The Beacon June 2015 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville 901 W. Cleveland St., Fayetteville AR 72701 (479) 521-8422 | [email protected] | Sundays in June June 7t h - "UU, Pacif ism and Mil it ary Service" Our denomination has as much or more difficulty resolving our relationship to our country?s military, service members, war and our military complex. As a diverse religious people, how do we have this conversation? Speaker Rev. Jim Parrish *June 14t h - ?The Meaning of a UU 'Business' Meet ing? Our polity came from the Puritans and Pilgrims congregationalism, but especially from a document known as the ?Cambridge Platform.? It describes how religious liberals might get along, or sometimes not. Our Annual UUFF Business Meeting will be held today! Members, please attend to the work of our Fellowship! Speaker - Rev. Jim Parrish June 21st - ?Fat hers, Dads, NASCAR and Gardens? You?d be surprised what a Dad or Father really looks like. Really! Speaker - Rev. Jim Parrish June 28t h ? ?Humanist Moral s? If morals are not handed down from ?on high,? then where do they come from? Doug will explore morality and its human origins. Speaker - Doug Krueger, Service Coord. - Joyce Mendenhall Annual Meet ing Sunday, June 14t h at 12:00 pm At t ent ion al l UUFF Members: We will have a congregational meeting on Sunday, June 14, 2015, beginning at 12:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Members wil l be vot ing on 3 it ems: (1) New Vision Statement (2) Election of Officers (3) 2015-16 Proposed Budget PLEASE NOTE: A meeting packet will be mailed to all current Members. Members who signed the Membership Book LESS THAN 30 days before the congregational meeting may attend but will not be able to vote. To Be Det ermined June, 2015 Dear UUFF, A simple report for June? same as I shared with our Board. The church year is winding down, and I believe it is has been a good year, maybe a great year. My mentors say to not try to do too much in the first year of a call, to listen more than do, to learn as much as possible before trying to change things. I find this advice sounds good and wise, but in reality, it is not who we turned out to be as partners in religion? for the most part. Just my stepping into UUFF changes things, and you are a dynamic people who recognized an opportunity to grow and become, so we embarked on some initiatives that will take time to fully fruit, but have great potential. Initiatives like restructuring the governance to recognize ministry as what we do. We don?t ?board? or ?committee? ourselves into being religious people. Our board and committees are the administrative structure that supports our doing Ministry! Restructuring seems very ambitious, kind of like trying to ?do too much? the first year, but in reality it has become a foundation of listening and learning for all of us. We used it to re-imagine Stewardship, to Dream about our Vision and Mission, to ask questions about how things get done, and why we do them. Which means we learned about who we are as a team, minister and congregation, and that is a dynamic question, not answered by passivity, but movement. This has been a great ?listening and learning? year, and we are accomplishing some of ?becoming? on the way! It feels good, and I can?t wait for next year (except I do need some time to read, recharge, and catch up)! Thanks UUFF! Peace, Rev. Jim Sunday Services 11 am 7 Principles of Unitarian Universalism Adult Spiritual Discussions/ Activities or Buddhist Meditation 10-10:45 am 1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person; 2. Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; 3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; 4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; 5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large; 6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; 7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Children?s Religious Ed. (4+) 10-10:45 am Nursery care (free) is available from 9:30-11:00 for babies and toddlers to age 4 and from 11:00-12:15 for children 7 and under (or those with special needs for whom attendance in the service would be a hardship). UUFF Mission: As a diverse faith community, we promote justice and service while seeking personal and spiritual growth. Minister?s Schedule: I tend to be in the office Tuesday through Thursday from 10am to 2pm, however call first to make sure I haven?t been called away or have another appointment if you wish to drop by. Appointments are best! Either let the office know, call at my Office Cell: 479-439-1415, or email me at [email protected] or [email protected]. I want to meet with you! Except Mondays? Mondays are my day off! Exceptions for emergencies of course. . Pl anned days out of t he of f ice f or June, 2015 (and a l it t l e more): In Tulsa for Southwest UU Ministers Association meeting the third Thursday of every month Ministry Days and General Assembly June 22nd - 28th Time off and Personal time June 29th - July 3rd More time off in July and August depending on family and meditation retreat schedules TBD I tentatively plan to be in the pulpit July 12, Aug. 2 and Aug. 23 during the summer BIG BAD GINA l ive in concer t on t he Sanct uar y St age Sat ur day, June 13 7 PM $15 admission Al l pr oceeds t o benef it UUFF minist r ies CAMPUU: FEEDYOUR SOUL - Roc k t he Sanc t uar y! - Celebr at e GLBTQ Pr id e mont h! - Rais e f und s f or UUFF! Brilliant acoustic to radical electric, Big Bad Gina is genre hoppin' and folkin' rockin'. This all female ensemble combines impressive multi-instrumentalism with blissful 3-part harmonies. BBG is comrised of former UUFF Music Director Renée Janski, (Ethno-Amazon vocals, gypsy fiddle, and keyboard kinesthetics); Jori Costello, (Singer/ songbird rocker, guitar groovin, percussion pounding Goddess); and Melodie Griffis (Global jazz Angel with the silky soprano voice, keeping it rollin' on the bass and guitars.) Get r eady for our tr aditional childr en's sum m er pr ogr am m ing! Cam p UU w ill m eet Su n days at 10AM st ar t i n g Ju n e 7t h for ages 4 thr ough teen in a m ulti-age setting. This year 's them e is Feed Your Soul. Volunteer s w ill intr oduce students to a sim plified spir itual pr actice and help them identify w hich UU pr inciple or pr inciples it engages. Inter ested in helping w ith this faith developm ent exer cise w ith the kids? Want to know m or e? Ready to r egister your child(r en)? Contact Gini Gottm an - ginigottm an@gm . NEW M EM BERS Michelle Moe - Michelle and her husband Eric moved to our area from Phoenix in early 2015. She has been delighted with the beautiful scenery and the more liberal political climate in our area. Michelle was excited to find UUFF as she was a UU in Arizona prior to their move. She felt at home after attending UUFF for a few months and was eager to be more involved, so decided to become a member! Michelle is interested in religious education, social interaction with like-minded people and spiritual exploration. She enjoys music and has been participating in the choir. Her hobbies include knitting, reading, singing and hiking. She in very out-going and says that sometimes catches people by surprise. Eric Moe - Eric and his wife, Michelle, are recent transplants from Arizona. Fayetteville came highly recommended by friends and family. Eric started to attend UUFF in support of Michelle, but decided to join as he found in us a welcoming place where he could give back to the community. He is also descended from a famous UU ? ask him which one! Eric is very interested in Social Justice, has joined the choir and is interested in Young Adult Programs. He enjoys cars, costuming, outdoor recreations and ?geeky things?, but says folks who meet him are often surprised to find he is progressive and liberal. Catherine Williams - Cat is a NW Arkansas native, growing up in Eureka Springs and moving to Fayetteville in 2008. She is not a newcomer to UUism either, having attended the church in Eureka when she was younger. She started attending UUFF because she missed having a spiritual influence in her life and wanted to be part of an open-minded and intelligent spiritual community. She decided to become a member in order to get more involved in a group where everyone is accepted for who they are. Cat is particularly interested in the CUUPs group, and would like to help with the grounds, possibly with nursery care and anything involving art. In fact art of all sorts is one of her passions in life. She also enjoys writing, gardening, and outdoor activities and is interested in animal welfare. She reports it surprises people to find out she is a certified welder! Sacha Todd - Sacha has lived in NW Arkansas since 1998, but has only recently started attending UUFF on the recommendation of a friend. She has greatly enjoyed our community, and the friendliness of our members helped her decided to become a member. She is looking forward to enjoying the fellowship of our services and activities and getting to know other people. Sacha would like to be helpful in any way she can. Her hobbies include arts and crafts ? including painting, animals, baking and being a pen pal. Folks who meet Sacha are often surprised at the wide variety of her interests. Karl Brown - Born and raised in Fayetteville, Karl had never heard of UUFF until recently when he began attending with his partner, Melanie Chandler, at the suggestion of a friend and out of his own curiosity. Karl has found that he loves our fellowship and was excited to become a member. He is looking forward to contributing to and learning from our community and would like to be helpful in any way he can. Karl is interested in creation of any sort and reports people he meets are surprised at how mature he is for his age. Melanie Chandler - Melanie is a native of Fayetteville. She and her partner, Karl Brown, first attended with a university friend and found they loved our community. Melanie decided to become a member when she realized she had found a community that thinks and feels in ways she agrees with and can rejoice in. She finds a sense of community very appealing and would like to become involved in existing acts of service that UUFF performs and perhaps begin some new ones. She is interested in the great outdoors and in Social Work ? she just received her degree from University of Arkansas with distinction! Tracy Cookson - Tracy moved to NW Arkansas 25 years ago with her grandma, most of whose siblings had retired to our area. She did the ?belief-o-matic? quiz on-line one day and came up 100% UU so sought us out, bringing along her daughter, Savannah. Tracy decided to become a member when she realized she loved the services ? especially the gratitude moments, our activities and the freedom to embrace beliefs and people that aren't celebrated elsewhere. She has been involved in the Women's Wisdom Circle, frequently helps with Lunch Angels, has agreed to join the Membership Committee and is also interested in Social Justice. Her hobbies include reading and camping. (continued on next page) (continued ) Savannah Cookson - Savannah was born and grew up in NW Arkansas. She and her friends were discussing Unitarian Universalism one day and found us on Google. She has been attending regularly since then with her mother, Tracy. Savannah decided to become a member when she realized this was the first time she had been in agreement with the message of a faith group and appreciated the chance for sharing in community. She has been attending the Women's Wisdom Circle and would like to become an active member of the Young Adult group. She also has interest in helping with Social Justice activities. Clayton Williams - Clayton has lived in NW Arkansas for 18 years. He was drawn to Unitarian Universalism seeking a liberal space to explore the religious diversity of human experience. Clayton decided to become a member because he found UUFF to be a religious community with liberty. He is excited about the idea of exploring different religious traditions, would like to become involved in issues of environmental social justice and participate in cultural activities. His hobbies include philosophy, nature and Pop culture. Clayton says people he meets are often surprised as his diversity of thought. Ines Polonius - Ines moved to Fayetteville in the fall of 2014 due to a job change. She had been an active member of the UU church in Little Rock since 1997 and was looking for a like-minded community in her new home. She learned from her previous involvement how important it is to make a commitment of treasure and talent, so decided to become a member of UUFF, but will wait for the New Member Ceremony until her partner, Mark Schuyler, can complete the Path to Membership classes. She is interested in Social Justice, meditation and spiritual growth and would like to be actively involved in improving the energy and water efficiency of our building. She is interested in helping with the meditation group when needed and has agreed to pitch in with the Membership committee, having previously taught new member classes in Little Rock! Folks who meet her are often surprised by her outspoken advocacy for rural communities and lifting up those living in persistently poor towns. CUUPS - Covenant of UU Pagans - Group Approved In April, UUFF's Board approved the creation of a local CUUPS group. CUUPS was chartered by the Unitarian Universalist Association at the General Assembly in 1987. Membership is open to individuals and chapters affiliated with a UU Congregation. Find out more at As a pending chapter of the national CUUPS, UUFF's group supports Pagans at UUFF, promotes Paganism within UUFF and the wider community, and promotes Unitarian Universalism within local, regional, and state Pagan groups, organizations, and activities. 1. We support and fulfill UUFF?s vision, mission and goals. 2. We bring a UU approach to Paganism ? we draw from many sources, and we oppose any attempt to establish orthodoxy or anything resembling it. 3. We value Nature, our experiences of Nature, and our relationships with Nature. 4. We are interested in deities and spirits, and we are open and accepting? individually and collectively ? to what they are and what it means to experience them. 5. We are a gateway to bring Pagans into Unitarian Universalism. CUUPS Meet -up Sunday, June 14 @ 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary Come explore earth-based spirituality during a potluck supper. We'll be learning and singing elemental chants about earth, air, fire & water. June Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday S = Sanctuary D = Downstairs O = Office A = Annex M = Minister's Study 1 6-7:30PM Drum Circle (S) 2 3 4 5 6 10AM Women's Wisdom (A) 4-7PM Ozark Druids (A) 7 10AM RE (A/ D) 11AM Service (S) 12:30-2PM Council of Committees (S) 6-8PM Theology Cafe (S) 8 6-7:30PM Drum Circle (S) 9 10 11 6:30PM Chalice Team 12 13 10-11:30AM RE Task Force (D) 1-4:00PM Full Circle (A) 6:00 Big Bad Gina Concert (S) 14 10AM RE (A/ D) 11AM Service 12:00 Annual Meeting (S) 5:30-8:30PM CUUPS Potluck Meeting (S) 15 6-7:30PM Drum Circle (S) 16 6:30PM Board Mtg. (S) 17 6:00PM Membership Committee (S) 18 19 20 10AM WWC (A) 11AM Lunch Angels 4PM Druids Midsummer Ritual-Gregory Park 21 10AM RE (A/ D) 11AM Service (S) 22 6-7:30PM Drum Circle (S) 23 24 25 26 4:00 Private Event / Rental (S) 27 Private Event / Rental 28 10AM RE (A/ D) 11AM Service 29 6-7:30PM Drum Circle (S) 30 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF FAYETTEVILLE As a diverse faith community, we promote justice and service while seeking personal and spiritual growth. 901 West Cleveland Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Office: 479-521-8422 | Email: [email protected] June 2015 GOVERNANCE- Our congregation is self-governing. We adopt our own bylaws and budget, and we elect our officers. An elected Board of Directors conducts the business of the church. Members are Caroline Lennox, President; Marty Smith, Vice President; Susan Schroeder, Treasurer; Brooke Eldredge, Secretary; Kris Hargis, Gini Gottman and Andrew Gaber. WHO WE ARE Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville Sundays: Sunday Services 11 am Adult Spiritual Discussions & Activities 10 am Children?s Religious Ed. (4+) 10-10:45 am STAFF Reverend Jim Parrish, Minister Fawn Smith, Administrator Teresa Honey Youngblood, RE Coordinator Rhimmon Simchy-Gross, Piano Accompanist Kristy Mezines, Choir Director Rose Netherland, Nursery Coordinator Office Hours: Mon: Of f ice Cl osed Tues/ Wed/ Fri: 12-3 pm Thurs: 12-4 pm Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion. We believe personal experience, conscience, and reason are final authorities in religion. We put religious insights to the test of our hearts and minds. We uphold the free search for truth. We are bound to neither statement of belief or creed. We offer a comprehensive religious education program for children and youth. We explore religious identity, social justice, teachings of other faith traditions, and our own Jewish-Christian heritage with a sense of worship and fun.
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