2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 S ending out this info package means the final registration for Sø’15 is open. You can read more about how to register your scout group at the end of this info package. The goal is to answer all the questions you could have, before registering for the Jamboree. This info package is sent to: • all pre-registered scout groups • all that have signed up for the Sø’15 newsletter • all Danish sea scout groups • the European Sea Scout Network • other relevant Danish and foreign contact persons page 1 of 12 You can also find this info package on the Jamboree’s website (www.soe15.dk) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/soe15). THE INFO PACKAGE CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT: QUESTIONS Dates Ordering Campsite Materials Location Food and Grocery Shopping • Gas for Cooking • Inspiration for Good Food • Shopping Possibilities and Arrangements For general questions or questions when traveling to the Jamboree, please contact the Administration: Transport to/from the Jamboree • Bus connections from Aarhus to the campsite • Arriving by Sea Insurance Eric Participation Fees • Fee for Participants • Fee for Volunteers • Pre-Camp • Post-Camp • Cancellation Rules Expectation to participants over 16 • Assistance by Leaders and Rovers • Night Watch Ordering of Merchandise Week Programme • Visitors • Opening Ceremony • Activities throughout the week * Regular Activities * 24-hour Age Group Activities * Activities for Age Group 6-8 * Special Activities Registration Guide • Scout Group Registration * Participants of the Scout Group * Boats of the Scout Group * Orders of Campsite Materials by each Scout Group • Single Person Registration • Volunteer Registration • Activity Registration Daily Programme Overview of Information on Sø’15 The Campsite • The Lawn • Campfire • Pioneering • Campers and caravans • Busses, Cars and Trailers • Electricity Pavilions • Cold Storage • The Stage • T-borg for age group 8-16 Anni [email protected] For questions regarding the registration process, please contact: Kristoffer [email protected] For questions you wish to address directly to the Jamboree chiefs, please contact: Christian Malthe [email protected] Matilde 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 2/12 DATES LOCATION SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 25/7 26/7 27/7 28/7 29/7 30/7 31/7 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 . . . . . . PRE-CAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAMBOREE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POST-CAMP . . . . . . Jamboree – Tuesday, July 28th to Tuesday, August 4th, 2015. Pre-Camp – Saturday, July 25th to Monday, July 27th, 2015. Before the Jamboree there will be a pre-camp, where everything will be set and built up so that the campsite is ready when all participants arrive. See section on Participation Fees for more information regarding registration for the pre-camp. Post-Camp – Wednesday, August 5th to Friday, August 7th, 2015. After the Jamboree there will be a post-camp, where everything will be dismantled and packed up, after all participants have left. See section on Participation Fees for more information regarding registration for the post-camp. Foreign scout groups wishing to arrive before Tuesday the 28th of July and depart after Tuesday the 4th of August are kindly asked to contact us on this email address: [email protected]. We will try to grant such wishes, but nobody can arrive before Saturday the 25th of July or stay longer than Saturday the 8th of August. Boats arriving before Tuesday the 28th of July or stay after Tuesday the 4th of August must pay marina costs to Egå Marina themselves. The Jamboree takes place at Egå Marina, approximately 10 km NE of Aarhus (the second largest city of Denmark). The campsite will be located on a lawn north of the marina, while the lawn south of the marina will be used for activities. The facilities of Egå Sailing Club at the marina will work as Administration, Medical Service and Mess. The marina will provide us with a pier available for participating boats. Located just outside of Egå Marina you will find the very sheltered waters of the Bay of Aarhus, with very favourable sailing conditions in almost all types of weather. Snail Mail sent to participants during the Jamboree should be send to the address below: First and last name, Scout group Sølandslejren Egå Havvej 47 8250 Egå Denmark TRANSPORT TO/FROM THE JAMBOREE It’s easy to get to Egå Marina from anywhere in Denmark. You can catch a train to Aarhus Central Station, where you’ll find several direct bus lines to Egå Marina. Your train ticket may be valid for the bus ride. For more detailed information on travelling in/to/from Denmark, please check our Info Package for International Participants, available on our website. Bus lines from Aarhus Central Station to Egå Marina: Line 17 (approx. 38 min) – jump on this yellow city bus directed to Studstrup at the stop called Park Allé/Aarhus Banegårdsplads (just outside Aarhus Station), and jump off at the stop called Egå Strandvej v. Egå Marina, which is right next to the campsite. Line 20 ( approx. 49 min) – jump on this yellow city bus directed to Åkrogen at the stop called Park Allé/Aarhus Banegårdsplads (just outside Aarhus Station), and jump off at the end station. The campsite is 1.200 m from the end station. Line 100 (approx. 41 min) – jump on this blue intercity bus directed to Hornslet Rutebilstation (Rtb.) at the stop called Park Allé/Aarhus Banegårdsplads (just outside Aarhus Station), and jump off at the stop called Egå Havvej. The campsite is 850 m from the bus s top. ARRIVING BY SEA As easy as it is to arrive over land, it is by sea. Set your course towards Aarhus Harbour and as soon as you stay clear of land, head north to the following position: 56° 12,56’ N 10° 17,64’ E. Pay close attention to an area right outside the marina where sailing is prohibited! This area has huge amounts of ammunition stored on the seabed and is marked in nautical charts. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 3/12 PARTICIPATION FEES It is possible to register as a participant or as a volunteer. FEE FOR VOLUNTEERS: Participants – those who participate with their scout group. Volunteers – those who wish to be part of the Sø’15 crew, and help with the planning of all activities at the Jamboree. Only a limited number of volunteers will be needed. If you are not sure whether you should register as participant or volunteer, please contact the Jamboree chiefs on [email protected]. Participation Per day (excl. volunteer’s bag) All 8 days (incl. volunteer’s bag) Price 75,- DKK 775,- DKK The participation fee for volunteers includes all meals, a Sø’15 volunteer’s bag and a financial contribution to the Jamboree. There is no difference in the participation fee for the various age groups. If you wish that the participation fee for, for example rovers and leaders, should be cheaper than the participation fee for cubs and scouts, you will have to make this arrangement yourself and adjust the participation fee which you communicate to your members. The fee we have set for each participant is the same no matter the participant’s role in the scout group. PRE-CAMP: If you are not a member of a scout group but you still wish to participate, it is possible to register as a single person. See section on Registration Guide for more information on this. If you wish to participate in the pre-camp, please state so in your registration. Price 75,- DKK 200,- DKK POST-CAMP: FEE FOR PARTICIPANTS: Participation 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days All 8 days (Tuesday to Tuesday) Participation Per day All 3 days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) Price 150,- DKK 500,- DKK 550,- DKK 600,- DKK 650,- DKK 700,- DKK 750,- DKK 800,- DKK Remember that all scout groups are responsible for arranging 7 breakfast and 6 dinner meals themselves. You must collect money to cover these meals yourself from your participants. See section on Food and Grocery Shopping for more information on this. Participation Per single day All 3 days (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) Price free of charge free of charge If you wish to participate in the post-camp please state so in your registration. CANCELLATION RULES You are free to change your registration till June 1st. From June 1st till three weeks before the Jamboree, cancellation will cost 300,- DKK per participant. From three weeks before and up to the start of the Jamboree, no refunds will be paid. If your scout group has to cancel for a special reason, you can try to seek reimbursement even though the deadline has passed. It will always be possible to replace a participant with another scout from your scout group, that does not count as cancelling a registration. It will only be considered a cancellation if there is a reduction in the number of participants. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 4/12 WEEK PROGRAMME The Jamboree’s programme for the week is as following: TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Activities (incl. lunch) 24-hour age group activities Activities (incl. lunch) SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY Scout Group Day Activities (incl. lunch) TUESDAY Arrivals Building of the campsite T-borgs + Opening ceremony Armada to Aarhus (incl. lunch) T-borgs + Evening activities T-borgs + Evening activities VISITORS Visitors need a visitors’ badge when visiting the Jamboree. These badges will be available at the Administration. There will not be a designated »Family Day« at Sø’15, though each scout group is welcome to invite families, if they wish to do so. We recommend such arrangements are made on the Scout Group Day. One day participation is also possible at the Jamboree. See section on Participation Fees for more information. OPENING CEREMONY On the arrival day, Tuesday, there will be held a big opening ceremony for everybody at the Jamboree. We therefore hope that everyone will arrive before 2000 hrs. T-borgs + Evening activities ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE WEEK As shown in the week programme, there will be many different types of activities during the Jamboree. Below you will find an overview: REGULAR ACTIVITIES There will be regular activities during the following three days of the Jamboree: Wednesday, Friday and Monday. Participants will leave the campsite at 1000 hrs to start activities and return to the campsite at 1600 hrs the latest. A pack lunch will be provided during activities. Those not participating in any activity, will have lunch served in the mess at the marina. All participants who wish to attend activities need to sign up in advance. See box on page 5 for more information. T-borgs Farewell Dinner + Closing ceremony Departures + Armada to »Fregatten Jylland« BBQ on “Fregatten Jylland” 24-HOUR AGE GROUP ACTIVITIES Wednesday afternoon till Thursday afternoon there will be a 24-hour age group activity. There will be organised a separate activity for each age group. Participants are expected to pack a bag with all necessities to take on a 24 hours adventure trip, which most likely will not take place on or near the campsite. More detailed information will be given in the Activity Catalogue. ACTIVITIES FOR AGE GROUP 6-8 There will be no organised activities for this age group, unless the participating scout groups organises them on their own. We will put scout groups with participants in this age group in contact with each other, in order for them to organise and coordinate their participation and activities. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 5/12 WEEK PROGRAMME CONTINUED SPECIAL ACTIVITIES There will be a set of special activities during the Jamboree, of which most are open to all participants and need no registration. In the activity catalogue, which will be published in May, it will be possible to see if an activity require registration. • Joint Events During most evenings from 2000 hrs to 2100 hrs, there will be held joint events at the stage on the campsite. During the first evening there will be held an opening ceremony and during the last evening there will be held a closing ceremony. • T-borg for age group 8-16 A big tent will be set up on the campsite where on most days from 1600 hrs to 2000 hrs activities for age group 8-16 will take place. The T-borgs will also function as a social area where participants in this age group can hang out and mix across individual scout groups. • Evening Activities Activities which happen in the time frame of 1600 hrs till lights out will be labeled under Evening activities. More detailed information will be available upon your arrival at the Jamboree. • T-borg for age group 16-23 A big tent will be set up 300 m from the campsite where participants in the age group 16-23 will be responsible for the activities which will take place. Participants of this age group will receive more relevant information closer to the start of the Jamboree. • Frivagten This is the famous off duty adult area of the Danish Sea Scout Jamborees (Frivagt = off duty watch), where you can buy both cold beer and soft drinks. In this area there is no admittance for participants in the age group 6-16. Frivagten will function as the social off duty adult area where participants in the age group 16-23, leaders and chaperones can hang out and mix across individual scout groups. • Armada to Aarhus All participants will sail to Aarhus on the Saturday, where there will be organised a festive programme and a number of exciting excursions. We must try to find place for all participants on the present boats, so be prepared to host other scouts in your boats that don’t have a complete crew. It will be possible to stay the night in Aarhus, if you wish to sleep overnight in your own boats. For those which do not have boats at their disposal, there will be arranged public transport back to the campsite. More information regarding the armada will be published in the Activity Catalogue in May, and will be available upon your arrival at the Jamboree. • Scout Group Day On Sunday there are no planned activities, so that each scout group can plan their own ACTIVITY CATALOGUE REGISTRATION FOR ACTIVITIES The Activity Catalogue will be published in May, with detailed descriptions of all activities during the Jamboree. Registration for Activities will open at the same time as the Activity Catalogue is published. Only certain activities need registration, make sure you check up on this in the Activity Catalogue. Registration for activities must be done by a leader or contact person who has access to the registration system, by prioritising a set of activities for each participant. The activities. Scout groups wishing to stay on the campsite will be provided with a set of proposals for possible day trips/activities that can be made. There will be more information on these proposals either in the Activity Catalogue or upon your arrival at the Jamboree. The T-borg for the age group 8-16 will be open the entire day. • Farewell Dinner The last day of the Jamboree will be celebrated with a big farewell party, where all participants will enjoy dinner together. The dinner has to be prepared with help from all participating scout groups. Other than eating dinner together, there will be festive activities for all age groups throughout the evening. There will be more detailed information on the plan of this evening upon your arrival at the Jamboree. • Armada to Fregatten Jylland followed by BBQ Tuesday when the Jamboree is over, there will be an optional armada directed to »Fregatten Jylland« in Ebeltoft (check http: //www.djurspakken.dk/uk/Attraction/ Details/Fregatten-Jylland for more information on »Fregatten Jylland«). We will have a festive evening with all scouts around »Fregatten Jylland«. What the programme will include has not been fully decided yet. There will be more information on this in the Activity Catalogue. scout group will then be informed about which activities their participants have been assigned to. Participants in the age group 8-12 must participate together at the same activities, with at least one of their leaders. Participants in the age group 12-16 must participate in patrols at activities, without their leaders. Participants in the age group 1623 participate individually at activities. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 6/12 DAILY PROGRAMME Here is a rundown of the daily programme at the Jamboree: 0830 Morgenserenaderne lejrområdet Morning serenade to vækker wake uppåthe Jamboree 0830 - 1000 Time for breakfast in all scout groups 1000 - 1600 (6 h) Activities (incl. lunch) 1600 - 2000 (4 h) Free time, T-borgs and dinner in all scout groups 2000 - 2100 (1 h) Joint activities at the stage Different activities can take place throughout the whole evening 2100 - 0200 (5 h) »Frivagten« is open 2200 Lights out on the campsite Upon your arrival to the Jamboree you will be informed about when and where info meetings, leader meetings, activity meetings, etc. will be held, and how many representatives from each scout group are expected to participate. THE CAMPSITE When the registration has closed, all registered scout groups will be placed on the campsite in clusters of 3 to 4 scout groups. The clusters will be arranged so that one or two foreign scout groups will be placed with two Danish scout groups. This enables Danish and foreign scout groups to get to know and mix within each other. If your scout group wishes to camp close to another specific scout group, please inform us under Comments in your registration form. All scout groups will be informed about the camp arrangements in the information letter that will be sent out in June, when the registration has been closed. Other than individual campsites, there will be a number of common camp areas at the disposal of all scout groups. There are some campsite rules and conditions that every scout group must comply with, when planning the setup of their camp. Further details are explained below. THE LAWN The city of Aarhus (from whom we are renting the site) has prohibited any digging in the lawn on which our campsite is placed. This gives us a few challenges that we have to be aware of, which we will try to elaborate on in the next paragraphs. All participants have to pay attention not to spoil the lawn, as we have to pay for the restoration. CAMPFIRE It will not be possible to dig turfs in the lawn to build a fireplace. All fireplaces have to be built either as a raised fireplace or placed directly on the lawn. Upon your arrival at the Jamboree there will be big oil barrels and sand available for each scout group, with which a fireplace can be built. If you wish to arrange your fireplace in a different manner, you have to arrange relevant materials yourself. PIONEERING Materials for pioneering have to be ordered in advance at the registration or be arranged by the scout group themselves. Besides ordered spars, there will only be very few spars for sale at the Jamboree. Pioneering constructions must be made in such a way that they don’t dig into the ground. This will most likely require a few extra spars to provide good stability. Sisal for lashings must also be ordered when registering and can only be bought in limited amounts at the Jamboree. See section on Ordering of campsite materials for more information. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 7/12 THE CAMPSITE CONTINUED CAMPERS AND CARAVANS ELECTRICITY PAVILIONS THE STAGE There will be a designated area in the marina for those who wish to live in campers or caravans. It will not be possible to place any campers or caravans on the actual campsite. If you wish to live in a camper or caravan during the Jamboree, you will need to contact the Administration to make specific arrangements. There will be placed electricity pavilions on the campsite where participants will have access to 220 V power. It is regrettably not possible to extend electricity directly to each camp on the campsite. All joint events, including the opening and closing ceremonies, will take place at the stage, which is at the heart of the campsite. COLD STORAGE The T-borg for this age group will be placed on a central spot on the campsite. Besides activities for the age group 8-16, the T-borg is designed to be a social area where participants in this age group can hang out and mix across individual scout groups. BUSES, CARS AND TRAILERS There will be a parking lot designated for buses, cars and trailers brought to the Jamboree. The parking lot will not be locked or supervised, though it is close to both the campsite and the area designated for campers and caravans. Cooling containers with sufficient cold storage will be available for each scout group. Further information regarding usage and accessibility will be provided upon your arrival at the Jamboree. T-BORG FOR AGE GROUP 8-16 ORDERING CAMPSITE MATERIALS DIY STORE It is important to note that materials for pioneering are not included in the participation fee, only firewood is included in the participation fee. When completing your registration it will be possible to order the following materials, which will be delivered to your camp upon your arrival on Tuesday, July 28th. See section on Registration Guide for more information on this. The Jamboree has made a deal with the local DIY store, Jem&Fix, where you can purchase hardware, tools and all other bits and pieces. Check out their website www.jemogfix.dk or call +45 7641 5537 to make sure they sell what you need. If you need any help in this regard, please contact the Jamboree Administration. The store is 1 km away from the campsite on the road called Muslingevej 30, 8250 Egå. EUR-pallet type B (used pallets) Measurements: 144 x 800 x 1200 mm Price per pallet: 50,- DKK. Money returned for returned undamaged pallets: 25,- DKK Sisal 3-strand 2,5 kg Approx. length: 200 m Price per roll: 85,- DKK Spars 5-7 m Top diameter: 4-6 cm Price per spar: 65,- DKK Spars 5-7 m hand cut Easier for children to use. Top diameter: 3-5 cm Price per spar: 80,- DKK Spars 10-12 m Top diameter: 6-8 cm Price per spar: 270,- DKK Masonite board Measurements: 2,5 x 61 x 122 mm Price per sheet: 20,- DKK Plywood plate Measurements: 12,5 x 122 x 244 mm Price per plate: 180,- DKK 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 8/12 FOOD AND GROCERY SHOPPING Each participating scout group needs to plan the 7 breakfast and 6 dinner meals not included in the participation fee. This way, each scout group can decide for themselves what they want to eat. Please remember to allocate money in your budget for these 13 meals. Lunch will be provided by the Jamboree on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. The farewell dinner will also be served by the Jamboree on Monday, August 3rd. In order to facilitate grocery shopping for all scout groups, special arrangements have been made. Details on these arrangements will be available in the Information Letter, which will be send out in June. On the right side of this page you will find information on nearby shops and supermarkets. GAS FOR COOKING At the moment we have not been able to get the necessary permission to use gas to cook food on the campsite, though we are trying to make this possible. If we succeed, we will inform all participating scout groups so that you can bring gas cooking equipment if you wish. Until then, all food will have to be cooked over a fireplace. INSPIRATION FOR GOOD FOOD At Sø’15 we would like participants to be aware of good food and avoid excessive waste of food. We are therefore preparing some inspiration material that will be available on our website, which you can use for inspiration when planning your breakfast and dinner menus. Food bought by the Jamboree will be bought according to this information. On the campsite there will be a leftover food tent set up, where you can bring any form of leftovers for others to enjoy. You will be provided with more information regarding this upon your arrival at the Jamboree. SHOPPING POSSIBILITIES AND ARRANGEMENTS The Jamboree has made special arrangements with a few local supermarkets, which will offer a handful of products for a good »sea scout price«, in order for everyone to serve healthy food on the table. It will be possible to pre-order food, which the supermarket will pack up for you to pick up at the checkout counter. In this way all scout groups can save time from their shopping of basic groceries. There will be more on this in the Information Letter in June 2015. Fakta – 750 m Supermarket Egå Havvej 2C, 8250 Egå Tel 4386 4386 Open 7 days a week 8-21. Kiwi Minipris – 1,5 km Supermarket Blomstervangen 1, 8250 Egå Tel 8615 4500 Open 7 days a week 8-22. Rema 1000 – 850 m Supermarket Muslingevej 10, 8250 Egå Tel 8622 8125 Open 7 days a week 8-21. Det Gyldne Brød – 800 m Bakery Egå Havvej 2A, 8250 Egå Tel 8621 1067 Open Monday to Friday 0630-1730. Open Saturday and Sunday 0630-15. Restaurant Milas – 800 m Pizzeria and fastfood Egå Havvej 2A, 8250 Egå Tel 8674 1200 Closed Monday. Open Tuesday to Friday 11-21. Open Saturday and Sunday 1630-21. Føtex – 2,3 km Supermarket and bakery Brobjerg Parkvej 2-8, 8250 Egå Tel 8937 5000 Open 7 days a week 8-21. (Bakery opens at 7) Jem & Fix – 1000m DIY store Muslingevej 30, 8250 Egå Tel 7741 5537 www.jemogfix.dk Open Monday to Friday 9-19. Open Saturday and Sunday 9-17. Netbaad.com – 200 m Boat equipment store Egå Havvej 25, 8250 Egå Tel 8622 4393 www.netbaad.com Open Monday to Friday 10-1730. Open Saturday from 10-13. Organic farm shop It will be possible to order directly from the local organic farm shop before the start of the Jamboree. Your order will be delivered to the campsite. There will be more on this in the Information Letter in June 2015. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 9/12 INSURANCE During the Jamboree all participants are covered by the insurance policies of the Danish Guide and Scout Association, which are outlined below. Follow this link to read more about the policies in Danish: www.dds.dk/ gruppeliv/korpset/forsikring. Liability Insurance This policy covers damage up to 10.000.000,DKK on both people and materials caused by a participant of the Jamboree. Deductible: 2.000,- DKK. Accident Insurance This policy covers personal injuries on participants caused by accidents during the Jamboree. Dental injury and dangerous sports are included. • Compensation in case of death: 25.111,DKK. • Compensation at 100% permanent injury: 183.439,- DKK, starting at 5% permanent injury. Worker’s Compensation for Volunteers This policy covers personal injuries on the volunteers caused by accidents at work during the Jamboree. This coverage is secondary to the liability law. Property Insurance This policy covers material loss of the Jamboree and the scout groups in case of fire, theft or water. There is limited coverage of electronic equipment. Personal belongings of the participants are not covered by this policy. If you wish your personal belongings covered, we recommend you to take out a separate insurance. Typically, a personal contents insurance covers such losses. Boat Insurance This policy covers damage to boats during the Jamboree. In case of damages during activities organised by the Jamboree, the Jamboree will cover deducted expenses.In case the boats are used for other than the scheduled Jamboree activities the user will be personally liable for the deducible part of damage. Medical Treatment & Repatriation Medical care and hospital treatment is free of charge in Denmark, if you have the blue European Health Insurance Card. To cover repatriation caused by illness or accident, we recommend international participants to take out travel insurances covering this. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 10/12 EXPECTATION OF PARTICIPANTS OVER 16 It is expected that all participating leaders, chaperones and rovers, as part of their participation, will assist in carrying out activities during the Jamboree. ASSISTANCE BY LEADERS AND ROVERS Activities for age group 8-12: it is expected that at least one leader accompanies their scouts of this age group for the organised activities to provide a helping hand when needed. Activities for the age group 12-16: Leaders, chaperones and rovers from the participating scout groups who do not take part nor plan activities are expected to assist in the activities. Only after the registration has closed, will we know how much assistance will be needed for each activity. Scout groups will be informed upon their arrival at the Jamboree, when and how many of their leaders, chaperones and rovers are expected to give a helping hand. NIGHT WATCH It will be necessary to have night watches for 6 nights (Tuesday night till and including Monday night). Night watches will be distributed amongst participants of the age group 16-23, in teams mixed between the scout groups. Both scout groups and the single participants will be notified about when they have been assigned a night watch. ORDERING OF MERCHANDISE We have designed a variety of merchandise that can be ordered upon registration. It will also be possible to buy merchandise at the Jamboree, but our supply will be very limited. Therefore we strongly advise that if you want to make sure that for example there is a T-shirt in your size, you do order it in advance. The merchandise you order upon registration has to be paid and picked up at the Administration. Payment must be made in cash (DKK). See section on Registration Guide for more information on this. YOUR NAME Coffee Cup It is possible to get your name printed and/or scout group printed on a coffee mug. If desired, the name and scout group must be specified when ordering. Price: 60,- DKK Sø’15 Sailor Hat Price: 40,- DKK Scout Mug Price: 20,- DKK Large Glass Mug (beer mug) Price: 70,- DKK T-shirt, sweatshirt or hoodie Can be ordered as a T -shirt (white or dark blue, 100% cotton) in sizes XS / S / M / L / XL / 2XL / 3XL / 4XL, as sweatshirt (dark blue, 100% cotton, fair trade) in sizes S / M / L / XL / 2XL / 3XL or Hoodie (dark blue, without zipper, 100% cotton, fair trade) in sizes S / M / L / XL / 2XL / 3XL. Price for T-shirt: 65,- DKK Price for sweatshirt/hoodie: 275,- DKK Sø’15 Tote Bag Price: 40,- DKK Sø’15 Thermo Cup Price: 200,- DKK Merchandise will only be ordered if we receive sufficient orders from participants. Participants will be notified if their order cannot be delivered. 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 11/12 REGISTRATION GUIDE Registration for the Jamboree is done online on our website. Here it is possible to either register as a scout group, as a single person who is not part of any participating scout group, or as a volunteer. In the following you can read about the three kinds of registration. SCOUT GROUP REGISTRATION To register a scout group, go to english.soe15.dk/ registration. Here you will find a link that leads you to the online registration form that must be filled in with specific details about the scout group. After you have filled in and submitted the online registration form, an email with login information, will be sent within 5 workdays to the email address mentioned in the scout group registration form. With this login, it is possible to access the »Scout Group Page« in the registration system. No later than the 1st of June all scout groups must enter the following information in the registration system: • • • • Information on the scout group The individual participants The individual boats Orders of campsite materials Below we will explain how to provide us and keep track of this information. INFORMATION ON THE SCOUT GROUP Features: • Changing/updating contact information of the scout group Explanation: The first time you login to your Scout Group Page in the registration system, you have to update all information on your scout group. Some information might be filled in automatically from the pre-registration. It is very important that all information is accurate, as we will need it to get in contact with you. We need information on two contact persons, and for one financial reference (typically your treasurer or whoever is responsible for the payment of your participation fee). PARTICIPANTS OF THE SCOUT GROUP Features: • Link for online registration form • Overview of registered participants • Ability to edit registered participants Explanation: All scout group participants must register by filling in the online registration form, as indicated on the Scout Group Page. We suggest you do it in one of the following ways: Send the link for the online registration form out to all participants of your scout group and their parents, so that they can fill it in at home. If you choose this option, we suggest you give a deadline to your participants for when the form has to be filled in. This deadline should be before registration closes, for example May 15th. In this way you will have plenty of time to check on all of your participants, that they are correctly registered and that all forms are complete before June 1st, as registration closes. Set up a computer at a meeting with your scout parents and walk through the registration form with them. One by one the parents can register their child/children. The advantage of this option is, that you can answer questions, meanwhile you ensure that everyone complete their registration. The registration form for participants is set up this way that every single participant has to fill it in themselves, as it is of high importance for us to have accurate information on every single participant about relatives, allergies or illnesses. In this way we can ensure a high level of safety for participants at the Jamboree and we are able to supply our mess crew with needed information about special diets or food allergies. When you have received all registrations from your participants, we advise you to review them all to make sure that no information is missing and that they are all properly registered. Pay special attention to the number of days that your participants have signed up for, as this will affect the participation fee your scout group will be charged. Important about Age Groups: We operate with three age groups. Make sure all your participants are correctly registered in the age group they belong to. The actual age of the participant is not important for which age group the participant is placed in. Your leaders have to decide which age group each of your participants belongs to. On the Jamboree, age groups will be used to differentiate between sections, i.e. regarding activities and access for the adult off duty area. This means, you have to decide whether your 15, 16 or 17 years old participant belongs to either the age group 1216 or 16-23, and if your 11, 12 or 13 year old participant belongs to either the age group 8-12 or 12-16. BOATS OF THE SCOUT GROUP Features: • Link for online boat registration form • Overview of registered boats • Ability to edit registered boats Explanation: All boats must be registered by filling in the online registration form, as indicated on the Scout Group Page, regardless of whether the boat belongs to the scout group or it is privately owned by one of your participants. It is important for the Jamboree to know which and how many boats are participating in relation to vacant moorings and contingency plans. The registration form for boats is set up this way that you have the possibility to share the link with your boat responsible leader(s) in your scout group. You may also choose to fill in the registration form for all boats yourself – you can choose whichever option is easier for you. Please indicate for each boat if it can be used for activities and if you have any fixed skippers. Likewise, please indicate one contact person for each boat, who will participate at the Jamboree. We will call this person in case of any concerns about the boat. Please note that any fixed skippers or boat contact persons must be registered as participants, before you register your boat. You can constantly add, modify and delete the number of boats registered via the Sea Scout Group page in the registration system. However, 2ND INFO PACKAGE ON SØ’15 April 2015 it is important that you have entered the final number of boats before June 1st, since the people who are planning activities need to know how many boats are available. ORDERS OF CAMPSITE MATERIALS BY EACH SCOUT GROUP Features: • Link for online order of campsite materials • Overview of orders • Ability to edit orders Explanation: As mentioned in the information package, it will be possible for all scout groups to order campsite materials for the Jamboree. The ordered materials will be ready at the campsite upon your arrival on Tuesday, July 28. The online form for orders is set up this way that you can choose to share the link with other leaders in your scout group, so i.e. each section can make their own order of materials. In this way you avoid one single person to take care of all the ordering of materials needed by your entire scout group. It does not matter if you choose to make a single or multiple material orders, your scout group will in any case be charged for the total amount of ordered materials at once. Our technical crew guarantees only to deliver ordered materials that have been ordered before registration closes on June 1st. Each scout group will receive a summary of the materials they have ordered before the start of the Jamboree. SINGLE PERSON REGISTRATION If you wish to register for the Jamboree but don’t have a scout group to participate with, then just fill out the corresponding registration form that 12/12 can be found on english.soe15.dk/registration. Once you have completed the form, you will receive a confirmation email of your registration within five workdays. If you have indicated that you will bring your own boat, you will receive more information on how to register your boat in the email. OVERVIEW OF INFORMATION ON SØ’15 VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION 1. Info Package on Sø’15 (October 2014) Contains introductory information on the Jamboree. If you wish to register as a volunteer, please send an email to [email protected]. In the email please state the following information: • Your full name • Your function at the Jamboree • If you will be bringing your own boat, and if so please specify which type • If you will be bringing a camper or caravan Within five workdays you will receive an email with a link to an online registration form. Once you have completed this form you will be registered as a volunteer. If you will be bringing your own boat you will also receive a link to an online boat registration form, where you can register your boat. ACTIVITY REGISTRATION As described in the section on Activities during the week, we will send out an Activity Catalogue in May, and at the same time open the activity registration on the Scout Group Page in the registration system. Here it will be possible to register all participants for activities that require registration. A guide to the activity registration will be included in the Activity Catalogue. Information Letter on Sø’15 (January 2015) Contains summary of the pre-registration, participation fees, etc. Info Package for International Participants (March 2015) Contains useful information for international participants. 2. Info Package on Sø’15 (April 2015) Activity Catalogue (May 2015) Contains descriptions of every single activity and a guide on how to register The Activity Catalogue has not been published yet. Information Letter on Sø’15 (June 2015) Contains summary of the registration, information about the camp arrangements, allocation of night watches, etc. This information letter has not been published yet. SØ’15 ABC (JUNE 2015) On our website an ABC will be available, where you can look up all bits and pieces! :o) www.soe15.dk/abc
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