Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter Welcome to the 2015 golf season! After a long, cold winter….it’s time to dust off the clubs and hit the links. We are emailing this first 2015 Fendrich Men’s Club newsletter to all of the members from last year, along with new members who have already signed up this year. Welcome to all of the new members, especially our friends from the now-closed Clearcrest Pines Golf Course. We are glad to have you in the club. If you were a member last year, and have not yet paid your 2015 dues...please do so by April 28th. Anyone not paying dues by then will be deleted from our email system. (After April 28th...once dues are paid, you will be reinstated.) We have been working hard to insure that our email system has correct information. Please feel free to email the board of directors at any time with thoughts, comments and suggestions at: [email protected] I’d like to personally thank everyone who came to the Spring Banquet at the Owls on March 10th and wished us well on our efforts to provide a good program for the upcoming season. While we are keeping the highly successful “It’s Your Choice” weekly tournament program instituted last year….dues-paying members have voted to allow for only posting one round per week per member. Read page two of this newsletter carefully to know the rules. And remember that golf is a game of honor...so please follow these rules if you wish to participate in weekly tourneys. NOTE: The Spring Scramble is back on 4/18...sign up deadline is 4/15 and you can do that at our April meeting next Wednesday, 4/8. Entry form is in this newsletter. I’d also like to thank all of the board of directors listed below for stepping up to help out this year. I hope you will reach out to these guys when you see them at Fendrich to say thank you and to share your thoughts/opinions on the direction of the club. And, finally, I’d like to thank Dave English and Mark Peters for providing a quality golf experience on a city-run budget. And Jerry Freyberger for hosting our regular monthly meetings in the Sand Trap….please patronize his establishment. And, let’s also support all of our sponsors, whose contributions help keep our club going. Hit ’em Staright! Let’s have some Fun at Fendrich this year!! Jim Mattingly, Fendrich Men’s Club President, 2015 2015 Men’s Club Officers & Board of Directors President……..……….…Jim Mattingly Membership Chairman....Jay Inman Secretary/Treasurer……Steve Wagner Sponsorship Chairman….Ron Reisinger Board Member………….Dave Drake Board Member…………..Dave McGuire Board Member………….Terry Martin Board Member…………..Gary Miller Board Member………….Leon Freeman Board Member…………..Howard Williams Board Member………….Dick Van Zant Board Member………….Tan Vu 2015 Important Dates Banquets Fall Tuesday October 13 Monthly Meetings (meetings are on 2nd Weds of the month) April 8 May 13 June 10 July 8 August 12 September 9 Blind Bogey Weeks (Tuesday – Monday) March31 April 7 April 14 April 21 Spring Scramble Saturday—April 18th Weekly Tournaments (Tuesday Through Monday) *Week of April 28 through September 22 (21 weeks of tournaments) * No weekly Tournament the week of 8/11 Member-Guest /Member –Member Tournament Saturday, May 2 3-Club Tournament (9-hole) Tuesday June 16 @ 4:30p Men’s Club Championship Friday, August 14th (Shootout) Sat. August 15th & Sun. August 16th Senior Championship Thurs. Sept. 10th & Thurs. Sept. 17th MUNI Cup Sat. October 3rd & Sun. October 4th Fall Scramble Saturday, October 10th Page1 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter NEW FORMAT FOR 2015 WEEKLY TOURNAMENTS IT’S YOUR CHOICE !!! * You MUST sign up prior to each round. * You may only post one round each week (Tuesday through Monday), and this must be the round that you originally signed up to post. * You MUST validate that your score is correct and the scorecard is signed by a member playing in your group, enter hole by hole on the posted tournament sheet, enter gross score only in the computer and put your scorecard in the Men’s Club Box to be eligible for weekly prizes. PRIZES: * Any weekly winnings can be taken in: * English Pro Shop Gift Certificates * Sand Trap Certificates * Sponsor Gift Certificates * OR….LET IT ACCUMULATE FOR LATER PURCHASE (build up a bank so to speak) * (20) weekly tournament prizes will be paid out as follows: $15 low gross in each flight (4 winners) $10 low net in each flight (4 winners) $9 through $2 (8 winners….ALL NET) based on the participation in each flight….i.e. Flight B has 50% of the signups for the week, 50% of the (8) prizes will go to that flight. * Based on club finances, the Board has the right to make adjustments as needed to keep the Men’s Club in solid financial position * All prizes must be picked up by October 9, 2015 * Decisions on prizes can be relayed through Dave Drake in the Pro Shop Page 2 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter MEMBER/MEMBER - MEMBER/GUEST 2-MAN ENTRY FORM DATE: MAY 2 nd 2015 DEADLINE: April 28 th 2015 COST: $10 PER TEAM (PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ENTRY EACH TWO MAN TEAM MUST INCLUDE ONE FENDRICH MEN’S CLUB MEMBER. (PLEASE LOOK INVITE A NON -MEMBER TO PLAY THAT MIGHT CONSIDER JOINING FENDRICH MEN ’S CLUB ) TEE TIMES WILL BE POSTED 5:00 PM ON MAY 8 (TEE TIMES WILL START AT TO 9:00 AM) MEMBER NAME: ________________________________________ SECOND PLAYER NAME: _________________________________ GUEST SPECIAL REQUESTS: RIDE OR MEMBER (CIRCLE ONE) OR WALK ----------------------FORMAT: —9 —9 HOLE 2-MAN (CIRCLE ONE)_______________________ CUT OR TEAR HERE ------------------------ SCRAMBLE HOLE MODIFIED ALTERNATE SHOT FRONT NINE - SCRAMBLE FORMAT: EACH PLAYER WILL HIT A SHOT. PLAYERS WILL SELECT A SHOT AND EACH PLAY FROM THAT SPOT . PROCEED UNTIL HOLE IS COMPLETED . BACK NINE – MODIFIED ALTERNATE SHOT FORMAT: EACH PLAYER WILL HIT FROM THE TEE. EACH PLAYER WILL THEN HIT HIS TEAMMATE ’S DRIVE. THE TEAM WILL THEN SELECT WHICH BALL THEY WISH TO USE TO COMPLETE THE HOLE. THE PLAYER WHO DID NOT HIT THAT BALL WILL NOW PLAY THE SHOT. THE PLAYERS CONTINUE TO ALTERNATE SHOTS UNTIL THE HOLE IS COMPLETED. EXAMPLE – A AND B HIT THEIR DRIVES. A THEN HITS B’S DRIVE AND B HITS A’S DRIVE. IF B’S SECOND SHOT IS USED, THEN A HITS THE NEXT SHOT . THEN B, THEN A WINNING ETC. UNTIL HOLE IS COMPLETED . TEAMS WILL BE SELECTED BY FLIGHTS DETERMINED BY THE FRONT OR BACK NINE SCORES . Page 3 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter If you have not paid your membership dues, please use this application and sign up soon. If you know someone who would like to become a member, please forward this application. Thank You. ************************************************* John H. Fendrich Men’s Golf Club 1900 Diamond Avenue Evansville, Indiana 47711 January, 2015 Dear Member: We’d like to welcome you back for another year of golf and good times with the Fendrich Men’s Club. It is time to renew your membership for one of the best golf values in the tri-state area. For only $60 annual membership, you get banquets and monthly meetings…with food and drink, regular tournaments and special golf events throughout the season…and the Men’s & Senior Club Championships. All this for ONLY $60 for the whole year! Please encourage your friends to join, as well. We welcome new members. NOTE: We do the majority of Men’s Club correspondence through email, so please write your email address legibly on the entry blank below. We sincerely wish everyone a fun-filled year in 2015. Remember, this is YOUR golf course and YOUR Men’s Club. Play at a good pace and repair your divots (plus someone else’s divot) on every green. Let’s have some Fun at Fendrich this year! The officers & directors of your Men’s Club Please tear here and send in with your check Please Print Clearly Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________________________ Email address: _______________________________ Phone: _____________________________ I will be attending the Spring Banquet ______ I will NOT be attending the Spring Banquet ______ I will have a guest joining me for the Spring Banquet (I have included $10 for my guest ) ________ Mail check ($60) payable to Fendrich Men’s Club w/application form to: Fendrich Golf Course ATTN: Men’s Club 1900 E. Diamond Ave. Evansville, IN 47711 Page 4 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter 2015 Spring Banquet Club members packed the Owl’s Club for a fun evening of food, drink & fellowship. >$39 Clay Waterman >$25 Richard Higgs >$15 Glen Hoover HALF POT WINNERS: >$39 Randy Beachler >$25 Mike Clark >$25 Randy Beachler >$20 Fred Packer Yes....Randy Beachler won two prizes in a row Spring Scramble April 18,2015 DEADLINE—April 15 SIGN UP IN PRO SHOP Entry Form on next page Page 5 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter FENDRICH MEN’S CLUB SPRING SCRAMBLE ENTRY FORM DATE: APRIL 18, 2015 DEADLINE: APRIL 15, 2015 COST: $10 (PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ENTRY) ENTRANTS ENTRANTS MUST HAVE AN ESTABLISHED HANDICAP. MAY BE GUESTS, BUT MUST HAVE AN ESTABLISHED HANDICAP. TEAMS WILL BE RANDOMLY PAIRED BASED ON HANDICAP. TEE TIMES WILL BE POSTED 5:00 PM ON APRIL 16. PLAYER NAME: ___________________________________WALK OR RIDE HANDICAP:___________ C OURSE WHERE HANDICAP IS ESTABLISHED:_________ SPECIAL REQUESTS: Page 6 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter 2015 BLIND BOGEY GUIDELINES What is a BLIND BOGEY? A system that allows members without an established handicap to create a handicap (five 18 hole rounds) prior to the start of weekly tournaments (April 22nd). Scores need not be just at Fendrich. It also allows members with handicaps to have a chance to win weekly prizes as well. How a BLIND BOGEY Works… You pick your own handicap (BEFORE YOU PLAY) and post it on one of the tournament sheets under the handicap along with your name.You are trying to net out to a score of between 70 and 80. Example:You think you will shoot a GROSS score of 90.You would write down a handicap on the sheet (BEFORE YOU PLAY) of between 10 and 20. REMEMBER ONLY ONE ROUND ON THE SHEET PER WEEK! Enter your score in the computer (New Members see instructions for score entry). IT IS NOT NECESSARY to put your completed scorecard in the metal container UNLESS you need help with entering your score. A club officer will draw a number between 70 and 80, If that number matches your net score, you are a winner of a prize. Prizes can be picked up at the clubhouse or at the next monthly meeting. BLIND BOGEY TOURNAMENT WEEKS: (Tues. – Next Mon.) March 31-April 6.....April 7-13…..April 14-20 NOTE: It takes (5) five rounds to create a handicap for new members. Page 7 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter 2015 WEEKLY TOURNAMENT INSTRUCTIONS You MUST have an established handicap. (You may enter your name on the Flight A sheet and play to win only the low gross if you don’t have a handicap). You must be a member of the Fendrich Men’s Club by Tuesday of a tournament week. GET YOUR HANDICAP FROM THE SHEET ATTACHED TO THE BOARD! Use the highlighted number. Enter your name and handicap under the proper Flight sheet PRIOR to playing your round. Enter you hole-by-hole results next to your name on the Flight sheet. Enter your net result. Verify the addition (WRONG TOTALS MAY RESULT IN YOUR WEEKLY TOURNAMENT ENTRY BEING DISCARDED) Place your scorecard in the metal tournament box. Enter only your gross score into the computer after playing. ************************** Used Golf Balls to benefit our Muni Cup Team! Just a reminder to everyone that we are collecting used golf balls and Rawhide has told us they are still buying. It does not matter the condition of the ball, so turn in any that you may have. The proceeds from the sale of these will be used to fund our 2014 Muni Cup Team. There is a collection box at the Pro Shop. Just bring the balls in and a member of the staff will gladly show you where to put them. Page 8 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter The list below are members who have paid 2015 dues (prior to 3-24-15). If your name is not on this list, and you wish to be a Men’s Club member this year, please pay your dues at the Pro Shop as soon as possible. We would like to welcome, and recognize this years NEW MEMBERS designated by * Alpers, Scott M. Baker, Robert Barnett, Jim Beachler, Randy Berg, John H. Bitter, Bill Bockting, Jerry Borries, Tom Byram, Gailen Clark, Mike Claybourn, Doug Cole, Mark Comptom, Bryan Couch, Daryl Covey, Don * Crockett, Charles Davenport, Norman Dickinson, Steven Dillman, James G. Drake, Dave Eickhoff, Mike Ellerbrook, David Endicott, Bill * English, Steve Evans, Albert L. Farrell, Walter Feldhaus Wayne C. Fleming, Tony Flick, Dick Foertsch, Roy Freeman, Leon Freyberger, Jerry Gatewood, Ron Sr. Georgette, Richard Goff, Robert G. Gorman, Greg Gronotte, Joe * Hagan , Ken Hames, Ron. Harper, Richard Harris, James M. Harris, Pete Henderlong, Mitch * Higgins, Richard * Hile, Glenn Hoover, Glenn Horning, Bob * Huddleson, Otis Huffman, Ron * Hunt, Jeff Hurt, Lion * Hutchens, Wayne Ingram,Jerry Inman, Jay Isbill, Bill Isbill, Greg Jewell, Brian Johnson, Kent * Keach, Michael Kellams, Harry King, Joe Kirk, Bill Kirtley, William, Sr. Kolp, David L. Lloyd, Russell G. Jr. Martin, Terry Martin, Tom Mattingly, Jim McBride, Dave * McCoy, Ed McGuire, David S. McHugh, Dwayne Merkel, Dwight J. Meyer, Dave Meyer, Stephen W. Michael, Mark * Miller, Bill Miller, Gary Miller, Tom * Nall, Bucky Nall, Bucky Nash, Brad Neidig, Jim * Neidig, Roger Neidig, Ryan Packer, Fred Peters, Mark Pharr, Jason Pharr, Mike Phillips,William Pietrowski, Dan Ploch Randy Pritchett, Steve Reisinger, Ronald Robinson, Bill * Rohner, Aaron * Rohner, Derek Schoffstall, Dannie Schreiber, Jerry Schreiber, Troy Shackelford, Michael * Shull, Don Skinner, Daryl Smith, Paul Sterner, Bob Summers, Marty Tanoos, Sam * Thomas, Ricky Thomas, Rob Titus, John * Turpin, Ray Underwood, Don * VanZant, Dick Vu, Tan Wagner, Steven Waterman, Clay Weeks, Lee Willams, Howard E. Williams, Allen Zeller, Jim Ziemer, Ed Zizzo, Kenny Page 9 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter 2015 FENDRICH MEN’S CLUB SPONSORS The list below are sponsors who have paid 2015 sponsor dues (prior to 3-25-15). If your business name is not on this list, and you wish to be a Men’s Club sponsor this year, please pay your sponsor dues at the Pro Shop as soon as possible. Altstadt's Arc Construction Bartley's Paint & Body Shop Bob Walther's Golf Browning Funeral Home Burger King (Newb & Hend) Cambridge Golf Course Chris West Side Auto Clinic D Patrick Ford Dream Yard Landscaping English Pro Shop Golf Plus Hardee's (Boeke Road) Henderson Auto Clinic Inman's Picture Framing John Friend & Co John Neidig Memorial Libby & Moms Café Liberty Auto Salvage Merry-Go-Round Mark Coles Auto Glass McAlister's Deli N M Bunge Oak Hill Pharmacy Order of Owls Papa John's Pizza Raben Tire Rounders Pizza Sam Tanoos Allstate Insurance Schultheis Insurance Spoiled Rotten Pet Grooming Texas Roadhouse The Sand Trap Tornatta Tire Tracy Zeller Jewelry Vendair Vending Western Ribeye & Ribs Ziemer Funeral Home Please patronize these fine sponsors! If you have a business or know of a business that has not previously been a sponsor but would like to be a sponsor this year, please email information to: Page 10 Fendrich Men’s Club April 2015 Newsletter If you are a sponsor and would like to have your business card included on this page, please drop it off at the Pro Shop to the attention of Dick VanZant….or email it to: [email protected] Page 11
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