Elq -l DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNTVERSITY Established by Govt. of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2OO9 (Formerlg Delhi College of Engineering) SHAHBAD DAULATPUT, BAWANA ROAD, DELHI.11OO42 6{0aest or\rlAc(d D6 /2or\'1t-\qq v Dated: 28l04/2015 NOTIFICATION Sub: Supplementary examination for students who are declared failed in the subjects of the current semester. Pursuant to the powers conferred under clause 17 ofthe Ordinance relating to undergraduate Programmes leading to Bachelor of Technologr; Academic Council vide minutes of the lOth meeting has approved introduction of SupplementarJ, Examination for the benefit of students who are declared failed in particular subject/ s in a current semester. In partial notification of the First Ordinance 20O9 relating to Admission to Courscs of Study, Conduct and Evaluation of Examinations for Undergraduate Programmes leading to Bachelor of Technology Degree, dt 20 117 l2OO9; following clausc is added to thc ordinance. l. 12 para (6): Supplementary Examination {a) The scheme will be applicable for all exams conducted in current semester i.e May 201 5 and subsequent End Semester Examination. (b) Any student who has been declared 'Faif in a particular subject rn regular cxams of current semester, may apply for appearing in supplementary exam of that subject/(s) only. A student is eligible once only for Supplementary Examination in any course. No second chance will be given. ln case a student fails in the Supplementary Examination he/ she has to repeat the course as a rcgular course in the forthcoming corresponding semester (odd/even) as and rvhen it is offered and as may be the case. (d) For availing Supplementary Examination a student must apply withrn fifteen days of declaration of the result of that student obtaining an "F" grade/less than 4O%o marks in the subject(s) or declared 'failed'. (c) (e) A supplementary examination may be conducted by a faculty/ department on the recommendation of the Dean (Academic UG / PG1 (l) The Suppiementary Examination can be held any time during vacation/or during the next semester, and will be notified by the concerned Dean {UG/PG). The Supplementary Examination will be held during vacatron or latest by 01 month of the commencement of the next semester, rvhich will be announced by the Dean, Academic (UG/PG). (g) For taking Supplementary Examination, the students need not attend classcs in that subject again. The attendance earned in the earlier examination will be retained and treated for qualification for the Supplem entarv Examination. (h) Supprementarv Examination will be conducted for End-sem (70 marks onrl') and the marks already secured by a student for continued Evaluating and mid-semester examination in that subject will be taken into account for declaring the result. (i) The student appearing in supplementary examlnation can achieve maximum .D,grade or will be declared pass with 4O% of marks on1y. fi) There will be no supplementary for Ba&-papers. This issues with approvai of the Competent Authority. Dean (Acad-UG) copy to; 1. Council branch: For record and actlon taken report to be placed before Board of Management ald Academic Counci1. 2. 3. 4. .). 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. i1. 12. Al1 Deans HoDs: With the request to bring in knowledge at all students and display on notice Boards. Head Computer Centre: With the request to upload on DTU. Website Academic page. Controller of Examination. OSD (Result) Superintendent (trxaminations) Director: Physical Education Librarian Registrar, DTU PS to the PVD for kind information. PS to the VC for kind information to the Hon,ble Vice Chancellor, DTU A11
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