Program of the 2015 HES Annual Conference - Friday June 26th - Monday June 29th Friday Afternoon 4:30-6:00 - Plenary Session: Presentations by 2015 HES Award Winners Manuela Fernandez Pinto, Dorfman Prize Winner: “Learning from Ignorance: Agnotology’s Challenge to Philosophy of Science” Kevin Hoover, "Best Article" award winner: "On the Reception of Haavelmo’s Econometric Thought" Friday 6:30 PM -- Opening Reception Saturday Morning 8:30 - 10:00 - Concurrent Sessions Session Chair Discussant Kirsten Madden James and J. S. Mill Gouverneur Persky Bianchini Virginie Joseph Victor Macroeconomics in the Post-War Era Andrada Alexandre Da Silva Danilo Fuchs Erich John Stuart Mill and William Stanley Jevons on the economic value of women’s household activity Labour Manged Firms in 19th Century Economic Thought Inquiry Into James Mill's Interpretation of Adam Smith's Love of Praiseworthiness Kirsten Madden Bruce Kaufman J. Garrido Kevin Hoover Understanding Robert Lucas (1967-1981) The First Keynesian Reactions to Lucas’s Macroeconomics of Equilibrium Lawrence R. Klein and the Making of Macroceconometrics James Wible Erich Pinzon-Fuchs Kevin Hoover Alternative Approaches to Development Economics Bracarense Natalia Business Cycles as the Foundation of Development Economics Karintha Sunil The Self Sufficient Village Economy and Gandhi's Economic Ideas Mateos Sylvere Human Capital, Give Us Theoretical Foundations Please! Rebeca Gomez Betancourt Michele Alacevich Balbir Sihag Roger Backhouse Economists and Philosophers Coker David England Christopher Ragatz Julie Polly Cleveland Rawls and Knight Henry George and John Dewey: The Spatial Economics of Culture Hempel and the Economists Saturday Morning 10:30-12:00- Concurrent Sessions th Empirical Economics and Political Economy in the 20 Century Hirschman Shenk Stapleford Daniel Timothy Thomas Ross Emmett Polly Cleveland D. Wade Hands Session Chair Discussant Thomas Stapleford Rediscovering the 1%: Economic Expertise and Inequality Knowledge Measuring, Managing, and Inventing the Economy: The Case of the National Bureau of Economic Research Interwar Comparisons: The Divergent Paths of Early Econometrics in Europe and the United States General Discussant: Malcolm Rutherford Adam Smitth I - The Theory of Moral Sentiments Jerry Evansky Blosser Joseph Responsibility and Moral Education: Rethinking Smith’s Impartial Spectator and the Virtues Garrido Jose de la Cruz Moral sentiments and the perspective of the Other in the Adam Smith System of Natural Liberty Hammer Eric Adam Smith, Moral Sentiments, and the Welfare State How Far is Schadenfreude from Resentment-- and Vanity from the Desire for Gratitude? Khalil Elias Matthew Gaetano J. Daniel Hammond Bruce Kaufman Jerry Evansky Theory and Method in Historical Research Lawrence Boland Dadgar Yadollah Cheng Li History of economic thought and enhancing the sustainability of political economy itself Jose Edwards Leviaux Pierre Cliometrics of Growth and Biology in the Economic Thought of Fogel (post 1982) and Galor (2013): A M Taalbi Josef Lawrence Boland Causality and structure in economic and historical processes Welfare Baujard Banzhaf Joseph Persky Antoinette Spencer Steve Medema Polly Cleveland An history of welfare economics John Krutilla and the "Ecological Turn" in Environmental Economics Saturday Afternoon 1:30-3:00 - Concurrent Sessions Session Chair Discussant On the Collection and Use of Economic Data Malcolm Rutherford Berdell John Origins and Implications of Chicago Futures Markets Regulations and Regulatory Institutions. Bert Barreto The Katona-Tobin controversy on the predictive value of attitudinal data. Dechaux Pierrick Robert Dimand Reamer Andrew The Mercantilist Policy Origins of Federal Economic Statistical Agencies. Thomas Stapleford From Natural Law to Classical Economics John Berdell Saether Arild From Natural Law to Political Economy Nohara Shinji Commerce, economic development, and equilibrium in Montesquieu, Hume, and Smith John Berdell Jerry Evansky Fisher and Friedman: Origins and Reception of Innovative Ideas J. Daniel Hammond Vila Adrien Don Mathews From the Fisher effect to a cycle theory: Genesis and reception of debt-deflation theory Gomez Betancourt Rebeca Rebeca Gomez Betancourt Mathews Don Did Irving Fisher Really Discover the Phillips Curve? Religion and the History of Economic Thought Ballor Jordan Adam Smith and Scripture Gaetano Matthew The Just Price in the School of Salamanca Heretics of the Intelligentsia: Vekhi and the Russian Religious Rejection of Marxism Pahman Dylan Jordan Ballor Joseph Blosser Loic Charles Anna Klimina Saturday Afternoon 3:30 - 4:30 - Plenary Session: Bruce Kaufman, Invited Speaker "The Origins and Theory Foundation of Original Institutional Economics Reconsidered" Saturday 5:00 PM - History of Economics Society Business Meeting Sunday Morning 8:30-10:00 - Concurrent Sessions th Session Chair Discussant Early 20 Century Tax Policy – Theory and Practice Hutchinson Camden The Historical Origins of the Debt-Equity Distinction Johnson Marianne Harold Groves, Wisconsin Institutionalism and Postwar Public Finance Marianne Johnson Political Economy in the 18th Century McPhail Edward Grandi Giovanni Ross Emmett The economic thought of Ernst Carl David Skene on Credit and Trade Shinji Nohara Carlos Suprinyak Keynes Ahiakpor Sutch Dimand James Richard Robert Applying Modern Microeconomics Griffen Zach Breslau Daniel Singleton John Humberto Barreto On the Implausibility of Keynes’s Liquidity-Trap Proposition Norman Obst The Liquidity Trap, the Great Depression, and Unconventional Policy: Reading Keynes at the Zero LoweRobert Dimand Keynes Narrates the Great Depression David Andrews Spencer Banzhaf Michael Beggs Seeing Like a Firm: Eric Hanushek and the Valuation of “Teacher Quality” The Price Machine: Engineering, Economics, and the Politics of Electricity Markets The Empirical Economist's Toolkit: From Models to Methods Sunday Morning 10:30-12:00 - Concurrent Sessions Roundtable Discussion: "Becoming Applied" -- A preview of the 2016 HOPE Conference Beatrice Cherrier Fabian Braesemann Session Chair Discussant Beatrice Cherrier Roger Backhouse John T. Singleton Dan Hamermesh Marianne Johnson Spencer Banzhaf Institutionalism Glock Klimina Wible Judge Anna James Bruce Kaufman “Economic Balance” in the Thought of New Deal Economists Malcolm Rutherford Use and abuse of Traditional Institutionalism in contemporary Russian nationalist economics Adam Leeds The Puzzle of C. S. Peirce’s Pragmatism and Economics Julie Ragatz Making Economic Theory in 1950s and 1960s - I Ivan Moscati “Exceptional and Unimportant”? The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Externalities in Economic Analysis Medema Steven Herfeld Catherine Economics and the ‘Behavioral Sciences Movement’ The Coleman Report and the Education Production Function Holden Laura Ross Emmett Pedro Duarte Dan Hirschman Methodological Perspectives on Modern Economics D. Wade Hands Boland Lawrence Time and knowledge matters: George Richardson’s 1959 view of equilibrium attainment Scott Scheall Gabriele Ciampini Scheall Scott Kinds of Scientific Rationalism: The Case for Methodological Liberalism Meyer Daniel Post-Crisis Economics in Transition? A Field Analysis of Academic Power and Public Struggles Daniel Breslau Sunday Afternoon 1:15-2:15 - Plenary Session: Dan Hamermesh, Invited Speaker "Reflections on Fifty Years as an Empirical Economist" Sunday Afternoon 2:45-4:45 - Concurrent Sessions Monetary Theory and Policy Beggs Mike Reay Michael Rojas Pierre-hernan Session Chair Discussant Robert Dimand Liquidity's Two Careers Richard Sutch Laughing All the Way to the Bank (Crisis) Ivan Moscati "The Pre-Bretton Woods Monetary Order: A Study of Harry Dexter White's Contribution to Internationa James Ahiakpor Behavioral Economics Berg Behavioral Economics' Greatest Hits Avi Cohen Nathan Cheng Li Braesemann Hands Edwards Fabien D. Wade Jose Nathan Berg Catherine Herfeld Antoinette Baujard The Psychology of Behavioral Economics Behavioral Economics,Rational Choice Theory, and the Representative Agent Adaptation-Level Theory, Happiness Treadmills and Behavioral Economics Episodes in the Mathematization of Economics Pedro Duarte Carvajalino Juan Edwin Bidwell Wilson and the rise of mathematical economics in United-States, 1920-1940 Pedro Duarte Scott Sonya Vito Volterra and the Role of Economists: Early Mathematical Endorsements of Economics as a Science Spencer Banzhaf Sunil Karintha Sihag Balbir Exploring the Origin of Mathematical Economics Classical Political Economy Paschoal João Luiz McPhail Edward Kilincoglu Deniz Pelaez Jose Ayman Reda Liberalism in the Classical Political Economy Berkeley’s Rules for Sound Banking: Public Credit and “promot[ing] the real interest of [the] country” The Impact of Classical Political Economy in the Ottoman Empire Theory of Value Unified Patrick Higgins Giovanni Grandi Ayman Reda Elias Khalil Sunday 5:00 - 6:15 PM -- Plenary Session: Distinguished Fellow Award (Roger Backhouse); Presidential Address by Robert Leonard "E. F. Schumacher and the Making of Small is Beautiful" Annual HES Banquet, 7:00 PM Monday Morning 8:30-10:00 - Concurrent Sessions Session Chair Discussant “A Call for Chapter Proposals: Publishing in the Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought, Roundtable Session” Kirsten Madden Robert Dimand Economics and Economists in Authoritarian Regimes Anna Klimina Mattei Clara The Guardians of Capitalism Leeds Adam In All But Name: The Reconstruction of Economic Reason in the Post-War Soviet Economy Suprinyak Carlos Funding Policy Research under Distasteful Regimes Adam Smith - II Alean Clark Quinn Yann Giraud Marianne Johnson Stephen Meardon Scott Scheall Augusto Mike Kevin Social Justice in Smith and Sen The Virtuous Discourse of Adam Smith: A Liberal Regard for Prevailing Prejudice Was Adam Smith a Moral Subjectivist? Making Economic Theory in the 1950s and 1960s - II Manseri Sonia Stepping Out of the Path: Solow, Samuelson, Sen and Hahn Moscati Ivan How Savage Converted Samuelson to Expected Utility Theory Boianovsky Mauro Modeling Economic Growth: Domar on Moving Equilibrium Monday Morning 10:30-12:00 - Concurrent Sessions Yadollah Dadgar Sonya Scott J. Daniel Hammond Roger Backhouse Mauro Boianovsky Roger Backhouse Danilo Da Silva Session Chair Discussant Henry Thornton and the Banking School Tradition James Ahiakpor Andre-Aigret Constance James Laurence Laughlin and the Credit School Judge Glock Skaggs Neil It's A Wonderful Life - The Henry Thornton Version Lucy Brilliant Brilliant Lucy A Filiation between Henry Thornton, Ralph George Hawtrey and John Richard Hicks Don Mathews Methodological and Philosophical Criticisms of Orthodoxy Pimenta Tomas Alienation and fetishism in Marx’s thought Andrews David What is the marginal product of this? Piero Sraffa, etc. Li Cheng Rationality and Beyond: A Critique of the Nature and Task of Economics James Wible David Andrews Avi Cohen Josef Taalbi The Dissemination of Economics: Textbooks and Museums Rob Leonard Sonia Manseri Duarte Pedro Textbooks in Postwar Economics: Brazil, 1950-1980 Giraud Yann Social and Economic Knowledge in Science Museums Rob Leonard Medema Steve How Textbooks Create Knowledge and Meaning: The Case of the Coase Theorem Intermediate Microec Mike Reay Studies on Mount Pelerin Society Members Ross Emmett Ciampini Gabriele Bertrand de Jouvenel in the Mont Pelerin Society, from the Austrian School to the Social Market EconomScott Scheall Hammond J. Daniel Milton Friedman and the Scientific Status of Storytelling Richard Sutch From Political Economists to Politician Economists: How Walter Lippmann’s Search for the Good Socie J. Daniel Hammond Higgins Patrick
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