May 12, 2015 - First Baptist Church

Calendar of Events
May 13
Fellowship Meal, 5:00 pm
AWANA, 6:00 pm
FBX, 6:00 pm
Adult Bible Study, 6:15 pm
Praise Team Rehearsal, 7:15 pm
May 14
Youth Prayer Breakfast, 6:40 pm
May 17
Graduate Sunday
Deacons Meeting, 3:30 pm
Baccalaureate Service, 5:00 pm
May 19
Wetumpka H.S. Graduation
May 20
Deadline for Gorrie Scholarship
Fellowship Meal, 5:00 pm
AWANA Celebration, 6:00 pm
FBX, 6:00 pm
Adult Bible Study, 6:15 pm
Praise Team Rehearsal, 7:15 pm
May 21
Youth Prayer Breakfast, 6:40 pm
334 · 567 · 5191
End-of-the-Year Celebration!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
FBC Sanctuary, 6:15 pm
A six week nurturing program for women to build
up mothers, marriages, and lives.
Starts in September.
Sign up on the Women’s Ministry Board
4 0 ,
1 9
Brianna Cobb
1 2 ,
2 0 1 5
Bryant Evans
James Troglen
[email protected]
We have several open dates for
flowers for Sunday worship
Please sign up today
Immediate dates open: May 24,
May 31, and June 14
Offering 5/3/15
Month to Date
Year to Date
Monthly Budget Needs
Challenge To Build
Ashton Hughes
[email protected]
Cathy Sanford
Congratulations Class of 2015
Gigi Hankins
Jared Johnson
Sarah Miller
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Sunday Morning Schedule
Please call the office 567-5191 by noon on Monday for reservation or cancellation.
8:30 am
Contemporary Worship
May 20, 2015 Adult Menu: Hot Dogs, Fries, Slaw, Baked Beans, Cookies
Children’s Menu: Same
Isabel Huddleston
[email protected]
Sunday School/Bridge Group Numbers
Nursing Home/Assisted Living
Bart Teel
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal : 5:00-6:00 pm : Adults: $5 · Children: $3 · Family: $15
THE BRIDGE BUILDER (USPS 934-020) published weekly by
First Baptist Church of Wetumpka.
POSTMASTER, send address changes to:
THE BRIDGE BUILDER, 205 W Bridge Street, Wetumpka, AL 36092.
Periodical Postage paid at Wetumpka, AL
Ice cream social immediately following for AWANA participants and
their families.
Tithes and Offerings
Listening, Loving, Learning, Living
Bridge Builder
Our portraits that were taken a few weeks ago are
in and ready for pick up! You may pick yours up
in the church library any Wednesday afternoon,
beginning at 3:30, and on Sunday mornings. The
portraits will be available for pick up until June 7.
Be sure to get yours this week!
Madison Roberts
Chase Roberts
9:45 am
Small Groups
11:00 am
Traditional Worship
------------------View us
on Bright House
Cable Cannel 97
Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
Phillip Ulrich
Family Ministries
Bart Teel
Music Notes
Gigi Willis
Cathy Sanford, Minister of Preschool
Summer Monday Nights are on the way and we
are excited about our guests this summer. For those of
you new to FBCW each summer (except last summer) we
move our midweek services to Monday nights and invite
special guests to minister to FBCW and the community.
This Monday venue allows members of other churches to
join us without having to abandon their own services on
Wednsday evenings. This summer we are particularly
June 15—Jonnie W.
When not performing at solo events
Jonnie works with Christian comedian Tim Hawkins on his “Rockshow
Comedy Tour.” Jonnie blends musical chops, mad vocals and off-beat
standup for a hilarious unique comedy experience. Jonnie is a regular at
FBC Atlanta and handles many Lifeway events.
June 22—Kristi Malzhan
Kristi Malzhan, wife of Auburn’s head
football coach, Gus Malzhan, will be
speaking on this evening..
Jun 29—Tim Lee
Tim Lee, the rebellious teenager and son of a Baptist minister, once walked the streets of McLeansboro, Illinois, in
violent protest to all ordained authority in the home, the
church, and the school. To escape the
world around him, he joined the Marine
Corps in 1969. After his training, he received orders to serve in southeast Asia.
In March of 1971, he was apprehended
by the hand of God along an abandoned
grassy trail in Quang Nam Province,
Vietnam. In that moment, engulfed in smoke, fire and holy
vengeance, a land mine explosion severed two lower
limbs, and placed in a wheelchair for life a young man
who was to carry, without legs, a message from God to a
Final three will be shared next week.
See You Sunday
Doc Trog
One of the very most important ministries at FBC Wetumpka is our Sunday morning small groups ministry. Through the years we have changed the name of
our groups from Sunday School to Bridge Groups, but the
purpose remains the same – to connect people to the Gospel, to a loving and caring group of friends, and to the mission of the church. We are preparing for what we hope will
be our greatest year of small group ministry to date at
FBCW, and as a part of our preparation, I want to remind
our Bridge Group leaders to make plans to be a part of a
very important info meeting this Sunday night at 5:00 PM in
the iMPACt. We want to introduce you to a great new curriculum that we are considering as a key component of
Sunday School ministry, and we need your input as we
finalize plans for the coming church education year. Anyone who is interested in learning more about BELIEVE and
how we may be integrating this study into our church life is
welcome to come and enjoy this time of learning together!
Thank you Preschool Volunteers
for May 17 2015
8:30 am
Nursery: Debbie Anderson, Wendy
Barnes, Beth Roberts, Renee Levins
Preschool Worship: Tammie Bacon
11:00 am Nursery: Anne Robinson
Extended Session: Tara Brown
“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days
were written in Your book and planned before a single
one of them began.” Psalm 139:16
I write these verses down as an encouragement to
those who are going into another chapter in their lives,
namely the seniors. In just a few days you will be
graduating and your life will be changing. Some of you
will go to college, some are going into the military, and
some are going into the work force. Seek God in all
that you do, wherever you may be going, and He will
direct your paths. His plans for you are way better than
the plans you may have for yourself. May His plans be
your plans!
Library Media Center
New books went on the shelf this week. One of
these books is a fictional story by Max
Lucado entitled Miracle at the Higher
Grounds Café. With a mix of coffee,
faith, pastry yumminess and a tale of
redemption, the story takes place in the
backgrounds of San Antonio where
newly separated Chelsea reopens her moms' coffee
shop while trying to make sense of the chaos that
had become her life. Readers will find this book to
be truly inspiring as they read of God’s love and
grace as Chelsea’s world turns upside down.
We are very excited to let you know that this year’s VBS
registration is available online! Hopefully, this will make the
registration process simple and convenient for everyone. However, for those who prefer, paper registration is
still available. Simply go to our church homepage
( and click on the link that says
VBS Registration! Be sure as you enroll that you invite
friends, and let’s get ready for a great week together as we
Journey off the Map!
Elmore County Food Pantry
Food Item For May
Spaghetti/Spaghetti Sauce
Collection Bins throughout the church.
Monetary Donations accepted in the
“I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the
Lord, “plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give
you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.
Register On-line Now
Teachers attend Church Weekday Education
Conference @ Shocco Springs
Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Parson, Mrs.
Barnes, Mrs. Clifton, Ms. Crooms, Mrs. Sanford
VBS Registration
Ushers for the Month of May
For Abbie Weldon
Welcoming Janie Beth
Sunday, May 31
Fellowship Hall, 2:00-3:30 PM
Haywood Robbins, Ken Hammock, Paul Owens,
Jimmy Collier
Nov. 6-7, 2015 BJCC Birmingham, AL
If you would like to attend this event, sign up on the
Women’s Ministry Board through May 24
If you would like to be an usher during either of our two
morning worship services, please contact Sam Turner at
567-7354. We would love to have more people involved in
this important welcoming ministry.