District 2201 – SPAIN DATES: 13th July – 25th July, 2015 HOSTING CLUBS: MASPALOMAS, ARUCAS, LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIAS AND LANZAROTE PARTICIPANTS: 40 participants. One boy or one girl from each country AGE: 18 – 27 LOCATION: MASPALOMAS, CANARY ISLANDS ACCOMMODATION: Bungalows LANGUAGES: High level of Spanish and a good knowledge of English as some presentations will be in English with a Spanish translation. PROGRAMME: Please refer to the following pages, where full details are exposed ARRIVAL: At Gran Canaria airport, on the 13th July, 2015 DEPARTURE: From Gran Canaria airport, on 25th July, 2015 OFFICIAL PAPERS: Tourist visa to Spain (where necessary) COSTS: They should pay 550 € to attend the camp, as well as their return ticket to/from the Canary Islands, plus additional pocket money. The fees should be paid by a bank transfer, upon acceptance of the candidate. Details are found on the programme. INSURANCE: Participants should be insured against illness, accident, third party liability and repatriation. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 31st of May, 2015 APPLICATIONS: Standard Short Term Rotary International Youth Exchange Application forms to be sent via e-mail to: Mrs. Carmen Lopez-Videla: [email protected] and to Daniel Bazan: [email protected] II CAMP Internacional Maspalomas sobre la Paz y Resolución de Conflictos 70 anniversary of the San Francisco Declaration PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES OF HUMAN RIGHTS MASPALOMAS – 13 TO 24 JULY, 2015 INTRODUCTION The Rotary Clubs of Maspalomas, Arucas’ City, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias and Lanzarote, as well as the City Hall of San Bartolomé de Tirajana and the university of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (ULPGC) introduces the second edition of the international CAMP, to be held at Maspalomas Costa Canarias during the first weeks of July. This coincides with the celebration of the Summer University, which has been held at the town for 24 years. The activities create a varied programme related to cultural activities, concerts, conferences and workshops. All of them are held at the existing sites (Cultural centre of San Fernando de Maspalomas, the Socio-cultural Centre of San Fernando de Maspalomas and de House of Culture Casa Condal and others. CAMP CONTENTS For this camp, we wish to focus on the commemoration of the Charter of the United Nations, origin of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN. After the opening of the project, the first excursion will be to the Canary Museum and to Colon’s House-Museum. This will involve lessons about pre-hispanic and post-hispanic Canary. That same day, we will visit Africa’s House, where two conferences will be held. Wednesday 15, we will visit the Reserve of Maspalomas’ dunes, and learn about the formation of the dunes, the vegetation and the fauna of the ecosystem. The next visit will be to one of the theme parks of the town. On Friday, we will go to Lanzarote, where we will visit a volcanic lava tunnel and other wonders of nature. After this excursion, there will be free time until Monday. On Monday the conferences and excursions will continue. It is recommended to come ready to have fun! Bring sports and summer clothing. There won’t only be conferences! Julio 13 14 LLEGADA ALUMNOS Visita a la ciudad de Arucas y a su Rotary Club 15 16 17 Casa de Colón y Museo Canario Plataforma logística PMA , CRI, Rotary Club y Casa África Visita a Palmitos Park Avances médicos y DDHH: nuevos conflictos de la Bioética. Ana Guerra Vaquero, Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios. Las actividades extractivas sobre los DDHH y su análisis desde el derecho internacional. Adriana Espinosa González, U. Carlos III de Madrid. Sergio Romeo Malanda, Profesor de Derecho Penal, ULPGC Responsabilidad social corporativa, Adán Nieto Martín, Catedrático de Derecho Penal, U. Castilla la Mancha. Proyecto Código Europeo de RSC. Almuerzo Acto Inaugural Historia, concepto y nuevos desafíos de los DDHH. Pedro Carballo Armas ULPGC Yo acuso. Una historia de la prensa y la defensa de los DDHH. Guillermo García Alcalde La coop. Int. Al desarrollo y su efecto en los DDHH, Josefa de la Rosa Cantos, Centro Univ. de Coop. Internacional al Desarrollo, ULPGC El rol del periodismo en la defensa de los DDHH: Francisco Suárez Álamo Gobernanza internacional y DDHH: económicos, sociales y culturales. Ana Manero Salvador, Dcho Int. Público, U. Carlos III Julio 20 21 22 Visita al ITC 23 24 Maspalomas Reserva Natural Visita al INTA Almuerzo Implicaciones de la adhesión de la UE al Convenio Europeo sobre DDHH, Elisa Uría Gavilán, U. Carlos III Madrid El Convenio Interamericano de DDHH y la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de DDHH, Florabel Quispe Remón, Dcho. Int. Público, U. Carlos III Madrid Challenges for Human Rights emerging from procedures before International Criminal Tribunals. Kathryn Hovington, International Criminal Law Bureau Derecho a un recurso efectivo y reparación a las víctimas de desapariciones, crímenes contra la humanidad y otras violaciones de DDHH en España, Carmelo Faleh Pérez, Cat. Dcho Int Público, ULPGC La Sharía y los DDHH. Verdades y prejuicios sobre el derecho islámico, Ahmed Khalifa, U. del Aim Shams, El Cairo El papel de las Naciones Unidas en la defensa y protección de los DDHH, Marta Sosa Navarro, Dc. Derecho Internacional Amnistías, comisiones de verdad y de reconciliación. Claudia Mazzucato, Derecho Penal, U. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milán Javier de Lucas, Catedrático de Filosofía del Derecho y Filosofía Política. U. de Valencia Clausura PROPOSED LECTURERS FOR THE CAMP The following list includes the selected speakers, although there could still be modifications. • Pedro Carballo Armas. Catedrático ULPGC. Director of the UNESCO Chair of Human Rights. • Guillermo García Alcalde. Ex Provincial Director and ex Adviser-Delegate of Editorial Prensa Canaria. • Francisco Suárez Álamo, Canarias Director. • Josefa de la Rosa Cantos, University Center of International Cooperation to Development, ULPGC. • Ana Guerra Vaquero, Spanish agency of medication and Sanitary products. • Sergio Romeo Malanda, Criminal Law teacher at ULPGC. • Adriana Espinosa González, Universal Law with a Doctor Degree at Carlos III University, Madrid. • Adán Nieto Martín, Lecturer of Criminal Law, Castilla la Mancha University and editor of the European Code of Corporative Social Responsibility Project. • Elisa Uría Gavilán, Doctor of International and European Union Law at Carlos III University, Madrid. • Ahmed Khalifa , Criminal Law Teacher at Aim Shams University, El Cairo. • Florabel Quispe Remón, International Public Law at Carlos III University de Madrid. • Ana Manero Salvador, International Public Law professor at Carlos III University, Madrid. • Marta Sosa Navarro, Doctor of International Law. • Kathryn Hovington, International Criminal Law Bureau. • Claudia Mazzucato, Criminal Law Teacher at Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University, Milán. • Carmelo Faleh Pérez, lecturer at International Public Law at ULPGC. • Javier de Lucas, lecturer of law Philosophy and Political Philology at Valencia University. CONDITIONS The clubs which will be sponsoring students for the CAMP must send their application forms to Carmen Lopez-Videla: [email protected] and to Daniel Bazan: st [email protected] before the 31 of May. Maspalomas Rotary Club will forward a formal acceptance for the government authorization, in case it is necessary for entering Spain. The assistance of the students to the CAMP sponsored by the rotary clubs includes: 1. All transport during the camp including excursions and travelling between conferences venues. To ensure transportation, the identification code and the schedule of the flight when arriving to Gran Canarias’ airport is needed. 2. Accommodation in full board from July 13 until July 25. 3. Free access to the museums and leisure centers. 4. Enrollment for the ‘PAZ MUNDIAL y RESOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS’ course. The completion of this course will provide a diploma from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias with 25 hours counting of University Credits of Free Configuration. The cost for the club is 550 € per student sponsored. It has to be paid into the Maspalomas Rotary Club account with Barclays Bank: SWIFT Code BARCESMMXXX IBAN Code ES67 0065 0313 13 0001013100 Tax ID number of the club (CIF) : G35263037 Concept: Matrícula CAMP MASPALOMAS
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