13 Grade 4-5/Grade 6-8 275.00 Take the challenge! You have the chance to create a complex obstacle course challenge and work with your peers and the instructor to see how your challenge is working (or does it need more work?). Kids work in live Minecraft environment on individual computers. Aug 10-14 PM STEAM Camp C: Eco-Friendly Engineering II Build solar kits and cars, explore forms of energy through projects, outdoor experiments with heat/wind, innovative growing techniques, etc. Aug 10-14 Aug 17-21 PM AM Marine Biologists Everything 3D 3D art projects involving clay, wood, recycled objects, etc. Kids build a variety of projects over 5 days. Aug 17-21 PM Young Novelists If you have a story in your head (or maybe you’ve already starting writing it?), you will work with a creative instructor to bring your story to life. This is a creative writing class for kids who want to write their own novels from scratch or work on one they have already begun. Aug 17-21 PM Intro to 2D Game Design Intro to coding (C++), basic computing concepts and use of the AGK (game engine) to produce simple video games.s Aug 24-28 AM Girls of Hogwarts Take Control Girls build the on the theme of Harry Potter, using their imagination, design skills and loads of materials. Build fortifications, siege machines and more. Aug 24-28 PM Steam Camp D: Bigger and Better Engineering 9-13 Grade 4-5/Grade 6-8 Jackie Bastardi 275.00 Larger-scale building projects for older kids; incorporates outdoor based themes of floating, flying and shooting. Trebuchet, fluetags, more. Aug 25-27 PM Build Your Own Computer Sean Curran 10-14 One Group Participants can either build their own computers (to keep) or participate in the activity with the instructor. Participants will assemble a computer from components and assemblies, install software (Linux), test and debug. $200 fee does not include actual computer parts (est. $400). All participants will use the same parts – list to be provided by Curious-onHudson. *Camps with asterisk have an additional $30 material fee. Camps by Grade Level (as of fall 2015): If you think your child is right for a camp but is not at the required grade level, please call to discuss (914-274-8205) or email us at [email protected] June 22-26 June 22-26 June 29-July2 June 29-July2 July 7-10 July 7-10 July 13-17 July 20-24 July 22-24 July 27-31 Aug10-14 Aug17-21 AM PM AM PM AM PM PM AM PM AM AM AM A Trip Down Storybook Lane Creative Robot Factory Woodworking Studio STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics Hudson Valley Paleontologists STEAM Camp B: Engineering Feats I STEAM Camp C: EcoFriendly Engineering Aquanauts: Marine Biologists SCRATCH Game-Maker for Early Readers Creative Robot Factory Build a City and Light it Up! Everything 3D July 20-24 July 20-24 June 29-July2 July 7-10 July27-31 Aug 3-7 Aug 10-14 Aug10-14 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Aug 10-14 PM Grade 4 and above July13-17 (Ages 9-12) Aug17-21 AM PM Live Action Flix LEGO Flix Calder’s Circus with littleBits Circuits Minecraft Redstone/Obstacle Course Designer STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics II STEAM Camp B: Engineering Feats II Marine Biologists STEAM Camp C: Eco-Friendly Engineering II Minecraft Redstone Challenge Camp II Young Novelists Young Novelists Grade 4 and above Aug3-7 AM Woodworking PreK Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 2 and above (Ages 7-13) Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 200.00* Aug 17-21 PM PM Aug 3-7 AM Printmaking Girls of Hogwarts Take Control Steam Camp D: Bigger and Better Engineering Robot Demolition Derby-Arduino/Raspberry Pi Intro to 2D Game Design Intro to 2D Game Design Robot Demolition Derby-Arduino/Raspberry Pi Aug24-28 PM Build Your Own Computer (Ages 9-13) Aug3-7 Aug24-28 Aug24-28 Grade 5 and above July 13-17 (Ages 10-14) July 27-31 PM AM PM PM Camps by Theme Engineering June 29-July2 July 7-10 July 13-17 July 27-31 Aug 3-7 Aug 10-14 Aug 24-28 Aug 24-28 PM PM PM PM PM PM AM PM STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics (5-7_ STEAM Camp B: Engineering Feats I (5-7) STEAM Camp C: EcoFriendly Engineering (5-7 STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics II (8-11) STEAM Camp B: Engineering Feats II (8-11) STEAM Camp C: Eco-Friendly Engineering II (8-11) Girls of Hogwarts Take Control (9-13) Steam Camp D: Bigger and Better Engineering (9-13) AM AM PM PM AM PM AM Everything 3D (5-7) Live Action Flix (7-13) LEGO Flix (7-13) Calder’s Circus with littleBits Circuits (6-10) Everything 3D (5-7) Young Novelists (9-12) Young Novelists (9-12) Creative Arts Aug17-21 July 20-24 July 20-24 June 29-July2 Aug 17-21 Aug 17-21 July13-17 Arts with Tech June 22-26 June 29-July2 July 27-31 Aug 10-14 PM PM AM AM Creative Robot Factory (4-5) Calder’s Circus with littleBits Circuits (6-10) Creative Robot Factory (5-7) Build a City and Light it Up! (K-2) AM AM PM Woodworking Studio (5+) Woodworking Studio (9+) Printmaking (9+) PM AM AM STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics (5-7) Hudson Valley Paleontologists (5-7) Aquanauts: Marine Biologists (5-7) Crafts June 29-July2 Aug 3-7 Aug 3-7 Science June 29-July2 July 7-10 July 20-24 July 27-31 Aug 10-14 PM PM STEAM Camp A: Phenomenal Physics II (8-11) Marine Biologists (8-12) PM PM PM AM PM PM PM Robot Demolition Derby-Arduino/Raspberry Pi (10+) SCRATCH Game-Maker for Early Readers (5-7) Intro to 2D Game Design (12+) Robot Demolition Derby-Arduino/Raspberry Pi (10+) Minecraft Redstone Challenge Camp II (8-12) Intro to 2D Game Design (12+) Build Your Own Computer (10+) Technology July 13-17 July 22-24 July 27-31 Aug 3-7 Aug 10-14 Aug 17-21 Aug 25-27 Discounts, Refund Policies and Scholarships Age-Appropriate Classes: The age range/grades above reflects our experience in similar classes at Curious-on-Hudson and the general skill level of the intended age group. Some flexibility based on the individual needs and characteristics of individual kids can be considered. Please get in touch with your special requests (914-274-8205 or email your question to [email protected]). In classes where a wide range of grade levels are shown (i.e., K-5), participants are divided up by age group. We have a large studio space for children’s classes that allows us to break kids up in ageappropriate groups. In some classes, peer support between older and younger kids is part of the plan (and is a great learning opportunity for both age groups). In larger groups, multiple instructors are on hand to work with different age groups. This varies by class. We encourage your questions. Scholarships: If you admire what we do at Curious-on-Hudson but can’t send your child to summer programs due to financial restraints, please TALK TO US. We have all sorts of creative ideas from work barter to sponsorship and so on…call 914-274-8205 or email [email protected]. We also work with several community organizations to sponsor children in need. No child left idle. Referrals: See Friends Discount policy below. Cancellation Policy: Cancellations made more than 3 weeks before the start of a class/camp are refundable at 100%. Cancellations made less than 3 weeks of the start date are eligible for a 50% refund. Cancellations made less than 2 weeks are eligible for a 25% refund. Cancellations made less than one week before the start date or later or not eligible for refund. Discounts: Curious-on-Hudson offers a number of discounts for summer. These are based on the total number of camps for which you are registering, sibling discounts and discounts for friends registering together. See below for specifics. All discounts must be made through telephone registration. We will register your children and send you an invoice that can be paid online (or you may pay over the phone when we take your registration). Multi-Camp Registration Discounts (applied to all children in the same family) First Camp: Enrollment fee as stated Second Camp: 10% off both camps Third (or more) Camps: 15% off all camps Sibling Discounts (Siblings must be in the same camp. Discounts will be added to discount for multi-camp registration.) 10% off the total class cost for two siblings 15% off the total class cost for three or more siblings. Friends Discount (Friends must be registered at the same time. Additional discounts will not be added if additional friends are added after initial registration. Friends may register their own children but we collect all friend's names when we take the first registration. If the other friends do not register as planned, the discount will be reversed.) Friends discount will be applied to any previously established discounts excepting sibling discounts that have already been applied. The Friends discounts are as follows: 5% off the total camp cost for two or more friends in the same camp. 10% off the total camp cost for three or more friends in the same camp. 15% off the total class cost for four or more friends in one camp. How to register: 1. Online at 2. Be phone at 914-274-8205 3. Attached form (mail to Curious-on-Hudson, 145 Palisade Street, Suite 2S, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. Please make checks payable to Curious-on-Hudson).
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