Regional Group No. 157 MAY 2015 QUEENSLAND EARLY FORD V-8 CLUB Inc. REGIONAL GROUP 157 C/- V.V.A.C. Club Rooms 1376 Old Cleveland Rd. Carindale Qld. 4152 INTRODUCTION The Queensland early Ford V-8 Club Inc. made its humble beginning with ten dedicated V-8 Ford enthusiasts gathering under a high set home in Grovely on the 31st January, 1976. We have come a long way since then, and our Club, through the effort of its members over the years, has earned respect within the ‘OLD CAR’ movement. . The objectives of the club are; . . . . [a] To promote the authentic restoration, use and exhibition of Ford Products from the years 1932 -1954 inclusive. [b] To assist members in locating, restoring and maintaining their vehicles. [c] To encourage and sponsor social activities for members and their families. [d] To co-operate with other clubs and associations with similar aims. NOTES; [1] ‘Authentic’ is the description of a genuine standard production vehicle, identical in all respects to that offered by the Ford Motor Company, in the year of the vehicles manufacture. . [2] Although the Club has a Ford V8 title, it automatically includes all Ford Motor Company vehicles powered by various engines offered by Ford from 1932-1954 inclusive. [3] A combination of factors including, a desire to improve vehicle safety, ability to travel more safely in modern traffic, availability of some parts, availability of more affective options than originally fitted, etc, has led to the Club embracing, what it describes as ’Touring Class’ vehicles. A fixed definition is difficult, but such a vehicle must at least be powered by an engine from our era and display external features that, in appearance, are little removed from the original. . *********************************************** CLUB MEETINGS ARE HELD ON THE THIRD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH EXCEPT DECEMBER AT THE V.V.C.C. CLUB ROOMS, 1376 OLD CLEVELAND Rd. CARINDALE, at 7 -30pm ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND. IMPORTANT. The following is the Club Committee for the year 2013-2014 1. AN- PRESIDENT Adrian Grant -------------- 07-3300-3955 VICE PRESIDENT Paul Trainor ……………. 07-3385-7210 SECRETARY Bev Fitzgerald ------------- 07-3265-3061 TREASURER Angela Harding ------------ 07-3802-0658 EDITOR Dave Healey ---------------- 07-5546-1803 LIBRARIAN Trevor Poulsen-------------- 07-3277-2192 HMC DELEGATE Neil Spicer ------------------ 07-5497-4993 RUN ORGANISER Harvey Rohl ---------------- 07-3345-4250 PROPERTY OFFICER Colin Baker ------------------ 07-3802-0658 RAFFLE ORGANISER Viv Fitzgerald --------------- 07-3265-3061 TEA PERSONS Betty Spicer ----------------- 07-5497-4993 Pam Poulsen ————— 07-3277-2192 MEMBERSHIP OFFICER Angela Harding ------------ 07-3802-0658 WEB MASTER Jim O’Shea ------------------- 07-3341-9618 DATING OFFICERS Trevor Poulsen -------------- 07-3277-2192 Neil Spicer ------------------- 07-5497-4993 Ron Pearce ------------------ 07-5537-9445 Vince Gianoli --------------- 0419-022-854 EARLY FORD V-8 CLUB of AMERICA QUEENSLAND REGIONAL GROUP 157. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE TO BE RENEWED ON JANUARY 1st. each year $ 50-00 covers all. The Editor [email protected] The Secretary [email protected] 2 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Today I sit here on ANZAC Day reflecting on its history and how it has affected so many lives over so many years and the pride one feels for all of those men and women who have fought for our country in all the various wars and conflicts and who continue to do so. My father, Colonel John Grant M.C., enlisted into the 1st Divisional Signal Company as a 2nd Lieutenant in 1914. He was on the first convoy to leave Australia on the SS Karroo, and after some very hard training in Egypt he landed on Gallipoli on the first day and was there until the withdrawal. He then went to France and survived the terrible conditions there at places such as The Somme, Ypres, Delville Wood and others.. At 32 years old in 1915 he was referred to by his men as “The Old Man” a reflection on the average age of many of those young men. After the war, he joined the Citizens Military Forces and commanded several different units until in 1938 he was asked to raise The 61st Battalion, The Queensland Cameron Highlanders. At the outbreak of the Second World War he was too old for an appointment as a Colonel in the 2nd AIF and was placed on the Retired List and was returned to his position as Chief Assisstant Engineer in the Tramways and Powerhouse Dept. of the Brisbane City Council. The unit he raised, The 61st Battalion, went on to stop the Japanese advance at Milne Bay. I often reflect on how those two conflicts changed his life and that of so many, many others then and since. Now, at age 66, I am at the same age as Dad was when I was born and he continued to set us all a fine example until his 94th year. Am I proud of him, yes I am, very. I’ll finish with this excerpt from Dad’s diary which is just as poignant now as it was then as the troops sailed from Albany, Western Australia on their long voyage. ………. “It must have been about 4pm. when the mooring lines were let go and the ship moved out on the commencement of probably the most momentous voyages in the lives of all on board. Little did they think that for those who were destined to see the end of this gigantic struggle that it would be four years before they would see Australia again, while those who were fated never to return, were looking their last on their Homeland. Happily kind, Fate hides these things from us.” To all the brave men and women - Lest we forget. 3 It was with a great deal of pleasure that the Club conferred Life Memberships on Ray Mottram and Viv Fitzgerald. Both in their 90th years and still very active, they have both contributed a huge amount in their own inimitable ways to help make the Club as good as it is today. Ray joined in 1979 and his encyclopedic knowledge of our cars and his willingness to share it has benefited us all. Viv joined in 1992 and since that time has been an inspiration with his enthusiasm and assistance and especially his thousands of jokes and funny stories. Strangely, Ray and Viv enlisted in the 2nd World War at the same time and at the same place and met up again here at our Club. Thank you both, you have set us all a fine example. The barbeque at the last meeting was an excellent one, made all the more special by Pam’s lovely apple crumble and pineapple pie with ice-cream. I think Graham Sinn had five helpings, so Pam said anyway!!! Glen Tickle has learnt from his previous transgressions and was heard to remark that this was almost as good as Marion’s cooking. Six weeks in the doghouse certainly affects your opinions!!! I must say that it is very satisfying to see everybody having a good old chin wag before the meeting and just enjoying themselves because isn’t that what it is really all about. The “Meeting” is really only something that we have to do. The befores and afters are all the fun parts! My thanks also to Margaret Rohle for stepping in for Bev and taking the Minutes. You probably noticed that there were not so many comments from the top table when a certain person was away – so Angie said anyway!!!!! The run to Nudgee Beach was very pleasant but it did bring out the naughty side in Neil and Betty and we had to tell them to behave. They weren’t the only ones either. It must have been the salt air. Seventeen Mile Rocks Park has changed greatly since I was there last and now the trees have grown and the grassy areas expanded with plenty of tables and barbies. It was a good run for the day after Anzac day, very relaxing. Thanks once again to Harvey and Margaret for some good venues. Looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting, Enjoy your driving, Regards Adrian. THE SECRETARY’S THANKS I know I have 2 readers of the Club Magazine and I have proof of mine whereas the President only has word of mouth! Two Members, one from Gladstone, the other from Maleny sent me monster bags of stamps for our missionaries through my church. It was very much appreciated, I thought that my Christmas had come early. Many Thanks – Bev Fitzgerald ( Secretary Extraordinaire) 4 COMING EVENTS MAY/ JUNE TUE MAY 12 Bert and June Sherring, 12 Shearwater Esplanade, Runaway Bay, Gold Coast. Morning tea is going to be provided at their house at about 10am. Lunch will be at Paradise Pt - either bring a picnic or there is a food shop nearby where you can buy fish and chips or burgers. SUN MAY 17 Ipswich Car Show at Queens Park. If you ar e displaying car , you must pr e-register for the day. Details provided in handouts at the April meeting. Go to Click on CA LENDA R, then select the event and click on Pre-registration is required. The event is free and any club members are welcome to attend on the day. The grounds will probably be too crowded for us to arrange a meeting spot. See you there. THURS MAY 21st - CLUB MEETING 7.30 pm TUE JUNE 9 Sandgate Esplanade. Meet about 10.30am at a shelter about the cor ner of 2nd Avenue and Flinders Parade. (Doug’s Café Coffee and Fish and Chip Shop across the road ) UBD Map 110 R5 SUN JUN 21 - No Run planned JULY 18/19 TOOWOOMBA RUN . Maybe up Friday night back Sunday . Contact Nohl 0427-354-912 COOLY ROCKS ON— Coolangatta May 29th to June 8th V8 NATIONAL MEET 15th - 18th April 2016 - Accommodation - Best Western PEVENSEY PH 03 -5482-5166 . Tell them you are with the Qld Club. SWAP MEETS MAY 31st Brisbane Swap Meet - Carina State School JUNE 20th Caboolture Regional Swap, Show and Shine.—Beerburrum Show Grounds JULY 12th Gold Coast Swap Meet - Mudgeeraba Show Grounds 5 THIS IDEA CAN WORK EQUALLY WELL ON YOUR V8 JUST REMOVE A FEW MORE SPARK PLUGS! 6 These details were provided by Lin Stacey who regularly advertises in the V8 TIMES. He can provide you with authentic, complete tool kits, or individual tools, restored or unrestored. 7 LATEST ADVICE FROM QHMC 8 VOLUME 40 ISSUE 3 -2015 THE MIDWEEK RUN IN MARCH Our run in March was advertised in the magazine as being at Frew Park, 317 Milton Road, Milton. We duly arrived at the place about 10.30am. We were sure that we were at the correct place when we saw two of our regular attendees holding places for later arrivals under the shade of a shelter shed. Near the shed was a nice clean barbecue and the area had plenty of parking. We joined our fellow members, broke out the coffee and cake and settled in to kick some tyres, share good time with friends and enjoy the pleasant surrounds. We knew that many of our regulars would not be there. In fact we could account for the absence of at least five families. That still left some unaccounted for. I decided to send a text to check on them, only to find my mobile’s battery was dead flat. My wife’s phone was locked in the car so I didn’t take it any further. Two of us went for a walk around the park to make sure there were no other places in the park where people could not easily be seen. The outcome was no sign of anyone so we went back and had our lunch. Following an enjoyable few hours we went home. Later in the day we established contact with some of the ‘missing’ regulars. It appears that some of the group thought that Milton Park was Frew Park – that 316 Milton Road was close enough to 317 Milton Road – so they settled in there for the picnic. Of course in true follow the leader style all who came later and saw others there followed suit and joined them, but not at the advertised venue. The outcome was that we had two separate picnics within a few hundred metres of each other with both groups oblivious to the proximity of the other. I am sure both had an enjoyable day, but both did miss out on the company of the other. Fault for the error has not been officially determined – as that old TV program used to say - “the names of the guilty have not been released in order to protect the identities of the innocent!!” The photo accompanying this article shows the folk who were present at Frew Park. SUN Run Report - March 22 2015 Nudgee Beach Another great fun day, even though we had to watch the weather. It was a delightful spot, plenty of water views and many people using the extensive walking and bike paths nearby. Neil and Betty were very good natured, considering that they were the targets for most of the gentle teasing. One has to be careful as the President is like a newsman always looking for a story! It was great to see Trish and Neil. We always seem to find that different venues often suit a person “who just lives down the road.” Adrian had a parking problem at his house so had to bring the handiest car which happened to be a Fairlane. An Ipswich Car Club turned up and we ended up sharing our shelter shed with many of the Fairlane’s brothers! Attendees: Adrian Grant - 71 Fairlane Neil and Betty Spicer - 46 Coupe Neil and Trish Hamilton - 49 Ford Freighter Bev, Viv Fitzgerald and Connor - Modern Margaret and Harvey Rohl - Modern -Harvey HUGE CROWD ROCKS RIVERSIDE PARK Sunday April 26th 9 ANZAC DAY 2015 - RUNAWAY BAY R.S.L. We were very relieved on Anzac Day to see a good deal of support from our Club Members. Ray Billeau, Neil &Betty Spicer, Bert & June Scherring, Kevin & Joelle Bishop and their Daughter, Dave Healey, and ourselves, turning up at 9am with our V8s to transport the diggers from the R.S.L. branch office to the Epitaph at Runaway Bay. We formed part of the procession at walking pace with the Salvo’s Band, local school pupils and of course the diggers marching. Dave came along in his 34 pickup to carry the walking frames. Neil placed the Club wreath at the epitaph memorial this year along with many other groups including Police, Fire, Salvation Army, other divisions of our fighting forces, and of course the politicians. It is very rewarding to be able to do this for the men and women who gave up so much for us to have the free lifestyle we enjoy today. We would like to thank these Club Members for their efforts at such an important occasion. - Ron and Joy Pearce. ABOVE - Kevin and Joy with Diggers in their cars 35 Cabriolet and 35 Roadster ABOVE and RIGHT -The Crowds and Ron’s 35 Roadster. LEFT - Neil leaving Epitaph after laying our Club Wreath. 10 AN ANZAC DIED TODAY He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast And he sat around the RSL Telling stories of the past Of a war that he once fought at And the deeds that he had done In his exploits with his mates They were heroes every one. And tho’ sometimes to his neighbours His tales became a joke All his mates listened quietly For they knew where of he spoke. But we’ll hear his tales no longer For ol’ Jack has passed away And the world‘s a little poorer For an ANZAC died today. He won’t be mourned by many Just his children and his wife For he lived an ordinary, Very quiet sort of life. He held a job and raised a family Going quietly on his way, And the world won’t note his passing, Tho’ an ANZAC died today. When politicians leave this earth, Their bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing, And proclaim that they were great. The Media tell of their life stories From the time that they were young, But the passing of an ANZAC Goes unnoticed and unsung. Is the greatest contribution To the welfare of the land, Some smoothie who breaks his promise And cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow Who in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his country And offers up his Life? The politician’s stipend And style in which they live Are often disproportionate To the service that they give. While the ordinary ANZAC Who offers up his all, Is paid off with a medal And perhaps a pension, small. It is not the politicians, With their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom That our country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger, With your enemies at hand, Would you really want some cop- out, With his ever waffling stand? Or would you want an ANZAC His home, his country, his kin, Just a common soldier, Who would fight until the end? He was a worthy ANZAC And his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us We may need his likes again. For when our countries are in conflict, We find the ANZAC’s part, Is to clean up all the troubles That the politicians start. If we cannot do him honour While he’s here to enjoy the praise, Then at least let’s give him homage At the ending of his days. Perhaps just a simple headline, In the paper that might say; “OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING, AN ANZAC DIED TODAY” Thanks to Brian NZ for posting this on the "Ford Barn”. Author is ANON - ED ABOVE - Neil standing watch over Ron’s 35 Sedan and his own 46 Convertible. BELOW- Ber t’s 34 Roadster with passenger Dennis 11 WHERE THE MONEY GOES OUR DONATION TO THE CROWSON PARK RIDING SCHOOL FOR THE DISABLED WAS PUT TO A GOOD USE ONCE AGAIN. NEW STEEL HOLDING YARDS GUEST SPEAKERS AT LAST MEETING Father and Son (Rod and Nathan) representatives from Glass 4 Classics gave a presentation to the last meeting. They have patterns for 100’s of cars from the USA and can supply glass for your V8. 12 Rebuilding the 1932 to 1936 Ford Flathead V8 Distributor PART TWO: Bead Blasting, Cleaning, Aluminium Coating and Painting all Parts The following Information and photos are the second part of a Step by Step Guide to completing a Total Rebuild of the 1932 to 1936 Ford Flathead V8 Distributor, or for that matter, the 1932 to 1941 Ford Flathead V8 Distributor. 1. At this stage, the Distributor has been totally disassembled and inspected for the following; Cracks in the Housing Housing broken at Bolt Holes Bushing Wear Damage to the Main Shaft Pitting or excessive Wear of the Cam Lobes Wear or Damage to the Main Shaft Tang Damage to the Governor ridge that holds the Breaker Plate Locking Clip Any wear on the Ridges on the inside the Governor Damage and Cracks to the Coil Damage or Cracks to the Contact Point Screw or Clamp No Damage, Wear or Warping of the Breaker Plate Mechanical Advance Springs are not broken or missing Mechanical Weights move freely and show no signs of Corrosion 2.The Housing is Bead Blasted first, as the Housing will need to be Recoated in Aluminium and the requires 24 hours to cure, depending on the ambient temperature, (if the ambient temperature is less than 30 C, it will require 48 hours to cure). Bead Blast the Governor, Breaker Plate, Breaker Plate Locking Clip, Mechanical Advance, Distributor Cap Bails and finally a very light Bead Blast of the Main Shaft and Cam Lobes. 2.The next important task is to Re-inspect the Housing, as the Bead Blasting can uncover many imperfections, cracks or other Issues. It is now time to polish the Governor and Housing surfaces, so that they will be able to 13 be fitted and removed with two fingers. I have found that the best product for polishing the housing and governor, are the larger Scotch Scouring Pads, (available at Crash Supplies stores ) Once the Housing has passed all checks, it will be sprayed, wiped and cleaned with “Pre” which removes all dust, grease, wax and this also helps the Aluminium to bond and cure onto the Housing. 2. We are now ready to prepare the housing for the aluminium recoating. The areas of the housing that have been polished for the fitting of the governor, require masking to prevent any aluminium reaching these areas. The complete base of the distributor needs to be masked off and the vacuum brake needs to be masked inside and outside. Over a period of 3 or 4 hours, three coats of aluminium are applied and left for curing. 14 3. It is now time to recoat the vacuum brake locking nut, coil and the distributor cap bails and these are painted with a special powered black coating from the USA. 4. The last task for Part II is to remove the old governor bush and replace it with a new bush and then ream the bush if necessary. The following photos will show the correct way to remove and Install the governor bottom bush. 5. Prior to Installing a new bush, soak it in Mineral Oil, (not Synthetic Oil), for 24 hours. You will notice that the old bush shows a dark section around the centre and you will also notice the two holes in the bottom of the governor. These two holes feed engine oil straight to the centre of the bush, so it is important that the new bush be soaked in engine oil for 24 hours. 6. The next step is to Install the governor bush and this is accomplished by using and old main shaft and a hammer. *** If you have any Opinions or Questions on any of the contents making up any of the articles in this Series, please write to the Editor. **Please note that any Parts, Products or Part Brand Names used in these Articles for the Rebuild, are not an Advertisement or Recommendation for these Parts, Products or Part Brand Names** THIS PHOTO WAS TAKEN IN 1946 IN THE USA ( thanks Old Henry) It’s a 1932 Ford, Didn’t take them long to HOTROD a Flathead way back then! 15 Eddie Ford and Restored Cars Magazine For this month’s Library Report, we will look at the bi-monthly magazine “Restored Cars”, published by Eddie Ford. Most people who are interested in old cars would have heard about Eddie Ford. Back in 1967, Eddie Ford, together with Jeff Dellow teamed up to publish “Custom Rodder Magazine.” While there were other magazines published in Australia devoted to Hot Rods, Custom Rodder quickly gained the reputation as the best magazine on the subject. Prior to Custom Rodder, I had not bought any Australian hot rod magazines, as the contents were not to my liking. This all changed with the introduction of Custom Rodder , as it was full of old Fords and other American cars, which was what I enjoyed . I naturally purchased a copy and immediately sent off a congratulatory letter thanking him for producing such an interesting magazine. Eddie replied to my letter which lead to the start of a lifetime friendship between Eddie Ford and myself. In 1968 or 1969, my two brothers and I were invited to visit the Fords in Victoria and spent an enjoyable week on the farm at South Muckleford with Eddie , while we were fed by his Mum. Eddie was still single at the time. Prior to this magazine, I had only taken photos sparingly on an old Kodak Camera in black and white, however, as there were old cars still in use in and around Brisbane, I bought an old 35mm camera which I kept on me as I went for walks during the lunch hour, as well as on Sunday drives. These negatives were sent down to Eddie and he started using my photos in the candids and Photo Quiz sections. Imagine how excited I was at seeing photos that I had taken in a national magazine. My first real contribution was a story that I wrote, complete with photos in Issue Number 7 of old cars that were in Brisbane. This was followed up in Issue Number 8 with my first car feature, a 1940 Mercury Sedan that was mainly stock except for the widened wheels. Other Features followed. It was not long after this that Eddie asked if I would be his Queensland Contributing Editor, which I gladly accepted. During the early issues of Custom Rodder magazine, it also contained many stories and articles on stock and restored cars. After a few years with this arrangement, rather than including restored cars in Custom Rodder, Eddie saw that restorers didn’t have a magazine that they could call their own, so started to produce a new magazine he named Restored Cars in 1973. Restored Cars magazine is still with us today and is the only title that Eddie continues to produce today. During the mid-seventies, the panel van craze was in full swing, and Eddie saw a niche market for these vehicles and introduced Custom Van and Truck in 1976. As Eddie had toured the USA with 3 friends in 1966, he arranged a 4 week tour in 1977, taking in the Street Rod Nationals, followed a week later by the Street Machine Nationals, both held in St Paul, Minnesota. When Eddie took sick and was grounded, he asked if I could lead the Tour, which I gladly accepted. That was my first time that I had visited the USA. As if 3 titles weren’t enough, in January 1989, Eddie introduced a 4th title, that being Americar Australia to cater for the growing market of late model American cars. 16 AA had features on American cars (as the title suggested), plus how-to articles converting cars to RHD as well as pictures of recent cars that had been imported into Australia. By this time, you would think that Eddie was under enough pressure, however, Eddie the glutton for punishment added a “special” called Muscle Cars, which came out just twice. These thicker magazines were published in an effort to use up some of the stock-pile of material that Eddie with his Contributing Editors were sending in. As you can appreciate, having 4 distinct titles to publish really stretched Eddie & his small team of people to the limits, to have all these magazine meet printing deadlines. Unfortunately, the first publication to meet its fate was Americar Australia, as there just were not enough American car enthusiasts buying AA magazine to continue its publication, so after 2 years, Issue 8 dated December 1990 was the last The next magazine to cease being published by Eddie was CV&T magazine with Issue Number 61 in 1991, as the van movement was slowing down. With this reduced number of titles to publish, life for Eddie was much more relaxed with only 2 publications, Custom Rodder and Restored Cars. When Restored Cars was introduced, Custom Rodder magazine then concentrated on hot rods and custom cars, however, other magazines on the subject were introduced and Eddie thought that it was time to wind-up Custom Rodder. The last issue that was produced was Issue 121 in 1994. While all this activity was going on, as if this schedule was not difficult enough, Eddie produced 2 books in collaboration with Norm Darwin. The History of Holden since 1917 was produced in 1983, followed by The History of Ford in Australia in 1986. We will review this Ford book in a future Library Report. These days, life is much more relaxed as Eddie concentrates all his efforts on just one publication, Restored Cars, which is now into its 41st year of continuous publication with the latest Issue being number 230. While most people Eddies age are enjoying retirement, Eddie still enjoys publishing Restored Cars Magazine and is in his office most days of the week. Not a bad achievement for the son of a farmer in country Victoria. Trevor Poulsen <>< Correction – In my last Library Report, I erroneously listed Books 2 & 3 in the Lorin Sorensen both as “The Open Fords”. It should read Book 2 “The Ford Shows”. Book 3 is “The Open Fords”. 17 QUEENSLAND EARLY FORD V8 CLUB INC., 478TH GENERAL MEETING 19TH March 2015. The meeting opened at 7.30 with the President Adrian welcomed 29 members, including Peter Stefanini & Annette Pirie who we have not seen for few years. Adrian announced that Jim O’Shea had received an email with photos of their (Crownson Park) new yards which our donation went towards the building. We shall get Dave to put it in the next magazine. The minutes were read and confirmed on a motion by Ron Pearce seconded by Neil Spicer. Adrian then introduced Nathan & Rod from “Classic Glass” who gave a very informative talk on producing glass for all windows for all types of cars, makes and models. Phone 1300 442 00 if any one that was not at the meeting and wanting information. Adrian thanked them for their talk and time. We continued on with the meeting. CORRESPONDENCE – Minutes of the QHMC – Vet Car Club Invoice – Numerous Membership fees – Numerous magazines. Outward - Letters with receipts and cards to members and advertisers. Viv moved seconded by Trevor Poulsen the correspondence be accepted TREASURERS REPORT Angie as usual gave a sound report on our finances. She moved her report seconded by Ray Billeau. QHMC REPORT - Neil reported the meeting was next week. There was no Editors report owing to the fact they were in New Zealand. RUN REPORT - Harvey stated all the runs are listed in the magazine. He will see if we can go down to the slip and see “Forceful” while in dock. LIBRARY - Trevor stated he is still looking for lost books from the library. Will members please look to see if they have any of the clubs books’. GENERAL BUSINESS - Betty asked if more kettles were required for Jimboomba as she saw some on sale. She moved that they buy one, seconded Jim. Jim stated the flyers will be delivered tomorrow for Jimboomba. There were no more shirts or jackets required so the secretary will place an order next week. Ron wanted to know what cars were available for Anzac Day at RSL Runaway Bay. Adrian moved that a Life Membership be bestowed on Viv Fitzgerald and presented Viv with a plaque, engraved with name and his contribution to the club. Viv replied he was very honoured to receive the award. APRIL MID WEEK RUN TO CLEVELAND POINT The following members turned up on the day: Ray Mottram, Phil & Wendy Dean and Jim & Leigh O’Shea, all in their early Ford Co vehicles. Roy & Lorna drove their Pontiac. Present as well were Trevor & Pam Poulsen, Viv Fitzgerald & Connor Hobday, Laurie & Maureen Harris and Harvey & Margaret Rohl all driving their modern cars. Many of our regulars were unable to attend. The sky was blue, the sun was out and there was water right up to the sea wall, at the point. Harvey had to take a photo to show how clever he was to organize the coming together of all these three factors. There were a lot of people around the park because of the combined effect of the beautiful day and the school holidays. A continual parade of cars went round the circuit looking for a parking space. Our members managed to arrive at the right time and found convenient spots. The fish and chip café did a great trade around lunch time. Unlike last month’s mid week run, all the members enjoyed each other’s company at the same place, this month. Phil was the recipient of accolades from a number of people for being at the right park at the right address so early in the day. As always, it was a very pleasant few hours in the company of nice people . 18 QUEENSLAND EARLY FORD V8 CLUB INC 479TH GENERAL MEETING 16TH APRIL 2015. The meeting opened at 7.50pm by President Adrian who welcomed 28 members and accepted 3 apologies. He welcome 3 visitors Wayne Mackenzie, Les Howarth & Noel Campbell & new member Kevin Teys . Rob Noble put in another appearance – he seems to pop up every now and then. Thanks went to Viv & Jim for the BBQ and to Pam for delicious desert and to the ladies who assisted. The minutes were read and confirmed by Neil Spicer seconded by Col Baker. BUSINESS ARISING Members were reminded for ANZAC Day at Runaway Bay. CORRESPONDENCE IN Numerous magazines from other clubs. Membership fees from Tony Boudreau, Daniel Essie, Athol Finger, Jeanette Henry, & new members Leslie Mitchell & Roger Carter. CORRESPONDENCE OUT Nil The inward & outward correspondence was received & endorsed by Trevor Poulsen seconded by Graham Sinn. Carried. TREASURERS REPORT Angie gave a sound report of our finances. This was moved by Viv Fitzgerald seconded by Ray Billeau. QHMC REPORT There is not report this month. EDITOR REPORT Why would he bother when he is still enjoying himself in New Zealand. RUN REPORT Harvey gave the runs for April & May and they will be found elsewhere in the magazine. JIMBOOMBA SWAP Flyers will be given out next month. Everything is going smoothly. Work on the website is still in progress. GENERAL BUSINESS New members – Les Mitchell & Roger Carter’s applications were approved and accepted Adrian moved seconded by Viv Fitzgerald that a Life membership be bestowed on Ray Mottram. Ray accepted and received a plaque for his services to the club for mechanical assistance to anyone who asked. He joined the club in 1979 and has been a staunch member ever since. The meeting closed at 8.30 followed by supper and drawing of raffles. Paul Trainor 1/5 Alison Lowe 3/5 Bill Cardno 4/5 Peter Read 6/5 John McArthur 8/5 Peter Whibley 8/5 Rod Harp 9/5 Patricia Hamilton 9/5 Hetty Van Rynswoud 15/5 Bernie Barr 17/5 Rob Noble 18/5 Darryl Hill 20/5 Allan Harper 23/5 Allen Rains 27/5 Stan Brown 30/5 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! 19 FOR SALE 1939 MERCURY SEDAN Concourse Winner, Beautiful Car $40,000 Phone Bob Twyford 07-3216-8970 0400-117-422 3. FORD PARTS FOR SALE Fuel Tank 1946/48 Ute, good condition; 1946/48 front and rear doors, need some work but good for their age. Open to Offers Phone Jack van Rynswoud, Bellbowrie, 07—3202-7001 , Mob 0421-197-742 3. 1948 MERCURY REAR END Includes; Diff, Hubs, Drive Shaft, Tube, Rear Spring $650.00 Cross Member $100.00 PH Ray Billeau 0406-140-327 1. NEW 1933-34 SPEEDOMETER CABLES Anyone interested in buying a new RHD cable (longer) please contact Dave Slater PH 0412-593-535 . He is getting a special r un made and is collecting or der s. 2. 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE CONVERTIBLE - FOR SALE This car received a ground up restoration and RHD conversion by Alan Porter in the late 1980’s.It was a regular entrant and trophy winner at our All Ford Rallies. It was recently purchased by a local car enthusiast – Steve Pulford. It was Steve’s pride and joy but sadly Steve passed away and his widow, Joy, wants to sell the car. The car has 12 months Registration and is fitted with personalised plates “QMY46”. It needs a convertible top which are available in the USA. Steve paid $60K for it and Joy would like to get between $50 and $55k. You can contact Joy on 07-3820-7860 or 0412-002-478. For more information about the car you can contact Bob Stone (one of Steve’s mates) who knows a lot more about this car. His Ph Nos are; 07-3206-0465, or 0407-677-202 3. 20 Queensland Early Ford V-8 Club A REQUEST FROM YOUR SECRETARY I belong to a church whose members collects used stamps. These stamps are taken to head office and sold to a stamp collector, the money raised is then donated to any Missionaries working in Queensland . The money is donated to Outback Stations for fuel, food, maintenance of their vehicles and if any left over, gifts for their children.. The stamps need to be in good condition, and can have a 1/4 inch of paper left around them. They can be given to me at meetings or posted to me at; 6 Roscommon Rd, Boondall Qld 4034. Many thanks—Bev Fitzgerald COILS WANTED Original 1932 to 1941 FORD V8 “Script” and Early Australian Aftermarket V8 Ignition Coils Late aftermarket Ford V8 Ignition Coils are NOT suitable . The Coils need to have NO cracks or chips. I will pay $20 per Coil plus Postage for coils in good condition. David Braham (member) BCS REMANUFACTURED DISTRIBUTORS PH 0438-885-347 3. FORD CUSTOMLINE I need a pair of internal sun -visors for a 1952.53,54 FORD Customline I need the brackets too. PH Tom Prior 07-4094-7108 2. WANTED FOR 1939 BEER BARREL 3/4 TON PICKUP Rear Guards and both Running Boards PH Athol Finger 07-4983-1185 1. WANTED FOR 1937 COUPE Generator 6V with Fan, prefer 3 Brush but any model with Fan would do. OR Ar matur e 18-100005 to fit a 4010000B 6V gen. Also Bonnet Latching Plate and Spring which fit onto the shaft at bottom square of the handle PH Roger Carter 07 4946-6217 Email [email protected] 1. Volume 40, Issue 3 2015 DIFFERENTIAL WANTED 1939 - 48 Has anyone got a Crown Wheel and Pinion they could sell me? 3.78 or 3.54 in good cond. Phone Dave Healey 07-55461803 1. 21 UNDERWOOD WRECKING 98 Kingston Rd. Underwood. Qld. 4119 Ph. 07-3808-1006 * Fax 07-3208-1707 Email; [email protected] Wrecking most makes & models Member of the wreckers hotline MONTYS GARAGE VINTAGE CAR MUSEUM Glenmorgan Vintage Car Parts Specializing in -- FORD -- MERCURY -- JEEP PARTS FOR ALL MAKES {1910—1970} Ph. 07-4665-6819 / Mob 0418-786-850 my skin crawl now just think of it!!! Also back then I bought my first 1942 truck for 250 quid, I restored it into the ex-army 2.1/2 ton C.L. that it once was, my friends all thought I was absolutely mad. The kids called it the jolly green giant, this truck is still with me today and still looks and goes great. The ’47 Deluxe car was put in storage for a while until Robert was 16 then we put her back to original except for the wire wheels and a coat of black paint not forgetting his very own swan on the bonnet and when he got his license it became his every day cruiser for several years until a GT Falcon look-alike took his CLUB ITEMS FOR SALE ENAMEL GRILL BADGES -$17.50 CLUB SHIRTS -$35.00 CLUB JACKETS -$50.00 Please note FINAL price on Shirts and Jackets depends upon Manufacturer. Contact Bev Fitzgerald 07-3265-3061 22 Queensland Early Ford V-8 Club MOBILE PHONE NUMBERS BAIRD Ken BAKER Colin BAMBERRY Russell BARR Ber nie BISHOP Kevin BRADSHAW Les &Helen CAMPBELL Ian & Peta DEARSLY Dale FITZGERALD Bev FOGG Rodney GEARING Ter r y & Cor al GRANT Adr ian HAKEN J ohn & Dianne HAMILTON Neil & Tr ish HEALEY Dave & J o HENRY J eanette HORSFORD Alan LATTIMORE Geor ge LEGGETT Er r ol & Gwen LEWIS Bob MAURER Nohl & J udy O’SHEA Leigh O’SHEA J im PEARCE Ron & J oy RICHARDSON J oe ROHL Mar gar et & Har vey SCOTT Mar k & Matina SHERRING Ber t&J une SINN Gr aham & Sue SPICER Neil & Betty TRAINOR Paul & Bar bar a THOMPSON Bob TWYFORD Bob WILLIAMS J ohn & Robyn WITCHARD Andy& Wynne WINZER Roy & Lor na YANTSCH Lyle 0428-963-311 0408-878-193 0417-718-373 0419-776-929 0414-570-500 0409-289-427 0439-047-137 0418-107-921 0466-061-081 0418-712-927 0417-193-959 0434-383-055 0418-786-850 0421-326-695 0408-752-584 0411-889-866 0427-634-240 0408-193-337 0408-784-729 0427-044-710 0427-354-912 0417-759-748 0412-751-111 0407-118-146 0408-867-686 0430-877-412 0427-773-560 0402-010-345 0414-634-861 0412-486-609 0427-298-400 0408-771-858 0400-117-422 0412-457-417 0417-457-301 0419-786-688 0427-711-045 EMAIL ADDRESSES BAMBERRY Russell BARR Ber nie BISHOP Kevin & J oelle BRADSHAW Les & Helen CAMPBELL Ian & Peta CHAPMAN Gr aham DEARSLY Dale FITZGERALD Bev GRANT Adr ian HAKEN J ohn HAKEN Rober t HEALEY Dave HENRY J eanette KOHUT Danny LATTIMORE Geor ge LEGGETT Er r ol LOWE Wayne & Alison MAURER Nohl & J udy McARTHUR J ohn Treena MILLER David O’SHEA J im & Leigh PEARCE Ron & J oy POULSEN Tr evor & Pam RIORDAN Alan & J anet ROHL Mar gar et &Har vey SCOTT Mar k & Matina SHERRING Bert&June SINN Gr aham SMITH Steve SPICER Neil & Betty THOMPSON Bob WARDEN Ivan WINZER Roy & Lor na WITCHARD Andy&Wynn [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] s.young [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Volume 40, Issue 3 -2015 23
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