in TheKnow Inside find out about... May 2015 Medical Pensions Update GP Earnings Disclosure Page 4 & 5 Page 6 Do You Need a Will? Page 3 Auto-Enrolment – Does it Matter to You? Auto-enrolment (“AE”) was introduced to ensure that every employer is legally responsible to provide a pension scheme for all employees with qualifying status. To do this every employer must have a qualifying pension scheme and YES the NHS scheme is a qualifying scheme. single one of your employees may there, if you have an already be in the NHS pension employee who does not qualify scheme, it is still necessary for you for the NHS scheme you have to be to go through the AE process each able to offer an alternative. There month. are various options, some of the At Dodd & Co we can set up your most common being NEST, The AE system, process your payroll Peoples Pension and NOW. Unlike and deal with all the on going other areas of financial advice you administration at the same time. DO NOT necessarily need to consult an Independent Financial We have a highly skilled team who Advisor* for advice on some of deal with all the aspects of AE and payroll processing. We can do these schemes. everything for you from start to You will have been given a staging finish every month. date by HMRC, which is the date you’d like any further by which you MUST start to make If contributions for your employees. information then contact Becky Ashburner at our Penrith The AE process itself is linked in office on 01768 864466 or with your payroll system and is [email protected] very labour intensive when it comes to assessing entitlement and *Dodd & Co are not authorised to give administering, making payroll Independent Financial Advice but we can help guide you through the Auto processing an ever increasing Enrolment process. burden on time. Even though every However it does not end Edited By Faye Armstrong Partner healthcare TheKnow Medical in 2 The Collection of National Insurance is Changing (for Some) From 6 April 2015, direct debit will be collected required for those who Class 2 National in July 2015. You do not are both employed and to need to do self-employed Insurance due from the therefore self employed will be collected through the self assessment tax return. If you are currently paying by direct debit, you will have received a letter from the National Insurance Contributions Office to tell you when the last payment will be taken from your bank account. This is because under the direct debit scheme, the contributions are paid in arrears, so if you are on monthly payments, the last anything. If you are paying 6 monthly by cheque, you will receive a demand for the outstanding contributions, which will need to be paid. After this the contributions will be included on the tax return at the appropriate rate and will increase your tax payments. The process for deferring Class 4 National Insurance will also be included as part of the 2015/16 tax return. In the past deferments have been prevent them from paying too much National Insurance in total. This means people in this situation no longer need to take any action to prevent an overpayment. We are yet to see how this will be done and will inform those affected as soon as we know any more. Is a Company Still Right for You? IR35 was introduced in April 2000 to target employees who set up companies to reduce their tax and help their employers reduce their national insurance and employment law exposure. For those who have been operating through a company structure for a long time, it is an easy piece of legislation to forget, but one which can be very costly if you fall foul of the rules. It is therefore worth periodically reviewing company contracts to ensure that they are not "contracts of service". You also need to consider the actual circumstances as it is easy over time for the nature of the engagement to change, for example ad-hoc sessions for an OOH provider becoming the same sessions each week. You can check your status at h t t p : / / t o o l s . h m r c . g o v. u k / e s i / s c r e e n / E S I / e n GB/summary?user=guest, but if you are in any doubt, please talk to Simon Kirkbride or Kathryn Brown who would be happy to help you review your company's position. Pensions Update See page 4 in TheKnow Medical Do You Need a Will? Anyone who has assets and wants to know who will get those assets after they die needs a will to set out their wishes. They can also be used to set out funeral wishes so that your family does not have to worry whether or not they are doing what you want. If you have sufficient assets inheritance tax may also be a concern and you may like to arrange your affairs so that the Revenue gets the smallest amount possible. A will is often part of this planning. If you do not have a will your assets will be distributed according to intestacy rules and so may not pass to who you would like or may even pass to the state. An old or out of date will could be more of a problem than no will at all so even existing wills need to be reviewed. Tax law changes regularly and many people have not updated their wills since it became possible for husband and wife to transfer the unused amount of their nil rate band to each other. This could potentially cost £130,000 in inheritance tax. This is just one example of changes that have happened relatively recently. 1.Your will is over 5 years old. 2.It includes a “survivorship clause” (for example “if she survives me by at least 28 days”). 3.You have married or divorced since the will was made. 4.You have had children since the will was made. 5.You have changed your views about the gifts in your will or your funeral arrangements. 6.Your children (or grandchildren) have turned 18 or will do so soon. 7.Your intended beneficiaries have entered into new relationships and you are concerned about future divorce or bankruptcy. 8.You have had an inheritance or expect one soon. 9.You have made significant gifts or been given significant gifts. If any of the following apply, a review of your will is advised: healthcare 3 TheKnow Medical in 4 Pensions Update 2015 Pension Scheme Videos Another Lifetime Allowance Reduction NHS Pension Agency has published the following three videos in a bid to assist members understanding of the 2015 Pension Scheme and how it will affect them. Video 1 NHS Pensions are changing The lifetime allowance is going to be further reduced from £1.25m to £1m with effect from 6 April 2016. Transitional protections are going to be introduced to ensure that the changes are not retrospective but exact details have not yet been published. If we are aware the drop is going to affect you then we will be in touch, but if you would like us to review your position then please get in touch. Video 2 Features and benefits of the 2015 Pension Scheme Video 3 People with benefits in both the 1995/2008 Scheme and the 2015 Scheme Superannuation Contributions Increase increase from 1 April. This year as well partners but will also affect the amount of employers’ superannuation practices are paying on behalf of their employees. as the employees’ contributions increase (please see tables on next page for further details), we are also going to see a change to the employers’ contribution rate, which will not only affect the amounts payable by From April 2015 the employers’ contribution rate will increase to 14.3%, previously 14%, if you are based in England or Wales. However if you are based in Scotland it will increase to 14.9%, previously 13.5%. The NHS pension contribution rates are once again going to 2015/16 Contract Update See page 7 TheKnow Medical in 5 Employees’ Superannuation Contribution Rates England and Wales Pensionable pay Up to £15,431.99 £15,432.00 to £21,477.99 £21,478.00 to £26,823.99 £26,824.00 to £47,845.99 £47,846.00 to £70,630.99 £70,631.00 to £111,376.99 £111,377.00 and over Contribution rates 5.0% 5.6% 7.1% 9.3% 12.5% 13.5% 14.5% Contribution increase 0.0% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% Contribution rates 5.2% 5.8% 7.3% 9.5% 12.7% 13.7% 14.7% Contribution increase 0.2% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% Scotland Pensionable pay Up to £15,828.99 £15,829.00 to £21,601.99 £21,602.00 to £27,089.99 £27,090.00 to £49,967.99 £49,968.00 to £71,337.99 £71,338.00 to £111,376.99 £111,377.00 and over healthcare TheKnow Medical in 6 GP Earnings Disclosure From April 2015 it will be a contractual requirement for practices to publish the mean net earnings of the partners, salaried GPs and any locum who has worked in the practice for over six months on their practice websites. Net income income will received include from NHS England, CCGs and local authorities for the provision of GP services that relate to the contract or services which have been nationally determined. The exact details how the actual net earnings will be calculated have recently been published. Taking into account the information available it is apparent that there will be a long list of i n c o m e streams (and expenses relating to those income streams) that will be excluded from the published figures. For example enhanced services that have been commissioned locally. GP trainees related income and non-NHS income will not be included. Exclusion of specific income streams will certainly be welcomed as good news by practices but it will also mean that the actual calculations might be more complicated than they could have been. The practice will potentially need to amend their bookkeeping systems in order to fulfil new reporting requirement and / or to assist the accountants with the calculations. We had understood the original intention was for this to be straightforward for practices to be able to complete themselves. As well as the mean figure, practices will be required to publish the number of full and part time GPs in the practice. The information will need to be published on practice websites before the end of the financial year following the financial year to which it relates. Practices will also need to make the information available in hard copy form on request. Meet the team See page 8 TheKnow Medical in 7 2015/16 Contract Update Key changes to the GMS contract for 2015/16 are: England Scotland • All patients will have a named, accountable GP. • Practices will publish the average earnings of the GPs in their practice, in relation to the GP contract, on their practice website. • • Patients will have online access to detailed information in their patient record and there will be a larger proportion of appointments available to book online. • QOF – no changes, maximum of 659 points. • Seniority – no changes, to be reviewed for 17/18. • Golden Hellos – Automatic entitlement ceased from 01/01/15. Will continue to be available for practices in remote, rural or deprived areas. • An annual appraisal for locums has been introduced at the rate of £350. QOF - Planned changes to thresholds are to be deferred for a year. The value of a QOF point is to be adjusted to take account of relative changes in practice list size. Minor changes to the allocation of points. 36 points will move to new / increased QOF targets associated with stroke risk, dementia, chronic kidney disease and obesity. • The unplanned admissions enhanced service will continue with some minor changes. • The patient participation and alcohol enhanced services will cease. Funding will transfer to core funding, with it therefore being a contractual requirement for practices to provide these services. • £2.21 extra per weighted patient (3% increase in total) includes 1.16% uplift plus funding reinvested from MPIG reduction, seniority, PPG and alcohol DESs. • GMS MPIG to be reduced by a further 1/7th (2/7ths in total to 31.03.16). Funding reinvested in GMS core funding. Wales • QOF – 102 points removed and transferred to core GMS. Some small changes to clinical indicators. healthcare TheKnow Medical in 8 Meet the Team The best thing about working in the Dodds’ healthcare team is………..? You Ann-Marie manages a portfolio of medical never know what the day will bring. Name: Ann-Marie Tulloch practices from England, Wales and Scotland. She assists practice managers and GPs to prepare year end financial statements and advises on all aspects of finance including practice bookkeeping, VAT, preparation of management accounts, budgets, cash flows and software options. Ann-Marie also provides advice to clients on changes in their partnerships, premises relocations and partnership mergers. She also organises and presents, courses and seminars to GPs, practice managers and other accountants when changes arise in the GP contract or pensions. What did you do at the weekend? Taxi service for children’s activities, a short run and gardening – the grass never stops growing. Perhaps we need some sheep. We managed to grab five minutes from AnnMarie and asked her a couple of questions: Place of Birth: On the farm. Any plans for holidays this year? Centre parcs – has to be child friendly. Beer or wine? Wine always. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Shaun the sheep – not my choice! Do you have any sayings? Write it down. Make a list. This newsletter is designed as an informative guide for clients and their advisors. The articles cannot deal with any particular point in depth and they should not be used as a substitute for full professional advice. Accordingly, no responsibility for any loss or damage can be accepted by Dodd & Co Limited as a result of any person or organisation acting upon material contained in this newsletter. Data Protection Policy In the future Dodd & Co Limited or Dodd Murray Limited may contact you by mail, telephone, e-mail, fax or other means for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive further information on products / services, please write to: Data Controller, Dodd & Co Limited, Clint Mill, Cornmarket, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7HW. healthcare No 8 Willow Mill Fell View Caton LANCASTER LA2 9RA FIFTEEN Rosehill Montgomery Way Rosehill Estate CARLISLE CA1 2RW Clint Mill Cornmarket PENRITH CA11 7HW T: 01228 530913 F: 01228 515485 T: 01768 864466 F: 01768 865653 T: 01524 849588 e: [email protected] e: [email protected] e: [email protected]
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