BOOKING INFORMATION (Terms & Conditions) BOOKINGS WILL BE TAKEN BY POST ONLY Please book early to avoid disappointment. Bookings will be handled in strict order of arrival at Penryn College. Cut off date for postal bookings: Wednesday 20th May. This is to ensure that your forms arrive before the activities start and your child does not miss out on a space. Please hand deliver any forms to Penryn College after this date. Please use one booking and one consent form per child at the back of this booklet, feel free to photocopy the forms. Please make cheques payable to Penryn College. We can also accept BACS payment please contact us for details. All of our activities aim to be fully inclusive. Should your child require additional support in order to participate please do not hesitate to contact us, or contact The Family Information Service on 0800 587 8191 or visit Please ensure that you can be accessed on the emergency number that you supply on your booking form (preferably a mobile telephone number). We will do our best to accommodate your child with the courses they have chosen. If your child does not get your choice of activity, we will endeavour to offer an alternative activity or date. Please use the reference form at the rear of this booklet for your own convenience. Booking Confirmation Confirmation of places will not be sent. If you do not hear from us please assume your child's application has been successful. You are more than welcome to call us to confirm your child’s place. Illness If your child is ill please contact us as soon as possible. A full refund is only applicable should you contact us 24 hours before the commencement of the course. This is due to the fact that we are unable to reallocate your child's place at such short notice. Cancellation by the parent/guardian Should you wish to cancel a booking please inform us at least 24 hours before commencement of the course, you will then be entitled to a full refund. Failure to do this will incur a £5 admin fee taken from the refunded amount. INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS It is essential that all participants have the correct clothing and suitable footwear for each activity. For all activities, full and half day, pupils will need plenty to eat and drink. Full day activities require a packed lunch (including cookery courses). In the event of an injury your child/children should report immediately to their coach/ tutor. Children are responsible for their own possessions. Please do not allow them to bring anything of value. Please ensure children are sent to all activities with high factor sun block and a sun hat (if required). For water related activities a change of clothing, footwear and a towel is essential. All children participating in trampolining must bring a pair of socks. The highest standards of behaviour will be expected at ALL times including travelling on coaches to and from activities, should a child not meet this expectation we will contact parents to withdraw their child from an activity. If the activity is off site, parents will be expected to collect their child immediately. OFF SITE ACTIVITIES DEPARTING FROM PENRYN COLLEGE Any activities which involve travelling to a venue/activity or is located off site (not at Falmouth School or Penryn College) will include transport with the exception of Bike Safari and Watersports. The mini-buses will depart from Penryn College at the times stated on the activity details. Please ensure that your child is at Penryn College in plenty of time, the times stated on the activities are the times that the mini bus will depart from the College. Time of return is approximate, so please be at Penryn College for pick up a few minutes early. Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing i.e. wet weather gear and or sun hat, enough to eat (including a packed lunch) and drink. Please ensure that you child has sun cream with them if they are participating in an outdoor activity. Parents must drop off children and pick them up from Penryn College Arrivals & Departures It is very important that all children are escorted to the registration area, this is to stop any confusion/complications with bookings and/or to inform parents/guardians of any important last minute information about the course which your child is booked on. We will not dismiss any participant from an activity unless they are collected by an appropriate adult, or a signed letter has been sent along with the child's booking form asking that they be dismissed without an adult. Falmouth School (FS) All activities at this site will be registered and dismissed in main reception, please escort your child/children to and from this area. TR11 4LH Penryn College (PC) All activities at this site will be registered and dismissed in main reception, please escort your child/children to and from this area. TR10 8PZ This includes activities where pupils are being transported off site. Off Site Courses (OS) ALL registration for these activities will be at Penryn College main reception. Please arrive at least ten minutes before the time stated in this brochure to ensure that transport leaves on time. Bissoe Bike Trail (BT) Please register with Martin Beck outside Bissoe Cycle Hire at least ten minutes before the start of the session (07980026930). TR4 8QZ Elemental UK Water Sports on Swanpool Beach (SB) Registration will be in the Elemental compound at Swanpool Beach, please arrive at least ten minutes before the start of the session. TR11 5BG 8+ 5-7 Years 3-4 Years Date /Age BANK HOLIDAY BANK HOLIDAY BANK HOLIDAY Monday 25th May Venue Water Sports Football Festival Cheerleading Target Club Tennis FS Mini Multi Sports Eco Explorers Mini Cheer Mini Art Mini Tennis FS PC PC SB PC FS FS PC PC FS Summer Picnic Football Festival Tennis Surfing First Aid Mini Tennis Eco Explorers Taekwondo Mini Multi Sports Thursday 28th May Taekwondo Woodland PC Wild First Aid PC Climbing PC/OS Art FS Football Festival Ready Steady Cook FS PC PC Venue Wednesday Venue 27th May Soccer Tots Tuesday 26th May FS PC PC FS PC FS OS FS FS Venue PC PC Venue Bike Safari BT Mini Gym Mini Bike Friday 29th May Children Aged 3 - 4 Years Course 1 - Soccer Tots With PFDC - Mini Soccer works with our youngest footballers. Aimed at boys and girls aged 3 to 4 years of age, with sessions designed to increase children’s balance, co-ordination and self-confidence, whilst learning basic movement with the use of footballs. Parents are welcome to stay. Tuesday 26th May 12.30-13.30 Falmouth School £3.00 Children Aged 5 - 7 Years Course 2 – Mini Tennis With Saracens Tennis Club - Come along to our ‘mini red’ tennis sessions. This is a great chance to help mini players take part in exciting exercises and develop tennis skills at a pace that suits you! Tuesday 26th May & Wednesday 27th May 13.00-15.00 Penryn College £7 per session (please indicate which day on application form) Course 3 - Eco Explorers Calling all budding bush crafters and nature lovers! If you'd like to construct amazing shelters, discover how a fungus can help light a campfire, cook food over the fire on sticks, learn how to use green woodworking tools and discover more about animals and habitats then wrap up warm and join us in the wildlife garden this half term for a series of mornings in the great outdoors! Please wear wellies and bring waterproofs. Tuesday 26th May, and Wednesday 27th May 10.00-12.00 Penryn College £20.00 for both days Course 4 - Mini Multi Sports With Carol Allen - Have fun playing a variety of new games and sports. Please bring a drink and a snack. Tuesday 26th May and Thursday 28th May 09.30-11.30 Falmouth School £6.00 (Please indicate which day on application form) Children Aged 5 - 7 Years Course 5 - Mini Bike Club With Martin Beck (Bikeability and British Off Road Instructor) - Come along and enjoy some playground and school field games and gain confidence on your bicycle. Learn about your bike through bike mechanics. If you need any further information or have any questions then please call Martin Beck on 07980026930. For competent bike riders - with or without stabilisers. Please bring your own bike and helmet! Friday 29th May 09.30-11.30 Penryn College £7.00 Course 6 - Taekwondo With Black Panther Taekwondo - Starting from basic kicking working up to jumping kicks, spinning kicks, jumping spinning kicks. The benefits are self - discipline, respect for yourself and others, confidence, a sense of achievement, feeling fit and healthy, gaining a wealth of new knowledge and putting a smile on your face. Thursday 28th May 10.00-12.00 Falmouth School £7.00 Course 7- Mini Art Mysterious Me: Explore creating a number of masks, head-dresses and disguises. Using pre-formed masks, fabric, paper and found materials create new expressions, faces and hats to surprise and fascinate your friends and family. Tuesday 26th May 12.30-14.30 Falmouth School £8.00 Course 8 - Mini Cheer With West Coast Cheerleading - Cheerleading helps confidence, attitude, body awareness and posture as well as many other benefits. Come along and learn some new moves to create a routine to music. Tuesday 26th May 09.30-11.30 Falmouth School £7.00 Course 9 - Mini Gymnastics With Saracens Gymnastics - Gymnastics is a great way to meet new friends and improve fitness, flexibility and stamina. It builds co-ordination, strength and confidence. Friday 29th May 09.30-11.30 Penryn College £7.00 Children Aged 8 + Course 10 Elemental UK Watersports Swanpool Beach Have a go at Sailing, Kayaking & Paddle Craft at Swanpool Beach. Wetsuits & equipment provided. Please arrive on time at the beach, reporting to the Elemental compound. Please bring wetsuit boots or a pair of shoes that can get wet! For competent, confident swimmers only. Ages 8 -16 Option 1 - Full Day £22.00 09.00 - 16.00 Water Sports Activities, check surf and weather reports in the IT suite, design posters, beach games & group activities 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch time on the beach (bring your own lunch) Tuesday 26th May An additional wrap around service is available between 08.30-09.00 or 16.00-17.00, please contact Elemental on 01326 318771 for more details. Children Aged 8 + Course 11 - Tennis With Saracens Tennis Club - Come along to our tennis sessions to learn the game and improve skills. Tuesday 26th May & Wednesday 27th May 10.00-12.00 Penryn College £7 per session (please indicate which day on application form) Course 12 - Football Festival With PFDC - Soccer Schools are for boys and girls aged 8 –14. FA qualified coaches will provide games, skills and lots of fun on the three day course. The course also provides a great way to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. Everyone who attends will receive a course certificate. Please bring trainers/football boots and shin pads. Tuesday 26th May, Wednesday 27th May, Thursday 28th May 10.00-15.00 Penryn College A) Three days £36.00 B) Two days £26.00 C) One day £16.00 (please indicate which day on application form) Course 13 - First Aid Training (Learn Life Saving Skills) With Vincent Bethermin of SaveLife Training first aid is far from boring! This fun and interactive course teaches children aged between 8 to 12 basic first aid skills including CPR, Recognising symptoms of a heart attack, shock and bandaging techniques. Give your child the confidence to act and empower them with some life saving skills. A few basic skills can and does save lives. Each first aider will receive an A4 Emergency Life Support first aid certificate and a first Aider badge. Please wear old, comfortable clothing as these sessions are very practical. Please make a note on booking form if your child has any allergies. Wednesday 27th May (8-12) 09.30-14.30 Falmouth School £12.00 Children Aged 8 + Course 14 - Woodland Wild Learn the ancient skill of archery, use flint and steel to light a campfire, cook food on a stick over the fire and construct a shelter deep in the woods with Camp Kernow, based in Truro. Please wear old trainers, walking boots or wellies and bring waterproofs and a packed lunch. Ages 8-11 Thursday 28th May Depart Penryn College 09.30 and return 15.30 £25.00 Course 15 - Taekwondo With Black Panther Taekwondo - Starting from basic kicking working up to jumping kicks, spinning kicks, jumping spinning kicks. The benefits are self - discipline, respect for yourself and others, confidence, a sense of achievement, feeling fit and healthy, gaining a wealth of new knowledge and putting a smile on your face. Thursday 28th May 13.00-15.00 Falmouth School £7.00 Course 16 - First Aid Training (Don’t be a bystander!) With Vincent Bethermin of SaveLife Training this course is aimed at 12 to 16 year olds and teaches them essential life saving skills. It looks at the bystander effect and how when in a crowd people are less likely to act if an emergency occurs. With group led scenarios and shock videos Vincent teaches Emergency Life Support skills to empower young people to have the confidence to act in an emergency situation. Each student will receive an A4 Emergency Life Support first aid certificate and wallet certificate. Please wear old, comfortable clothing as these sessions are very practical. Please make a note on booking form if your child has any allergies. Thursday 28th May 09.30-14.30 Penryn College £12.00 Children Aged 8 + Course 17 - Bike Safari With Martin Beck (Bikeability and British Cycle Off Road Instructor) - This session has been designed to give your child an introduction to off road cycling. They will learn new skills that will help them to ride smoother, safer & with more confidence off road. We will be riding some of the mineral tramway for a warm up and then stop in the woods for some 'skills training'. What will you need? Mountain bike with gears (preferable) Helmet a must! - Pads (optional, but recommended), spare change of clothes in case you get wet, rucksack with a drink, 1 of their 5 a day and a snack. If you need any further information or have any questions then please call Martin Beck on 07980026930. Ages 8-11. Please meet at Bissoe Cycle Hire - TR15 1QR Friday 29th May 13.00—16.30 £16.00 Course 18 - Cookery: Summer Picnic. With Sally Ould- make some tasty food to bring on a summer picnic- mini quiches, yummy dip, some bright and colourful fruit salad and more. Choose ingredients from a selection and get creative! Please make a note on booking form if your child has an allergy to certain foods or is a vegetarian. Please bring a packed lunch. Ages 8-12 Wednesday 27th May 09.30-14.30 Falmouth School £18.00 Course 19 - Ready Steady Cook With Sally Ould - Get into teams, choose between two recipes and have a cook off! Prizes will be given for best dishes, safest kitchen, best teamwork...etc. Make a main course in the morning and a sweet dish after lunch. Please make a note on booking form if your child has an allergy to certain foods or is a vegetarian. Please bring a packed lunch. Ages 8-12 Thursday 28th May 09.30-14.30 Falmouth School £18.00 Children Aged 8 + Course 20 - Climbing Club Enjoy some climbing on the specialised climbing wall at Penryn College. Learn to belay, traverse and reach the summit of the wall! Please bring warm clothing and a waterproof coat. Ages 10-16 Thursday 28th May 10.00-12.00 Penryn College £7.00 Course 21 - Target Club With Chris Reade - Enjoy a range of target sports including Archery and Indoor Curling. These activities help develop concentration and coordination and give a real sense of achievement. Ages 8-14 Tuesday 26th May 12.30-14.30 Penryn College £7.00 Course 22 - Cheerleading With West Coast Cheerleading - Cheerleading helps confidence, attitude, body awareness and posture as well as many other benefits. Come along and learn some new moves to create a routine to music. Tuesday 26th May 12.30-14.30 Falmouth School £7.00 Course 23 – Art Fantastic Fabric creations! Decorate up a T-shirt using fabric paints, pens, appliqué and embroidery. (bring your own light coloured t-shirt) Make sock monsters and friends from old colourful socks. Make juggling creatures using a sewing machine and hand sewing. Explore a range of fabric arts, bring your own ideas and learn new skills. Thursday 28th May 09.30-14.30 Falmouth School £18.00 Course 24 - Surfing With Elemental UK - Enjoy a day of surfing at the Tolcarne Elemental UK Centre. Whatever your ability, you will be lead by fully qualified staff who will give you the best surfing experience possible. For competent, confident swimmers only. Ages 8 -16 Depart Penryn College 09.30 return 16.00 £30.00 per session Wednesday 27th May APPLICATION FORM MAY 2015 Name: D.O.B: Age: Present school: Year Group: Contact names: Contact Numbers: Email Address: During the programme photographs of participating children maybe taken for use in the local press, do you give your consent for this? YES/NO Your child's details will be stored on a secure database do you give your consent for this? YES/NO Please fill out the Parental Consent form overleaf COURSE COURSE NO. DATE(S) TOTAL COST £ I have read and I understand the terms and conditions outlined in the holiday booklet. Signed: PARENT/GUARDIAN Parental Consent Form/Safety on Educational Visits Data Protection act. The information being collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of school administration of visits and journeys under Department of Education and Skills guidelines. The data will not be disclosed to any external sources other than in an emergency, or Local Education Authority, without your written consent. 1. Name of participant:……………………….…………………………………………… 2. Address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tel No:………………………………… 3. Age:………………… 4. Emergency address and/telephone (if different from above)……………………………………………… …………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………... 5. Personal Information: please give details requested below or personal information which might be relevant. A. Has your child, to your knowledge, been in contact with any infectious illness in the last three weeks? Yes No If yes please give details………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... B. Does he/she suffer from any allergies, diabetes, migraine, epilepsy, bad period pains, sleepwalking, bed wetting or any other illness or disability? Yes No If yes please give details…………………………….……………………………………………………………………………... 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Is he/she allergic to anything (e.g. antibiotics, elastoplasts, aspirin or any such medicines, any particular food/drink)? Yes No If yes, please give details……………………. ……………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………... D. Is he/she actively sensitive to penicillin? Yes No If yes, please give details……………………. ………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………….. E. Is he/she receiving any medical treatment at present? Yes No If yes, please give details…………………………….……………………………………………………………………………. F. Date of last anti-tetanus injection:…………………………………………………. G. Does he/she have any special dietary needs?................................................................................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. H. Can he/she swim 50 metres? Yes No I. Name & address of own Doctor:……………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………Tel No…………………………………………. Insurance: Please note that there is a limited amount of cover for personal accident and loss of personal belongings through School Journey Insurance. Participants are covered by Cornwall County Council insurance in the event of negligence by one of its employees or agents. Details are available on request. PARENTAL CONSENT: (i) I have read the information provided and agree to my son/daughter taking part in the above activities. (ii) I acknowledge the need for him/her to behave responsibly at all times. (iii) I understand that the staff responsible for the activities will take all reasonable care of participants. (iv) I consent to any emergency treatment if necessary. I therefore authorise the party leader(s) to sign, on my behalf, any written form of consent required by the hospital authorities should medical treatment (a surgical operation or injection) be deemed necessary, provided that the delay required to obtain my signature might be considered, in the opinion of the doctor or surgeon concerned, likely to endanger my child’s health or safety. (v) I consent to my child travelling in a motor vehicle driven by a member of staff or other adult in the event of an emergency and in accordance with associated LEA guidance. Signature: Print Please return this form, together with any deposit or payment required. A copy of this form may be returned to parent/guardian by the school once received after signature, should it be required. APPLICATION FORM MAY 2015 Name: D.O.B: Age: Present school: Year Group: Contact names: Contact Numbers: Email Address: During the programme photographs of participating children maybe taken for use in the local press, do you give your consent for this? YES/NO Your child's details will be stored on a secure database do you give your consent for this? YES/NO Please fill out the Parental Consent form overleaf COURSE COURSE NO. DATE(S) TOTAL COST £ I have read and I understand the terms and conditions outlined in the holiday booklet. Signed: PARENT/GUARDIAN Parental Consent Form/Safety on Educational Visits Data Protection act. The information being collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of school administration of visits and journeys under Department of Education and Skills guidelines. The data will not be disclosed to any external sources other than in an emergency, or Local Education Authority, without your written consent. 1. Name of participant:……………………….…………………………………………… 2. Address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tel No:………………………………… 3. Age:………………… 4. Emergency address and/telephone (if different from above)……………………………………………… …………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………... 5. Personal Information: please give details requested below or personal information which might be relevant. A. Has your child, to your knowledge, been in contact with any infectious illness in the last three weeks? Yes No If yes please give details………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... B. Does he/she suffer from any allergies, diabetes, migraine, epilepsy, bad period pains, sleepwalking, bed wetting or any other illness or disability? Yes No If yes please give details…………………………….……………………………………………………………………………... 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Is he/she allergic to anything (e.g. antibiotics, elastoplasts, aspirin or any such medicines, any particular food/drink)? Yes No If yes, please give details……………………. ……………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………... D. Is he/she actively sensitive to penicillin? Yes No If yes, please give details……………………. ………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………….. E. Is he/she receiving any medical treatment at present? Yes No If yes, please give details…………………………….……………………………………………………………………………. F. Date of last anti-tetanus injection:…………………………………………………. G. Does he/she have any special dietary needs?................................................................................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. H. Can he/she swim 50 metres? Yes No I. Name & address of own Doctor:……………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………Tel No…………………………………………. Insurance: Please note that there is a limited amount of cover for personal accident and loss of personal belongings through School Journey Insurance. Participants are covered by Cornwall County Council insurance in the event of negligence by one of its employees or agents. Details are available on request. PARENTAL CONSENT: (i) I have read the information provided and agree to my son/daughter taking part in the above activities. (ii) I acknowledge the need for him/her to behave responsibly at all times. (iii) I understand that the staff responsible for the activities will take all reasonable care of participants. (iv) I consent to any emergency treatment if necessary. I therefore authorise the party leader(s) to sign, on my behalf, any written form of consent required by the hospital authorities should medical treatment (a surgical operation or injection) be deemed necessary, provided that the delay required to obtain my signature might be considered, in the opinion of the doctor or surgeon concerned, likely to endanger my child’s health or safety. (v) I consent to my child travelling in a motor vehicle driven by a member of staff or other adult in the event of an emergency and in accordance with associated LEA guidance. Signature: Print Please return this form, together with any deposit or payment required. A copy of this form may be returned to parent/guardian by the school once received after signature, should it be required. APPLICATION FORM MAY 2015 Name: D.O.B: Age: Present school: Year Group: Contact names: Contact Numbers: Email Address: During the programme photographs of participating children maybe taken for use in the local press, do you give your consent for this? YES/NO Your child's details will be stored on a secure database do you give your consent for this? YES/NO Please fill out the Parental Consent form overleaf COURSE COURSE NO. DATE(S) TOTAL COST £ I have read and I understand the terms and conditions outlined in the holiday booklet. Signed: PARENT/GUARDIAN Parental Consent Form/Safety on Educational Visits Data Protection act. The information being collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of school administration of visits and journeys under Department of Education and Skills guidelines. The data will not be disclosed to any external sources other than in an emergency, or Local Education Authority, without your written consent. 1. Name of participant:……………………….…………………………………………… 2. Address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tel No:………………………………… 3. Age:………………… 4. Emergency address and/telephone (if different from above)……………………………………………… …………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………... 5. Personal Information: please give details requested below or personal information which might be relevant. A. Has your child, to your knowledge, been in contact with any infectious illness in the last three weeks? Yes No If yes please give details………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... B. Does he/she suffer from any allergies, diabetes, migraine, epilepsy, bad period pains, sleepwalking, bed wetting or any other illness or disability? Yes No If yes please give details…………………………….……………………………………………………………………………... 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Is he/she allergic to anything (e.g. antibiotics, elastoplasts, aspirin or any such medicines, any particular food/drink)? Yes No If yes, please give details……………………. ……………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………... D. Is he/she actively sensitive to penicillin? Yes No If yes, please give details……………………. ………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………….. E. Is he/she receiving any medical treatment at present? Yes No If yes, please give details…………………………….……………………………………………………………………………. F. Date of last anti-tetanus injection:…………………………………………………. G. Does he/she have any special dietary needs?................................................................................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. H. Can he/she swim 50 metres? Yes No I. Name & address of own Doctor:……………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………Tel No…………………………………………. Insurance: Please note that there is a limited amount of cover for personal accident and loss of personal belongings through School Journey Insurance. Participants are covered by Cornwall County Council insurance in the event of negligence by one of its employees or agents. Details are available on request. PARENTAL CONSENT: (i) I have read the information provided and agree to my son/daughter taking part in the above activities. (ii) I acknowledge the need for him/her to behave responsibly at all times. (iii) I understand that the staff responsible for the activities will take all reasonable care of participants. (iv) I consent to any emergency treatment if necessary. I therefore authorise the party leader(s) to sign, on my behalf, any written form of consent required by the hospital authorities should medical treatment (a surgical operation or injection) be deemed necessary, provided that the delay required to obtain my signature might be considered, in the opinion of the doctor or surgeon concerned, likely to endanger my child’s health or safety. (v) I consent to my child travelling in a motor vehicle driven by a member of staff or other adult in the event of an emergency and in accordance with associated LEA guidance. Signature: Print Please return this form, together with any deposit or payment required. A copy of this form may be returned to parent/guardian by the school once received after signature, should it be required.
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