Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/ SATA Protocol Suite Reference Manual Document Version 1.8 SAS/SATA Protocol Suite software version 5.70 Generated: April 6, 2015, 09:07 Teledyne LeCroy Protocol Solutions Group Trademarks and Servicemarks: Teledyne LeCroy, Teledyne LeCroy Protocol Solutions Group, CATC, SASSuite, SATASuite, SASTracer, SATracer, SASTrainer, SATrainer, SASTracker and Avalanche are trademarks of Teledyne LeCroy. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 2000, and Win‐ dows XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL INFORMATION, EXAMPLES AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE REPRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN INFORMATION THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT Teledyne LeCroy FOR A COPY. © 2012 Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be printed and reproduced without additional permission, but all copies should contain this copyright notice. WEEE Program Teledyne LeCroy 3385 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 TEL: 800‐909‐7112 (USA and Canada) TEL: 408‐653‐1260 (worldwide) Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite ii Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................... 1 System Requirements .....................................................................................................................................1 Support Resources .........................................................................................................................................1 Setting Up Automation for Local Use ............................................................................................................2 Setting Up Automation for Remote Use ........................................................................................................2 Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite COM API Object Model ...................................... 2 SASAnalyzer Object ..................................................................................................................... 4 ISASAnalyzer Interface ...................................................................................................................................5 ISASAnalyzer::GetBoardPlatform .......................................................................................................6 ISASAnalyzer::GetVersion ...................................................................................................................7 ISASAnalyzer::OpenFile .......................................................................................................................9 ISASAnalyzer::StartGeneration .........................................................................................................10 ISASAnalyzer::StopGeneration .........................................................................................................11 ISASAnalyzer:: StartGenerationByPort ............................................................................................12 ISASAnalyzer:: StopGenerationByPort .............................................................................................13 ISASAnalyzer:: GetTrainerExitCode ..................................................................................................13 ISASAnalyzer::StartRecording ..........................................................................................................14 ISASAnalyzer::StopRecording ...........................................................................................................16 ISASAnalyzer::MakeRecording ..........................................................................................................18 ISASAnalyzer::IsRunning ...................................................................................................................20 ISASAnalyzer::LoadDisplayOptions .................................................................................................22 ISASAnalyzer::LoadGlobalGenOptions ............................................................................................23 ISASAnalyzer::GetRecordingOptions ...............................................................................................24 ISASAnalyzer::ResumeGeneration ...................................................................................................26 ISASAnalyzer::ActivateDevice ...........................................................................................................27 ISASAnalyzer::ActivateDeviceByBoard ............................................................................................28 ISASAnalyzer::DeactivateDevice .......................................................................................................29 ISASAnalyzer::SetScenarioToPort ....................................................................................................30 ISASAnalyzer:: StartScenario ............................................................................................................32 ISASAnalyzer:: StopScenario ............................................................................................................34 ISASAnalyzer:: SetPortConfiguration ...............................................................................................36 ISASAnalyzer:: LoadPreEmphasisSignalFile ...................................................................................40 ISASAnalyzer::SetTraceFileName .....................................................................................................40 ISASAnalyzer::DoSelfTest ..................................................................................................................41 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite iii Teledyne LeCroy Contents ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogToSaveAutomatically ............................................................................42 ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogModeToMultipleFile ..............................................................................43 ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogModeToSingleFile .................................................................................44 ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogModeToTraceRelativePath ...................................................................45 SierraSASAnalyzer Object ......................................................................................................... 46 SierraSTAnalyzer Object............................................................................................................ 47 STXSASAnalyzer Object ............................................................................................................ 48 STXSTAnalyzer Object ............................................................................................................... 49 SASTrace Object......................................................................................................................... 50 ITrace Interface ..............................................................................................................................................51 ITrace::GetName .................................................................................................................................52 ITrace::ApplyDisplayOptions .............................................................................................................54 ITrace::Save .........................................................................................................................................56 ITrace::GetPacketRow ........................................................................................................................58 ITrace::ExportToText ..........................................................................................................................59 ITrace::ExportToExcel ........................................................................................................................64 ITrace::Close .......................................................................................................................................65 ITrace::ReportFileInfo .........................................................................................................................66 ITrace::ReportErrorSummary ............................................................................................................67 ITrace::GetPacket ................................................................................................................................70 ITrace::GetPacketsCount ...................................................................................................................73 ITrace::GetTriggerPacketNum ...........................................................................................................75 ITrace::AnalyzerErrors .......................................................................................................................76 ISASTrace Interface.......................................................................................................................................78 ISASTrace::GetBusPacket .................................................................................................................79 ISASVerificationScript Interface ..................................................................................................................80 ISASVerificationScript::RunVerificationScript .................................................................................81 ISASVerificationScript:: GetVScriptEngine ......................................................................................84 SASRecOptions Object .............................................................................................................. 86 IRecOptions Interface ...................................................................................................................................86 IRecOptions::Load ..............................................................................................................................87 IRecOptions::Save ..............................................................................................................................88 IRecOptions::SetRecMode .................................................................................................................89 IRecOptions::SetBufferSize ...............................................................................................................90 IRecOptions::SetPostTriggerPercentage .........................................................................................91 IRecOptions::SetTriggerBeep ............................................................................................................92 IRecOptions::SetSaveExternalSignals ..............................................................................................93 IRecOptions::SetTraceFileName .......................................................................................................94 IRecOptions::Reset ............................................................................................................................95 ISASRecOptions Interface ............................................................................................................................95 iv Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Contents Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object....................................................................................................................... 96 IPacket Interface ............................................................................................................................................96 IPacket::GetTimestamp ......................................................................................................................97 ISASPacket Interface.....................................................................................................................................98 IPacket::GetPacketData ......................................................................................................................99 IPacket::GetDirection ........................................................................................................................103 IPacket::GetErrors ............................................................................................................................104 IPacket:: GetLinkNumber .................................................................................................................105 IPacket:: GetFrameType ...................................................................................................................106 IPacket:: GetTotalDwords ................................................................................................................107 SASTraceErrors Object............................................................................................................ 108 ISASAnalyzerErrors Dispinterface.............................................................................................................108 ISASAnalyzerErrors::get_Item .........................................................................................................109 ISASAnalyzerErrors::get_Count ......................................................................................................110 SASVScriptEngine Object........................................................................................................ 112 IVScriptEngine Interface .............................................................................................................................113 IVScriptEngine::RunVScript .............................................................................................................114 IVScriptEngine::RunVScriptEx ........................................................................................................115 IVScriptEngine::LaunchVScript .......................................................................................................117 IVScriptEngine::Stop ........................................................................................................................118 SASVScriptEngine Object Events........................................................................................... 119 _IVScriptEngineEvents Interface ...............................................................................................................119 IVScriptEngineEvents::OnVScriptReportUpdated .........................................................................123 IVScriptEngineEvents::OnVScriptFinished ....................................................................................124 IVScriptEngineEvents::OnNotifyCount ...........................................................................................126 SASAnalyzer Object Events .................................................................................................... 128 _ISASAnalyzerEvents Dispinterface..........................................................................................................128 _ISASAnalyzerEvents::OnTraceCreated .........................................................................................130 _ISASAnalyzerEvents::OnStatusReport .........................................................................................132 How to Contact Teledyne LeCroy .......................................................................................... 136 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite v Teledyne LeCroy vi Contents Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Introduction The Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite software provides a rich COM/Automation API to the most important functionalities of the Teledyne LeCroy Sierra/STX Protocol Analyzers and Teledyne LeCroy Sierra/STX Exercisers for implementation of automated programs for complicated testing, development, and debugging. The "dual" nature of the interfaces provided makes it easy to use the Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite COM API in the different Integrated Development Environments (IDE) that support the COM architecture. Special support for typeless script languages (such as VB and JavaScript), while overriding some restrictions imposed by script engines (remote access, dynamic object creation, and handling events), allows you to write client applications quickly and easily. You do not need significant programming skills or installation of expensive and powerful programming language systems. All these features, along with the ability to set up all necessary DCOM permissions during the installation process, make the Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite an attractive tool for automating and speeding many engineering processes. System Requirements The Automation API was introduced with the following release: Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite software 2.60/4.60. This document covers the functionality available in Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 4.0 and above. Support Resources As new functionalities are added to the API, not all of them are supported by older versions of the analyzer software. For newer releases of analyzer software, please refer to the Teledyne LeCroy web site: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 1 Teledyne LeCroy Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite COM API Object Model Setting Up Automation for Local Use To run Automation on the Sierra/STX Host Controller (the host machine attached to the Sierra/STX), you do not need to perform any special configuration. You can simply execute the scripts or programs that you have created, and they will run the analyzer. To use the Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite COM API, the application should be registered during the installation process as a COM server in a system registry. Setting Up Automation for Remote Use To access Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite COM API remotely over a network, install the application on both server and client systems and accept the Enabling Remote Access option during installation. You can also perform a manual DCOM configuration. Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite COM API Object Model The Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA API programmatically exposes its functionality through objects. You work with an object by using its properties and methods. Objects are named according to the portion of an application they represent, and they are ordered in a hierarchy. A single object occupies the topmost tier of Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA API object hierarchy: SASAnalyzer. The following object model diagram shows how the objects in the object model fit together: 2 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite COM API Object Model Only the SASAnalyzer object is creatable at the top level (for instance, via the CoCreateInstance call from a C/C++ client). Instantiation of an object of other classes requires API calls. The Class ID and App ID for the SASAnalyzer object are the following. Class ID: SASAnalyzer 12A4B62B‐107A‐42AE‐9C56‐08C5EC3C26E2 AppID: SASAnalyzer Lecroy.SASAnalyzer All interfaces are dual interfaces that allow simple use from typeless languages (like VBScript), as well as from C/C++. All objects implement the ISupportErrorInfo interface for easy error handling from the client. Object SASAnalyzer Interface ISASAnalyzer _ISASAnalyzerEvents SASTrace ITrace ISASTrace* ISASVerificationScript* IRecOptions ISASRecOptions IPacket ISASPacket* SASRecOptions SASPacket SASTraceErrors ISASAnalyzerErrors* Description Represents the Teledyne LeCroy SAS/ SATA Protocol Suite COM API application. Represents the recorded trace. Represents recording options. Represents a single packet of the recorded trace. Represents the collection of errors that occurred in the recorded trace. * Primary interfaces The examples of C++ code given in this document assume using the “import” technique of creating COM clients. That means the corresponding include is used: #import "SASAutomation.tlb" no_namespace named_guids Appropriate wrapper classes are created in .tli and .tlh files by the compiler. Examples of WSH, VBScript, and C++ client applications are provided. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 3 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object SASAnalyzer Object The SASAnalyzer object is the top‐level object of the SAS API. The SASAnalyzer object allows you to control recording and traffic generation, open trace files, and access recording and generation options. The SASAnalyzer object supports the following interfaces: Interfaces ISASAnalyzer _ISASAnalyzerEvents Description Facilitates recording and traffic generation, opens trace files, and retrieves recording options. Adds advanced generator functionality and retrieves generation options. Events from SASAnalyzer object. The ISASAnalyzer interface is the primary interface for the SASAnalyzer object. The Class ID and App ID for the SASAnalyzer object are the following: Class ID SASAnalyzer 12A4B62B‐107A‐42AE‐9C56‐08C5EC3C26E2 App ID SASAnalyzer Lecroy.SASAnalyzer Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “Lecroy.SASAnalyzer” ) C++: ISASAnalyzer* poSASAnalyzer; // create SASAnalyzer object if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSASAnalyzer ) ) return; 4 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer Interface The ISASAnalyzer interface is a dual interface for the SASAnalyzer object. ISASAnalyzer implements the following methods: GetBoardPlatform GetVersion OpenFile StartGeneration StopGeneration StartGenerationByPort StopGenerationByPort StartRecording StopRecording MakeRecording IsRunning LoadDisplayOptions LoadGlobalGenOptions GetRecordingsOption ResumeGeneration ActivateDevice ActivateDeviceByBoard DeactivateDevice SetScenarioToPort StartScenario StopScenario SetPortConfiguration GetTrainerExitCode LoadPreEmphasisSignalFile SetTraceFileName SetVSELogToSaveAutomatically SetVSELogModeToMultipleFile SetVSELogModeToSingleFile SetVSELogModeToTraceRelativePath Note: All API functions work in real mode. They do not work in simulation mode. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 5 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::GetBoardPlatform HRESULT GetBoardPlatform([out, retval]int* pnBoardPlatform); Retrieves the current version of the specified subsystem. Retrieves connected board platform. Parameters None Return Value Returns below values for each platform: 34 : Sierra M124 32 : Sierra M122 14 : Sierra M6‐4 12 : Sierra M6‐2 11 : Sierra M6‐1 24 : STX 460, STX 431 22 : STX 231 6 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::GetVersion HRESULT GetVersion ( [in] EAnalyzerVersionType version_type, [out, retval] WORD* analyzer_version ); Retrieves the current version of the specified subsystem. Parameters version_type Subsystem whose version is requested EAnalyzerVersionType enumerator has the following values: ANALYZERVERSION_SOFTWARE ( 0 ) Software analyzer_version Version of the subsystem queried ANALYZERVERSION_SOFTWARE: Upper Byte = Software Major Version, Lower Byte = Software Minor Version Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_INVALIDVERSIONTYPE Specified version type is invalid. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("Lecroy.SASAnalyzer") SwVersion = Analyzer.GetVersion(0) MsgBox "Software" & SwVersion C++: HRESULT ISASAnalyzer* hr; poSASAnalyzer; // Create SASAnalyzer object. if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_SASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSASAnalyzer ) ) return; WORD sw_version; try { sw_version = poAnalyzer->GetVersion( ANALYZERVERSION_SOFTWARE ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 7 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object TCHAR buffer[20]; _stprintf( buffer, _T("Software version:%d.%d"), HIBYTE(sw_version), LOBYTE(sw_version) ); 8 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::OpenFile HRESULT OpenFile ( [in] BSTR file_name, [out, retval] IDispatch** trace ); Opens trace file and creates the SASTrace object. Parameters file_name String providing the full pathname to the trace file trace Address of a pointer to the SASTrace object interface Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLEOPENFILE Unable to open file Remarks SASTrace object is created via this method call, if call was successful. Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("Lecroy.SASAnalyzer ") Set Trace = Analyzer.OpenFile (CurrentDir & "Input\errors.scs") C++: HRESULT hr; ISASAnalyzer* poSASAnalyzer; // Create SASAnalyzer object. if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSASAnalyzer ) ) return; // Open trace file. IDispatch* trace; try { trace = poSASAnalyzer->OpenFile( m_szRecFileName ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } // Query for VTBL interface ISASTrace* SAS_trace; hr = trace->QueryInterface( IID_ISASTrace, (LPVOID *)&SAS_trace ); trace->Release(); if( FAILED(hr) ) return; Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 9 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::StartGeneration HRESULT StartGeneration ( [in] BSTR gen_file_name); Starts traffic generation from the file. Parameters gen_file_nameString providing the full pathname to the generation file Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLEOPENFILE Unable to open file ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESTARTGENERATION Unable to start generation (invalid state, etc.) Remarks Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left( WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev( WScript.ScriptFullName, “\”)) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “Lecroy.SASAnalyzer” ) ret = Analyzer.StartGeneration( CurrentDir & "Input\connect.ssg") C++: HRESULT hr; ISASAnalyzer* poSASAnalyzer; TCHAR m_szGenFileName [_MAX_PATH]; // Create SASAnalyzer object. if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSASAnalyzer ) ) return; . . . try { poAnalyzer->StartGeneration( m_szGenFileName); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } 10 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::StopGeneration HRESULT StopGeneration ( ); Stops any generation in progress. Parameters Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESTARTGENERATION Unable to stop generation(invalid state, etc.) Remarks Example C++: ISASAnalyzer* poAnalyzer; . . . try { poAnalyzer->StopGeneration(); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 11 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer:: StartGenerationByPort HRESULT StartGenerationByPort ( [in] BSTR gen_file_name, [in] int nBoardIndex, [in] int nPortIndex); This function runs generation on specified ports. Parameters gen_file_name Specifies the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite file name to load. nBoardIndex Zero based index of board. If you have only one board, this parameter should be set to zero. nPortIndex Port index where generation should start. Remarks You can run generation files on specific ports on the connected board. The difference between this function and the StartGeneration function is that this one starts generation on only specified ports while the StartGeneration function starts generation on all ports. 12 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer:: StopGenerationByPort HRESULT StopGenerationByPort ( [in] int nBoardIndex, [in] int nPortIndex); This function stops generation on specified ports. Parameters nBoardIndex Zero based index of board. If you have only one board, this parameter should be set to zero. nPortIndex Port index where generation should stop. Remarks You can stop generation files on specific ports on the connected board. The difference between this function and the StopGeneration function is that this one stops generation on only specified ports while the StopGeneration function stops generation on all ports. ISASAnalyzer:: GetTrainerExitCode HRESULT GetTrainerExitCode ( [in] int nBoardIndex, [in] int nPortIndex, [out, retval] BYTE*pyTrainerExitCode); This function returns SAS/SATA Protocol Suite exit code by board and port index. Parameters nBoardIndex Zero based index of board. If you have only one board, this parameter should be set to zero. nPortIndex Specifies the port index. Remarks Receives the board and port index and retrieves the exit code of the last running generation. This function is normally called after generation is stopped to examine the exit code of generation execution. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 13 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::StartRecording HRESULT StartRecording ( [in] BSTR ro_file_name ); Starts recording with specified recording options. Parameters ro_file_name String providing the full pathname to the recording options file. If the parameter is omitted, then recording starts with default recording options. Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESTARTRECORDING Unable to start recording Remarks After recording starts, this function will return. The Analyzer continues recording until it is finished or until the StopRecording method call is performed. During recording, events are sent to the event sink (see the ISASAnalyzer Interface). The recording options file is the file with extension .sac created by the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application. You can create this file when you select File –> Protocol Analyzer… from the SAS Protocol Suite application menu, change the recording options in the Protocol Analyzer project, and select the Save… button. Example VBScript: <OBJECT RUNAT=Server ID = Analyzer CLASSID = " clsid: 297CD804-08F5-4A4F-B3BA-779B2654B27C " > </OBJECT> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT VALUE="" NAME="TextRecOptions"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-Sub BtnStartRecording_OnClick On Error Resume Next Analyzer.StartRecording TextRecOptions.value If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If End Sub --> </SCRIPT> C++: 14 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer* sas_analyzer; BSTR ro_file_name; . . . try { sas_analyzer->StartRecording( ro_file_name ) } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 15 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::StopRecording HRESULT StopRecording ( [in] BOOL abort_upload ); Stops recording started by the ISASAnalyzer::StartRecording method. Parameters abort_upload TRUE If the caller wants to abort the upload. No trace file is created. FALSEIf the caller wants to upload the recorded trace. Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESTOPRECORDING Error stopping recording Remarks Stops recording started by the StartRecording method. The event is issued when recording is actually stopped (by the ISASAnalyzer Interface), if the parameter of method call was FALSE. 16 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Example (for SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application) VBScript: <OBJECT RUNAT=Server ID = Analyzer CLASSID = "clsid: 0B179BB7-DC61-11d4-9B71-000102566088" > </OBJECT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-Sub BtnStopRecording_OnClick On Error Resume Next Analyzer.StopRecording True If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If End Sub --> </SCRIPT> C++: ISASAnalyzer* sas_analyzer; . . . try { sas_analyzer->StopRecording( FALSE ) } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 17 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::MakeRecording HRESULT MakeRecording ( [in] BSTR ro_file_name, [out, retval] IDispatch** trace ); Makes recording with the specified recording options file. Parameters ro_file_name String providing the full pathname to a recording options file. trace Address of a pointer to the SASTrace object interface Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESTARTRECORDING Unable to start recording Remarks This method acts like the StartRecording method but will not return until recording is completed. The SASTrace object is created via this method call, if the call was successful. The recording options file is the file with extension .sac created by the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application. You can create this file when you select File –> Protocol Analyzer… from the SAS Protocol Suite application menu, change the recording options in the Protocol Analyzer project, and select the Save… button. Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("Lecroy.SASAnalyzer") Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") C++: IDispatch* trace; ISASAnalyzer* sas_analyzer; BSTR ro_file_name; HRESULT hr; . . . 18 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object try { trace = sas_analyzer->MakeRecording( ro_file_name ) } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } // Query for VTBL interface ISASTrace* sas_trace; hr = trace->QueryInterface( IID_ISASTrace, (LPVOID *)&sas_trace ); trace->Release(); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 19 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::IsRunning HRESULT IsRunning ( [in] int nFunctionality, [out, retval] BOOL* pbIsRunning) This function returns the running status of projects. Parameters nFunctionality This parameter specifies the functionality of the project that you want to check its running status. You should set this parameter as below: 0 : to check all available functionalities status at once 1 : to check Analyzer running status 2 : to check Infusion running status 3 : to check Sierra/STX running status 4 : to check whether Target/Device emulator is active or not 5 : to check Initiator emulator running status Return Value pbIsRunning This parameter returns the running status Remarks By calling this function, you will be able to check whether the Analyzer, Infusion, Sierra/STX, Target/Device Emulator and Initiator Emulator are running or not. If you want to check all these functionalities at once, you have to set the first parameter (nFunctionality) to zero. Example VBScript: Dim bIsRunning Dim Timer Dim TimeOut Timer = 0 bIsRunning = TRUE 'Set waiting time out to 60 Seconds TimeOut= 60 'seconds 'Wait for project to stop or timeout happen While bIsRunning <> FALSE And Timer < TimeOut 20 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object 'bIsRunning = Analyzer.IsRunning(0)'Checks all bIsRunning = Analyzer.IsRunning(1)'checks Analyzer 'bIsRunning = Analyzer.IsRunning(2)'Checks Infusion 'bIsRunning = Analyzer.IsRunning(3)'Checks Trainer 'bIsRunning = Analyzer.IsRunning(4)'Checks Target 'bIsRunning = Analyzer.IsRunning(5)'checks Initiator WScript.Sleep(1000)'Sleep 1 Second Timer = Timer + 1 MySTATS.ReportText ("Project is running, Time = " & CSTR(Timer) & "second(s)") Wend Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 21 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::LoadDisplayOptions HRESULT LoadDisplayOptions ( [in] BSTR do_file_name [in] short do_layers ); Loads display options that will apply to a trace opened or recorded later. Parameters do_file_name String providing the full pathname to display options file do_layers Specifies the mask layer of packet view, which can be a combination of these values: LAYER_LINK (0x0001) //00000000 00000001 LAYER_IDLE (0x0002) //00000000 00000010 LAYER_TRANSPORT (0x0004) //00000000 00000100 LAYER_ATA_COMMAND (0x0008) //00000000 00001000 LAYER_SCSI_COMMAND (0x0010) //00000000 00010000 LAYER_SMP_COMMAND (0x0020) //00000000 00100000 LAYER_TASK_COMMAND (0x0040) //00000000 01000000 LAYER_DATA_REPORT (0x0080) //00000000 10000000 LAYER_QUEUE_COMMAND (0x0100) //00000001 00000000 LAYER_OOB_SEQUENCE (0x0200) //00000010 00000000 Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLELOADDO Unable to load the display options file Remarks Use this method to filter traffic of some type. The display options loaded by this method call apply only on trace files opened or recorded after this call. The display options file is the file with extension .sfl created by the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application by the filter dialog. Example See ITrace::ApplyDisplayOptions. 22 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::LoadGlobalGenOptions HRESULT LoadGlobalGenOptions ( [in] BSTR bstrGenOptionsFile, [out, retval] BOOL* pbRetval) This function loads the global generator options. Parameters bstrGenOptionsFile String providing the full pathname to a generator options file; Return Value pbRetval This function returns a BOOL value. This value shows whether the load is done successfully or not. Remarks If any SAS/SATA Protocol Suite file has its own generator options, calling this function will not change its options otherwise, it will load the specified options file and will set it as its generator options. Example VBScript: On Error Resume Next Analyzer.LoadGlobalGenOptions("E:\MyGenOptions.gen") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 23 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::GetRecordingOptions HRESULT GetRecordingOptions ( [out, retval] IDispatch** recording_options ); Retrieves the interface for access to the recording options. Parameters recording_options Address of a pointer to the SASRecOptions Object interface Return Values Remarks The SASRecOptions object is created via this method call, if the call was successful. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("Lecroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions C++: HRESULT hr; ISASAnalyzer* poSASAnalyzer; // Create SASAnalyzer object. if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSASAnalyzer ) ) return; // Open trace file. IDispatch* rec_opt; try { rec_opt = poSASAnalyzer->GetRecordingOptions(); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } 24 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object // Query for VTBL interface ISASRecOptions* ib_rec_opt; hr = rec_opt->QueryInterface(IID_ISASRecOptions, (LPVOID *)&ib_rec_opt); rec_opt->Release(); if( FAILED(hr) ) return; Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 25 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::ResumeGeneration HRESULT ResumeGeneration ( ) Resumes generation if it was previously paused. Return Value Remarks Example C++: ISASAnalyzer* poAnalyzer; . . . try { poAnalyzer->ResumeGeneration(); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox(NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); else ::MessageBox(NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); return 1; } 26 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::ActivateDevice HRESULT ActivateDevice ( [in] BSTR bstrFileName) This function activates the target/device emulator. Parameters bstrFileName Specifies the path of the target/device emulator project file. Remarks Activates the specified project. If device is already activated, an error will be returned. Note that the port configuration will be set by the SetPortConfiguration function. If no port configuration is set, the default value is the running configuration. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 27 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::ActivateDeviceByBoard HRESULT ActivateDeviceByBoard ( [in] BSTR bstrFileName, [in] nBoardIndex) This function activates the target/device emulator. Parameters bstrFileName BoardIndex (zero base) Remarks This activates the target/device emulator on the given board index using the give target/ device project. If the device is already activated on the given board, an error will be returned. Notes 1. You should set the port configuration by the SetPortConfiguration function before calling ActivateDeviceByBoard. If no port configuration is set, the default value is the running configuration. 2. This function is applicable when you want to activate the target/device emulator when you cascade Seirra (or STX) boards. When using only one Sierra (or STX) board, you can call the ActivateDevice function. 28 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::DeactivateDevice HRESULT DeactivateDevice () This function deactivates the already activated target/device emulator. Remarks Deactivates the specified project. If device is not already activated, no action will be done, and nothing will be affected. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 29 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::SetScenarioToPort HRESULT SetScenarioToPort ( [in] int nBoardIndex [in]int nPortIndex, [in] BSTR bstrLibraryName, [in] BSTR bstrScenarioName, [out, retval] int* pnErrorCode); This function assigns a scenario from mentioned library to a specific port of the board. Parameters nBoardIndex Zero based index of board. If you have only one board, this parameter should be set to zero. nPortIndex Port index that the scenario should assign bstrLibraryName Specifies the name of the library bstrScenarioName Name of the scenario that will assigned to the specified port. pnErrorCode Pointer to an integer which contains an error code if one or more error(s) has occurred. Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLE_TO_START_JAMMER Software is in simulation mode ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESTARTRECORDING Failed to get LeCroy Scenario Manager Failed to open LeCroy script local file database Failed to get LeCroy Configure Manager Failed to create LeCroy script local file database Failed to load local file scenario Failed to load local file scenario because invalid scenario There is no scenario in local file. Failed to upload the scenario to InFusion device Failed to upload the scenario to InFusion device Failed to upload the scenario to InFusion device Failed to set selected the scenario from InFusion device Can not find scenario in local file database Remarks Before a scenario is started, you must assign it to the available ports using this function. 30 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Example C++: HRESULT IFCAnalyzer* hr; poFCAnalyzer; // Create FCAnalyzer object. if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FCAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IFCAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poFCAnalyzer ) ) return; // Open trace file. IDispatch* rec_opt; try { poFCAnalyzer-> SetScenarioToPort(m_yUnitIndex, m_yPortIndex, m_strLibPath.AllocSysString(), m_strScenarioName.AllocSysString()); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("FCSuite client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("FCSuite client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 31 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer:: StartScenario HRESULT StartScenario ( [in] int nBoardIndex [in]int nPortIndex); This function runs the assigned scenario of the port. Parameters nBoardIndex Zero based index of board. If you have only one board, this parameter should be set to zero. nPortIndex Port index where the scenario should start. Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLE_TO_START_JAMMER Software is in simulation mode Device does not have sufficient license to run InFusion Failed to start the Jammer session Remarks Starts scenarios on ports. You must call this function for every port of any board on which you want to run scenarios. The port configuration is set by the SetPortConfiguration function. 32 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Example C++: HRESULT IFCAnalyzer* hr; poFCAnalyzer; // Create FCAnalyzer object. if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FCAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IFCAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poFCAnalyzer ) ) return; // Open trace file. IDispatch* rec_opt; try { poFCAnalyzer->StartScenario(m_yUnitIndex, m_yPortIndex); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("FCSuite client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("FCSuite client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 33 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer:: StopScenario HRESULT StopScenario ( [in] int nBoardIndex [in]int nPortIndex); This function stops the scenario of the specified port. Parameters nBoardIndex Zero based index of board. If you have only one board, this parameter should be set to zero. nPortIndex Port index where scenario should start. Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLE_TO_STOP_JAMMER Software is in simulation mode Failed to stop the Jammer session Remarks Stops scenarios. You must call this function for every port of any board on which you want to stop scenarios. Example C++: HRESULT IFCAnalyzer* hr; poFCAnalyzer; // Create FCAnalyzer object. if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FCAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IFCAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poFCAnalyzer ) ) return; 34 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object // Open trace file. IDispatch* rec_opt; try { poFCAnalyzer->StopScenario(m_yUnitIndex, m_yPortIndex); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("FCSuite client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("FCSuite client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 35 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer:: SetPortConfiguration HRESULT SetPortConfiguration ( [in] int nBoardIndex [in]int nPortConfiguration); This function specifies port configuration by board index. Parameters nBoardIndex Zero based index of board. If you have only one board, this parameter should be set to zero. nPortConfiguration DeviceConfigurationTypeEnum enumeration specifies functionality of ports for connected board: DeviceConfigurationTypeEnum enumeration: //‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Sierra M6‐4‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_A_A= 1 DEVICE_CONFIG_T_T_T_T= 2 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_HE_HE_HE= 3 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_DE_DE_DE= 4 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_HE_HE= 5 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_DE_DE= 6 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_HE_A_A= 7 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_DE_A_A= 8 DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_AHE_0_0= 9 DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_ADE_0_0= 10 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_0_A_A= 11 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_J_A_A= 12 DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_0_AHE_0= 13 DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_0_ADE_0= 14 DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_0_0_0= 15 DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_0_0_0= 16 DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_0_A_A= 17 DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_0_A_A= 18 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_0_0_0= 19 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_0_0= 20 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_HE_HE= 21 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_HE_0_0= 22 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_DE_DE= 23 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_DE_0_0= 24 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_AJA_0= 25 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_0_AJA= 26 36 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_JA_0= 27 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_0_JA= 28 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_0_HE_HE= 29 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_J_HE_HE= 30 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_HE_J_0= 31 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_HE_0_J= 32 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_0_AHE_0= 33 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_0_DE_DE= 34 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_J_DE_DE= 35 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_DE_J_0= 36 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_DE_0_J= 37 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_0_ADE_0= 38 DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_0_J_0= 39 DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_0_J_0= 40 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_0_0_0= 41 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_0_0_0= 42 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_0_J_0= 43 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_0_J_0= 44 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_J_A_A= 45 DEVICE_CONFIG_AJA_0_0_0= 46 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_AJA_0_0= 47 DEVICE_CONFIG_JA_0_0_0= 48 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_JA_0_0= 49 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_J_0= 50 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_0_J= 51 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_J_J_J= 52 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_J_J= 53 DEVICE_CONFIG_JA_JA_0_0= 54 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_JA_JA= 55 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_J_HE_HE= 56 DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_HE_J_J= 57 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_J_DE_DE= 58 DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_DE_J_J= 59 DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_0_J_J= 60 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_J_AHE_0= 61 DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_0_J_J= 62 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_J_ADE_0= 63 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 37 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object DEVICE_CONFIG_J_0_0_0= 64 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_J_0_0= 65 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_J_0= 66 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_0_J= 67 DEVICE_CONFIG_J_J_0_0= 68 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_J_J= 69 DEVICE_CONFIG_T_0_T_0= 70 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_T_0_T= 71 DEVICE_CONFIG_AT_0_0_0= 72 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_AT_0_0= 73 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_AT_0= 74 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_0_AT= 75 DEVICE_CONFIG_T_0_A_A= 76 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_T_A_A= 77 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_T_0= 78 DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_0_T= 79 DEVICE_CONFIG_TJ_0_0_0= 80 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_TJ_0_0= 81 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_TJ_0= 82 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_0_TJ= 83 DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_AHE_AHE= 84 //‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Performance ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ DEVICE_CONFIG_PA_PA_PA_PA = 85, //‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Sierra M6‐4‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ DEVICE_CONFIG_T_T_A_A = 86, DEVICE_CONFIG_A_A_T_T = 87, DEVICE_CONFIG_AT_AT_0_0 = 88, DEVICE_CONFIG_0_0_AT_AT = 89, 38 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object //‐‐‐ Sierra M6‐2 Configurations ‐‐‐‐ DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_0_0_0 = 90, DEVICE_CONFIG_0_AHE_0_0 = 91, DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_0_0_0 = 92, DEVICE_CONFIG_0_ADE_0_0 = 93, // ‐‐‐‐‐‐ DE & HE together ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ DEVICE_CONFIG_AHE_0_ADE_0 = 100, DEVICE_CONFIG_ADE_0_AHE_0 = 101, DEVICE_CONFIG_DE_DE_HE_HE = 102, DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_HE_DE_DE = 103, DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_DE_HE_DE = 104, DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_DE_0_0 = 105, DEVICE_CONFIG_HE_DE_A_A = 106, DEVICE_CONFIG_AT_0_AT_0 = 108, DEVICE_CONFIG_T_0_JA_0 = 109, DEVICE_CONFIG_AJA_0_AJA_0 = 110, DEVICE_CONFIG_0_AHE_0_0 = 111, DEVICE_CONFIG_0_AJA_0_AJA = 112, Remarks Before you run any function on your board, you must specify its port configuration before running Analyzer, Exerciser, Sierra/STX, or InFusion. Port configuration specifies what functionality should be considered for each port of the specified board. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 39 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer:: LoadPreEmphasisSignalFile HRESULT LoadPreEmphasisSignalFile( [in] BSTR bstrPreEmphasisSignalFile, [out, retval] pbRetval); This function gets the file of pre emphasis signal and loads it to the board. Parameters bstrPreEmphasisSignalFile Specifies the file name of pre emphasis signal. Return Values True if it loads the file successfully. False if it fails. Remarks The Pre emphasis dialog in the SAS/SATA software gives the probability of saving the signal settings into a file. By calling this function, you can load that file into the board without running the SAS/SATA software. ISASAnalyzer::SetTraceFileName HRESULT SetTraceFileName ([in] BSTR bstrTraceFileName) This function sets the name of next running generated trace file. Parameters bstrTraceFileName String providing the name of the trace file Remarks Calling this function sets the next running generated trace file name. If you do not call this function, then the trace file name will be the same as the Analyzer project file name. This function helps you create different trace files when you want to run a project several times with different settings (such as connection speed). Before any run, call this function to change the trace file name. Example VBScript: Analyzer.SetTraceFileName("MyTrace") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If 40 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer::DoSelfTest HRESULT DoSelfTest ( [in] int SelfTestType, [out, retval] int* pnResult) This function is used to run the self test on the currently connected board and report its faults and defects. Parameters SelfTestType : This parameter specifies the type of the self test. This type can be one of these numbers: 1 : SELF_TEST_MEMORY 2 : SELF_TEST_CLOCK 3 : SELF_TEST_BUZZER_LED 4 : SELF_TEST_VIRTEX_VIRTEX_BUS_TEST 5 : SELF_TEST_MARVELL 6 :SELF_TEST_VITESSE_VIRTESSE_BUS_TEST 7 : SELF_TEST_VITESSE_EXTERNAL_LOOP_BACK 8 : SELF_TEST_VITESSE_EXPANTION_CARD 0 value for SelfTestType means doing the following tests: SELF_TEST_MEMORY SELF_TEST_CLOCK SELF_TEST_VIRTEX_VIRTEX_BUS_TEST SELF_TEST_MARVELL SELF_TEST_VITESSE_VIRTESSE_BUS_TEST SELF_TEST_VITESSE_EXTERNAL_LOOP_BACK SELF_TEST_VITESSE_EXPANTION_CARD Return Value pnResult A zero value for this parameter shows that the self test has passed and a non‐zero value shows that the self test failed. When the self test fails it means that an error or problem has been detected. To get more information on the detected problem you can view the Self Test Log file. It is in the User folder of the software. Remarks Doing a self test on SELF_TEST_BUZZER_LED and SELF_TEST_VITESSE_EXPANTION_CARD needs user interaction during test.. Example Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 41 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogToSaveAutomatically HRESULT SetVSELogToSaveAutomatically ( [in] BOOL bSaveAutomatically, [out,retval] BOOL *pResult); This function sets the flag for automatically saving, or not saving, VSE log files. Parameters bSaveAutomatically TRUE = Saves the log file automatically after a VSE script run. FALSE = Does not save the log file after a VSE script run. Return Values pResult TRUE = Flag set successfully. FALSE = Could not set the flag. Remarks Default value is retrieved from the VSE settings. Note that, after installation, the VSE settings have no value for the flag. To have a default value, you must enter the value manually in the VSE settings. Before using this command to automatically save log files, you must make sure that the VSE settings have the path to the folder in which to save log files. Note that, after installation, the VSE settings have no value for the path. To set the path, you can enter the value manually in the VSE settings. Alternatively, before calling this function, you can run the SetVSELogModeToMultipleFile command to set the folder path. If the SetVSELogToSaveAutomatically function parameter is set to FALSE, the system does not save any log files, regardless of any other method settings. Example VBScript: Analyzer.SetVSELogToSaveAutomatically(1) Analyzer.SetVSELogToSaveAutomatically(0) 42 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogModeToMultipleFile HRESULT SetVSELogModeToMultipleFile ( [in] BSTR bstrLogFolderPath, [out,retval] BOOL *pResult); This function sets the folder path for saving log files from VSE script runs. Parameters bstrLogFolderPath String providing the folder path for the saved log file Return Values pResult TRUE = Folder path set successfully. FALSE = Could not set the folder path. Remarks Default value is retrieved from the VSE settings. Note that, after installation, the VSE settings have no value for the path. To have a default value, you must enter the value manually in the VSE settings. If a value is set in the ATS script before this method is called, the method will override that setting. The folder path must exist. If the folder path does not exist, the method returns FALSE and shows the error in the ATS output. Note: This function saves all log files into the directory specified by the function parameter. Example VBScript: Analyzer.SetVSELogModeToMultipleFile("D:\AvailableFolde rPath\") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 43 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogModeToSingleFile HRESULT SetVSELogModeToSingleFile ( [in] BSTR bstrLogFilePath, [out,retval] BOOL *pResult); This function set mode to save all logs for VSE scripts in single file and set the file log path. Parameters bstrLogFolderPath String providing the folder path for the save log file Return Values pResult TRUE = file path set successfully. FALSE = could not set the file path. Remarks Default value is retrieve from VSE setting. It will over ride any other log setting if there is any on the ATS script before this method. The folder path must exist, and the file name should be valid otherwise the method return false and show the error in the ATS output. Example VBScript: Analyzer.SetVSELogModeToSingleFile("D:\VSELogFileName. log") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If 44 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object ISASAnalyzer ::SetVSELogModeToTraceRelativePath HRESULT SetVSELogModeToTraceRelativePath ( [out,retval] BOOL *pResult); This function set mode to save all logs for VSE scripts in separate files and set the folder path to the corresponding Trace file Path. Return Values pResult TRUE = set successfully. FALSE = could not set path. Remarks Default value is retrieve from VSE setting. It will over ride any other log setting if there is any on the ATS script before this method. Example VBScript: Analyzer.SetVSELogModeToTraceRelativePath() Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 45 Teledyne LeCroy SierraSASAnalyzer Object SierraSASAnalyzer Object The SierraSASAnalyzer object is the Sierra version of the SASAnalyzer object in the SAS software. This object is delivered by the SAS software automation API. All functionality is the same as the SASAnalyzer object. The Class ID and App ID for the SierraSASAnalyzer object are the following: Class ID: SierraSASAnalyzer 8EBF31F8‐8861‐435c‐8305‐51EAFD4F5BCE AppID: SierraSASAnalyzer Lecroy.SierraSASAnalyzer Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “Lecroy.SierraSASAnalyzer” ) C++: ISierraSASAnalyzer* poSierraSASAnalyzer; // create SierraSASAnalyzer object if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SierraSASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISeirraSASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSierraSASAnalyzer ) ) 46 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SierraSTAnalyzer Object SierraSTAnalyzer Object The SierraSTAnalyzer object is the Sierra version of the SASAnalyzer object in the SATA software. This object is delivered by the SATA software automation API. All functionality is the same as the SASAnalyzer object. The Class ID and App ID for the SierraSTAnalyzer object are the following: Class ID: SierraSTAnalyzer AF294105‐9BA9‐4a90‐943D‐8162E29635FF AppID: SierraSTAnalyzer Lecroy.SierraSTAnalyzer Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “Lecroy.SierraSTAnalyzer” ) C++: ISierraSTAnalyzer* poSierraSTAnalyzer; // create SierraSTAnalyzer object if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SierraSTAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISeirraSTAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSierraSTAnalyzer ) ) Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 47 Teledyne LeCroy STXSASAnalyzer Object STXSASAnalyzer Object The STXSASAnalyzer object is the Sierra version of the SASAnalyzer object in the SAS software. This object is delivered by the STX SAS software automation API. All functionality is the same as the SASAnalyzer object. The Class ID and App ID for the STXSASAnalyzer object are the following: Class ID: STXSASAnalyzer 4E677701‐FD40‐4152‐8B11‐4406F87BB4FF AppID: STXSASAnalyzer Lecroy.STXSASAnalyzer Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “Lecroy.STXSASAnalyzer” ) C++: ISTXSASAnalyzer* poSTXSASAnalyzer; // create STXSASAnalyzer object if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_STXSASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISTXSASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSTXSASAnalyzer ) ) 48 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy STXSTAnalyzer Object STXSTAnalyzer Object The STXSTAnalyzer object is the Sierra version of the SASAnalyzer object in the SATA software. This object is delivered by the STX SATA software automation API. All functionality is the same as the SASAnalyzer object. The Class ID and App ID for the STXSTAnalyzer object are the following: Class ID: STXSTAnalyzer 9A94D6AA‐9A86‐439d‐9FBB‐970FABA36888 AppID: STXSTAnalyzer Lecroy.STXSTAnalyzer Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “Lecroy.STXSTAnalyzer” ) C++: ISTXSTAnalyzer* poSTXSTAnalyzer; // create STXSTAnalyzer object if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_STXSTAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISTXTAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&poSTXSTAnalyzer ) ) Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 49 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object SASTrace Object The SASTrace object represents the recorded trace file. The SASTrace object allows users to: Get trace information. Access trace packets. Access trace errors. Save/export the trace or a portion of the trace. The SASTrace object can be created by: Using the ISASAnalyzer::OpenFile method Using the ISASAnalyzer::MakeRecording method Handling the _ISASAnalyzerEvents::OnTraceCreated event The SASTrace object supports the following interfaces: Interfaces Itrace ISASTrace ISASVerificationScript Description Implements trace packets and trace errors access, different report types, exporting, and saving. Extends ITrace interface: Adds functionality for accessing the SASTracePacket object. Exposes functionality for running verification scripts. The ISASTrace interface is a primary interface for the SASTrace object. 50 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace Interface The ITrace interface is a dual interface for the SASTrace object. It implements the following methods: GetName ApplyDisplayOptions Save ExportToText Close ReportFileInfo ReportErrorSummary GetPacket GetPacketsCount GetTriggerPacketNum AnalyzerErrors Note: All methods of the ITrace interface are also available in the ISASTrace Interface. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 51 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::GetName HRESULT GetName ( [out, retval] BSTR* trace_name ); Retrieves the trace name. Parameters trace_name Name of the trace Return Values Remarks This name can be used for presentation purposes. Do not forget to free the string returned by this method call. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("Lecroy.SASAnalyzer ") CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") MsgBox “Trace name “ & Trace.GetName C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . _bstr_t bstr_trace_name; try { bstr_trace_name = sas_trace->GetName(); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); return 1; } TCHAR str_trace_name[256]; 52 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object _tcscpy( str_trace_name, (TCHAR*)( bstr_trace_name) ); SysFreeString( bstr_trace_name ); ::MessageBox( NULL, str_trace_name, _T("Trace name"), MB_OK ); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 53 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::ApplyDisplayOptions HRESULT ApplyDisplayOptions ( [in] BSTR do_file_name ); Applies the specified display options to the trace. Parameters do_file_name String providing the full pathname to the display options file Return values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLELOADDO Unable to load the display options file Remarks Use this method to filter traffic of some type in the recorded or opened trace. The display options file is the file with extension .sfl created by the filter dialog. Note: This does not work on Multisegment traces. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac ") Trace.ApplyDisplayOptions CurrentDir & "Input\test_do.slf" Trace.Save CurrentDir & "Output\saved_file.scs" C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; TCHAR file_name[_MAX_PATH]; . . . try { sas_trace->ApplyDisplayOptions( file_name ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) 54 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ::MessageBox( client"), MB_OK else ::MessageBox( client"), MB_OK return 1; } NULL, er.Description(), ); _T("SASTracer NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer ); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 55 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::Save HRESULT Save ( [in] BSTR file_name, [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long packet_from, [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long packet_to ); Saves trace into a file while allowing you to specify a range of packets. Parameters file_name String providing the full pathname to the file where the trace is saved packet_from Beginning packet number when you are saving a range of packets,. –1 = first packet of the saved trace is the first packet of this trace. packet_to Ending packet number when you are saving a range of packets. –1 = last packet of the saved trace is the last packet of this trace. Return Values ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESAVE Unable to save the trace file ANALYZERCOMERROR_INVALIDPACKETNUMBER Bad packet range Remarks Use this method to save a recorded or opened trace into a file. If the display options apply to this trace (see ITrace::ApplyDisplayOptions or ISASAnalyzer::LoadDisplayOptions, then hidden packets would not be saved. If the packet range specified is invalid (for example, packet_to is more than the last packet number in the trace, or packet_from is less than the first packet number in the trace, or packet_from is more than packet_to), then the packet range is adjusted automatically. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") Trace.ApplyDisplayOptions CurrentDir & "Input\test_do.slf" Trace.Save CurrentDir & "Output\saved_file.scs" 56 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; TCHAR file_name[_MAX_PATH]; LONG packet_from; LONG packet_to; . . . try { sas_trace->Save( file_name, packet_from, packet_to ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTRacer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 57 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::GetPacketRow HRESULT GetPacketRow ( [in] long packet_number, [in] VIEW_TYPE view_type, [out] long* packet_row); Changes packet number to row number. Parameters packet_number Integer for packet number view_type VIEW_TYPE can be: COLUMN_VIEW (0), FRAME_TEXT_VIEW (1) [valid parameter for this method], PACKET_VIEW (2), WAVEFORM_VIEW (3), ST_REPORT_VIEW (4), SPREAD_SHEET_VIEW (5) [valid parameter for this method], HISTOGRAM_VIEW (6), BUS_UTILIZATION_VIEW (7). packet_row Integer of packet row. Remarks Use this function before ExportToText and ExportToExcel to change packet numbers to row numbers. Example See ExportToText examples. 58 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::ExportToText HRESULT ExportToText ( [in] BSTR file_name, [in] VIEW_TYPE export_view_type, [in] long from_row, [in] long to_row); Exports Spreadsheet View and Frame View into a text file, while allowing you to specify a range of packets. Parameters file_name String providing the full file pathname for the exported trace export_view_type VIEW_TYPE can be: COLUMN_VIEW (0), FRAME_TEXT_VIEW (1) [valid parameter for this method], PACKET_VIEW (2), WAVEFORM_VIEW (3), ST_REPORT_VIEW (4), SPREAD_SHEET_VIEW (5) [valid parameter for this method], HISTOGRAM_VIEW (6), BUS_UTILIZATION_VIEW (7). from_row Beginning packet number when you are exporting a range of packets. 0 = first packet of the exported trace is the first packet of this trace. to_row Ending packet number when you are exporting a range of packets. –1 = last packet of the exported trace is the last packet of this trace. Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESAVE Unable to export trace file Remarks Use this method if you want to export a recorded or opened trace into a text file. If the display options apply to this trace (see ITrace::ApplyDisplayOptions or ISASAnalyzer::LoadDisplayOptions), then hidden packets would not be exported. If the packet range specified is invalid (for example packet_to is more than the last packet number in the trace, or packet_from is less than the first packet number in the trace, or packet_from is more than packet_to), then the packet range is adjusted automatically. Here is a snippet of an exported text file: File c:\analyzersw\traces\sas\ From Frame #1 to Frame #20. Frame# _______|_______________________________________________________________________T2 Frame(1) 1.5(G) SATA RCV Time Stamp(29.196 501 432) _______|_______________________________________________________________________T2 Frame(2) 1.5(G) SATA XMT SATA_SOF FIS Type(DMA Activate) Port(0x0) _______| Data(4 bytes) CRC(0x8FA86FC5) SATA_EOF Time Stamp(29.196 513 752) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Frame(3) 1.5(G) SATA RCV Time Stamp(29.196 514 177) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Frame(4) 1.5(G) SATA XMT SATA_SOF FIS Type(Data) Port(0x0) Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 59 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object _______| Data(8196 bytes) CRC(0x7BFAA709) SATA_EOF Time Stamp(29.196 518 682) _______|_______________________________________________________________________T2 Frame(5) 1.5(G) SATA RCV Time Stamp(29.196 518 952) _______|_______________________________________________________________________T2 Frame(6) 1.5(G) SATA XMT SATA_SOF FIS Type(DMA Activate) Port(0x0) _______| Data(4 bytes) CRC(0x8FA86FC5) SATA_EOF Time Stamp(29.196 632 872) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Frame(7) 1.5(G) SATA RCV Time Stamp(29.196 633 167) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Frame(8) 1.5(G) SATA XMT SATA_SOF FIS Type(Data) Port(0x0) _______| Data(8196 bytes) CRC(0x7919EFB6) SATA_EOF Time Stamp(29.196 634 687) _______|_______________________________________________________________________T2 Frame(9) 1.5(G) SATA RCV Time Stamp(29.196 634 950) _______|_______________________________________________________________________T2 Frame(10) 1.5(G) SATA XMT SATA_SOF FIS Type(DMA Activate) Port(0x0) _______| Data(4 bytes) CRC(0x8FA86FC5) SATA_EOF Time Stamp(29.196 748 927) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Frame(11) 1.5(G) SATA RCV Time Stamp(29.196 749 220) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Frame(12) 1.5(G) SATA XMT SATA_SOF FIS Type(Data) Port(0x0) _______| Data(8196 bytes) CRC(0x38CA16DA) SATA_EOF Time Stamp(29.196 750 740) _______|_______________________________________________________________________T2 Frame(14) 1.5(G) SATA XMT SATA_SOF FIS Type(DMA Activate) Port(0x0) _______| Data(4 bytes) CRC(0x8FA86FC5) SATA_EOF Time Stamp(29.196 864 980) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Frame(15) 1.5(G) SATA RCV Time Stamp(29.196 865 272) _______|_______________________________________________________________________I2 Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") Trace.ApplyDisplayOptions CurrentDir & "Input\test_do.slf" Trace.ExportToText CurrentDir & "Output\text_export.txt" C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; TCHAR file_name[_MAX_PATH]; LONG packet_from; LONG packet_to; . . . try 60 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object { sas_trace->ExportToText( file_name, packet_from, packet_to ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Example 2 TestFileName = "MultiOpenClose" On Error Resume Next result = 1 ' pass '########################################### 'Create STATS to report the results. Set MySTATS = WScript.CreateObject("LECROY.STATS") If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "STATS Creation Failed" WScript.Quit ELSE MySTATS.ReportText (TestFileName & " Started...") MySTATS.ReportText("STATS Automation object is created") End If '############################################ 'Create Analyzer object. Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LECROY.SASAnalyzer") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MySTATS.ReportError Err.number, Err.Description result = 2 ' fail End If MySTATS.ReportText ("Analyzer is created successfully") '############################################# ' First ' Trace file path ProjectPath = MySTATS.GetProjectPath Set SASTracer = Analyzer.OpenFile(ProjectPath & "Cascading-3 Board.scs") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MySTATS.ReportError Err.number, Err.Description result = 2 ' fail Else MySTATS.ReportText ("Sample file is opened") Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 61 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object End If MySTATS.ReportText ("Number of packets in trace file : " & CSTR(SASTracer.GetPacketsCount())) 'Get specific row of spread sheet view. start_row = SASTracer.GetPacketRow (0, 5) If Err.Number <> 0 Then MySTATS.ReportError Err.number, Err.Description result = 2 ' fail End If end_row = SASTracer.GetPacketRow (100, 5) If Err.Number <> 0 Then MySTATS.ReportError Err.number, Err.Description result = 2 ' fail End If MySTATS.ReportText ("Star export row: " & CSTR(start_row)) MySTATS.ReportText ("End export row: " & CSTR(end_row)) SASTracer.ExportToText ProjectPath & "SpreadSheet.txt", 5, start_row, end_row SASTracer.ExportToText ProjectPath & "FrameView.txt", 1 ' entire sample If Err.Number <> 0 Then MySTATS.ReportError Err.number, Err.Description result = 2 ' fail Else MySTATS.ReportText ("Export to text has been done.") End If SASTracer.ExportToExcel ProjectPath & "SpreadSheet.csv", 5 ' entire sample SASTracer.ExportToExcel ProjectPath & "FrameView.csv", 1, 1, 100 ' from row 1 to 100 If Err.Number <> 0 Then MySTATS.ReportError Err.number, Err.Description result = 2 ' fail Else MySTATS.ReportText ("Export to Excel has been done.") End If SASTracer.Close() If Err.Number <> 0 Then MySTATS.ReportError Err.number, Err.Description result = 2 ' fail Else MySTATS.ReportText ("Trace file is closed") End If '######################################### 'Report the result. MySTATS.ReportResult(result) 62 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object MySTATS.ReportText ("Finished") '######################################### 'Remove the object. WScript.DisconnectObject Analyzer '######################################### 'Quit from the script. WScript.Quit Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 63 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::ExportToExcel HRESULT ExportToExcel ( [in] BSTR file_name, [in] VIEW_TYPE export_view_type, [in] long from_row, [in] long to_row); Exports Spreadsheet View and Frame View to an Excel file, while allowing you to specify a range of packets. Parameters file_name String providing the full file pathname for the exported trace export_view_type VIEW_TYPE can be: COLUMN_VIEW (0), FRAME_TEXT_VIEW (1) [valid parameter for this method], PACKET_VIEW (2), WAVEFORM_VIEW (3), ST_REPORT_VIEW (4), SPREAD_SHEET_VIEW (5) [valid parameter for this method], HISTOGRAM_VIEW (6), BUS_UTILIZATION_VIEW (7). from_row Beginning packet number when you are exporting a range of packets. 1 = first packet of the exported trace is the first packet of this trace. to_row Ending packet number when you are exporting a range of packets. 1 = last packet of the exported trace is the last packet of this trace. Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESAVE Unable to export trace file Remarks Use this method if you want to export a recorded or opened trace into an Excel file. If the display options apply to this trace, then hidden packets are not exported. If the packet range specified is invalid, then the packet range is adjusted automatically. Example See ExportToText example. 64 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::Close HRESULT Close ( ); Closes the trace. Parameters Return Value Remarks Closes the current trace but does not release the interface pointer. Call the IUnknown::Release method right after this method call. No ITrace method call will succeed after calling the ITrace::Close method. Note: Currently there is no need to call ITrace::Close directly, since IUnknown::Release will close the trace. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 65 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::ReportFileInfo HRESULT ReportFileInfo ( [in] BSTR file_name ) Saves trace information into a specified text file. Parameters file_name String providing the full pathname to file where the trace information report is stored Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESAVE Unable to create trace information report Remarks Creates a new trace information file if the file specified in the file_name parameter does not exist. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") Trace.ReportFileInfo CurrentDir & "Output\file_info.txt" C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; TCHAR file_name[_MAX_PATH]; . . . try { sas_trace->ReportFileInfo( file_name ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } 66 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::ReportErrorSummary HRESULT ReportErrorSummary ( [in] BSTR file_name ); Saves trace error summary information into the specified text file. Parameters file_name String providing the full pathname to a file where the error summary report is stored Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLESAVE Unable to create trace information report Remarks Creates a new error summary file if the file specified in the file_name parameter does not exist. Stores error summary in the specified file. Note: This method does not work on Multisegment traces. Here is an example of data stored using this method call: Error report for recording file. _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Idle Error on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Idle Error on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Bad CRC on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Bad CRC on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Disparity Error on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Disparity Error on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Bad Code on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Bad Code on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Alignment Error on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Alignment Error on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Delimiter Error on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Delimiter Error on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Invalid SSP Frame Type on channel I1 (0): Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 67 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Invalid SSP Frame Type on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Invalid SMP Frame Type on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Packet Error: Invalid SMP Frame Type on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Transaction Error: Timed Out SSP on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Transaction Error: Timed Out SSP on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ SCSI Error: Incomplete Command on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ SCSI Error: Incomplete Command on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ MGMT Error: Incomplete Command on channel I1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ MGMT Error: Incomplete Command on channel T1 (0): _______|_______________________________________________________________________ Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASnalyzer") CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") Trace.ReportErrorSummary CurrentDir & "Output\error_summary.txt" C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; TCHAR file_name[_MAX_PATH]; . . . try { sata_trace->ReportErrorSummary( file_name ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } 68 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite SASTrace Object Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy 69 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::GetPacket HRESULT GetPacket ( [in] long packet_number, [in, out] VARIANT* packet, [out, retval] long* number_of_bits ); Retrieves a raw packet representation in the PACKETFORMAT_BYTES format (see IPacket Interface for details). Parameters packet_number Zero based number of packet to retrieve packet Raw packet representation number_of_bits Number of bits in the raw packet representation Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_INVALIDPACKETNUMBER Specified packet number is invalid Remarks The packet parameter has VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT actual automation type. Each element of this array has the VT_UI1 automation type. Example VBScript: <OBJECT ID = Analyzer CLASSID = "clsid: 297CD804-08F5-4A4F-B3BA-779B2654B27C" > </OBJECT> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="TextPacketNumber"> <P ALIGN=LEFT ID=StatusText></P> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-Function DecToBin(Param, NeedLen) While Param > 0 Param = Param/2 If Param - Int(Param) > 0 Then Res = CStr(1) + Res Else Res = CStr(0) + Res End If Param = Int(Param) Wend DecToBin = Replace( Space(NeedLen - Len(Res)), " ", "0") & Res End Function 70 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object Sub BtnGetPacket_OnClick On Error Resume Next Dim Packet NumberOfBits = CurrentTrace.GetPacket (TextPacketNumber.value, Packet) If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "GetPacket:" & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Else For Each PacketByte In Packet PacketStr = PacketStr & DecToBin(PacketByte, 8) & " " NBytes = NBytes + 1 Next PacketStr = Left( PacketStr, NumberOfBits ) StatusText.innerText = "Packet ( " & NumberOfBits & " bits ): " & PacketStr End If End Sub --> </SCRIPT> C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; LONG packet_number; . . . VARIANT packet; VariantInit( &packet ); long number_of_bits; try { number_of_bits = sata_trace->GetPacket( packet_number, &packet ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 71 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object if ( packet.vt == ( VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT) ) { SAFEARRAY* packet_safearray = packet.parray; TCHAR packet_message[256]; TCHAR elem[64]; _stprintf( packet_message, _T("packet #%ld: "), packet_number ); for ( long i=0; i<(long)packet_safearray>rgsabound[0].cElements; i++) { VARIANT var; HRESULT hr = SafeArrayGetElement(packet_safearray, &i, &var); if (FAILED(hr)) { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Error accessing array"), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); return 1; } if ( var.vt != ( VT_UI1) ) { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Array of bytes expected"), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); return 1; } _stprintf( elem, _T("%02X "), V_UI1(&var) ); _tcscat( packet_message, elem ); } _stprintf( elem, _T("%d bits"), number_of_bits ); _tcscat( packet_message, elem ); ::MessageBox( NULL, packet_message, _T("Raw packet bits"), MB_OK ); } else { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Invalid argument"), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); } 72 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::GetPacketsCount HRESULT GetPacketsCount ( [out, retval] long* number_of_packets ); Retrieves the total number of packets in the trace. Parameters number_of_packets Total number of packets in the trace Return Value Remarks Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") MsgBox Trace.GetPacketsCount & " packets recorded" C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . long number_of_packets; long trigg_packet_num; try { bstr_trace_name = sas_trace->GetName(); number_of_packets = sas_trace->GetPacketsCount(); trigg_packet_num = sas_trace->GetTriggerPacketNum(); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 73 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object TCHAR str_trace_name[256]; _tcscpy( str_trace_name, (TCHAR*)( bstr_trace_name) ); SysFreeString( bstr_trace_name ); TCHAR trace_info[256]; _stprintf( trace_info, _T("Trace:'%s', total packets:%ld, trigger packet:%ld"), str_trace_name, number_of_packets, trigg_packet_num ); ::SetWindowText( m_hwndStatus, trace_info ); 74 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::GetTriggerPacketNum HRESULT GetTriggerPacketNum ( [out, retval] long* packet_number ); Retrieves the trigger packet number. Parameters packet_number Zero based number of the packet where the trigger occurred Return Value Remarks Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") TriggerPacket = Trace.GetTriggerPacketNum Trace.Save CurrentDir & "Output\", CInt(ErrorPacket)-5, CInt(ErrorPacket)+5 Trace.ExportToText CurrentDir & "Output\trigger_portion.txt", CInt(ErrorPacket)-5, CInt(ErrorPacket)+5 C++: See example for ITrace::GetPacketsCount. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 75 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ITrace::AnalyzerErrors HRESULT AnalyzerErrors ( [in] long error_type, [out, retval] ISASAnalyzerErrors** analyzer_errors ); Retrieves trace file errors. Returns an interface pointer to the SASTraceErrors object Parameters error_type Type of error collection you want to retrieve; The following values are valid: 0 = OOB Sequence Error 1 = Symbol violation 2 = Disparity Error 3 = Alignment Error 4 = Signaling Latency Error 5 = Invalid State Transition unexpected primitive 6 = Invalid State Transition Primitive Response Time‐out 7 = FIS Type Error 8 = FIS Length Error 9 = FIS Direction Error 10 = CRC Error analyzer_errors Address of a pointer to the SASTraceErrors Object interface Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_INVALIDERROR Invalid error type specified Remarks The SASTraceErrors object is created by this method call, if the call was successful. Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording (CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac") Set Errors = Trace.AnalyzerErrors (16) 'Bad CRC16 76 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . ISASAnalyzerErrors* analyser_errors; try { analyser_errors = sas_trace>AnalyzerErrors(error_type).Detach(); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } . . . analyser_errors->Release(); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 77 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ISASTrace Interface The ISASTrace interface is a primary dual interface for the SASTrace object. This interface is derived from the ITrace interface. The ISASTrace interface implements all methods from the ITrace interface plus the following: GetBusPacket 78 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ISASTrace::GetBusPacket HRESULT GetBusPacket ( [in] long packet_number, [out, retval] IDispatch** packet ) Retrieves the interface for a packet within a trace. Parameters packet_number Zero based number of packet to retrieve packet Address of a pointer to the SASPacket Object interface Return Value Remarks The SASPacket object is created by this method call, if the call was successful. Example WSH: C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . IDispatch* packet; try { packet = sas_trace->GetBusPacket( GetDlgItemInt(IDC_PACKET_NUMBER) ).Detach(); } catch ( _com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } ISASPacket* custom_packet; HRESULT hr = packet->QueryInterface(IID_ISASPacket, (void**)&custom_packet); packet->Release(); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 79 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ISASVerificationScript Interface The ISASVerificationScript interface is an interface for the SASTrace object. It exposes the trace functionality for running verification scripts. This interface is not dua, which means that scripting languages cannot use it directly, though all of its methods described below are exposed to script languages through the primary automation interface of the SASTrace object. Remarks Verification scripts are scripts written in a special manner using the CATC Script Language (CSL). These scripts can be “run” over a recorded trace to “verify” the trace for some verification conditions or to extract more advanced information from the trace. Such scripts use a special feature of the Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application, its Verification Script Engine. Please refer to the SASTracer Manual, SASTracer Verification Script Engine Manual, and File Based Decoding Manual for more details. Attention The functions of this interface may be legally called either for regular traces or multi‐ segmented traces. The VSE will open segments of the multi‐segmented trace during script execution when needed. 80 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ISASVerificationScript::RunVerificationScript HRESULT RunVerificationScript ( [in] BSTR verification_script, [out, retval] VSResult *result ) Runs a verification script over the recorded trace. Parameters verification_script Name of the verification script to run result Address of a variable in which to keep the verification result VS_RESULT is an enumeration type that can have five meanings: SCRIPT_RUNNING (-2) Verification script is running SCRIPT_NOT_FOUND (-1) Verification script with the specified name not found FAILED ( 0) Verification failed PASSED ( 1) Verification passed DONE ( 2) Verification is done, do not care about result Return Value S_OK If the verification script executed successfully Remarks The name of the verification script is the name of the verification script file (*.pevs). If only the script name, without file extension, is specified, the Sierra/STX server searches for the named script among the scripts loaded from the \Scripts\VFScripts folder under the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite installation folder. If the full path to the script is specified, then the server attempts to load the script from the specified path prior to running it. Example For a verification script file named test.pevs, the test name is “test”. Please refer to the SASTracer Verification Script Engine Manual for more details. Example C++: // This example uses wrapper functions provided by the #import directive. ISASTrace* trace; . . . ISASVerificationScript* vscript = NULL; Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 81 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object if ( SUCCEEDED ( trace->QueryInterface( IID_ISASVerificationScript, (void**)&vscript ) ) { try { VS_RESULT result = vscript >RunVerificationScript("Test1"); if( result == PASSED ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "Test verification 1 is passed !!!", "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); } } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(), "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); return 1; } } else { ::MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to get ISASVerificationScript interface !!!", _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1 ; } . . . WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASTracer") Set Trace = Analyzer.OpenFile( "C:\Some trace files\" ) 82 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object Dim Result Result = Trace.RunVerificationScript( "Test1" ) If Result = 1 Then Msgbox "PASSED" Else Msgbox "FAILED" End If MsgBox( "Done" ) Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 83 Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object ISASVerificationScript:: GetVScriptEngine HRESULT GetVScriptEngine ( [in] BSTR script_name, [out, retval] IVScriptEngine** vs_engine ) Retrieves the verification script engine object. Parameters script_name Name of the verification script to initialize the verification script engine vs_engine Address of a pointer to the SASVScriptEngine Object interface Return Value S_OK If the verification script engine object was successfully retrieved Remarks The name of the verification script is the name of the verification script file (*.pevs). See remark to ISASVerificationScript::RunVerificationScript for details. 84 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTrace Object Example C++: // This example uses wrapper functions provided by the #import directive. ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . ISASVerificationScript* sas_vscript = NULL; sas_trace->QueryInterface(IID_ISASVerificationScript, (void**)&sas_vscript)) assert( sas_vscript != NULL ); IVScriptEngine* sas_vsengine = NULL; sas_vsengine = sas_vscript -> GetVScriptEngine("Test_1"); assert( sas_vsengine != NULL ); VS_RESULT result = sas_vsengine ->RunVScript(); if( result == PASSED ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "Test verification 1 is passed !!!", "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); } . . . WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASTracer") Set Trace = Analyzer.OpenFile( "C:\Some trace files\" ) Dim Result Set VSEngine = Trace.GetVScriptEngine( "Test1" ) Result = VSEngine.RunVScript If Result = 1 Then Msgbox "PASSED" Else Msgbox "FAILED" End If MsgBox( "Done" ) Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 85 Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object SASRecOptions Object The SASRecOptions object represents the options for the Sierra/STX hardware and specifies the recording parameters. The SASRecOptions object allows you to: Load/save the recording options from/to the file. Set up recording mode and recording buffer size. Set up custom recording parameters, such as ChannelSettings, DataTruncate, MultiSegment mode, and SpoolMode. The SASRecOptions object can be created by using the ISASAnalyzer::GetRecordingOptions method. The SASRecOptions object supports the following interfaces: Interfaces IRecOptions ISASRecOptions Description Allows you to load/save recording options from/to the file, reset recording options, and set recording mode, recording buffer size, trigger position, and trace file name. Identical to the IRecOptions interface The ISASRecOptions interface is a primary interface for the SASRecOptions object. IRecOptions Interface The IRecOptions interface is a dual interface for the SASRecOptions object. IRecOptions implements the following methods: Load Save SetRecMode SetBufferSize SetPostTriggerPercentage SetTriggerBeep SetSaveExternalSignals SetTraceFileName Reset Note: All methods of the IRecOptions interface are also available in the ISASRecOptions Interface. 86 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::Load HRESULT Load ( [in] BSTR ro_file_name ); Loads recording options from the specified file. Parameters ro_file_name String that provides the full pathname to the recording options file Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLEOPENFILE Unable to open file Remarks Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions RecOptions.Load( CurrentDir & "Input\rec_options.sac" ) C++: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 87 Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::Save HRESULT Save ( [in] BSTR ro_file_name ); Saves recording options into the specified file. Parameters ro_file_name String that provides the full pathname to the recording options file Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_UNABLEOPENFILE Unable to open file Remarks If the specified file does not exist, it will be created. If it exists, it will be overwritten. Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions ' Do the changes of recording options here. RecOptions.Save( CurrentDir & "Input\rec_options.sac" ) C++: 88 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::SetRecMode HRESULT SetRecMode ( [in] ERecModes rec_mode ); Sets the recording mode. Parameters rec_mode Enumerated value providing the mode to set. ErecModes enumerator has the following values: snapshot recording mode ( 1 ) = manual trigger ( 2 ) = event trigger RMODE_SNAPSHOT ( 0 ) = RMODE_MANUAL RMODE_USE_TRG Return Value E_INVALIDARG Invalid recording mode specified Remarks The default setting of recording options is "snapshot" recording mode. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions RecOptions.SetRecMode 2 ' Event trigger C++: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 89 Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::SetBufferSize HRESULT SetBufferSize ( [in] long buffer_size ); Sets the size of the recording buffer. Parameters buffer_size Size of the recording buffer in bytes Return Value E_INVALIDARG Invalid buffer size specified Remarks The default setting is 16 MB for Conventional Recording mode and 120 GB or 12.5 hours for Spooled Recording Mode. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions RecOptions.SetBufferSize 2*1024*1024 ' 2 MB C++: 90 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::SetPostTriggerPercentage HRESULT SetPostTriggerPercentage ( [in] short posttrigger_percentage ); Sets the post‐trigger buffer size. Parameters posttrigger_percentage Size of the post‐trigger buffer in percent of the whole recording buffer (see IRecOptions::SetBufferSize). Return Value E_INVALIDARG Invalid percentage specified Remarks This method call has no effect if recording mode is set to RMODE_SNAPSHOT (see IRecOptions::SetRecMode). The default setting is 50%. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions RecOptions.SetPostTriggerPercentage 60 ' 60% C++: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 91 Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::SetTriggerBeep HRESULT SetTriggerBeep ( [in] BOOL beep ); Sets a flag to make a sound when a trigger occurs. Parameters beep TRUE = Beep when trigger occurs. FALSE = Do not beep when trigger occurs. Return Value Remarks The default state of the beeper is FALSE. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions RecOptions.SetTriggerBeep TRUE C++: 92 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::SetSaveExternalSignals HRESULT SetSaveExternalSignals ( [in] BOOL save ); Sets a flag to save external signals. Parameters save TRUE = Save external signals. FALSE = Do not save external signals. Return Value Remarks By default, external signals are not saved. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions RecOptions.SetSaveExternalSignals TRUE C++: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 93 Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::SetTraceFileName HRESULT SetTraceFileName ( [in] BSTR file_name ); Sets the file path to where the trace will be stored after recording. Parameters file_name String that provides the full file pathname to where the recording will be stored Return Value Remarks If the specified file does not exist, it will be created. If it exists, it will be overwritten. Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions ' Do the changes of recording options here. RecOptions.Save( CurrentDir & "Input\" ) C++: 94 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASRecOptions Object IRecOptions::Reset HRESULT Reset ( ) Resets the recording options to the initial state. Parameters Return Value Remarks For default values of recording options, see the remarks sections of the IRecOptions Interface and ISASRecOptions Interface methods. Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject("LeCroy.SASAnalyzer") Set RecOptions = Analyzer.GetRecordingOptions RecOptions.SetRecMode 2 ' Event trigger RecOptions.SetBufferSize 1024*1024 ' 1 MB RecOptions.SetPostTriggerPercentage 60 ' 60% . . . RecOptions.Reset() C++: ISASRecOptions Interface This interface is identical to the IRecOptions Interface. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 95 Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object SASPacket Object The SASPacket object represents a single packet of the recorded trace file. The SASPacket object allows you to retrieve packet content and packet properties, such as timestamp, link width, packet start lane, packet direction, and packet errors. The SASPacket object can be created by calling ISASTrace::GetBusPacket. The SASPacket object supports the following interfaces: Interfaces IPacket ISASPacket Description Allows retrieval of the packet timestamp. Extends the IPacket interface. The ISASPacket interface is a primary interface for the SASPacket object. IPacket Interface The IPacket interface is a dual interface for the SASPacket object. IPacket implements the following method: GetTimestamp Note: All methods of the IPacket interface are also available in the ISASPacket Interface. 96 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object IPacket::GetTimestamp HRESULT GetTimestamp ( [out, retval] double* timestamp Returns the packet timestamp in nanoseconds. Parameters timestamp Timestamp of the beginning symbol of the packet, from the start of recording Return values Remarks Example WSH: Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “LeCroy.SASTracer” ) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording( CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac" ) TriggerPacket = Trace. GetTriggerPacketNum Set Packet = Trace.GetBusPacket(TriggerPacket) MsgBox "Trigger packet at " & Packet.GetTimestamp & " ns" C++: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 97 Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object ISASPacket Interface The ISASPacket interface is a primary dual interface for the SASPacket object. This interface is derived from the IPacket interface. The ISASPacket interface implements all methods from the IPacket interface, plus the following: 98 GetPacketData GetLinkNumber GetFrameType GetDirection GetErrors GetTotalDwords Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object IPacket::GetPacketData HRESULT GetPacketData ( [in] EPacketFormat format, [out] VARIANT* packet, [out, retval] long* number_of_bytes ) Retrieves a raw packet representation. Parameters format Data representation format The EPacketFormat enumerator has the following values: PACKETFORMAT_BYTES ( 0 ) bytes PACKETFORMAT_SCRAMBLED_BYTES ( 1 ) scrambled bytes PACKETFORMAT_TEN_BIT ( 2 ) 10‐bit codes packet Raw packet data number_of_bytes Number of bytes in the packet Return Value ANALYZERCOMERROR_WRONGCALL Unknown packet format specified Remarks The packet parameter has VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT actual automation type. For PACKETFORMAT_BYTES and PACKETFORMAT_SCRAMBLED_BYTES, each element of this array has the VT_UI1 automation type. For PACKETFORMAT_TEN_BIT, each element of this array has the VT_UI2 automation type. Example VBScript: <OBJECT ID = Analyzer CLASSID = "clsid: 0B179BB7-DC61-11d4-9B71-000102566088" > </OBJECT> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="TextPacketNumber"> <P ALIGN=LEFT ID=StatusText></P> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-Function DecToBin(Param, NeedLen) While Param > 0 Param = Param/2 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 99 Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object If Param - Int(Param) > 0 Then Res = CStr(1) + Res Else Res = CStr(0) + Res End If Param = Int(Param) Wend DecToBin = Replace( Space(NeedLen - Len(Res)), " ", "0") & Res End Function Sub BtnGetPacket_OnClick ClearStatus() On Error Resume Next Set Packet = CurrentTrace.GetBusPacket (TextPacketNumber.value) If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "GetBusPacket:" & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Else Timestamp = Packet.GetTimestamp() If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "GetTimestamp:" & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If NumberOfUnits = Packet.GetPacketData ( PACKETFORMAT_BYTES, PacketData) If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "GetPacketData:" & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Else For Each PacketByte In PacketData PacketStr = PacketStr & DecToBin(PacketByte, 8) & " " NBytes = NBytes + 1 Next StatusText.innerText = "Packet ( " & NumberOfUnits & " bytes ): " & PacketStr End If End If End Sub --> 100 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object </SCRIPT> C++: ISASPacket* custom_packet; LONG packet_number; . . . VARIANT packet_data; double timestamp_ns; VariantInit( &packet_data ); long number_of_bytes; try { number_of_bytes = custom_packet>GetPacketData(PACKETFORMAT_BYTES, &packet_data); timestamp_ns = custom_packet->GetTimestamp ( ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } if ( packet_data.vt == ( VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT) ) { SAFEARRAY* packet_safearray = packet_data.parray; TCHAR* packet_message = new TCHAR [ 3*packet_safearray->rgsabound[0].cElements + 64 ]; TCHAR elem[64]; _stprintf(packet_message, _T("packet #%ld: "), GetDlgItemInt(IDC_PACKET_NUMBER)); _stprintf( elem, _T(" %.0lf ns"), timestamp_ns ); _tcscat( packet_message, elem ); _stprintf( elem, _T(", %d bytes: "), number_of_bytes ); _tcscat( packet_message, elem ); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 101 Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object for ( long i=0; i<(long)packet_safearray>rgsabound[0].cElements; i++) { VARIANT var; HRESULT hr = SafeArrayGetElement(packet_safearray, &i, &var); if (FAILED(hr)) { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Error accessing array"), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK); return 1; } if ( var.vt != ( VT_UI1) ) { ::MessageBox(NULL,_T("Array of bytes expected"),_T("SASTracer client"),MB_OK); return 1; } _stprintf( elem, _T("%02X "), V_UI1(&var) ); _tcscat( packet_message, elem ); } ::MessageBox( NULL, packet_message, _T("packet"), MB_OK ); delete [] packet_message; } else { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Invalid argument"), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); } 102 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object IPacket::GetDirection HRESULT GetDirection ( [out, retval] long* direction ) Returns direction (host/device for SATA or initiator/target for SAS) of this packet. Parameters direction 0 = Host (initiator) packet 1 = Device (target) packet Return Value Remarks Example WSH: CurrentDir = Left( WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev( WScript.ScriptFullName, “\” ) ) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “LeCroy.SASTracer” ) Set Trace = Analyzer.OpenFile( CurrentDir & “Input\” ) Set Packet = Trace.GetBusPacket( 0 ) MsgBox "Direction: " & Packet.GetDirection C++: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 103 Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object IPacket::GetErrors HRESULT GetErrors ( [out] VARIANT* error_array, [out, retval] long* number_of_errors ) Returns an array of errors present in this packet. Parameters error_array Array of error IDs present in this packet. See ITrace::AnalyzerErrors for error ID values. number_of_errors Total number of errors in this packet Return Value Remarks Example WSH: C++: 104 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object IPacket:: GetLinkNumber HRESULT GetLinkNumber ( [out, retval] long* link_number ) Returns analyzer link number of this packet. Parameters Link_number It is the analyzer link number of this packet which starts from 1 (I1 and T1). Return Value Remarks Example Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 105 Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object IPacket:: GetFrameType HRESULT GetFrameType ( [out, retval] long* frame_type ) Returns frame type of this packet. Parameters frame_type It is the frame type of this packet which can be one of the following values: SAS_FT_UNKNOWN 0 SAS_FT_PRIMITIVE 1 SAS_FT_AF_OPEN 3 SAS_FT_AF_IDENTIFY 4 SAS_FT_SSP_FRAME 5 SAS_FT_SMP_FRAME 6 SAS_FT_STP_FRAME 7 SAS_FT_IDLE 8 SAS_FT_TRAINING 9 SAS_FT_OOB_SIGNAL 10 SAS_FT_DEV_SLP 11 Return Value Remarks Example 106 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASPacket Object IPacket:: GetTotalDwords HRESULT GetTotalDwords ( [out, retval] long* total_dwords ) Returns DWords’ number of this packet. Parameters total_dwords It is total number of DWords of this packet. Return Value Remarks Example Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 107 Teledyne LeCroy SASTraceErrors Object SASTraceErrors Object The SASTraceErrors object represents the collection of errors that occurred in the recorded trace file. The SASTraceErrors object can be created by calling ITrace::AnalyzerErrors. The ISASAnalyzerErrors interface is a primary interface for the SASTraceErrors object. ISASAnalyzerErrors Dispinterface This is a standard collection interface for collection of packet numbers with errors of a specified type (see ITrace::AnalyzerErrors). It has the following methods, which are standard for collection interfaces: 108 get_Item get_Count Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTraceErrors Object ISASAnalyzerErrors::get_Item HRESULT get_Item( [in] long index, [out, retval] long* packet_number ); Get items. Parameters index Index of the error in the collection packet_number Error packet number Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 109 Teledyne LeCroy SASTraceErrors Object ISASAnalyzerErrors::get_Count HRESULT get_Count( [out, retval] long* number_of_errors ); Returns the number of errors in the trace. Parameters number_of_errors Number of elements in the collection Remarks Example WSH: ' Makes recording and saves the portions of the recorded trace ' where "Running Disparity" errors occured. CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev( WScript.ScriptFullName, “\” )) Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( “LeCroy.SASTracer” ) Set Trace = Analyzer.MakeRecording( CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.sac" ) Set Errors = Trace.AnalyzerErrors( 32 ) ' Running Disparity Error For Each ErrorPacketNumber In Errors ErrorFile = CurrentDir & "\Output\PckLen_error_span_" & CStr(ErrorPacketNumber) & ".sas" Trace.Save ErrorFile, CInt(ErrorPacketNumber)-5, CInt(ErrorPacketNumber)+5 Next C++: ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . ISASAnalyzerErrors* analyser_errors; try { analyser_errors = sas_trace>AnalyzerErrors(error_type).Detach(); } 110 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASTraceErrors Object catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } TCHAR all_errors[2048]; _stprintf( all_errors, _T("Errors: ") ); try { long errors_count = analyser_errors->GetCount(); long analyzer_error; if ( !errors_count ) { _tcscat( all_errors, _T("none") ); } for ( long i=0; i<errors_count && i<2048/32; i++ ) { analyzer_error = analyser_errors->GetItem(i); TCHAR cur_error[32]; _stprintf( cur_error, _T(" %ld"), analyzer_error ); _tcscat( all_errors, cur_error ); } if ( i>2048/32 ) _tcscat( all_errors, _T(" ...") ); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return 1; } analyser_errors->Release(); ::SetWindowText( m_hwndStatus, all_errors ); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 111 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object SASVScriptEngine Object The SASVScriptEngine object allows you to run verification scripts over the recorded trace. It extends the functionality of the ISASVerificationScript interface of a SASTrace object. The main advantage of a SASVScriptEngine object is that it allows clients implementing _IVScriptEngineEvents a callback interface to receive notifications when a verification script is running. The SASVScriptEngine object can be created by calling ISASVerificationScript:: GetVScriptEngine. The SASVScriptEngine object supports the following interfaces: Interfaces IVScriptEngine _ISASAnalyzerEvents Description Provides advanced control over the verification script and allows you to execute the script asynchronously. Events from SASVScriptEngine object The IVScriptEngine interface is a primary interface for the SASVScriptEngine object. Remarks Verification scripts are scripts written in a special manner using the CATC Script Language (CSL). These scripts can be “run” over a recorded trace to “verify” the trace for some verification conditions or to extract more advanced information from the trace. Such scripts use a special feature of the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application, its Verification Script Engine. Please refer to the SASTracer Manual, SASTracer Verification Script Engine Manual, and File Based Decoding Manual for more details. 112 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object IVScriptEngine Interface The IVScriptEngine interface is the primary dual interface for the SASVScriptEngine object. It implements the following properties and methods: RunVScript RunVScriptEx LaunchVScript Stop Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 113 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object IVScriptEngine::RunVScript HRESULT RunVScript ( [out, retval] int* pResult ) Runs the verification script currently specified for this engine. Parameters pResult Address of the variable where the results of the verification are kept Return Value Remarks The name of the verification script is the name of the verification script file (*.pevs). If only the script name, without a file extension, is specified, the Sierra/STX server searches for the named script among the scripts loaded from the \Scripts\VFScripts folder under the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite installation folder. If the full path to the script is specified, then the server attempts to load the script from the specified path prior to running it. Example C++: // This example uses wrapper functions provided by the #import directive. ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . ISASVerificationScript* sas_vscript = NULL; sas_trace->QueryInterface(IID_ISASVerificationScript, (void**)&sas_vscript)) assert( sas_vscript != NULL ); IVScriptEngine* sas_vsengine = NULL; sas_vsengine = sas_vscript -> GetVScriptEngine("MyVSEngine"); assert( sas_vsengine != NULL ); sas_vsengine -> PutVScriptName("Test_1"); assert( sas_vsengine -> GetVScriptName() == "Test_1" ); VS_RESULT result = sas_vsengine ->RunVScript(); if( result == PASSED ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "Test 1 passed !!!", "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); } . . . 114 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object IVScriptEngine::RunVScriptEx HRESULT RunVScriptEx ( [in] BSTR script_name, [out, retval] int* pResult ) Changes the current verification script name and runs the verification script. Parameters script_name Name of the verification script to initialize the script verification engine pResult Address of the variable where the results of the verification are kept Return Value Remarks This method makes a “synchronous” call, which means that this method does not return until the script stops running. The name of the verification script is the name of the verification script file (*.pevs). If only the script name, without a file extension, is specified, the Sierra/STX server searches for the named script among the scripts loaded from the \Scripts\VFScripts folder under the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite installation folder. If the full path to the script is specified, then the server attempts to load the script from the specified path prior to running it. See the ISASVerificationScript::RunVerificationScript method for details. Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 115 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object Example C++: // This example uses wrapper functions provided by the #import directive. ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . ISASVerificationScript* sas_vscript = NULL; sas_trace->QueryInterface(IID_ISASVerificationScript, (void**)&sas_vscript ) ) assert( sas_vscript != NULL ); IVScriptEngine* sas_vsengine = NULL; sas_vsengine = sas_vscript -> GetVScriptEngine("Test_1"); assert( sas_vsengine != NULL ); VS_RESULT result = sas_vsengine ->RunVScript(); if( result == PASSED ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "Test 1 passed !!!", "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); } result = sas_vsengine ->RunVScriptEx("Test_2"); if( result == PASSED ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "Test 2 passed !!!", "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); } result = sas_vsengine >RunVScriptEx("C:\\MyTests\\Test_3.pevs"); if( result == PASSED ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "Test 3 passed !!!", "SASTracer client", MB_OK ); } . . . 116 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object IVScriptEngine::LaunchVScript HRESULT LaunchVScript ( ) Launches the current verification script. Parameters Return Value S_FALSE If VS Engine was not successfully launched (either it is already running, or the verification script was not found) Remarks This method makes an “asynchronous” call, which means that this method immediately returns after the script starts running. When the verification script stops running, the VSE object sends a special event notification IVScriptEngineEvents::OnVScriptFinished to the client event handler. You can also terminate the running script using the method IVScriptEngine::Stop. Example C++: // This example uses wrapper functions provided by the #import directive. ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . ISASVerificationScript* sas_vscript = NULL; sas_trace->QueryInterface( IID_ISASVerificationScript, (void**)&sas_vscript ) ) assert( sas_vscript != NULL ); IVScriptEngine* sas_vsengine = NULL; sas_vsengine = sas_vscript -> GetVScriptEngine("Test_1"); assert( sas_vsengine != NULL ); VS_RESULT result = sas_vsengine ->LaunchVScript(); // You can go further without waiting for the result from the VSE object. // If you are interested in the result, implement the client event handler // for OnVScriptFinished() notification. . . . Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 117 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object IVScriptEngine::Stop HRESULT Stop ( ) Stops the verification script previously launched by IVScriptEngine::LaunchVScript. Parameters Return Value Remarks Example C++: // This example uses wrapper functions provided by the #import directive. ISASTrace* sas_trace; . . . ISASVerificationScript* sas_vscript = NULL; sas_trace->QueryInterface( IID_ISASVerificationScript, (void**)&sas_vscript ) ) assert( sas_vscript != NULL ); IVScriptEngine* sas_vsengine = NULL; sas_vsengine = sas_vscript -> GetVScriptEngine("Test_1"); assert( sas_vsengine != NULL ); VS_RESULT result = sas_vsengine ->LaunchVScript(); . . . if( NotEnoughResourcesToProcessVS ) sas_vsengine ->Stop(); . . . 118 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite SASVScriptEngine Object Events Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object Events _IVScriptEngineEvents Interface To retrieve event notifications from the Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application when a verification script engine object is running the script, you must implement the _IVScriptEngineEvents callback interface. Since this interface is a default source interface for the SASVScriptEngine object, there is a very simple implementation from languages such as Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript, and WSH. Some script engines impose restrictions on handling events from “indirect” automation objects in typeless script languages (when an automation interface to the object is obtained from a call of some method, rather than from creation function, such as CreateObject() in VBScript). The SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application provides a special COM class, allowing receiving and handling of notifications from a VSE object even in script languages not supporting event handling from "indirect" objects. Example The C++ implementation used in the examples below implements an event sink object by deriving it from IdispEventImpl, but not specifying the type library as a template argument. Instead, the type library and default source interface for the object are determined using AtlGetObjectSourceInterface(). A SINK_ENTRY() macro is used for each event from each source interface that is to be handled: Example C++: class CVSEngineSink : public IDispEventImpl<IDC_SRCOBJ_VSE, CVSEngineSink > { public: ... BEGIN_SINK_MAP(CVSEngineSink) // Make sure the Event Handlers have __stdcall calling convention. SINK_ENTRY( IDC_SRCOBJ_VSE, 1, OnVScriptReportUpdated ) SINK_ENTRY( IDC_SRCOBJ_VSE, 2, OnVScriptFinished ) SINK_ENTRY( IDC_SRCOBJ_VSE, 3, OnNotifyClient ) END_SINK_MAP() HRESULT __stdcall OnVScriptReportUpdated ( BSTR newLine, int TAG ); HRESULT __stdcall OnVScriptFinished( BSTR script_name, VS_RESULT result, int TAG ); HRESULT __stdcall OnNotifyClient (int eventId, VARIANT eventBody, int TAG); Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 119 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object Events HRESULT Advise(IUnknown* pUnk) { AtlGetObjectSourceInterface(pUnk, &m_libid, &m_iid, &m_wMajorVerNum, &m_wMinorVerNum); return DispEventAdvise(pUnk, &m_iid); } HRESULT Unadvise(IUnknown* pUnk) { AtlGetObjectSourceInterface(pUnk, &m_libid, &m_iid, &m_wMajorVerNum, &m_wMinorVerNum); return DispEventUnadvise(pUnk, &m_iid); } ... }; Then, after you have established the connection with the server, you must advise your implementation of the event interface: IVScriptEngine vscript_engine = NULL; try { vscript_engine = vscript ->GetVScriptEngine( "Test_1" ); } catch (_com_error& er ) { SetStatusError( er ); } if ( vscript_engine == NULL ) { vscript = NULL; return E_FAIL; } CVSEngineSink vse_sink; HRESULT hr = vse_sink . Advise( vscript_engine ); // “Subscribe” for receiving events. ... 120 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite SASVScriptEngine Object Events Teledyne LeCroy VS_RESULT res = SCRIPT_NOT_FOUND; try { res = (VS_RESULT)vscript_engine ->RunVScript(); } catch (_com_error& er) { SetStatusError( er ); } // Tear connection with the test case. vse_sink.Unadvise( vscript_engine ); ... VBA: ( MS Excel ) Public SASTracer As SASAnalyzer Public Trace As SASTrace Public GVSEngine As VScriptEngine ' VSEngineEventsModule is a special class implementing VSE event ' handlers. ' It should have, in the global declaration section, a line like this: ' Public WithEvents VSEEvents As VScriptEngine Dim X As New VSEngineEventsModule Private Sub RunVScritButton_Click() Dim VSEngine As VScriptEngine Dim IVScript As ISASVerificationScript Dim ScriptName, fileToOpen As String ScriptName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, 2) If SASTracer Is Nothing Then Set SASTracer = New SASAnalyzer If SASTracer Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Unable to connect to SASTracer", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If End If Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 121 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object Events fileToOpen = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 2) Set Trace = SASTracer.OpenFile( fileToOpen ) Set IVScript = Trace ' Get the IfcVerificationScript interface. Set VSEngine = IVScript.GetVScriptEngine( ScriptName ) ' "Subscribe" for receiving VSE events. ' The X variable (an instance of VSEngineEventsModule class) ' handles them. Set X.VSEEvents = VSEngine ... VSEngine.Tag = 12 ' Assign a tag for VSE object. VSEngine.RunVScript ' Run verification script. Set X.VSEEvents = Nothing ' "Unsubscribe" for receiving VSE events. Set VSEngine = Nothing ' Release external Set IVScript = Nothing ' objects. End Sub 122 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object Events IVScriptEngineEvents::OnVScriptReportUpdated HRESULT OnVScriptReportUpdated ( [in] BSTR newline, [in] int tag ) Fires when running a verification script. Calls the ReportText(newLine) function (refer to the SASTracer Verification Script Engine Manual for details on the ReportText function). Parameters newline New portion of text reported by the verification script tag VSE object tag Return Value Remarks Make sure that C++ event handlers have the __stdcall calling convention. Example C++: HRESULT __stdcall OnVScriptReportUpdated (BSTR newLine, int TAG ) { TRACE( "Line: %s, TAG: %d\n", newLine, TAG ); . . . return S_OK; } VBA (MS Excel): Public WithEvents VSEEvents As VScriptEngine Public LineIndex As Integer . . . Private Sub VSEEvents_OnVScriptReportUpdated(ByVal newLine As String, ByVal Tag As Long) ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(LineIndex, 1) = newLine LineIndex = LineIndex + 1 End Sub Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 123 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object Events IVScriptEngineEvents::OnVScriptFinished HRESULT OnVScriptFinished ( [in] BSTR script_name, [in] VS_RESULT result, [in] int TAG ) Fires when running a verification script. Calls the ReportText(newLine) function (refer to the SASTracer Verification Script Engine Manual for details on the ReportText function). Parameters script_name Name of the verification script result Result of "verification" See the ISASVerificationScript::RunVerificationScript method for details. TAG VSE object tag Return Value Remarks Make sure that C++ event handlers have the __stdcall calling convention. Example C++: HRESULT __stdcall CComplTestSink::OnVScriptFinished( BSTR script_name, VS_RESULT result, int TAG ) { USES_CONVERSION; TCHAR tmp[220]; sprintf( tmp, "Script completed, name : %s, result = %d, TAG = %d", W2A(script_name), result, TAG ); . . . return S_OK; } VBA (MS Excel): Public WithEvents VSEEvents As VScriptEngine . . . Private Sub VSEEvents_OnVScriptFinished( ByVal script_name As String, ByVal result As SASAutomationLib.VS_RESULT, ByVal Tag As Long ) 124 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite SASVScriptEngine Object Events Teledyne LeCroy Dim ResString As String ResString = "Script name : " & script_name & ", result = " & CStr(result) & ", TAG = " & CStr(Tag) ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(7, 2) = ResString End Sub Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 125 Teledyne LeCroy SASVScriptEngine Object Events IVScriptEngineEvents::OnNotifyCount HRESULT OnNotifyCount ( [in] int eventId, [in] VARIANT eventBody, [in] int TAG ) Fires when running a verification script. Calls the NotifyClient() function. Parameters eventID Event ID eventBody Body of event packed in a VARIANT object TAG VSE object tag Return Value Remarks The information packed in the event body is opaque for VSE. It only packs the information given to the NotifyClient() function inside of a verification script into a VARIANT object and sends it to client applications. See the SASTracer Verification Script Engine Manual for details about the NotifyClient() script function. Example SASTracer Verification script: ProcessEvent() { . . . NotifyClient( 2, [in.Index, in.Level, GetChannelName(), GetEventName(), TimeToText( in.Time )] ); . . . } 126 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite SASVScriptEngine Object Events Teledyne LeCroy VBA (MS Excel): Public WithEvents VSEEvents As VScriptEngine . . . Private Sub VSEEvents_OnNotifyClient( ByVal eventId As Long, ByVal eventBody As Variant, ByVal Tag As Long ) Dim Col As Integer Dim Item As Variant ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(LineIndex, 1) = eventId If IsArray(eventBody) Then Col = 3 For Each Item In eventBody ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(LineIndex, Col) = Item Col = Col + 1 Next Else ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(LineIndex, 2) = eventBody End If LineIndex = LineIndex + 1 End Sub Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 127 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events SASAnalyzer Object Events _ISASAnalyzerEvents Dispinterface To retrieve the events from a SASAnalyzer object, you must implement the _ISASAnalyzerEvents interface. Since this interface is the default source interface for the SASAnalyzer object, there is a very simple implementation from languages such as Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript, and WSH. Some script engines impose restrictions on handling events from “indirect” automation objects in typeless script languages (when the automation interface to the object is obtained from a call of some method, rather than from a creation function, such as CreateObject() in VBScript). The Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application provides a special COM class, allowing receiving and handling notifications from the VSE object even in script languages not supporting event handling from "indirect" objects. The C++ implementation used in the examples below utilizes a sink object by deriving it from IdispEventImpl, but not specifying the type library as a template argument. Instead, the type library and default source interface for the object are determined using AtlGetObjectSourceInterface(). A SINK_ENTRY() macro is used for each event from each source interface that is to be handled: class CAnalyzerSink : public IDispEventImpl<IDC_SRCOBJ, CAnalyzerSink> { BEGIN_SINK_MAP(CAnalyzerSink) // Make sure the Event Handlers have __stdcall calling convention. SINK_ENTRY(IDC_SRCOBJ, 1, OnTraceCreated) SINK_ENTRY(IDC_SRCOBJ, 2, OnStatusReport) END_SINK_MAP() . . . } 128 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events Then, after you establish a connection with the server, you must advise as to your implementation of the event interface: hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SASAnalyzer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ISASAnalyzer, (LPVOID *)&m_poSASAnalyzer ); poAnalyzerSink = new CAnalyzerSink(); // Make sure the COM object corresponding to pUnk implements // IProvideClassInfo2 or IPersist*. // Call this method to extract info about source type library, if you // specified only two parameters to IDispEventImpl. hr = AtlGetObjectSourceInterface(m_poSASAnalyzer, &poAnalyzerSink->m_libid, &poAnalyzerSink->m_iid, &poAnalyzerSink>m_wMajorVerNum, &poAnalyzerSink->m_wMinorVerNum); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return 1; // Connect the sink and source. m_poSASAnalyzer is the source COM object. hr = poAnalyzerSink->DispEventAdvise(m_poSASAnalyzer, &poAnalyzerSink->m_iid); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return 1; Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 129 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events _ISASAnalyzerEvents::OnTraceCreated HRESULT OnTraceCreated ( [in] IDispatch* trace ); Fires when a trace is created. This event is a result of ISASAnalyzer::StartRecording and ISASAnalyzer::StopRecording method calls. Parameters trace Interface pointer to the SASTrace object Return Value Remarks Make sure the event handlers have the __stdcall calling convention. 130 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events Example VBScript: <OBJECT ID = Analyzer CLASSID = " clsid: 297CD804-08F5-4A4F-B3BA-779B2654B27C " > </OBJECT> <P ALIGN=LEFT ID=StatusText></P> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-Dim CurrentTrace Sub Analyzer_OnTraceCreated(ByRef Trace) On Error Resume Next Set CurrentTrace = Trace If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description End If StatusText.innerText = "Trace '" & CurrentTrace.GetName & "' created" End Sub --> </SCRIPT> C++: HRESULT __stdcall OnTraceCreated( IDispatch* trace ) { ISASTrace* sas_trace; HRESULT hr; hr = trace->QueryInterface( IID_ISASTrace, (void**)&sas_trace ); if (FAILED(hr)) { _com_error er(hr); if (er.Description().length() > 0) ::MessageBox( NULL, er.Description(), _T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); else ::MessageBox( NULL, er.ErrorMessage(),_T("SASTracer client"), MB_OK ); return hr; } . . . return hr; } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 131 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events _ISASAnalyzerEvents::OnStatusReport HRESULT OnStatusReport ( [in] short subsystem, [in] short state, [in] long percent_done ); Fires when there is a change in analyzer state or there is a change in progress (percent_done) of analyzer state. Parameters subsystem Subsystem sending event has the following values RECORDING_PROGRESS_REPORT ( 1 ) Recording subsystem GENERATION_PROGRESS_REPORT ( 2 ) Generation subsystem \state Current analyzer state has the following values: If the subsystem is RECORDING_PROGRESS_REPORT: ANALYZERSTATE_IDLE (-1 ) = idle ANALYZERSTATE_WAITING_TRIGGER ( 0 )= recording in progress, analyzer waiting for trigger ANALYZERSTATE_RECORDING_TRIGGERED ( 1 ) = recording in progress, analyzer triggered ANALYZERSTATE_UPLOADING_DATA ( 2 ) ANALYZERSTATE_SAVING_DATA ( 3 ) = = uploading in progress saving data in progress If the subsystem is GENERATION_PROGRESS_REPORT: ANALYZERSTATE_GEN_IDLE ( 400 ) = idle ANALYZERSTATE_GEN_DOWNLOADING ( 401 ) = generator is downloading object code ANALYZERSTATE_GEN_GENERATING ( 402 ) = generator is working ANALYZERSTATE_GEN_PAUSED ( 403 ) = generator is paused percent_done 132 Shows the progress of currently performing operation: Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events If the subsystem is RECORDING_PROGRESS_REPORT: When analyzer state is ANALYZERSTATE_IDLE, is not applicable. When analyzer state is ANALYZERSTATE_WAITING_TRIGGER or ANALYZER‐ STATE_RECORDING_TRIGGERED, shows analyzer memory utilization. When analyzer state is ANALYZERSTATE_UPLOADING_DATA, shows the percent of data uploaded. When analyzer state is ANALYZERSTATE_SAVING_DATA, shows the percent of data saved. If the subsystem is GENERATION_PROGRESS_REPORT, represents current position of script execution. Return Value Remarks Make sure the event handlers have the __stdcall calling convention. Example VBScript: <OBJECT ID = Analyzer CLASSID = "clsid:0B179BB8-DC61-11D4-9B71-000102566088" > </OBJECT> <P ALIGN=LEFT ID=StatusText></P> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-Function GetRecordingStatus(ByVal State, ByVal Percent) Select Case State Case -1: GetRecordingStatus = "Idle" Case 0: GetRecordingStatus = "Recording - Waiting for trigger" Case 1: GetRecordingStatus = "Recording - Triggered" Case 2: GetRecordingStatus = "Uploading" Case 3: GetRecordingStatus = "Saving Data" Case Else: GetRecordingStatus = "Invalid recording status" End Select GetRecordingStatus = GetRecordingStatus & ", " & Percent & "% done" End Function Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 133 Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events Dim RecordingStatus Sub Analyzer_OnStatusReport(ByVal System, ByVal State, ByVal Percent) Select Case System Case 1 RecordingStatus = GetRecordingStatus( State, Percent ) End Select End Sub --> </SCRIPT> C++: #define #define #define #define #define #define RECORDING_PROGRESS_REPORT ( 1 ) ANALYZERSTATE_IDLE( -1 ) ANALYZERSTATE_WAITING_TRIGGER( 0 ) ANALYZERSTATE_RECORDING_TRIGGERED( 1 ) ANALYZERSTATE_UPLOADING_DATA( 2 ) ANALYZERSTATE_SAVING_DATA( 3 ) HRESULT __stdcall OnStatusReport(short subsystem, short state, long percent_done) { switch ( subsystem ) { case RECORDING_PROGRESS_REPORT: UpdateRecStatus( state, percent_done ); break; } TCHAR buf[1024]; _stprintf( buf, _T("%s"), m_RecordingStatus ); ::SetWindowText( m_hwndStatus, buf ); return S_OK; } void UpdateRecStatus( short state, long percent_done ) { TCHAR status_buf[64]; switch ( state ) { case ANALYZERSTATE_IDLE: _tcscpy( status_buf, _T("Idle") ); break; case ANALYZERSTATE_WAITING_TRIGGER: 134 Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite Teledyne LeCroy SASAnalyzer Object Events _tcscpy( status_buf, _T("Recording - Waiting for trigger") ); break; case ANALYZERSTATE_RECORDING_TRIGGERED: _tcscpy( status_buf, _T("Recording - Triggered") ); break; case ANALYZERSTATE_UPLOADING_DATA: _tcscpy( status_buf, _T("Uploading") ); break; case ANALYZERSTATE_SAVING_DATA: _tcscpy( status_buf, _T("Saving data") ); break; default: _tcscpy( status_buf, _T("Unknown") ); break; } _stprintf(m_RecordingStatus, _T("%s, done %ld%%"), status_buf, percent_done); } Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite 135 Teledyne LeCroy How to Contact Teledyne LeCroy How to Contact Teledyne LeCroy Type of Service Call for technical support… Fax your questions… Write a letter … Send e‐mail… Visit Teledyne LeCroy’s web site… 136 Contract US and Canada:1 (800) 909‐7112 Worldwide: 1 (408) 653‐1260 Worldwide:1 (408) 727‐6622 Teledyne LeCroy Protocol Solutions Group Customer Support 3385 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054‐3115 USA [email protected] Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite
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