CONSOLIDATED HTGH 5CHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL BOARD MARCH 26,2015 - 7:00 PM AMO5 ALONZO STAGG HTGH SCHOOOL 8015 W. 11lTH STREET, PALOS HILLS, ILLINOIS REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD ,IAEETIN6 to Order - 1. 2. 3. Colf 4. Approvol Pledge of Allegionce Roll Coll Amendments to Agendo of Consent Agenda - Action 3 A) Trovel; B) Donotions; C) Hoir Professionals D) E) F) 6) H) I) J) 4-6 7-tt t?-?o Career College Agreement: Instructionol Moteriols for 30-Doy Review; Instructionol Moteriols for Adoption; Renewol of Annuol IHSA Membership; Electrícol and Naturol 6qs Purchase Authorizotion; 2}t5-20t6 P. E. Uníform Bid; Routine Busíness Service Resolution (bíll listing enclosed); ond Approvol of Minutes from Regular/Executive Boqrd ond Commíttee ?L ?? 23-26 27 28 29-30 31-53 '5. Communicotions - Reguests & Comments A) Old Business B) New Comments (1) Teochers' Assocíolíon (2) (3) Educotional Support Professionols' Associqtion Public 6. Instruction A) Boord Educotíon Committee - 3/4 meeting. Next meeting 4/? B) Student Boord Representotive Reports C) Acodemic Spotlight 54-55 D) fnstruction (1) Curriculum ond fnstruction Spotlight 7. Student Services A) Boord Student Services Committee - 3/tO meeting concelled. Next meeting 4/14 (1) Princípol Tronsfer Reguest - Actíon following Executive Session 8. Finonce & Focility A) Boord Building/Finonce Commiltee - 3/t6 meeting concelled. Next meeting 4/2O B ) Ro ut_i ¡gr .B_g-s_in"ç"çs Serv ce Res o u t on (ei! L| i-sLl ng_ Enç lqsed ) 2127 - 3126, 201 5: $3,534,764.50 1. BILLS PAYABLE i 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. l i 3: PAYROLLSUMMARY 2t27: ¡NSURANCE IMPREST DISTRICT RECEIPTS 2128: $85,07 1.52; 3113: $34,470.81 ; 3/1 3: $91 3,800.49 21 4-9. 201 5: $24, 602. 38 : 2120 - 312, 201 5: $24,932,21 CO.CURRICULARACTIVITY Carl Sandburg Athletic Convenience Account Amos Alonzo Stagg Athletic Convenience Account 49,218.40: 3/1 $3,481 February 2015: $21,121,963.95 RECEIPTSAND (DISBURSEMENTS) ($ 77,524.23) 88,573.75 $ {$ 13,725.25) 6,748.72 $ $ $ 59,540.61 5,668.72 ($ ($ 56,898.68 ) 2,743.20\ February 2015 February 201 5 57 Victor J. Andrew Athletic Convenience Account (C) (D) 9. Business Action 25,392.10 ($ ($ 25,745.08) 22,041.59) February 2015 / Tnf ormotion - None of 58-59 60-61 Schools Personnel Report - Action following ExecutÍve Session Boord Policies for First Reoding - Action (Voice Vote) Boord Policies for Adoption - Action Vision 20/20 Resolution - Action Annuol Recognítíon of Schools - fnformotionql Loãrange Rood Construction updote - fnformotionol PERA updote - fnformotionol District 230 Foundotion updote - fnformotional Senote B¡ll 1- Informotionol 29t4-20t5 6oqls updote - fnformotionol Communicqtions (1) District 230 News Coverage Updote (2) FOTA - None (3) Boord Correspondence (4) Legol / Legislotive Updotes (5) (6) L) 70,104.31 Construction/Focility Reports ond Action Recommendotíon (1) All School Lif e Saf ety ond fnterior Renovotions bid recommendotíon - Action (2) Stogg High School South Gym Bleacher bid recommendotion - Action Superintendent A) B) C) D) E) F) G, H) I) J) K) $ $ 6?-63 64-66 67-90 9t-9? 93 94-95 Newspoper Artícles Colendor 96 Boqrd comments 10. Executive Session A) The School Boord will enter Executive Session: (1) To consider informotion regordingthe oppointment, employment, compensotion, discipline, performonce, ot dismissol of o specif ic employee of or legol counsel f or the public body; (2) To díscuss student disciplinory coses; (3) To discuss motters reloting to plocement of individuol students in Speciol Educotion progroms, ond to consider other motters reloting to individuol students; (4) To díscuss collective negotioting motters or deliberotions concerning solory schedules for one oî more closses of employees: and (5) To discuss pending or proboble litigctíon ogoinst, offecting, or on beholf of the public body. B) Action ftems from Executive Session (1) Personnel including certtficated stoff co-curriculors, lecves of absence,request to continue port-time assígnment, job shores, dismissol of f i ond 3'd yeor non-tentJte teochers, ond honoroble dismissol of teachers; support stqff leaves of absence, reguests for sick bank leove, ond resignotions, - Action (2) Student Discipline - Actíon (3) Principols'Trqnsf er - Ac'lion 11. Adjournment 15100 Dr. James Superí t. 50uth 94th Avenue Orlãnd Park. t! 60462 Phoae:70a-745-5?O3 Fòx. 70A-349 2l05 tflu Gay dent Boord AgendaTopic To: School Board From: Dr. James Date: Re: Gay March 26,2015 ConsentAgenda The Administration previously provided the Board with details concerning the following Action ltems and recommends that said items be placed on the Consent Agenda for Board approval: A. Travel; B. Donations; C. Hair Professionals Career College Agreement; D. Instructional Materials for 30-Day Review; E. lnstructional Materials forAdoption; F. Approvalof Annual IHSA Membership Renewals; G. Electricaland Natural Gas Purchase Authorization; H. 2015-2016 P. E. Uniform Bid; l. J. Routine Business Services resolution (bill listing provided); and Approvalof Minutes from Regular Open/Executive Board and Committee meetings; Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. rHou6Hr Q ,uenrur¡¡e (D n oN d?3D o.s 4 t-\! I t/--À' l5lOO Dr. James M. Gay 5gui.9¿in Arenuê t¡là¡- Ê;.k iL ËC462 7hañ¿: 7O3'745-5:!3 Fåx: 7aE 34t ?lta iÈH d23O Ê-ç Superintendent Superintendent '[o: Dr. Jarnes lVl. Gay Frorm: Dn. Kirn Dryier Mer Re: h4ancf'r 17,2A15 Travei tsackground: A travel request for Sandbung l-{ighr School has þeen su¡hmltted'for approval: Sandburg students willtravelto Ft. l-auderdale, Florlda on May 22-25,20'15 to cornpete in the ñ.iCFL Grand h,lational Deb,ate Tournament. Students wi[T develop speaking, listenring, writing, research and criticai thinking skills related to Cornmon Core. -['he foliowing costs not covered by fundraising or Boosten surppori for substitutes and travel expense will be incurred by the district: CS - ' F. l-auderdale Subs: $85 Registration: $100 Lodging: $1,675 Travel: $2,700 Building administration has reviewed the requests to ensure appropriate levels of chaperones and supervision will be provided. Sandburg students tnaveling to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida will be absent from schoolon May 22,2015 Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board approve the travei requests as presented. g 9.... H "9 r*r_D+.TE* P F lS,H SCHOOT .P$T-ryICT "?P-q Boqrd AgendaTopic Tor Dn. From: Dn. Kirn Dryien Date: Marclr 17,2Q15 Rer Donatlons ",!arnes M. Gay Background: Donatlons exceeding $250 have been offered to Carl Sandburg High School, and Amos Alonzo Stagg l-ligh School, to support student leaming or activities. The followîng donations have been reviewed by building administration and determined to be aligned with cunriculurn and offer benefit to instructional or c+curricular opportunities for students : Value School Item Use AAS Monetary Donation Purchase of golf carts for athletics Donor $5,690 Stagg Athletic Boosters $1,138.69 Target -Take Charge of Education Purchase boys soccer uniforms Monetary Donation Enhance student recognition assemblies, displays and events AAS Used Clothing Support students in need $900 Terry Bodin AAS Monetary Donation Support student programming for SWSC SpecialOlympics $349.37 Target - Take Charge of Education CS Total: $8078.06 Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board approve and accept the donations as presented. THou O r,,eor.¡rN6O AcrroN 151o(r sóùth')ùrh À/È.u¿ Oi1è¡o Þõ.k ¡! 6A462 'h.n.: 7De 7'15-52D3 Fåx: 7ð8-3¡9 21C5 *Ev o?3Q org Dr, James M, Gay Superintendent '[o¡ Dr. Jan¡es M. Gay Fronn: Dr. Kinn Dryier Dater N4anch Rer hiain Frofesslonals Careen College 17,2Q15 Background: Dist¡'ict 230, in a 4 year partnership with l-lair Professlonals Caneer eollege, will provide ant educationai opportunity for students interested in¡ the fieild o'f cosn'retology. A Nail Techniciant cor"rrponent is also available. Agreement Highlights: Gosmetology Training: Two options tor 12ù grade students: ' . . " . 750 hour program -June start 600 hour program -August start Cosmetology students will need to complete prograrn hocrrs beyond the option selected to equal 1500 hours to qualify for a state examination Financial aid is available to students following graduation fnorn high school NailTechnician: . . ¡ . e o 350 hour prograrn between August through fVlay Nailteehnician students will need to eomplete 350 hou.¡rs to qu;alifu for a state examination Students are responsible for payments directly to l-iair Professionals Career College Students are responsible for an enrollment fee for the first year and monthly payments per their selected Option and Schedule Students are responsible for purchasing a eosrnetology or NailTechnician tool kit Distrist 230 will provide a Teacher-Coordir¡ator for observations to assess student progress Recornmended Motion: ! rnove that the School Board approve the agreerr'rent with t-iair Fnofessionals Career Coliege effec'tive throurgh Maroh 2019 as presented. rHouoHrO meo¡¡tr.¡øO e oN l2 rN llG- _1 CONSOLIDATED TTIG SCHOON" DISTRICT 230 1510O SouCh 94rn Aven!e O¡land PêrK fL 60462 thane:7OA-745-5?O3 Fàx: /r)s-349,21O5 H\|w dZ3() arç Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent To: Dr. James M. Gay Fron¡: Er. Kl¡'n Dryier e¡ Re¡ March 17,2015 lnstructional Materials for Review Background: Comrnittees of teachers from all three hlgh schools have r¡'let to evaluate ar¡d necommend an on-line resource for use in the 2015-2016 school year. The evaluation rubric for instn¡ctional materials was used. The rubric and a summary of strengths for recomrnended rnraterials were shared with Cuniculum Advisory and will be shared with the Education Cornmiüee in April. Access for review of the resources will be available in the office of instruction. lnstuctionalmaterials ¡ecommended for a 30 day review period: Glass 10/12 Sports and Entertainment Marketinq MaterÍals Sports Career Consutting PDF and online resources Publisher Houghton Mifflin Recommended lllotion: I rnove that the Sehool Board approve the materials listed for a 30 day review period. r+oul O,ueor.uNo O AcTIoN 2L 15¡OO SoúÈh 94th AvÊrúé O.l and På.r, Ir 60452 Phane.- /OA-7At-5203 Fòtr 7.rB-349'21A5 ruv 4?3C o19 Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent 7/ To: Er. Jarnes From: Dr. Kim Dryier He: Re: March tr7 üVl. Gay ,2415 lr¡structional[Materialsfor,Adoption Background: Comrnittees of teachers from alithree high schools have rnet to evalu¡ate and recornr¡rend a textbook for use in the 20152016 school year. The evaluation rubric for textþooks was used. Thre rubric and a surnmary of strengrths of recommended materials were shared at CunicuNum Advisory and Education Comrnittee. The textþook has been on display in the office of instrL¡stion. Textbook recommended for adoption: . Ç"lass Textbook Publisher Enslish 10/Academic Collections Houqhton Mifflin Recommended Motion: I move that the Sehool Board approve the textþook listed for use beginrring in the 2015-2016 school year. THOU6 MEANINo O O'''Oru 22 _t 151OO South 94th Av.nue Orland Pa¡k, tL 60462 ?hoñet 7OB-715-5203 F.xr 7OB-319-2105 '.ay.d23O ors Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Boord AgendaTopic To: School Board From: Dr. James Gay Date: March 26,2015 Re: IHSA Memberchips Background: As a requirement for membership in the lllinois High School Association (IHSA), the School Board must vote to renew yearly memberships in the IHSA for each of our schools. Copies of the individual school's forms are provided. Recommendation: That the School Board certfy that Amos Alonzo Stagg High School, Carl Sandburg High School, and Victor J. Andrew High School are Recognized by the lllinois State Board of Education. lt is understood that failure to be recognized by the lllinois State Board of Education will disqualifu our schools for membership in the IHSA, and that if this were to occur, it is our responsibility to immediately notify the IHSA of this change in status. We further certfy that the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board, at its meeting held on March 26,2015, voted to renew membership in the IHSA, and to adopt and abide by the Gonstitution, By-Laws, Terms and Conditions, and Administrative Procedures, Guidelines and Policies of the IHSA for the year July 1,2015 through June 30, 2016. o 23 "l 15iOo sôuth 94th Avenue O.lðnd P6rk. IL 60462 Phêne:7o8-745-52Q3 Fàx.7Oa 349-?lO5 rxw d23D,o¡9 Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Board AgendaTopic To: Dr. James Gay From: Bob Hughes Date: 3t23t2015 Re: Electrical & Natural Gas Purchase Authorization Background We purchase electricity and natural gas on the open market. Because of the cunent fluctuations in the market, we have issued an RFP asking for pricing for one, two and three year terms for our electrical supply. This will give us the flexibility to "lock in" our pricing forthe minimum period we feel will provide the district with the best pricing. So farwe have received five responses to our RFP. We are asking for the authority from the School Board to enter into a new fixed price contract with a retail electrical supplier, and to purchase a winter strip of natural gas. We feel that the next 30 days will be the best time to purchase our electrical needs for the next year. Currently contracts are being written for $.057 to $.068 cents per IOVH. Wth the natural gas pricing at a low point (we are cunently paying $0.342 per Therm) we would also like to purchase a "winter strip" for next winteis gas usage. We are recommending that we purchase 50 to 75 % of our historical usage. We do not have to purchase our natural gas strip in the next 30 days, however pricing could reach a low point between school board meetings and we would like to the authority to purchase the winter strip if we feel it is a good price. Since the cost of electricity varies significantly day-by-day and hour-by-hour, we cannot work through a School Board meeting to make a purchase. The contract would have to be immediately awarded and we would report the results to the School Board at the next Board meeting. Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board authorize the administration to enter into a contract to purchase the District's estimated electricity usage for the 2015-2016 school year at a price not to exceed an average of $.070 cents per Kilowatt hour, and purchase a winter strip for our natural gas needs at a not to exceed cost of $0.45 per Therm. rHouoHrOmenrur¡¡oOn 27 N CO SOLIDATED ITIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2:í^A Onlànd Par¡. rL 6046? Phone: 7Oa-745-5203 ,a^. iOA-349'ZaOs BrH d23O,o¡9 Dr. James M. Gay Superinbnd€nt Boord To: Dr. James Gay From: Steve Langert Date: 3/23/2O1s Re: 2Ot5-2O16 P.E. Uniform Bids Agenda ic Bacþround: On February 12,2OI5 bids for pe uniforms were sent to the following vendors: The lncentive Mall, Sunburst Sportswear, Neff Company, Don's World of Sports, Lansing Sport Shop, Stars & Stripes, BSN Sportg Silk Screen Express, Marathon Sports and Organized Sportswear. The bid specifications, which were developed in collaboration with the schools P.E. Directort were for a5O% cotton, 50% polyester blend shirt and the Ramco closed hole mesh, 9" inseam short. Bids were submitted by three vendors and were opened on February 27,2015. The vendors and their bid prices are listed below. They are in order by the lowest total price. COMPANY SHIRT SHORT TOTAT Don's World of Sports, Palos Hills Sunburst Sportswear, Glendale Heights Lansing Sport Shop, Lansing s2.19 s2.48 S6.zs ss.34 Ss.zs fi.ez P.E. Uniform bid for Sa.rz the last three years: School Year Bid Amount Vendor 20L2-20r3 20L3-2014 2014-20L5 s9.24 Marathon Sportswear Don's World of Sports Don's World of Sports Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board award the 20L5-201.6 P.E. Uniform bid to Don's World of Sports for 52.1.9 per shirt and 54.56 per short totalinC $6.75. rHot/6Hr O ,treouN6 (D AcrroN 28 CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 BILLS PAYABLE iIARCH 2OI5 RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move that the School Board approve the Routine Business Services Resolution including Bills Payable totaling $3,534,764.50; Payroll totaling $6,931,095.30; Insurance totaling 1,033,342.82; and accept the District Receipts and CoCurricular Receipts/Disbursements as presented. $ f. EIJ.SfAYAEIE Dated February 27, 2015 through March 26, 2015 totaling $3,534,764.50 SUtllilARY 2. PAYROLL 3. INSURANCE 4. IMPREST 5. DISTRICT RECEIPTS Dated February 27, 2015 in the amount of $3,449,218.40; Dated March '13,2015 in the amount of $3,481,876.90; which includes IMRF, FICA, Medicare and TRS Dated February 28, 2015 in the amount of $85,071.52; Dated March 13,2015 in the amount of $34,470.81; Dated March 13, 2015 in the amount of $913,800.49. Dated February 4, 2015 through February 19, 2015 in the amount of $24,602.38; Dated February 20,2015 through March 2,2015 in the amount of $24,932.21. Dated February 2015 in the amount of $21,121,963.95 6. CO€URRICULAR ACTIVITY RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Sandburg Acct. Amos Alonzo Stagg Ath. Convenience Acct. $ 88,573.75 ($ 77,524.23) $ 6,748.72 ($ 13,725.25) $ 59,540.61 ($ 56,898.68) $ 5,668.72 ($ 2,743.20) Andrew Acct. $ 70,104.31 ($ 25,745.08) Carl Ath. Convenience Victor J. Ath. Convenience President $ School Board Consolidated High School District 25,392.10 230 ($ February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 22,041.59\ School Board Secretary Consolidated High School District 230 29 nRw CO SOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 15100 S. 94th Avenue Orland Park, IL 6D462 Phone: 708-745-52O3 Fax:708-349-2'105 23O w-.d230 org Dr. James M. Gay Super¡ntendent Acadernic spoclighc To: From: Date: Re: School Board Dr. James Gay March 26,2015 Academic Spotlight - Top 1% Garrick Fernandez Megan McGuire Grace Mooney Qingran Wang DanielWojtowciz Andrew 1% Demma Ashley Dettlaff Serena George Brittany Klimas Staoo - Top Dominic Danielle Klimas Claire Kredens Awards Music Science English Business - Family & Consumer Science Jeremy Hart -Applied Technology Claire Heneghan - Physical Education Andre Kohn - Social Studies Bartosz Morawski-World Languages Staqq - Department Bairbre Connolly Dominic Demma Ashley Dettlaff Bruce Ervin Sireen Hamarchah Vereshia Noble -Art Luke Pappas - Math Oluwadamilola Ajasa - Social Studies Kyle Anderson - Applied Technology Karisa Brake - Art Allison Bulmahn - English Abbey Carlson - Music Garrick Fernandez - Science Pauline Fittanto - World Languages Stephen Harrison - Business Frank Murdock - Physical Education Alexi Pranckus - Family & Consumer Science Qingran Wang - Math Andrew - Busrness Professionals of Arnerica Awards Nathan Xiao - State Champ, Extemporaneous Speech 3'd place in Finance Kimbery Mungovan - 2nd Place/Finance Daniel Sivak - 3'd Place/Financial Analysis Team Aiman Sood - 3'd Place/FinancialAnalysis Team ThoughloMeoning.Aclion 54 - Top 1% Charma Azhar John Calzaretta Anna Girlich lan Kranz Robert Maxfield Christina Shehata DrashtiUpadhyay Natalie Zielinski Sandburq - State Wrestino Rudy Yates - State Champion,126-pound class Sandburq Sandburo Department Awards Tyler Davenport - Applied Technology Annie Connolly - Art Justin Frankenbach - Business Alexandria Gentile - English Mary Kate Pipolo - Family & Consumer Science John Calzaretta - Math Sarah Bemard - Music John Calzaretta - Physical Education Grainne Kelly - Physical Education Drashti Upadhyay - Science Tejesh Patel- Social Studies Angela Hatcher - World Languages Thought . Varsity Wrestling Team Ameer Barbour Cole Bateman Patrick Brucki Andrew Brudnak Anthony Cimino Joseph Domenick Tyler Foley Matthew Frostman Jack Hart Louis Hayes Dustin Hirsch Timothy Houston Benjamin Kirby Brian Krasowski Robert Precin John Prieto Christian Robertson Malik Scates Benjamin Schneider Thomas Slattery Kevin Steams Rudy Yates Meoning r Aclion 2nd Place State 55 15100 50uth 94rh Avénue orl¿nd Park, rL 60462 P¡oîe.70A-745-5?O3 Fâx: 70É 349-270s Éev d230 ôrq Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Boord AgendaTopic Emfonmn@t0 To: 0 School Board From: Dr. Kim Dryier Date: March 26,2015 Re: Curriculum and lnstruction Spotlight Staff from Stagg High School will share information regarding their Academic Mentor Program. The Academic Mentor Program is funded through Title 1 and targets at risk students. ,1 EANIN6 O Q rcnon 56 CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 !510O South 94th Ârenuê Orlênd Pðrk. IL 6046? Phoñe: 7ga-745-5203 Fàx: 7Ða-349-2105 neH,dz3C o19 Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Boord AgendaTopic To: Dr. James M. Gay From: Dn. Kím Dryien Date: Ma¡'ch Re: Principals' Transfer requests (PT1 5-05) 20,2A15 Background: District parents at times nnake requests for their children to attend one of our schools that is not the school of their attendance area. These reqr.rests are reviewed by the principals of both schools involved in the request. Principals Nolting (VJA) and Baker (CS) have met recently with the parents of PT1S05 to review the need and situation that prornpted the family to make the request. T¡{OU6HT O ,UCN N6 (D ACTION 57 ffi ltt//Y- Mr'f , 15100 South 94th Âvenue Orlànd Park. IL 6046? Phôîet zOe-745-5?O3 Fàx: 7O8 349'?1O5 vvt-d?3O otg Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Boord AgendaTopic etf,om Ïtemn To: Dr. James Gay From: Bob Hughes Date: 3112t15 Re: All School Life Safety & Interior Renovations bid recommendation Background: On March 5th at 2:00 PM, bids were opened for the Life Safety & lnterior renovations at Andrew, Sandburg & Stagg. Five contractors were sent bid packages, and we received two bids. The bids ranged from $973,000 to $1,148,000. This bid package includes numerous Life Safety projects at all schools. These projects include items found during our 10 year Life Safety lnspection which was done in2012, asphalt repairs to Andrew's main parking lot and Sandburg's South parking lot, replacement of the glass around Andrew's swimming pool on the seòond floor, and the replacement of the gym flooring in Stagg's main completion gym. We have budgeted $992,936 for this work in our Life Safety & O&M budgets. The projects are also listed in our "Major Capital Plan" The lowest bidder (Frontier Construction, $973,000) has done several projects for the school district in the past and we were very happy with their work. The architects (StudioGC) and I have reviewed the bids and we recommend the bid be awarded to the low bidder (Frontier Construction). I have attached the bid results for your review. Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board award the Life Safety and lnterior Renovations bid to Frontier Construction, Willow Brook, lL in the amount of $973,000. attachment 58 223 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1200 Chicago, lL 60606 Client: Project Name: CHSD 230 2015 Alterations and Life Safety Work P: 312.253,3400 F: 312.253.3401 Project No.: Bid Date: Project Architect: 14098 315115 @ 2:00 p.m. Nikki Bridges BID TAB WORKSHEET Contractor Total Bid Chicago Heights Construction Chicago Heights, lL 60411 708-754-0252 Frontier Construction lL 60527 708-460-9669 Ët0 Addendum Amount Bond #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 X X #3 H X X #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 X X #3 H X X Willowbrook, $973,000.00 Remarks yes Loung's Corp. Hinsdale, lL 60521 630-986-8240 Metropolitan Corp. Dyer, lN 46311 219-322-8745 Vengar Construction Corp. Countryside, lL 60525 708-352-011',| $1,148,000.00 yes 59 Page 1 H:\Download\Bid tab LHS and ALterations work 20'15 results to BOE.xlsBid tab LHS and ALterations work 2015 results to BOE.xls 15100 50uth 94rh Avenue Orlând Pa¡k. rL 60462 Phonê: 704-745-sZO3 Fax. 708 349 2105 Hrw d230 0r9 Dr. James M. Gay Superi dent Boord AgendaTopic To: Dr. James Gay Frcm: Bob Hughes Date: 3110t15 Re: Stagg High School South Gym Bleacher Bid Recommendation Background: On Tuesday March 1Oth we received bids for the installation of new 5 tier telescopic bleachers for the South Gym at Stagg. The original bleachers were in poor condition and were removed during the gym floor replacement project. We sent five vendors the bid documents and we received two bids. The lowest bidder; Larson Company bid $19,300.00, the second bidder Carroll Seating bid $23,250. I reviewed the bid results, and I am recommending the School Board award the bid to Larson Company for $19,300. We have budgeted $35,000 for this project. I have attached the bid results for your review. Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board award the Stagg South Gym Bleacher bid to Larson Company, Palatine, lL in the amount of $19,300. attachment THOUoHT O ,UCOI.¡'N6 (D ACTION 60 South Gym Bleachers Stagg - Telescopic 5 Tier Bleachers Bid Opening - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 @ 11:00 am VENDOR Carroll Seatinc BASE BID [abor Material Attn: Pat Carroll Shipping TOTATS Exhibits A-E s16,ooo 55,250.00 S2,ooo.oo s23,250.00 X 5t4,720.OO s3,53o.oo s1,050.00 S19,3oo.oo X 2105 Lunt Ave. Elk Grove Village, lL 60007 847-434-0909 Fax# 847-434-0910 pcarroll @carrollseating.çom Goodson Company Russ Bonfiglio P.O. Box 7L2t7 NO BID Milwaukee, Wl53211 414-588-0995 Fax# 4t4-540-1335 lrwin Seating Company Telescopic Division 610 East Cumberland Road NO BID Altamont, lL624I! 877-597-L722 [email protected] J & D Enterprsies Jim 8t5-477-7796 id [email protected] Larson Company NO BID John Messaglia 403 South Vermont Or Palatine, lL 60067 847-705-0460 Bidding lnterkal LLC 99.*H9r*r^P+.TE*P,.1S,H""9.9.Ir.9__o.".L,pHr+.lcÎ"?pj Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Boord AgendaTopic To: School Board From: Dr. James M. Gay Date March 26,2015 Re: Board Policy for First Reading Background: Listed below is a Board Policy which was reviewed by the Student Services Committee this month and is recommended to the Board for First Reading and Public Display. Number 1) 7:50 Title Students - School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools Reviewed by Committee Student Serviæs Chanqes Reflect Language/Legal reference update Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board approve the first Reading and Public Display of Board Policy 7:50. 64 9!th Avenue Orlònd Pðrk, lL 60462 Phonèj 704 74s s?O3 Fàx.7OA-349-ZIO5 rwr.d23O orq Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Boord AgendaTopic To: School Board From: Dr. James M. Gay Date: March 26,2015 Board Policies for Adoption Re: Background: Listed below are Board Policies which were reviewed by the Student Services and Building/Finance Committee and are recommended to the Board for Adoption. Title Number 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Communications to and From Reviewed bv Committee Building and Finance 2:140 the Board Building and Finance 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment Building and Finance 5:125 Electronic Communication and Electronic Media Responsibilities Concerning lnternal lnformation Building and Finance 5:130 5:220 Substitute Teachers 6) 6:60 Curriculum Content 7) 6:110 Academic Failure and/or Chanqes Reflect Language/Legal reference update Language/Legal reference update Procedural change Language/Legal reference update Building and Finance Language/Legal referenæ uodate Education Programs for Students at Risk of Education Droooinq Out 8) 6:235 Graduation Req uirements Education e) 6:300 Graduation Requirements Education 10) 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program Eduætion Legal reference update Language/legal referenæ update Language update Language/legal reference update Language/legal reference update Recommended Motion: I move that the School Board approve the Adoption of Board Policies 2:140,5:10,5:125,5:130, 5:220,6:60,6:110,6:235,6:300, and 6:340. 67 ,ç9,lI:9T:^I. ".,..8*P IIIG lL 50462 SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Phone: 704 745 5?Q3 Fõx. 70A-349 2lO3 Dr. James M. Gay Superinûendent Boord AgendaTopic nom ltemn To: School Board From: Dr. James M. Gay Date: March 26,2015 Re: Vision 20120 Resolution Overthe pastfew months, the Board has been provided with significant information regarding Vision 20120. For the past three weeks, the Superintendent's District Connection has been focused on the four pillars of Visions 20120 in an attempt to inform all District 230 stakeholders. Vision 20120 was created in collaboration with the lllinois Association of SchoolAdrninistrators (IASA), the lllinois Association of School business Offìcials (IASBO), the lllinois Principals' Association (lPA), the lllinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools (IARSS), the lllinois Association of School Boards (IASB), and the Superintendents' Commission for the Study of Demographics and Diversity (SCSDD) as a means to bring public education to the forefront of our state policymakers. Through the Vision 20120 process, four pillars for prioritization emerged: Highly Effective Educators, 21si Century Learning, Shared Account¡ability, and Equitable and Adequate Funding. As stated by the writers, Vision 20120 "shaped a vision of public education in lllinois to guide educators, legislators, labor, businesses, parents, and community members as we work together for the common goal of fulfilling the promise of public education in lllinois." Recommendation: I recommended that the Board the Vision 20120 Resolution, as presented. rHou'Hr (D ^le^ (D nroo¡¡ 91 VISION 2Ol20 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, public education plays a defining role in ensuring equal opportunity for the children in Illinois and throughout the United States; and WHEREAS, it is our collective duty to ensure that every student, no matter his or her demographic or geographic identity, has equal access to a qualþ education; and WIIEREAS, though we reject the notion that public education is cunently failing, we believe that strides need to be made to continually improve our public education system; and WHEREAS, there have been four areas of prioritization identified as integral in improving our public schools: Shared Accountability,2l't Century Learning, Highly Effective Educators, and Equitable and Adequate Funding;and WHEREAS, Shared Accountability should address: providing a greater role in State education governance by practicing educators, implementing a differentiated accountability system recognizing the diversity of each individual school district, and abating and restructuring unfunded mandates on local school districts; and \Y'HEfuEAS,21't Century Learning should address: developing the "whole child" educationally instead of only focusing on the assessment of all students in a naffolv scope of test scores in math and science, preserving instructional time for the best use of teacher/student interaction, investing in Early Childhood Education, linking students to college and careers, and expanding equity in technology access; and WHEREAS, Highly Effective Educators should address: recruiting and retaining high-impact educators, and providing relevant professional development for teachers and administrators; and WHEREAS, Equitable and Adequate Funding should address: providing funding to school districts based on the local need, stabilizing State budgets, generally, and education funding specifically, and enhancing school district flexibility to increase financial efficiency; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that any education improvement proposal for comprehensive change must be developed and supported by not only the education community, but in collaboration with parents, communities, businesses, and others whose priorities reflect the best interests of the students; therefore BE IT RESOLVED thatthe Consolidated High School District 230 Board of Education joins with the Illinois Association of School Administrators, Illinois Association of School Boards, Illinois Principals' Association, Illinois Association of School Business Officials, Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents, and the Superintendents' Commission for the Study of Demographics and Diversity in supporting the Vision 20120 education improvement proposal; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Consolidated High School District 230 Board of Education urges the Illinois General Assembly to approve the necessary legislative changes to implement the recommendations under the four pillars of education improvement as contained in the Vision 20120 document. Richard J. Nogal Kathy Quilty President Secretary 92 ( ()\5()t.ll).\ l l,l) ,x li;rrrr '. t/, i;:, !rillr, l:ii;, lt,r;'' 0¡ Ill(;ll.\( lI()()1. l)15'l'lìl('l t S rflfì 5qutI r)4 ¡',1:nru 0riolltl 1'r¡l ll ó0¡ó7 '/hvq¿ IDE lq<' \'¿r)1 ltt /fltt Jlt i,l0! 2:ì0 r¿vv¿ tl23[ì t¡rrr I Boqrd Aqenda Tooi I rona[ School Board Dr. James M. Gay March 26,2015 Recognition of Schools I am pleased to report that the District has been informed by the South Cook lntermediate Service Center that Carl Sandburg, Amos Alonzo Stagg, and Victor J. Andrew High Schools have all been awarded the status of "Fully Recognizedo by the lllinois State Board of Education (ISBE). The list of Public School Recognition Assignments for FY'2A14 has been posted on the ISBE website. ISBE no longer provides Gertificates of Recognition. 93
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