FAME ALL STARS CONTRACT FAME Midlothian 2015-‐2016 WELCOME TO FAME ALL STARS!!!! WELCOME to FAME ALL STARS!!! We are excited to announce that this is our 12th year in business and are happy that you have chosen to be a part of FAME. We hope that you have a long and rewarding relationship with the FAME family. Over the last 12 years, FAME ALL STARS has established itself as one of the top All Star Cheerleading programs in the Country. To date our teams have accumulated over 450 National Titles, 150 State Titles, 60 Grand Champion Titles, 51 bids to the Cheerleading Worlds, along with numerous other impressive specialty awards. By attending some of the most competitive and prestigious tournaments in the World, our athletes and teams have made a name for our program and have solidified FAME All Stars a successful and respected program that ranks among the nation’s Elite. While we are grateful and excited about all of the success our program and athletes have achieved, what is most important to us is our mission of building self-‐confidence, self-‐discipline, teambuilding, and everlasting friendship through cheerleading. We pride ourselves on setting high standards for our coaches, athletes, and parents. We are dedicated and committed to training our athletes to achieve their goals and to believe in themselves on and off the cheerleading mat. Another amazing thing you will find about FAME All Stars is our World Class Staff. We have the most loyal, talented, credentialed, and experienced coaches in Virginia who are dedicated to seeing our athletes through to reach their fullest potential. FAME Coaches are more than just cheerleading coaches. They are mentors who take pride in watching our athletes grow each day in both life and in cheerleading. Although FAME is one of the biggest programs in the country, we are a FAMILY. Above all else, we pride ourselves on having a wholesome, positive, and encouraging environment where the cheerleaders LOVE to be! We strongly value sportsmanship, dedication, integrity, caring, and FUN. FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 1 When you come to FAME you will train in a great facility, be instructed by amazing coaches, and become part of one of the top programs in the country for a lower cost than most of our competitors. We are excited to welcome you to the FAME Family! ATHLETE RULES OF CONDUCT • • • • No profanity or abusive language If an extracurricular activity regularly interferes with our mandatory practices or competitions, you will have to choose which activity you will continue Each team will be assigned other teams to watch at competitions, you are required to at least watch your assigned teams All athletes will show good sportsmanship at all times • FACEBOOK, TWITTER & SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES ARE TREATED AS IF SPOKEN IN PERSON TO YOUR COACH AND YOU ARE THEREFORE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING SAID ON THESE. TRASH TALKING, BAD MOUTHING, OR DISRESPECTING TEAMMATES, COACHES, OTHER PROGRAMS OR FAME WILL NOT BE TOLERATED • You are required to pick up after yourself…don’t leave empty drink/food containers lying around the gym. This is your facility so take pride in how it looks!!! (NO FOOD OR BAGS IN THE GYM) ANY CLOTHES, BAGS OR CELL PHONES BROUGHT IN THE GYM WILL BE PLACED IN LOST & FOUND THE GYM IS NOT A STORAGE PLACE FOR CLOTHES, BOOK BAGS, ETC .. USE THE LOBBY Fame reserves the right to remove any cheerleader or parent temporarily or permanently from the program if we feel any behavior is unbecoming of a FAME athlete or Parent. Athletes will be expected to wear FAME practice wear on the correct nights of practice Athletes are expected to be in full uniform at awards ceremonies during competitions While not competing or walking around competitions athletes must wear their uniforms. FAME IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ITEMS LOST IN THE LOBBY OR GYM, if you don’t’ need it don’t bring it. • • • • • • PARENT RULES OF CONDUCT • • • • Good Sportsmanship is mandatory at all competitions, practices, and gym functions Under no circumstance should you enter the practice area at the FAME gym or any warm up area at any competition. FAME IS A REGISTERED TRADMARK. CREATING, DISTRIBUTING OR SELLING FAME APPAREL / Merchandise or NON FAME Apparel / Merchandise through FAME, its distributions lists, its facility or teams is expressly forbidden and WILL result in immediate action. THIS INCLUDES FOR & NOT FOR PROFIT ITEMS AND ITEMS WITH FAME AND OR ANY SYMBOL OR REPRESENTATION OF FAME OR ANY OF IT’s TEAM NAMES Do not try to yell or get your child’s attention on the floor during practice at the FAME gym or any warm up area at any competition. FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 2 • • • • • • • • • Do not gossip about other children, coaching staff, other teams. If this becomes a problem it will result in closed practices at anytime Please feel free to speak to your coaches at anytime, just remember to do it at the appropriate time. Do not interrupt practice or team meetings. Please ask to speak in private if the matter is sensitive or confidential. If you threaten to quit or pull child from the program, you may be dismissed from the program immediately It is your responsibility to know what is going on with your team…please check email, and website regularly. Do not punish your child with practices or competitions. At that time you are punishing the entire team/program Never speak or approach a competition official such as a judge Please respect the decisions the coaching staff at FAME make. We have years of experience and will make the best decisions for the entire team/program Please be aware that FAME is privately owned and operated and should parents or cheerleaders engage in behavior that is unbecoming of a representative of FAME, we reserve the right to remove parents or cheerleaders from the program temporarily or permanently. FACEBOOK, TWITTER & SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES ARE TREATED AS IF SPOKEN IN PERSON TO A COACH AND YOU ARE THEREFORE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING SAID ON THESE. TRASH TALKING, BAD MOUTHING, OR DISRESPECTING TEAMMATES, COACHES, OTHER PROGRAMS OR FAME WILL NOT BE TOLERATED Viewing LOBBY • • Our Lobby is Open to Parents & Family Monday – Fridays and Is closed on Closed Sundays • Our Lobby blinds are closed on Sundays, The Month of October and any other times the coaches feel like the parent viewing area needs to be closed for the best interest of the progressions and or safety of the athletes. Our Lobby is under video surveillance at all times, please know inappropriate behavior by parents or family members in the lobby CAN result in your athlete being asked to leave the program ATTENDANCE, TARDINESS, AND ABSENCES Practices are Mandatory. Athletes are only excused for illness, school functions that a grade depends on, and family emergency. Being an athlete on a team at FAME is a commitment. Athletes are required to notify their team coach if they are missing for any reason and receive their approval to miss practice. Excessive tardiness and absences are both harmful and disruptive to the team and very discouraging for the coaches and the other athletes on the team. Every single person is vital to the success of the team. If a cheerleader is constantly late or is missing practice unexcused, proper actions will be taken with the best intentions of the team in mind. NO PRACTICES MAY BE MISSED IN THE 2 WEEKS LEADING UP TO A COMPETITION. FAME RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REPLACE ANY ATHLETE THAT MISSES A PRACTICE EVEN FOR A VALID REASON IN THAT TIME FRAME. FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 3 Summer Practices…. We realize that families take vacations during the summer. Please communicate these dates directly to your Coach. Practices are mandatory from May 30th – June 14th and then again starting at choreography. Summer practices are a great time to work on individual skills. Coaches are prepared to spend a lot of time tumbling and stunting during these practices** While every effort should be made to attend practices, all Practices become MANDATORY After Choreography. Please also look carefully at the summer schedule for each team, as summer schedules may be slightly different than normal schedules. Inclement Weather Policy: Every reasonable attempt will be made to open our doors for business on regular scheduled practice days. However in the event of severe weather conditions, the gym will decide whether to open or not. Notification will be posted via email & team mom text and on the website. We do not always follow the school system. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE RECEIVING STATEMENTS FROM THE GYM AND EMAILS FROM YOUR TEAM MOMS. We work hard to input everyone’s email correctly, but each year we have parents who are not receiving emails due to transposition errors, email spam, and or new email addresses. Be Proactive and STAY IN THE LOOP. PAYMENTS, FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS, POLICIES • • • • • • • • • Payments are due on the 1st of each month, all payments made after the 10th will have a $15.00 late charge added to the account per month the invoice is late Fame’s preferred method of payment is auto draft, we do offer a non-‐discounted rate for other payment forms NEVER make a cash payment without getting a receipt (including to Mike or Phil) Please hand all payments to the front counter staff (Checks May be Placed in Payment Box) Checks: all checks should be made payable to FAME with your child’s full name in the memo section (there is a $30.00 return check charge). If at any time during the season you have a returned check, FAME will no longer accept personal checks from you. Monthly paper statements are not sent home so please remember that tuition is due on the first of the month. If you provide a working email address on registration info, you will receive an email invoice monthly. It is your responsibility to keep up with your account. If get behind on your account a statement may be sent home with your child or your child may be sat out of practice without any notice. During All Gym Closings and Breaks Full Gym Fees still apply We do not charge extra for extra practices, nor do we discount for gym closings. FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 4 TUITION AND FEES REGISTRATION th Early Registration (April 13 -‐22nd ) $130 Regular Registration (April 23rd -‐ May 1st) $160 ***These Include May Tumbling, Yearly Registration & Tryout Fee **All Athletes that Register early have the option to Pre-‐Purchase Your Practice Wear at that time and have it set aside waiting for you: (otherwise its due the day of walkthru) Practice Wear: $75 – 2 Shorts, 2 Tanks Optional Sports Bras: $65 (One Sports Bra that Matches Each Outfit) MONTHLY TUITION (Auto Draft Only) Tiny Tots $50.00 Monthly Mini’s $95.00 Monthly Youth, Junior, Seniors $110.00 Monthly Worlds Athletes $120.00 Monthly Crossovers $20 Monthly Sibling Discount $15 Monthly (Tiny Tots, Minis, Boys not included) 3rd is $30 / Month BOYS: $60 Monthly ____________________________________________________________________ We Highly Suggest Auto Draft this season. If you are UNABLE to use auto draft their will be an additional $20 / month charged to your account each month to pay via check or cash. You may also prepay the season with any format and receive the same discount. You may also prepay a portion of the season, sign up for auto draft and as long as you keep a credit balance your auto draft will never be used. FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 5 CHOREOGRAPHY Due with July / Aug Tuition instead of a competition fee Tiny Tots Mini’s $100 $100 Youth, Junior, Seniors $150 Level 5 Teams $200 Crossover No Additional Charge for 2nd Team **Athletes That Crossover From a Different FAME Gym Will Pay Full Choreography for Worlds Teams UNIFORMS AND PRACTICE WEAR Uniform $335 (We are wearing the same Uniform as 2014-‐2015) If you purchase @ Walkthru Day – Discounted to $315 If Not Regular Price and Due August 15th Practice Wear $75 Competition Bow $20 _______________________________________________________________________ COMPETITION FEES Made in $100 Monthly Installments beginning June Level 1-‐2 Level 3-‐4 Level 5 Crossover Between $550-‐600 Between $650-‐700 Between $750 -‐ $850 $200 ($100 due in September & $100 in October) REFUNDS • • • • FAME requires a 60 day written notice if your child will be leaving the program. This notice should be emailed to Phil at [email protected] Please note your account will continue to be charged tuition for 2 month after the written notice is received. No refunds will be given for competition fees, choreography, tuition, or clothing for any reason at any time. If you quit the team prior to a competition you will NOT be refunded any competition fees. It takes a lot of hard work on behalf of the coaches and the team members to get a routine ready for competition. We register for competitions beginning in the summer to receive the best rates. If your child decides to quit, we must find a replacement and train them to be ready to compete. Therefore, competition fees are not refundable for any reason. FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 6 • If you have to miss a competition for some reason and we have to find a replacement you will not be refunded any fees either. (Missing Competitions is NOT acceptable and is grounds for being asked to leave the program), however in extreme circumstances (injury or death of a family member) it is allowed, however unfortunately no refunds can be issued. FUNDRAISING • • • • • • FAME Booster Club will offer fundraising throughout the season. All fundraisers are optional. 100% of what you earn (Less Booster Expenses) will go towards your personal account. FAME Boosters is a separate organization and has their own rules, they must be abided. If you have a financial hardship we recommend you take advantage of this opportunity. Our fundraising coordinator will be in charge of this completely. If your fees are paid in full you may receive reimbursement for cheerleading related expenses o These include Competition Hotel & Travel Expenses Only Communications – *Please Text FAME to 42828 to be added to our Monthly Email FAME Newsletters *Please Text @FAMEYR12 to 804 441 7891 to be added to FAME MIDLO Text Group You will receive updates throughout year & Closing Announcements. *Please Confirm Your Email Address is correct on everything you fill out and if you don’t receive an email within the month BOTH from your team mom & from the FAME gym please seek out the appropriate person to make sure we have your correct email address. FAME CLOTHING / Apparel / Promotional Items: There is to be absolutely no creation of clothing that has FAME, its team names or any version of its logo. FAME is a registered trademark and will be protected. We reserve the right to dismiss your athlete from the program if you are caught making, selling or distributing any clothing, or items of any kind with the FAME Logo, Brand or team names while you are at the gym. FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 7 Location Transfer We are proud of all of our FAME Teams from every location. If you are an athlete who cheered at a different FAME Location, but is interested in trying out for a team at Midlothian, you need to speak with the owner / director of your previous FAME Location and make them aware of that. You will also be required to tryout at the same location you tried out last season. We work together to create amazing teams, and will do our best to accommodate you if the need and the opportunity arises Not following the proper protocol will greatly affect your chances of being placed on a team at a different location. (This does not apply to extenuating circumstances such as Family moving) PRIVATE LESSONS AND Open Gyms – Privates are an excellent opportunity for FAME athletes to grow and excel their skills. While we value the results they provide they must be conducted in the following way. They are set up directly with the coach. Please be careful when you schedule your lessons, as during Classes, Private Lesson Athletes will NOT be able to utilize the gym completely, the best time to schedule private lessons are during NON-‐Peak Times at the FAME Facility. NEW PRIVATE LESSON POLICY AT FAME – Starts Effective June 1st, 2015 • • • • • • • YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED PRIVATE LESSON ATHLETE AT FAME TO PARTICIPATE IN PRIVATE LESSONS THE GYM FEE TO DO PRIVATE LESSONS AT FAME IS THE FOLLOWING o FAME TEAM ATHLETES -‐ $10 / Month or $50 / Season o FAME NON Team Athletes -‐ $25 / Month or $150 / SEASON o YOU Must also pay a Yearly Registration (FAME Team Athletes Already DO This Upon Registering) o Monthly / Yearly Private Lesson Fee Payment Is Paid at Office – GET A RECEIPT o YOU MUST HAVE A $0 Balance @ FAME o ATHLETES ON FAME WORLDS TEAMS DO NOT HAVE TO PAY THE MONTHLY / YEARLY FEE § (IT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR TUITION) o Athletes WHO Register for FAME Lessons are Also Able to do Open Gyms for FREE Payments for Individual Privates are paid directly to the coach. Payments for Registration & GYM FEE for Private are payable to the Office. YOU MUST REGISTER FOR PRIVATE LESSONS w/ the OFFICE PRIOR to taking a Lesson IF YOU HAVE A BALANCE OF ANY TYPE AFTER THE 10th of The Month You will NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO PRIVATES until the balance is paid in full Additional items such as apparel, camps, etc. may not be purchased or participated in if you have a balance on your account. Accounts must be paid first before getting any of the “extra” things. Open Gyms • Open Gym is Available for All Athletes You It is $5 / Session for FAME Athletes -‐ $10 Non FAME Athletes FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 8 USASF GUIDELINES FOR TRY-‐OUTS AGE BREAKDOWN AS OF AUG 31 2015 TINY 3-‐6 YEARS OLD MINI 7-‐8 YEARS OLD YOUTH 9-‐11 YEARS OLD JUNIOR 12-‐14 YEARS OLD SENIOR 10-‐18 YEARS OLD WORLDS 12-‐18 YEARS OLD INTERNATIONAL 15 AND OVER USASF REQUIRED TUMBLING SKILLS LEVEL LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 STANDING TUMBLING FORWARD ROLL FRONT/BACK WALKOVER BACKHANDSPRING BACK WALKOVER BHS STANDING MULTIPLE BACK HANDSPRING…JUMPS TO BACK HANDSPRING (s) STANDING TUCK BHS TUCK JUMPS TO BHS TUCK JUMPS TO STANDING TUCK BHS SERIES TO FULL RUNNING TUMBLING CARTWHEEL ROUND OFF BACK WALKOVER ROUND OFF BACKHANDSPRING(S) ROUND OFF TUCK ROUND OFF HANDSPRING TUCK PUNCH FRONT ROUND OFF BHS LAYOUT FULL, SPECIALTY TO FULL, DOUBLE WWW.FAMECHEER.COM FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 9 EVENT Evaluations DATE May 18 – 21st May 26th Tryouts Results Walkthrough Day May 27th May 28th May 30th May 31st First Practice Choreography July 17-‐August 2rd July 19-‐21st July 22nd Gym Closings June 21st June 28th July 4th – July 12th Aug 9th Aug 29th-‐Sept 6th Oct 24th & 25th Nov 25th-‐29th Dec 23rd-‐Jan 2nd TIME Tryouts – Ck Tryout Schedule Call Backs – Please Keep Open if Necessary Tryouts Posted Online Mandatory Walk Thru Day for All FAME ATHLETES Worlds Practices Begin 1st Practices TBA Based on Team Placements Choreography Dates… Exact Dates Will be Given out the 1st Week of June Worlds Teams Camp @ FAME All Level 3& 4 Teams Camp @ FAME Central (in Yorktown) Fathers Day Gym Closed Fourth of July Vacation Gym Closed Labor Day/Back to School Gym Closed FAME Picture Day..Schedule TBA Thanksgiving Break Christmas/New Year’s Break **Worlds Teams Will Prac FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 10 How to Register for FAME ALL-‐STARS for the 2014-‐2015 Season Read the Entire Handbook and Financial Agreement for the 2014-‐2015 Season. Sign page 6 and turn in to the Office Fill Out the Athlete Id Form & Auto Debit Form (Optional) Fill out the Registration and Release Form Pay Registration Fee for the 2015-‐2016 Season Registration Fees Early Bird Pre -‐Registration April 13-‐22 $130-‐-‐-‐Registration Fee Includes Yearly Registration Fee Includes Evaluation Fee Includes Any May Tumbling You wish to attend VIP Pick up at Walk Through Day (Must Pre-‐Purchase Practice Wear) Tiny Tot Registration is $75. Tiny Training in May Schedule Ck May Calendar Pre Registration April 23-‐May 1 $160—Registration Fee Includes Yearly Registration Fee Includes Evaluation Fee Includes Any May Tumbling You wish to attend VIP Pick up at Walk Through Day (Must Pre-‐Purchase Practice Wear) Registration after May 1 $200 Includes Yearly Registration Fee ($65) Includes Evaluation Fee ($50) Includes May Tumbling ($120) FAME Midlothian Team Evaluations-‐ Please follow the Evaluation Time Schedule Attached. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Checklist (All items below should be collected and turned in together) _____ Return FAME Athlete Profile / Waiver ____ Returned Signature Page of Handbook ____ Pay Registration Fee ____ Auto Debit Form FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 11 THE PRODUCERS +*+fame midlo booster club +*+ Working events is a great way to meet other FAME parents not to mention make $ for your cheer account. $ earned posts directly into your cheerleaders account. Fundraising opportunities are available to anyone who wants to participate. If you would like to join the Booster Club, please fill out the information sheet attached or e-‐mail [email protected] . We send out details on upcoming events via email and if you would like to participate you just need to respond. Our rules are simple, if you commit to an event, you must follow through. Each venue has specific guidelines we must follow. Failure to do so will prevent you from participating. We have worked very hard to build what we have and will not allow any unprofessional behavior to tarnish our excellent reputation. We would like to do additional fundraisers through the season as well, if you have an idea or would like to run something please let us know as we are always looking for new ways our families can earn $. Welcome to FAME!!! -‐your fundraising team FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 12 By providing this information, I understand I am joining the Fame Midlo Booster Club. AKA “The Producers”! It does not obligate nor guarantee me a spot at any event or sales opportunity. If I choose to participate, I will follow the rules set forth by the venues and the booster club. You are able to reserve a spot to work equal to the number of cheerleaders you have at Fame. (ex., 1 cheerleader = 1 spot.) Should the event not fill up you are welcome to fill multiple spots. Membership is at will. If I join the booster club and do not fulfill the specific guidelines and rules, I understand I can be removed from the program and forfeit any money that is owed to me. *Please take note – our goal is to earn as much as we can for our cheerleaders. You must follow through on any commitment you make to working an event. If you sign up to work and fail to show, you will be removed from the program. Membership is $25.00 per family. This must be paid up front. THIS IS A CHANGE FROM LAST YEAR DUE TO IRS GUIDELINES. We will withhold 5% of monies earned to cover the cost of maintaining a 501c3 non profit status. (example, $40.00 earned, -‐ 5% = $2.00 withheld. You earn $38.00!) Your name_________________________________________________ Email address_______________________________________________ Phone #’s__________________________________________________ Cheerleaders name and team__________________________________ Any questions please feel free to contact [email protected] . FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 13 TRYOUT PROCESS This Year All Athletes need to attend 2 Tryout Dates. 1 Based off the athletes age on August 31, 2015 & 1 based off their skill level. If you are unable to attend one, you will need to set up a make up tryout. YOU MAY NOT ATTEND A TRYOUT THAT YOUR AGE GROUP OR SKILL LEVEL DOES NOT MATCH. ***Athletes Can Come ANYTIME During this the Age Tryout & Will Only Stay until their individual tryout is finished. (Very Similar to Past Years) Based off BDAY on 8/31/15 Tiny Age (3-‐6) – Monday, May 18th 5:30 – 7:00pm Mini Age (7 -‐8) – Monday, May 18th 5:30 – 7:00pm Youth Age (9-‐12) – Monday, May 18th 7:00 – 8:30pm Junior Age(13 – 14) – Tuesday, May 19th 5:30 – 7:00pm Senior Age (15 – 18) – Tuesday, May 19th 7:30 – 9:30pm Level Tryout Athletes Need to plan on coming for the entire tryout time, as this tryout process will have more group tryouts involved. Please Attend the CORRECT Level of the skills that you are going to demonstrate at TRYOUTS. Please reference the skill table in this Packet if you are unsure which tryout to attend. Teams will be created to be as successful as possible, attending a level does not mean that you will be placed on that level. Level 1 – Wednesday, May 22nd 5:30pm – 7:15pm Level 2 – Wednesday, May 22nd 5:30pm – 7:15pm Level 3 – Wednesday, May 22st – 7:15pm – 9:00pm Level 4 – Thursday, May 21st – 6:00pm – 7:30pm Level 5 – Thursday, May 21st– 7:30pm – 9:30pm Call Backs Tues May 26th 6pm TRYOUT RESULTS POSTED – Wednesday, May 27th, 2015 MANDATORY WALK THRU DAY FOR ALL ATHLETES – THURSDAY, May 28th, 2015 FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 14 MAY TUMBLING Schedule All Athletes are Encouraged to Attend As Much May Tumbling as Possible! Both Open Gyms are also included in your registration. Level 1 5:30 – 7:00pm Level 2 5:30 – 7:00pm Level 3 6:30 – 8:00pm Level 4 6:30 – 8:00pm Level 5 7:30 -‐9:00pm Please Plan to Come to The Level That You Have Both Running & Standing Tumbling In , if you are not sure what level you should attend please speak with a FAME Coach. Athletes who Registered as a Tiny Tot Ages 3-‐6 are to attend tiny Training TINY TRAINING Tuesdays & Thursdays 5pm – 6pm Extra Training: **We Also have a Power Camp on Friday, May 1st – You may email [email protected] to sign up. This is not included in registration. WE Also Have Flyer Training 30 Minute Stunting Classes on Mon 5/4 6:30 – 7:00 12 and Up 7:00 – 7:30 11 and Under Wed 5/6 7:30 – 8:00 12 and Up 8:00 – 8:30 11 and Under Mon 5/11 6:30 – 7:00 12 & UP 7:00 – 7:30 11 and Under Wed 5/13 7:30 – 8:00 12 & Up 8:00 – 8:30pm 11 and Under Interested $10 / Spot – Limited to 8 for each 30 Minute Session To Register for this YOU MUST Email [email protected] FAME ALL-‐STARS Page 15 Please be sure you have read through the entire handbook. Please sign this page of the handbook signifying that you have read and agree to adhere to all FAME All Stars Policies and Procedures. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. See page 9 for a complete checklist of what you should turn in at registration. HANDBOOK & FINANCIAL AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this Stars, LLC dba FAME All stars (“FAME”) and day of , 2015, between Fame All-‐ (“Responsible Party”). The Responsible Party, as parent/guardian of agrees as follows: (“Athlete”) hereby 1. I have read the entire Handbook and understand the commitment, standards and significant financial obligation involved with joining a team and I agree to abide by the policies set forth therein. 2. I understand that competitive cheerleading is a time consuming sport and it is my intention for my Athlete to remain at FAME throughout the entire season. However, if I remove him/her for any reason, I understand and agree that competition fees and tuition are non-‐refundable regardless of whether my Athlete attends a competition. I agree to pay all fees due in full each month beginning the first month my Athlete joins the team and continuing until he/she is removed from the program or the season ends. 3. th 4. I understand and agree that if my balance is not paid in full by the 10 of each month, there will be a late fee of $15.00 added to my account per month it is late. 5. I understand and agree that if my account becomes more than 2 months it will be sent to a collection agency and I will be liable for any and all fees associated with collection of the account, including attorney’s fees. 6. I understand and agree that if my account becomes 30 days delinquent, my Athlete may be asked to sit out of practices and competitions until the account is caught up and I will not be refunded any money for those missed practices and/or competitions. 7. I understand and agree that if I remove my Athlete from the program, I must provide a 60-‐day written notice to FAME by emailing [email protected] and that charges will continue to accrue thru that time period. ____________ _ Responsible Party – PRINT NAME FAME ALL-‐STARS Responsible Party – Signature ___________ Page 16
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