May 22, 2015 Dear parent/guardian, The annual District 124 summer band program will run every Monday through Thursday from 9am to 10:45am. Summer band is scheduled to start on Monday, June 15th and end on Thursday, July 2nd with an 11am concert followed by marching in the Evergreen Park Independence Day Parade. All summer band rehearsals and the morning concert will take place at Evergreen Park High School in the LRC. Students who are not able to march in the parade are still welcome to join summer band, as long as they are able to perform at the 11am concert on July 2 nd. Students who will have to miss a few days of summer band rehearsals will be allowed to join summer band, but cannot miss more than a maximum of four rehearsals without Mr. Dreyer’s approval (exceptions will be made only for more advanced students who have proven the ability to catch up quickly). The fee for participating in the concert/marching band and parade will be $60 dollars. Summer band members are required to purchase a CMS Band t-shirt for $8 dollars, unless your student already owns the tee shirt from prior years. I recommend purchasing a shirt large enough that your student can continue to use it through 8th grade, as this shirt will be used as the “Class B” band uniform in the CMS Concert Band. For all students who will be marching in the parade, I strongly recommend purchasing a lyre and flip folder (a portable music stand that clips onto the instrument). Students who do not own a lyre will be required to perform the parade music from memory (percussion and tubas exempted, as they will be on the parade truck with music stands). Lyres will be available for purchase during the first week of summer band (make checks payable to Quinlan and Fabish). Lyre prices are as follows (flip folders included): flute: $12, clarinet: $12, saxophone: $10, trumpet: $12, trombone: $12. For students who have completed sixth or seventh grade band, we will offer a summer jazz band. Students who have only completed one year of fifth grade band will NOT be allowed to participate in the jazz band. The intent of the jazz band is to offer an elite ensemble that will challenge the more advanced band students in the district. This group will rehearse from 11am to 12pm following the concert band rehearsals. Students must participate in the concert band in order to participate in the jazz band. The jazz band will perform on the July 2nd concert at 11am. The fee for participating in the jazz band is $20. Students should be dropped off for summer band rehearsals at the door by the main office on the Southwest corner of EPHS anytime between 8:40 and 8:50am, so that we will be ready to start rehearsals promptly at 9am. Students should bring a water bottle to all rehearsals. The July 2nd parade schedule is as follows: between 5:15 and 5:30 pm, line up at corner of 97 th and Hamlin. From there, we will walk to our assigned parade starting location. The parade starts at 6:30 pm. Students should be picked up from the parking lot of Northeast School at approximately 7:45pm. If you have any questions or comments, I can only be reached through email during the summer, as I will have no access to my voicemail at Central due to construction throughout the summer. Sincerely, Mark Dreyer Director of Bands [email protected] Evergreen Park District 124 Summer Band Registration Due Monday, June 9th (Check all that apply) My band student will participate in the summer concert band from 9am to 10:45am every Monday through Thursday from June 15th through July 2nd. I have enclosed the $60 dollar registration fee (make checks payable to Evergreen Park School District 124). My band student will be able to march in the Evergreen Park Independence Day Parade on Thursday, July 2nd from 5 to 8 pm (no additional fee). My band student has completed sixth or seventh grade band and will be participating in the summer jazz band program from 11am to 12pm from Monday, June 15th through Thursday, July 2nd. I have enclosed the additional $20 dollar jazz band registration fee. My band student does not already own the black and green Central Middle School band shirt from last year. I have enclosed the $8 dollar fee. Shirt Size (adult sizes): small_____ medium_____ large_____ Student Name_________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name__________________________________________ Parent Daytime Phone Number___________________________________ Parent Evening Phone Number____________________________________ Allergies or health concerns________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
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