THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF GLEN BURNIE Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord – April 5, 2015 AT GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH Church: 1451 Furnace Ave. Glen Burnie, MD 21060 AT HOLY TRINITY PARISH Church: 7436 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. MSCS Auditorium: 120 Dorsey Rd. Glen Burnie, MD 21061 AT CRUCIFIXION PARISH Church: 100 Scott Ave. Glen Burnie, MD 21060 CATHOLIC CHURCH OF GLEN BURNIE PARISH CENTER: 126 DORSEY ROAD, GLEN BURNIE MD 21061 PHONE: 410-766-5070 / FAX 410-760-6738 / WWW.CC-GB.ORG PASTORAL STAFF Parishes of Crucifixion, Good Shepherd & Holy Trinity 410-766-5070 Rev. C. Lou Martin, Pastor [email protected] ext. 21 Rev. Ángel Marrero, Associate Pastor [email protected] ext. 14 Rev. Tony Adawu, Associate Priest [email protected] ext. 17 Rev. Jesús Aguirre, Hispanic Pastoral Care [email protected] ext. 24 Rev. Vin Arisukwu, In residence Deacon Kevin Brown, Deacon Allen Greene, Deacon German Flores Dan Miller, Director, Faith Formation (grades 9-12) & Young Adult Ministry [email protected] ext. 20 Joyce Pagan, Religious Education Coordinator (Pre-K thru 8th grade) [email protected] ext. 18 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Parishes of Crucifixion, Good Shepherd & Holy Trinity 410-766-5070 Kathy Ferris, Executive Assistant to the Pastor k.ferris ext. 26 [email protected] ext. 30 Tammie Flores, Bilingual Secretary Ed Hurley, Maintenance [email protected] ext. 29 Bob Hanna, Maintenance Judy Heydt, Bookkeeper Kelly Kramer, REP Secretary [email protected] [email protected] ext. 29 ext. 12 ext. 15 Parish Center Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am – 4pm (closed 12:30-1:15pm). For health emergencies requiring the presence of a priest after office hours, call the emergency line at 410-553-2893. MUSIC DIRECTORS To leave a message for the music directors, call the Parish Center. Wanda Hartman, at Crucifixion Parish Scott Romanoski, at Good Shepherd Parish Kathi Hiett, at Holy Trinity Parish Benjamín Ramírez, at Holy Trinity Parish DAILY/WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULES Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Crucifixion Parish Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 11:00 am Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Good Shepherd Parish Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am & 11:30 am Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Holy Trinity Parish Monday – Friday 6:30 am & 8:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday 8:30 am & 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm 6:00 pm (Español) MSCS Auditorium 7:30 am (Español) & 10:30 am MONSIGNOR SLADE CATHOLIC SCHOOL 120 Dorsey Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 410-766-7130 Website: Email: [email protected] Nuestra Comunidad Hispana Padre C. Lou Martin, Párroco Padre Jesús Aguirre Cuidado Pastoral de la Comunidad Español Horario de Oficina Centro Parroquial: 126 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Padre Jesús Aguirre, Martes 3 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Tammie Flores, Secretaria Bilingüe de la Parroquia, 410-766-5070 ext. 30 Nuevo horario de oficina del Padre Jesús - Todos los martes por cita previa de 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.. El Padre Jesús estara en la parroquia de Holy Trinity los miercoles de 4:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. para confesiones. Horario de Misas en Español de la Parroquia Holy Trinity Domingo 7:30 a.m. (en el Auditório) & 6:00 p.m. Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Iglesia: 7436 Baltimore-Annapolis, Blvd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Auditório: 120 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Comité Hispano de Holy Trinity Ivette Collazo, Coordinador y Representante del Consejo Parroquial Imelda Caceres, Coordinador del Grupo de Oración (Para los anuncios en Español vaya a la pagina 8) CONTACT INFORMATION FOR OUR ADVISORY BODIES Corporators: Gerry Schreiber Jim Dunne Dave Hall Matt Donlan Robin Rodgers Tom Sinchak 410-761-7694 [email protected] 410-859-0544 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Finance Council: Joanne Wonders 410-766-4908 [email protected] Mary Ann Herrera [email protected] Rocky Midgett [email protected] Ronald Ford [email protected] Skip Welch [email protected] Pat Rudolph [email protected] Pastoral Council: Rose Lis Kathleen Morris Patti Sadler [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] On behalf of the staff of the Catholic Church of Glen Burnie, we pray that God bless you abundantly in the faith of the Crucifixion, the hope of the Good Shepherd, and the love of the Holy Trinity. Scripture Readings for the Week Weekly Chapel Hours & Devotions Chapel Hours: Mon. – Fri., 9am – 4pm Good Shepherd: Chapel of the Angels CCGB Parish Center: Gethsemane Prayer Room Rosary: Holy Trinity: 8a.m. Mon.-Fri. Holy Trinity: 7:45 a.m. Saturday Miraculous Medal Novena at the churches located: Holy Trinity: Thurs. after 8:30 a.m. Mass St. Philip Neri: Tues. after 6:30 p.m. Mass Eucharistic Adoration: Good Shepherd: Every Wed. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Chapel of Angels rd 3 Fri. monthly, 7 – 8 p.m. in the Church Holy Trinity: st 1 Fri. monthly, 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. in the Church Catholic Church of Glen Burnie Parish Center Every Tues. 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Gethsemane Prayer Room Reconciliation Held on Saturdays or by appointment Crucifixion 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. Good Shepherd 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Holy Trinity 4:00 – 4:45 p.m. April 5, 2015 – April 11, 2015 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34, 37-43 / Col 3:1-4 or 1Cor 5:6-8 / Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 Acts 2:14, 22-33 / Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41 / Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10 / Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26 / Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12 / Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21 / Mk 16:9-15 Family Reflection for the Week Key Passage: When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory. (Colossians 3:4) Adult: Why do you believe that you will live with Christ for all eternity? Child: Who has helped you believe that you will live with Jesus forever? Input for our Sunday bulletin may be sent to [email protected] for consideration. Input must be received by 12 noon on Friday to appear in the following weekend’s issue. USCCB Intercession for Life: For those who suffer: may they find their strength in the hope of the Resurrection; We pray to the Lord. Join us as we pray for our brave men and women in at home and abroad, and for their families. CLUSTER WEEKDAY MASS INTENTIONS FOR MONDAY APRIL 6 THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 11 6:30 A.M. AND 8:30A.M. DAILY MASSES ARE HELD AT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF GLEN BURNIE AT HOLY TRINITY 7436 BALTIMORE – ANNAPOLIS BLVD. 6:30 p.m. Masses are held at St. Philip Neri, 6405 S. Orchard Rd., Linthicum, MD 21090 Mon. April 6 6:30 AM 8:30 AM No 6:30 am Mass today Susan Kline & Edwin Recamora Thur. April 9 6:30 AM Marion Gaffney 8:30 AM William Van Tassel & Edith Van Tassel Tues. April 7 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Eton Balancad Evelyn Ferguson Fri. April 10 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Cung Le Janet B. Forman & Arlene Forman Wed. April 8 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Anna & Charles Conigliaro Hamilton Forman & Mary Van Syckle Sat. April 11 8:30 AM Ralph Ettinger (Italics denotes living intentions) Please pray for our recently deceased family, friends and parishioners, especially Evelyn Ferguson, Grace Luke, Eileen Oickle, Patrick Prendergast, Harold Wright . Also, please keep in your prayers the special intentions of the living: Stuart Armstead, Rebecca Bayer, Doris Boyd, Loretta A. Daniels, Stan Dewling, Mary Madeline Ernst, Linda Lee Evans, Marie Audrey Falter, Marie Frazier, Betty Grace Hofmann, Shirley Lee, Edith Hardt, Beverly Jennings, Isabelle Kursch, Ashley Klohr, Stephen Lanasa, Tim Lynch, Karol McMullen, Ceil Miller, Robbie Miller, Anne M. Murphy, Irene Paskoski, Rosemary Powers, Jamie Purper, Ferndina Queen, Barbara J. Sabur, Franklin Salisbury, Debbie Tilghman, John Wells, David White, Ben Williams, Timothy Williams, and those serving in the military and their devoted families. (Names will appear for a period of approximately four weeks) 2 Pastor’s Notes He has risen as he said. Alleluia! Alleluia! With these words the church celebrates the universal truth that we have a God who fulfills his promises. When I was newly ordained and in my first assignment as a priest, I celebrated many funerals. One day I was driving to the cemetery with a funeral director, Tom Murphy, from the John C. Miller Funeral Home. I remember, Tom, who was about my age (26), telling me that there would come a time in my life that I would know as many people in heaven as I knew on earth and that would make dying less of something to fear. While I must admit I don’t look forward to dying, what Tom shared with me that day was more than just an intellectual truth. So many people who have touched my life for the good are now, I believe, enjoying eternity with God. When I think in the abstract, I know it is true - when I think of my dad, or my uncle Armando, or my childhood friend Jimmy, or little Leo, a 10 year old boy who died in my arms, and so many others and I think of what a joy it will be to actually see them face-to-face. Then there is the ultimate joy of seeing Jesus face-to-face. He will no longer be bloodstained and bruised but alive, made whole and victorious. We all will be. It will make everything that was painful and a cause for endurance on this side of life meaningful. I pray that we will be at peace and that we will personally experience the joy of this day. On behalf of my staff and myself, I wish you a Happy & Blessed Easter! As I was writing these notes we were concluding our last week of winter relief for this winter season. As was true at Holy Trinity and Good Shepherd, I could see the look of satisfaction and pleasure in the face of Renee Cover and her team of workers/ministers. I saw the look of a “good tired” in the faces of those who were not just talking about faith but living it out. We have a God who takes the greatest pleasure in us caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable. It did my heart good to see parishioners of all 3 parishes working together as if they were one. There were even some parishioners from other parishes like St. Philip Neri. To take this conversation full circle, our togetherness is kind of like heaven on earth where we will in fact be brothers and sisters. Congratulations to us all. I conclude thanking everyone for working together and thanking Sherry Kennell, Rick Biagiotti, Cindy White, Shelly Maranto, and Renee Cover for stepping up and leading our efforts. Thank you to all who stepped up and put the work of ministry into action. You should be rightly proud of your efforts! My contact information: My email address is [email protected] and my cell number is 410-299-6731. Remember God loves you and so do I. Make it a good week! Fr. Lou Mass Intentions for April 11 & April 12, 2015 Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Crucifixion Sat., April 11 Sun., April 12 4:30 PM Souls in Purgatory 11:00 AM Robert Farrell Church of Glen Burnie at Good Shepherd Sat., April 11 Sun., April 12 5:30 PM For the People 10:15 AM Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Holy Trinity Sat., April 11 Sun., April 12 5:00 PM Wayne Lucas 7:00 AM Harold Wright 8:30 AM Janet Lee Mundy 10:00 AM Robert Urbach 12:00 PM 6:00 PM Yvette Bergeron Catholic Church of G.B. Mass Celebrants April 11 & April 12, 2015 Day Saturday Sunday Time 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 12 Noon 6:00 PM Celebrant Fr. Lou Fr. Angel Fr. Tony Fr. Carr Fr. Jesús Fr. Carr Fr. Angel Fr. Vin Fr. Tony Fr. Lou Fr. Angel Fr. Jesús Location COC HT GS HT MSCS HT HT GS MSCS COC HT HT The priests’ schedule is subject to change. Thank you for your understanding. EVENTS AND GENERAL INFORMATION Haiti Outreach Committee In two weeks, the weekend of April 18-19, at each Mass we will share with you a short presentation, a compilation of videos taken at St. Laurent. Our hope is that you will feel a true connection with the children and gain a better understanding of life in the remote village of Bassin Mangnan. Perhaps you will even feel a nudge to join us on our trip in July! That same weekend we will hold our annual collection. We have only one collection each year to support the various programs at our sister parish. We are very grateful for your past donations. This year we ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your donation by 10%. MÈSI BOKOU E BONDYE BENI W’! Thank you very much and God Bless you! Acts 4:32 “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.” 3 Holy Trinity Rosary Making Guild The annual Rosary Sale will take place in the Church Hall before and after the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, April 11 and after all morning Masses, including the Auditorium, on Sunday, April 12. The Rosary Guild’s monthly meeting will be held on Monday, April 13 at 1:30 p.m. in the Deacon’s Room at the Parish Center. Call Margaret Holy at 410-335-3339. End of Fish Bakes Pope Paul VI Assembly, Knights of Columbus, would like to thank the parishioners for their support of our annual Fish Bake. It was very successful and we hope that all who attended enjoyed the meal and fellowship. Thanks for all you help and support. Rick Wilburt, Pope Paul IV Assembly, Knights of Columbus. Announcing the New Mass Schedule at Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd Effective April 11 & 12 Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass 10:15 a.m. Respect Life Corner Pregnant, Need Help? Call the Gabriel Network 1-800ANGEL-OK Suffering Post-Abortion Stress? Call Rachel’s Vineyard 410-625-8491 / email: [email protected] Retrouvaille – Marriage Support A Lifeline for Marriage Are you thinking of moving out, considering separation or divorce? The Retrouvaille Program (French for re-discovery - pronounced Ret-ro-vai) can help. The next rediscovery weekend is set for May 8 – 10. All calls & inquiries are confidential. For more information, call 443400-7017 or visit: or email [email protected] Motorcycle Ride for Life! Join us on Saturday, May 9 for the Ride for Life, a 90-mile motorcycle ride to raise funds and support the Pregnancy Clinic Ministry which empowers women in unexpected pregnancies to choose life! Contact: www.RIDEFORLIFEMD.ORG The Council Corner – During 2013 & 2014 the Catholic Church of Glen Burnie held various assemblies for our parishioners. During these assemblies, Parishioners were asked if they had questions for Fr. Lou Martin & the Pastoral Council. Here are some of the questions and responses from Fr. Lou and the Council members. Q. How do we budget and manage the funds for each parish? A. One checking account will be used but the books will have three separate divisions, so the income and direct expenses can be posted directly to each Parish’s division. Shared expenses will be allocated to each division when the expense is entered. Rose Lis, Chairperson Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults RCIA Classes for the Catholic Church of Glen Burnie are held at the Parish Center on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. Each year our parish offers men and women a chance to explore the Catholic Faith and to begin or continue their journey in becoming Catholic. RCIA is for those who: have never been baptized; those baptized in another Christian church who want to become Catholic; or baptized Catholics who are in need of Confirmation. Come journey with us in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) as we delve deeply into the heart of the Catholic Faith and grow in the knowledge and love of Christ Jesus. Contact Fr. Tony Adawu at [email protected] or call 410-766-5070 ext. 17. The King’s Men will be viewing Bishop Sheen’s series “A Man for all Seasons” at 7:30 p.m. at Good Shepherd Parish every 2nd & 4th Monday of each month. Adoration is held the 3rd Friday of each month at 7 p.m. in Good Shepherd Church. Contact Orville: 410-761-3715. St. Philip Neri Bible Study Fr. DeAscanis will be presenting a bible study on the Gospel of Mark beginning April 9. For more information and to register call Pat Naunton, 410-598-8631 The Holy Trinity Ladies Sodality of the Blessed Mother will meet on Tuesday April 7 at 3:30 in the Hall. Newcomers are welcome. Bands 5 & 6 are asked to bring refreshments. We will be discussing our Communion Breakfast, our May Procession, and the Dinner for the Methodist Ladies of Glen Burnie. For more info call pat Hanna 410-761-5917. CC-GB Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser The Youth of CCGB will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on April 19 from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Church Hall. Please join us for an afternoon – evening of fine Italian dining, a silent auction, and cake wheel! Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for children under 5 and can be purchased in advance or may be purchased at the door. Take-out orders are welcome! We are also looking for parishioners who would be willing to donate cakes and/or baked goods for our Cake Wheel. Donations can be dropped off at the parish center, or contact Dan Miller for pickup. Call Dan at 410-766-5070, Ext 20, or email ([email protected]). The proceeds from this event will go towards the cost of our sending our Church’s youth to the National 4 Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, an event where more than 28,000 young Catholics come together for concerts, Mass, prayer, praise and worship, all out of love for God and His Catholic Church! Monsignor Slade Catholic School News! Monsignor Slade's 2015 Cash Bash Event associated with Manhattan After Dark will be held on Saturday April 25, from 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. Tickets for the one-day event are $100 per couple and include free bull roast style dinner, beer, wine, soda, and 145 chances to win $50,000 in prizes. Cash bar, silent auction, karaoke, Irish Pub, casino, and many other Manhattan After Dark favorites will be available! Tickets may be purchased on-line at For more information, contact the school at 410-766-7130. St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial "Do you love your Catholic faith? Does the thought of sharing your faith and the treasury of culture and history of the Western civilization excite you? Please consider tutoring at St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial (STAT), a 2-dayper-week program that serves homeschooled students in a classroom setting in grades 2 - 8. For more information please visit our website at and complete the "contact page." St. Andrew By The Bay Chamber Music Series 2015 Sunday, April 12, 2015 3:00 p.m. Rachel Sitomer, Soprano With Ta-Wei-Tsai, Piano Songs by Floyd, Heggie, Brahams, & Copland Flea Market Vendors Wanted The Catonsville Knights of Columbus #1960 is having their semi-annual flea market on Saturday April 25th, 2015 at 7 am. 1 space =$10 1 space w/ table = $15 Location: across the Catonsville Post Office and Catonsville Library on Frederick Rd. All Proceeds benefit The Catonsville Knights of Columbus #1960 Charities. For more information, call Robin Kinzer 410-949-0311 [email protected] Enrich your Retirement… …Enrich the Lives of Others Are you retired or finished raising your family? Do you want to give back, enrich your spiritual life, and build community with other mature adults? Consider joining the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in Baltimore. Our volunteers serve two days per week (Sept. through June) in local organizations that work directly with the poor, and meet monthly for prayer and shared reflection in the Ignatian tradition. For more details or to attend an information session, contact Steve Eberle, Regional Director, at [email protected] or 410-752-4686. For further information, visit our website, From the Archdiocesan Bulletin Day of Healing Prayer for Women “The Gift of Mercy” A DAY OF HEALING PRAYER FOR WOMEN. Saturday, April 11, 9:00 am-3:00 pm Sponsored by: Heart of Mercy, A Healing Ministry for Women. Sisters of the Good Shepherd, 4100 Maple Avenue, Halethorpe, MD 21227. Celebrate the Easter Season with Mass, two talks about the mercy of Jesus Christ, time for individual prayer, faith sharing in small groups, and lunch. RSVP by April 7. Call 443-833-4332, or visit Free! The Science Behind the Shroud of Turin The Baltimore Guild Catholic Medical Association (BGCMA) invites you to join us for this Easter season presentation by Dr. Jess Socrates on Saturday April 11, 2015 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen (5200 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201). The day begins with the celebration of the parish Mass at 8:15 am (main church) followed by a continental breakfast and presentation at the parish center (across from the main church) at approximately 9am. RSVP appreciated at [email protected] and a $10 donation from attendees. For more information on this and other guild activities please visit Discernment Camp for High School Boys Quo Vadis June 28-July 1, 2015 • Rising 9th through 12th Graders Mount Saint Mary’s University - Emmittsburg, MD “Quo Vadis” means “Where are you going?” High school men who attend the camp are actively seeking God’s plan for their lives, trusting that he has great things in store for them! The theme of this year’s camp is “Change the World” echoing Pope Francis as he continually challenges us to go out and share the good news of Christ! Listen to presentations from dynamic priests and speakers, receive the Sacraments, find excitement in your life with God, and socialize with other good men. Includes games and sports. Fee is $100 (sibling discounts & scholarships available). Details and registration at 5 Discernment Camp for High School Girls Fiat Camp July 23-25, 2015 • Rising 9th through 12th Graders Mount Saint Mary’s University - Emmittsburg, MD Fiat is Latin for “Let it be done.” This was Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel when she was asked to become the mother of Jesus. The FIAT DAYS camp is for young women in high school who want to model their personal holiness on that of Mary. By doing so they hope to be better able to discover their own vocation from our Lord, and make their own “fiat” or “yes” to Him. We are excited to announce that this year we will be doing our camp with the Archdiocese of Washington! The camp includes prayer, talks, discussions with religious sisters, games and sports. Fee is $100 (sibling discounts & scholarships available). Details and registration at Quo Vadis Days for High School Boys Join Fr. DeAscanis, Fr. Brian Nolan, and seminarians, and meet with other high school men seeking to grow as courageous followers of Jesus. Play hard and pray hard – sports & activities, discussion, vespers with seminarians, and dinner! Future Schedule: Sunday afternoons, 2:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. April 19 at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg. Register free online. Immigration Detention Visitation Presentation & Workshop "[I was] naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." (Matthew 25:36, NABRE) The U.S. government mandates the detention of 34,000 migrants each day - be they men, women or families with children. So every day, we have 34,000 opportunities to live out our faith by providing hope, strength and a voice to the detained by participating in an immigration detention visitation ministry. On Sunday, April 19, after the 10:30 Mass, the St. Ignatius Justice & Peace Committee will host a presentation and workshop on Immigration Detention and Visitation in the Chapel of Grace. Matthew Dolamore, who is the National Network Coordinator for the Community Support alternative to detention program at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, will speak. Fabio Lomelino, who is the Community Education Facilitator at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service will join him. There is no cost for this event. Date and Time: Sunday, April 19 – after 10:30 AM Mass Location: St. Ignatius Catholic Community 740 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 (in the Chapel of Grace) Cost: Admission is Free. Faith Formation News Youth Ministry Youth Spaghetti Dinner – The Youth of CCGB will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on April 19 from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Church Hall. Please join us for an afternoon – evening of fine Italian dining, a silent auction, and cake wheel! Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for children under 5 and can be purchased in advance or may be purchased at the door. Take-out orders are welcome! We are also looking for parishioners who would be willing to donate cakes and/or baked goods for our Cake Wheel. Donations can be dropped off at the parish center, or contact Dan Miller for pickup. Contact Dan Miller ([email protected]) for more information. The proceeds from this event will go towards the cost of our sending our Church’s youth to the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis Indiana. An event where more than 28,000 young Catholics come together for concerts, Mass, prayer, praise and worship, all out of love for God and His Catholic Church! Sacramental News Confirmation Large Group Dates: Below you will find a list of our upcoming Large Group dates… • April 15th • June 17th All Large Group sessions will be held from 7 – 9 p.m. at Good Shepherd Parish. Please note - teens will receive their Small Groups information by April 15. Any teen who did not provided their Small Group Request form by April 1 will be assigned to a Small Group by the Director. Small Group Meetings – Small Group meetings will begin the week of May 3 – May 8. First Eucharist 1st Eucharist Retreat, April 25: We will have two 1st Eucharist retreat sessions, one at 10 a.m. the other beginning at 1 p.m. Both sessions will be held at Holy Trinity Hall. We ask that one parent attend this miniretreat. 1st Eucharist Mass Rehearsal, May 5: Rehearsal will begin by 6:30 p.m. Parents and children are asked to be on time so we can keep the rehearsal as timely as possible. Failure to attend the rehearsal will result in rescheduling a later 1st Eucharist date. Parents, it is important that your family participate in all of these events. Failure to attend these events could result in your child receiving the sacrament in our 2016 1st Eucharist celebration. 6 Religious Education Pre-K – 8th Grade or 410-766-5070 ext. 18 Joyce Pagan, Religious Ed. Coordinator Middle School Religious Education Classes All students (Grades 6–8) who are registered for Faith Formation need to be attending weekly Faith Formation classes. If you have not registered your child and would like to do so, please call Joyce Pagan at 410-766-5070 ext. 18. April 5 Easter NO CLASS April 12 Last class for Morning REP RCIC Baptism April 17 Catechist Year End Celebration April 29 VBS Volunteer Meeting June 22 to 26 Vacation Bible School Catechist Year End Celebration! Please make plans to join us Friday, April 17th at 7 pm for our Catechist Year End Celebration. Our celebration will take place at Holy Trinity Hall. We will provide the meat for our celebration and ask everyone to bring a side dish or dessert to share with the group. Please RSVP by April 13th so we have plenty of food! Program Evaluations Reminder Our program evaluation is attached to my recent newsletter. Please take a minute or two to answer these questions. I really do appreciate feedback. I want this program to continue being such an awesome experience for our parish families. Hearing feedback and recommendations about improvements that need to be made will help ensure that this awesome, faith-filled experience continues. Boletín Parroquial de la Comunidad Hispana Notas del Pastor Él ha resucitado como dijo. ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Con estas palabras, la iglesia celebra la verdad universal que tenemos un Dios que cumple sus promesas. Cuando fui recién ordenado y en mi primer asignación como sacerdote yo celebre muchos funerales y un día yo estaba manejando hacia el cementerio con un director de la funeraria, Tom Murphy, a partir de entonces John C. Miller Funeral Home. Recuerdo, Tomo, que era de mi edad (26 años), diciéndome que vendría un tiempo en mi vida en que conozco tantas personas en el cielo como en la tierra y que eso daría menos temor a la muerte. Aunque debo admitir que no tengo ganas de morir, lo que Tom compartió conmigo ese día fue algo más que una verdad intelectual. Así que muchas personas que tocado mi vida por el bien creo que ahora disfrutan la eternidad con Dios. Cuando pienso en lo abstracto ya sé que es verdad, cuando pienso en mi padre, o mi tío Armando, o mi amigo de la infancia de Jimmy, o pequeño Leo, un niño de 10 años que murió en mis brazos y tantos otros, y creo que alegría será realmente verlos cara a cara; luego está el gozo final de ver a Jesus cara a cara. El ya no será la sangre manchando y golpeado pero vivo, todo hecho y victorioso. Todos seremos. Hará todo lo que era doloroso y causa de la resistencia de este lado de la vida vale la pena. Le pido a Dios que nosotros estemos en paz y que personalmente experimentemos la alegría de este día. En nombre de mi personal y yo mismo, les deseo una Pascua Feliz y Bendita. Mientras escribía estas notas estábamos concluyendo nuestra última semana de alivio de invierno para esta temporada de invierno. Como era verdad en Holy Trinity y Good Shepherd, se podía ver la mirada de satisfacción y placer en la cara de Renee Cover y su equipo de trabajadores y ministros. Vi la mirada de un “buen cansado” en los rostros de los que no estaban hablando solo de fe, sino vivirlo. Tenemos un Dios que quita el mayor placer en nosotros no tratando de hacer que se siente bien, pero en nosotros el cuidado de los demás especialmente a los más vulnerables. Lo que hizo bien mi corazón también estaba viendo a los feligreses de todas las tres parroquias que trabajan juntos como si fueran uno. Para decir la verdad que incluso hubo algunos de otras parroquias como Saint Philip Neri. Para tomar esta conversación circulo lleno, nuestra unión es como el cielo en la tierra donde, de hecho, somos hermanos y hermanas. Felicitaciones a todos nosotros. Concluyo agradeciendo a todos por el trabajo conjunto y agradeciendo Sherry Kennell y Rick Biagiotti, Cindy White, Shelly Maranto y Renee Cover por tomar el paso y liderad nuestros esfuerzos. Gracias a todos ustedes que se acercaron y pusieron el trabajo de ministerio en acción. Todos ustedes deben estar justamente orgullosos de sus esfuerzos! Mi información de contacto: Mi dirección de correo electrónico es [email protected] y mi número de celular es 410-299-6731. Recuerde que Dios te ama y yo también conviértanlo en una buena semana. Padre Lou. 7 Mensaje de Padre Jesús ¿QUIÉN TE VISTE A TI? Un viernes muy de mañana vi un joven guapo y fuerte caminando por los suburbios de la ciudad. Empujaba un viejo carrito lleno de ropas nuevas y bonitas y pregonaba: Trapos. Trapos. Cambio trapos nuevos pos los viejos. Yo no comprendía cómo un hombre guapo y joven se dedicaba a ese negocio. Decidí seguirle y la verdad que no me decepcionó. El trapero vio una mujer que lloraba desconsoladamente y enjugaba sus lágrimas en un gran pañuelo. Deme su pañuelo y yo le daré otro, le dijo, dulcemente le quitó el pañuelo de los ojos y puso otro limpio en sus manos que era tan brillante y hermoso que resplandecía. El trapero siguió su camino y observé que algo extraño sucedía. Se llevó el pañuelo a la cara y lo empapó con sus lágrimas, pero la mujer ya no lloraba. Esto es maravilloso, pensé y seguí detrás del trapero que continuaba gritando: Trapos. Trapos. Cambio trapos nuevos por viejos. Poco después el trapero se tropezó con una niña con la cabeza vendada y los ojos vacíos. Las vendas estaban empapadas de sangre y la sangre le corría por las mejillas, el trapero la miró con amor y le dijo: dame tus trapos y yo te daré los míos. Le quitó el vendaje y se lo ató a su cabeza. A la niña le puso un gorro amarillo y desapareció la herida y la sangre, ahora un hilillo de sangre brotaba de la cabeza del trapero. Trapos. Cambio trapos nuevos por los viejos, gritaba el trapero que lloraba y sangraba. Vi que se paró a hablar con un hombre y le preguntó si iba a trabajar, este le contestó: no tengo trabajo. ¿Quién va a contratar a un hombre que tiene sólo un brazo? Y le enseñó la manga vacía de la camisa. Dame tu camisa y yo te daré la mía, le dijo el trapero, el hombre manco se quitó la camisa y lo mismo hizo el trapero. Temblé cuando vi lo que pasaba. Vi como el brazo del trapero se quedó dentro de la manga de su camisa y cuando el hombre se la puso tenía dos brazos sanos, pero el trapero ahora sólo tenía uno.” Ve a trabajar”, le dijo el trapero. Después encontró a un borracho que yacía en el suelo cubierto con una manta y que parecía muy enfermo. El trapero se cubrió con esa manta y lo cubrió con ropas nuevas. A mí me dolía su tristeza, pero seguí observándole para averiguar sus intenciones. Finalmente llegó a un gran basurero, pensé ayudarle, pero preferí esconderme. Subió a lo alto y dio un gran suspiro. Se tumbó y se cubrió con los trapos viejos que había intercambiado y murió. Lloré amargamente, yo, testigo de su muerte, yo, que había llegado a amar al trapero y lloré mientras dormía en un coche del cementerio de coches. Dormí todo un viernes y un sábado. El domingo por la mañana una luz violenta me despertó, una luz tan fuerte, tan fuerte que no podía mirarla. Pude ver un milagro ante mis atónitos ojos. Allí, sí, allí estaba el trapero doblando su manta. Estaba vivo con sólo una cicatriz en su cabeza. Ni la menor señal de tristeza o de edad, y todos los trapos que había recogido a lo largo de la vida brillaban de limpios. Bajé mi cabeza asombrado por todo lo que había visto, salí de mi coche chatarra y caminé hacia el trapero y le dije mi nombre. Me quité todos mis vestidos y le dije: “Te doy mis trapos viejos. Vísteme con tus trapos nuevos. Hazme nuevo otra vez”. Me vistió. Me puso trapos nuevos y ahora soy una maravilla junto a él –el trapero. El Cristo. Cristo Resucitado. A mí me vistió. ¿Quién te viste a ti? Los evangelios no terminan con el “todo está cumplido” de Jesús en la cruz. Los evangelios tienen un capítulo más, el de la Resurrección, el de la vida nueva y glorificada. Nosotros cerramos el evangelio y comenzamos a vivir el tiempo de la fe. Fe en Cristo Resucitado. Fe en que todos estamos llamados a resucitar y a reinar con Cristo. Hoy, domingo de Pascua de Resurrección, proclamamos la única verdad digna de ser proclamada: “Cristo ha resucitado. Verdaderamente ha resucitado”. Sacramentos Confesiones: Domingo después de la Misa y Miércoles de 4:00pm-7:00pm en la Parroquia Bautismos: Se celebrán el primer sábado del mes Preparación para el Bautismo: Durante el mes Abril no se ofrecerá charlas. Las siguientes charlas comienzan el domingo 10 y 17 de mayo en el centro parroquial a las 11:30am y la tercera charla el miércoles 20 de mayo a las 4:30pm en la iglesia. Para más información llamar al Centro Parroquial. Preparación para Primera Comunión: Llamar al Centro Parroquial Preparación y Recepción de Matrimonios, Quinceañeras y Santa Unción a los enfermos: Hacer cita con el Padre Jesús Ritos de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos – RCIA Clases de RCIA para la iglesia Católica de Glen Burnie se llevan a cabo en el Centro Parroquial el miércoles de 7 a 9p.m. Cada año nuestra parroquia ofrece a los hombres y mujeres la oportunidad de explorar la fe católica y comenzar o continuar su viaje para convertirse en católico. RCIA es para aquellos que: nunca han sido bautizados; los bautizados en otra iglesia cristina que 8 quieren convertirse en católicos o católicos bautizados que están en la necesidad de la Confirmación. Ven y viaje con nosotros en el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RCIA) como ahondamos profundamente en el corazón de la fe católica y crecer en el conocimiento y el amor de Cristo Jesús. Para más información contacte al Padre Tony Adawu, corro electrónico [email protected] o llame al 410-766-5070 ext. 17. La Puntualidad en la Educación Religiosa Es muy importante que los estudiantes lleguen a tiempo y preparados para las clases de educación religiosa. Al llegar tarde a la clase dificulta la oportunidad de que el niño reciba toda la información sobre la catequesis, es falta de respeto a los maestros que dedican tanto tiempo a la enseñanza para la cantidad de información dentro de una hora y veinte minutos que tenemos cada semana con su hijo/a. Por favor asegúrese que sus hijos están en sus clases a las 9:00 a.m. los domingos y a las 7:00 p.m. los domingos. Muchas gracias por su cooperación en este asunto. Educación Religiosa Pre-k-8vo Grado 410-766-5070 ext. 18 Joyce Pagan, Educación Religiosa Coordinadora Educación Religiosa clases de escuela secundaria: Todos los estudiantes (grados 6-8) que están registrados para la Formación de Fe deben asistir a clases semanales de Formación de Fe. Si no está registrado, su hijo/a y le gustaría hacerlo, por favor llame a Joyce Pagan al 410766-5070 ext.18. El 29 de Marzo Doming De Ramos: 5º grado- Presentación de pasión 5º grado Promocion (su última clase) 8vo grado- Retiro ultima clase por la tarde REP 05 de Abril Pascua- No HAY CLASES 02 de Abril- RCIC Bautismo 12 de Abril- Ultima clases de la mañana REP 17 de Abril- Fin de año celebración de catequistas Celebración fin de año para catequista Por favor haga planes para unirse con nosotros el viernes, 17 de abril a las 7 pm para nuestra celebración fin de año para catequistas. Se llevara a cabo en Holy Trinity Hall. Vamos a ofrecer la carne para nuestra celebración y pedir a todos que traigan un plato o postre para compartir con el grupo. Por Favor confirmar su asistencia para el 13 de abril, así podemos asegurarnos que tenemos suficiente comida. Evaluaciones de Programas Recordatorio Nuestra evaluación del programa se adjunta a mi reciente boletín. Por favor, tómese un minuto o dos para responder a estas preguntas. Realmente aprecio la realimentación. Quiero que este programa continúe siendo una experiencia increíble para nuestras familias de la parroquia. Al escuchar comentarios y recomendaciones sobre mejorar lo que se debe hacer ayuda en asegúranos que esta experiencia impresionante, llena de fe continua. Cena de Espaguetis Juventud: La juventud de CCGB será el anfitrión de una cena de espaguetis el 19 de abril de 11 a.m.-7 p.m. en la iglesia de la Trinidad Hall. Por favor, únase con nosotros para una tarde – noche de buena comida italiana, una subasta silenciosa, y la rueda de torta. Los boletos cuestan $8 para adultos y $5 para los niños menores de 5 años y pueden ser comprados antes o se pueden comprar en la puerta. Pedidos de órdenes son bienvenidos. También estamos buscando para feligreses que estarían dispuestos a donar pasteles y/o productos de panadería para nuestra Rueda de Torta. Las donaciones pueden ser dejadas en el centro parroquial, o pónganse en contacto con Dan Miller para su recogida. Correo electrónico de Dan Miller [email protected] para más información. Las ganancias de este evento se destinaran a los gastos de envió de nuestros jóvenes en Nuestra Iglesia para la Conferencia nacional de la Juventud Católica en Indianapolis, Indiana. Un evento en el que más de 28,000 jóvenes católicos se reúnen para conciertos, misa, oración, alabanza y adoración, todo por amor a Dios y su Iglesia Católica. Retiro Emaús La escuela San Andrés tiene el retiro de Emaús que será el 11 y 12 de Abril; requisito haber vivido el retiro de Nueva Vida. Para más información por favor llamen a Elisa Montero 443-867-7682. 1ª Eucaristía Retiro, 25 de abril: Tendremos dos sesiones de retiro Primera Eucaristía, uno a las 10:00 a.m., la otra empezando a las 1:00 p.m. Ambas sesiones se llevaran a cabo en el salón de Holy Trinity. Pedimos que uno de los padres asista este mini-retiro. 1ª Eucaristía Misa el Ensayo, 5 de Mayo: El Ensayo se iniciara a las 6:30 p.m., los padres y los hijos se les pide que lleguen a tiempo para que podamos mantener el ensayo oportuno como sea posible. El no asistir al ensayo 9 se les dará reprogramación de una fecha posterior para la primera Eucaristía. Confirmación papeleo necesario: Todavía necesitamos formularios de solicitud para Grupos Pequeños y solicitudes de patrocinador de muchos de nuestros candidatos de confirmación. Para un candidato que sea elegible para el sacramento, necesitamos este papeleo antes del 28 de Marzo Los padres, es importante que su familia participe en todos estos eventos. Falta de asistir estos eventos podría resultar en que su hijo reciba el sacramento de nuestra Primera Celebración Eucarística en el 2016. Holy Trinity Rosario Haciendo Gremio Venta del rosario anual tendrá lugar en el salón de la iglesia antes y después de la misa de las 5:00 p.m., el 11 de abril y después de todas las Misas de la mañana, incluyendo el auditorio, el domingo 12 de April. El Rosario de Gremio se llavara a cabo el Lunes, 13 de Abril a las 1:30 p.m. en el salón de Deacon’s en el Centro Parroquial. Llame a Margaret Santo para más información al 410-335-3339.este ministerio gratificante. Contacto Rene Cover, correo electrónico [email protected]. Gracias. Presentación de la Visitación de Detención de Inmigración y Taller Domingo, 19 de abril “(Estaba) estuve desnudo y me vestisteis, enfermo y me atendieron, en la cárcel y me visitasteis.” (Mateo 25:36, Nabre) El gobierno de los Estadios Unidos ordena la detención de 34 mil migrantes cada día – sean hombres, mujeres o familias con niños. Así que cada día, tenemos 34 mil oportunidades de vivir nuestra fe proporcionando la esperanza, fuerza y una voz al detenido participando en un ministerio de visitación de detención de inmigrantes. El domingo 19 de abril, después de la Misa de 10:30, el comité de Justicia y Paz de Saint Ignatius será la sede de un taller sobre detención visitas en la capilla de la gracia. Matthew Dolamore, quien es el Coordinador de la Red Nacional para la alternativa Comunitario de Apoyo al programa de detención en luterano de Inmigración y Refugiados, hablara. Fabio Lomelino, que es el facilitador de Educación Comunitaria y Refugiados se unirá con él. No hay cotos para este evento. Fecha y hora: Domingo, 19 de abril – después de la misa de las 10:30 a.m. Lugar: Saint Ignatius Comunidad Catolica 740 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 (en la Capilla de la Gracia) Costo: La entrada es Gratis. Buscando Vendedores de Mercado Los caballeros de Colon de Catonsville #1960 están teniendo su mercadillo anual el sábado, 25 de abril del 2015 a las 7:00 a.m. 1 espacio =$10 un espacio con misa = $15 Ubicación: a través de la oficina de Correos y Biblioteca de Catonsville en Frederick Rd. Todos los ingresos los Caballeros de Colon de Catonsville #1960 beneficencia, llame al 410-949-0311 Robin Kinzer o [email protected] Saint Philip Neri Estudio Bíblico Padre DeAscanis presentara un estudio de la biblia sobre el Evangelio de Marcos empezando el 9 de Abril. Para más información y para registrarse llame a Pat Naunton, 410-598-8631. He is Risen El A Resucitado 10 Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration April 12, 2015 Time: 2:30pm St. Philip Neri Church 6405 S Orchard Rd, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 Theme: Mercy as Source of Hope Why Celebrate Divine Mercy? Divine Mercy is God’s love meeting our human suffering and brokenness. “God, who is rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4), reaches down to meet the needs and overcome the miseries of His creatures. When we celebrate Divine Mercy: -‐ We learn to completely trust in Jesus. -‐ We grow in humility and allow the light of God’s truth to guide us in all areas of our lives. -‐ We obtain graces to help us overcome our misery of repeated (or habitual) sin. -‐ We become a Church of mercy, relating to all persons in truth and love. Outline 2:30pm – Introductory Remarks 2:40 – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament -‐ Songs of Adoration and of Mercy 3:00 – Praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:30 – Reflection on Theme 3:45 – Quiet Time 3:55 – Song, Benediction & Closing “At a moment as critical as our own … the Church has the right and the duty to appeal to the God of mercy with loud cries” (St. Pope John Paul II) Will you join us in praying for the world and for one another? - THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF GLEN BURNIE THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - The Gary L. Kaufman Funeral Home at Meadowridge Memorial Park, Inc. 410-796-8024 Your Local Dignity Memorial Provider Licensed & Insured Professional Tree Maintenance MICHAEL & MARIA GRAY NEW – FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY PORK 7905 Ritchie Hwy. r esults ealty, inc. Save $.50 off of one item of your choice. 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S S Singleton Funeral & Cremation Services, P.A. 7571 Ritchie Hwy., Glen Burnie WEST ARUNDEL CREMATORY Buy happy PET CREMATION PET URNS & MEMORIALS Individualized Cremations (410) 674-2600 1411 Annapolis Road Odenton, Md. 21113 DONALDSON Funeral Home & Crematory, P.A. 1411 Annapolis Road Odenton, Maryland 21113 (410) 672-2200 $200 OFF A NEW OR USED CAR (must present at time of sale) 410-553-8014 For Ad Information: Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at 410-578-3600 or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015
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