Everything Vol. 90, No. 5 Emanuel May/June 2015 • Iyyar/Sivan/Tamuz 5775 FROM THE RABBI Torah Makes Us Who We Are — Eretz Yisrael Keeps Us Grounded T he festival of Shavuoth affirms the attachment of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and celebrates our receiving of Torah. Every people must have a homeland. This is why the Jews have insisted on our connection to the Land over thousands of years, despite exile and distance. This is also why our enemies work tirelessly to deny this history and heritage. If we cease to have a homeland, we cease to be a people. What the conquerors did not understand is that military control over a piece of territory confers only temporary possession. Our attachment and loyalty transcend armies of vanished empires and the threats and imprecations of current would-be conquerors. Even in ages when we did not rule in our land, Jews all over the world counted the land of Israel as our home and Jerusalem as the focal point of our spiritual yearnings and prayers. How perverse that Israel’s enemies declare us “occupiers” in our historic home! If someday Israel’s neighbors can reconcile themselves that “the Jews have also come home,” then there can be peace between Israel and her neighbors. I hope to witness such a day in my own lifetime. Torah has sustained us wherever we have lived and in all ages of the Jewish People. The combination of Law (halakhah), lore (aggadah) and Teaching (Torah) lives as our People’s dynamic contribution to world culture. No other 9th Annual Hands Across the River Golf Outing Wampanoag Country Club Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Call Mark Wolfberg at (860) 655-5337 for more information PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR 96TH ANNUAL MEETING on Monday, June 8th, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. ancient people contributed a published document for all to see that envisioned the story of all humanity alongside our own history and a code of living that provides justice, kindness, harmony and holiness in its vision of society. All subsequent monotheistic religions have built their teaching on the basis of this model. By the virtue of Torah, the Jewish people can be considered a “world historical people” to use a term coined by the German philosopher Hegel. Some others declare our history over, our time on the stage long gone, but so long as we hold fast to Torah, treat it as a living document to guide our living and raise our sights, we will continue to participate in the drama and promise of this world. Amidst all the heartache, chaos and fear that circulate in these challenging times in which we live, the durable principles and norms of Torah keep us firmly grounded upon transcendent yet stable and enduring values. The stories come alive every time we read them, the people in the Torah are real humans, not two-dimensional saints or devils; in their complex humanity we recognize ourselves. In their greatness we find hope to do better ourselves; in their failings we recognize that everyone is human. Wishing our Emanuel Family and all our friends and neighbors a Hag Shavuoth Samayach, a joyful Shavuoth Festival! — David J. Small Inside This Issue… Community of Prayer................................................. 2 Community of Learning............................................ 6 Brotherhood............................................................. 10 Community of Caring.............................................. 12 Community of Action.............................................. 13 Sisterhood................................................................. 14 Donations................................................................. 15 Service Times/Calendar of Events.....................19-20 www.emanuelsynagogue.org Community of PARTICIPATORY PRAYER / Tefilah PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: The Gift of Time… by Ira Henowitz I t is said that the gift of time is priceless. That particular statement seems to connect with me as I reflect on my nearly completed two year term as your Synagogue President. I feel blessed to have been given the time to lead our sacred community at an opportune and wonderful time in its rich ninety-six year history. I am blessed to have led The Emanuel these past two years as we evolve and grow forward as a thriving, mission focused, purpose driven kehilla that makes every effort to be authentic, creative, meaningful, uplifting and welcoming. It has been quite a gift to have had the time and opportunity to work with so many of you and dream, learn, plan and envision an ever stronger and more relevant Emanuel Synagogue right here in Metro Hartford. I am grateful for your support as my fellow lay and professional leaders and I focused on leading strategically as we build on our renewed energy and strong, historic roots to be a caring, inclusive, face-to-face twenty-first century, multi-generational Synagogue community of sacred relationships and connections that enriches our lives with greater meaning, belonging and blessing. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your President during these past two years and thank you for all that you do to support the good and sacred work that we stand for and that takes place every single day of the year. It is truly a privilege to have led our Emanuel Synagogue kehilla — a community that is rooted in a loving, participatory and robust Judaism that we believe and pray Thank You to Our Kiddush Sponsors speaks to each of us and inspires us to do good and great things for our loved ones, community and the world. May we continue to come together as one strong, sacred Emanuel family that strives to transform ourselves from a collection of precious individuals, and yes, as a precious mosaic… into a compelling, caring, inclusive and inspiring sacred Emanuel Synagogue community — an engaging sacred community in which we create a very real and profound sense of purpose and meaning in our lives and in which we can experience the presence of G-d. That to me is priceless and very much worth supporting and working to sustain. Yours, mine and ours…our Emanuel Synagogue. Everything Emanuel The Emanuel Synagogue 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Seth and Christine Mahler in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Mahler Richard and Rochelle Murphy in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Murphy The Wu, Bomzer, Spaeth, Goeghan, Cohen, and Malley Families in honor of their chavurah Kevin Dinowitz and Karen Zelman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Korey Dinowitz Andrew and Debra Wilder in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Wilder The Emanuel Brotherhood for Brotherhood Shabbat Everything Emanuel (USPS 174-820) is published bi-monthly by The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hartford, CT. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Everything Emanuel, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Business Office ..................................(860) 236-1275 Business Office Fax ............................(860) 231-8890 School Office .....................................(860) 233-2774 Internet Address:.......... www.emanuelsynagogue.org OFFICERS AND STAFF EMAIL VOICE MAIL EXT. Ira Henowitz.................................. President...... [email protected] David J. Small......................................Rabbi...... [email protected]..... 115 Philip Lazowski...................Rabbi Emeritus...... [email protected] Gerald B. Zelermyer............Rabbi Emeritus Moshe Pinchover................. Ritual Director...... [email protected].......... 117 Sanford Cohn....................................Cantor...... [email protected].... 114 Judith T. Fox..................Education Director...... [email protected]......... 122 Myra Emrick........Synagogue Administrator...... [email protected].............. 112 Tahisha Durham.................Rabbi’s Assistant...... [email protected]........... 110 The Emanuel Synagogue is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. 2 NOTES FROM THE CANTOR The Sharon Barshay Shabbat Morning Service by Hazzan Sanford Cohn S ince the Barshay and Luftglas families first established the annual Sharon Barshay Music Service nearly 30 years ago, it has provided an opportunity for my predecessors and me to find new and creative ways to enhance our services, or as was the case last year, to set aside an evening of song outside of Shabbat services. For this year’s service, I have decided, for the first time, to make the Barshay Service a Shabbat morning service devoted to the theme of peace. Every day our t’filot are filled with prayers for peace, most notably ‘Oseh Shalom and Sim Shalom. Both of these prayers were originally written as requests for peace for the house of Israel, but were made more universal in some 20th century prayer books. An interesting note about Sim Shalom: in most traditional siddurim, you won’t find the word “ba’olam” (in the world) in the prayer for peace. I thought it was an innovation of Rabbi Morris Silverman z”l in his 1946 Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book. I just learned, however, that it goes back to the 10th century siddur of Rav Saadia Gaon. In Pirkei Avot, we are encouraged to “…be among the disciples of Aaron — a lover of peace (ohev shalom) and a pursuer of peace (rodef shalom); a lover of all people, bringing them closer to the Torah.” This type of peace is one that we can and should bring to the world ourselves while we continue to pray to God for peace in the world. Come to the Sharon Barshay Music Service on Saturday morning, June 6, 2015, as Kol Shirenu, various soloists, and our singing kahal celebrate peace through music. A Kiddush lunch will follow the service. February Minyonaire Breakfast Sponsors Jeffrey and Rebecca Azia, in honor of Abigail Azia becoming a Bat Mitzvah Harvey Beinstein, in honor of his 73rd birthday and his good health Mel and Shirley Gerrol, in honor of their birthdays Alex and Bella Medvedovski, in honor of Daniella Medvedovski becoming a Bat Mitzvah The Shulman/Rubin Family, in honor of Lily Schulman becoming a Bat Mitzvah Bring your Friends to The Emanuel Invite your unaffiliated friends to meet us and experience The Emanuel community. If they try us, we think they will stay. Here is what we offer: • Engaging & Approachable Clergy • Diverse Community • Fabulous Religious School • Singing Together in Services • Commitment to Social Justice • Egalitarian Daily Minyan • Affordable Dues March Minyonaire Breakfast Sponsors Gloria Bein, in memory of brother, Morris Greenberg Marilyn Benson, in memory of beloved husband, Seymour Benson Eleanor Caplan, Yahrzeit of husband, Jerry Caplan Karen Zelman and Kevin Dinowitz, in honor of Korey Dinowitz becoming a Bar Mitzvah Irene and Stuart Mahler, in honor of their granddaughter Lauren Mahler becoming a Bat Mitzvah Rochelle and Richard Murphy, in honor of Sarah Murphy becoming a Bat Mitzvah Renee Neikrie, in memory of mother, Rose Gordon Renee Neikrie, in memory of mother-in-law, Sylvia Neikrie Jay D. Smith, in memory of mother, Ruth Smith 3 Please contact: Sheila Silverman, Membership VP (860) 561-5420 [email protected] Announcing Our New Director of Congregational Learning by Ira Henowitz O ur Synagogue Board of Trustees, advised by an outstanding lay led search committee that included all segments of our multi-generational Synagogue community, voted recently to offer Kate Goldman of San Jose, California the position of Director of Congregational Learning. I am delighted to share that Kate has graciously accepted our offer. You may recall meeting Kate and her husband Rich when they visited with us February 20th- 22nd and then again on Feb. 25th to meet more of our religious school students and teachers. Kate joins our congregation with impressive credentials, significant experience as well as lots of joyful energy and enthusiasm. She holds Bachelor degrees in Hebrew Letters, Judaic Studies and Modern Jewish History & Thought from American Jewish University in Los Angeles. Kate also holds a Masters of Arts in Education, also from American Jewish University. She has been the Director of Education at Congregation Sinai in San Jose since 2010 and has served in other educational leadership positions in California prior to her current position. Kate is a native Californian yet looks forward to moving to West Hartford and being located on the east coast where Rich was raised and where they have family. I want to express a huge thank you to our search committee: cochairs Becky Azia & Regina Miller along with committee members Lara Bomzer, Lou Brown, Jenn Madden Cohen, Lisa Fichandler, Barbara Fink, Jeff Kaimowitz, Jeni Magalhaes, Jackie Makarewicz, Arlene Neiditz, Jeremy Pressman, Anne Shemkovitz, Sheila Silverman, Carolyn Sorkin and Ray Weinstein. I am sure you join me in appreciating all the time and energy they spent on a job very well done. I want to extend sincerest gratitude and appreciate to Lee Gold, Esquire for his outstanding contract assistance. I also want to thank Rabbi Small, Cantor Cohn, Moshe Pinchover, Judye Fox, Myra Emrick and all our staff and teachers for helping in many important and meaningful ways. In addition, Todah Rabah to so many of you who participated in our extensive national search, provided important feedback as well as for helping to welcome Kate and her husband Rich to our kehilla. In the coming weeks, I look forward to sharing more details of Kate and Rich joining The Emanuel. Your involvement and support is very much appreciated as we enthusiastically continue building together a thriving, leading sacred community of engaging, inspiring and meaningful lifelong Jewish learning for the twenty-first century. The Emanuel Synagogue is Aiming Chai by Elysa Graber-Lipperman, V.P., Aim Chai Committee T he Emanuel Synagogue is proud to partner with other Greater Hartford Jewish Community institutions in Aim Chai, a community effort designed to encourage individuals and families to establish and build endowment funds to ensure the long-term sustainability of The Emanuel Synagogue and other partner institutions. Endowment funds provide income that can be used to offset our current operating costs, fund specific programs, or fund specific activities. As we approach The Emanuel Synagogue’s centennial, we recognize that Aim Chai presents a wonderful opportunity to engage our congregants, strengthen our existing endowments, build new endowments, and encourage members of our community to consider a legacy gift which will benefit the synagogue today and for the generations to come. Legacy gifts enable a donor to make a gift to The Emanuel Synagogue as part of an estate plan and can include a monetary bequest or designating the synagogue as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. The Emanuel Synagogue currently has almost 150 endowment funds. Children’s programs, scholastic awards and scholarships, and Banks Garden maintenance are some of the many items funded through endowment income. During the upcoming months, congregants will hear more about Aim Chai and how each member can help shape the future of The Emanuel Synagogue by participating in a meaningful way in our Aim Chai efforts. If you are interested in learning how you can make a difference for our Emanuel Synagogue, please reach 4 out to a member of our Aim Chai committee — Naomi Kleinman, Jeffrey Renert, Dr. Michael Levine, Alan Mendelson, Gail Weinstein, Elysa Graber-Lipperman, Llyn Kaimowitz, and Hollis Dorman. Mazel Tov! Congratulations to… Jamie November on the birth of her grandson Wesley Charles November Rhonda Holtman on the birth of her granddaughter Madison Charlotte Holtman Dr. Hal and Judy Mooney on the birth of their granddaughter Avital Samantha Wikoff 5 Community of LEARNING / Talmud Torah SCHOOL NEWS by Judith T. Fox, Director of Education A s our school year draws to a close I thank and recognize the wonderful faculty and staff who help us to maintain the high standards we have set for our school: Hazzan Sanford Cohn Nancy Fichman Alison Gittleman Alina Bricklin Goldstein Robin Sherman Herman Joelle Jenkins Fay Mannheim Deborah Mehlman Jamie November Robin Rosenthal Beckie Sahl Rabbi David Small Carolyn Topol Librarian – Beth Katten Shabbat Club Leader – Karen Schlossberg Administrative Assistant – Gail Mackey USY adviser – Max Schnaper USY Shelanu Advisor – Nancy Fichman Kadimah Adviser – Alina Bricklin-Goldstein Early Childhood Coordinator – Barbara Fink We also thank the members of our Board of Education and Chair, Becky Azia for their hard work support and encouragement and Myra Emrick, Moshe Pinchover and the office and custodial staff for their support. Family Services in May: May 2, 2015: • • • Challahpalooza for preschool families – 11:00 a.m. Early Childhood Center with Barbara Fink Torah Club for grades 3-5 – 10:00 a.m. Chapel with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6-7 – 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs and Ilan Small May 9, 2015: • Shabbat Club for grades 3-5 – 10:30 a.m. Chapel with Karen Schlossberg • B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6-7 – 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary with Alina Bricklin Goldstein and Esther Schlossberg May 16, 2015: • Shabbat Club for grades 3-5 – 10:30 a.m. Chapel with Karen Schlossberg • B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6-7 – 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary with Alina Bricklin Goldstein and Ilan Small Family Programs in May: May 17, 2015 • Grades K-12 Closing Program – 9:00-11:00 a.m. Selma and Barbara enjoy water aerobics. Engaging PEoPlE. ComfortablE living. CulturE of sErviCE. Rain or shine, SummerWood residents have a wealth of complimentary activities to choose from including programs and classes at the Mandell JCC. To learn more about this award-winning senior living community call 860-523-3808 or visit the website at www.hoffmansummerwood.org. 160 Simsbury Road, West Hartford www.hoffmansummerwood.org A member of the Hebrew Health Care family. 6 Sixth Annual Tour de Shuls CT Sunday, May 31, 2015 J T Awakenings Class of 2015/5775 Tour de Shuls has been one great event! We hope this year is even better! Honoring Graduates from The Emanuel Synagogue M ore than simply a bike ride, Tour de Shuls is a community event to support Camp Ramah’s Tikvah (Hope) program, which serve Jewish children with physical and cognitive disabilities. Join our community in supporting our Jewish youth with special needs. Since 1970, Camp Ramah’s Tikvah program has been providing Jewish youth with a full camp experience: swimming, boating, sports, the arts, dance, dramatics, and more, under the supervision of specially trained staff. Tikvah, meaning hope, provides that and so much more for approximately 50 campers, ages 13-21, with mild to moderate mental challenges, autism, spectrum disorders, and neurological impairments. Participating in the Tour enables Tikvah campers to experience the joys and camaraderie of Jewish summer camp by providing scholarships to defray the costs of attending camp. Ride with us individually, as a family or with a group of friends. Please register for the Tour today at www.tourdeshulsct.org. All rides begin and finish at Beth El Temple. Jeff Factor ([email protected]) and Len Oremland ([email protected]) are the Tour de Shuls CT CoChairs. With your help, we hope to raise $10,000 for the Tikvah program. Tour de Shuls is not a race. Ride with us on West Hartford’s quiet residential streets, through Simsbury’s beautiful suburban neighborhoods and along Granby’s delightful back roads. Choose from 5K run/walk and 20-, 35-, and 50-mile routes. Register to ride or donate at www.tourdeshuls.org. Early registration discount on fees and free event t-shirts for all participants who register by May 20th. Register early and ride strong! Confirmation Friday, May 15, 2015 Reception - 5:30 p.m. Service - 6:00 p.m. J T Awakenings Graduating Seniors Rebecca Morgan Baitch Sydney Greta Daum Jacob Harris Graber-Lipperman Samuel Mitchell Katten Lily Reisner Confirmation Class Allison Robin Daum Nathan Graber-Lipperman Allison Kathleen Herz Jared Matthew Murphy Michael Gabriel Piekarsky Marissa Joy Ward – Judith T. Fox, Director of Education – Heather Fiedler, Director, Jewish Teen Learning Connections – Rabbi David Small – Hazzan Sanford Cohn Adult Education News Open an Endowment Fund with as little as $1,000! Thursday Afternoon Study Group Starting April 30, 2015 The Book of Ruth: Facilitator: Judith T. Fox. The class will meet on Thursday afternoons from 3:45-4:30 p.m. from April 30-May 28, 2015. The Book of Ruth is a story of love, marriage, friendship, and loyalty. For more information, please contact Myra Emrick, Synagogue Administrator, at The Emanuel Synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. Ongoing classes: If you would like to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush, please contact Myra Emrick at (860) 236-1275 or [email protected] Natalie Ziplow Study Group Facilitator: Rabbi David Small. This series meets on Thursday mornings from 10:30 a.m.-noon in the Chapel Lobby. A Sisterhood study group which includes text study, current events and lively discussion. 7 8 9 News From The BROTHERHOOD by Don Miller Upcoming Brotherhood Events: May 3 – Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast with Speaker Yechiel Marcus, Jaffa Institute May 17 – Sunday, 9:15 a.m. The Minyan on the Mountain and Breakfast. The hike is about 30 minutes. May 31 – Sunday – Sixth Annual Tour de Shuls CT June 12-15 – Brotherhood Retreat July 8-12 – FJMC Convention at Beauville Beach Resort, Miami Beach, FL Recent Brotherhood Breakfast Speakers On March 8, 2015, Emanuel Synagogue’s own Brian Becker and fellow State Representative Andy Fleischman spoke and answered questions during our Brotherhood Town Hall meeting and Breakfast. Thank you to the following Breakfast Sponsors who attended: Jeff Azia, in honor of Abby Azia’s Bat Mitzvah. Marvin Janow, in honor of his son’s new home. Allen Kronick, in honor of The Brotherhood. Bob Levine, in honor of his grandson’s 1st birthday. Sheldon Lubin, in memory of my parents Belle and Lester Lubin. Ken Malley and Sara Kaplan, in honor of our anniversary. Tom Mastronarde, in honor of grandson Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah. Peter Mehlman and Jimmy Withall, in honor of our upcoming trip to Israel. Don Miller, in honor of our speakers and Norm Hecht organizing the event. Stan Miller and Emily LebovitzMiller, in honor of Saul and the Brotherhood. Renee Neikrie, in honor of my family and a most happy and healthy 5775. Harry Rosenfeld, in honor of all my children. Gloria Bein , in honor of Renee Zetoff. Neal and Sarah Rubinfeld, in honor of our family and in memory of Ben Oxenhandler. Eleanor N. Caplan, in memory of husband Jerome Caplan. Gerald Sperber, in honor of my grandchildren. Ted Fox, in honor of my wife Sheila’s birthday, forever young. Richard Simons, in memory of Russell Simons. Harold Cohen, in honor of Naomi Cohen getting her Associates degree. Saul Shemkovitz, in honor of my upcoming 54th birthday on the 28th. Sheila and Meyer Frankel, in honor of Becky’s book War Dogs. Fred Spaeth, in honor of Emmet’s Mattan Siddur. Len and Joan Glazier, in honor of our son’s marriage. Jeremy Weingast, in honor of our legislative leaders. Eric Goldberg, in honor of Spring. Renee Zetoff, in honor of Lauren Mahler’s Bat Mitzvah. Norman Hecht, in honor of Andy and Brian. 10 Brotherhood Programming is subject to additions and changes. Watch the weekly “What’s Happening at The Emanuel Synagogue…” email every Tuesday, check the synagogue website and watch for flyers in the mail for up to date information. Are you a Brotherhood member? If you are, we welcome you back for another great year! If not, please consider becoming one today. Have you become a new member of the Emanuel, within the last 6 months? If so, your first year of Brotherhood membership is free. The Emanuel Brotherhood recently earned the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club “Quality Club Award” in recognition of planning and executing great programs and supporting the FJMC national mission. By joining the Brotherhood, you too can become part of this dynamic organization and also enjoy the benefits of a participant, including the fostering of interpersonal relationships which could have a positive impact on your job and at home Emanuel Brother Endowment Fund Do you wish to memorialize a yahrzeit? Is a special birthday or anniversary in your family? Is there a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah to commemorate? Whatever the occasion, consider donating to the Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood Endowment Fund. Contributions may be made to the Emanuel Brotherhood Endowment Fund for the future benefit of the Emanuel Synagogue and its members. All tax-deductible donations to this fund should be payable to the Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood Endowment Fund. For any Brotherhood Information, email Don Miller at Donmiller@ Kualumni.org. 11 Community of CARING / Chesed Emanuel’s B’nai Mitzvah Brotherhood Catering Services Available to cater your event for the coming year! Eitan Ehrlich, son of Grant and Elizabeth Ehrlich, will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 2, 2015. Zachary Sam Sobel-Pressman, son of Audrey Sobel and Jeremy Pressman, grandson of Elizabeth Harris Pressman and Bob Pressman, and Esther and Bernard Sobel, will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 9, 2015. U nder the direction of master cook Saul Shemkovitz, we prepare the finest food delights for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Kiddush spreads and many other occasions. Our kugel, egg salad, and tuna salad are the most scrumptious tasting in West Hartford. Bookings for the coming year are going fast. If you have an event coming up, please send an email to Saul at [email protected] or call him at 860-280-1457 for menus and prices. All food preparation is done in-house. Proceeds to benefit the shul and other worthy Jewish causes. Ethan Levinbook, son of Drs. Wendy and Howard Levinbrook, will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 16, 2015. Joshua Pinsky, son of Julie and Douglas Pinsky, grandson of Michael Miles and the late Marjorie Miles and the late Rita and Marvin Pinsky, will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 30, 2015. Nehama We extend heartfelt condolences and support to the families of: Issac Benyamin Oxenhandler, husband of Tehila Oxenhandler Mitchell Fanning, son of Tracey Gamer Fanning, grandson of Terry Gamer, will become a Bar Mitzvah on June 6, 2015. Robert Shor, brother of Nathan “Nate” and Millie Shor Alice Truitt, grandmother of Becky and Jeff Azia Barney Lapp, husband of Mildred Lapp Alexander “Alex” Goldstein, husband of Trudi Goldstein Benjamin Zamstein, son of Jacob and Susan Zamstein, grandson of Harry and the late Helen Zamstein, will become a Bar Mitzvah on June 13, 2015. Miriam Grubin Sahl, mother of Robert and Rebecca Sahl 12 Community of ACTION / Tikkun Olam B’YADEYNU NEWS by Risa Davidson and Janet Wallens, Co-Chairs Thank you to the Synagogue for our new popcorn machine! A Thank You from Kibbutz Saad… D N HANEGEV KIBBUTZ SAAD 8414000 g.il ISRAEL www.saad.or ב"ה כ"ה אדר תשע"ה March 16, 2015 gogue community, ilies of the Emanuel Syna Dear Rabbi Small, and fam h celebration, and for during your recent Chanuka thinking of Kibbutz Saad Thank you so much for behalf. raising a donation on our ll – or, at least easily re the world seems sma al communication whe glob of time a in live We e, and Google. accessible – by email, Skyp live so far from our the fact that people who do not take for granted we That having been said, dship and support. thinking about us in frien kibbutz in the Negev are hine, used for youth hase a new popcorn mac th n was used to help purc Your generous donatio up and run by the 8 set traditionally ual Purim carnival that is ann the for y ciall espe activities, and many years, this is corn grower and seller for Saad has been a major pop grade class. Since Kibbutz last year, we were " loss l tota "a was declared r the old popping machine Afte . here k snac rite a favo 's carnival. Your one in time for this year the money to buy a new raise to w eho som ing hop ! donation came just in time stop by and see our l will take the time to regants who visit Israe cong l We hope that Emanue Drew Ellis Entertainment Full Service Disc Jockey Company B’nai Mitzvahs School Dances Weddings Birthday Parties Corporate Functions YOUR NEXT EVENT bnai mitzvah special packages starting at $999 Kibbutz. ch Sameach, Wishing you all a Chag Pesa Tov Sarah Pollack/Danny Yom ity of Kibbutz Saad mun com the of alf beh On drewellisentertainment.com 13 203-568-4070 News from the Sisterhood News from the Library by Bonnie Lasker by Beth Katten I I t is now the end of my second year as President. As you read this we are winding down the 2014 -2015. A lot of wonderful events have happened in 2015: • Sisterhood Shabbat with the entire service run by Sisterhood members with Judy Silver as our lay Rabbi and then a wonderful Kiddish prepared by Sisterhood. Thank you to Debbie Bettan for organizing! • Sisterhood Book Review – March 7, Edith Kraimer • On March 22, a group of sisterhood members met and traveled to Farmington Valley Arts Center, for an enjoyable afternoon of creating a piece of art. Thank you to Debbie Mehlman for organizing this great afternoon. • On April 19, North Atlantic Region, WLJC held their annual conference. Emanuel’s Andrea Goldenberg has been chosen as a Woman of Distinction, and Debbie Bettan was installed by Rabbi Small as incoming Regional President. Mazal Tov to Debbie and Andrea! • April 26, 2015 Vendors’ Showcase • June 3, 2015 our Torah Fund Dinner As I end my last letter I would like to thank my wonderful board for all their help and support they have given me these last two years. Judaica Shop News T his is the time of year we think about confirmations, graduations, and end of the school year gifts. The Judaica shop has great gift items for these special times We carry beautiful jewelry items, kippot, tallis clips, yads and more. Stop by on Sundays when your child is in class or weekdays when the synagogue office is open. We are happy to assist you. We accept cash, checks and charge. We offer gift certificates as well. — Lisa Tesser and Debbie Bettan hope that everyone is getting ready for the end of the school year, Israel Independence Day, and Shavuot. Please come to the library to take out adult and children books on Israel. We have a lot from which to choose. For the month of May, a large collection of children’s books on Israel and Shavuot are being highlighted on top of the book shelves where the children’s books are located. We will be holding a Book Fair on Sunday, May 3rd from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Silverman Auditorium in honor of Judye Fox’s retirement. There will be children’s books from Kar-Ben Publishing, adult non-fiction books from Jewish Lights Publishing and fiction books from Barnes and Noble. The Book Fair will also be held during Judye’s Bon Voyage Celebration from 4-7 p.m. also on Sunday, May 3rd. Families of students in the Hebrew School will be receiving a list of books that will be for sale at the Book Fair the week before the Book Fair will be held, so they can discuss the list with their families. I hope to see all of you there! I also would like to thank Judy and Allen Kronick for their generous donation to the Library to purchase children’s books. These books will definitely be put to good use and be read by many of the students and teachers at the Emanuel Synagogue. Borrow by Email! You can send your book requests by email to library@ emanuelsynagogue.org. Include the title, author and your name, email address and phone number. If you are looking for a book on a specific subject matter, please email me that request too. If we do not have the book in our library, I can try to get it for you elsewhere. I will sign the book out to you and leave it for you on the library desk with your name on it for pick up at your convenience. I will answer emails when I am in the library (usually Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday afternoons). We even have videos — VHS & DVD! Also, please send me an email if you have a book to recommend that we should purchase for the Library. We are always looking for good recommendations. Have a great rest of the school year and enjoy your summer! 14 DONATIONS FROM THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE ADULT EDUCATION FUND In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Richard & Miriam Goldberg by Daniel & Arlene Neiditz DAVID FEDERMAN & FAMILY on the loss of their father by Sandra & Marc Friedman EUGENE FRISCH by Sharone Kornman BROTHERHOOD FUND In Memory of LOUIS GOLD by The Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood BUILDING FUND In Memory of SYLVIA BERKOWSKY by Larry & Loretta Levy CAMP AMBASSADOR PROGRAM In Appreciation of DON & REGINA MILLER, thank you by David & Merle Harris In Honor of HELEN WEISEL’s birth of 7th great grandchild ISAAC SHOLOM by Harry & Sylvia Rosenfeld HARRY ROSENFELD’s special birthday by Rena Miller HAL & JUDY MOONEY on the birth of AVITAL SAMANTHA WIKOFF by Rena Miller In Memory of Beloved aunt ESTELLE SIEGEL on her yahrzeit by Philip, Karen, Esther & Aaron Schlossberg ROSE NOVA by Sheldon & Phyllis Nova CAMP RAMAH FUND In Honor of LINDA & MARTIN STEIN on the birth of their grandson by Elaine Kaufmann In Memory of Beloved husband WILBERT KAUFMANN by Elaine Kaufmann CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of CANTOR COHN by Lillian Hochman CANTOR COHN‘s assistance during our loss by Judith & Michael Farber by Robyn & Harry Weller In Honor of HARRY A. ROSENFELD on his milestone 90th birthday, also in honor of DANIEL ROSENFELD on his mitzvah of officiating at the wedding of our daughter SHAYNA by Gary & Susan Toubman HAZAAN SANDY COHN for making the dinner and music program on March23, 2015 such a wonderful evening by The Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood In Memory of EUGENE POLEBAUM by Alan & Risa Davidson by Richard & Miriam Goldberg NATHAN (NISSAN) BUTLER, LOUIS (LAZIER) BUTLER, ROSE (ROCHELLEAH) BUTLER, MORRIS (MOSHE) KRAIMER by Edith Kraimer GERTRUDE MILIKOW by Edward & Trudy Milikow HARRY J. BOOKBINDER by Edward & Trudy Milikow ARNOLD S. CARTIN by Linda, Mark & Jeffrey Hatten & Fanchon Cartin ETHEL ATZ by Monroe Hafter SAMUEL N. GORDON by Nancy Gordon RABBI HOWARD MERIDY, M.D. by Richard & Miriam Goldberg CARING FUND In Appreciation of RABBI LAZOWSKI by Flescher Family RABBI SMALL by Flescher Family DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Barbara Nachtigal by Sylvia Schloss Cousin ETTA SIMON by Michael & Sandra Myers Grandfather MAX MEYERS by Michael & Sandra Myers Cousin SAMUEL MOND LEBOVITZ on his first yahrzeit by Michael & Sandra Myers EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Steve & Janet Selden Beloved uncle of JUDY KRONICK by Judy & Seymour Melnick Beloved brother of NATE SHOR by Judy & Seymour Melnick FRIDAY NIGHT FUND In Honor of ABBY AZIA on her bat mitzvah by Judy & Seymour Melnick In Appreciation of JUDY & SEYMOUR MELNICK by Donald & Regina Miller In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Judy & Seymour Melnick GENERAL FUND In Appreciation of ALIYAH on 1/31/15 by Michael Birnbaum JANET & STEVEN SELDEN thank you for your help by Sandra Friedman THE EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE by Miriam Wachsman In Honor of HARRY ROSENFELD’s 90th birthday by Dyan & David Kramer 15 ELAINE & HOWARD SMITH on the bat mitzvah of granddaughter ZOE HARBOUR by Fredda & Jon Goldstein by Harry & Hyla Sklar HAL & JUDY MOONEY and family on the birth of granddaughter AVITAL SAMANTHA WIKOFF by Harry & Roberta Berry by Peter & Deborah Mehlman BRETT BERMAN’S bar mitzvah by Jacqueline & Dave Roseman IRENE FRISCH’s new home in West Hartford by Valerie Bartos In Memory of BARNEY LAPP by Amy Schneider NATHANIEL SUGERMAN by Betty, Alan, Justin & Lia Weintraub BEN OXENHANDLER by David & Merle Harris by Eleanor Caplan by Janice & Allen Stern by Jonathan Freeman by Seth Waxman & Debra Goldberg by Tobie K, Lynne & Ab Lechter MIRIAM SAHL by Debbie & Bernie Shapiro LOUIS GOLD by Diane & Larry Greenfield ARTHUR FEINSTEIN by Dr. Gerald Silverman Yahrzeit of mother EFFIE by Florence G. Fichman MURRAY FEDERMAN by Fredda & Jon Goldstein BOB SIMONS by Harry & Hyla Sklar BARNEY LAPP by Julian & Enid Grossman by Katherine & Bernard McGovern by Sybil & Don Golden LOUIS GOLD by Larry & Arline Brick RICHARD LEAVITT’s sister by Lawrence & Debbie Elman ALEX GOLDSTEIN by Lee & Monica Gold by Ronald Molin & Phyllis Hoffenberg by Scott & Vicki Maran ERIC LEIGHTON by Martin & Joyce Libbin LOUIS GOLD by Mike & Lisa Mahoney by Miriam Shepard DAN NOVARR by Avra Novarr IRWIN FREED by Myron & Estelle Freed LENA SHERMAN by Myron & Estelle Freed SALMAN DAVID by Robert & Marlene Levine ROBERT SHOR by Rona Gollob ESTELLE GOLD by Sharon & Michele Gold LOUIS GOLD by Susan & Allan Viner BEN at the end of sh’loshim by Tehila Oxenhandler & Family Wishing Good Health to BOB FLESCHER by Richard & Maxine Kates LENORA ROSENBLUM by Stuart & Sheryl Kopel LIBRARY FUND In Honor of DAN & JONI FINE on the bar mitzvah of grandson ZACHARY SCHUBERG by Larry & Loretta Levy EVAN & LISA BERMAN on the bar mitzvah of BRETT BERMAN by Stewart & Phyllis Lehman In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Annette Gavens RABBI HOWARD MERIDY by Fay Clymer LOUIS GOLD by Fay Clymer CHARLES GRAFF by Guy Graff & Family MINYONAIRES FUND In Honor of DAVID HARRIS on his special birthday by Allen & Judith Kronick SPENCER LASKER grandson of BONNIE & RICK LASKER by David & Merle Harris IRIS ROSENBERG’S 80th birthday by Faith & Bruce Parker 60th anniversary of IRIS & DONALD ROSENBERG by Faith & Bruce Parker The birth of DR. & MRS. HAL MOONEY’s granddaughter by Judd & Bella Fink HARRY ROSENFELD’s special birthday by Judith Homar by Sylvia Cohen by Joan & Leonard Glazier In Memory of BERTHA MAGIN by Andrew Magin Aunt HELEN MEHLMAN by Ann E. Rosenthal Yahrzeit of sister EDYTHE COHEN by Barbara Canter Yahrzeit of my sister FLORENCE EISNER by Barbara Canter LOUIS GOLD by David & Merle Harris LILLIAN HARRIS & LEAH WIENER by David & Merle Harris LEAH WIENER by David & Merle Harris MORRIS DORMAN by Hollis Dorman BEN OXENHANDLER by Judd & Bella Fink by Lorraine Pinsky by Renee Neikrie ANDIE GOLDBERG by Judy Goldberg SYLVIA GORDON by Renee Neikrie ROBERT SHOR by Martin & Joyce Libbin by Joan & Leonard Glazier SYLVIA NEIKRIE by Renee Neikrie FRIEDA FLESCHER by Robert & Joyce Flescher my father’s yahrzeit JOSEPH BAER by Sheldon & Phyllis Nova SARAH COHEN by Sylvia Cohen Beloved father JOSEPH RUSTEIN by Sylvia Cohen Beloved brother HARRY RUSTEIN by Sylvia Cohen MUSIC FUND In Appreciation of CANTOR SANDY COHN for his kindness by The Flescher Family In Honor of ABBY AZIA’s bat mitzvah by Allen & Judith Kronick JONI & DAN FINE’s grandson’s bar mitzvah by Bill & Joan Prensky by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg DR. IRVING “CHICK” WALTMAN’s 100th birthday by Howard & Barbara Nair HARRY ROSENFELD by Myron E. & Ruth Frosh Weiner 50 plus years of contributions for the Emanuel Synagogue by Ruth & Red Weiner ZACHARY SHUBERG on his bar mitzvah grandson of JONI & DAN FINE by Syd & Jan Elkin In Memory of Grandmother MILLIE BRODSKY by Leonard & Joan Glazier NATE SHOR’s beloved brother by Mark & Marsha Wolfberg Your beloved father EUGENE POLEBAUM by Mark & Marsha Wolfberg EUGENE POLEBAUM, father of Beth Polebaum by Michele Wise Lowenstein by Mrs. Avra Novarr by Mrs. Rosalyn Darefsky BEN OXENHANDLER by Ruth & Red Weiner PRAYER BOOK FUND In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Gerald & Barbara Sperber RABBI LAZOWSKI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of RABBI LAZOWSKI thank you for your help by Sarah Meyers RABBI LAZOWSKI’s shiva service in memory of our mother LEATRICE ETELIS by Judith & Michael Farber by Robyn & Harry Weller In Memory of Yahrzeit of CARL REISNER by Barbara Reisner Daughter AVIVA WEISEL EICHLER by Helen Weisel Yahrzeit of father MORRIS RAGATASKY by Marcia Robbins ROBERT SHOR by Michael Birnbaum MORRIS DORMAN by Nona Dorman RABBI SMALL’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of RABBI SMALL by Alvin & Sandra Parven by David & Cindy Gerber by Lillian Hochman RABBI SMALL for his support and guidance during our time of loss by Laura, Brian, Casey, Cary & Heddie Becker RABBI SMALL for his kindness and support during the of loss our beloved mother LEATRICE ETELIS by Judith & Michael Farber by Robyn & Harry Weller 16 In Honor of HOWARD & ELAINE SMITH on ZOE’s bat mitzvah by Alvin & Sandra Parven HARRY S. ROSENFELD on his milestone 90th birthday by Gary & Susan Toubman DANIEL ROSENFELD on his mitzvah of officiating at the wedding of our daughter SHAYNA by Gary & Susan Toubman The birth of great grandson ISAAC SHALOM by Helen Weisel DR. & MRS. SHELDON NOVA on the bar mitzvah of their grandson ELIJAN JOE by Leonard & Arlene Lippman In Memory of JOSEPH ROSENFIELD by Albert Rosenfield BEN OXENHANDLER by Beatrice Mitlak by Cynthia Blayer by Frances Weiner by Marvin & Nessie Cormier MARION GOLDBERG by Beth Goldberg Beloved father SAM GREENSPON by Claire Fegelman LEAH LANTZ by Cynthia Blayer GERTRUDE GERROL by David & Lisa Gerrol GERTRUDE MILIKOW & HARRY J. BOOKBINDER by Edward & Trudy Milikow Beloved husband LEONARD H. FELDMAN by Elaine Feldman BARBARA Z. GREEN by Frederic Green MORRIS DORMAN by Hollis Dorman ROBERT SHOR by Lenora Rosenblum ARNOLD S. CARTIN by Linda, Mark & Jeffrey Hatten & Fanchon Cartin ALEXANDER GOLDSTEIN by Marvin & Nessie Cormier by Moshe & Barbara Nachtigal SAM NACHTIGAL by Moshe, Barbara & Benjamin Nachtigal SANDRA BERNSTEIN by Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rosenberg ROBERT ROSENFIELD by Albert Rosenfield MIRIAM S. NISSELBAUM by Rhoda N. Steinberg My beloved father HARRY LANDERMAN’s yahrzeit by Muriel Poriss LORRAINE KATES by Richard & Maxine Kates RABBI HOWARD W. MERIDY M.D. by Sandra Meridy BARNEY LAPP by Shirley Grossman & Lewis Segal GLADYS LAVINE by Shirley Zelman Uncle EDWARD LEBOVITZ by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller Cousin SAMUEL LEBOVITZ by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller Yahrzeit of REBECCA SELDEN by Steve & Janet Selden PAULINE FEUERSTEIN by Stuart & Sheryl Kopel Beloved sister in law FAYE SILVERMAN by Sylvia Schloss Beloved father MORRIS KRAIMER by Terry & Anne Cohn Wishing Good Health to RICHARD ROBINSON by Alvin & Sandra Parven RITUAL “MOSHE’S DISCRETIONARY FUND” In Appreciation of MOSHE PINCHOVER by Lillian Hochman MOSHE PINCHOVER’s shiva service in memory of our mother LEATRICE ETELIS by Lillian Hochman In Honor of HARRY S. ROSENFELD on his milestone 90th birthday by Gary & Susan Toubman DANIEL ROSENFELD on his mitzvah of officiating at the wedding of our daughter SHAYNA by Gary & Susan Toubman In Memory of SELIG BROOKS by Douglas & Devora Ginsberg Beloved husband LEONARD H. FELDMAN by Elaine Feldman Wishing Good Health to BOB FLESCHER by Thomas & Lorraine Barber YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND In Honor of ABBY AZIA’s bat mitzvah by Paul & Susan Goldberg In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Elliot & Ina Schwebel by Howard & Barbara Nair by Paul & Susan Goldberg NATALIE ZIPLOW FUND In Memory of SYLVIA APELBAUM by Beatrice Mitlak MICHAEL AND CORA ALTSCHULER FUND Wishing Good Health to BOB FLESCHER by Michael & Cora Altschuler BALINE AND KLEINMAN FUND In Memory of ROSE KLEINMAN by Joel & Naomi Kleinman JACK AND MIMI BASSOK FUND In Memory of LOUIS & GEORGE ZELDIS by William & Muriel Zeldis In Memory of Father ISAAC GELFAND by Nathan & Miriam Bassok BEN OXENHANDLER by Nathan & Miriam Bassok SHARON BARSHAY MUSIC FUND LOUIS and ETTA BECK FUND SATURDAY KIDDUSH FUND In Honor of 90th birthday of ROMAN LUFTGLAS by Paul & Gerri Silversmith by Steve & Janice Barshay In Memory of Yahrzeit of beloved father SIMON S. SLESS by Gerald & Vivian Marks SAUL SOSIN beloved father of GOLDIE by Roman & Goldie Luftglas SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUND In Memory of Yahrzeit for BERNICE LEIGHTON by Steve & Ruth Graff SOCIAL ACTION FUND In Memory of Grandfathers BENJAIM GREENSPON & DAVID MITNICK by Alan & Risa Davidson Aunts WILLINE MITNICK & MOLLIE FREEDMAN by Alan & Risa Davidson Uncles MAX ROSENBERG & MORT MITNICK by Alan & Risa Davidson GLORIA & MAURICE SHERRY by Hope & Stanley Tripp In Memory of Uncle LOU BECK by Judy B. Goldberg Aunt SALLY BECK by Judy B. Goldberg HERBERT AND ELAINE EPSTEIN FUND In Memory of JOSEPH BUECHLER by Elaine Epstein My beloved daddy HERB EPSTEIN by Marcy Epstein Hoban JACK AND LEATRICE ETELIS FUND In Honor of STACY FARBER & KEITH REVOET on the birth of your daughter JULIA LYNN FARBER REVOET by Michael & Judith Etelis Farber In Memory of Sister FRANCINE ETELIS SILVER by Michael & Judith Farber FAITH & FRED HELENE FUND In Memory of Beloved mother in law AUGUSTA HELENE by Faith Helene BEN OXENHANDLER by Faith Helene Beloved grandmother LENA BORISOWSKY by Faith Helene DANIEL AND JOAN FINE FUND In Honor of ZACHARY SCHUBERG’s bar mitzvah grandson of JONI & DAN FINE by Bruce & Susan Bergman DAN & JONI FINE on the bar mitzvah of their grandson by Saul M. & Joanne Pasternack JOAN & DAN FINE on the bar mitzvah of their grandson ZACHAREY by Thomas & Lorraine Barber BEIN FUND ROBERT AND HEDYTH FISHMAN FUND In Memory of SAMUEL N. GORDON by Selma Gordon In Memory of Beloved father SIGMUND ARN on his yahrzeit by Hedyth Fishman SEYMOUR AND MARILYN BENSON FUND MELVIN AND SHIRLEY GERROL FUND In Memory of IRVING ARONSON by Marilyn Benson In Appreciation of SHIRLEY & MEL GERROL by Steven & Linda Bloom SUE AND BRUCE BERGMAN FUND EDITH AND ARTHUR GITTLEMAN FUND In Honor of Our grandfather HYMAN LEVIN by Bruce & Sue Bergman In Memory of Our mother VIVIENNE V LEVIN by Bruce & Sue Bergman Our grandfather DR. SOLOMON VINEBERG by Bruce & Sue Bergman In Honor of AARM KRIWITSKY/EDITH & ARTHUR GITTLEMAN ENDOWED LECTURE FUND at the MAURICE GREENBERG CENTER at the UNIVERSITY of HARTFORD by Ann Louise Gittleman JEROME AND ELEANOR CAPLAN FUND BETH AND BENJAMIN GOLDBERG FUND In Honor of MR. & MRS. MELVIN GINSBURG by Lee & Michele Brooks In Memory of Yahrzeit of beloved husband JEROME E. CAPLAN by Eleanor Caplan TORAT HAYIM FUND ELKIN FAMILY FUND RICHARD AND MIRIAM GOLDBERG FUND TORAH REPAIRS FUND In Honor of LILLY SCHULMAN’s bat mitzvah by Monica, Lee Gold & Family In Memory of ALICE TRUITT by Larry & Michele Siegel by Lee & Monica Gold In Memory of LOUIS GOLD by Syd & Jan Elkin 17 In Memory of MARION GAIL GOLDBERG by Beth Goldberg In Memory of ALICE RADVILLE by Richard & Miriam Goldberg SUSAN AND PAUL GOLDBERG FAMILY FUND In Honor of Our beloved grandson BARAK CHAIM GOLDBERG’s 6th birthday by Paul & Susan Goldberg In Memory of SYLVIA & PAUL KOCH by Paul & Susan Goldberg Our parents SYLVIA & PAUL KOCH on their yahrzeits by Paul & Susan Goldberg ANDREA AND STEVEN GOLDENBERG FUND In Memory of GILBERT GOLDENBERG by Steve & Andrea Goldenberg GRABER-LIPPERMAN FAMILY FUND In Honor of JAMIE NOVEMBER on the birth of WESLEY CHARLES NOVEMBER by Peter & Elysa Graber-Lipperman In Memory of MIRIAM SAHL by Peter & Elysa Graber-Lipperman ALICE TRUITT by Peter & Elysa Graber-Lipperman HARRIS FAMILY FUND In Honor of DAVID HARRIS on his 75th birthday by Dan & Joni Fine RABBI NATHAN AND LOTTE HERSHFIELD FUND In Memory of DR. JACK MAYER by Lotte Hershfield DR. FELIX BONNER by Lotte Hershfield KAIZER FAMILY FUND In Appreciation of ARLENE & KAREN KAIZER thank you for your kindness by Bruce & Susan Bergman MICHAEL AND MARCIA KRINSKY FUND In Honor of HARRY “ARKY” ROSENFELD’s birthday by Dorothy Nadel by Michael & Marcia Krinsky IRENE AND STUART MAHLER FUND In Honor of STU & IRENE MAHLER on the bat mitzvah of their granddaughter LAUREN by Bruce & Susan Bergman by Thomas & Lorraine Barber MORRIS AND EDITH MANCOLL FUND In Memory of Yahrzeit of DR. MORRIS MANCOLL by Bill & Anita Mancoll SAUL BARTON by Bill & Anita Mancoll BEN TALIT by Bill & Anita Mancoll Wishing Good Health to DR. ROBERT FLESCHER by Bill & Anita Mancoll SEYMOUR AND JUDY MELNICK FUND BEN AND SYLVIA ROSENBERG FUND DONALD AND REGINA MILLER FUND HERBERT AND JUDY SILVER FUND ROSE GOLDMAN by Seymour & Judy Melnick LENA MELNICK by Seymour & Judy Melnick ALBERT GOLDMAN by Seymour & Judy Melnick In Memory of RAY & DAVID KAHN by Regina Miller In Memory of MOOGE & NANA by Marc & Nancy Bazilian Uncle JACK DENOWITZ by Marc & Nancy Bazilian Ma MARY DENOWITZ by Marc & Nancy Bazilian In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Herbert & Judy Silver HOWARD AND ELAINE SMITH FUND HAROLD AND GLADYS MONDSHEIN FUND In Honor of The birthdays of IRMA & CARL FELDMAN by Gladys, Karin, Andres, Azul and Sabrina Mondshein In Memory of THOMAS C. BOSWELL JR, by Gladys Mondshein ALEX GOLDSTEIN by Gladys Mondshein BEN OXENHANDLER by Gladys Mondshein HAROLD M. MONDSHEIN & JENA COHEN by Gladys Mondshein & Family JENA COHEN by Gladys Mondshein & Family LESTER J. AND EMMA PAHUSKIN FUND Wishing Good Health to The mother & daughter of the seven SASSON children by Emma Grazi Pahuskin In Memory of ALEXANDER GOLDSTEIN by Emma Pahuskin & Family BEN OXENHANDLER by Emma Pahuskin & Family SHALOM SUSSMAN by Emma Pahuskin & Family My beloved father VITA JOSEPH GRAZI on his yahrzeit by Emma Grazi Pahuskin My beloved brother ABRAHAM “BOB” GRAZI on his yahrzeit by Emma Grazi Pahuskin The seven SASSOON children by Emma Grazi Pahuskin SAUL AND JOANNE PASTERNACK FUND In Memory of BEN OXENHANDLER by Saul M. & Joanne Pasternack Your beloved uncle ROBERT SHOR by Saul M. & Joanne Pasternack LILLIAN AND ROBERT RENERT FUND In Memory of CHARLES CLARK & EDNA ANN CLARK by Lillian C. Renert Glenn D. Ross, Saul J. Clark, Douglas L. Clark, Jeanette M. Clark by Lillian C. Renert ALAN AND BARBARA ROSENBERG FUND In Appreciation of BARBARA & ALAN ROSENBERG by Harry & Hyla Sklar 18 In Honor of HOWARD & ELAINE SMITH in honor of the bat mitzvah of their granddaughter ZOE HARBOUR by Stephen J. & Barbara Berns VIVIAN AND ROBERT SPIVAK FUND In Memory of Our beloved aunt FLORENCE LEVINE by Melton L. Spivak & Arlan Lieblick IRVING AND IRENE STARR FUND In Appreciation of DAN & JOAN FINE for always being there by Irene Starr ELAINE & HOWARD SMITH for always being there by Irene Starr Prayers for my son JAY, whose brother RICHARD gave him a stem cell blood donation, special thanks to DR.LARR by Irene Starr In Memory of My beloved husband & devoted father IRVING STARR by Irene Starr My beloved father HARRY GODGART by Irene Starr WALDMAN, KAYE AND SAMUELS FAMILY FUND In Memory of EDDIE HOTES by Martin & Elaine Samuels Beloved mother SYLVIA WALDMAN by Martin & Elaine Samuels HARRIS & ELLEN WEINGOLD FUND In Memory of ELIZABETH LYNCH MCDONNELL, JAMES MCDONNELL, JOHNMCDONNELL, VERA MCDONNELL, ROSE SPERLING, BESS WEINGOLD, SAM WEINGOLD, BENJAMIN KAPLAN, HARRIETTE KAPLAN, ELIZABETH MCDONNELL, MICHAEL MCDONNELL, and JOSEPH KAPLAN by Ellen Weingold RAYMOND S. AND GAIL WEINSTEIN FUND In Honor of GAIL WEINSTEIN’s special birthday by Daniel & Ava Kordansky by David & Rochelle Fierston by Fred & Judy Singer by Thelma & Manny Myerson by Bill & Anita Mancoll June 2015 SUNDAY 7 20 Sivan Shaharit 8am Minha/Maariv 7pm Sivan/Tamuz 5775 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 123456 14 Sivan 15 Sivan 16 Sivan 17 Sivan 18 Sivan 19 Sivan Shaharit 7am Brotherhood Appreciation Dinner 6pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Shaharit 7am Ritual Committee Meeting 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Sisterhood Torah Fund Dinner 6pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Shaharit 7am Jews of India 6pm Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Parashat B’ha alot’cha Services 9am Bar Mitzvah of Mitchell Fanning Minha/Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 8:15pm Candles 8:04pm Havdalah 9:02pm Minha/Maariv 7pm 8 9 10111213 21 Sivan 22 Sivan 23 Sivan 24 Sivan 25 Sivan 26 Sivan Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Annual Meeting 7:30pm Sisterhood Installation and Volunteer Recognition Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Shaharit 7am Endowment Meeting 8am Board of Ed Meeting 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Parashat Sh’lah Services 9am Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Zamstein Minha/Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 8:15pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 8:08pm Havdalah 9:06pm 14151617181920 27 Sivan 28 Sivan 29 Sivan 30 Sivan 1 Tamuz 2 Tamuz 3 Tamuz Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Korah Brotherhood Breakfast 9am Minha/Maariv 7pm Board of Trustees 7:30pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Rosh Hodesh Tamuz JWI General Meeting Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Rosh Hodesh Tamuz Shabbat Under the Stars Hebrew Home Shabbat 3:15pm Services 9am Tribute Kiddush to Joanne Pasternack Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 8:15pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 8:11pm Havdalah 9:09pm 21222324252627 4 Tamuz 5 Tamuz 6 Tamuz 7 Tamuz 8 Tamuz 9 Tamuz 10 Tamuz Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Golf Outing at Wampanoag Country Club 10:30am Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Endowment Meeting 8am Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Parashat Hukat Services 9am Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 8:15pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Havdalah 9:10pm Candles 8:12pm 282930 11 Tamuz 12 Tamuz 13 Tamuz Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Are you receiving our weekly Tuesday email that lists all the goings-on at The Emanuel Synagogue and many community events as well? If you are not receiving this, please contact the synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. Minha/Maariv 7pm Support the Emanuel by Buying Gift Cards! Before you buy, remember to contact The Emanuel Synagogue to see if the store you have selected for your purchase is a member of our Great Lakes Gift Card program. It’s really that easy! For More information, contact the Synagogue Office at 860-236-1275 19 Everything Emanuel Periodical Postage PAID 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Hartford Connecticut May 2015 SUNDAY Iyyar/Sivan 5775 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 12 Iyyar 13 Iyyar Shaharit 7am Parashat Aharey Mot-K’doshim 27th Day of the Omer 28th Day of the Omer Services 9am Bar Mitzvah of Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Eitan Ehrlich Maariv 6pm Challahpalooza 11am Late Maariv 8pm Minha/Maariv 7:45pm Candles 7:30pm Havdalah 8:30pm 3456789 14 Iyyar 15 Iyyar 16 Iyyar 17 Iyyar 18 Iyyar 19 Iyyar 20 Iyyar Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Emor 33rd Day of the Omer 29th Day of the Omer 30th Day of the Omer 31st Day of the Omer 32nd Day of the Omer 34th Day of the Omer 35th Day of the Omer Lag B’Omer Ritual Committee Walk Against Brotherhood Services 9am Ziplow Study Group Meeting 7:30pm Hunger Board Meeting Bar Mitzvah of 10:30am Brotherhood 6pm Zachary Sam Study Group 3:45pm Breakfast 9am Kol Shirenu 7:30pm Sobel-Pressman Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Exec .Comm. 7:30pm Judye’s Retirement Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 7:45pm Havdalah 8:37pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 7:38pm 10111213141516 21 Iyyar 22 Iyyar 23 Iyyar 24 Iyyar 25 Iyyar 26 Iyyar 27 Iyyar Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am 42nd Day of the Omer 36th Day of the Omer 37th Day of the Omer 38th Day of the Omer 39thDay of the Omer 40th Day of the Omer 41st Day of the Omer Services 9am Graduation/ LLI Workshop Ziplow Study Bar Mitzvah of Choir/Grad Confirmation 6pm Group 10:30am Ethan Levinbook Rehearsal 7:30pm Hebrew Home Study Group Sisterhood Bd Mtg Services 3:15pm 3:45pm 7:30pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Kol Shirenu 7:30pm Inclusion Mtg. 7:30pm Minha/Maariv 8pm Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Havdalah 8:44pm Candles 7:45pm 17181920212223 28 Iyyar 29 Iyyar 1 Sivan 2 Sivan 3 Sivan 4 Sivan 5 Sivan Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Bamidbar 43rd Day of the Omer 44th Day of the Omer 45th Day of the Omer 46th Day of the Omer 47th Day of the Omer 48th Day of the Omer 49th Day of the Omer Yom Yerushalayim Last Day of School Minyan on the Mountain JT Connect Graduation Rosh Hodesh Sivan Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Ziplow Study Group 10:30am Study Group 3:45pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Maariv 6pm Kol Shirenu 7:30pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Services 9am Erev Shavuot Candles 7:52pm Minha/Maariv 8:25pm Minha/Maariv 7pm 24252627282930 6 Sivan 7 Sivan 8 Sivan 9 Sivan 10 Sivan 11 Sivan Shaharit 9am Shaharit 9am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shavuot I Minha/Maariv 6pm Sivan 31 Shaharit138am Sisterhood 5K Minha/Maariv 7pm Shavuot II Yizkor Mincha 9am Minha/Maariv 8:15pm Board of Trustees 7:30pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Endowment Meeting 8am Backyard Bash Study Group 3:45pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Kol Shirenu 7:30pm Maariv 6pm 12 Sivan Parashat Nasso Services 9am Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Pinsky Minha/Maariv 8:15pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 7:58pm Havdalah 8:57pm
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