First announcement and invitation for the conference of the Hungarian Association of Public Health Training and Research Institutions Pécs, Augustus 26-28, 2015 In the knowledge of the economic and political contexts in Europe and recognizing the global health challenges of our region, furthermore understanding that neither diseases nor their major risk factors are respecting borders, we have set as leading slogan of our Conference: „Hungarian Health – European Health” Reflecting to this idea we aim to start with a new initiative: within the frame of the Conference we will host an English speaking international section. We do hope this initiative will create a new tradition. This time its main focus – within the context of the general program – is: ‘Health Promotion in the Diverse European Communities’ President of the international part of the Conference: Prof. Dr. Allan Krasnik, president of EUPHA Migrant and Minority health Section; WHO will be represented by Dr. Santino Severoni, coordinator of WHO Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe program; Our aim is to host a broad spectrum of Public Health professionals and we would be pleased to greet in Pécs experts dealing with factors influencing the health at population level, as well as those engaged in disease prevention and health promotion. The reconstructed main hall of the medieval Pécs University The main topics of the conference are as follows: The health of vulnerable population groups o Health promotion in segregated communities o Healthy ageing and health services Overarching public health problems in Europe o Public health and migration – tasks and challenges o Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and related public health tasks Public health and Health Systems o Structural and functional challenges o The role of health economy in the public health programs o ‘Health in all - 2020’ health and intersectoral cooperation o New possibilities in disease prevention The Conference participation fee is EUR 175. It covers the participation at all scientific events, the buffet reception on 26th August, two lunches and wine-tasting tour with dinner in Villány on 27th August, as well as the coffee breaks during the conference. Participation fee does not cover the accommodation, participants are required to book their own accommodation. Related information is available at the Conference’ website: The conference website ( ) provides the online registration, information related to the program and the accommodation and abstract submission application. Deadline for registration: May 1. 2015. Abstract submission deadline: May 1 2015. The reconstructed main hall of the medieval Pécs University Pécs was found in the early II. century, with the name Sopianae. The city is the economic and cultural centre of the region for nearly 2000 years. Pécs was the European Capital of Culture in 2010 together with Essen and Istanbul, and it resulted in huge improvements in this area. The Mediterranean atmosphere of streets, squares and buildings still are home to countless events, and the city's website ( proudly proclaims: Pécs, City of Culture. University of Pécs (UP), as first university in Hungary was founded in 1367 by King Louis the Great; this means that two years from to today we will celebrate the 650th anniversary of its foundation. Last year UP was one of the six Hungarian universities, which have been included among the best 1000 universities in the world. The two university faculties, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences are organizing jointly the IX. Conference of the Hungarian Association of Public Health Training and Research Institutions (NKE). We are doing our best to produce high-quality professional program, and we try to help you to enjoy your little free time by offering exciting and meaningful opportunities. You are most welcome to join to us! The reconstructed main hall of the medieval Pécs University
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