Dalmain Primary School NEWSLET TER CARE | STRIVE | ACHIEVE 64 Dalmain Street, Kingsley WA 6026 | Ph: (08) 9309 3711 | Fax: (08) 9309 5151 | [email protected] ISSUE #13 14 May 2015 COMING EVENTS Friday, 15 May Interschool Sports BYE Tuesday, 19 May Uniform Shop Open 2.00pm - 3.00pm Thursday, 21 May Assembly - TA 1 Friday, 22 May From the Principal’s Desk Dear Parents and Community Members SCHOOL REVIEW Dalmain is currently in its third year as an independent public school. As a part of being an IPS, schools undergo a formal review which is conducted every three years and involves an external review group conducting visits to schools and analysing how well schools are progressing. Our school review will take place over two days on 25/26 May and will involve the reviewers talking to all stakeholders within our school community - administration, staff, school board, parents and students. Much of the review will focus on our School Business Plan and whether or not we have achieved the targets and objectives outlined. A formal report will be compiled by the review group following their visit. This will be made available for everyone to read. Walk Safely to School Day Friday, 22 May Interschool Sports Dalmain v Marangaroo @ Dalmain PS 1.30-2.30pm Saturday, 23 May Busy Bee Friday, 29 May Interschool Sports Dalmain v Goollelal @ Goollelal PS 1.30-2.30pm Friday, 5 June Interschool Sports Dalmain v Halidon @ Halidon PS 1.30-2.30pm BUSY BEE (Saturday, 23 May) Dalmain has a number of initiatives currently being run or developed. These include Waterwise, Wastewise and Nature Play projects. To progress our Wastewise program here at school there are several tasks that need to be undertaken. Brett Cowey has already made an excellent start. Jobs requiring attention include cleaning up the basketball court, moving and setting up garden beds, trimming trees and jackhammering (making holes) to plant fruit trees. We will also need some extra wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, large brooms and the like to assist. Time: 1.00pm - 4.00pm Saturday 23 May. If you can help, even for an hour, please let the school office know. ASSEMBLY Our next class assembly will be hosted by our Year One students from TA 1 next Thursday 21 May. Parents and community members are welcome to join us in the undercover area. NAPLAN Well done to all of our Years 3 and 5 students who have been working very hard this week participating in this national testing program. Results from the assessments will be forwarded home to the parents of students involved late in term three. Continued on Page 2 . . . Friday, 25 June INTERSCHOOL SPORT It was a great effort from our teams last week competing against Hawker Park. Netball (A&B) and football registered wins, while our soccer team tried very hard. A special mention and thank you to Steve Fletcher who assisted with refereeing and organisation. This week our teams have a bye. STUDENT ENROLMENTS FOR 2016 Applications for student enrolments for 2016 are now being accepted through our school office. Parents of children who will be commencing Kindergarten next year will need to complete an Application for Enrolment form. Further details about this process are located within this newsletter and are also available on our school website www.dalps.wa.edu.au . Please contact the school office for further enquiries. Have a great week, Don Boyes Principal Direct Deposit Payments Bank: ANZ BSB: 016-494 Account: 3408-18845 Reference: STUDENT ABSENCES 0409 885 439 Parents are reminded that they can advise the school of their child’s absence by SMS. Failure to contact the school will result in your child/children being marked as UNEXPLAINED on their attendance record. Child’s Surname / TA Please confirm payment by email, or send your lodgement receipt to the office with the reason for payment [email protected] ***PLEASE NOTE*** Direct Deposit is not available for P&C payments (eg - uniforms, fundraisers). These items must be paid in CASH. Friday Maths Results 8 May 2015 - Subtraction Set 3 Best Class - TA 8 (41.30) Runners Up - TA 7 (39.79) Incursion/Excursion Payments Parents are reminded that payments for school incursions and excursions (with the exception of School Voluntary and P&C Voluntary Contributions) must be handed in to the class teacher. INCURSION AND EXCURSION PAYMENTS CANNOT BE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE AT ANY TIME Thank you. Dalmain Dockets Term 2, Week 4 Star of the Week Willow Johnson - TA 2 Junior Draw Winner Hayley Stopher - TA 2 Most Improved - TA 9 (4.07) Runners Up - TA 6 (3.36) Senior Draw Winner Rhys Austin-Crowe - TA 9 Walk to School Safely Day & FREE Healthy Breakfast Friday, 22 May 2015 On Friday, 22 May it is “National Walk Safely to School Day”. Please get involved with this event and walk to school with your child/children and join us for breakfast at 8.00am till 8.45am. The breakfast will be held in the undercover area. A variety of breakfast foods will be available, including fruit, cereal and toast. The children will need to bring their own bowl and spoon and water bottle. See you there! Caroline Horrocks, Kate Allaway & Olivia Hood - Dalmain PS Health Committee - Canteen Roster - Term 2, 2015 ** The Canteen Menu can be downloaded from the ‘Canteen’ page on the school website: http://dalps.wa.edu.au/canteen/ Weeks 4 & 5 8:30 - 11:00am 11:00 - 12:30pm FRIDAY 15 May Julie Brown Sharon Peard Sharon Peard MONDAY 18 May Sharon Peard Sharon Peard Mel Verna Mel Verna Julie Brown Barbie Connick Barbie Connick WEDNESDAY 20 May FRIDAY 22 May Many thanks to Julie Brown, Sharon Peard, Barbie Connick and Carey Smith for their assistance this week. Nicole Hinwood Paddle Pops are now $2 each Support-A-Reader Roster - Term 2, 2015 Welcome to Jennifer Stephens who is assisting with Support-A-Reader this term. The Support-A-Reader program is still looking for tutors for Tuesday and Wednesday. Please let Mrs Winterton know if you are able to assist. Hilary Winterton: 0434 210 609 or [email protected] MON TUES WED THURS FRI Group 1 G Cottle G Brown M McBride E Higginson D Blaxill Group 2 K Bartlett K Hobden J Shelley G Brown K McLean R Roki Group 3 T Curtis HELP NEEDED D Murphy B Clark M McBride Group 4 H Williams E Hamilton J Stephens HELP NEEDED N Haeusler C Fitzpatrick Group 5 M McBride H Williams H Williams B Weston Thank you, Hilary Winterton C Roper Dalmain Primary 25th Anniversary Tea Towels $12 each or 3 for $30 25th Anniversary Commemorative Badges $3.00 each School Uniform Shop The Uniform shop will be open: Tuesday, 19 May 2015 2.00pm - 3.00pm Tuesday, 2 June 2015 8.00am - 9.00am Tuesday, 16 June 2015 2.00pm - 3.00pm Order Forms, Product Photos, Descriptions and Sizing Charts are now available on the school website. ____________________________________________ Uniform Coordinator: Mel McBride - 0404 683 671 Saturday, 23 May 2015 1.00pm - 4.00pm We are having a Busy Bee to progress our Waste Wise program and in particular to clean up the basketball court next to the Pre Primary. The worm farm and the compost area are now both located on the basketball court and we are looking at moving and setting up garden beds, trimming trees and jackhammering holes in the court service to make way for the planting of fruit trees. If you can help, even for an hour, please let the school office know. We will also require some extra tools and equipment including wheelbarrows, shovels, pruning saw, shears, rakes, large brooms and the like. School Hats “No Hat, No Sun Play” Parents are reminded of our “NO HAT, NO SUN PLAY” policy. Students require their hat for morning fitness, recess and lunchtimes. Many students are currently coming to school without their hat. School hats can be purchased for $8.00 through the uniform shop. Order forms can be obtained from the school office (during office hours) or can be downloaded from the school website: Uniform Pricelist/Order Form 2015 PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD’S NAME IS CLEARLY MARKED School Banking School Banking is available for students in the School Library Every Wednesday 8.20 - 8.45am THE NEW 2015/2016 ENTERTAINMENT™ BOOKS ARE HERE! For every Entertainment™ Book and Entertainment™ Digital Membership we sell, $13 contributes to our Dalmain Primary School P&C fundraising. The new Entertainment™ Memberships are available now and are packed with thousands of up to 50% OFF and 2-for-1 offers that you can use through to 1 June 2016. The more Memberships we sell, the more we raise! Please tell your family and friends. Thank you for your support! FLICK THROUGH THE NEW BOOK NOW - Choose the Membership that suits you. Choose the printed Entertainment™ Book with Gold Card and Vouchers, or the Digital Membership that puts the value of the Book on your Apple or Android device. WHICH MEMBERSHIP IS BEST FOR YOU? CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO ORDER YOUR YOURS TODAY www.entbook.com.au/8609v2 For enquiries, please contact: Donna Blaxill | 0419 966 831 | [email protected] Peard Real Estate - 2015 Dalmain Platinum Sponsor Would you like to host an overseas student? Change of Class Time for COMMUNITY YOGA SESSIONS with ANANDINI YOGA Experience another culture, make new friends and improve your language studies at home Sessions will now run WEDNESDAYS, 8 - 9:30 PM DALMAIN PRIMARY SCHOOL LIBRARY Hosting – An Experience for Life Student Exchange is looking for host families across Australia to welcome overseas students into their home www.studentexchange.org.au 1300 135 331 (cost of local call) $140 for 10 Sessions $20 Casual Concessions apply For more information or to book in please contact: Antje - 0431 320 782 [email protected] www.anandiniyoga.com.au NEW CLASSES STARTING IN TERM 3 8 Week Course in Holistic Meditation Kids’ Yoga Sessions Beginners’ Course in Sivananda Yoga Please express your interest now by contacting Antje: 0431 320 782 | [email protected] Before/After School & Vacation Care Greenwood Dental Therapy The Dental Therapy Centre is situated at GREENWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL 12 Merivale Way, GREENWOOD Phone: 9203 5611 Parking from Ranleigh Way. Care for Kids provide care at Dalmain Primary School in a fun and stimulating environment - with qualified and experienced staff, the service is Accredited by NCAC. Childcare benefit and Government rebates apply. [email protected] Phone: 9309 2300 or call into the school undercover area.
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