MSD Charge FI for the Fuel Injected Yamaha Rhino® - PN 4243 , Parts Included:, - 1 - ChargeFIContr61le{-::" -, ' -,' -. .-' }} 1 -Pro-Data - + CD 1 -~USB Cable ' , .. .. , " CAUTION: The Charge FI Controller will raise the rpm limit of the engine. Note that factory components may not be designed for the increase in rpm and may require replacement to achieve the best performance and durability. The MSD Charge injection. FI is designed for the 2008 and newer Yamaha Rhino with electronic fuel INSTALLATION The Charge FI is designed with factory connectors for easy installation. The housing is sealed for durability and underhood mounting. 1. Remove the two plastic screws that retain the battery cover (Figure 1). Figure 1 Remove that Battery Cover. 2. Remove the 10mm bolt to remove the ECU to access the connectors (Figure 2). Figure 2 Remove the ECU. MSD POWERSPORTS • WWW.MSDPDWERSPDRTS.CDM • (915) 858-3365 • FAX (915) 858-3496 e INSTAL.L.ATION INSTRUCTIONS 3. Disconnect the 26-pin an a-pi connectors. Connect the matching connectors of the MSD Charge FI to the factory ECU and harness (Figure 3). 4. Reinstall the ECU and the retaining bolt and route the harness and MSD to the top of the battery. TO FACTOFlY ECU ~-• /1-- iii. 11__ Figure 3 Wiring the Charge FI. 5. Position the MSD over the battery and secure it in place with the battery hold-down strap (Figure 4). Figure 4 Mounting the Charge Fl. MSD POWERSPORTS • WWW.MSDPDWERSPDRTS.CDM • (915) 858-3365 • FAX (915) 858-3496 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PROGRAMMING PRE·PROGRAMMED CALIBRATIONS There is a 10-position rotary dial near the main harness (Figure 5). This allows you to select a preset calibration or save a custom calibration to select from. A custom calibration can be made from a PC with the supplied Pro-Data+ software. Switch positions 1 - 7 can be used for custom calibrations. The Charge FI provides three locked calibrations (positions 0, 8 and 9). The other seven switch positions are for calibrations that can also be modified through a PC with MSD's Pro-Data+ software. Following are brief descriptions of each calibration. Figure 5 Selecting a Pre-Programmed Calibration. a - No engine modifications, 8,000 rpm limit (Locked) 1 - No engine modifications, 8,000 rpm limit (Adjustable) 2 - No engine modifications, 8,000 rpm limit (Adjustable) 3 - No engine modifications, 8,000 rpm limit, +4° timing advance over factory (Adjustable) 4 - Fuel optimized for pipe and intake modifications, 8,000 rpm limit (Adjustable) 5 - Fuel optimized for pipe and intake modifications, 8,500 rpm limit (Adjustable) 6 - Fuel optimized for pipe and intake modifications, 8,500 rpm limit, +4° timing advance over factory (Adjustable) 7 - 8,000 rpm limit, _4°timing retard over factory (Adjustable) 8 - Chaperone Mode, 6,300 rpm limit (Locked) 9 - Chaperone Mode, 5,800 rpm limit (Locked) ADVANCED PROGRAMMING The Charge FI features advanced tuning capabilities through a PC with MSD's Pro-Data+ software. ACO is included with this Windows based software and it can also be downloaded at www.msdpowersports. com. Contact MSD Powersports Customer Support for programming assistance. Caution: The Charge FI Controller will raise the rpm limit of the engine. As such, factory components may not be designed for the increase in rpm and may require replacement to achieve the best performance and durability. Note: For advanced tuning applications, it is recommended to incorporate a Wide Band 02 gauge in order to maintain the proper air/fuel ratio for safe operation. MSO POWERSPORTS • WWW.MSDPDWERSPORTS.COM • (915) 858-3365 • FAX (915J 858-3496 4 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PRO·DATA+ SOFTWARE INSTALLATION OF THE PRO·DATA+ SOFTWARE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. Insert the installation CD into your CD drive. In Windows, click on Start then select Run. In the box type, "D:Setup" and press Enter. The screen Will walk you through several steps. Once loaded, your monitor will have an MSD Graph View logo. Click on it to open the software. A program will open. Go to the upper left corner of the screen and click on File, then Open. This will open a menu of part numbers. Select "4243". This will open another menu of versions. Highlight and open the "4243vxx.lGN" (xx determines the versions, such as 02). This will open the Pro-Data+ software for the PN 4243 controller. 0.00 .ntd.ct Ctrn!cttd 42"3~MQ.! 0.50 1.00 :-··············.·----D<!II<!ISOt.lceo··--· : 42~3v04.1GU..uV04MOt ".0· Rpm ,JjJ ,I ..J 1 0 Advance , Map 4.50 4.00 3.50 5.00 . CHART ~ ::::: :: . . -4.0 " .5.0 D .0 -6.0 " Tps .53volt l 3.00 250 :M4~lT_"'J"(;: : ·2.0 = MONITORS TenPos5w ~oo '50 0.0 .7.0. .17volt ·8.0 " Temp 113 DegF .9.0 " REAL-TIME MONITOR . . I . . 4.0 D i •••• ... '"}i TtttAcc. : ;:~ADDER" . . • . • • . -. -•. .:.-,,-.---------"-.-.-. i .: " .... i . . CMAt:l'f: • a II II ~ D ~ = II : .. , ·--"·l~ll!Il00 -- 'ipsMn12 Re.urr. .•.• ~~iil :nLS::; / , ~, :" • = ~ " 1000 . .... -•• -.-.-.-. -. -. -. -•• -.-.-.-._ . e D • D " II D " " c = C 3000 2000 D " '.. = " c c 5000 '000 e " " •• c .000 : " " ~ G 1000 • • 8000 . . " " " " " " " 9OtIO c " ~ 10000 . . . . . . . . j ... i . . :::j ... 'I:: :::' .,. ::... .:::.~:: j : ~ : ';~T~C~ F~:L:::j 40.0" );'~=~~'i' '1~, 0 50.0 ~ • -. • • : : : ••. a _ -."""" ,.,..- -. . .....•.•. 0: .:". : • . -2Q.0 -. ; •• TIMI~N"""G ..•. 1R&PftM--.--.. -.-.-. -..-.-.-.-. -.. -.-.-.-. -.. -.-.-. -.. -.- .;:: : ••• PROGRAM~'p .,e. '';: - .... • • • • • . , . .•JI.• I• STOCK TIMING •. • -. ..... ~~~~§~~ • j . . 0.0 --~~ r- . . 10.U=·· '.• RPM . . i. .. : .. FUEL/RPM .. . . . _._ C!-"-~-----~~cc--------~ . u.u ~_....o....-."-'!"':~C!!!L.!!_ .10.0 a .: I: : CHART • . _20.0" . . ~ ~ ~ ~ j . :.::::::::::::. '~.". ~------ . + ~ ~ ~ , ",',,",' ~".,....v g '" c • C =.•.....~, ~ •• " " e " ~ " ~ ~_.._,.._ =_,._ ..¥_~-----,-._ ...,,_, a a " c c • " .• _~~, .....,.....•••--_=._."""_.~ .. ,. cas a " •• " ~_ ....•.. ,__,,- ..,.,.. ,., .• __ " c D ace •.~._ •.~ __ -r.~-._,.••,-.<."?"."'''~ D " " ~ a " = ~ :."' .•• ~.~ . ...,.., Figure 6 Pro-Data + Software for the Charge Fl. MSD POWERSPORTS - WWW.MSDPDWERSPDRTS.COM • [9151 858-3365 • FAX [9151 858-3496 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 5 MENU The Menu area of the Pro-Data + software displays the real-time rpm, switch position and timing BTDC (Before Top Dead Center). Figure 7 shows an example. Pwd!.lct Co.-mects.d4243W1 ... MO; • '--.' D-ata S'OI.Jfte ~! , M5D U"" VOl HOi MONITORS TenPosSw This is the position of the rotary dial RPM Real time engine speed Advance The amount of timing advance over the factory timing TPS Throttle Position Sensor voltage (0-5 volts) MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure voltage (0-5 volts) Temp Engine temperature safety setting that will activate a "limp-home" mode to protect from overheat damage , , TenPosSw 1 Rpm 0 Advance .0 Tps .47volt Map .Ollvol! , Temp 117 D"yF ------- Ij Figure 7 Menu Values. PROGRAMMING FEATURES OF THE MENU TREE RPM This is the rpm limit. A different rpm limit can be programmed to the corresponding switch positions. Adjustments are made in 100 rpm increments from 2,000 - 10,000. Default for each program is 8,000 rpm. TEMP When the engine temperature reaches this setting, the factory ECU will go into limp-home mode to protect the engine from overheat damage. Adjustable from 0° - 300°F with 245cF as default. Note: It is recommended to go through the Help file ofthe Pro-Data+ software to familiarize yourself with the programming capabilities of the Charge FI. Programming the timing and rpm curves are very important to the performance of your UN, however, adjustments must be made with care to the engine and its internal components. If you have any questions on tuning and programming, it is recommended to contact an MSD Tech at 888-258-3835. MSO POWERSPORTS • WWW.MSDPDWERSPORTS.COM e- (915) 858-3365 • fAX (915) 858-3496 6 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ROTARY SWITCH The rotary switch next to the main connector of the Charge FI allows you to easily select a programmed curve. The settings are designed to match the programs and timing maps that you create and save (Figure 8). Figure 8 Rotary Switch. PROGRAMMING TIMING/RPM MAPS With the Pro-Data+ software opened, there will be three maps on the right with the main menu, menu items, notes tab and the gauge on the left column. Each window can be enlarged or closed (go to View and select Restore to open all the windows). You can map a timing curve in each of the three charts and save it to a corresponding selection on the rotary dial control of the ignition. Map Advance Curve: This chart allows you to retard the timing based on the input from a MAP sensor (0-5 volt). RPM Advance Curve: This chart allows you to advance or retard the timing in regards to the factory timing curve based on the engine speed. You can plot up to seven different timing points. Fuel vs Rpm Curve This chart allows you to add or remove fuel based on the factory fuel curve. The adjustment range is +/-50% in 1% increments every 100 rpm. Each curve allows up to ten points of fuel versus rpm. Note: When programming a timing map, it is important to note that any timing alterations are based on the stock timing of the factory ECU. For instance, if you advance the timing 4° at 9,000 rpm, the timing is advanced 4° over the factory timing at that rpm. PROGRAMMING A MAP The Pro-Data+ software provides an easy way to create a timing map. 1. From the top menu bar, select View and Trace/Analyze. This brings up the legend for the chart (Figure 9). o 2500 5000 7500 50.0 • 40.0· JO.O· 20.0. 10.0· 0.0 ~-+--------',",.. -----~ I , -10.0 c ·20.0· '. : : : : .'~,-----~ Figure 9 Viewing the Trace/Analyze Box. MSD POWERSPORTS • WWW.MSDPDWERSPDRTS.CDM • (9151 858-3365 • FAX (915) 858-3496 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 7 2. Note that the Traces box has two squares in front of each program. By selecting the left box, the curve will be displayed on the screen. All 10 curves can be displayed. The right box indicates which curve can be modified and only one can be selected at a time (Figure 10). 3. To move an existing dot on the screen, left click the dot so it turns Red (active). You can then click and drag that dot to a new point on the screen (Figure 11). 4. To add a new dot, right click when the cursor is in the area to program and select "Add Dot". You can then move the dot to the precise point (Figure 11). I 011 J Name [gJ[gJLaunch 0 [gJ0 LtlllllCh-1 l8l 0 Launch - ;: [8JDlbunc~~-;;: [gJDLmmch-4 l8l 0 Laullch=S l8l 0 Launch 6 . l8l 0 Lauuch-7 l8l0LllUHCh-H [gJ 0 Lmn,d =,., Figure 10 Trace/Analyze Controls. 0.50 0.25 0.50 { ..•~--.-----.~+--.--------I ·1 . -+ [] [] Active .- oV·,I 5ho~"'.1Active • + • ojoJlobo~ ~ : ~ ! I; . ...4. ! ----;--.i Zoom In . o. • 1 Zoom 1: 1 l •l o c c ±-_·--r • 01, c Add Dot ~l :I Zoom Out [] C . Zoom In LOGin Zoom 1: 1 tt f \ . • i • o 0 Figure 11 Adding and Deleting Points. SAVES AND TRANSFERS Whenever a change is made to a program, it either must be saved to a file in your PC or it needs to be transferred to the ignition. You will notice that whenever you make a change to a program, the bullet next to the modified value will turn red. It will remain red until you save it to a file or to the MSD. There are two ways to save your files. Save to MSD: This step will save any changes directly into the ignition. If you are only making one or just a couple modifications, this works well. Save to PC: This will save your changes to show on the PC screen only, indicated by a red bullet point next to any altered values. These modifications will not be active or saved until you save the file or transfer the information to the MSD. MSD POWERSPORTS • WWW.MSDPDWERSPORTS.COM • (9151 858-3365 • FAX (915) 858-3496 TECH NOTES Service In case of malfunction, this MSD component will be repaired free of charge according to the terms of the warranty. When returning MSD components for warranty service, Proof of Purchase must be supplied for verification. After the warranty period has expired, repair service is based on a minimum and maximum fee. All returns must have a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number issued to them before being returned. To obtain an RMA number please contact MSD Customer Service at 1 (888) MSD-7859 or visit to automatically obtain a number and shipping information. When returning the unit for repair, leave all wires at the length in which you have them installed. Be sure to include a detailed account of any problems experienced, and what components and accessories are installed on the vehicle. The repaired unit will be returned as soon as possible using Ground shipping methods (ground shipping is covered by warranty). For more information, call MSD Powersports at (915) 858-3365. MSD Powersports technicians are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday (mountain time). Limited Warranty MSD IGNITION warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under its intended normal use*, when properly installed and purchased from an authorized MSD dealer, for a period of one year from the date of the original purchase. This warranty is void for any new products purchased through auction websites. If found to be defective as mentioned above, it will be repaired or replaced at the option of MSD Ignition. Any item that is covered under this warranty will be returned free of charge using Ground shipping methods. This shall constitute the sole remedy ofthe purchaser and the sole liability of MSD Ignition. To the extent permitted by law, the foregoing is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or representation whether expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall MSD Ignition or its suppliers be liable for special or consequential damages. *Intended normal use means that this item is being used as was originally intended and for the original application as sold by MSD Ignition. Any modifications to this item or if it is used on an application other than what MSD Ignition markets the product, the warranty will be void. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to determine that this item will work for the application they are intending. MSD Ignition will accept no liability for custom applications. MSD POWERSPORTS • WWW.MSDPDWERSPORTS.CDM © 2008 Autotronic FRM2S310 Controls • (915) 858-3365 • FAJ((9151 858-3496 Corporation Created 06/08 Printed in U.S.A.
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