Our cities today are physical expressions of the extreme disregard the current political and economic system has for our communities and our planet. Common Economy Generator aims to support those initiatives that are generating positive and inspiring transformations from within the fabric of our territories and planting the seeds for the city of the future. It is designed to: •facilitate communication between existing Commons groups so they can exchange information, skills, resources and funds COMMONS ECONOMY GENERATOR Common Economy Generator is a digital platform to facilitate the formation of Commons-based economies. COMMUNITY STEWARDSHIP PROTECTION ITERATION PRINCIPLE USE VALUE The platform does not belong to an external entity. It is an entity in itself that is co-managed by it’s members. Each Commons group is a voting member. A group to become a member must be following to some degree commons principles. MEMBERSHIP The platform is protected as a Commons Member Groups when joining commit to adhere to the principles of the platform in co-managing and using it. If a member group does not respect them, membership is removed. AGREEMENT Member groups can make proposals on a common proposal board where other Member Groups can show their support. The platform is developed over time according to the needs of it’s members. The exchange value of resources and skills is based on the use value for the members of the platform and not by external value systems. For resources that are scarce member groups can choose to exchange resources and skills using two currencies: time or commons coin. PRACTICES STRUCTURED A COMMONS IS COLLECTION A SELF ORGANISING SYSTEM COMPOSED OF A RESOURCE, A COMMUNITY OF INFORMATION AND A SERIES OF AGREED PRACTICES ON ALL THE ON HOW THE COMMONS IS CO-ORGANISED COMMONS R C P PROPOSALS BOARD COMMUNITY MECHANISM CURRENCIES RECIPROCITY the When resources and skills are abundant they are added for free to a common pool. Groups can also contribute to the Common pool with some of the currency they accumulate in exchanging resources and skills. COMMON POOL OF RESOURCES CONSENSUS The platform aims to not privilege one group over the other, but to consider ways to support the needs of all the member groups. Iterative consensus decision making processes are used to develop proposals and co-budgeting is used to allocate resources. ONLINE DECISION MAKING PROCESS UBUNTU Member groups understand themselves as part of a larger whole. Part of the resources can be sourced from and allocated to affinity groups that are not members of the platform or commons. REDISTRIBUTION R C P IM PRACTICES THE TERRITORY CAN BE SEEN AS THE OVERLAPPING OF VARIOUS COMMONS R C Who uses the platform contributes to platform and in supporting other groups. GROUPS SECTIONS FOR EACHRESOURCE INDIVIDUAL COMMONS GROUP SECTIONS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL COMMONS GROUP P STRUCTURED COLLECTION OF INFORMATION ON ALL THE COMMONS GROUPS •refer to a territory whose limits are defined by the possibility of exchanging without intermediaries other then the platform itself and human interaction •be a Commons in itself: once joined a group becomes an active participant in it’s co-management We are experiencing an outburst of inspiring and creative experimentations in new forms of organising, living, working, producing and exchanging, that are redefining the way people relate to one another and to their environment. These alternative structures, based on principles of self-management, direct democracy, self-sufficiency and de-growth, can be considered the transformative cells of a radically new society. However, projects often remain invisible and hidden not only to the great majority of us but also to each other, as by their very nature they tend to be local and autonomous, scattered and disconnected. Common Economy Generator is a tool to facilitate existing groups to connect and new groups to form so that new solidarity economies can unfold and shape the fabric of our territories. PARTICIPATE •allow non-Commons groups and individuals to contribute and benefit from Commons based economies EXCHANGE •build a common pool of information, skills, resources and funds to share between existing and new Commons groups SHARE •provide information, skills,resources and funds for new Commons groups to form PUBLISHING ACCOUNT PHOTO OR BANNER allows to posts posts posts posts posts posts posts posts posts NAME OF COMMON PROFILE appears on EVENT appears on TOPIC DOCUMENT appears on appears on PROPOSAL appears on REQUESTED AT USE VALUE appears on ALLOCATED FREE TO CHOSEN INITIATIVE SKILL OFFERED AT USE VALUE REQUESTED FREE appears on appears on ALLOCATED FREE TO CHOSEN INITIATIVE appears on RESOURCE REQUESTED FREE OFFERED FREE OFFERED FREE appears on [MAIN RESOURCE] IMAGE appears on appears on OFFERED AT USE VALUE appears on REQUESTED AT USE VALUE appears on ICON [TYPE OF GROUP] ICON INITIATIVE SKILLS & RESOURCES REQUESTED FREE appears on appears on appears on COMMONING Use value Stewardship Ubuntu Protection Reciprocity Consensus Iteration ABOUT GROUPS MAP + LIST EVENTS MAP + LIST DISCUSSION BOARD COMMON LIBRARY PROPOSALS BOARD COMMON POOL SKILLS BOARD RESOURCES BOARD INITIATIVES BOARD appears on appears on appears on appears on appears on appears on appears on RATE GROUPS RATING DISCUSSIONS RATE DOCUMENTS RATE PROPOSALS RATE SKILLS RATE RESOURCES RATE INITIATIVES appears on www.nameofcommon.uk Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. Vel et elibuscilit voluptas porum quis magnimusda diciaes equias autempo ritium rest es eos diossi cones rehendanis nosti offic temquo inciet volupta turit. RESOURCE Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. STEWARDSHIP Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. appears on PROTECTION SYNTHESISING PROCESS SYNTHESISING PROCESS SYNTHESISING PROCESS develops on develops on develops on SKILLS ALLOCATION PROCESS allows to develops on CURRENCY ALLOCATION PROCESS develops on RESOURCES ALLOCATION PROCESS CONSENSUS develops on USE VALUE WIKI CONSENSUS DECISION MAKING VOTING ACCOUNT allows to take part allows to take part COBUDGETING IF ALLOCATED RECEIVES SKILLS FOR FREE IF ALLOCATED RECEIVES RESOURCES FOR FREE IF ALLOCATED RECEIVES CURRENCY, RESOURCES AND/OR SKILLS FOR FREE PROVIDE SKILL FOR CURRENCY IF ALLOCATED RECEIVES CURRENCY EXCHANGE OF RESOURCE FOR CURRENCY CURRENCY ACCOUNT RECEIVE SKILL FOR CURRENCY allows to allows to give currency DONATE CURRENCY TO COMMON POOL PLATFORM STRUCTURE allows to Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. UBUNTU Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. RECIPROCITY Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. ITERATION Tempedit invendiscit hilitibusant voluptae vellute sunt, ut quis que volut verspist, quissitatem que pa voluptam utemolor sitiusa eperiam imporem et, to est, omnimpe discia expe seratur sitatem faciate velis et estia quidus abora si repe nessus. RESOURCES OFFERED allows to receive currency allows to receive currency [FIELD OF OPERATION] [email protected] @namefocommon facebook.com/nameofcommon MAP ## road name Town Potcode Country UPCOMMING EVENTS Date - time EVENT NAME location Date - time EVENT NAME location TYPES OF ACTIVITIES Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity SKILLS NEEDED OFFERED NEEDED RECEIVE RESOURCES FOR CURRENCY allows to give currency DONATE CURRENCY TO CHOSEN INITIATIVE COMMON GROUP PAGE
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