D.A.V PUBLIC SCHOOL, EAST OF LONI ROAD, DELHI CLASS V SYLLABUS (2015-16) ENGLISH I-Cycle Test My English Reader 1. Monday Morning Blues 2. The Tale of a Tail 3. I Wish I Were (Poem) 4. Adventures with Books (Poem) 5. The Boy Who Borrowed Grammar 1. Nouns and its kinds (common, proper, collective , abstract and material) 2. Punctuation ( use of full stop, small & capital letters, question marks, exclamatory marks and commas) 3. Antonyms and Synonyms 4. Adjectives ( quality, quantity, number and degrees of adjectives) 5. Tenses ( Present tense and its four forms) Writing skills 1. Paragraph writing 2. Formal letter (Application) Activities 1. Paragraph on make a book cover for any of the stories you have read (on A4 size sheet) 2. Poster on „Trees: Our Best Friends‟ or make a chart by pasting pictures of all those things, animals, people, etc. who act as your friend. Write any two uses of each below its picture. II-Cycle Test My English Reader 1. Thank you, Rinku 2. Limits of the Mind 3. Just Be Up and Doing (Poem) 4. The Fearless Fighter(Poem) 5. Heena's Determination 1 Grammar 1. Sentences and its kinds 2. Punctuation ( use of full stop, small & capital letters, question marks, exclamatory marks commas& inverted commas) 3. Verbs and its kinds 4. Prepositions ( in, into, at, to, from, by) 5. Tenses ( Past tense and its four forms) 6. Adverb and its kinds (Manner, place, time) Writing skills 1. Paragraph writing 2. Informal letter 3. Diary Entry Activities 1. The students will complete the story using hint box with suitable nouns and prepositions. 2. Make a card congratulating your friend on his unique success in any area. Final Cycle test My English Reader 1. Five Chums and the Hacker 2. I've got e-mail (Poem) 3. A letter from a Robonaut 4. It's getting hotter 5. Plant a seed (Poem) 6. The Green Act Grammar 1. Pronouns and its kinds (personal- with their cases) 2. Punctuation ( use of full stop, small & capital letters, question marks, exclamatory marks, commas, inverted commas and semi colon) 3.Conjunctions 4. Preposition ( through, for, between, among, with, on) 5. Tenses ( Future tense and its four forms) 6. Idioms and proverbs Writing skills 1. Paragraph writing 2. Revision of Formal & Informal letter 3. Revision of Diary Entry 4. Writing an E- mail Activities 1. Story writing competition on „Making Mother Happy‟ . 2. A debate on “Technology a boon or bane” . 2 SCIENCE I Cycle Test Ch- 1 My Body Ch-2 Plants Ch-7 Importance of water Activities 1. Make a model of breathing system using suitable materials. 2. Cross-word puzzle Based on plants 3. Make a collage of aquatic pants and animals. II Cycle Test Ch-3 Forests Ch-8 Properties of water Ch-11 Our Solar system Ch-12 Observing the sky Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Collect five specimens of things that are used by man are forest products. Project on artificial satellites launched by India Observe the sky for one week and record your observations (draw related pictures) A Quiz based on properties of water III Cycle Test Ch-4 Animals -Our friends Ch- 5 Food and health Ch-6 Spoilage and wastage of food Ch-9 Fuels Ch-10 Air Activities 1. Make a wall hanging on a simple food chain. 2. Evaluating one day meal surprisingly. 3. Make a chart of 5 food items and their method of preservation 4. Do‟s andDon‟t‟s to save non- renewable sources of energy. 3 SOCIAL SCIENCE I Cycle Test Chapter -1 ' Importance of Family ' Chapter -2 ' Human Migration‟ Chapter -3 ' Variation in Shelter ' Chapter -4 ' Sensitivity towards Others' Activity Write one value each that you would like to imbibe from yourGrandfather_________________ Grandmother ________________ Father ____________________ Mother __________________ Uncle(Maternal) _____________ Uncle(Paternal)_______________ Aunt(Maternal)______________ Aunt(Paternal) - Circle 10 words related with the Chapter- Human Migration and list them down. - Observe your colony/village and write down the types of houses and materials used to make them. - Paste Pictures of facilities, like wheel chair, crutches, ramp, Braille books, etc that physically challenged children require in school. II Cycle Test Chapter -5 ' Community Services ' Chapter -6 ' Leisure Time' Chapter -7 'Changing trends in Occupation' Chapter-8 ' Respecting Regional Differences ' Activity - Mention the work of any one NGO in improving community life Find out the names of five world famous Indian players who play your favourite games. What would happen if there was nobody to clean your streets and home? List five problems that you will face. Draw/Paste pictures and label any four occupations that you admire the most. Many tribes inhabit others states of India. Find information about one such tribe on the pointsarea, language, livelihood, customs, etc Final Cycle test Chapter – 9 ' Exploring India' Chapter -10 ' Mapping India' Chapter -11 ' Transport in Modern times‟ Chapter -12 ' Communication in Modern times' Chapter- 13 ' Indian Neighbors‟ 4 Activity -Make a Brochure to highlight the features Feroze Shah Kotla in Delhi and Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh or two Monuments of your state. - Map Skill (Page 96) -Find out the significance of subways, flyovers and highways in modern times. -(Page 116) -Draw and colour flags of India‟s neighboring countries and paste them in your notebook. MATHS I Cycle Test UNIT-1 Numbers upto 99, 99,999 UNIT-2 Operations on large numbers UNIT-17 Data Handling UNIT-15 Temperature Activities:1. Take temperature of any five consecutive days in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit. 2. Draw a bar graph or pictograph showing number of festivals we have in each month of 2015. 3. Puzzle based problems on operation on large numbers will be done. Find the number:• the number has 7 in its tens place • the number has 9 in its hundred place • the number in ones place is 5 more than 3 • there is 3 less than 8 in thousand place. • The number at lakh place is smallest prime number. The mystery number will be ………………………………………… II Cycle Test UNIT-4 Fractional Numbers UNIT-5 Decimals UNIT-6 Addition and Subtraction of Decimal numbers UNIT-14 Bills UNIT-12 Percentage Activities:1. Draw three circles of same size shade them in following fractions:• 1/4 • 5/8 • 3/4 5 2. Paste your previous month electricity bill. Try to reduce the electricity bill and compare the same using the current month units. 3. Calculate the percentage of your first cycle test. 4. Conversion of fractional number into decimal number or vice-versa. Final Cycle test UNIT-8 Simplification of numerical expressions UNIT-9 Rounding Numbers UNIT-10 Averages UNIT-11 Profit and Loss UNIT-13 Simple Interest UNIT-7 Multiplication and Division of Decimal numbers UNIT-16 Triangles Activities:1. Find the average number of girls in each class in primary section of our school. 2. Make different kinds of triangles on the basis of their sides and angles by paper folding. 3. Skit based on profit and loss will be done in the class. • Complete the worksheet given below:TOPIC:1 “BE MY MULTIPLE, I‟LL BE YOUR FACTOR” A. Circle those numbers which has 60 as a multiple. 28 15 5 10 6 3 22 4 2 12 8 30 20 16 13 18 B. Circle the multiples of 2 in RED Circle the multiples of 3 in BLUE Circle the multiples of 6 in GREEN 6 COMPUTER SCIENCE I-Cycle Test Ch-1 More about Computer Ch-2 Storage Devices Activities :- 1. Make a collage of various storage devices. 2. Draw a poster in Power-point showing differences between RAM and ROM. II-Cycle Test Ch-3 Multimedia Magic- Working on Presentations (Part 1) Ch-4 Multimedia Magic- Working on Presentations (Part 2) Ch-5 Multimedia Magic- Working on Presentations (Part 3) Activities:- 1. Create a Rangoli using PowerPoint presentation and Write HAPPY DIWALI using WordArt. 2. Create power point presentation on the topic „Cut down cyber crime‟. Final Term Ch-7 Knowing about Viruses Ch- 8 Software –Pivot Activities:- 1. Note down the name of antivirus program in your school computer lab and in your house computer and learn how to scan pen drive. 2. Create an animation of a man doing exercise and show it to your computer teacher. ART & CRAFTFirst Cycle Test Step by Step Book 1. Still Life-Box & Pot-Glass & Mug 2. Still Life-Books & Box-Kitchen Items 3. Still Life-Fruit Basket 4 Still Life-Vegetables Composition 5. Still Life-Flower Compositions 6 Leaf Study Art Activity Book 1. Ship-Flower 2. Vegetables-Monkey 3. Flower Pot-Papaya 4. Fish-Tree 5. Butterfly-Tiger Second Cycle Test Step by Step Book 1. Bird Study 2. Animal Study 3 Sketches –Boy& Girls 4. Sketches-Man & Woman 5. Roads Perspective5. Concept of shapes 6. Village Scene Art Activity Book 1. Jungle-Crab 2. Rocket-Mosaic Painting 3. Positive /Negitive 4. Hut-Lion Face 7 Third Cycle Test Step by Step Book 1. Girls & Boys Composition 2. Holi Scene 3. Street Scene 4. Poster Design Wax Painting 5. Geometrical Design 6. Calligraphy Art 7. Comic Cartoon Scene Art Activity Book 1. Mango-Hut & Cock 2. Vegetables-Cattle & Jug 3. Spider Web-Diya 4. Puppet-Snail 5. Dog-Model G.K Content 1-Cycle Test II-Cycle Test III-Cycle Test Language & literature page 1-4 page 5-8 page 9-11 Environment Around 12-17 18- 20 21-23 World Around 26- 29 30-32 33 – 35 Art & culture 37 -39 40 -42 43 -45 Math Magic 46 -49 50 -52 53-56 Sports &Games 57- 59 60--61 only 62 This syllabus also includes current affairs on sports, movies, awards etc. in each cycle. हहन्दी प्रथम- आकाइ भाषा माधुरी -पाठ ददमागी लड़ाइ लौ हपुरूष पेड़ पूरे एक हजार दो पहलवान नदी यहााँपर भाषा ऄभ्यास–पेज१से३०तक। व्याकरण - भाषाहवचार , वणणहवचार,संयुक्तऄक्षर , बिंदु , चंद्रबिंदु का प्रयोग , संज्ञा , सवणनाम , दिया , ’र’काप्रयोग, हवलोम शब्द, पयाणयवाची शब्द, वाकयांश के हलए एक शब्द ,ऄनुच्छेद , ऄपठठत गद्ांश। भाषा ऄभ्यास- पेज१से१६ .२१ से २९तक। 8 रचनात्मककायण– १. संज्ञा से संिंंहधत वगण पहेली २.त्योहारों से संिंंहधत पठरयोजना कायण ३. स्लोगन लेखन ४. कहवता गायन हितीयआकाइ भाषामाधुरीपाठ दो पहलवान पतीले की मृत्यु ऄजंता की सैर ये िंात समझमेंनहींअइ हिंरसा मुंडा मनभावन सावन हप्रय पौधा व्याकरण - काल , ‘र‘के रूप , हवशेषण , हवशेष्य , ईपसगण ,प्रत्यययुग्मशब्द , हवराम-हचह्न, मुहावरे , हवलोम शब्द, बिंदु, चंद्रबिंदु का प्रयोग, पत्र, पठठत काव्यांश। भाषाऄभ्यास - पेज१७से२०तक, पेज३० से४७तक रचनात्मककायण -१. संवादलेखन २. हवज्ञापनहनमाणण ३.नैहतकमूल्योंपरअधाठरतकहवतागायन / कहानीवाचन भाषामाधुरी पाठ िंुहिमानराजा ऄाँधेर नगरी चााँद का कु ताण हार की जीत िंेठिना का साहस लौट अया अत्महवश्वास कोहशश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती व्याकरण - हवशेषण , हवशेष्य , प्रहवशेष्य , संयुक्तऄक्षर, मानक वतणनी , ‘र‘के रूप , मुहावरे ,ईपसगण, प्रत्यय, वचन िंदलो, पयाणयवाची शब्द, हवलोम शब्द वाकयांश के हलए एक शब्द , कारकहचह्न , संयुक्तदिया , ।पत्र, ऄनुच्छेद, ऄपठठतगद्ांश। भाषाऄभ्यास - पेज४८से७२तक 9 रचनात्मककायण–१. दोहागायन २. हचत्रवणणन ३. घटनावृतांत ४. िंहुवैकहल्पकप्रपत्र संस्कृ त कक्षा- पञ्चमी प्रथमसत्रीयपाठ१. मधुरा प्रभात वेला पाठ२. मम पठरवारः पाठ३. वयम्पश्यामःजन्तु शालाम् पाठ४. शाकहिम् पाठ५. ऄस्मा कहम्प्रय हमत्राहण(पहक्षणः) वचनं, हलङ्ग, वणणपठरचय। दियाकलापःप्रातःकालेभवान्ईद्ानेकाहनवस्तूहनपश्यहन्ततेषाहम्चत्रंऄंदकतंकृत्वासंस्कृ तेनामाहनहलखन्तु।स्वमातुःहचत्रंऄंदकतंकृत्वापञ्च वाकय।(ठरक्तस्थान), हचत्रंसहवनवाहसनःपशवःऄन्येचसंस्कृ तेनामाहनहलखन्तु। हितीयसत्रीयपाठ६. येफ़लाहनखादहन्तसुहखनःवसहन्त पाठ७. हचत्रप्रदशणनी पाठ८. ऄहभनवदकहम्कम्करोहत? पाठ९. हवडालःकु त्रऄहस्त? संख्या१-१०, प्रथम-मध्यमपुरुषसहकताण -दियाज्ञानं, ऄव्यय, समयऄविंोधनं। दियाकलापः-भवान्सदणऋतौकाहनफ़लाहनखादहन्तहचत्रंऄंदकतंकृत्वानामाहनसंस्कृ तेहलखत। कताण-दियाज्ञानं (ठरक्तस्थानाहनमाध्यमेन ), हचत्रप्रदशणनी, समयऄविंोधनं। तृतीयसत्रीयपाठ१०. अगच्छ ! गायामः पाठ११. हठरणम्मामारय ! पाठ१२. कथयन्तु ! कस्यकःवणणः? पाठ१३. कःचतुरःऄहस्त? 10 पाठ१४. कहतवस्तूहनसहन्त? संख्या११-२०, वणाणनाम्नामाहन, शरीरस्यऄङ्गाहननामाहन, ईत्तमपुरुषेकताण-दियाप्रयोग। दियाकलापः-कहवतावाचनं , ऄव्यय (ठरक्तस्थानाहनमाध्यमेन ), कथािमानुसारंहलखत, संख्या। धमण - हशक्षा १ यूहनट २ यूहनट ३ यूहनट - पाठ १ से ६ तक हलहखत होगा । पाठ ७ से १२ तक हलहखत होगा । पाठ १३ से १९ तक हलहखत होगा । 11
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