Hadji Sez VOLUME XXXXIII NUMBER 5 • MAY 2012 HADJI SHRINERS • PENSACOLA, FLORIDA “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 2 SUNDAY “Celebrating Hadji” MONDAY May 2012 6 7 TUESDAY 1 WCSC Past Masters 13 14 20 21 27 SUNDAY Clowns Stated Session 7:00 p.m. Food Served 6:15 p.m. 28 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 2 3 4 5 10 11 Misfits 12Country & OSTSC Yoshi 8 Komics Kountry Kuzz 15 Hayseeds 22 Nomads 29 MONDAY TUESDAY MAY 2012 4 5 10 11 17 18 24 25 WCSC Past Masters Clowns Stated Session 7:00 p.m. Food Served 6:15 p.m. SATURDAY Highlanders 9 Executive Mtg. 5:30 p.m. Information Mtg. 7:00 p.m. 16 Antique Cars Misfits Sabre Jets Untouchables 23 Golf FWBSC Oriental Band Provost Guard Western Dance Director’s Staff Golf Tourney 17 18 19 24 25 26 Director’s Staff Jokesters Hadji Riders Widows Club Komedians Oriental Band 30 31 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY June 2012 3 FRIDAY Provost Guard Steak Night FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 6 Highlanders 7 8 9 12 Komics 13 14 15 16 19Hayseeds 20 21 22 23 26 Nomads 27 28 29 30 OSTSC Yoshi Kountry Kuzz Executive Mtg. 5:30 p.m. Information Mtg. 7:00 p.m. Antique Cars Misfits Sabre Jets Untouchables Golf FWBSC Oriental Band Provost Guard Director’s Staff Jokesters Hadji Riders Widows Club Komedians Oriental Band Provost Guard Steak Night Potentate’s Ball Arts & Crafts Show MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 3 Hadji Sez MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF HADJI SHRINERS, SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL 800 West Nine Mile Road • Pensacola, FL 32534 RECORDER OFFICE TELEPHONE (850) 476-9384 • FAX (850) 479-9681 Hadji Sez is devoted to promoting the philanthropic and social interests of all Hadji Shriners, its Shrine Clubs and Units, and Shrinedome in general. DAN BODIFORD – POTENTATE Hadji Office E-Mail: [email protected] • SEZ Editor: [email protected] 2012 ELECTED DIVAN OFFICERS Chief Rabban ............................ Tony Stepleton Assistant Rabban ................. Darrell Mashburn G High Priest and Prophet .............. Jess Rhoden Oriental Guide .................................. Ron Blake Treasurer ................................. Charles Nelson Recorder .......................................... B.J. Odom reetings From The Potentate... This is the best fraternity to which any man can belong. Many years ago I came to the realization that I would never grow beyond a certain point in life unless I had a friend, another man, with whom I could comfortably shed a tear over a belief or an event or a situation that touched me deeply—and I have been touched. Last month I met a young man in Foley, Alabama, who has a deep conviction that he should become a Mason. I met him and became his Virtual Mentor through beashrinernow.com—that’s a special program created by Shriners International to use the internet to help men “be a Shriner now.” In some cases, you must first help them become a Mason. I arranged for him to meet the Master of the Lodge nearest him. Will his life ever be the same again? I had a similar conviction and mine hasn’t been. A new world will unfold before him. I hope you were there when two of our Shriners Hospitals children shared our dinner at our last Stated Session. I was moved. To be a part of our Easter Egg Hunt on April 7th was very special—watching children enjoying being children under the magnificent oaks of Hadji and to see them play on the grass that was mowed and trimmed by Nobles of Hadji. To realize that parents and guardians of our Shriners Hospitals children meet each other at events like this and that, by that meeting, each becomes a part of their own special support group—I hadn’t thought of that. To see Oriental Guide Ron Blake and his Lady Becky take the lead in providing such a great day for so many people—young and old alike—and touching so many lives. The music, the fishing ponds, the popcorn, the hotdogs and hamburgers, the drinks, the eggs, the prizes, the Easter Bunny (someone told me that Lady Kathy Mashburn has the power and would get the Easter Bunny to come to Hadji—believe it, it happened), to hear laughter and see smiling faces. I think about the Shriners and their families that built Hadji—they (maybe you) labored and I now enjoy the fruits of their labors. I think about so many of you that I have yet to meet, hoping that you will be active in your units and we will meet—hoping that you will come to an Information Meeting, Stated Session, a dance, a special event, a ceremonial, a crawfish boil, our Christmas Party. I am more than I was because of those who come and less than I can be because some don’t. Fun, fellowship, philanthropy, family and you—we have the best of the best. Dan Bodiford, Potentate Visit shrinersvillage.com featuring 22 Masonic Organizations PAGE 4 “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 MAY 2012 MEMORIALS James O. Weeks By Mary St. James Stan Sewell By Al Sherman Ed Bonifay By City of Gulf Breeze Lorraine Pulley The Villas at Gulf Breeze James Johnston Leroy & Dixie Retherford Interventional Rehab Center Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Boe Clyde Moore By Katie & Jim Martin, PP Tex Edwards Co. Inc. Pat Boutwell By Katie & Jim Martin, PP Billy Holloway By Ruth Forehand Brenda Hadden By Tex Edwards Co, Inc. When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold their tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The third and last of the volume three, is locked from sight God keepeth the key. Passed within the unseen portals... The officers and nobles are saddened by the death of the The Hadji Shriners were out supporting the community and their children’s hospital on Opening Day in Cantonment. Pictured below: Opening Day action from Fidelis versus the Century Mustangs. Reader submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com. following Nobles reported to our office: NONE REPORTED THIS MONTH. MAY 2012 you treat We’ll amily! like f “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 5 VANNOY’S TIRES, INC. Open Mo Satur nday7:30 day - 6:00 Computer Alignments • Brakes New Tires - MICHELIN - DAYTON - HIGH PERFORMANCE - TOYO - RIKEN - SUMITOMO - BF GOODRICH Locally Owned and Operated The Vannoy brothers combine over 50 years of experience in the tire business in Pensacola. For the very best service on quality tires, brakes, alignments, wheels, and more, it’s Vannoy’s Tires. 455-5492 476-2507 944-4722 477-0209 916-0912 1249 New Warrington Rd. At Lillian Highway 126 E. Nine Mile Road 2 Blocks East of Hwy. 29 2871 W. Michigan Avenue 1 Mile East of Mobile Hwy. 6113 N. 9th Avenue 2 Blocks S. of Scotty’s 3425 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze Give us a call for all your catering needs. David Barry 380-1279 Roni Barry 380-1201 6475 N. Pensacola Blvd. Career Showcase Framing Alicia D. Baker, Owner 218 Ada Wilson Avenue Pensacola, FL 32507 Phone: 850-469-9663 Fax: 850-469-9663 Email: [email protected] Website: Careershowcaseframing.com Specializing in framing your memorabilia and memories Daughter of Joe and Imogene Baker of Defuniak Springs, FL PAGE 6 “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 UNITS and CLUBS for both the younger and older children to find. DIRECTOR’S STAFF By Deano Givens Assistant Director Larry Kendrick is finalizing plans for another gigantic garage sale to benefit the Staff. If you are interested in helping Larry, please let him know. Now is the time to gather all of your “stuff” that you would like to donate to the sale. Norma was thinking about donating me, but I talked her out of it. Besides, I don’t think Larry has any two cent stickers to place on my shiny little forehead; and too, he would have to put a “caveat emptor” sign on me. Directors Staff members were present for the annual Hadji Shrine Easter Egg Hunt for our Hospital children and for the children and grandchildren of Hadji Nobility. There was plenty of food and pop corn for the young and young at heart. I think it must have been one of the largest turn outs in recent years. There was a lively Easter Bunny (aka Kathy Mashburn), who made a special appearance and posed for photos with the children. Thanks is extended to the Divan Ladies who helped direct traffic so that we could take pictures of the children with Mrs. Bunny. It was especially great to see the turnout of Hadji Clowns. Several of their newer members were Shriners that I have known a long time but I did not recognize them in their bright costumes. In fact, all of their costumes and make-up were awesome. At least to me, it’s not a proper gathering of Shriners and children without our clowns! Thanks Nobles. I wish I could say more about the Hadji Golf Tournament, which will be held this month and which has been sponsored by the Directors Staff for the past 22 years. However, as this is written, things are not going well. Among other things, promised support has not been forthcoming. There will be a final report next month. May birthdays include: Harold Grosskopf (5/1), Lynne Hood (5/8), Carlos Baxley (5/14), Bobby Minchew (5/14), Joylin Nelson (5/21), Ron McNesby (5/22), Tyler Mills (5/27), and Larry Howell (5/28). Happy Birthday to these major leaguers. There was also a grand Easter egg hunt on the lawn with plenty of colorful eggs HADJI ShrinersHelping Kids Defy the Odds Tony Stepleton Chief Rabban I have changed the heading of my articles to one from a Shriners International bumper sticker. I saw this bumper sticker and immediately felt it said it all about what we do. Have one on my jeep now and yours is available at the recorders office. The month of May has two events that need all our support and participation. First and foremost is the Directors Staff Golf Tournament, our oldest and most profitable event. All nobles should have received a letter about the event in April, but still time to sign a team up or sponsor a hole on the course. Contact any Directors Staff noble for application information for the 12 May event. The Dixie Shrine Association Convention is again at Panama City Beach 17-19 May. Past Potentate Mike Mccombs is on the line and we need to support him by good attendance from HADJ nobles. If you can not make the meetings, try and participate in the parade on Saturday 19 May. Line up is at 10AM with step off at 11 AM. The Saber Jets, Misfits, Hayseeds, Clowns, Kountry Kuz, Antique Car units, and temple float trailer team, are planning on parading Also understand the Untouchables unit will be cooking for Exchange SOUP LABELS for SCHOOL BOOKS to be used in Shrine Hospitals – Save Labels from Campbell’s Soup – Deposit them in the Soup Label container at the Mosque or you can mail them to the Mosque. Once the good folks at Campbell’s receive the labels, they will send educational books to the Hospitals. For more information contact Janice Monday at 944-2558. THIS IS AN ONGOING PROJECT, PLEASE SUPPORT IT...! MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” convention. Line up is at Edgewater Shopping Center, and parade route is front beach road. Units who want to be in parade, contact the Temple Recorder or Parade Marshall Noble Amon Burt for permits and registration. Please do not forget the Special Event 50-Gun-Give-A-Way; 25 August is coming up fast and we need your help selling tickets. Remember, nobles when you sell the five white tickets the green ticket is yours (free) for the special ten gun drawing, and units and clubs get a rebate of $20 for every book sold. On day of drawing will have door prizes one of which is a full deer head mount, plus other nice items.Tickets available at recorders office. Hadji Misfits By Morgan Hamm Greetings Nobles, It’s always good to start a SEZ article with good news. Our good news is that we are happy to report Misfit Amon Burt is out of the hospital and recovering from his surgery. Misfit David Vaughn has surgery scheduled and is expected to be home and recovered by the time this article goes to press. We continue to keep these two Nobles along with Misfit David Keddy in our prayers. We must thank Misfit’s Hospitality Chairman Bob Burt for arranging the March Misfits Unit dinner at David’s Catfish House. What a great turnout, good meal, and an evening of socializing afterward. The Misfits members tip our Fezs to • TOP SOIL • CONCRETE • FILL DIRT • CLEARING – EQUIPMENT RENTAL – Johnnie F. Long President Jerry F. Long, V.P. Donald H. Long, V.P. (850) 478-5250 all those Nobles and ladies who organized and worked the Hadji Shriner’s Easter Egg Hunt. Great job, and wonderful turnout of children, parents, and observing Nobles and Ladies. I would be remiss if I do not recognize the hard work that the Provost Guard members put into preparing, cooking, and serving hot dogs and hamburgers to the hundreds of children and adults present. The Director’s Staff members provided popcorn for everyone. This event brought out the best showing of Hadji Clowns (7) in a very long time. The kids loved them. The Month of April will see the Misfits members working the Paper Crusade at Sam’s. We are proud to have won the 2011 plaque award for the most donations received and hope to do it again. We are looking forward to the Hadji Ceremonial and hope to see a big Noble turnout. The Misfits & Riders Country Western Dance is scheduled for Saturday, May 12. The C & L Band provides good music for this event which we host every three months. We want to invite all Nobles, their families and friends to an evening of good music and socializing at the Hadji Center. The Misfits Unit members welcome all interested Nobles. You can check us out by attending one of our meetings. We meet the third Wednesday of each month, at 7:00PM, in our second floor Unit room of the Hadji Shrine Center. If a Hadji Noble would like to ride along and experience a parade, just contact a Misfits member. We are a parade unit, but a parade vehicle is not a requirement for membership. Keep the Faith, Morgan Hamm Thank you for supporting our advertisers! Let them know you saw their Ad in the SEZ! PAGE 7 Provost Guard By Michael Goldsby Since the last Sez article, the Provost Guard has been busy. We had hospitality for a round table meeting. During that same period of time, it was our turn to serve dinner for the stated session. We had three slabs of meat that we could not cut into steaks for our last fund raisers. Three of our women slow cooked them. We served them to the temple as cooked roast & mashed potatoes alone with corn. It turned out great. We made an almost bad situation into a good situation. I believe that everyone enjoyed the dinner. Our last event was the Easter Egg Hunt for all our children. We was charged with the cooking of the hamburgers and hot dogs. I understand that this event went extremely well. Colonel Chancy, his lady Bobbie, Noble Edenfield, his lady Lucy, Doug Hurst & his Lady friend, Noble Pittman, Lady Rose, Noble Davis, Noble Pippins, Lady Kate, and Lady Vicky were present for this event. We thank them for their support. Lady Mary Wright is home from the hospital and rehab. We are glad for her recovery. Noble Bill Wright and Lady Mary Wright has been a part of the Provost Guard for years. We are still looking for new members in the Shrine and Provost Guard. Our doors are always open to any Master Mason in good standing. We need some new blood and new ideas. Don’t forget our “Steak Nite” at Hadji. Where can you go for a great & superb dinner for a cheap price. The “Steak Nite” is on the third Friday of every month. GEAN REALTY Robert Gean, GRI Broker/Owner 3025 King Street Phone: 850-206-0395 Pensacola, FL 32526 Fax: 850-455-5743 Email: [email protected] PAGE 8 Assisstant Rabban Darrell Mashburn If you did not attend the children’s Easter Egg Hunt last month, you missed out, perfect weather and lots of happy kids. Great job Oriental Guide Ron Blake and crew. The Bunny was, as always a big hit, taking pictures with all the kids and a few of us adults. Thanks, lady Kathy. The Hadji clown unit is alive and well and out in force, there were seven clowns entertaining the kids and having just as much fun as any kid. The Directors Staff Golf tournament is the 12th of this month, this tournament is a great chance for us “duffers” to pretend we know what we are doing, have a lot of fun and support the Temple and the directors staff at the same time. Buy a sign, get up a team, and lets have some fun. Congratulations Artie, thanks for stepping up and filling in, as second ceremonial master for the rest of this year. Bert Pinager had to step down, and will be missed by those of us on the divan that have worked with him the past several years. We all need to get behind this years special events and recruit sellers of the tickets for the fifty gun give away. To sell as many tickets as we need to we must go outside the temple to anyone we can, My friend at Alcazar told me he had every body in Montgomery selling tickets, they do a hundred grand each year, for tickets and information contact Chief Rabban Tony Stepleton or the temple office. Every five tickets sold gets the seller a green ticket free for a special ten gun drawing. If a winner does not care for the gun they win, it sure would make a great Christmas or birthday gift, “hint-hint” Last thing, if you are willing to make a phone call to a fellow noble that has not paid his 2012 dues to let them know we are thanking of him and encourage him not to procrastinate, please contact me and I will give you a couple “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 of names, remember we are all in this together, and our biggest cause of decline in membership is non-payment of dues. Your other brother, Darrell By Clown Prez Bones Happy Duffers By Bill Little Greetings to the Potentate, Divan and Nobles from the Golf unit or Happy Duffers as we are sometimes called. Well, we are finally going to get some golf action in. The Directors Staff tournament is May 12th at Marcus Pointe and we are fielding a team. We won’t win probably but I guarantee you we will have the most fun. This is always a great tournament and a lot of fun for all. After the tournament we are planning to go to the Riders and Misfits dance and let whoever shot the worst buy the drinks. We are also going to field a team the week before that on May 5th for the Sons of Italy Golf tournament, also at Marcus Pointe and always a fun time with lots of good food from Carrabba’s. Our own Pete Resedean is chairman of that event. (I didn’t know he was Italian). We are really looking forward to these two tournaments. Nobles, if any of you play golf and would like to join a fun-loving unit, join us in our beautiful meeting room on the 4th Wed. of each month. We always have some good food and a short business meeting, after which we have putting contests and other entertainment. NOBLES THE CLOWNS ATRE BACK IN ACTION!!! March 31st we were at the opening of the Cantonment Little League Opening Day and had fun with the players, little kids and parents. After we left there we were invited to the Beulah Elementary School for their Carnival. Had a great time with the children and the parents/teachers that attended the event. The Masonic Child ID Program was there busy making CDs for the parents to have in case (heaven forbid) that a child gets lost. Because of the Program, the parents would be able to give the police a picture to shoe to the public. Great Program. Clowns that attended these two functions were B.J. (Breezer) Odom, Darrell (Biscuit) Mashburn, Bob (Okie) Burt, John (Beans) Straub, and Robert (Bones) Gean, PP. The Easter Egg hunt April 7th was a great time for all. Tony (Pecos Pink) Stepleton was able to join us. Kids everywhere and clowns running around “stickering” every body that would stay still for a minute. The event really went over well. Okie and Beans thrilled the kids with their balloon making skills. We welcomed our newest and youngest clown to the Easter Egg Hunt – Joe (Gonzo) White. Hit ‘em straight. See page 15 for information on our Golf Tournament! The Clown Unit is planning on going to the DIXIE and SESA. Come join us and be the clown that you wish you sere when you were young. We meet the third Monday, each month, 7:00 p.m. in the Clowns Room, Upstairs.. “Be a Clown, Be a clown, all the world loves a Clown.” MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 9 The Elberta Sausage Festival Hard work, but someone has to do it! Waters & Hibbert FUNERAL HOME Independently Owned W.A. HIBBERT, FOUNDER Serving Pensacola Since 1929 Phone: 432-6534 • 438-4260 124 West Gregory Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 NOBLES and FRIENDS Please be a Blood Donor for Hadji Temple and give a Gift of Life. NWFL Blood Center East Nine Mile Road 473-3853 Crutches, wheelchairs, and walkers are available for loan to any Noble that has a need for them. Contact the Hospital Committee Office for more information. 850-476-1926 PAGE 10 “Celebrating Hadji” Dispatch from the Oriental Guide By Ron Blake Thanks to each and every Nobel and Lady that helped with the 2012 Easter Egg Hunt held this Saturday, April 7. For those of you who were not able to attend this event, we had a wonderful time. We did not have any issues that could not be resolved with a quick trip to Office Depot for additional photo paper. It was a gorgeous day for an outdoor event. The grounds were skillfully trimmed by James Johnson and his crew of volunteers. The Daughters of the Nile started hiding eggs around 8:00 a.m. and guests began swarming the grounds shortly before 10:00 a.m. Two weeks of stuffing 1,620 plastic eggs resulted in the discovery of all eggs within about 30 seconds. This year we made a slight change to the egg hunt as we did not have a golden egg but instead placed a gold coin in a regular colored egg for each age group. The lucky child who found the egg with the gold coin could then exchange the gold coin for an Easter basket. This change proved to be well received and the distribution of baskets was a smooth process. All of the Hospital Children received a basket along with the child who found the gold coin from each age group (21 baskets total). The hot dogs, hamburgers, and chips provided by the Provost Guard were delicious and just the right amount (400 servings). Soft drinks were provided by the Past Masters and popcorn was prepared and served by Directors Staff members. The Widows Club once again provided the fishing pool game for the younger children and the go fish game was manned by members of YOSHI. Divan ladies supervised the egg hunt. The music this year was provided by Noble Bob Sapp and his Lady Jessie. The Clowns were a big hit with the children with their balloons and stickers. The Easter Bunny (AKA Lady Kathy Mashburn) arrived with Potentate Dan Bodiford at 10:35 a.m. to the delight of everyone. Deano and Lady Norma patiently took photos of anyone who wished to pose with the Easter Bunny. At 12:15 p.m. the clean up crew from YOSHI kicked in and by 1:00 p.m. the 2012 Easter Party was history. Thanks to my co-chair Noble Chris Saul and his Lady Kim, the Grounds Crew, the Widows Club, the D.O.N., the Directors Staff, the Provost Guard, the Past Masters, YOSHI, Noble Bob Sapp and his Lady Jessie, Noble B.J. Odom and Susan in the front office and especially my wife Becky who did most of the “egg” work. Also, thanks to Lady Debbie Sapp who assisted in the purchase of Easter basket treats and construction of all the beautiful baskets. I will also be sending thank you letters to Walmart on Highway 29 and Walmart on Blue Angel Parkway for their donations of $50 gift cards for this event. ANTIQUE CAR UNIT By: Red Stewart Hello Everyone from the Old Car Family: We begin our article talking about the Mustang Car show at the Fairgrounds. Once again we were invited to collect donations at the exit gate for the parking lot. We shared this job with members from the Ronald McDonald House. This is the second year that we have worked with these people from Ronald McDonald House. They are enjoyable to work with, plus most of them are young ladies, who are a great deal easier to look at than the older male members of the Antique Car Unit. The monies collected are divided between the two organizations at the end of the week-end. The job went off without any difficulties and we did collect a goodly amount for our children’s transportation fund. We had a good turnout from our unit members. More help would have been great, but for one reason or another some of our members couldn’t make it. To those who did turnout, thanks from our leader, John Hartley. John was out all three days, leading from example. A good job was done by all. MAY 2012 We want to thank member Bob McNeil for making this opportunity available to us. Bob has been active in the Pensacola Mustang Club for many years. It is through his efforts that we were afforded the chance to work at the Mustang Show. Also we, as members of Hadji, need to thank any member of the Mustang Club, we might know or meet, for the donation they make to Hadji, each year, from the money they collect at their show. They have been helping us for a great number of years and a great amount of money. Now from work to play. We joined the Untouchables Unit at our March meeting or a good old get together, We joined together at the Temple cook shank before our March meeting for some good food and beverages. We enjoyed some fried mullet (caught, cleaned and cooked by our own John Hartley). This was aided by the chicken wings from the Untouchables and side dishes from the ladies I didn’t hear anything from anyone, but it was good, judging from the full looking bellies of most of us afterwards. A good time was had by all who attended. Now to a more serious side of things. Unit member Curt Reynolds is still recovering from heart surgery. He has had a difficult time from the information I have gotten. But, he is now on the mend. He is supposed to join some of his family in Texas for recuperation. Once he is completely well we look for him to return home to us at Hadji. Let’s keep him in our prayers. That is it from the Old Car Folks for this month. MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 11 PAGE 12 “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 13 PAGE 14 “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 ANTIQUE CARS Darrell Mashburn and Potentate Dan Bodiford NOMAD YARD SALE MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 15 PAGE 16 “Celebrating Hadji” Hadji MAY 2012 Shrine Country & Western Dance SATURDAY Public Welcome! NIGHT May 12, 2012 7:00-11:00 p.m. Entertainment By: C & L EXPRESS BAND HADJI SHRINE CENTER 800 West Nine Mile Road, Pensacola, FL BYOB $7.00 PER PERSON Tickets Available In Advance Or At The Door • BYOB FOR INFORMATION TELEPHONE: 850-623-5550 OR 850-476-9384 PROCEEDS ARE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE RIDERS AND MISFITS UNITS PAYMENTS ARE NOT DEDUCTIBLE AS CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” PAGE 17 PAGE 18 “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 Upcoming Events THE MASONIC HOME OF FLORIDA :,6+/,67)25&25.<¶6$1'$&7,9,7,(6 Send donations to: 3201 st1St. N.E. St. Petersburg, F L 33704 Toll Free#: 1-866-868-6749 &25.<¶6&83%2$5' ACTIVITIES DE PARTMENT (* Indicates itemsespeciallyneeded) Mouth Wash (Scope or Listerine) * DVD Movies * / DVD Players* &RUN\¶V&XSERDUG&DVK'RQDWLRQV ** Wall & Alarm Clocks * After Shave Sports Memorabilia, Model Cars Efferdent, Polident, etc. * Holiday Decorations 0HQ¶V&RORJQH * Gardening Supplies / Seeds / Pots Kleenex & Puffs ** Resident Clothing± New / Used * Lipstick (Reds, Pinks, Neutral) Dolls / Stuffed Animals Toys / Vaseline Intensive Care New Shoes/ Slippers-All sizes Nail Polish (Reds , Pinks, Neutral) Magnifying Glasses/ Flashlights Socks-Men & Women, White Board Games / Playing Cards Cotton Balls / Cotton Pads Microwave Ovens* Face Powder& Foundation * Flat ScreenOnly) ( Televisions* Lectric Shave/ Pre-shave* Paintings /Artwork for Rooms* Blush (Neutral/Pinks)* New Socks/ Belts / Suspenders Tooth Paste -Colgate & Crest F-503 Treat Fund Donations* * Toothbrushes Sewing Supplies& Material :RPHQ¶V&RORJQH3Hrfumes* Batteries± all sizes/ Radios Body Lotion Interior Decorationsfor All Areas Knee-Hi, Thigh-hi Hose (tan)* Kindle Books /Large Print Books Nail Polish Remover Wallets / Purses / Coin Purses * Emory Boards/ Nail Clippers Various Magazine Subscriptions Hair Spray * 0HQ¶V:RPHQ¶V+DWV Cold & Facial CreamOil of Olay * Electric Razors/ Sunglasses Jewelry (Earrings & Necklaces) * Table / StandingLamps for Rooms* Soaps / Liquid Soap New Universal TV Remote Controls Depends /Poise/Sanitary Pads * Assorted Jewelry / Watches * Hair Tonics Side Tables, Stands * Liquid Shoe Polish /Laces Fishing Rods, Reels, Equipment wht/blk/brown Song Sheets / Piano Music Denture Adhesive CD Players* 0XVLF&'¶V * Rolls Of Stamps * Assorted Christmas Presents Underarm Deodorant Bookcases, Book shelves Room Freshener * Cushions& Bagsfor Wheelchairs Body Wash* Various Hobby Supplies * / Beads Fragrant Body Spray * Office Supplies/ ComputerSoftware Sm. Liquid LaundryDetergent Arts / Crafts/ PaintingSupplies* Baby Powder Word Search Books * / Crosswords Baby Wipes / Wipes Refills * Small (Table-size) Refrigerators* Body Essence MASSAGE THERAPY AMBER PALMER Licensed Massage Therapist FL Lic.# MA-40967 2475 East Nine Mile Road • Pensacola, Florida 32571 (850) 549-5595 • [email protected] APRIL 2012 3 6:00 pm OSTSC 7 Children’s Easter Egg Hunt 9 6:00 pm WCSC 11 7:00 pm Information Meeting Hospitality - Past Masters 12 6:30 pm FWBSC 21 Ladies Luncheon & Fashion Show 23 6:15 pm Dinner Hospitality - Oriental Band 7:00 pm Stated Session 27 Untouchables’ Crawfish Boil 27-28 Spring Ceremonial HOSPITALITY Information Meeting 2nd Wednesday of Each Month April ................ Past Masters May .......................... Riders June ............................. Golf July ........................ Nomads August ........... Directors Staff September ............ Hayseeds October ........... Antique Cars November ....... Oriental Band December .......... No Meeting Stated Session 4th Monday of Each Month April ............... Oriental Band May ................. Antique Cars June ............................. Golf July ........................ Nomads August ...................... Riders September ....... Past Masters October .................... Misfits November ................... Yoshi December .................... DON If your unit if unable to provide hospitality for the date indicated, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get someone to take your unit’s place. MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” TICKETS ON SALE FROM DECEMBER 19, 2011 UNTIL AUGUST 25, 2012 Tickets sold on the day of raffle until 11:30 a.m. Hadji Shriners SPECIAL EVENT 50 GUN GIVE-A-WAY 50 CHANCES TO WIN Price of each ticket, $20.00 EACH TICKET HOLDER IS ENTITLED TO A FREE BBQ LUNCH (Non-ticket holder can eat for $5.00) TICKET HOLDERS ALSO ENTITLED TO DOOR PRIZES Saturday, August 25, 2012 HADJI SHRINE CENTER / Nine Mile Road, Pensacola, FL DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. Must be 18 years of age to purchase tickets. For more information, call: (850) 476-9384 www.hadjishrine.org Payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. Proceeds are for the benefit of Hadji Shriners. PAGE 19 BRAND MODEL CAL/GAUGE 1. Berretta A3901 Sys 26" 12 ga 2. H&R SB2-444 444 3. Remington 870 Express 28" 12 ga 4. Stevens 350 combo 12 ga 5. H&R SB2-457 45-70 6. Ruger 10-22 blue/wood 22LR 7. Tikka T-3 Lite 270 8. Stoeger Condor 410 ga 9. Henry H001 22LR 10. Remington 700 SPS 30-06 11. Mossberg 500AF Youth/Wood 20 ga 12. H&R SBl-S44 44 mag 13. Stoeger Condor 20 ga 14. Cricket SS Pink Lam 22LR 15. Savage lllFCXP3 30-06 16. Mossberg 500AP 26" NBU 12 ga 17. Stevens 200 7 mm 18. TriStar Setter O/U 12 ga 19. Remington 700 SPS 270 20. H&R SB2-457 45-70 21. Browning BL-22 Blue/Lever 22LR 22. Weatherby PA08/Pump 12ga 23. Henry H001 22LR 24. Marlin XS7Y Youth 7mm-08 25. Rossi R92 Lever 45LC 26. Browning XBolt Hunter 30-06 27. CZ CZ445 American 17HMR 28. Remington 870 Express Magnum 12 ga 29. Savage Axis Stainless 25-06 30. H&R SB2-444 444 31. Henry HM001M 22LR 32. Stoeger Condor 12 ga 33. Winchester Defender 18"cyl 12 ga 34. Weatherby Vanguard Syn 300 win 35. Cricket Blue/Brown/Lam 22LR 36. H&R CR-1871 45-70 37. Mossberg 500SP 12 ga 38. S&W M&P1522 22LR 39. Savage lllFCXP3 270 40. Ruger 10-22 Camo 22LR 41. H&R CR 1871 45-70 42. Mossberg 500 Pump 410 ga 43. Marlin 336SS Stainless/Walnut 30-30 44. Henry H001Y Youth 22LR 45. Stoeger Condor O/U 12 ga 46. Mossberg 500SP 12 ga 47. Ruger HKM77RFP-HWYEYE 30-06 48. Browning 22 Auto/Grade1 22LR 49. Remington 11-87 Sportsman 12 ga 50. Ruger 10-22 Blue/Wood 22LR PAGE 20 “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 – SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS – Quality Care Without Financial Obligation ‘65 - Current New & Used Parts We Buy & Sell Mustangs MUSTANG VILLAGE Open Tuesday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm BOB & ROCHELLE McNEAL 478-8951 Home • 484-4244 Fax [email protected] 850-477-8056 850-324-2778 Cell 8833 Fowler Ave. • Pensacola, FL 32534 QUALITY CARE AT NO COST a child under Shriners. . . If you know IF with YOUorthopedic KNOW A 18 CHILD UNDER 18 WITH conditions, burns, spinal Having cordORTHOPAEDIC injuries, and cleftOR lip and palate BURN PROBLEMS Fun & CALL TOLL FREE Helping 1-800-237-5055 Kids www.shrinershospitals.org www.shrinershq.org SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN Advanced Auto Air & Repair Professional A/C Service & Installation RVs – CARS – TRUCKS Cruise Control • Radio • Heaters • Electronic (850) 432-4083 4701 N. Palafox Street • Pensacola, FL 32505 Eddie Zarahn, CPCU Eddie Zarahn Agency Nationwide Insurance 229 Beverly Parkway Pensacola, Florida 32505 You will be able to get updated info from our website: hadjishrine.org For more info on this, please contact [email protected] P.O. Box. 17105 Pensacola, Florida 32522 Auto - Home - Business - Condos Telephone: 850-438-9169 Fax: 850-208-2008 [email protected] MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” We Come To You! Affordable RV REPAIR If it needs fixing, WE CAN FIX IT! 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE (850) 512-4157 (850) 723-0007 Rick Jack Licensed in Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties Rubber Roofs Installed $125 Per Ft. emmanuel sheppard & PAGE 21 Steven Barry, AIF® CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM ACCREDITED INVESTMENT FIDUCIARY® Investment Advisory Representative Registered Principal 3200 South Highway 95A • Cantonment, FL 32533 [email protected] Office: 850.505.0334 • Fax: 850.857.0771 Cell: 850.341.2424 24 Months @ 3.0% APY – Call Steven condon Attorneys at law since 1913 Brian J. Hooper attorney at law 30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502 800.433.6581 850.433.6581 fax 850.434.5856 Cell 850.619.2089 [email protected] Uniformly Yours - MIKE WHITEHEAD , Uniforms and Accessories 212 Beverly Parkway 850-432-6533 Pager: 444-0622 Robertson-Curtis, Inc. SINCE 1966 Specializing in Commercial and Industrial Painting CALL WILSON ROBERTSON 850-476-7986 DRIVERS WANTED Overnight trips to beautiful Tampa, Florida PATRONIZE HADJI TEMPLE JEWELRY CONCESSIONS Haul precious cargo – our kids! • The rewards are greater than the pay No experience necessary, we will train • Choose your own work days Open Monday through Friday at Temple Office and during each Stated Session Quality merchandise at the best prices! Fezzes, Lapel Pens, Decals, Tags, plus many other items. IF YOU QUALIFY, YOU CAN JOIN AN ELITE TEAM: Hadji Hospital Drivers TO APPLY: CONTACT ROY WHITE • 850-476-9384 Or Apply In Person at 800 West Nine Mile Road PAGE 22 “Celebrating Hadji” MAY 2012 – SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS – Tex Edwards, Co., Inc. Heavy Equipment Rentals No Job Too Large or Too Small 684 Diamond Dairy Road • Pensacola, FL 478-1000 2010-2011 Coach - N - Four STEAK HOUSES OF NORTHWEST FLORIDA Pensacola .............................. 7445 Pine Forest Road ............................... 944-1600 Fort Walton Beach .......... 1313 Lewis Turner Boulevard ......................... 863-3443 Crestview ................................ 114 John King Road ................................. 423-1003 FRANCHISED FAMILY STEAKHOUSES FOUNDED IN 1979 BY BILL & JOYCE COMPTON - 475-0117 Open 5:00 p.m. We Appreciate Your Business Steaks - Seafood - Cocktails EMERGENCY NUMBERS – Listed in this section are emergency numbers where the Hospital Committee may be reached. SHRINE OFFICE: (850) 476-9384 Hospital Chair: Roy White (850) 941-4928 Walton County: Jerry Broadway (850) 951-4887 Crutches, wheelchairs, and walkers are available for loan to any Noble that has a need for them. Contact the Hospital Committee Office for more information. 850-476-1926 NOBLES and FRIENDS Please be a Blood Donor for Hadji Temple and give a Gift of Life. NWFL Blood Center East Nine Mile Road 473-3853 HOSPITAL COMMITTEE OFFICE: (850) 476-1926 Ft Walton Beach: Carl Chastain (850) 939-2107 O.S.T.S.C.: Roy White (850) 941-4928 ED EMMONS STEEL ERECTORS, INC. NOBLES – Do you know of a noble who would attend the stated meetings if he had a ride? Would you be willing to provide transportation for them to attend? Any noble who would like transportation to the temple for the stated meetings please call the temple and advise the office. We will attempt to provide you with a ride. We could certainly use your support and would enjoy having you attend. 5801 West Nine Mile Road Pensacola, FL 32526 PHONE (850) 944-2017 AMERSON ROOFING CO. 4231 W. Hwy. 4 • Bratt, Fl 32535 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New Roofs • Re-Roofing • Roofing Repairs “Serving all of Escambia County” OFFICE: (850) 327-6320 FAX: (850) 327-4010 Pete Amerson, Jr. (850) 327-6752 MAY 2012 “Celebrating Hadji” Hadji SEZ Boosters MAY 2012 C. Alvin Stephens, P.P. JULY 2012 Barbara Nerger AUGUST 2012 Ill. Sir J.B. Hopkins, P.P. Bruce and Gloria Hartsfield SEPTEMBER 2012 Helen & Charlie Batson, PP William P. Zell OCTOBER 2012 William “Bill” Bryant James C. Lynn NOVEMBER 2012 Elizabeth M. Gonzalez Dudley Herrington DECEMBER 2012 Charles & Geneva Holifield JANUARY 2013 Ill. Sir Louis & Doris Leitenberger, III, P.P. APRIL 2013 Ruth M. Ratchford JUNE 2013 Wilma & Roy White MAY 2015 Harold L. Allen Henry A. Brault NOVEMBER 2015 John L. Laird, Sr. DECEMBER 2015 Donald & Glenda Skowronski Luther E. Young JANUARY 2016 Ill. Sir Earl & Elizabeth Cooper, P.P. Michael & Karen Harris APRIL 2016 Ted & Iva Williams Theordore Williams MAY 2016 Russell & Suzanne Hollingsworth Tom & Ella Turlington OCTOBER 2016 Dick & Alice Davis DECEMBER 2016 Sid & Pat Sodomka FEBRUARY 2017 Byron & Betty Nichols JULY 2013 Ed & Ruth Hooton AUGUST 2017 Ill. Sir J.B. Hopkins, P.P. Bruce & Gloria Hartsfield SEPTEMBER 2013 Larry & Elsbeth Emmons SEPTEMBER 2017 Robert & Kathy Gean OCTOBER 2013 Louise R. Davis JANUARY 2018 Larry & Lois Yarbrough NOVEMBER 2013 Audrey Baldwin JUNE 2018 “Dan” Ezra N. Boone #296 FEBRUARY 2014 Walter & Edith Williams Debra Dulin JANUARY 2019 Samuel Sidoni MAY 2014 R.M. “Pete” Peterzen, DDS JUNE 2014 Doug Hurst JULY 2014 Sam & Priscilla Forester SEPTEMBER 2014 Roy & Wilma White APRIL 2020 Franklin Rankin JULY 2020 Ill. Sir Jim & Lou Dupuis, P.P. SEPTEMBER 2020 Bill & Barbara Little NOVEMBER 2020 Clark C. Wiggins OCTOBER 2014 Jenning LeGrand DECEMBER 2024 Ill. Sir Mike & Teresa McCombs, P.P. NOVEMBER 2014 Donald E.P. Miller NOVEMBER 2025 Ill. Sir Ed Morrison, P.P. DECEMBER 2014 Glen & Gail Harris 2032 Michael & Patricia Brock FEBRUARY 2015 William Zell MARCH 2015 Mort & Eloise Eckhouse PAGE 23 MASONIC BLUE LODGES 16 96 176 210 213 278 322 349 15 24 42 296 310 347 348 352 363 44 50 131 172 230 312 341 380 106 157 170 202 225 108 DISTRICT NO. 1 SANTA ROSA ................... 7:00 p.m. ......................... MILTON, 1ST & 3RD TUES RED ROCK ........................ 7:00 p.m. ....................... MUNSON, 2ND & 4TH MON JAY ................................... 7:30 p.m. ........................... JAY, 2ND & 4TH THURS WEST FLORIDA ............... 7:00 p.m. ............... OLD MOLINO, 1ST & 3RD TUES CENTURY ......................... 7:00 p.m. ..................... CENTURY, 1ST & 3RD TUES ENSLEY ............................ 7:00 p.m. ........................ ENSLEY, 1ST & 3RD TUES CANTONMENT .................. 7:00 p.m. .............. CANTONMENT, 1ST & 3RD MON PACE ................................. 7:00 p.m. ............................ PACE, 1ST & 3RD TUES DISTRICT NO. 2 ESCAMBIA ....................... 7:00 p.m. ................ PENSACOLA, 1ST & 3RD MON NAVAL .............................. 7:00 p.m. ............. WARRINGTON, 2ND & 4TH TUES PENSACOLA .................... 7:00 p.m. ................ PENSACOLA, 1ST & 3RD MON W. PENSACOLA ............... 7:00 p.m. ............... PENSACOLA, 2ND & 4TH TUES EAST HILL ........................ 7:00 p.m. ............... PENSACOLA, 2ND & 4TH TUES GULF BREEZE .................. 7:00 p.m. .............. GULF BREEZE, 1ST & 3RD MON FERRY PASS .................... 7:00 p.m. ................ FERRY PASS, 1ST & 3RD MON MYRTLE GROVE .............. 7:00 p.m. ......... MYRTLE GROVE, 2ND & 4TH THUR BRENTWOOD ................... 7:00 p.m. ............... PENSACOLA, 1ST & 3RD THUR DISTRICT NO. 3 LAUREL HILL .................... 7:00 p.m. ................ LAUREL HILL, 1ST & 3RD MON CONCORD ........................ 7:00 p.m. .................. CRESTVIEW, 1ST & 3RD MON MT EWELL ........................ 7:00 p.m. .......................... BAKER, 2ND & 4TH MON ALPHA .............................. 7:00 p.m. ........ FT WALTON BCH, 1ST & 3RD TUES BEAVER CREEK ............... 7:30 p.m. ......... W. OF BAKER, 2ND SAT & 4TH FRI OKALOOSA ..................... 7:00 p.m. ..................... NICEVILLE, 2ND & 4TH MON THOMAS A. MCQUEEN .... 7:30 p.m. ............. PAXTON, 1ST TUES & 3RD THUR OMEGA ............................. 7:00 p.m. ........ FT WALTON BCH, 1ST & 3RD THUR NATURAL BRIDGE ........... 6:00 p.m. ..... DEFUNIAK SPR, ST MON & 3RD THUR PONCE DE LEON .............. 7:30 p.m. .......... PONCE DE LEON, 1ST & 3RD MON DEFUNIAK ........................ 7:30 p.m. ... DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, 1ST & 3RD THUR ETNA ................................. 7:00 p.m. ................... HEW HOPE, 2ND & 4TH TUES GLENDALE ....................... 7:00 p.m. .................. GLENDALE, 2ND & 4TH THUR HERMAN ........................... 7:00 p.m. .................... FREEPORT, 1ST & 3RD TUES Memorial Request Form Name of Deceased: _____________________________________________ Send Acknowledgement Card To: Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________ Memorial From: Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________ Minimum Donation: $5.00 When requesting memorials please complete the form above and mail to: Hadji Shrine 800 West Nine Mile Road • Pensacola, FL 32534 Hadji SEZ Booster Donation Form YES! I want to be a “Hadji SEZ Booster” and help offset the cost of our publication. Date: ________________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________ Please print information and mail to: Hadji Shrine SEZ Boosters 800 West Nine Mile Road • Pensacola, FL 32534 Donations are only $10 per year. You may prepay for multiple years. Your name will be listed each month in the Hadji SEZ for the period you are supporting. For Example: for a $10 donation in March 2011 you will be listed through March 2012. If you donated $50 in March 2011 you would be listed through March 2017. Hadji Shriners SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL 800 W. NINE MILE ROAD PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32534 Published Monthly Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID PERMIT NO. 119 Pensacola, FL
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