The new construction has given me many opportunities to talk about how God is impacting our church. These conversations start with our new building and then turn to what really matters, our relationships with each other and how God is working through our church family. There are always examples to share of how God is working through this project to teach us, strengthen our faith, and show us His plan. People at work and in the community have a lot of questions about what is going on down at EBC and it has been a lot of fun to share with them not only the progress on our project, but how we have been blessed through the process. I hope we all can take every opportunity to tell others about this amazing God we serve and what He is doing in our church. Enjoy the articles in the following pages on what God is doing among us! Dennis Roth, Building Committee Chairman INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Activities / Announcements 06-07 Building Articles / Photos 02-03 Calendar 05 Canyonview’s Live Nativity 08 Celebrations 07 Going to Others 04 Library Corner 06 2 Emmanuel Bible Church December t was a frigid cold Saturday morning as the volunteers gathered around the table of warm drinks and delicious treats. They had just come from laying sod (which came in soggy, muddy rolls), shaping flower beds, and many other laborious tasks. The conversations were, to say the least, jovial and uplifting despite the wet chill. Some of the volunteers were draped with muddy clothes and boots that were uniform in color…..muddy brown. What a sight! As a building committee member, I have been privileged to be a part of getting the volunteers together. I have one word to describe the several days I’ve been there: HARMONY! I truly feel the Lord blesses us each time with a great measure of harmony. All one has to do is go around watching and listening to each person. Everyone has joyfully contributed to their task. At one point during the sod laying, there must’ve been 15 people converged in one area nearly creating human sized bumps under the laid sod due to the rolls being put down so quick! Yet in what seemed no time, the ground turned from brown to green. Another task was the enclosure around the fuel tank on the north side of the building that Steve Brown built which came together so neatly. The Morrison family jumped right in to stain it to match the church. I could go on and on but I think I’ll just let you, the reader, come and find out on our next volunteer day! In closing, I thank every one of the volunteers that have sacrificed their time and resources to keep our project here at the church a collective effort. We all really appreciate the women who’ve so kindly contributed to keeping the workers fed and happy! I also know there are several individuals like Steve Brown, Russ Roth, David Steffen, David Sedlacek, Vern Heinrichs and I’m sure many others who tirelessly put their time in and often don’t get recognized for it. It has made a huge difference how God has placed these people in areas that keep our volunteers engaged! Leroy Kaufman, Building Committee 2 Photos Courtesy of: Rosie Roth 3 December Emmanuel Bible Church will have to confess, recently my heart has not been focused directly on the EBC building project. God, however, has given me a renewed vision and purpose for what this project is all about. Let me explain. About two months ago, my Dad experienced his final episode that slowly caused him to be weaker and weaker until he passed away. During that time, many of us siblings and grandchildren, encouraged our Dad and grandfather toward Jesus, and served him with a love that could only have been Jesus in us. Why? Because we were parts of different local bodies of believers that encouraged each other in our walks with the Lord. If we had been solo Christians, that environment would not have been around my Dad, my Dad would not have been encouraged, served and strengthened, and may well have had a dark three weeks into a dark eternity. God has directed us to build a place for the community so that we can come together to worship Him and build up each other - so that His light can shine and that people are drawn to Jesus! During the time of my Dad’s passing, the resulting services and dinners, God privileged me to a rare period of fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters from the Hazelgreen, Central Howell and Kaufman Road congregations. Each connection was of sincere good well. I was very much encouraged and filled by our Lord through these brothers and sisters. In the midst of this, God was speaking strongly to my heart – Dan, you guys are building a facility that will be used by this community to honor me. This building isn’t for EBC only – this building is for the community. This building is for the Honor of My Majesty as it is revealed in the oneness of My people in this community. Dan Dettwyler, General Contractor 3 4 Emmanuel Bible Church Sam and Beth Wallace Sam and Beth Wallace are our missionaries with YWAM in Idaho. Right now they are seeking support as they will be leading a YWAM team to Northern India, sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard it before. Pray that the $6000 will be raised in order for them to go this December. Jens and Annie Erickson After being part of our EBC family for years, Jens and Annie and family (Ladd, Reuben, KellyHope and Oliver) moved to Lima, Peru where Jens teaches middle school science, history and Bible at the International Christian School of Lima. Both he and Annie mentor various students and friends who are learning to live for Jesus. We need to uphold them in prayer as they are far from family this Christmas and will be using the message of Christmas to spread His Good News! 4 December Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday December 01 Friday 5 Saturday Emmanuel Bible Church 02 03 04 05 06 5:30 Men’s Fellowship 11:00 Joyful Sound 12:00 Prayer Mtg 2:00 After School 07 08 8:00/10:45 Worship 9:30 AE/SS 4:30 Choir Practice 5:45 Christmas Program Practice 7:00 Youth Group 14 21 7:00 ELLS (M) 7:00 H.S. MidWeek Fellowship 10 11 12 13 5:30 Men’s Fellowship LFUB Ministry 12:00 Prayer Mtg 2:00 After School 6:30 Awana 6:30 Lifeguards 7:00 Prayer Mtg 15 8:00/10:45 Choir Cantata 9:30 AE/SS 5:45 Christmas Program Practice 5:45 Sheets Missionary Report 7:00 Youth Group 09 6:30 Awana 6:30 Lifeguards 7:00 Prayer Mtg 16 17 5:30 Men’s Fellowship 6:30 Women’s Christmas Party 18 19 Edge Deadline 20 Youth Group Lock-In 12:00 After School 12:00 Prayer Mtg 6:30 Awana 6:30 Lifeguards 7:00 Prayer Mtg 7:00 UGM Service w/Choir Cantata 22 9:00/10:45 Worship 1:00 Christmas Program Rehearsal 23 24 5:30 Men’s Fellowship Angel Tree Christmas Party 25 26 Office Closed Merry 12:00 Prayer Mtg Christmas 6:00 Christmas Program 28 7:00 Elder Board Meeting 29 8:00/10:45 Worship 30 31 5:30 Men’s Fellowship 12:00 Prayer Mtg AE = Adult Education SS = Sunday School 5 27 6 Emmanuel Bible Church 06 = Joyful Sound Single and Silver? Join us for our holly, jolly, merry and bright luncheon on Saturday, December 6th! We will meet at Sizzler from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Questions? Contact: Sonja Tripp 07 = Debbie Sardo Missionary Report Debbie Sardo will be sharing in both morning worship services about her ministry in East Africa with SIM and ELLS International. There will also be an informal time of Q & A, followed by a time of prayer, during the Sunday School hour. No Sunday School classes are cancelled, but whoever would like to attend is welcome! 12 = Women’s Christmas Party Ladies of all ages are invited to the annual Women’s Christmas Party! This year will be themed around, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, so join us for this festive event. Friday, December 12th, at 6:30 PM, in the church fellowship hall. Babysitting is provided if you contact Jenny Shetler. December A Victorian Christmas Tea By Catherine Palmer A Victorian Christmas Tea will take you the mountains of New Mexico, where mistaken identities nearly derail a romance before it can even begin... to a Louisiana plantation, where tender hearts must put aside the past before they can embrace the rural Minnesota, where love springs unexpectedly from the ashes of a stormy New England Christmas Eve, when the prayers of a young widow's child are answered in a most unusual manner. This is just of the many Christmas Books we have in the library to enjoy! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!! 14= Choir Christmas Cantata Our choir will present “A Family Christmas” on Sunday, December 14, during both morning services, at 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM. 14= Jason and Sarah Sheets Missionary Report Jason and Sarah will be sharing with us, on Sunday evening, December 14th, 5:45 pm, about their future ministry to Peru as they plan to leave the first part of January. Refreshments will be served, but no meal will be provided. Please bring a plate of your favorite Christmas treats to share! 19 = Angel Tree Christmas Party Friday, December 19th—watch for more details on how you can serve and be a part of this ministry to children with incarcerated parents. 21= Christmas Sunday Services Morning worship services will be held on Sunday, December 21st at 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM. Our annual Christmas Program will be at 6:00 PM with the showing of “Angels Aware”. 6 25-26 = Merry Christmas! Church Office Closed details to follow 01 = Happy New Year! Church Office Closed. 10 = Joyful Sound @ Sizzler 13 = EBC Annual Congregational Meeting 31 = Awana Grand Prix Event @ Canyonview 7 December 01 Liam Harris, Sue Turkington, Kira Zubrinich 02 Sam Dettwyler, Scott Guenther, Madison Zucker 03 Megan Klopfenstein, Anita Roth 04 Kaitlyn Gehring, Joshua Steffen 05 Scot Greenwood 06 Linda Butsch, Hillary Butsch, Sylvia Roth (90), Beth Wallace 07 Mia Allman, Mike Gerig 08 Andrew Sheets 09 Gerald Hitz, Breanne Roth 10 Marilee Caughman, Richard Feredinos, Luke Lafayette 11 Becky Steffen 12 Jim Cates, Ellen Wold (92) 13 Esther Roth 15 Michael Mara 16 Darlene Fuls, Carly Blue Myers, Joshua Purington, Daniel Rogers, Byron Stadeli, Mickey Vorpahl 17 Ethan Elliott, Richard Klopfenstein, Philip Stucky 18 Tiffany Rogers, Timothy Underwood 19 Vicki Frazier, Matt Walz 20 Gabe Clayton, Neal Newsome 21 Evangeline Kelly, Biz Spalding 22 Pierce Idol, Mary Wenger 23 David Galante, Theral Woodall 24 Linda Brown, Dale Kaufman 25 Loraine Akeeem 26 MaKenna Neukomm, Mary Pinkerton 27 28 Preston Roth 29 Char Epping, Kathy Welty 30 Cassie Frazier, Julie Morrison, Joe Wallace 31 Bruce Ediger, Chad Kuenzi Emmanuel Bible Church 01 Marc and Jackie Hitz 04 Patrick and Rose Haney 06 Mike and Dot Blevins, Luke and Jessica Lafayette 10 Mark and Rennell Johnston 11 Nate and Michelle Mulkey 14 Brett and Jena Davisson 15 Pete and June Herr (70) 19 Howard and Rosie Shetler 28 Wes and Mickey Vorpahl 29 Lucas and Grace Myers 30 Richard and Hope Feredinos 31 Dave and Carol Gavette, Mark and Shelley Myers If we inadvertently left you out of the Birthday or Anniversary list or if you would like to be added to the EDGE mailing, please notify the office. Board Updates for October Elder Board: Discussed intentionally seeking the Lord about the EBC leadership during 2015, including the composition of the Elder Board and Deacon Council nominees Discussed shepherding matters at EBC Received Reports Church Board: 2015 Missions Budget Approved 2015 General Budget Approved Approved to add another position to the Missions Committee 2015 Men’s Retreat The Men’s Retreat will be February 20-22, 2015 at Twin Rocks. The cost will be $115.00. Our speaker will be Pastor Eric Spuur, of Mt. Angel Bible Church. 7 and November 8 EMMANUEL BIBLE CHURCH 8512 Sunnyview Rd. N.E. Salem, OR 97305-9548 Phone 503-364-6179 Fax 503-365-8471 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Salem, OR Permit No. 444 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 8 & 10:45 A.M. [email protected] | You’re Invited! Free! Everyone is Welcome! Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Silverton Food Bank. Live Nativity scene with the reading of the Christmas story Pony Rides (12 and under) Tree decoration Cookie Decorating Christmas Carols Crafts CANYONVIEW’S 15th Annual LIVE NATIVITY! Saturday, December 6th, 2:00-4:00 PM & 6:00-8:30 PM | [email protected] | 971-239-1347 8
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